Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The brethren were visibly affected by the remarks made , and at the conclusion of a very eloquent address , they drank to the memory of Bro . Carter in solemn silence , and adjourned at an early hour . Lodge of Unity , No . 183 . —This old lodge met at the London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , on Monday ,
the 23 rd ult ., for the first time after the recess . The W . M ., Bro . H . Wadling , presided , supported by Bros . J abez Garrett , S . W . ; R . H . Groombridge , J . W . ; Speth , P . M . and Treas . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . M ., G . C . Middlesex , Chaplain ; E . Collins , J . D . ; Spencer , I . G . ; C . W . Todd , Tayler , and Thompson ,
P . M . ' s ; and other brethren . Visitors : Bros . H . Podmore , P . G . Purst . Surrey , and Hall , 1347 . After the lodge was duly opened , Bro . Shaboe was appointed Secretary , in the room of Bro . F . V / . Doggett , deceased . In a very impressive manner , Bro . C . W . Todd proposed , and Bro . Tayler seconded , a vote
of condolence and sympathy with the family of the late Secretary , Bro . Doggett , who was one of the oldest and most respected members of the lodge . There being no further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being
proposed by the W . M . The harmony of the evening was much enlivened by the songs of Bros . Todd , Tayler , and others . The rendering of " Life is a River" by Bro . Todd , and "the old Elm Tree" by Bro . Tayler were especially excellent and much applauded .
Victoria Lodge , No . 1056 . —This lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 25 th ultimo . Present : Bros . Ulysses Latreille , W . M . ( presiding ); Alfred Robbins , S . W . ; Wm . Ashby , J . W . ; Wm . Wrenn , P . M ., Treasurer ; A . A . Pendlebury , P . M ., Sec . ; F . Y . Latreille and Geo . Roberts , P . M . ' s ; J .
Martin , S . D . ; Hy . Wainwright , J . D . ; G . H . Harwood , G . Collier , W . G . White , H . Allen , T . Maggs , P . Quelch , D . H . McGregor , H . F . Atter , A . B . Parker , T . W . Skclton , J . E . Hastings , J . R . C . Tisen , John Winder , Wm . Pen-in , J . C . Henry , C . Gall , W . G . Durraut , H . Marsh , William Brown ;
visitors , Bros . David Steers ( late 25 ) , Wm . Roach ( 49 ) , Francis Hill ( 49 ) , John Buhner ( 174 ) , T . E . Hardy ( W . M . 538 ) , Owen Fitzgcorge ( 1374 ) , Thos . Wolstenholme ( 55 ) , R . Campbell Chanter ( 1159 ) , A . Wadeson ( 1228 ) . The following business was performed : Bros . Peter Ouclch and Henry Allen were
raised , Messrs . Edward H . Williams and Thomas Duncombe Eagles were duly initiated , and the lodge was duly closed . After the banquet , the usual toasts were responded to , and the evening passed away very agreeably , enlivened by the vocal harmony of several brethren .
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICIT . —British Union lodge , No . 114 . —The usual monthly meeting of this old-established lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on the 26 th ult . The agenda paper comprised an initiation and the working of the sections of the first degree .
Present : Bros . P . Cornell , W . M . ; Dr . E . F . Long , S . W . ; Dr . Beaumont , J . W . ; C . Schulcn , Treas . ; W . Spalding , P . M ., Sec . ; C . J . Meadows , S . D . ; N . Tracey , P . M ., as J . D . ; S . Wright , I . G . ; G . Spalding , Tyler ; Rev . E . J . Lockwoocl , D . P . G . M ; A . J . Barber , I . P . M . ; E . Holmes , P . A . B . C . ; E .
Mayward , P . P . A . G . S . ; W . Boby , H . Necve , F . Gull , and H . G . Moore , P . M . ' s . Visitors , Bros . Golding , W . M . 225 ; Davy , P . M . 225 , P . P . S . G . D . ; Woods , Gower , Tracey ( P . P . S . G . W . ) , King ( P . M . ) , and Gammon , 376 ; Freeman , P . G . Treas ., 516 ; George , 726 ; Creswcll , J . W . 959 ; Rev . U . N . Sanderson ,
P . P . G . C , W . M . 959 ; J . Calloway , 959 . The lodge was opened in due form ; minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed ; and a petition from Bro . Parke , aged 92 , was presented , and signed by the W . M . and most of the brethren present . The ballot was then taken for Mr . A . Moore , Clerk in Holy Orders
as a candidate for initiation , and proved unanimous in his favour . The candidate not being in attendance , the working of the sections in the first degree was proceeded with , Bro . N . Tracey , P . M ., being the Preceptor , assisted by the W . M ., the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , and W . Bob } ' . So ably was the working
carried out , that a vote of thanks to the several brethren was ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . A motion was then made as to an united Lodge of Instruction , combining the four lodges of the town , which , after argument , was deferred till the next meeting , the representatives of
the lodges agreeing to bring the subject before their respective lodges . The lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren retired to a neat banquet , served in Bro . G . Spalding's usual good taste . The loyal , Masonic , and personal toasts , interspersed with song and sentiment , brought a pleasant meeting to a close just before high twelve .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason's Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., and was numerously attended . The W . M ., Bro . Wm . Sculthorpe , presided , and nearly all the officers were in their places . Bros . W . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M ., Toller and Smith , P . M . ' s , and the following visitors were also present , viz ., Bros . C . Strctton ( W . M . ) ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Worthington , and Attwood , of 379 , and Bro . White , of Ballymena , Ireland . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . J . H . Johnston as a joining member , and for Mr . George Staynes as a candidate for initiation , who were both unanimously elected . Bro . Tibbets was duly pa-sed by the W . M .., and Bros . Young and
Taylor were raised to the third degree , the nnpressiveness of the ceremony being much enhanced by the musical accompaniments on the organ by Bro . Charles Johnson . The W . M . announced that at the
recent election of applicants for admission into the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the local candidate , Alfred Nutt , had been successful . The lodge was then closed and the brethren proceeded to refreshment .
STOWMARKET . —Phoznix Lodge , No . 576 . —At the monthly meeting on Friday , the 20 th ult ., there were present ' : Bros . J . W . Sheridan , P . G . R ., I . P . M ., Acting W . M . ; G . S . Golding , P . G . S . B ., W . M . 225 , S . W . ; F . Warner , J . W . ; G . Ransom , P . M . ; S . H . Wright , P . P . G . D ., P . M . ; & c , & c . Visitors : Bros .
Emra Holmes , P . G . A . D . C , P . M . 531 , 114 ; C . Schulen , P . P . G . D . C , P . M . 114 ; and Philip Cornell , P . G . J . D ., W . M . 114 . After the usual business , the Acting W . M . called upon Bro . Emra Holmes to deliver his lecture , as announced in the summons , entitled " Random Notes on Freemasonry ; " and , as
was to be expected from so erudite a brother , it proved—as the W . M ., in proposing a vote of thanks for Bro . Holmes'instructive and interesting lecture , justly remarked—there was not one word in it the brethren would not endorse , one point at which they were at issue . He particularly approved of
the remarks made as to appointments in Grand Lodge , and it was only at a recent Mark Lodge the Prov . G . Secretary for Suffolk was complaining of the very thing to which Bro . Holmes alluded—the great difficulty experienced by provincial Masons in gaining appointments in Grand Lodge . Bro .
Golding seconded the proposition , and spoke of Bro . Holmes as the most enthusiastic Mason he had ever met with . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Holmes , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment ,
and after the usual Masonic toasts had been honoured , separated , delighted at having spent so enjoyable an evening , combining , as all lodges ought to do , valuable information and instruction with pleasure . The W . M . of the British Union
Lodge , No . 114 , Ipswich , announced that Bro . Emra Holmes had kindly consented to repeat his lecture in that lodge at a very early meeting . [ We have received a copy of Bro . Holmes' very interesting lecture , and regret our space precludes its insertion , at least for the present . ]
HOLYHEAD . —St . CybiLodge ( "late Hibcn ; ia ) , No 597 . —A regular meeting of the above lodge was held in the lodge-room , Marine Hotel , on the 2 nd ult . There were present : Bros . John Peters , W . M . ; J . Lloyd Griffith , S . W . ; William Lewis , J . W .: Owen R . Ellis , Secretary ; John Ellis , S . D . ;
Dr . Owen Williams , J . D . ; Bev . O . Williams Jones , Chap . ; William Evans , Steward ; James Lloyd , I . G . ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; and a fair muster of the brethren . The lodge having been opened , the opening ode sung , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . called upon the
Secretary to read the confirmation of the revised by-laws , which had been received from the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Sir Watkin W . Wynn , together with his sanction to have the name of the lodge changed from that of " Hibernia " to the " Lodge of St . Cybi ; " also a letter from the G . S ., Bro . John
Hervey , stating that the lodge had been duly registered in the Grand Lodge books , under its new name of St . Cybi . The W . M . then said he had much pleasure in declaring that the Lodge of . SV . Cybi was duly opened , which declaration was received with general satisfaction . After this , the
ballot was taken round for the following gentlemen as candidates for initiation , viz .: Messrs . William Ankers , Richard Jones , Robert Parry , Stephen Dyer , and David Davics ; also for Bro . J . Hughes , of Hcskcth Lodge , No . 950 , and Bro . F . Bapty , W . M . of the Lod ? e of Israel , No . 126 , Ireland , as
joining members . The result proved favourable in each case . Accordingly , the above-named candidates were regularly initiated , the ceremony being most ably performed by the W . M . and Jus colleagues . Bros . Henry Evans and John Hughes were advanced to the degree of Master Masons , the
solemnity of the service , accompanied with suitable music , rendering the whole performance very impressive . The W . M . proceeded to lodge business , and Bro . J . LI . Griffith , S . W ., called upon the Secretary to show the design for a seal , which he had been requested to makn for the 1 sc of the
lodge , from the image of St . Cybi above the church door . It was produced accordingly , and after due inspection , was unanimously adopted , a vote of thanks being passed to that official for the pains he had taken in the matter . After receiving propositions and compliments , the W . M . closed the lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in perfect peace , harmony , and concord . » A Lodge of Emergency was held in the lodge--room , Marine Hotel , on the 6 th ult ., for the purpose of passing Bros . William Jones and James Knowles Morris . Most of the officers were present , and a
good few of the members . After opening the lodge , * - and going through the usual preliminaries , the two brethren above-named were advanced to the degree of F . C . Freemasonry . The lodge was then reduced , and closed in due form .
LIVERPOOL . — Walton Lodge , No . 1086 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , on the 18 th October . Present : Bros . Joseph C . Lunt , W . M . ; R . Abraham , S . W . ; J . P . McArthur , J . W . ; J . Grimes , S . D . ; H . Hughes , J . D . ; C . McEwen , I . G . ; J . Ellis ,
Steward ; J . L . Parry , Org . ; Mott , P . P . S . G . D .. ; William Archer , P . M ., Treas . ; John Lunt and James Goodacre , P . M . ' s ; and a large attendance of members . Visitors : Bros . Hamer , P . P . G . Treas . j Baker , P . G . S ., W . M . 241 ; Horbury , ' P . M . 605 , W . M . 1325 ; Pemberton , P . M . 1264 ; Wells , J . W .
580 ; & c . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , when the ballot was taken for Mr . R . H . Houldin , which proved unanimous in his favour , and hebeing in attendance , was most ably and impressively initiated by the W . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren
adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by the W . M ., who proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The visiting brethren vied with each other in praising the excellent working they had witnessed . The pleasures of the evening were very agreeably enhanced by the singing of Bros .
Mott , Baker , Mabrick , and Wells . The brethren separated highly satisfied with all the arrangements made for their comfort . An emergency meeting was held on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., for arrears of business , when Bros . Rogers , Thomas , and Shandley were passed to the degree of F . C ., and Bro .
John Walker raised to the sublime degree of M . M . OAKHAM , RUTLAND . — Vale Catmoss Lodge , No . 1265 . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , Oct . 25 th , this being the day appointed for the election of W . M ., Bro . Duncombe , P . G . A . D . C . for Norths , and Hunts ., the S . W ., was
duly elected . Visitors : Bros . Rev , William Langley , P . M . 50 and 1130 , P . P . G . S . W . ; Rev . W . KV Robinson , P . M . 1130 , P . P . G . Chaplain ; Douglas , P . M . 1130 , P . P . G . S . D . ; Orford , P . M . 466 , P . P . G . S . W . for Norths , and Hunts . The lodge was soon afterwards closed , and the brethren
partook of refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . SKACOMHE , CHESHIRE .- IVarreu Lodge , Ao . 1276 . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , Stanley Arms' Hotel , Seacombe , on the 17 th October , for the purpose of installing Bro .
Thomas Somerville Jones , the W . M .-elect . There was a large attendance of members and visitors , amongst the latter being : Bros . Henry Bulley , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . P . Piatt , P . P . G . J . W . ; JT S . Hamer , P . P . G . T . W . Lan . ; William Bulley , P . P . G . J . D . ; Thomas Piatt , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . T . Lea , P . G . Supt . of
Works ; H . Williams , P . M . 249 ; H . Davies , P . M . 605 ; J . Pemberton , P . M . 1264 ; C . H . Hill , P . M . 1276 , W . M . 724 , 321 ; E . Mignctt , W . M . 537 ; J . F . Jones , W . M . 1276 ; with other well-known Masons . The minutes of tlie previous lodge having been confirmed , a ballot was then taken for Dr . Bell , a
candidate for initiation , who was accepted and duly initiated by Bro . J . F . Jones , the W . M . Bro . T . S . Jones , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . William Bulley in a most impressive manner . Bro . Jones then proceeded to invest as his officers : Bros . J . F . | ones , I . P . M . ; Molt , S . W . ;
Earp , J . W . ; Ward , Sec . ; Ridehnlgb , S . D . ; Pennington , J . . ; Taylor , I . G . ; McKay , I . ooney . Cato , and Price , Stewards ; and Mills , Tyler . The Auditors' report showed a considerable balance in hand , thus proving the lodge to be in a sound and healthy condition . The W . . \ L , in the name of the
lodge , and in very flattering terms , presented a Past Master's jewel to Bro . James F . Jones , I . P . M ., for his valuable services to the lodge during the past year , for which he returned thanks in suitable terms . The lodge was then closed down in due form and perfect harmony by the W . M ., and the
brethren adjourned to the house of Bio . Stokes , the Seacombe Hotel , where they sat down to a sumptuous banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodg-, No . 5326 . —On the 10 th ult .. this prosperous lodge held its regular
meeting at the Lion Motel , Hampton . Bro . J . T . Moss , I . P . M . and Treasurer ( who had come from Margate purposely to initiate several personal friends he had proposed ) , by desire of the W . M ., Bro . Samuel Wickens . opened the lodge . The minutes of the
last regular and several emergency meetings were read and confirmed , after which the dispensation , granted by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett , under very special circumstances , and authorising the initiation of more than live candidates at this meeting , was read . Bro . John Hay ward ( 946 ) was then
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The brethren were visibly affected by the remarks made , and at the conclusion of a very eloquent address , they drank to the memory of Bro . Carter in solemn silence , and adjourned at an early hour . Lodge of Unity , No . 183 . —This old lodge met at the London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , on Monday ,
the 23 rd ult ., for the first time after the recess . The W . M ., Bro . H . Wadling , presided , supported by Bros . J abez Garrett , S . W . ; R . H . Groombridge , J . W . ; Speth , P . M . and Treas . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , P . M ., G . C . Middlesex , Chaplain ; E . Collins , J . D . ; Spencer , I . G . ; C . W . Todd , Tayler , and Thompson ,
P . M . ' s ; and other brethren . Visitors : Bros . H . Podmore , P . G . Purst . Surrey , and Hall , 1347 . After the lodge was duly opened , Bro . Shaboe was appointed Secretary , in the room of Bro . F . V / . Doggett , deceased . In a very impressive manner , Bro . C . W . Todd proposed , and Bro . Tayler seconded , a vote
of condolence and sympathy with the family of the late Secretary , Bro . Doggett , who was one of the oldest and most respected members of the lodge . There being no further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being
proposed by the W . M . The harmony of the evening was much enlivened by the songs of Bros . Todd , Tayler , and others . The rendering of " Life is a River" by Bro . Todd , and "the old Elm Tree" by Bro . Tayler were especially excellent and much applauded .
Victoria Lodge , No . 1056 . —This lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 25 th ultimo . Present : Bros . Ulysses Latreille , W . M . ( presiding ); Alfred Robbins , S . W . ; Wm . Ashby , J . W . ; Wm . Wrenn , P . M ., Treasurer ; A . A . Pendlebury , P . M ., Sec . ; F . Y . Latreille and Geo . Roberts , P . M . ' s ; J .
Martin , S . D . ; Hy . Wainwright , J . D . ; G . H . Harwood , G . Collier , W . G . White , H . Allen , T . Maggs , P . Quelch , D . H . McGregor , H . F . Atter , A . B . Parker , T . W . Skclton , J . E . Hastings , J . R . C . Tisen , John Winder , Wm . Pen-in , J . C . Henry , C . Gall , W . G . Durraut , H . Marsh , William Brown ;
visitors , Bros . David Steers ( late 25 ) , Wm . Roach ( 49 ) , Francis Hill ( 49 ) , John Buhner ( 174 ) , T . E . Hardy ( W . M . 538 ) , Owen Fitzgcorge ( 1374 ) , Thos . Wolstenholme ( 55 ) , R . Campbell Chanter ( 1159 ) , A . Wadeson ( 1228 ) . The following business was performed : Bros . Peter Ouclch and Henry Allen were
raised , Messrs . Edward H . Williams and Thomas Duncombe Eagles were duly initiated , and the lodge was duly closed . After the banquet , the usual toasts were responded to , and the evening passed away very agreeably , enlivened by the vocal harmony of several brethren .
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICIT . —British Union lodge , No . 114 . —The usual monthly meeting of this old-established lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on the 26 th ult . The agenda paper comprised an initiation and the working of the sections of the first degree .
Present : Bros . P . Cornell , W . M . ; Dr . E . F . Long , S . W . ; Dr . Beaumont , J . W . ; C . Schulcn , Treas . ; W . Spalding , P . M ., Sec . ; C . J . Meadows , S . D . ; N . Tracey , P . M ., as J . D . ; S . Wright , I . G . ; G . Spalding , Tyler ; Rev . E . J . Lockwoocl , D . P . G . M ; A . J . Barber , I . P . M . ; E . Holmes , P . A . B . C . ; E .
Mayward , P . P . A . G . S . ; W . Boby , H . Necve , F . Gull , and H . G . Moore , P . M . ' s . Visitors , Bros . Golding , W . M . 225 ; Davy , P . M . 225 , P . P . S . G . D . ; Woods , Gower , Tracey ( P . P . S . G . W . ) , King ( P . M . ) , and Gammon , 376 ; Freeman , P . G . Treas ., 516 ; George , 726 ; Creswcll , J . W . 959 ; Rev . U . N . Sanderson ,
P . P . G . C , W . M . 959 ; J . Calloway , 959 . The lodge was opened in due form ; minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed ; and a petition from Bro . Parke , aged 92 , was presented , and signed by the W . M . and most of the brethren present . The ballot was then taken for Mr . A . Moore , Clerk in Holy Orders
as a candidate for initiation , and proved unanimous in his favour . The candidate not being in attendance , the working of the sections in the first degree was proceeded with , Bro . N . Tracey , P . M ., being the Preceptor , assisted by the W . M ., the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , and W . Bob } ' . So ably was the working
carried out , that a vote of thanks to the several brethren was ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . A motion was then made as to an united Lodge of Instruction , combining the four lodges of the town , which , after argument , was deferred till the next meeting , the representatives of
the lodges agreeing to bring the subject before their respective lodges . The lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren retired to a neat banquet , served in Bro . G . Spalding's usual good taste . The loyal , Masonic , and personal toasts , interspersed with song and sentiment , brought a pleasant meeting to a close just before high twelve .
LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason's Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 19 th ult ., and was numerously attended . The W . M ., Bro . Wm . Sculthorpe , presided , and nearly all the officers were in their places . Bros . W . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M ., Toller and Smith , P . M . ' s , and the following visitors were also present , viz ., Bros . C . Strctton ( W . M . ) ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Worthington , and Attwood , of 379 , and Bro . White , of Ballymena , Ireland . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . J . H . Johnston as a joining member , and for Mr . George Staynes as a candidate for initiation , who were both unanimously elected . Bro . Tibbets was duly pa-sed by the W . M .., and Bros . Young and
Taylor were raised to the third degree , the nnpressiveness of the ceremony being much enhanced by the musical accompaniments on the organ by Bro . Charles Johnson . The W . M . announced that at the
recent election of applicants for admission into the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the local candidate , Alfred Nutt , had been successful . The lodge was then closed and the brethren proceeded to refreshment .
STOWMARKET . —Phoznix Lodge , No . 576 . —At the monthly meeting on Friday , the 20 th ult ., there were present ' : Bros . J . W . Sheridan , P . G . R ., I . P . M ., Acting W . M . ; G . S . Golding , P . G . S . B ., W . M . 225 , S . W . ; F . Warner , J . W . ; G . Ransom , P . M . ; S . H . Wright , P . P . G . D ., P . M . ; & c , & c . Visitors : Bros .
Emra Holmes , P . G . A . D . C , P . M . 531 , 114 ; C . Schulen , P . P . G . D . C , P . M . 114 ; and Philip Cornell , P . G . J . D ., W . M . 114 . After the usual business , the Acting W . M . called upon Bro . Emra Holmes to deliver his lecture , as announced in the summons , entitled " Random Notes on Freemasonry ; " and , as
was to be expected from so erudite a brother , it proved—as the W . M ., in proposing a vote of thanks for Bro . Holmes'instructive and interesting lecture , justly remarked—there was not one word in it the brethren would not endorse , one point at which they were at issue . He particularly approved of
the remarks made as to appointments in Grand Lodge , and it was only at a recent Mark Lodge the Prov . G . Secretary for Suffolk was complaining of the very thing to which Bro . Holmes alluded—the great difficulty experienced by provincial Masons in gaining appointments in Grand Lodge . Bro .
Golding seconded the proposition , and spoke of Bro . Holmes as the most enthusiastic Mason he had ever met with . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Holmes , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment ,
and after the usual Masonic toasts had been honoured , separated , delighted at having spent so enjoyable an evening , combining , as all lodges ought to do , valuable information and instruction with pleasure . The W . M . of the British Union
Lodge , No . 114 , Ipswich , announced that Bro . Emra Holmes had kindly consented to repeat his lecture in that lodge at a very early meeting . [ We have received a copy of Bro . Holmes' very interesting lecture , and regret our space precludes its insertion , at least for the present . ]
HOLYHEAD . —St . CybiLodge ( "late Hibcn ; ia ) , No 597 . —A regular meeting of the above lodge was held in the lodge-room , Marine Hotel , on the 2 nd ult . There were present : Bros . John Peters , W . M . ; J . Lloyd Griffith , S . W . ; William Lewis , J . W .: Owen R . Ellis , Secretary ; John Ellis , S . D . ;
Dr . Owen Williams , J . D . ; Bev . O . Williams Jones , Chap . ; William Evans , Steward ; James Lloyd , I . G . ; Samuel Hughes , Tyler ; and a fair muster of the brethren . The lodge having been opened , the opening ode sung , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . called upon the
Secretary to read the confirmation of the revised by-laws , which had been received from the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Sir Watkin W . Wynn , together with his sanction to have the name of the lodge changed from that of " Hibernia " to the " Lodge of St . Cybi ; " also a letter from the G . S ., Bro . John
Hervey , stating that the lodge had been duly registered in the Grand Lodge books , under its new name of St . Cybi . The W . M . then said he had much pleasure in declaring that the Lodge of . SV . Cybi was duly opened , which declaration was received with general satisfaction . After this , the
ballot was taken round for the following gentlemen as candidates for initiation , viz .: Messrs . William Ankers , Richard Jones , Robert Parry , Stephen Dyer , and David Davics ; also for Bro . J . Hughes , of Hcskcth Lodge , No . 950 , and Bro . F . Bapty , W . M . of the Lod ? e of Israel , No . 126 , Ireland , as
joining members . The result proved favourable in each case . Accordingly , the above-named candidates were regularly initiated , the ceremony being most ably performed by the W . M . and Jus colleagues . Bros . Henry Evans and John Hughes were advanced to the degree of Master Masons , the
solemnity of the service , accompanied with suitable music , rendering the whole performance very impressive . The W . M . proceeded to lodge business , and Bro . J . LI . Griffith , S . W ., called upon the Secretary to show the design for a seal , which he had been requested to makn for the 1 sc of the
lodge , from the image of St . Cybi above the church door . It was produced accordingly , and after due inspection , was unanimously adopted , a vote of thanks being passed to that official for the pains he had taken in the matter . After receiving propositions and compliments , the W . M . closed the lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in perfect peace , harmony , and concord . » A Lodge of Emergency was held in the lodge--room , Marine Hotel , on the 6 th ult ., for the purpose of passing Bros . William Jones and James Knowles Morris . Most of the officers were present , and a
good few of the members . After opening the lodge , * - and going through the usual preliminaries , the two brethren above-named were advanced to the degree of F . C . Freemasonry . The lodge was then reduced , and closed in due form .
LIVERPOOL . — Walton Lodge , No . 1086 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , on the 18 th October . Present : Bros . Joseph C . Lunt , W . M . ; R . Abraham , S . W . ; J . P . McArthur , J . W . ; J . Grimes , S . D . ; H . Hughes , J . D . ; C . McEwen , I . G . ; J . Ellis ,
Steward ; J . L . Parry , Org . ; Mott , P . P . S . G . D .. ; William Archer , P . M ., Treas . ; John Lunt and James Goodacre , P . M . ' s ; and a large attendance of members . Visitors : Bros . Hamer , P . P . G . Treas . j Baker , P . G . S ., W . M . 241 ; Horbury , ' P . M . 605 , W . M . 1325 ; Pemberton , P . M . 1264 ; Wells , J . W .
580 ; & c . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , when the ballot was taken for Mr . R . H . Houldin , which proved unanimous in his favour , and hebeing in attendance , was most ably and impressively initiated by the W . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren
adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by the W . M ., who proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The visiting brethren vied with each other in praising the excellent working they had witnessed . The pleasures of the evening were very agreeably enhanced by the singing of Bros .
Mott , Baker , Mabrick , and Wells . The brethren separated highly satisfied with all the arrangements made for their comfort . An emergency meeting was held on Tuesday , the 24 th ult ., for arrears of business , when Bros . Rogers , Thomas , and Shandley were passed to the degree of F . C ., and Bro .
John Walker raised to the sublime degree of M . M . OAKHAM , RUTLAND . — Vale Catmoss Lodge , No . 1265 . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , Oct . 25 th , this being the day appointed for the election of W . M ., Bro . Duncombe , P . G . A . D . C . for Norths , and Hunts ., the S . W ., was
duly elected . Visitors : Bros . Rev , William Langley , P . M . 50 and 1130 , P . P . G . S . W . ; Rev . W . KV Robinson , P . M . 1130 , P . P . G . Chaplain ; Douglas , P . M . 1130 , P . P . G . S . D . ; Orford , P . M . 466 , P . P . G . S . W . for Norths , and Hunts . The lodge was soon afterwards closed , and the brethren
partook of refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . SKACOMHE , CHESHIRE .- IVarreu Lodge , Ao . 1276 . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , Stanley Arms' Hotel , Seacombe , on the 17 th October , for the purpose of installing Bro .
Thomas Somerville Jones , the W . M .-elect . There was a large attendance of members and visitors , amongst the latter being : Bros . Henry Bulley , P . P . G . J . W . ; J . P . Piatt , P . P . G . J . W . ; JT S . Hamer , P . P . G . T . W . Lan . ; William Bulley , P . P . G . J . D . ; Thomas Piatt , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . T . Lea , P . G . Supt . of
Works ; H . Williams , P . M . 249 ; H . Davies , P . M . 605 ; J . Pemberton , P . M . 1264 ; C . H . Hill , P . M . 1276 , W . M . 724 , 321 ; E . Mignctt , W . M . 537 ; J . F . Jones , W . M . 1276 ; with other well-known Masons . The minutes of tlie previous lodge having been confirmed , a ballot was then taken for Dr . Bell , a
candidate for initiation , who was accepted and duly initiated by Bro . J . F . Jones , the W . M . Bro . T . S . Jones , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . William Bulley in a most impressive manner . Bro . Jones then proceeded to invest as his officers : Bros . J . F . | ones , I . P . M . ; Molt , S . W . ;
Earp , J . W . ; Ward , Sec . ; Ridehnlgb , S . D . ; Pennington , J . . ; Taylor , I . G . ; McKay , I . ooney . Cato , and Price , Stewards ; and Mills , Tyler . The Auditors' report showed a considerable balance in hand , thus proving the lodge to be in a sound and healthy condition . The W . . \ L , in the name of the
lodge , and in very flattering terms , presented a Past Master's jewel to Bro . James F . Jones , I . P . M ., for his valuable services to the lodge during the past year , for which he returned thanks in suitable terms . The lodge was then closed down in due form and perfect harmony by the W . M ., and the
brethren adjourned to the house of Bio . Stokes , the Seacombe Hotel , where they sat down to a sumptuous banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodg-, No . 5326 . —On the 10 th ult .. this prosperous lodge held its regular
meeting at the Lion Motel , Hampton . Bro . J . T . Moss , I . P . M . and Treasurer ( who had come from Margate purposely to initiate several personal friends he had proposed ) , by desire of the W . M ., Bro . Samuel Wickens . opened the lodge . The minutes of the
last regular and several emergency meetings were read and confirmed , after which the dispensation , granted by the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett , under very special circumstances , and authorising the initiation of more than live candidates at this meeting , was read . Bro . John Hay ward ( 946 ) was then