Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Poor , that Mr . Roushlomu , be a candidate for admission into Freemasoury , the next regular Lodge , night providing the ballot be clear . The Secretary then read the financial account of tho lodge for the past year , which was considered very satisfactory fortius young lodge . 'Ihe lodge then closed down in solemn form at 8 . 30 . when the brethren then adjoined to Bro . Haymain ' s
for the annual banquet , which was sewed up m the usual style , where the brethren spent a pleasant eveuing and left at 11 . 30 . p . m . in peace and harmony . Visiting brethren Bros . Williams , P . M ., 70 ; Nicholls , 202 ; Tretheway , S . W ., 159 ; Elliott 215 ; Kent , P . M ., 1091 ; AVelch , P . M ., 1130 Elphlnstone , Walsh , Courn , Truseott . DENBIGH , "YOUTH WALES . —Royal Denligh Lodge , No
1143 . —The installation festival of this well-managed and prosperous lodge was held at the Town Hall , Denbigh , on Friday , the 19 th inst , present Bro . John Copner AVynne Edwards , W . M ., attended by his Wardens , Officers , and a goodly number ot brethren , members , aud visitors . The lodge having been opened in due form , and Bro . John Ormiston , of Wig air , Flintshire , the W . M .-elect , being
presented , he engaged to accept the otlice of Muster , aud was afterwards , before a board of Installed Masters , duly installed in the ohair by Bro . John Preece , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M ., ( who , an ace > mplisbed Master iu Craft Masonry , is about removing from Denbigh to the city of Lichfield . ) The W . JL , upon the Iodg ^ being resumed in the third degree , proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , viz : —
Bros . J . C . W . Edwards , P . M . ; Richard Lloyd Williams , S . W . ; the Rev . J . II . Roberts , J . W . ; the Rev . Henry Parry , Bylchau , Chaplain ; John Parry Jones , Treasurer ; W . P . Beecham , Secretary ; Martin underwood , S . D . ; Robert James Sisson , J . D . ; John K . Hughes , I . G . ; and Bros . Thomas Sleight and Robert Harrison , Stewards . Bro . Preece having retired , the W . M . brought forward
tho subject of their approaching loss of his valuable assistance , which all- -whilst feeling glad at his preferment by the eminent banking company ( the N . P . Bank of England ) whose successful and faithful manager he has been for many years iu Denbigh—deeply regretted . And it was resolved— " That the brethren of this lodge have heard with regret of the intended departure of Bro .
Preece , P . P . S . G . W ., North Wales and Shropshire , out of the Province ; and thvt fully recognising the great services rendered by him to the Craft , and in order to mark their sense of the loss which will be sustained b y his departure , du invite the neighbouring lodges that have benefited by his experience , to unite with them in som " . suitable expression of their lasting regard . " A
subscription amounting to nearly £ 30 was at once entered into in the lodge . The business of the circular , including the initiation of Dr . I ' van Pierce Williams ofthe Abbey , Denbigh , having been satisfactorily concluded , aud tlie lodge closed in ancient form , the brethren adjourned to a banquet at tlie Crown Hotel , supplied in the best taste by mine host Bro . H . Creswell Murle-s . late of the Isle of
Wight . The Koyal Denbigh Lodge , so much distinguished for its having been presided over in the last century by H . R . H . the Duke of Susscx . and bv that Prince in Wales Sir Watkin W . Wynn , Bart , M . P ., P . G M . ; recently , possesses in its new rank some very worthy and distinguished brethren , maintains its character for hospitality , and is already noted , since its resuscitation some few
years ago , for its constant aud liberal support of the charities . The good Masonic spiiit of mauy of its members always iusures an evening of pleasurable enjoyment , and amongst them—well-deserving of the posts of honour given them—have been Bros . J . Preece , R . Vanghau AVilliams , J . C . W . Kdwnrds , P . M . ' s , and tho W . M . ; who , by their geni . il warmth of disposition , kindness of
manner , and courteous attention have contributed materially to the success of the lodge . On the present occasion , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were proposed and rcspondcil to in excellent speeches , intermixed with some good singing , which rendered the evening a most pleasing one . The visitors attending tho festival were Bros . C . Hunter , Lodge of St . Tudor , No . 755 , and John Jones , Zetland Lodge , No . 15 , Montreal , Canada .
The Royal Arch.
JIKTIIOPOIJ ITAN . Domatic Chapter , No . 177 . —At a meeting of this Chapter on Thursday week at Anderton ' s Hotel , Comps . It . VV . Little , M . IvZ . ; John Coutts , H . ; 11 . G . Buss , S . E Thos . Cubitt , P . S . ; J . W . Barrett . 2 nd A . S . ; Joseph Smith , Treasurer ; T . A . Adams , V . ' A . ; C . A . CottcUruno P . Z . ; Jas . Brett . P . Z .: E . Sisson . P . Z : nn , 1 n ,.. m . „
yrrell , 1 ' / were tho olhcers present . Bro .. I . Lawrence was exalted . No other business was before the Chapter and the Compo . sat down to an excellent banquet supplied by Camps . Clemow , and superintended b y Comp Smith . The usual R . A . toasts followed the banquet , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Among the other Comp .-- . present were U-mpo . J . Jl . Williams , Mont . Scott John Hervey , G . S . K ., Richd Lee , 11 . Geddes . J . M . Thisj gin "U * T' H * y ' wfir ( 1 - D * ' - Still and H . Massey ,
ritovixciAi * .. llAUFAX . —Clmptcr of Jtcifiihtriti ,, No . 448 . —The regular monthl y meeting of this chapter was held at the new Masonic Temple , on Monday , the 2 flth ult . The acting officeiswero : Comps . S . W . Cooke , P . E . Z : G Normanton , P . Z as II . ; R . Lord . J . ; VV . J . Laidler . as E . ; J . Seed , as N . ; II . N . Bates , P . Z .. Treas .: T . JL Dohm ¦
»¦ I . *> . ; A Roberts , A . S . ; N . W . . Vmolefield , as A . S . ; and J . Greenwood , P / ., Janitor . The usual routine business ' laving been transacted the ballot was subsequently taken for Bro . Richa rd Jessop , ofthe St . James ' s Lodge , No 448 who was unanimously elected , and he was subsequently exalted to the degree of R . A . by Comp Cooke the tnstorical portion being very ably given by Comp . A Lupton ; after which the Chapter was closed with solemn prayer .
The Royal Arch.
LlVEEPOOL . —Temple Chapter , No . 1094 . —This young and prosperous Chapter held its regular convocation , at Masonic Temple 22 , Hope-street , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd inst ., the officers present being R . H . C . Johnson , M . E . Z . ; J . K . Smith , H . ; J . Hamer , J . ; Comp . Speer , Treas . ; Sheldon , S . N . ; Dauson , S . E . ; Robinson , P . Soj . ; and other Comps . were also in attendance . Five
brethren of the Temple Lodge were balloted for and approved of . Bros . Morley aud Walters , having presented themselves , were exalted to the Supreme degree _ of II . R . A . Masonry . This being the night for the election of oflicers during the ensuing year , the following were declared by the M . E . Z . duly elected , J . K . Smith , as Z . ; Hamer , H .: Robinson , J . ; Donaon , E . ; AVinstanley , N . ;
Pembertou , P . Soj . Comp . Speer was again elected Ireas ., the ballot being unanimous . The Chapter was afterwards solemnly closed , and the Comps . sat down to a substantial repast . After dinner , the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed by the M . E . Z ., and cordially responded to . The principal toast of the evening being the newly-exalted Comps . After some appropriate remarks upon the subject by tbe 1 st Principal ; Comp . Morley
responded" , and in doing so remarked that he was much pleased with the ceremony he had passed through , the kindness which had been shown him , aud trusted that so long as he lived he should be always actuated by true Masonic principles , and that the Temple Chapter would never have occasion to regret having admitted him into Companionship . The Chapter has uot yet beeu in existence twelve months , and already numbers nearly forty members .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND MARK . LODGE . The half-yearly Communication ofthe Grand Lodge of Mark Masters took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday evening . The Grand Master , the Rev . G . It . Portal , presided , with Bro . John Udall , Acting S G . W . ; Bro . Sir John Conroy , J . W ., and Bro . Sir E . H . Lechmere , D . G M . There , was a numerous attendance of the brethren of the degree , and among those who were
present we noticed Bros . T . Meggy , T . Wescombe , Joshua Nunn , James Stevens , T . J . Sabine , H . C . Levander ; the Revs . T . F . R . ivenshaw , John Huyshe , and D . Shaboe , A . D . Loewenstark , M . A . Loewenstark , R . Speucer , J . II . Wynne , Geo . Lambert , Major Brewin , Langley , Morton EAwards , P . Binckes ( G . Secretary ) , T . Fenn , VV . E . Gumbleton , C . Swan , S . Rosenthal ,
F . Davidson , J . G . Marsh , XV . H . AVair , James Weaver , and H . Massey . Prev ious to Grand Lodge being opened a Lodge of Improvement was held , at which the ceremony of advancement was exquisitely performed with Bro MriL-gy as W . M . ; Hro . Sabine , S . W . ; Bro . A .. 1 ) . Loewenst-uk J . W . ; Bro . H . C Levander , M . O . ; Bro . R . Spencer , S . ' > . ; Bro , Jas . Stevens , J O . ; Bro . Wynne , I . G . ;
and Bro . Binckes , D . The pcrfoimance gave the G . M . so much satisfaction that he iuunedi-itely appointed Bro . Meggy as VV . M . of that Lodge of Improvement . Grand Lodge having beeu formally opened Bro . BINCKES , G . Secretary , read the miuutes of last halfyearly Communication , nnd the next business being the nomination of a Grand Master for the ensuing year :
Bro . LEVANDMI rose and said ; I have great pleasure in bringing before the notice of Grand Lodge , and to nominate as Most Worshipful Grand Master for tho ensuing year , the Brother who so excellently fills that office at present . I feel that all the brethren here present will agree in electing him to till the office of M . W . G . M . for next year . ( Cheers ) .
Bro . A . D . LOKIVEX . ST . MIK seconded the motion , and mentioned that as Bro . Uoulty , G . Sup . of Works , had died since his appointment , it would be necessary to invest eome one else . Bro . BINCK ' - ' S said thc matter had not been forgotten , and would be considered later i ' . i the evening . The Report of the General Board was then read by
the G . S . Among other matt ¦ rs it alluded to tho Scotch Grand Chapter , which had advised its own Mark Lodgea in tho Colonies not to admit Mark Ma-ons advanced in Lodges holding warrants from this Graud Lodge .. It also referred to the subject of the Hebrew letter on the reverse ofthe Mark Jewel , and then took up the question of the Benevolent Fund attached to Grand Lodge .
Respecting the Festival held in July , at which ladies were present , it stated that the festival was most successful , something like £ 80 having been contributed to the Benevolent Fund on that occasion . The funds of Grand Lodge were in a prosperous state , 150 new brethren having been ndv . inced , nnd £ ' 2 ' J 1 lis . "d . having been received . Against this X ! : i 3 9 s . had been expended ;
leaving a balance of i'ltiS 2 s . 7 d . in hand . Two brethren had been relieved with sums of A' 5 each . Bro . MEOUY moved that the Benevolent Fund Festival bo repeated next year , that thc Board of Stewards should be entrusted with its promotion , and that ladies should be admitted to it . On tho last occasion that festival was very successful , although power to organise
it was given to the Stewards only in June . Such a result , he thought , justified them coming again and asking Grand Lodge to empower thuni to do a similar thing next summer . The , M . W . G . M . deserved the best thanks of the brethren for the kind way in which he came forward an 1 presided at that festival . He thought that if Grand Lodge g » vo tho powers asked for to the stewards at once they would be able to get more
brethren and ladies together than before , aud obtain a still larger contribution to tho Benevolent Fund next year . Perhaps next festival might be conveniently held a little earlier in the year . Bro . SABINK in seconding the motion , slid that as one of the festival Stewards he could bear his testimony to tho success of the experiment . It was true it was the first of the kind , and was imperfectly understood ; added to which the short notice the stewards had of it , prevented
Mark Masonry.
so large an attendance as he was sure would be the result of a future trial The M . W . G . M ., the D . G . M ., and the other brethren present , who were partakers of the enjoyment of that fete must be impressed not only with the necessity of such a gathering , but with the advantages it gave to the Fuud of Benevolence . He hoped however that in future ample provision would be made for the
accommodation of an increased number of visiters . Sir E . LECHMERE thought there should be some understanding whether the brethren should wear Mark clothing at these festivals . There was no doubt that the last festival was most successful , but there was the one defect to which he had alluded—no one knew whether he was to appear in Masonic clothing or not . The circulars to
brethren might state what was expected m this way . Again , a larger room might be engaged ; the festival was numerously attended both by brethren and ladies , and it was certainly a most pleasant gathering , but it was a hot day and the room was small , which he thought slightly marred the pleasure of some ladies who felt a little inconveniently crowded .
Bro . ROSENTHAL explained that on account of the doubts expressed at last Grand Lodge that the festival would be successful , the Stewards were very cautious about engaging a large room . Bvo . UDALI . would suggest that in future the tickets should state that brethren should attend in Mark Master's clothing .
Bro . BINCKKS believed that was the general feeling . AVith regard to the size of the room , the G . M . would remember the doubts which had been entertained by many brethren ofthe possibility ofthe festival succeeding . Those brethren were now converts to the views of the promoters . Next time there would be a larger room ; but it was felt that success depended much on the filling
of the apartment ; that it was better to have a moderate sized room well filled than a large room scantily filled . Bi-o . JlEGor informed the G . L . that up to the day of the festival only 40 replies had come in , and the Stewarda engaged a room capable of holding 40 persons ; but 53 came , and as the dimensions of some of the brethren were considerable , tbe room was rather closely packed
( laughter ) . Bro . WYNNE testified to the encouraging results of the experiment . Bro . Rosenthal provided the harmony and a vote of thanks to him and the professional ladies and gentlemen who assisted was but th ir due , seeing that no charge was made for their services ; and he ( Bro . Wynne ) would move such vote of thanks .
Bio . SIIABOE seconded it , M . W . G . M . then asked the Grand Lodge . The motion tbat the festival be repeated next year , and that the brethren wear . Mark clothing on thxt occasion was then put and earned unanimously . The motion that the thanks of Grand Lodge be given to Bro . Rosenthal for providing the music was also put
and carried ncm . con . It was also proposed to give tho Gwnd Master further powers with respect to the action which had been taken by the Grand Chapter of Scotland in advising Mark Lodges in the colonies holding Scotch warrants not to recognise English Mark if asters . At a time when the English Grand Mark Lodge waa trying its best to get the
Scotch Grand Chapter at any rate to admit its members into their lodge ou producing their English certificates , he thought it a very aggressive attitude for their Scottish brethren to assume , and it would strengthen , he thought , the Grand Lodge of Murk Masters of England if power were given to him to grant , if he saw fit , warrants for English Lodges in Scotland .
Bro . HursiiE would not be willing to see such a power used towards a friendly body ; but when he found that tho Grand Chapter of Scotland not merely cast us off , but actually compelled their own lodges abroad not to receive Mark Jlasons acting under the authority of this Grand Lodge , it became necessary that the G . M . of English Mark Masonry should have the additional power ho sought .
Such power might be used in a very tyrannical manner no doubt , but in the hands of such a Grand Master as Bro . Portal , he was sure it would not be used in a way that would uot redound to his courtesy . After a few remarks from Bros . LAMBERT , GUMBLETON , BINCKES , and LOEWENSTAUK , as to different jurisdictions ,
Bro . JOSHUA NUNN wished to ask , if he was not treading on dangerous ground , whether as a new Grand Master of England was about to be proposed it would not bo better to seek recognition by Grand Lodge , of ihe Mark Degree . He thought it would be a happy thing for all branches o { Freemasonry if such a proposition was put forward at the proper time .
Bro . SIIABOE thought the suggestion a good one , and Bro . Sir K . LECIIMERK highly commended it . Not being recognised by the United Grand Lodga grated on Mark Ma-ons' feelings . If there was thc slightest opportunity or the slightest hope of such a recognition being secured , it ought not to be lost sight of . The brother who it was expected would bo chosen for Grand Master was a brother
of broad and enlarged views , and of gnat liberality of feeling , and would most likely look ou this question most favourably . In the meantime ho thought they should plate iu the hands of Hro . Portal the power he asked for , and he hoped Bro . Nunn would bricg hia suggestion forward again . Several brethren having recommended that the subject should be brought before Earl do Grey and Ripon ,
Bit . JAMES STKVENH thought that no namo should bo mentioned on the minutes of this meeting , as the new Grand Master was not yet even proposed : ho was merely spoken of us likely to bo nominated head and chief of the craft , and if this Grand Lodge were to place anything on its minutes which took it for granted that Earl de Grey would bo Graud Master , when it was not a . matter of certainty that he would be elected , it might give offence . Under those circumstances it would bo as well
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Poor , that Mr . Roushlomu , be a candidate for admission into Freemasoury , the next regular Lodge , night providing the ballot be clear . The Secretary then read the financial account of tho lodge for the past year , which was considered very satisfactory fortius young lodge . 'Ihe lodge then closed down in solemn form at 8 . 30 . when the brethren then adjoined to Bro . Haymain ' s
for the annual banquet , which was sewed up m the usual style , where the brethren spent a pleasant eveuing and left at 11 . 30 . p . m . in peace and harmony . Visiting brethren Bros . Williams , P . M ., 70 ; Nicholls , 202 ; Tretheway , S . W ., 159 ; Elliott 215 ; Kent , P . M ., 1091 ; AVelch , P . M ., 1130 Elphlnstone , Walsh , Courn , Truseott . DENBIGH , "YOUTH WALES . —Royal Denligh Lodge , No
1143 . —The installation festival of this well-managed and prosperous lodge was held at the Town Hall , Denbigh , on Friday , the 19 th inst , present Bro . John Copner AVynne Edwards , W . M ., attended by his Wardens , Officers , and a goodly number ot brethren , members , aud visitors . The lodge having been opened in due form , and Bro . John Ormiston , of Wig air , Flintshire , the W . M .-elect , being
presented , he engaged to accept the otlice of Muster , aud was afterwards , before a board of Installed Masters , duly installed in the ohair by Bro . John Preece , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M ., ( who , an ace > mplisbed Master iu Craft Masonry , is about removing from Denbigh to the city of Lichfield . ) The W . JL , upon the Iodg ^ being resumed in the third degree , proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , viz : —
Bros . J . C . W . Edwards , P . M . ; Richard Lloyd Williams , S . W . ; the Rev . J . II . Roberts , J . W . ; the Rev . Henry Parry , Bylchau , Chaplain ; John Parry Jones , Treasurer ; W . P . Beecham , Secretary ; Martin underwood , S . D . ; Robert James Sisson , J . D . ; John K . Hughes , I . G . ; and Bros . Thomas Sleight and Robert Harrison , Stewards . Bro . Preece having retired , the W . M . brought forward
tho subject of their approaching loss of his valuable assistance , which all- -whilst feeling glad at his preferment by the eminent banking company ( the N . P . Bank of England ) whose successful and faithful manager he has been for many years iu Denbigh—deeply regretted . And it was resolved— " That the brethren of this lodge have heard with regret of the intended departure of Bro .
Preece , P . P . S . G . W ., North Wales and Shropshire , out of the Province ; and thvt fully recognising the great services rendered by him to the Craft , and in order to mark their sense of the loss which will be sustained b y his departure , du invite the neighbouring lodges that have benefited by his experience , to unite with them in som " . suitable expression of their lasting regard . " A
subscription amounting to nearly £ 30 was at once entered into in the lodge . The business of the circular , including the initiation of Dr . I ' van Pierce Williams ofthe Abbey , Denbigh , having been satisfactorily concluded , aud tlie lodge closed in ancient form , the brethren adjourned to a banquet at tlie Crown Hotel , supplied in the best taste by mine host Bro . H . Creswell Murle-s . late of the Isle of
Wight . The Koyal Denbigh Lodge , so much distinguished for its having been presided over in the last century by H . R . H . the Duke of Susscx . and bv that Prince in Wales Sir Watkin W . Wynn , Bart , M . P ., P . G M . ; recently , possesses in its new rank some very worthy and distinguished brethren , maintains its character for hospitality , and is already noted , since its resuscitation some few
years ago , for its constant aud liberal support of the charities . The good Masonic spiiit of mauy of its members always iusures an evening of pleasurable enjoyment , and amongst them—well-deserving of the posts of honour given them—have been Bros . J . Preece , R . Vanghau AVilliams , J . C . W . Kdwnrds , P . M . ' s , and tho W . M . ; who , by their geni . il warmth of disposition , kindness of
manner , and courteous attention have contributed materially to the success of the lodge . On the present occasion , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were proposed and rcspondcil to in excellent speeches , intermixed with some good singing , which rendered the evening a most pleasing one . The visitors attending tho festival were Bros . C . Hunter , Lodge of St . Tudor , No . 755 , and John Jones , Zetland Lodge , No . 15 , Montreal , Canada .
The Royal Arch.
JIKTIIOPOIJ ITAN . Domatic Chapter , No . 177 . —At a meeting of this Chapter on Thursday week at Anderton ' s Hotel , Comps . It . VV . Little , M . IvZ . ; John Coutts , H . ; 11 . G . Buss , S . E Thos . Cubitt , P . S . ; J . W . Barrett . 2 nd A . S . ; Joseph Smith , Treasurer ; T . A . Adams , V . ' A . ; C . A . CottcUruno P . Z . ; Jas . Brett . P . Z .: E . Sisson . P . Z : nn , 1 n ,.. m . „
yrrell , 1 ' / were tho olhcers present . Bro .. I . Lawrence was exalted . No other business was before the Chapter and the Compo . sat down to an excellent banquet supplied by Camps . Clemow , and superintended b y Comp Smith . The usual R . A . toasts followed the banquet , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Among the other Comp .-- . present were U-mpo . J . Jl . Williams , Mont . Scott John Hervey , G . S . K ., Richd Lee , 11 . Geddes . J . M . Thisj gin "U * T' H * y ' wfir ( 1 - D * ' - Still and H . Massey ,
ritovixciAi * .. llAUFAX . —Clmptcr of Jtcifiihtriti ,, No . 448 . —The regular monthl y meeting of this chapter was held at the new Masonic Temple , on Monday , the 2 flth ult . The acting officeiswero : Comps . S . W . Cooke , P . E . Z : G Normanton , P . Z as II . ; R . Lord . J . ; VV . J . Laidler . as E . ; J . Seed , as N . ; II . N . Bates , P . Z .. Treas .: T . JL Dohm ¦
»¦ I . *> . ; A Roberts , A . S . ; N . W . . Vmolefield , as A . S . ; and J . Greenwood , P / ., Janitor . The usual routine business ' laving been transacted the ballot was subsequently taken for Bro . Richa rd Jessop , ofthe St . James ' s Lodge , No 448 who was unanimously elected , and he was subsequently exalted to the degree of R . A . by Comp Cooke the tnstorical portion being very ably given by Comp . A Lupton ; after which the Chapter was closed with solemn prayer .
The Royal Arch.
LlVEEPOOL . —Temple Chapter , No . 1094 . —This young and prosperous Chapter held its regular convocation , at Masonic Temple 22 , Hope-street , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd inst ., the officers present being R . H . C . Johnson , M . E . Z . ; J . K . Smith , H . ; J . Hamer , J . ; Comp . Speer , Treas . ; Sheldon , S . N . ; Dauson , S . E . ; Robinson , P . Soj . ; and other Comps . were also in attendance . Five
brethren of the Temple Lodge were balloted for and approved of . Bros . Morley aud Walters , having presented themselves , were exalted to the Supreme degree _ of II . R . A . Masonry . This being the night for the election of oflicers during the ensuing year , the following were declared by the M . E . Z . duly elected , J . K . Smith , as Z . ; Hamer , H .: Robinson , J . ; Donaon , E . ; AVinstanley , N . ;
Pembertou , P . Soj . Comp . Speer was again elected Ireas ., the ballot being unanimous . The Chapter was afterwards solemnly closed , and the Comps . sat down to a substantial repast . After dinner , the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed by the M . E . Z ., and cordially responded to . The principal toast of the evening being the newly-exalted Comps . After some appropriate remarks upon the subject by tbe 1 st Principal ; Comp . Morley
responded" , and in doing so remarked that he was much pleased with the ceremony he had passed through , the kindness which had been shown him , aud trusted that so long as he lived he should be always actuated by true Masonic principles , and that the Temple Chapter would never have occasion to regret having admitted him into Companionship . The Chapter has uot yet beeu in existence twelve months , and already numbers nearly forty members .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND MARK . LODGE . The half-yearly Communication ofthe Grand Lodge of Mark Masters took place at Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday evening . The Grand Master , the Rev . G . It . Portal , presided , with Bro . John Udall , Acting S G . W . ; Bro . Sir John Conroy , J . W ., and Bro . Sir E . H . Lechmere , D . G M . There , was a numerous attendance of the brethren of the degree , and among those who were
present we noticed Bros . T . Meggy , T . Wescombe , Joshua Nunn , James Stevens , T . J . Sabine , H . C . Levander ; the Revs . T . F . R . ivenshaw , John Huyshe , and D . Shaboe , A . D . Loewenstark , M . A . Loewenstark , R . Speucer , J . II . Wynne , Geo . Lambert , Major Brewin , Langley , Morton EAwards , P . Binckes ( G . Secretary ) , T . Fenn , VV . E . Gumbleton , C . Swan , S . Rosenthal ,
F . Davidson , J . G . Marsh , XV . H . AVair , James Weaver , and H . Massey . Prev ious to Grand Lodge being opened a Lodge of Improvement was held , at which the ceremony of advancement was exquisitely performed with Bro MriL-gy as W . M . ; Hro . Sabine , S . W . ; Bro . A .. 1 ) . Loewenst-uk J . W . ; Bro . H . C Levander , M . O . ; Bro . R . Spencer , S . ' > . ; Bro , Jas . Stevens , J O . ; Bro . Wynne , I . G . ;
and Bro . Binckes , D . The pcrfoimance gave the G . M . so much satisfaction that he iuunedi-itely appointed Bro . Meggy as VV . M . of that Lodge of Improvement . Grand Lodge having beeu formally opened Bro . BINCKES , G . Secretary , read the miuutes of last halfyearly Communication , nnd the next business being the nomination of a Grand Master for the ensuing year :
Bro . LEVANDMI rose and said ; I have great pleasure in bringing before the notice of Grand Lodge , and to nominate as Most Worshipful Grand Master for tho ensuing year , the Brother who so excellently fills that office at present . I feel that all the brethren here present will agree in electing him to till the office of M . W . G . M . for next year . ( Cheers ) .
Bro . A . D . LOKIVEX . ST . MIK seconded the motion , and mentioned that as Bro . Uoulty , G . Sup . of Works , had died since his appointment , it would be necessary to invest eome one else . Bro . BINCK ' - ' S said thc matter had not been forgotten , and would be considered later i ' . i the evening . The Report of the General Board was then read by
the G . S . Among other matt ¦ rs it alluded to tho Scotch Grand Chapter , which had advised its own Mark Lodgea in tho Colonies not to admit Mark Ma-ons advanced in Lodges holding warrants from this Graud Lodge .. It also referred to the subject of the Hebrew letter on the reverse ofthe Mark Jewel , and then took up the question of the Benevolent Fund attached to Grand Lodge .
Respecting the Festival held in July , at which ladies were present , it stated that the festival was most successful , something like £ 80 having been contributed to the Benevolent Fund on that occasion . The funds of Grand Lodge were in a prosperous state , 150 new brethren having been ndv . inced , nnd £ ' 2 ' J 1 lis . "d . having been received . Against this X ! : i 3 9 s . had been expended ;
leaving a balance of i'ltiS 2 s . 7 d . in hand . Two brethren had been relieved with sums of A' 5 each . Bro . MEOUY moved that the Benevolent Fund Festival bo repeated next year , that thc Board of Stewards should be entrusted with its promotion , and that ladies should be admitted to it . On tho last occasion that festival was very successful , although power to organise
it was given to the Stewards only in June . Such a result , he thought , justified them coming again and asking Grand Lodge to empower thuni to do a similar thing next summer . The , M . W . G . M . deserved the best thanks of the brethren for the kind way in which he came forward an 1 presided at that festival . He thought that if Grand Lodge g » vo tho powers asked for to the stewards at once they would be able to get more
brethren and ladies together than before , aud obtain a still larger contribution to tho Benevolent Fund next year . Perhaps next festival might be conveniently held a little earlier in the year . Bro . SABINK in seconding the motion , slid that as one of the festival Stewards he could bear his testimony to tho success of the experiment . It was true it was the first of the kind , and was imperfectly understood ; added to which the short notice the stewards had of it , prevented
Mark Masonry.
so large an attendance as he was sure would be the result of a future trial The M . W . G . M ., the D . G . M ., and the other brethren present , who were partakers of the enjoyment of that fete must be impressed not only with the necessity of such a gathering , but with the advantages it gave to the Fuud of Benevolence . He hoped however that in future ample provision would be made for the
accommodation of an increased number of visiters . Sir E . LECHMERE thought there should be some understanding whether the brethren should wear Mark clothing at these festivals . There was no doubt that the last festival was most successful , but there was the one defect to which he had alluded—no one knew whether he was to appear in Masonic clothing or not . The circulars to
brethren might state what was expected m this way . Again , a larger room might be engaged ; the festival was numerously attended both by brethren and ladies , and it was certainly a most pleasant gathering , but it was a hot day and the room was small , which he thought slightly marred the pleasure of some ladies who felt a little inconveniently crowded .
Bro . ROSENTHAL explained that on account of the doubts expressed at last Grand Lodge that the festival would be successful , the Stewards were very cautious about engaging a large room . Bvo . UDALI . would suggest that in future the tickets should state that brethren should attend in Mark Master's clothing .
Bro . BINCKKS believed that was the general feeling . AVith regard to the size of the room , the G . M . would remember the doubts which had been entertained by many brethren ofthe possibility ofthe festival succeeding . Those brethren were now converts to the views of the promoters . Next time there would be a larger room ; but it was felt that success depended much on the filling
of the apartment ; that it was better to have a moderate sized room well filled than a large room scantily filled . Bi-o . JlEGor informed the G . L . that up to the day of the festival only 40 replies had come in , and the Stewarda engaged a room capable of holding 40 persons ; but 53 came , and as the dimensions of some of the brethren were considerable , tbe room was rather closely packed
( laughter ) . Bro . WYNNE testified to the encouraging results of the experiment . Bro . Rosenthal provided the harmony and a vote of thanks to him and the professional ladies and gentlemen who assisted was but th ir due , seeing that no charge was made for their services ; and he ( Bro . Wynne ) would move such vote of thanks .
Bio . SIIABOE seconded it , M . W . G . M . then asked the Grand Lodge . The motion tbat the festival be repeated next year , and that the brethren wear . Mark clothing on thxt occasion was then put and earned unanimously . The motion that the thanks of Grand Lodge be given to Bro . Rosenthal for providing the music was also put
and carried ncm . con . It was also proposed to give tho Gwnd Master further powers with respect to the action which had been taken by the Grand Chapter of Scotland in advising Mark Lodges in the colonies holding Scotch warrants not to recognise English Mark if asters . At a time when the English Grand Mark Lodge waa trying its best to get the
Scotch Grand Chapter at any rate to admit its members into their lodge ou producing their English certificates , he thought it a very aggressive attitude for their Scottish brethren to assume , and it would strengthen , he thought , the Grand Lodge of Murk Masters of England if power were given to him to grant , if he saw fit , warrants for English Lodges in Scotland .
Bro . HursiiE would not be willing to see such a power used towards a friendly body ; but when he found that tho Grand Chapter of Scotland not merely cast us off , but actually compelled their own lodges abroad not to receive Mark Jlasons acting under the authority of this Grand Lodge , it became necessary that the G . M . of English Mark Masonry should have the additional power ho sought .
Such power might be used in a very tyrannical manner no doubt , but in the hands of such a Grand Master as Bro . Portal , he was sure it would not be used in a way that would uot redound to his courtesy . After a few remarks from Bros . LAMBERT , GUMBLETON , BINCKES , and LOEWENSTAUK , as to different jurisdictions ,
Bro . JOSHUA NUNN wished to ask , if he was not treading on dangerous ground , whether as a new Grand Master of England was about to be proposed it would not bo better to seek recognition by Grand Lodge , of ihe Mark Degree . He thought it would be a happy thing for all branches o { Freemasonry if such a proposition was put forward at the proper time .
Bro . SIIABOE thought the suggestion a good one , and Bro . Sir K . LECIIMERK highly commended it . Not being recognised by the United Grand Lodga grated on Mark Ma-ons' feelings . If there was thc slightest opportunity or the slightest hope of such a recognition being secured , it ought not to be lost sight of . The brother who it was expected would bo chosen for Grand Master was a brother
of broad and enlarged views , and of gnat liberality of feeling , and would most likely look ou this question most favourably . In the meantime ho thought they should plate iu the hands of Hro . Portal the power he asked for , and he hoped Bro . Nunn would bricg hia suggestion forward again . Several brethren having recommended that the subject should be brought before Earl do Grey and Ripon ,
Bit . JAMES STKVENH thought that no namo should bo mentioned on the minutes of this meeting , as the new Grand Master was not yet even proposed : ho was merely spoken of us likely to bo nominated head and chief of the craft , and if this Grand Lodge were to place anything on its minutes which took it for granted that Earl de Grey would bo Graud Master , when it was not a . matter of certainty that he would be elected , it might give offence . Under those circumstances it would bo as well