Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE RETURN VISIT OF THE DORIC LODGE OF INSTRUCTION TO THE UNITED PILGRIMS'. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( SNOW HILL STATION ) . BIRMINGHAM . "One of the most elegant , comfortable , and economical Hotels in the three kingdoms . — The Field , July 31 , 1869 . " "From experience gained by repeated visits , we are happy to be able to testify to the exceeding comfort of this Hotel .. Wc have much pleasure in recommending it . " •The Engineer , October 14 , 1 S 70 . "An establishment remarkable for its able management , reasonable charges , and general comfort . "—Bell ' s Life , June 17 , 1 S 7 C Good accommodation for Lodges , Chapters , &* c .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly . lecorated , by Bro CHARLES ^ GOSDEN , late Manager of the VYceniasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and otber degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers . & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD and CO . 's Lonaoa Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Agent , ROBT . BAKER . Prices and full particulars can be obtained at the Stores , = 77 , GRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C .
Bro . George Kenning , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER . London : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , AN'D 1 , 98 , Fleet Street . Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place .
Masonic Note Paper and . Envelopes , For Craft , Marl ; , Royal Arch . Red Cross of Ron . e and Constantine , Rose Croi . v , Knights Temflar , 30 //* Degree . IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . WHOl . r . SAI . K AND K 1 ITA 1 L URO . GEORGE KEXNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . LIITI . E BRITAIN . LONDON .
JONES'S PATENT "DOUBLE L" SADDLE BOILER . ^^^Igizriipiil , |; '' p " """~ : '" p | | yJNIJ These Doile-rs possess all the advantages of the old Saddle Hoiler , with the following improvements , viz . : The water-space at back and over top of saddle increases the heating . surface to such an extent , thai a " l'ATKNT DOUIiEli L SAIilM . K I' . OII . Ek" will do about twice the amount of work willi the same cpiantity of fuel ; the cost of setting is also considerably K-dticcd , and likewise the space occupied ; at I lie same time these ISoilcrs are simple in construction , an I , being made of wrought iron , are not liable to crack . They are made of the following sizes : —
c ; ,. To heat of ., . oizcs . . 1 11 CC . ' .-in . pipe . High . Wide . Long . Feet . jT s . , 1 . 20 in . 18 in . iS in . - ; o 0 500 20 ..> S ,, 24 „ 450 600 20 ' 8 ,, 30 ,, 600 700 2 4 » - \ „ 2 | ,, 700 S o o 2 4 >> 24 ,, 30 ,, 1 sj-o 10 o o 2 4 > . 24 11 j'j ,, 1 , 000 12 o o 2 4 > i 21 ,, - ] S ,, 1 , 400 15 o o 2 i > ,, 2 S ,, 60 ,, i . SoO 20 O O 3 ° . 1 3 ° >> 7 2 ,, 2 , fioo 30 o o 30 11 3 ^ , 1 'X ; ,, 4 , 500 ' 50 o o 4 ° 11 4 8 ,, 10 S ,, 7 , 000 75 o o 40 ,, 4 S ,, 144 „ j 10 , 000 100 o o
And are kept in Stock and sold only by the Inventors and 1 ' atemecs , J . JONES and SONS . _ TRICK LISTS of HOT WATER PIPES and Connections with ISoileis of all sizes and shapes ; or KSTUIATIS for HOT WATER APPARATUS , erected complete , will be sent on application . J . JONES and SONS , Iron Merchants , 6 Bankside , Southwark . London . S . E ,
WINDOW BLINDS , W . J . BERRYMAN , MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN , WIRE , & OUTSIDE SPRING SHOP BLINDS . Old Blinds renovated to look equal to new . Estimates and Contracts supplied on the shortest notice . 43 , Aldersgate-street , City .
Bro . JAMES STEVENS , ( 25 , 720 , 1 = 16 , Kc . ) AUCTIONEER & SURVEYOR , House and Estate Agent , cVc , CLAPHAM COMMON , S . Valuations for Probate or Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Offices .
"TIIUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . LamfSy Bai ' -is ) Cutlery , Brushest Fenders arid Fire Irons * Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods , R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He docs not keep an " Immense Stock , " bat SUFI-ICIKNTLV LAKGE for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit tvi / l , at all times , he very much afifirecialeJ .
To Consumptives . A GRATEFUL FATHER is desirous of £ \ . sending by mail , free of charge to all wbo wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed consumption , after having been given up by bcr physicians and despaired of by ber father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person Free . Address O . P . BROWN , Secretary , 2 , King-street , Covent-grrdcn , London , W . C .
£ i •¦ •- ¦ .:: = # ^^^ Wr- p o ? i < r"W *&^\ t &' f £ liH r rro £ § i ^ ' - ^^ km ^ mbfmwB 5 c to -. r - ^^ - ^ r ^ y kmii nSm S _ Q ^' ef ^^ MsMM ^^ *** Di 3 £ A 3 £ S OF THZ LUNG 3 AND AIR-VESSELSBALSAMIC COUGH ELIXEROpiate * :, Karcc ' . ie'r . a : ui Squil ! . ; arc too often iuv . ikc . l lo :-ive r ' . 'lcf in Ciiii ^ lis , C ^ U \ . am ! all Puhn ^ iiary di .-.-. v ^ ,. I uMcaJ of sr .-Ji f . il ! ari < _ .-t > ronie - 'U- ; -., w ' ii ' . cli i . ivKl ii ! "ii ! t : nt ; u y re . ' 1 'ijl ; 't l !'_ - ovnc : c of e-nf-. v ;! , ! : );; tilt ; ili ;;« : s ; i \ c fr .-r . u :, ami tli ;» s iacivii-, iii ^ Li . a < i-. !; ilitv \ ' . hi ' li 1 r ¦ - > at t \\ c n-y . of il ; .- ni : ;! : uK ' , HH > . 1 ' .: NI sjicacc ] - ) iiils t- > ~ CK' > . ? !» V S J : AI .: ; . \ . MiC COUi "; H KIJX 1 : R a ; ili-j tn ; c i-ei : iv- 'ly . s ! : i , i : cri' ' I ' ICSTIMONIAI .. Dr . i ; oo ! : c . . 'U \ in t . rnuKh , auiht'i '<> f thr " A :. i ; -L inrot , " ? . ' . y .: "I have rcjic . i ( i .-t ! i \ - i-i »> crv ; . 1 how \ -.-rj i . ipittly a ; ni iitv ; -. ¦' -. i . Ay it MIV . II . C-J Ct > iu ; h . pain , and ir < 'ii . iti >> ii of the r ' rn : < i i . i ci-ui uf I ' tihimnai y C . V'a * Miiii ] iti' > : i , and I can , with the L ; I ; - ; tlc-t coainlciiirc , r < ' . anin-. Mai ila > . a must vahi .-. hli : atljni ^ l to ai > olliurv . ijc . sircn . ytiicuiai ; tr ^ atiii ' - 'nt 1 ' jr tills dif . avj . " This nicilicu : " , wr . ivh is frc-j from 0 ] Minn aii'l siinilU , not •- * ¦ , ¦ : l y allays llic local irriiatinn , 1 ml iai |) rov .: s di . ;; c-ti . 'ii and sirenu'dicns the convUuni « n liin-t : it is ns-jd with the Hi i-l si ;* na ] -no ;<;! . s in Asllnp . as , limnciiiiis , iJiHiMimpu . 'n , Tone ; li > , l'itla <; n ; 'a , Xi .-Jit Su'c . h of Con-uiapliun , ij . nnsy , and all aM ' uaioais ol * i : ir ; tiiro it and < ! u-t . Sul-1 ii' b'i ' . tl . js ; : t is . yd ., 4 s . ( . '¦¦' . ami 11 s c :. di , l \ all rt" - ; i-. ci . ihlc Clu- 'ini ^ i .-, : . ! id -. vliulc ale In * J . M . CKUSHV , Cli « -iin 1 , . Sc . irl . oron ^ h . * i" I n \ . ilidr . and Air- \ "c :,: ; uls , " a Cupy of wln \ . ii can bo had > r .:. \ VIA of ;(! U : h < : uu . is .
VOUNO'S ARiNICATED COR \ AND I UUN' " ) X n . AISTKKS are the hest ever invciuid f . r : ; i % i .-nnmeiliale ease , . iiul removing iho-. e painful excrescence : ; , i ' nc ; Oil . ind is . I'jr ho : ; . May he had of most chemists . Ohscrvc the trade mark . — H ' {—without which noni arc geimiiic . He sure and : t d . i " or YOUNG'S .
UUPTUKKS . —I 1 Y KOVAK LKTTKKS PATKNT . WHITE ' S Moc-Maia LEVER TRUSS f Is allowed by upwards uf fax > Medical Men to he the nio * t ideciive iineiition in the curative treatiiM-nt ol MKRN'IA . Tlie use of a steel -prin ^ , so uften hurtful hi its effects , is here avoided ; a sott h ; tnd . r * e be-in : ; Vi'rn round the body , while the re <| uisiie r ^ sistin ;; powur . supplied b >; tlie MOC-MAIN PAD and 1 'ATKXT ' . KVKIi , fining with so much ease and clo-oness that it aunm he detected , and may be worn during id ^ p . A descriptive crcuhtr may lie had , and the Tri :: ;; , which cannot fail to lit , forwarded by no ^ t , on th" circumference of the body , two inches bdow th ; hips , bciti ^ sent to the MANUPACTlMIKtt , Mr , WHITE , 22 S , / ' / aau / tfy , London . i liieui a Single T' -uss , 16 s ., ^ is ., afis . 6 d . and 31 s . ul . I ' OSIPRO IS . , ol a Double 'i ' russ , 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s . and 5 ' . -s . 6 A , l'os . ta ^ e js . Gd . ,, of Umbilical Trus . s , 42 s . and 5 : ^ . 6 d . Postage is . rod . Post ODlc-j Orders to be made payahle lo J WIJITK , Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PA TENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEEC . ITS , & f The material of whidi these are made is recommended by the faculty as beiii ^ peculiarly KLASTIC and COM PKLSSI HLK and tlie best invention f . » r ^ ivini ; efficient ami permanent support in all cases of WKAKNKSS , VAKICOhK VKIN . S , Sic . Price , s . 6 d „ 7 s . 6 d . tos . and IOS . each . Postage 6 d . SiMNAL MACHINLS , Li'lO IROMS , and Kvery Description of Htiruical Appliances . 7 QHN WHITE * Manufacturer , 22 S , ViccadiUy Louden .
The Return Visit Of The Doric Lodge Of Instruction To The United Pilgrims'.
The success of the new movement for encouraging the interchange of visits between lodges of instruction was put beyond a doubt on Friday evening last week , at Brixton , when a gathering of brethren from every district around London put it beyond the power of the "United Pilgrims "
toafford accommodation , and proved theanticipation they had formed of a " strong muster " to be very weak , indeed , in proportion to the result . We were sorry to notice that so many brethren were unable to gain admission to the lodge-room , but : it was quite unavoidable , the room being
positively crowded by those present , amongst whom we observed the folio wing : Bros . Barnes , Rugg , Johnston , Appleby , Berry , Verry , Yetton , Scurr , Morrison , Chad wick , Musto , Cundick , Bowron , Mortlock , Austin , Middleton , Price , Wintle , Barnes ( jun . ) , Grant , & c , all of the Doric Lodge ;
John Thomas , James Stevens , Poore , Lnrlham , Hodges , Welsford , Ross , Southam , Stolz , Puisford , H . Martin , V . Bedolfe , Timewell , J . Noke , J . Wright , Withall , Bye , Griffin , Goddard , Maddern , Moody , & c , of the United Pilgrims : Wagstaff , W . M . 1216 ; Trusler , Lane , and
Pulman , of No . 720 ; Swallow , Royal Union : Catherwood , 55 ; Gompertz , 86 9 ; Newton , 7 66 ; Silk , 50 S ; Haywood , Williams , and Catchpole , of No . 1306 ; Binder , 15 : Dibs , 73 ; Roy , 1003 ; Sa }'" ers , 13 + 9 ; Linsey , 1000 ; Staten , 1207 ; J . Hay ward ( Vitruvian ) , Kiddy , and others whose names we were unable to ascenain .
I'hc United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction having been opened by Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., and Preceptor , the brethren of the Doric Lodge were received and took their places in the western half of the lodge-room , their Secretary and Preceptor , Bro . Thos . Barnes , occupying the
Senior Warden's Chair . The business of the meeting was then proceeded with , the whole of the Fifteen Sections being worked in most admirable style by the following "Doric" brethren , viz . : First Lecture , section 1 st , Bro . Uugg ; nnd , Bro . Johnson ; 3 rd ,
Bro Appleoy ; 4111 , Bro . Berry ; 5 th , liro . V errey : 6 th , Bro . Yetton ; 7 th , Bro . Scurr ; s . con . i lecture , section 1 st , Uro . . Morrison ; and , Bro . Ci u iwiek : 3 rd , Bro . Mil :-to ; 41 h , Bro . Cundick ; 5 tli , B . o . Bowron ; third lecture , f . e-. ' . tion i .-. t , Jinx Mortlo < -k ; 2 nd , Bro . Austin ; - ? i ; l , Bro . llarn . s .
The most tamest attention w .. s ji'id'o tue several brethren who thus elucidate . ) the beautiful teachings of the sui . 'lime ( . ' r-i ' t . a ? i I unanimous expressions of satisfaction rewarded th .-ir respcclive efforts . A shrirt inter / .. ! iV . r test and and refreshment was taken be : ween lit .- iir . it and
second lectures , ana at toe cuaeMi .: in of the work , the thanks <> f ihe United ! 'i ! . --. 'iui- , ' Lodgewere voted lo the "Doric" brethr-: i . The Fifteen Section-workers were elected honorary members of the United Pilgrims' Lodge , and eleven of the visitors were alsa clecte- 1 members .
On the lodge h . ing closed the brethren adjourned to a supper provided by the United Pilgrims ' , who entertained their guests inmost ho .- ;;> i tablestyle , hearty greetings bring exchanged between the * two lodjes , and wishes CMpressi . dih . it the ;; ood work they had connnen e I mi :. ; it be con
tinued lo die advantage of Freenus wry g- .. -ncra ! iy throughoul the nn-iropolis . A more interesiiug ineetin , ' ol bretliren v . e have never before a : tend d . and we iru-t that
similar oppoi tumties may occur tn .-. pivad the benefits of Masonic in . miction farand wiile-. The United Pilgrims ' . md the Doric l , nl ; : s have our best wislics-lor ihe permaivnt success of their most commendable endeavours .
iiUEAKFAST . — El'l'S ' S CoCOA . —< ' . UATKl'UL ANl * COMI ' IIUTIM :. — ' by a lh ( Mum ; li loiiV , ( C'l ;; e of tile natural laus which jnivcni the n ; n rations of digestion ami iHitritiuii , rind by < i careful applicatian of the line properties of well-selected ccon , Mr . ICpps lias provided oiir breakfast tables with a < lclic . itcly-il ivmtn d be-vcratrf
which may save-us 111 my heavy doctors' bills . "—Civi ' Service Gazelle . Made Minp : y wiih lloilin ^ Water << r Milk . Each packet is labelled— "J i-. * Errs S : Co ., HoiiKx'opalhic Clxmisis , l . 'iilo'i . " A ' so , makers of l' -pps ' s Milky Cm-da ( Coj . ci and Condensed Mill ;) . [ AdvL ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( SNOW HILL STATION ) . BIRMINGHAM . "One of the most elegant , comfortable , and economical Hotels in the three kingdoms . — The Field , July 31 , 1869 . " "From experience gained by repeated visits , we are happy to be able to testify to the exceeding comfort of this Hotel .. Wc have much pleasure in recommending it . " •The Engineer , October 14 , 1 S 70 . "An establishment remarkable for its able management , reasonable charges , and general comfort . "—Bell ' s Life , June 17 , 1 S 7 C Good accommodation for Lodges , Chapters , &* c .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly . lecorated , by Bro CHARLES ^ GOSDEN , late Manager of the VYceniasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and otber degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers . & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
Beer in Bottle . WHITBREAD and CO . 's Lonaoa Cooper , Stout and Ales . Sole Agent , ROBT . BAKER . Prices and full particulars can be obtained at the Stores , = 77 , GRAY'S INN ROAD , W . C .
Bro . George Kenning , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER . London : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , AN'D 1 , 98 , Fleet Street . Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place .
Masonic Note Paper and . Envelopes , For Craft , Marl ; , Royal Arch . Red Cross of Ron . e and Constantine , Rose Croi . v , Knights Temflar , 30 //* Degree . IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . WHOl . r . SAI . K AND K 1 ITA 1 L URO . GEORGE KEXNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . LIITI . E BRITAIN . LONDON .
JONES'S PATENT "DOUBLE L" SADDLE BOILER . ^^^Igizriipiil , |; '' p " """~ : '" p | | yJNIJ These Doile-rs possess all the advantages of the old Saddle Hoiler , with the following improvements , viz . : The water-space at back and over top of saddle increases the heating . surface to such an extent , thai a " l'ATKNT DOUIiEli L SAIilM . K I' . OII . Ek" will do about twice the amount of work willi the same cpiantity of fuel ; the cost of setting is also considerably K-dticcd , and likewise the space occupied ; at I lie same time these ISoilcrs are simple in construction , an I , being made of wrought iron , are not liable to crack . They are made of the following sizes : —
c ; ,. To heat of ., . oizcs . . 1 11 CC . ' .-in . pipe . High . Wide . Long . Feet . jT s . , 1 . 20 in . 18 in . iS in . - ; o 0 500 20 ..> S ,, 24 „ 450 600 20 ' 8 ,, 30 ,, 600 700 2 4 » - \ „ 2 | ,, 700 S o o 2 4 >> 24 ,, 30 ,, 1 sj-o 10 o o 2 4 > . 24 11 j'j ,, 1 , 000 12 o o 2 4 > i 21 ,, - ] S ,, 1 , 400 15 o o 2 i > ,, 2 S ,, 60 ,, i . SoO 20 O O 3 ° . 1 3 ° >> 7 2 ,, 2 , fioo 30 o o 30 11 3 ^ , 1 'X ; ,, 4 , 500 ' 50 o o 4 ° 11 4 8 ,, 10 S ,, 7 , 000 75 o o 40 ,, 4 S ,, 144 „ j 10 , 000 100 o o
And are kept in Stock and sold only by the Inventors and 1 ' atemecs , J . JONES and SONS . _ TRICK LISTS of HOT WATER PIPES and Connections with ISoileis of all sizes and shapes ; or KSTUIATIS for HOT WATER APPARATUS , erected complete , will be sent on application . J . JONES and SONS , Iron Merchants , 6 Bankside , Southwark . London . S . E ,
WINDOW BLINDS , W . J . BERRYMAN , MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN , WIRE , & OUTSIDE SPRING SHOP BLINDS . Old Blinds renovated to look equal to new . Estimates and Contracts supplied on the shortest notice . 43 , Aldersgate-street , City .
Bro . JAMES STEVENS , ( 25 , 720 , 1 = 16 , Kc . ) AUCTIONEER & SURVEYOR , House and Estate Agent , cVc , CLAPHAM COMMON , S . Valuations for Probate or Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Offices .
"TIIUTH MUST PREVAIL . "—Common Sense . LamfSy Bai ' -is ) Cutlery , Brushest Fenders arid Fire Irons * Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods , R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He docs not keep an " Immense Stock , " bat SUFI-ICIKNTLV LAKGE for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit tvi / l , at all times , he very much afifirecialeJ .
To Consumptives . A GRATEFUL FATHER is desirous of £ \ . sending by mail , free of charge to all wbo wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed consumption , after having been given up by bcr physicians and despaired of by ber father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person Free . Address O . P . BROWN , Secretary , 2 , King-street , Covent-grrdcn , London , W . C .
£ i •¦ •- ¦ .:: = # ^^^ Wr- p o ? i < r"W *&^\ t &' f £ liH r rro £ § i ^ ' - ^^ km ^ mbfmwB 5 c to -. r - ^^ - ^ r ^ y kmii nSm S _ Q ^' ef ^^ MsMM ^^ *** Di 3 £ A 3 £ S OF THZ LUNG 3 AND AIR-VESSELSBALSAMIC COUGH ELIXEROpiate * :, Karcc ' . ie'r . a : ui Squil ! . ; arc too often iuv . ikc . l lo :-ive r ' . 'lcf in Ciiii ^ lis , C ^ U \ . am ! all Puhn ^ iiary di .-.-. v ^ ,. I uMcaJ of sr .-Ji f . il ! ari < _ .-t > ronie - 'U- ; -., w ' ii ' . cli i . ivKl ii ! "ii ! t : nt ; u y re . ' 1 'ijl ; 't l !'_ - ovnc : c of e-nf-. v ;! , ! : );; tilt ; ili ;;« : s ; i \ c fr .-r . u :, ami tli ;» s iacivii-, iii ^ Li . a < i-. !; ilitv \ ' . hi ' li 1 r ¦ - > at t \\ c n-y . of il ; .- ni : ;! : uK ' , HH > . 1 ' .: NI sjicacc ] - ) iiils t- > ~ CK' > . ? !» V S J : AI .: ; . \ . MiC COUi "; H KIJX 1 : R a ; ili-j tn ; c i-ei : iv- 'ly . s ! : i , i : cri' ' I ' ICSTIMONIAI .. Dr . i ; oo ! : c . . 'U \ in t . rnuKh , auiht'i '<> f thr " A :. i ; -L inrot , " ? . ' . y .: "I have rcjic . i ( i .-t ! i \ - i-i »> crv ; . 1 how \ -.-rj i . ipittly a ; ni iitv ; -. ¦' -. i . Ay it MIV . II . C-J Ct > iu ; h . pain , and ir < 'ii . iti >> ii of the r ' rn : < i i . i ci-ui uf I ' tihimnai y C . V'a * Miiii ] iti' > : i , and I can , with the L ; I ; - ; tlc-t coainlciiirc , r < ' . anin-. Mai ila > . a must vahi .-. hli : atljni ^ l to ai > olliurv . ijc . sircn . ytiicuiai ; tr ^ atiii ' - 'nt 1 ' jr tills dif . avj . " This nicilicu : " , wr . ivh is frc-j from 0 ] Minn aii'l siinilU , not •- * ¦ , ¦ : l y allays llic local irriiatinn , 1 ml iai |) rov .: s di . ;; c-ti . 'ii and sirenu'dicns the convUuni « n liin-t : it is ns-jd with the Hi i-l si ;* na ] -no ;<;! . s in Asllnp . as , limnciiiiis , iJiHiMimpu . 'n , Tone ; li > , l'itla <; n ; 'a , Xi .-Jit Su'c . h of Con-uiapliun , ij . nnsy , and all aM ' uaioais ol * i : ir ; tiiro it and < ! u-t . Sul-1 ii' b'i ' . tl . js ; : t is . yd ., 4 s . ( . '¦¦' . ami 11 s c :. di , l \ all rt" - ; i-. ci . ihlc Clu- 'ini ^ i .-, : . ! id -. vliulc ale In * J . M . CKUSHV , Cli « -iin 1 , . Sc . irl . oron ^ h . * i" I n \ . ilidr . and Air- \ "c :,: ; uls , " a Cupy of wln \ . ii can bo had > r .:. \ VIA of ;(! U : h < : uu . is .
VOUNO'S ARiNICATED COR \ AND I UUN' " ) X n . AISTKKS are the hest ever invciuid f . r : ; i % i .-nnmeiliale ease , . iiul removing iho-. e painful excrescence : ; , i ' nc ; Oil . ind is . I'jr ho : ; . May he had of most chemists . Ohscrvc the trade mark . — H ' {—without which noni arc geimiiic . He sure and : t d . i " or YOUNG'S .
UUPTUKKS . —I 1 Y KOVAK LKTTKKS PATKNT . WHITE ' S Moc-Maia LEVER TRUSS f Is allowed by upwards uf fax > Medical Men to he the nio * t ideciive iineiition in the curative treatiiM-nt ol MKRN'IA . Tlie use of a steel -prin ^ , so uften hurtful hi its effects , is here avoided ; a sott h ; tnd . r * e be-in : ; Vi'rn round the body , while the re <| uisiie r ^ sistin ;; powur . supplied b >; tlie MOC-MAIN PAD and 1 'ATKXT ' . KVKIi , fining with so much ease and clo-oness that it aunm he detected , and may be worn during id ^ p . A descriptive crcuhtr may lie had , and the Tri :: ;; , which cannot fail to lit , forwarded by no ^ t , on th" circumference of the body , two inches bdow th ; hips , bciti ^ sent to the MANUPACTlMIKtt , Mr , WHITE , 22 S , / ' / aau / tfy , London . i liieui a Single T' -uss , 16 s ., ^ is ., afis . 6 d . and 31 s . ul . I ' OSIPRO IS . , ol a Double 'i ' russ , 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s . and 5 ' . -s . 6 A , l'os . ta ^ e js . Gd . ,, of Umbilical Trus . s , 42 s . and 5 : ^ . 6 d . Postage is . rod . Post ODlc-j Orders to be made payahle lo J WIJITK , Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PA TENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEEC . ITS , & f The material of whidi these are made is recommended by the faculty as beiii ^ peculiarly KLASTIC and COM PKLSSI HLK and tlie best invention f . » r ^ ivini ; efficient ami permanent support in all cases of WKAKNKSS , VAKICOhK VKIN . S , Sic . Price , s . 6 d „ 7 s . 6 d . tos . and IOS . each . Postage 6 d . SiMNAL MACHINLS , Li'lO IROMS , and Kvery Description of Htiruical Appliances . 7 QHN WHITE * Manufacturer , 22 S , ViccadiUy Louden .
The Return Visit Of The Doric Lodge Of Instruction To The United Pilgrims'.
The success of the new movement for encouraging the interchange of visits between lodges of instruction was put beyond a doubt on Friday evening last week , at Brixton , when a gathering of brethren from every district around London put it beyond the power of the "United Pilgrims "
toafford accommodation , and proved theanticipation they had formed of a " strong muster " to be very weak , indeed , in proportion to the result . We were sorry to notice that so many brethren were unable to gain admission to the lodge-room , but : it was quite unavoidable , the room being
positively crowded by those present , amongst whom we observed the folio wing : Bros . Barnes , Rugg , Johnston , Appleby , Berry , Verry , Yetton , Scurr , Morrison , Chad wick , Musto , Cundick , Bowron , Mortlock , Austin , Middleton , Price , Wintle , Barnes ( jun . ) , Grant , & c , all of the Doric Lodge ;
John Thomas , James Stevens , Poore , Lnrlham , Hodges , Welsford , Ross , Southam , Stolz , Puisford , H . Martin , V . Bedolfe , Timewell , J . Noke , J . Wright , Withall , Bye , Griffin , Goddard , Maddern , Moody , & c , of the United Pilgrims : Wagstaff , W . M . 1216 ; Trusler , Lane , and
Pulman , of No . 720 ; Swallow , Royal Union : Catherwood , 55 ; Gompertz , 86 9 ; Newton , 7 66 ; Silk , 50 S ; Haywood , Williams , and Catchpole , of No . 1306 ; Binder , 15 : Dibs , 73 ; Roy , 1003 ; Sa }'" ers , 13 + 9 ; Linsey , 1000 ; Staten , 1207 ; J . Hay ward ( Vitruvian ) , Kiddy , and others whose names we were unable to ascenain .
I'hc United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction having been opened by Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., and Preceptor , the brethren of the Doric Lodge were received and took their places in the western half of the lodge-room , their Secretary and Preceptor , Bro . Thos . Barnes , occupying the
Senior Warden's Chair . The business of the meeting was then proceeded with , the whole of the Fifteen Sections being worked in most admirable style by the following "Doric" brethren , viz . : First Lecture , section 1 st , Bro . Uugg ; nnd , Bro . Johnson ; 3 rd ,
Bro Appleoy ; 4111 , Bro . Berry ; 5 th , liro . V errey : 6 th , Bro . Yetton ; 7 th , Bro . Scurr ; s . con . i lecture , section 1 st , Uro . . Morrison ; and , Bro . Ci u iwiek : 3 rd , Bro . Mil :-to ; 41 h , Bro . Cundick ; 5 tli , B . o . Bowron ; third lecture , f . e-. ' . tion i .-. t , Jinx Mortlo < -k ; 2 nd , Bro . Austin ; - ? i ; l , Bro . llarn . s .
The most tamest attention w .. s ji'id'o tue several brethren who thus elucidate . ) the beautiful teachings of the sui . 'lime ( . ' r-i ' t . a ? i I unanimous expressions of satisfaction rewarded th .-ir respcclive efforts . A shrirt inter / .. ! iV . r test and and refreshment was taken be : ween lit .- iir . it and
second lectures , ana at toe cuaeMi .: in of the work , the thanks <> f ihe United ! 'i ! . --. 'iui- , ' Lodgewere voted lo the "Doric" brethr-: i . The Fifteen Section-workers were elected honorary members of the United Pilgrims' Lodge , and eleven of the visitors were alsa clecte- 1 members .
On the lodge h . ing closed the brethren adjourned to a supper provided by the United Pilgrims ' , who entertained their guests inmost ho .- ;;> i tablestyle , hearty greetings bring exchanged between the * two lodjes , and wishes CMpressi . dih . it the ;; ood work they had connnen e I mi :. ; it be con
tinued lo die advantage of Freenus wry g- .. -ncra ! iy throughoul the nn-iropolis . A more interesiiug ineetin , ' ol bretliren v . e have never before a : tend d . and we iru-t that
similar oppoi tumties may occur tn .-. pivad the benefits of Masonic in . miction farand wiile-. The United Pilgrims ' . md the Doric l , nl ; : s have our best wislics-lor ihe permaivnt success of their most commendable endeavours .
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