Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 2 of 2 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
that the minutes should state that the matter should be brought before the Grand Master , on the change of Grand Master , whoever that Grand Master might be . Bro . Siu l <* . LECHMERE said the matter required , a great deal of diplomacy aud tact . Bro . JAMES STEVENS having moved in accordance with his remarks , Bro . NUNN seconded the motion .
MAJOR BREWIN , from Leicester , invited Grand Lodge to hold the next moveable Grand Lodge iu that place , promisiug the G . M . and his oflicers a suitable reception . The W . W . G . M . thee invested Bro . J . G . MARSH , with the collar of G . S . of Works , in place of Bro . Goulty deceased , and afterwards closed tbe Graud Lodge . The brethren subsequently dined together , and spent
a most pleasant evening . The G . M . proposed tbe various toasts , which was drank with enthusiasm . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . James AVeaver , W . M ., Whittington Lodge ( No . 862 ) , who was assisted by Bro . H . Baker , Globe Lodge . ( No . 23 ) . In the course of the evening the music of which the following is the programme was given .. Humorous song , " The
Leather Bottel , " Walcot ; Selection " II Trovatore , " ( cornet obligato ) , Bro . II . Baker ; Masonic song "What better theme than Masonry ? " Bro . J Stevens , humorous song , " Little Binks , ' Walcot comet solo , Bro . H . Parker ; humorous song " King James and the Tinker , " Walcot . Post Horn Galop , Bro . H . Baker ,. The banquet was supplied by Bro C . Gosdeu , and gave every satisfaction
PROVINCIAL GRANDLODGE OF LEICESTERSH 1 RE . The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency ofthe R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Kelly . Apologies for absence were received from tbe D . P . G . M ., tbe Rev . Bro . Robinson , B . A ., from the P . G . J . W ., Bro . Douglas , ou account of
illness ; aud from a number of other P . G . Officers and members of the Howe Lodge , No . 21 , Melton Mowbray , owing to the anuual dinner of the Agricultural Society for the county of Rutland , being fixed for the same day . Among the P . G . Officers preseut , were Bros . Major Brewin , VV . M . No . 19 , P . G . S . W . ; Rev . W . Langley , M . A ., W . M ., No . 21 , P . G C . ; AV . B Smith , M . O . ; AV . Weave , SO . ; C . Stretton ,
P . G . Reg . ; A . M . Duff . P . G . Sec ; T . H . Buzzard , P . G . J . D . J . E . Hodges , P . G . S . B . ; C . Johnson , P . G . Org . ; W . Moor , J . B . Leadbeater , aud John Hunt , M . R . C . S ., P . G . 'Stwds ; Bembridge , P . G . Tyler ; AV . Pettifor , P . P . G . S . VV . ; Toller , Partridge , Sculthorpe , the Rev . N . Haycroft , U . D ., aud others . The Prov . G . Lodge having been opened in due form ,
and the minutes of the last annual meeting read aud confirmed , a ballot was taken for the Prov . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year , when Bro . Stiettou , Treas . of N « . 19 , was unanimously elected . Tl o P . G . M . announced that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters had ordered a change to be made in the names of two of the officers , viz .. Grand Recorder , in lieu of Grand
Registrar , aud Grand Timekeeper , instead of Grand Pursuivant . The following brethren were then appointed as the P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , and those who were present were invested , viz : Major Brewin , W . M . No . 19 , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . W . Langley , M . A ., VV . M . No . 21 , P . G . S . W . ; W . B . Smith , P . G . J . W . ; the Rev . N . Haycroft , D . D . P . G . Chap . ; Geo . Brown , P . G . M . O . ;
Wm . Adcock , PG . S . O . ; A . M . Duff P . G . J . O . ; C . Stretton , P . G . Treas . ; J . E . Bright , P . G . Recorder ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec ; T . Markham , P . G . S . D . ; J . B . Leadbeater , P . G . J . D . ; Chas . Johnsou , P . G . D . of C ; R . W . Johnson , ( Melton ) , P . G . Asst . ditto ; J . Jevous , Past P . G . Insp . of W . ; VV . Mann , P . G . Sword-bearer ; G . Toller , P . G . Timekeeper , aud Clarke , G . M . Ashforth , M . D ., and W .
Sculthorpe , P . G . Stewards . Bro . Bembridge was reappointed P . G . Tyler , and the P . G . M . intimated that the collar of P . G . Org . was retained for Bro . E . J . Crow , Fellow of the College of Organists , who was to be advanced at a latter period of the day . On the suggestion of the P . G . M ., it was unanimously resolved that in lieu of giving an anuual subscription of
two guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the sum of five guineas should be contributed every alternate year , so as , in courso of time , to give to each of the Provincial Grand Officers for the time being , a life subscribership in one or other of tho Masonic Charities . It was unanimously resolved that an invitation should be
given to the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , to hold tho next moveable Graud Lodgo in this town , aud that such invitation bo conveyed by the D . P . G . M ., aud the P . G . S . W ., they intending to be present at the meeting of Grand Lodge , on Tuesday , tho 30 th inst . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and with prayer .
DisvONroiiT . —Lodge of Friendship of Murk Masters , No . 10 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Oct . 21 st , fur tho put-pose of installing t ' le W . M . aud electing officera tho ensuing year , also to advance Bro . Potts to tho degreo of M . M . Officers present , Brcs . Tripp , AV . M . ; Price , P . M . ; Ryder , S . W . ; Elms . J . W . ; Rockett ,
M . O . ; Harrington , S . O . ; Harper , J . O . ; Nicholls , S . D . jKerswell , J . D . ; lilphinston , P . M ., I . G ., and Mm-ch Keadniore , Tyler . The minutes of the last lodge wero read and confirmed . The installation of the Master , Bro . Murch , was then performed by Bros . P . M . Chappie aud Gover in a most ablo manner . Tho W . M . then appointed his officers for tho year as follows , Bro- . Ryder , S . W .: Elms , J . W . ;
Rockett , M . O . ; Harrison , S . O . ; Harper , J . O . ; Nicholls , S . D . ; Smith , Sec . ; Pi-ire , Troas . ; Rogers , 11 . M . ; Kcrstrell , J . D . ; Readmoro Tyler . Bro . Potts was then ballotted for , and having been found accepted was advanced to tho degree of M . M ., by tho newly-installed W . M ., assisied by his officers in a most able manner . Tbe business having been ended , tho lodgo was then closed in due aud ancient form at 8 . 40 p . m ., and adjourned to the refreshment
Mark Masonry.
board , to which they did ample justice , and spent a very pleasant evening together , left at 10 p . m . Visiting brethren , Bros . Metham , P . G . W . ; Gover , P . M . ; Chappie , P . M . ; Rae , P . M ., and Radford , P . M . LEICESTER . —Fowkc Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 19 . — A bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held immediately after the Prov . G , Lodge was closed , the same brethren
being present ; The W . M ., Bro . Major Brewin , D . P . G . M . in the chair . A ballot was taken for Bro . Frederic Eachan AVilkinson , M . D ., Sydenham , Kent , W . M ., No . 766 , and P . M . 181 , as a candidate for advancement , wheu he was unanimously elected , but was unable to be present on this occasion . Bro . E . J . Crow , Sec . and Org . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , was regularly advanced by the
AV . M ., who subsequently invested him with the collar of office as Organist of the lodge , aud from the P . G . M . he received the appointment of Prov . G . Organist . The Rev . Dr . Haycroft was invested as Chaplain ofthe Lodge . Two brethren were elected as members of the Freemasons ' Hall Committee , and Bros Dr . Pearce , Johu Wright Smith , and Alfred Palmer , all of the John of Gaunt Lodge ,
having been proposed as candidates for advancement , tbe lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent au hour oi * two very pleasantly . SCARBOROUGH . —Star in the East Lodge of Mark A fas ons , No . 95 , E . C . —This select aud prosperous lodgo . met in the Masonic Hall , Globe-street , ou Wednesday , tho 24 th of November , at four o ' clock . Tho following officers and
members were present : —Bros . W . T . Farthing , VV . M . ; J . W . Woodall , P . M ., G . M . O . ; Walter Reynolds P . M ., P . G . D . C . ; It . H . Peacock , S . W . ; AV . Peacock , J . AV . ; J . Spurr , M . O . ; J . Groves , S . O . ; J . Parker , J . O . ; H . C . Martin , Sec . and Regv . ; J . A . Chapman , Treasurer ; G . H . Walshaw , S . D . ; J . Hardgrave , J . D . ; J . E . Green , Organist ; AV . Pattison , I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; Surtees ;
J . VV . Taylor , M . D . ; Douner , Allan , AVilliamson , and Kendall . The lodge was opeued at half-past four . The minutes were lead aud confirmed . Bros . VV . II . Smyth , P . M ., D . P . G . M ., Lincoln ; E . Locock , P . M ., P . S . G . W ., Lincoln ; J . Fisher , P . M . and P . Z ., were ballotted for , and elected candidates for advancement , and they were , with Bro . It . Laud , previously elected , prepared , admitted ,
and advanced to the degreo of Mark Masters . Bro J . Kendall , of tbe York Mark Lodge , wns also affiliated a joiuing member , the ceremony being ably and beautifully performed by the W . M . aud his oflicers . Bro . Reynolds now took the chair as installing-oflicer , aud , with the assistance of Bros . Woodall and Farthing , installed Bro . H . A . Williamson as W . M . ofthe Lodge for the ensuing
year , who invested the f dlowing brethren as his officers : — Brs . W . T . Farthing , I . P . M . ; VV . Peacock , S . VV . ; J . 0 . Surtees , J . W . ; H . C . Martin , Sec . ; It . H . Peacock , lleg . of Marks ; . 1 . F . Spurr , M . O . ; W . Pattison , S . O . ; J . VV . Taylor , J / . /) ., J . O . ; J . A . Chapman , Treasurer ; J . Hardgrave , S . D . ; J . Inskip , J . D . ; J . E . Green , Organist ; A . All m , I . G . ; J . A erity , Tyler . The S . W . and J . W . proposed a vote of thanks to
Bro . Re 3 'iiolds , for his kindness in having attended from Hull , and so ably aud efficiently performed the duties of Installing Master . In returning thanks , Bro . Reynolds stated , in his usual very kind aud fraternal manner , that he would always feel a pleasure in attending , knowing as he did so many able and worthy Masons in Scarborough . Bros . Fisher aud Walshaw were elected to audit the
lod- ^ e accounts . Bro . the Hon . Percy Stanhope and Bro . Cooke , of 1248 , wero proposed for exaltation at the next meeting . Bros . Woodall , P . M ., G . M . O , and Peacock , Regr . of Marks , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Farthing , for the conscientious manner he had performed the duties of W . M , aud an expression of hopo for his future welfu-c , which was carried unanimously . Bro .
farthing returned thanks for the good feeling shown towards him . The lodge was closed in due form at seven o ' clock . The brethren then adjourned to the annual banquet , which was provided by Bro . J . A . Chapman in his usual very superior style , and we feel bound to say that everything in connection therewith gave the greatest satisf iction , both in quality and quantity . The usual
loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and responded to , including that of the newly-advanced candidates ( threo out of the four of whom are P . M ' . s , K . M ., and K . T . Masons , including that of D . P . G . M . and S G . W . for the Province of Lincoln ) . Bro . Fisher P . M ., P . Z , K . T ., & c ., returned thanks for the newly advanced , and iu doing so
stated that the Mark , of all the degrees he had taken ho believed to bo the most instructive and interesting , the other distinguished brethren also bore testimony to tho same , which is very pleasing to all Mark Masons . Oil retiring , tho brethren stated it seldom had beeu their good fortune to spend a more social or agreeable evening .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE OF ENGLAND . A quarterly assembly of thU the mother ' Conclave of England was held on Monday , the 29 th ult ., " at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen street , when iu consequence of the expected installation of the V . W . Brother John Hervey , Grand Secretary , there was a large mnster of the
leading members of the Order . The chair was occupied by the Graud Recorder , Sir Kt . R . Wentworth Littlo , who was supported by tho following members of thu Imperial Council and Senate , viz .: —Edward Busher , G , S . Geu . ; Col . F . Burdett , G . II . C ; Win . II . Hubbard , G . Treas . ; Henry G . Buss , G . IJ . A . ; Win . E . Gumbleton ,
J . P . G . O . ; J . O . Marsh , G . A . ; 11 . C . Lovandcr , M . A ., G . A . Treas . ; T . Wescombe , G . Stand . B ; Geo . Powell , G . S . B . ; II . Parker , ( J . O . ; Angelo J . Lewis , M . A ., G . AM . ; T . Cubitt , G . I I . ; and Sir Knt . A . li . Cook , S . B . ; E . J . Applebee , J . Hills , J . Dyer , 11 . B . Dean . Visit-rs : —AV F . N . Quilty , K . G . C ., P . S ., No . ( J ; A . A . Pendlebury , K . G . C ., P . S . aud Rec , 6 ; G . A . Taylor , S . G . 18 ; E . Silli-
Orders Of Chivalry.
vaut , H . P . 18 ; C . B . Payne , No . 2 . The conclave waa duly opened and ballots were taken for several candidates wheu the following brethren being in attendance were duly installed as Knights of the Order : — V . AV . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D . Grand Secretary . AV . Bro . John AV . Barrett , P . M . Bro . Christopher Gardner Thompson , Coroner for Kendal .
Bro . Morton Edwards Bro . Thomas AV . Boord . A College of Viceroys and a Senate of Princes were subsequently held for fche admission of Bros . Hez-vey Barrett , Thompson , and Edwards , all of whom were enthroned as Princes of the Order . The Knights were then requested to withdraw , when a special meeting of the
Grand Council was held , a majority of members being present . Col . Burdett took the chair , and the G Recorder informed the Councillors that the meeting was called in accordance with Lord Keulis ' s directions , to elect a qualified Knight to the vacancy iu the Council . His Lordship therefore recommended that , as Sir Kt . Busher had kindly consented to retire from the position of G . S . G .,
the Earl of Jersey be promoted to that office , that Col . Burdett be elected G . J . G ., and Sir Kt . John Hervey G . High Chancellor , a post formerly held by his predecessor in the Craft , the late lamented Sir Kt . William Henry White , for more thau forty years ; and finally that Sir Kt . Busher be elected Grand Marshal , thus completing the Council .
The various recommendations of the Grand Sovereign were put seriatim , and agreed to by unanimous votes . Tho new Grand Chancellor was then called in , and informed by the Chairman of the honour conferred upon him , and Sir Kt . Hervey , iu accepting the appointment , expressed his thanks to the illustrious brethren for his electiou .
The ceremonies were compelled to be considerably abbreviated , as Sir Kut . Hervey had to leave town to attend the installation of R . W . Bro . Beach , M . P ., as Prov . Grand Master for Hants and the Isle of Wight , but notwithstanding this drawback everything went off iu a most satisfactory manner . Ballots wero then takeu for the undermentioned Knights
as joining members , aud they were declared duly elected : Henry C . Le . vander , G A . 'ireas , M . P . S . 16 ); VViu . Robt . Woodman , M . D ., G . A . Rec , M . P . S .-elect ( 6 ); Thomas Kingston ( o' ) . Sir Knt . Little moved , Sir Knt . Hubbard seconded , aud it was resolved without a dissentient voice that the rank of Honorary member be conferred upon the following distinguished Kuights : —
T . Douglas Hariugton , 33 ° ( P . G . M . of Canada ) , Inspector General , Ontario aud Quebec ; Colonel John Whitwell . M . P . ( Deputy Prov . Graud Master Cumberland and Westmoreland ) , Grand Preceptor ; Johu Daniel Moore . M . D . ( P .-ov . G . Supt . AVorks , West Lancashire ) , Inspector General , North Lancashire ; William J . Hughan ( Prov . G . Sec . Cornwall ) , Graud Vice Chancellor .
Joseph Andrew Horner , Inspector General , Norfolk . Tho conclave was then closed , and the chevaliers adjourned to the b . uiquetiug hall , where the usual ' Premier " banquet was served and gave entire satisfaction . Iu the course of the eveniug the Red Cross Song , " Let's rally round the Standard , " aud other appropriate songs wero sung , accompanied by Sir . Knt . H . Parker ,
the highly efficient Graud Organist , whose musical abilities at all meetings are greatly appreciated . The customary loyal and chivalric toasts wero duly honoured . The brethren theu adjourned to tho banquet , which was of a recherche description . Tho musical arraugsments wero under the able direciion of Bro . James Weaver , W . M ' , of the Whittington Lodge , No . 862 .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR , SCARBOROUGH . — Geoffreyde- Bouillon Encampment . — This Encampment met at the Masouic Hall , Globe-street , on Friday , the 2 Gth ult ., at seven o ' clock . The following Sir Kuts . wore preseut : J . W . AVoodall , P . E . C . as E . C . ; H . AV . Garnett , 1 st Capt , ; J . O . Surtees , 2 ud Capt . ; J . Sleede , Prelate ; AV . H . Smyth , Expert ; J . F . Spurr , Captain of Lines ; II . C . Martin , Reg . and Treas . ; J .
Verity , Equerry , and J . A . Chapman . The Encampment was opened at S p . m . The miuutes were read and confirmed . Sir Knt . J . O . Surtees was elected for the ensuing year , and Sir Knt . H . C . Martin , the Registrar , was reelected Treasurer . Sir Knt . J . Kendall , of the Hull Encampment , was proposed as a joiniug member . After which the Eucampmcut was closed ill due form .
THE Macdonald Mark Lodge , No . 104 , will meet on Saturday , Iltli December , at the Ilead Quarter * of 1 st Surrey Rifles , Camberwell New-road , at 4 p . m . AVE have thc greatest pleasure in announcing that our revered Grand Master has been pleased to appoint , Col . F . IJurdctt , P . G . AV ., and Representative from tho Grand Lodge of Ireland , to the post of Provincial
Grand Master for Middlesex , information which will be hailed with intense satisfaction , not only by the brethren more immediately interested , but by all who have known the gallant Colonel during any part of his eminent Masonic career . HOLLOWAV ' PILLS . —In the struggle for comfort , fame , or fortune , the maintenance of good health becomes an
urgent necessity . When colds refuse to depart under judicious nuking , wheu coughs distress alarmingly , and when formidable fevers and other contagious complaints are prevalent , Hollowav ' s purifying Pills are the best correctives of the system , and tlie surest cleansers of the blood . No one should
permit any disordered action to continue when it can bo so easily rectified by these pills ; even one day ' s delay may bring bitter cau e to rue that slight neglect . There can arise no danger from tailing UoUoviay ' s m «( Aic \ ne , and no difficulty can occur iu administering it to the young and delicate Clear and definite instructions envelop every box . — ADVT .
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Mark Masonry.
that the minutes should state that the matter should be brought before the Grand Master , on the change of Grand Master , whoever that Grand Master might be . Bro . Siu l <* . LECHMERE said the matter required , a great deal of diplomacy aud tact . Bro . JAMES STEVENS having moved in accordance with his remarks , Bro . NUNN seconded the motion .
MAJOR BREWIN , from Leicester , invited Grand Lodge to hold the next moveable Grand Lodge iu that place , promisiug the G . M . and his oflicers a suitable reception . The W . W . G . M . thee invested Bro . J . G . MARSH , with the collar of G . S . of Works , in place of Bro . Goulty deceased , and afterwards closed tbe Graud Lodge . The brethren subsequently dined together , and spent
a most pleasant evening . The G . M . proposed tbe various toasts , which was drank with enthusiasm . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . James AVeaver , W . M ., Whittington Lodge ( No . 862 ) , who was assisted by Bro . H . Baker , Globe Lodge . ( No . 23 ) . In the course of the evening the music of which the following is the programme was given .. Humorous song , " The
Leather Bottel , " Walcot ; Selection " II Trovatore , " ( cornet obligato ) , Bro . II . Baker ; Masonic song "What better theme than Masonry ? " Bro . J Stevens , humorous song , " Little Binks , ' Walcot comet solo , Bro . H . Parker ; humorous song " King James and the Tinker , " Walcot . Post Horn Galop , Bro . H . Baker ,. The banquet was supplied by Bro C . Gosdeu , and gave every satisfaction
PROVINCIAL GRANDLODGE OF LEICESTERSH 1 RE . The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency ofthe R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Kelly . Apologies for absence were received from tbe D . P . G . M ., tbe Rev . Bro . Robinson , B . A ., from the P . G . J . W ., Bro . Douglas , ou account of
illness ; aud from a number of other P . G . Officers and members of the Howe Lodge , No . 21 , Melton Mowbray , owing to the anuual dinner of the Agricultural Society for the county of Rutland , being fixed for the same day . Among the P . G . Officers preseut , were Bros . Major Brewin , VV . M . No . 19 , P . G . S . W . ; Rev . W . Langley , M . A ., W . M ., No . 21 , P . G C . ; AV . B Smith , M . O . ; AV . Weave , SO . ; C . Stretton ,
P . G . Reg . ; A . M . Duff . P . G . Sec ; T . H . Buzzard , P . G . J . D . J . E . Hodges , P . G . S . B . ; C . Johnson , P . G . Org . ; W . Moor , J . B . Leadbeater , aud John Hunt , M . R . C . S ., P . G . 'Stwds ; Bembridge , P . G . Tyler ; AV . Pettifor , P . P . G . S . VV . ; Toller , Partridge , Sculthorpe , the Rev . N . Haycroft , U . D ., aud others . The Prov . G . Lodge having been opened in due form ,
and the minutes of the last annual meeting read aud confirmed , a ballot was taken for the Prov . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year , when Bro . Stiettou , Treas . of N « . 19 , was unanimously elected . Tl o P . G . M . announced that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters had ordered a change to be made in the names of two of the officers , viz .. Grand Recorder , in lieu of Grand
Registrar , aud Grand Timekeeper , instead of Grand Pursuivant . The following brethren were then appointed as the P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , and those who were present were invested , viz : Major Brewin , W . M . No . 19 , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . W . Langley , M . A ., VV . M . No . 21 , P . G . S . W . ; W . B . Smith , P . G . J . W . ; the Rev . N . Haycroft , D . D . P . G . Chap . ; Geo . Brown , P . G . M . O . ;
Wm . Adcock , PG . S . O . ; A . M . Duff P . G . J . O . ; C . Stretton , P . G . Treas . ; J . E . Bright , P . G . Recorder ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec ; T . Markham , P . G . S . D . ; J . B . Leadbeater , P . G . J . D . ; Chas . Johnsou , P . G . D . of C ; R . W . Johnson , ( Melton ) , P . G . Asst . ditto ; J . Jevous , Past P . G . Insp . of W . ; VV . Mann , P . G . Sword-bearer ; G . Toller , P . G . Timekeeper , aud Clarke , G . M . Ashforth , M . D ., and W .
Sculthorpe , P . G . Stewards . Bro . Bembridge was reappointed P . G . Tyler , and the P . G . M . intimated that the collar of P . G . Org . was retained for Bro . E . J . Crow , Fellow of the College of Organists , who was to be advanced at a latter period of the day . On the suggestion of the P . G . M ., it was unanimously resolved that in lieu of giving an anuual subscription of
two guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the sum of five guineas should be contributed every alternate year , so as , in courso of time , to give to each of the Provincial Grand Officers for the time being , a life subscribership in one or other of tho Masonic Charities . It was unanimously resolved that an invitation should be
given to the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , to hold tho next moveable Graud Lodgo in this town , aud that such invitation bo conveyed by the D . P . G . M ., aud the P . G . S . W ., they intending to be present at the meeting of Grand Lodge , on Tuesday , tho 30 th inst . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and with prayer .
DisvONroiiT . —Lodge of Friendship of Murk Masters , No . 10 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Oct . 21 st , fur tho put-pose of installing t ' le W . M . aud electing officera tho ensuing year , also to advance Bro . Potts to tho degreo of M . M . Officers present , Brcs . Tripp , AV . M . ; Price , P . M . ; Ryder , S . W . ; Elms . J . W . ; Rockett ,
M . O . ; Harrington , S . O . ; Harper , J . O . ; Nicholls , S . D . jKerswell , J . D . ; lilphinston , P . M ., I . G ., and Mm-ch Keadniore , Tyler . The minutes of the last lodge wero read and confirmed . The installation of the Master , Bro . Murch , was then performed by Bros . P . M . Chappie aud Gover in a most ablo manner . Tho W . M . then appointed his officers for tho year as follows , Bro- . Ryder , S . W .: Elms , J . W . ;
Rockett , M . O . ; Harrison , S . O . ; Harper , J . O . ; Nicholls , S . D . ; Smith , Sec . ; Pi-ire , Troas . ; Rogers , 11 . M . ; Kcrstrell , J . D . ; Readmoro Tyler . Bro . Potts was then ballotted for , and having been found accepted was advanced to tho degree of M . M ., by tho newly-installed W . M ., assisied by his officers in a most able manner . Tbe business having been ended , tho lodgo was then closed in due aud ancient form at 8 . 40 p . m ., and adjourned to the refreshment
Mark Masonry.
board , to which they did ample justice , and spent a very pleasant evening together , left at 10 p . m . Visiting brethren , Bros . Metham , P . G . W . ; Gover , P . M . ; Chappie , P . M . ; Rae , P . M ., and Radford , P . M . LEICESTER . —Fowkc Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 19 . — A bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held immediately after the Prov . G , Lodge was closed , the same brethren
being present ; The W . M ., Bro . Major Brewin , D . P . G . M . in the chair . A ballot was taken for Bro . Frederic Eachan AVilkinson , M . D ., Sydenham , Kent , W . M ., No . 766 , and P . M . 181 , as a candidate for advancement , wheu he was unanimously elected , but was unable to be present on this occasion . Bro . E . J . Crow , Sec . and Org . of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , was regularly advanced by the
AV . M ., who subsequently invested him with the collar of office as Organist of the lodge , aud from the P . G . M . he received the appointment of Prov . G . Organist . The Rev . Dr . Haycroft was invested as Chaplain ofthe Lodge . Two brethren were elected as members of the Freemasons ' Hall Committee , and Bros Dr . Pearce , Johu Wright Smith , and Alfred Palmer , all of the John of Gaunt Lodge ,
having been proposed as candidates for advancement , tbe lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment and spent au hour oi * two very pleasantly . SCARBOROUGH . —Star in the East Lodge of Mark A fas ons , No . 95 , E . C . —This select aud prosperous lodgo . met in the Masonic Hall , Globe-street , ou Wednesday , tho 24 th of November , at four o ' clock . Tho following officers and
members were present : —Bros . W . T . Farthing , VV . M . ; J . W . Woodall , P . M ., G . M . O . ; Walter Reynolds P . M ., P . G . D . C . ; It . H . Peacock , S . W . ; AV . Peacock , J . AV . ; J . Spurr , M . O . ; J . Groves , S . O . ; J . Parker , J . O . ; H . C . Martin , Sec . and Regv . ; J . A . Chapman , Treasurer ; G . H . Walshaw , S . D . ; J . Hardgrave , J . D . ; J . E . Green , Organist ; AV . Pattison , I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; Surtees ;
J . VV . Taylor , M . D . ; Douner , Allan , AVilliamson , and Kendall . The lodge was opeued at half-past four . The minutes were lead aud confirmed . Bros . VV . II . Smyth , P . M ., D . P . G . M ., Lincoln ; E . Locock , P . M ., P . S . G . W ., Lincoln ; J . Fisher , P . M . and P . Z ., were ballotted for , and elected candidates for advancement , and they were , with Bro . It . Laud , previously elected , prepared , admitted ,
and advanced to the degreo of Mark Masters . Bro J . Kendall , of tbe York Mark Lodge , wns also affiliated a joiuing member , the ceremony being ably and beautifully performed by the W . M . aud his oflicers . Bro . Reynolds now took the chair as installing-oflicer , aud , with the assistance of Bros . Woodall and Farthing , installed Bro . H . A . Williamson as W . M . ofthe Lodge for the ensuing
year , who invested the f dlowing brethren as his officers : — Brs . W . T . Farthing , I . P . M . ; VV . Peacock , S . VV . ; J . 0 . Surtees , J . W . ; H . C . Martin , Sec . ; It . H . Peacock , lleg . of Marks ; . 1 . F . Spurr , M . O . ; W . Pattison , S . O . ; J . VV . Taylor , J / . /) ., J . O . ; J . A . Chapman , Treasurer ; J . Hardgrave , S . D . ; J . Inskip , J . D . ; J . E . Green , Organist ; A . All m , I . G . ; J . A erity , Tyler . The S . W . and J . W . proposed a vote of thanks to
Bro . Re 3 'iiolds , for his kindness in having attended from Hull , and so ably aud efficiently performed the duties of Installing Master . In returning thanks , Bro . Reynolds stated , in his usual very kind aud fraternal manner , that he would always feel a pleasure in attending , knowing as he did so many able and worthy Masons in Scarborough . Bros . Fisher aud Walshaw were elected to audit the
lod- ^ e accounts . Bro . the Hon . Percy Stanhope and Bro . Cooke , of 1248 , wero proposed for exaltation at the next meeting . Bros . Woodall , P . M ., G . M . O , and Peacock , Regr . of Marks , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Farthing , for the conscientious manner he had performed the duties of W . M , aud an expression of hopo for his future welfu-c , which was carried unanimously . Bro .
farthing returned thanks for the good feeling shown towards him . The lodge was closed in due form at seven o ' clock . The brethren then adjourned to the annual banquet , which was provided by Bro . J . A . Chapman in his usual very superior style , and we feel bound to say that everything in connection therewith gave the greatest satisf iction , both in quality and quantity . The usual
loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and responded to , including that of the newly-advanced candidates ( threo out of the four of whom are P . M ' . s , K . M ., and K . T . Masons , including that of D . P . G . M . and S G . W . for the Province of Lincoln ) . Bro . Fisher P . M ., P . Z , K . T ., & c ., returned thanks for the newly advanced , and iu doing so
stated that the Mark , of all the degrees he had taken ho believed to bo the most instructive and interesting , the other distinguished brethren also bore testimony to tho same , which is very pleasing to all Mark Masons . Oil retiring , tho brethren stated it seldom had beeu their good fortune to spend a more social or agreeable evening .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . ORIGINAL OR PREMIER CONCLAVE OF ENGLAND . A quarterly assembly of thU the mother ' Conclave of England was held on Monday , the 29 th ult ., " at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen street , when iu consequence of the expected installation of the V . W . Brother John Hervey , Grand Secretary , there was a large mnster of the
leading members of the Order . The chair was occupied by the Graud Recorder , Sir Kt . R . Wentworth Littlo , who was supported by tho following members of thu Imperial Council and Senate , viz .: —Edward Busher , G , S . Geu . ; Col . F . Burdett , G . II . C ; Win . II . Hubbard , G . Treas . ; Henry G . Buss , G . IJ . A . ; Win . E . Gumbleton ,
J . P . G . O . ; J . O . Marsh , G . A . ; 11 . C . Lovandcr , M . A ., G . A . Treas . ; T . Wescombe , G . Stand . B ; Geo . Powell , G . S . B . ; II . Parker , ( J . O . ; Angelo J . Lewis , M . A ., G . AM . ; T . Cubitt , G . I I . ; and Sir Knt . A . li . Cook , S . B . ; E . J . Applebee , J . Hills , J . Dyer , 11 . B . Dean . Visit-rs : —AV F . N . Quilty , K . G . C ., P . S ., No . ( J ; A . A . Pendlebury , K . G . C ., P . S . aud Rec , 6 ; G . A . Taylor , S . G . 18 ; E . Silli-
Orders Of Chivalry.
vaut , H . P . 18 ; C . B . Payne , No . 2 . The conclave waa duly opened and ballots were taken for several candidates wheu the following brethren being in attendance were duly installed as Knights of the Order : — V . AV . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D . Grand Secretary . AV . Bro . John AV . Barrett , P . M . Bro . Christopher Gardner Thompson , Coroner for Kendal .
Bro . Morton Edwards Bro . Thomas AV . Boord . A College of Viceroys and a Senate of Princes were subsequently held for fche admission of Bros . Hez-vey Barrett , Thompson , and Edwards , all of whom were enthroned as Princes of the Order . The Knights were then requested to withdraw , when a special meeting of the
Grand Council was held , a majority of members being present . Col . Burdett took the chair , and the G Recorder informed the Councillors that the meeting was called in accordance with Lord Keulis ' s directions , to elect a qualified Knight to the vacancy iu the Council . His Lordship therefore recommended that , as Sir Kt . Busher had kindly consented to retire from the position of G . S . G .,
the Earl of Jersey be promoted to that office , that Col . Burdett be elected G . J . G ., and Sir Kt . John Hervey G . High Chancellor , a post formerly held by his predecessor in the Craft , the late lamented Sir Kt . William Henry White , for more thau forty years ; and finally that Sir Kt . Busher be elected Grand Marshal , thus completing the Council .
The various recommendations of the Grand Sovereign were put seriatim , and agreed to by unanimous votes . Tho new Grand Chancellor was then called in , and informed by the Chairman of the honour conferred upon him , and Sir Kt . Hervey , iu accepting the appointment , expressed his thanks to the illustrious brethren for his electiou .
The ceremonies were compelled to be considerably abbreviated , as Sir Kut . Hervey had to leave town to attend the installation of R . W . Bro . Beach , M . P ., as Prov . Grand Master for Hants and the Isle of Wight , but notwithstanding this drawback everything went off iu a most satisfactory manner . Ballots wero then takeu for the undermentioned Knights
as joining members , aud they were declared duly elected : Henry C . Le . vander , G A . 'ireas , M . P . S . 16 ); VViu . Robt . Woodman , M . D ., G . A . Rec , M . P . S .-elect ( 6 ); Thomas Kingston ( o' ) . Sir Knt . Little moved , Sir Knt . Hubbard seconded , aud it was resolved without a dissentient voice that the rank of Honorary member be conferred upon the following distinguished Kuights : —
T . Douglas Hariugton , 33 ° ( P . G . M . of Canada ) , Inspector General , Ontario aud Quebec ; Colonel John Whitwell . M . P . ( Deputy Prov . Graud Master Cumberland and Westmoreland ) , Grand Preceptor ; Johu Daniel Moore . M . D . ( P .-ov . G . Supt . AVorks , West Lancashire ) , Inspector General , North Lancashire ; William J . Hughan ( Prov . G . Sec . Cornwall ) , Graud Vice Chancellor .
Joseph Andrew Horner , Inspector General , Norfolk . Tho conclave was then closed , and the chevaliers adjourned to the b . uiquetiug hall , where the usual ' Premier " banquet was served and gave entire satisfaction . Iu the course of the eveniug the Red Cross Song , " Let's rally round the Standard , " aud other appropriate songs wero sung , accompanied by Sir . Knt . H . Parker ,
the highly efficient Graud Organist , whose musical abilities at all meetings are greatly appreciated . The customary loyal and chivalric toasts wero duly honoured . The brethren theu adjourned to tho banquet , which was of a recherche description . Tho musical arraugsments wero under the able direciion of Bro . James Weaver , W . M ' , of the Whittington Lodge , No . 862 .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR , SCARBOROUGH . — Geoffreyde- Bouillon Encampment . — This Encampment met at the Masouic Hall , Globe-street , on Friday , the 2 Gth ult ., at seven o ' clock . The following Sir Kuts . wore preseut : J . W . AVoodall , P . E . C . as E . C . ; H . AV . Garnett , 1 st Capt , ; J . O . Surtees , 2 ud Capt . ; J . Sleede , Prelate ; AV . H . Smyth , Expert ; J . F . Spurr , Captain of Lines ; II . C . Martin , Reg . and Treas . ; J .
Verity , Equerry , and J . A . Chapman . The Encampment was opened at S p . m . The miuutes were read and confirmed . Sir Knt . J . O . Surtees was elected for the ensuing year , and Sir Knt . H . C . Martin , the Registrar , was reelected Treasurer . Sir Knt . J . Kendall , of the Hull Encampment , was proposed as a joiniug member . After which the Eucampmcut was closed ill due form .
THE Macdonald Mark Lodge , No . 104 , will meet on Saturday , Iltli December , at the Ilead Quarter * of 1 st Surrey Rifles , Camberwell New-road , at 4 p . m . AVE have thc greatest pleasure in announcing that our revered Grand Master has been pleased to appoint , Col . F . IJurdctt , P . G . AV ., and Representative from tho Grand Lodge of Ireland , to the post of Provincial
Grand Master for Middlesex , information which will be hailed with intense satisfaction , not only by the brethren more immediately interested , but by all who have known the gallant Colonel during any part of his eminent Masonic career . HOLLOWAV ' PILLS . —In the struggle for comfort , fame , or fortune , the maintenance of good health becomes an
urgent necessity . When colds refuse to depart under judicious nuking , wheu coughs distress alarmingly , and when formidable fevers and other contagious complaints are prevalent , Hollowav ' s purifying Pills are the best correctives of the system , and tlie surest cleansers of the blood . No one should
permit any disordered action to continue when it can bo so easily rectified by these pills ; even one day ' s delay may bring bitter cau e to rue that slight neglect . There can arise no danger from tailing UoUoviay ' s m «( Aic \ ne , and no difficulty can occur iu administering it to the young and delicate Clear and definite instructions envelop every box . — ADVT .