Article PROV. GRAND MARK LODGE OF LANCASHIRE. (S.C.) Page 1 of 1 Article PROV. GRAND MARK LODGE OF LANCASHIRE. (S.C.) Page 1 of 1 Article PROV. GRAND MARK LODGE OF LANCASHIRE. (S.C.) Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 →
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Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire. (S.C.)
The annual meeting of this ' Provincial Grand . Mart : Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on 2 ist October , 1871 , by command of the Rev . Prov . G . M . The St . John ' s Mark Lodge , No . 2 , was opened at three o ' clock , and . shortly afterwards the Prov . Grand Lodge was
announced , and was received and saluted by the brethren according to custom . The P . G . Lodge was then opened in ample form by R . W . Bro . Entwisle , P . G . M . M ., assistedby R . W . Bro . C . F . Matier , D . P . G . M . M ., V . W . Bros . Brockbank , P . G . S . W ., Mitchell , ¦ P . G . J . W ., and the other
officers , many of whom had travelled long distances to be present . Tlie first business was the submission of the minutes of last Prov . Grand Lodge , held in Manchester , for confirmation , which being done , Bros . Newton and Harwood presented the audit of the Treasurer ' s account , which was found correct .
Bro . George Galloway was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Dawson , Tyler , and the Prov . G . M . M ., proceeded to appoint and invest the following officers : —Bros . G . Parker Brockbank , P . G . S . W . ; John Mitchell , P . G . J . W . ; T . P . Plait . P . G . M . O . ; Capt . Hunter , P . G . S . O . ; Wm . Fester , P . G . T-O . : Georere
Galloway , P . G . Treas . ; T- W . Taylor , P . G . Sec . Wm . Wayne , P . G . Reg . ; Rev . E . A . Lang , P . G . Chap . ; Col . Birchall , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Wm . H . Hopkins , Dir . of Cers . ; Whittaker , Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; D . Stansfield , P . G . S . D . ; Harwood , P . G . J . D . ; W . G . Turner , P . G . S . B . ; Edward Friend , P . G . T . K . ; H . T . Robberds , P . G . Org . ; Wm . Dawson , Tyler .
These brethren , having been duly proclaimed and saluted , returned thanks for their several appointments . An apology was presented from Bro . Capt . Hunter , R . W . Prov . G . M . Aberdeenshire East ( Craft ) , Prov . G . S . O ., who was detained on Masonic business in his province .
An exceedingly interesting account of the formation of the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge was read by J . W . Taylor , P . G . Sec , and was inserted in the records . The general business for the good of the province having being finished , the Prov .
Grand Lodge was then closed in due form with . solemn prayer , and the officers retired in procession , marshalled by bro . Hopkins , P . G . Dir . of Cers . The St . John ' s . Mark Lodge , No . 2 . was then closed by Bro . T . Morris , P . N . T . acting R . W . M , assisted by the officers .
At live oaoc-k , tlie brethren sat down to dinner in the board-room , presided over by Rev . Dro . Entwisle , P . G . M . M ., supported , right and left , by his officers . At the conclusion of the banquet , the brethren returned to the lodge-room , and after the door was tylcd , proceeded lo honour tlie customary loyal and Masonic toasts , which were proposed from the chair .
The toast of "The S . G . R . A . Chapter of Scotland , " was responded to b y Bro . C . J ' . Matier . D . Prov . G . M . M . and P . M . 38 , Fraserburgh . "The Prov . Grand Lodges of East and West Lancashire , Cheshire , North Wale ;; . Cumberland
wild Westmorland , " was responded to bv Bros . Co . ' . liirehall , I ' . P . G . J . W . W . Lancashire . I . P . l" .: Ut , P . P . G . I . W . Cheshire , 11 . Bullev , P . P . G . W . Cheshire , W . Foster ( Maryport ) . and several others whose names we were unable to catch .
The next toast was "The Health of the IVG . M . M ., ^ ind was proposed by the D . P . G . M . M ., who referred at s-tme length to the long and arduous services of Bro . Entwisle to die " cause of the Mark decree , and lo the graceful recognition thereof ! : } ' the Supreme Chapter of Scotland .
in appointing thai R . W . brother as one of their delegates to the conference recently held in London . Bro . Matier also called attention to the fact , that the Prov . Grand Lodge was really ; t District Grand Lodge , as Bro . Eiitv . isle ruled over the entire counties of Lancashire ,
Cheshire , Staffordshire , North Wales , and Cumberland and Westmorland . The speaker also congratulated the Prov . G . M . M . on the large accession of members to Ihe organization during the past yertr , and referred to the fact , that several new lodges were in progress of formation , and one old one was about to be resuscitated .
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire. (S.C.)
These splendid results had been produced by the unremitting attention of the P . G . M . M ., and he ( Bro . Matier ) had much pleasure in calling on the brethren lo drink a bumper to his health . The P . G . M . M . then rose to reply , and was received with loud and continued applause .
R . W . D . Prov . G . M . M . and brethren , permit me to express my deep feeling at this mark of your approbation , and the pleasure I feel at the undoubted success of our past year , the first of our new organization . You are all familiar with the events that preceded the formation of the
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 2 , and with those that more immediately followed its establishment . For some fourteen years the Mark lodges on the roll of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland acted as private lodges , with more or less success , but had no rgovening body nearerthan Edinburgh , as no
charters had for some years been granted , until the coming of Bro . Matier to Manchester , when he and several members of the St . John ' s Lodge , obtained one to work the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 21 , which was consecrated by myself . This gave a great impetus to this degree , and brethren in all parts of the country were led to seek for
advancement under the auspices of Scotland . Several new lodges obtained charters , among which I raaymention the Lodge Barrow-in-Furness , the St . David ' s , Llandudno , and the True Friendship , Maryport . My patent as Prov . G . M . M ., was also granted . All the lodges of the Scottish Constitution have been well worked , and I musr
give great credit to the masters past masters and officers for their energy . The Supreme Chaplet of Scotland having the well-being of the degree at heart , and being exceedingly anxious to see
Ihe degree placed on a proper footing in England , acceded lo the request of the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and in conjunction with representatives from ihe G . L . of Scotland , and G . C . of Ireland , met in conference in
Freemasons' Hall , London . To this conference 1 had the honour to be a delegate on the part of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland , but , as I dare say you have all seen the published report of the proceedings , 1 shall not refer to them at length , further than to say that it lias been agreed on
by the Supreme Chapter of Scotland to again ask the Grand Chapter of England to assume the management of those degrees which in every other country are worked under a Royal Arch Chapter , or failing tin ' s , to recognise some Grand Body in England , lo whom the superintendance
of these degrees shall be committed . Tin ' s message to the Grand Chapter of England will be delivered atthe next meeting in Noveniber , nnd should that body decline to adopt either of the courses I have mentioned , the Supreme Chapters of Scotland and Ireland will then consider the
propriety of according recogm . ion to a body 111 England to govern those degrees . I do not think , however , that this bod ) ' will be the present body , styling itself the Grand Lodge of Mark Master .-, , but a new body , established on a footing more firmly based , and formed by a union of all
the contending jurisdictions , and which will be in authority over all these degrees called sidedegrees , such as the Royal Ark Mariner , Knight of die Sword . Knight of die E : i ; t and West , vVc . Same of these according to the system obtaining in all oilier countries , are
only conferred on R . A . Masons , but the present G . Sl . M . wishes to work them under the G . M . L ., and confer them on Mark Masters , thus in effect putting the greater in subjection lo the less . This is one objection to recognition of the G . I ,, of M . M .. and the Supreme Chapter deprecates
acknowledging tiny new Grand Masonic Body in England , if it can possibly be avoided , for two reasons * 1 si . because such body exists in no other country ; and , 2 nd . because were such a body to be recognised il would doubtless become so
numerically strong as lo even affect prejudicially tlie Grand Lodge and Chapter of England . Brethren , I than you hcartih for the honour you have <]' . me me , and trust for still greater success in the couiui '' year .
The 1 ' . G . M . M ., then proposed ihe next toast , "The health of the Deputy Prov . G . M . M . Bro . C . Fil / gera '> d Matier / ' and , in a most eulogistic speed ) , mentioned the many services of Bro . Matier , which he had rendered most ungrudg-
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire. (S.C.)
ingly . He had never called on him in vain , but had always found him prompt and ready to fulfil any duty he might be entrusted with . The D . P . G . M . M . briefly replied , and assured the brethren of his unabated zeal and sincere desire to do all in his power to promote the
interests of Mirk Masonry , and this P . G . Lodge . Bro . Brockbank , " P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Piatt , P . G . M . O ., replied for the officers , and Bros . P W . Mills ( Birkenhead ) , P . P . G . O ., and Dr . Allison ( Barrow-in-Furness ) , P . P . G . D ., for the retiring officers .
The toast of " Prosperity to the Mark Lodges in the District and Province , " was coupled with the name of Bro . W . Foster , P . G . J . O ., and R . W . M .-designate of the True Friendship Lodge ,
Maryport , who , after a long and eloquent speech , concluded by hoping for the speedy advent of the day when all Masons should be brethren , not only in name , but also in very deed and truth .
The D . P . G . M . M . proposed "The Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Henry Bulley , P . R . W . M . No 5 , who said that , although from his very intimate connection with other orders of Masonry , he was not an active member of the Mark Degree , still his sympathies were entirely with it , and with the Scottish Constitution .
A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Stewards ( for which Bro . Rutter responded ) , and also to the St . John ' s Lodge for the handsome manner in which they had entertained the Prov . G . Lodge .
The Tyler ' s toast brought a delightful evening to a close about 9 . 30 . We may also mention that several charming songs were rendered in an excellent manner b y Bros . Mitchell , Newton , Pratt , Ilignett , and
Dawson ; and that Bro . W . H . Hopkins abl y discharged the duties of Director of Ceremonies , and proved himself no unworthy successor to the lamented Bro . Whyatt , who was suddenly cut off in the prime of life a few months ago .
Among the brethren present wc observed Bros . T . Entwisle , P . G . M . M . ; C . F . Matier , D . P . G . M . M , : Brockbank , 1 st G . Capt . Eng ., P . G . S . W . ; Mitchell , P . G . J . W . ; J . P . Piatt , P . G . M . O . ; W . P . Mills , P . P . G . O . ; W . Foster , P . P . J . O . : Rev . E . A . Lang , P . G . Chap . ; Taylor . P . G . Sec . : Galloway , P . G . Treas , ; William
Wayne , P . G . Reg . ; Stansfield , P . G . S . D . ; Harwood , P . G . f . D . ; Dr . Allison , P . P . G . D . ; Ambler , P . P . G . D . ; turner , P . G . S . B ; Friend , V G . T . K . ; Henry Bulley . P . M . ; William Bullev , P . M . ; T . E . Hignett , W . II . Pratt , P . P . G . Steward ; Lieut-Col . Birchall , P . G . I , of W . ; Newton , Thomas Morris , Bailey , Orton , & c .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
— -- ^» THE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . Prudent Brethren Lodg . ; Ko . 145 . — -This lodge held its first meeting this season at Freemasons ' Mall , Great Oueen-street , on Tuesday se'nnight , under the presidency of Bro . Walter , W . M . There were also present : Bros . Moore . I . P . M . ; John Boyd
P . M . and Treas . ; G . States . Sec . ; about thirty other members of the lodge , and ten visitors , including Bros . Dr . Ward and C . A . Long , who kindly assisted the W . M by filling the offices of S . W . and J . D . in the absence of Bios . Last and Bull . The brethren appeared in deep Masonic mourning for the late
Bro . William Carter , an old and distinguished Past Master of th ~ lodge , whose loss appeared to be very deeply felt by the members generally , but perhaps more particularly by die Past Masters , who each made some observations upon the gap made in their ranks , not too full at any time . It was unanimously
resolved that the heartfelt regret of the lodge should he recorded upon the minutes as a mark of respect to the memory of their late esteemed brother . The business of the lodge consisted of the three ceremonies , which were very ably worked by the W . M ., the-election of a joining member , and a candidate for initiation at next meeting . The lodec was closed
in clue form , and the brethren retired to a plain supper , after which the usual toasts were given and responded to . Bro . John Boyd , in returning thanks for the Grand Officers , alluded very feelingly to the deep loss he had personally sustained by tlie death of their lamented brother , and how much he regretted appearing before them for the first time as a Grand Officer , with his badge covered with crape .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire. (S.C.)
The annual meeting of this ' Provincial Grand . Mart : Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on 2 ist October , 1871 , by command of the Rev . Prov . G . M . The St . John ' s Mark Lodge , No . 2 , was opened at three o ' clock , and . shortly afterwards the Prov . Grand Lodge was
announced , and was received and saluted by the brethren according to custom . The P . G . Lodge was then opened in ample form by R . W . Bro . Entwisle , P . G . M . M ., assistedby R . W . Bro . C . F . Matier , D . P . G . M . M ., V . W . Bros . Brockbank , P . G . S . W ., Mitchell , ¦ P . G . J . W ., and the other
officers , many of whom had travelled long distances to be present . Tlie first business was the submission of the minutes of last Prov . Grand Lodge , held in Manchester , for confirmation , which being done , Bros . Newton and Harwood presented the audit of the Treasurer ' s account , which was found correct .
Bro . George Galloway was then unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Dawson , Tyler , and the Prov . G . M . M ., proceeded to appoint and invest the following officers : —Bros . G . Parker Brockbank , P . G . S . W . ; John Mitchell , P . G . J . W . ; T . P . Plait . P . G . M . O . ; Capt . Hunter , P . G . S . O . ; Wm . Fester , P . G . T-O . : Georere
Galloway , P . G . Treas . ; T- W . Taylor , P . G . Sec . Wm . Wayne , P . G . Reg . ; Rev . E . A . Lang , P . G . Chap . ; Col . Birchall , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Wm . H . Hopkins , Dir . of Cers . ; Whittaker , Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; D . Stansfield , P . G . S . D . ; Harwood , P . G . J . D . ; W . G . Turner , P . G . S . B . ; Edward Friend , P . G . T . K . ; H . T . Robberds , P . G . Org . ; Wm . Dawson , Tyler .
These brethren , having been duly proclaimed and saluted , returned thanks for their several appointments . An apology was presented from Bro . Capt . Hunter , R . W . Prov . G . M . Aberdeenshire East ( Craft ) , Prov . G . S . O ., who was detained on Masonic business in his province .
An exceedingly interesting account of the formation of the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge was read by J . W . Taylor , P . G . Sec , and was inserted in the records . The general business for the good of the province having being finished , the Prov .
Grand Lodge was then closed in due form with . solemn prayer , and the officers retired in procession , marshalled by bro . Hopkins , P . G . Dir . of Cers . The St . John ' s . Mark Lodge , No . 2 . was then closed by Bro . T . Morris , P . N . T . acting R . W . M , assisted by the officers .
At live oaoc-k , tlie brethren sat down to dinner in the board-room , presided over by Rev . Dro . Entwisle , P . G . M . M ., supported , right and left , by his officers . At the conclusion of the banquet , the brethren returned to the lodge-room , and after the door was tylcd , proceeded lo honour tlie customary loyal and Masonic toasts , which were proposed from the chair .
The toast of "The S . G . R . A . Chapter of Scotland , " was responded to b y Bro . C . J ' . Matier . D . Prov . G . M . M . and P . M . 38 , Fraserburgh . "The Prov . Grand Lodges of East and West Lancashire , Cheshire , North Wale ;; . Cumberland
wild Westmorland , " was responded to bv Bros . Co . ' . liirehall , I ' . P . G . J . W . W . Lancashire . I . P . l" .: Ut , P . P . G . I . W . Cheshire , 11 . Bullev , P . P . G . W . Cheshire , W . Foster ( Maryport ) . and several others whose names we were unable to catch .
The next toast was "The Health of the IVG . M . M ., ^ ind was proposed by the D . P . G . M . M ., who referred at s-tme length to the long and arduous services of Bro . Entwisle to die " cause of the Mark decree , and lo the graceful recognition thereof ! : } ' the Supreme Chapter of Scotland .
in appointing thai R . W . brother as one of their delegates to the conference recently held in London . Bro . Matier also called attention to the fact , that the Prov . Grand Lodge was really ; t District Grand Lodge , as Bro . Eiitv . isle ruled over the entire counties of Lancashire ,
Cheshire , Staffordshire , North Wales , and Cumberland and Westmorland . The speaker also congratulated the Prov . G . M . M . on the large accession of members to Ihe organization during the past yertr , and referred to the fact , that several new lodges were in progress of formation , and one old one was about to be resuscitated .
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire. (S.C.)
These splendid results had been produced by the unremitting attention of the P . G . M . M ., and he ( Bro . Matier ) had much pleasure in calling on the brethren lo drink a bumper to his health . The P . G . M . M . then rose to reply , and was received with loud and continued applause .
R . W . D . Prov . G . M . M . and brethren , permit me to express my deep feeling at this mark of your approbation , and the pleasure I feel at the undoubted success of our past year , the first of our new organization . You are all familiar with the events that preceded the formation of the
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 2 , and with those that more immediately followed its establishment . For some fourteen years the Mark lodges on the roll of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland acted as private lodges , with more or less success , but had no rgovening body nearerthan Edinburgh , as no
charters had for some years been granted , until the coming of Bro . Matier to Manchester , when he and several members of the St . John ' s Lodge , obtained one to work the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 21 , which was consecrated by myself . This gave a great impetus to this degree , and brethren in all parts of the country were led to seek for
advancement under the auspices of Scotland . Several new lodges obtained charters , among which I raaymention the Lodge Barrow-in-Furness , the St . David ' s , Llandudno , and the True Friendship , Maryport . My patent as Prov . G . M . M ., was also granted . All the lodges of the Scottish Constitution have been well worked , and I musr
give great credit to the masters past masters and officers for their energy . The Supreme Chaplet of Scotland having the well-being of the degree at heart , and being exceedingly anxious to see
Ihe degree placed on a proper footing in England , acceded lo the request of the Grand Mark Lodge of England , and in conjunction with representatives from ihe G . L . of Scotland , and G . C . of Ireland , met in conference in
Freemasons' Hall , London . To this conference 1 had the honour to be a delegate on the part of the Supreme Chapter of Scotland , but , as I dare say you have all seen the published report of the proceedings , 1 shall not refer to them at length , further than to say that it lias been agreed on
by the Supreme Chapter of Scotland to again ask the Grand Chapter of England to assume the management of those degrees which in every other country are worked under a Royal Arch Chapter , or failing tin ' s , to recognise some Grand Body in England , lo whom the superintendance
of these degrees shall be committed . Tin ' s message to the Grand Chapter of England will be delivered atthe next meeting in Noveniber , nnd should that body decline to adopt either of the courses I have mentioned , the Supreme Chapters of Scotland and Ireland will then consider the
propriety of according recogm . ion to a body 111 England to govern those degrees . I do not think , however , that this bod ) ' will be the present body , styling itself the Grand Lodge of Mark Master .-, , but a new body , established on a footing more firmly based , and formed by a union of all
the contending jurisdictions , and which will be in authority over all these degrees called sidedegrees , such as the Royal Ark Mariner , Knight of die Sword . Knight of die E : i ; t and West , vVc . Same of these according to the system obtaining in all oilier countries , are
only conferred on R . A . Masons , but the present G . Sl . M . wishes to work them under the G . M . L ., and confer them on Mark Masters , thus in effect putting the greater in subjection lo the less . This is one objection to recognition of the G . I ,, of M . M .. and the Supreme Chapter deprecates
acknowledging tiny new Grand Masonic Body in England , if it can possibly be avoided , for two reasons * 1 si . because such body exists in no other country ; and , 2 nd . because were such a body to be recognised il would doubtless become so
numerically strong as lo even affect prejudicially tlie Grand Lodge and Chapter of England . Brethren , I than you hcartih for the honour you have <]' . me me , and trust for still greater success in the couiui '' year .
The 1 ' . G . M . M ., then proposed ihe next toast , "The health of the Deputy Prov . G . M . M . Bro . C . Fil / gera '> d Matier / ' and , in a most eulogistic speed ) , mentioned the many services of Bro . Matier , which he had rendered most ungrudg-
Prov. Grand Mark Lodge Of Lancashire. (S.C.)
ingly . He had never called on him in vain , but had always found him prompt and ready to fulfil any duty he might be entrusted with . The D . P . G . M . M . briefly replied , and assured the brethren of his unabated zeal and sincere desire to do all in his power to promote the
interests of Mirk Masonry , and this P . G . Lodge . Bro . Brockbank , " P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Piatt , P . G . M . O ., replied for the officers , and Bros . P W . Mills ( Birkenhead ) , P . P . G . O ., and Dr . Allison ( Barrow-in-Furness ) , P . P . G . D ., for the retiring officers .
The toast of " Prosperity to the Mark Lodges in the District and Province , " was coupled with the name of Bro . W . Foster , P . G . J . O ., and R . W . M .-designate of the True Friendship Lodge ,
Maryport , who , after a long and eloquent speech , concluded by hoping for the speedy advent of the day when all Masons should be brethren , not only in name , but also in very deed and truth .
The D . P . G . M . M . proposed "The Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Henry Bulley , P . R . W . M . No 5 , who said that , although from his very intimate connection with other orders of Masonry , he was not an active member of the Mark Degree , still his sympathies were entirely with it , and with the Scottish Constitution .
A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Stewards ( for which Bro . Rutter responded ) , and also to the St . John ' s Lodge for the handsome manner in which they had entertained the Prov . G . Lodge .
The Tyler ' s toast brought a delightful evening to a close about 9 . 30 . We may also mention that several charming songs were rendered in an excellent manner b y Bros . Mitchell , Newton , Pratt , Ilignett , and
Dawson ; and that Bro . W . H . Hopkins abl y discharged the duties of Director of Ceremonies , and proved himself no unworthy successor to the lamented Bro . Whyatt , who was suddenly cut off in the prime of life a few months ago .
Among the brethren present wc observed Bros . T . Entwisle , P . G . M . M . ; C . F . Matier , D . P . G . M . M , : Brockbank , 1 st G . Capt . Eng ., P . G . S . W . ; Mitchell , P . G . J . W . ; J . P . Piatt , P . G . M . O . ; W . P . Mills , P . P . G . O . ; W . Foster , P . P . J . O . : Rev . E . A . Lang , P . G . Chap . ; Taylor . P . G . Sec . : Galloway , P . G . Treas , ; William
Wayne , P . G . Reg . ; Stansfield , P . G . S . D . ; Harwood , P . G . f . D . ; Dr . Allison , P . P . G . D . ; Ambler , P . P . G . D . ; turner , P . G . S . B ; Friend , V G . T . K . ; Henry Bulley . P . M . ; William Bullev , P . M . ; T . E . Hignett , W . II . Pratt , P . P . G . Steward ; Lieut-Col . Birchall , P . G . I , of W . ; Newton , Thomas Morris , Bailey , Orton , & c .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
— -- ^» THE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . Prudent Brethren Lodg . ; Ko . 145 . — -This lodge held its first meeting this season at Freemasons ' Mall , Great Oueen-street , on Tuesday se'nnight , under the presidency of Bro . Walter , W . M . There were also present : Bros . Moore . I . P . M . ; John Boyd
P . M . and Treas . ; G . States . Sec . ; about thirty other members of the lodge , and ten visitors , including Bros . Dr . Ward and C . A . Long , who kindly assisted the W . M by filling the offices of S . W . and J . D . in the absence of Bios . Last and Bull . The brethren appeared in deep Masonic mourning for the late
Bro . William Carter , an old and distinguished Past Master of th ~ lodge , whose loss appeared to be very deeply felt by the members generally , but perhaps more particularly by die Past Masters , who each made some observations upon the gap made in their ranks , not too full at any time . It was unanimously
resolved that the heartfelt regret of the lodge should he recorded upon the minutes as a mark of respect to the memory of their late esteemed brother . The business of the lodge consisted of the three ceremonies , which were very ably worked by the W . M ., the-election of a joining member , and a candidate for initiation at next meeting . The lodec was closed
in clue form , and the brethren retired to a plain supper , after which the usual toasts were given and responded to . Bro . John Boyd , in returning thanks for the Grand Officers , alluded very feelingly to the deep loss he had personally sustained by tlie death of their lamented brother , and how much he regretted appearing before them for the first time as a Grand Officer , with his badge covered with crape .