Article MASONIC BENEVOLENCE IN 1883. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN IRELAND, 1730-50. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Benevolence In 1883.
The past 3 'ear has been a year of great success in the aggregate to the three Masonic Charitable Institutions , the total amount realised from all sources being £ 5 6 , 11 ' ! 4 * - 3 d ., or more than £ 6000 above the highest total heretofore reached . The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys heads the list with a total of £ 25 , 010 17 s . id . ; the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution follows with £ 18 , 449 6 s . ,- and the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls brings up the rear with £ 12 , 650 is . 2 d . The individual items of which the totals are composed are as follows :
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Donations and Subscriptions £ 24 , 039 . iS 5 United Grand Lodge £ l 5 ° ° ° Supreme Grand Chapter 10 10 o Legacy ( less duty ) 4 ! 4 " Sundries 2 3 11 167 7 6
24 , 207 5 1 Dividends in Stock— " Genera ! I « und 56 9 1 2 „ „ „ " Building Fund" 234 10 o
£ 25 , 010 17 ROYAL MASONIC B ENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Donations and Annual Subscriptions £ i 4 ' 7 s 7 ' 4 ()
Dividends 1 S 67 6 6 Interest 26 5 6 Grand Lodfe 1600 o o Grand Chapter 150 ° ° Rent of Meadow 18 o o
£ 18 , 449 6 o ROYAL M ASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . Donations and Subscriptions £ 10 , 6 56 17 9 Dividends ' 260 0 o „ Sustcntatiou Fund 264 16 10 Grand Lodge ' 5 ° " °
„ Chapter 10 1 " <> Music Money 209 9 6 Sale of Old Pianos . V " " Sale of Books of Subscribers 21 9 0 Sale of Old Stores 1 17 9 Interest 5 ° ' 5 Legacy 4 J 4 6
£ 12 , 650 1 2 It will be seen from thc above figures that the donations and subscriptions lo thc Boys' School were about £ 9250 more than those lo the Benevolent Institution , and nearly £ 13 . 400 above the donations and subscriptions to thc Girls' School . But the Boys' School ' s weak points is dividends , which amount lo ontv £ Son , whereas thc dividends for the Benevolent Institution
arc nearly £ '" 1900 , and lor the Girls' School £ 1500 . lhc Benevolent Institution has an advantage in getting £ 1600 from Grand Lodge and £ 150 from Grand Chapter , as against £ 150 from Grand Lodge and £ 10 ms . from Grand Chapter lo each of the two other Institutions . Nevertheless it must be confessed that thc subscriptions to ihe Boys' School were thc great feature of thc past year of that Institution , and which most materially alfected thc Stewards' lists for the other Institutions , and will probably
unfortunately do so during the present year . 'I he attractions of the Duke of Albany as chairman for the next festival of thc Boys , and thc double votes , will perhaps be loo dazzling to enable the brethren to see the damage that will be done lo the sister Charities . Wc give below the totals received for thc past seven years .
1 SS 2 . I Benevolent £ ' i <> > 595 7 7 Girls' 15 . 96 9 15 8 Boy * ' 14 . S 79 15 8 £ 47 , 444 18 11 tSSt . Bencvo ' cnt £ ' i 7 . 7 . ^ 14 6 Boys' 12 . 993 9 " Girli' 12 , 557 4 7 £ 43 , 294 14 o 1 SS 0 . Girls' £ ' ' 7 . 737 10 11 Benevolent 16 , 301 4 10 Boys' 15 . ^ 73 ' 5 8 £ 49 , 762 it 5
1879 . Benevolent ^ 17 , 781 12 10 Boys' 13 , 923 4 4 Girls' 13 . 0-2 5 12 1 £ 44 o 33 11 9 1878 . Benevolent £ 14 . 880 2 7 Girls' 12 , 866 I 8 Boys' 12 , 566 o o £ 40 . 312 43 1 S 77 . Benevolent £ 16 , 411 19 5 Boys' 14 . 315 9 6 Girls' 11 , 900 0 o £ 42 , 627 8 11
1876 . lions' £ i 5 . 359 5 4 Benevolent 12 . 54 ° 15 7 Girlb' n . 435 ° 7 £ 39 . 335 7 c
Before 1 S 7 6 the amounts were comparatively low , the total for the year being some £ 7000 above the previous year . T he amounts voted during the year 1883 by thc Lodgeof Benevolence reached the total of £ 8675 , thc cases relieved numbering 334 . Thc details arc as follows :
Month . No . of Candidates . Amount . \ January 24 £ 685 February 30 750 March 29 5 S 0 April 22 645 May 33 880 June 39 885
Month . No . of Candidates . Amount , July 20 570 August 20 650 September 12 370 October 3 2 8 z 5 November 40 Io 6 ° December 33 775
Freemasonry In Ireland, 1730-50.
BY BRO . W . J . HUGHAN . It is almost impossible to say exactly when a Grand Lodge was first formed in Ireland . We know there was either a Grand or Provincial Grand Lodge held for Minister in thc third decade of the last century , and , according to present evidence , that body appears to antedate the records of thc Grand Lodge of Ireland ( Dublin ) of 1729-30 . It is a field of research
which has hacl few explorers , and certainly thc subject is far from exhausted . " Edward Spratt , Sec , " in his edition of the Book of Constitutions ( Dublin , 1 751 , ) issilent as tothe Provincial Grand Lodgeof Munstcr , and reallycommences his history with thc election as Grand Master of James King , Lord Viscount Kingston , A . D . 1730 , " the year after his lordship had with great reputation been the Grand Master of England . " This issue of the
Constitutions is in part a reproduction of John Pennell s Constitutions of 1730 , which was a reprint mainly of the previous edition of 1723 . Lord Ncltirvill was appointed Deputy Grand Master on July 7 th , 1731 , and the Hon . William Ponsonby and D . P . Hamps on , Esq ., were elected Grand Wardens . At the Grand Lodge on 7 th December Lord Southwell , Sir Seymour Pile , Bart ., and " Henry Plunket and Wentworth Harman , Esqs ., " werc present .
On February ist , 1731-2 , Bro . John Pennell was " unanimously chosen and declared Secretary to the Grand Lodge . " ¦ By desire of Lord Kingston , Lord Ne ttirvill was elected Grand Master on 2 nd May , who , by letter , appointed Lord Kingsland to be Deputy Grand Master , the two Grand Wardens chosen being James Brcnnan , M . D ., and Robert Nugent . On thc nomination of the Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master was
elected to the chair , and was installed on the 14 th August by the retiring Grand Master . " Sir Marcus Beresford , Lord Viscount Tyrone , " was made his Deputy , and Dr . Brcnnan and Capt . Cobbc , Grand Wardens Lord Kingsland was rc-clcctcd for 1734 , when the Senior Grand Warden was adva need to thc cflicc of Deputy Grand Master , Bros . Cobbe and Baldwin being chosen as thc iwo Grand Wardens .
Lord Kingston , as an act of " condescension , " amidst lhc " usual demonst rations of joy , " was again installed as G . M . 24 th June , 1735 . thc D . G . M . being continued and Bros . Baldwin and Corneillc occupying the Wardens' chairs . Lord Tyrone was installed as Grand Master on 1 st June , 1736 ; thc D . G . M . was continued and Bros . Corneillc and Sandford arc recorded as Grand Wardens . The first mention of Treasurer occurs
on July 6 th 1736 , when John Arabin , Esq ., was chosen to that office . Lord Tyrone was re-elected for 1737 , " was pleased to continue our worthy James Brcnnan , M . D ., his Deputy ; CorneliusCallaghan and John Putland , Esqrs ., being chosen Wardens . " Thc D . G . M . having died , and his lamented decease announced at the Grand Lodge , 27 th December , 1737 , thc G . S . W . was promoted lo D . G . M ., thc Junior lo thc Senior G . W ., and Bro . O'Hara
to the vacancy thus created . The officers installed on 24 th June , 1738 , were Lord Mountjoy , G . M ., C . Callaghan , D . G . M ., and R . Callaghan and E . Martin , Grand Wardens , Bro . T . Mills , Gent ., being appointed Treasurer . The onl y change on 161 I 1 May , 1739 , was in the choice of Wardens , thc G . S . W . being " willing lo decline , " the Brothers li . Martin and C . Annesty were respectively appointed Senior and Junior Grand
Wardens accordingly . Wc read now of the accustomed salutes and congratulations "being received "by thc Grand Ollicers " according to their Degrees . " A new Giand Secretary was chosen on 30 th January , 1739 , in the person of Bro . John Baldwin , P . G . \ V ., who on March 26 th " appointed Bro . Richard Pindar to be his Deputy . " A change in thc method of election of a Grand Master was exhibited in
1740 , for thc Deputy Grand Master proposed no less than three for thc office , viz ., " Lords Anglesey , Tullamorc , and Donneraile , " thc Grand Lodge unanimously electing the last-mentioned . Lord Donneraile on 24 th June , 1740 , continued the Deputy Grand Master , and on his nomination Bros . Martin and Morris were " approved , declared , and saluted " as Grand Wardens . Lord Tullamorc succeeded as Grand Master , and was installed
on 24 th June , 1741 , m thc presence of " Lord Mountjoy , several brethren of rank and distinction , and the Mastcrand Wardens ol thirty icgularlodges . " Thc officers were reappointed or re-elected , and on the re-election ot thc Grand Master they were continued on 24 thjune , 1742 . On December 1 st , Bro . Baldwin resigned as Grand Secretary , Dr . Anthony Rcllban being elected on 27 th December , 1742 , in his place , Bro . Edward Spratt , then
Master of No . n , being approved as his Deputy . At thc Grand Lodge on 24 th June , 1743 , Lord Southwell was installed as Grand Master , C . Callaghan again Deputy Grand Master , and E . Martin and K . Fitzgerald , Grand Wardens . E . Spratt became the Grand Secretary on the resignation of Bro . Rellban , M . D . On 4 th July , 1744 , Lord Allen was installed as Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master being reinvested , and " H . Gorges ,
Esq ., and Mr . R . Houghton , " Grand Wardens . Bro . E . Martin , P . G . W ., was elected Treasurer . The Grand Master was re-elected 15 th May , 1745 , but was not reinstalled , consequent upon his death a few days afterwards , " which deeply affected the Brotherhood . " Lord Kingston was elected Grand Master " ad interim , " and was also installed once more as Grand Master on 7 th May , 1746 , and thc ollicers apparently continued . Sir
Marmaduke Wyvill , Bart ., was proclaimed the Grand Master on 24 th June , 1747 ; John Rutland , Deputy Grand Master ; Boyle Lennox , Grand Senior VVarden ; and Hans Bailie , Grand Junior Warden . The same officers were installed 24 th June , 1748 . At thc deferred Grand Lodge—13 th December—Lord Kingsborough was installed Grand Master , thc Deputy Grand Master and Grand Senior Warden being reappointed ; the Hon . I < .
Mackenzie , Grand Junior Warden . Prosperity now attended the Craft in many parts of Ireland beyond all precedent , and on 3 rd January , 1749 , the Grand Lodge decided that thc new lodge , consisting of the Grand Master , the Past Grand Master , Sir M . Wyvill , Bart ., the Deputy Grand Master , the Grand Wardens , and others be distinguished and known as the " Grand
Muster's Lodge , " and takes precedence of all others on the roll . This distinguished Grand Lodge still exists at the head of the roll of lodges on the registry of the Grand Lodge of Ireland . On the 25 th June , 1750 , the Grand Master and all thc officers were continued . A scheme was started for the building of Freemasons' Hall in 1750 , and thankfulness to God for his mercies to thc Craft concludes the account of the Grand Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Benevolence In 1883.
The past 3 'ear has been a year of great success in the aggregate to the three Masonic Charitable Institutions , the total amount realised from all sources being £ 5 6 , 11 ' ! 4 * - 3 d ., or more than £ 6000 above the highest total heretofore reached . The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys heads the list with a total of £ 25 , 010 17 s . id . ; the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution follows with £ 18 , 449 6 s . ,- and the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls brings up the rear with £ 12 , 650 is . 2 d . The individual items of which the totals are composed are as follows :
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Donations and Subscriptions £ 24 , 039 . iS 5 United Grand Lodge £ l 5 ° ° ° Supreme Grand Chapter 10 10 o Legacy ( less duty ) 4 ! 4 " Sundries 2 3 11 167 7 6
24 , 207 5 1 Dividends in Stock— " Genera ! I « und 56 9 1 2 „ „ „ " Building Fund" 234 10 o
£ 25 , 010 17 ROYAL MASONIC B ENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Donations and Annual Subscriptions £ i 4 ' 7 s 7 ' 4 ()
Dividends 1 S 67 6 6 Interest 26 5 6 Grand Lodfe 1600 o o Grand Chapter 150 ° ° Rent of Meadow 18 o o
£ 18 , 449 6 o ROYAL M ASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . Donations and Subscriptions £ 10 , 6 56 17 9 Dividends ' 260 0 o „ Sustcntatiou Fund 264 16 10 Grand Lodge ' 5 ° " °
„ Chapter 10 1 " <> Music Money 209 9 6 Sale of Old Pianos . V " " Sale of Books of Subscribers 21 9 0 Sale of Old Stores 1 17 9 Interest 5 ° ' 5 Legacy 4 J 4 6
£ 12 , 650 1 2 It will be seen from thc above figures that the donations and subscriptions lo thc Boys' School were about £ 9250 more than those lo the Benevolent Institution , and nearly £ 13 . 400 above the donations and subscriptions to thc Girls' School . But the Boys' School ' s weak points is dividends , which amount lo ontv £ Son , whereas thc dividends for the Benevolent Institution
arc nearly £ '" 1900 , and lor the Girls' School £ 1500 . lhc Benevolent Institution has an advantage in getting £ 1600 from Grand Lodge and £ 150 from Grand Chapter , as against £ 150 from Grand Lodge and £ 10 ms . from Grand Chapter lo each of the two other Institutions . Nevertheless it must be confessed that thc subscriptions to ihe Boys' School were thc great feature of thc past year of that Institution , and which most materially alfected thc Stewards' lists for the other Institutions , and will probably
unfortunately do so during the present year . 'I he attractions of the Duke of Albany as chairman for the next festival of thc Boys , and thc double votes , will perhaps be loo dazzling to enable the brethren to see the damage that will be done lo the sister Charities . Wc give below the totals received for thc past seven years .
1 SS 2 . I Benevolent £ ' i <> > 595 7 7 Girls' 15 . 96 9 15 8 Boy * ' 14 . S 79 15 8 £ 47 , 444 18 11 tSSt . Bencvo ' cnt £ ' i 7 . 7 . ^ 14 6 Boys' 12 . 993 9 " Girli' 12 , 557 4 7 £ 43 , 294 14 o 1 SS 0 . Girls' £ ' ' 7 . 737 10 11 Benevolent 16 , 301 4 10 Boys' 15 . ^ 73 ' 5 8 £ 49 , 762 it 5
1879 . Benevolent ^ 17 , 781 12 10 Boys' 13 , 923 4 4 Girls' 13 . 0-2 5 12 1 £ 44 o 33 11 9 1878 . Benevolent £ 14 . 880 2 7 Girls' 12 , 866 I 8 Boys' 12 , 566 o o £ 40 . 312 43 1 S 77 . Benevolent £ 16 , 411 19 5 Boys' 14 . 315 9 6 Girls' 11 , 900 0 o £ 42 , 627 8 11
1876 . lions' £ i 5 . 359 5 4 Benevolent 12 . 54 ° 15 7 Girlb' n . 435 ° 7 £ 39 . 335 7 c
Before 1 S 7 6 the amounts were comparatively low , the total for the year being some £ 7000 above the previous year . T he amounts voted during the year 1883 by thc Lodgeof Benevolence reached the total of £ 8675 , thc cases relieved numbering 334 . Thc details arc as follows :
Month . No . of Candidates . Amount . \ January 24 £ 685 February 30 750 March 29 5 S 0 April 22 645 May 33 880 June 39 885
Month . No . of Candidates . Amount , July 20 570 August 20 650 September 12 370 October 3 2 8 z 5 November 40 Io 6 ° December 33 775
Freemasonry In Ireland, 1730-50.
BY BRO . W . J . HUGHAN . It is almost impossible to say exactly when a Grand Lodge was first formed in Ireland . We know there was either a Grand or Provincial Grand Lodge held for Minister in thc third decade of the last century , and , according to present evidence , that body appears to antedate the records of thc Grand Lodge of Ireland ( Dublin ) of 1729-30 . It is a field of research
which has hacl few explorers , and certainly thc subject is far from exhausted . " Edward Spratt , Sec , " in his edition of the Book of Constitutions ( Dublin , 1 751 , ) issilent as tothe Provincial Grand Lodgeof Munstcr , and reallycommences his history with thc election as Grand Master of James King , Lord Viscount Kingston , A . D . 1730 , " the year after his lordship had with great reputation been the Grand Master of England . " This issue of the
Constitutions is in part a reproduction of John Pennell s Constitutions of 1730 , which was a reprint mainly of the previous edition of 1723 . Lord Ncltirvill was appointed Deputy Grand Master on July 7 th , 1731 , and the Hon . William Ponsonby and D . P . Hamps on , Esq ., were elected Grand Wardens . At the Grand Lodge on 7 th December Lord Southwell , Sir Seymour Pile , Bart ., and " Henry Plunket and Wentworth Harman , Esqs ., " werc present .
On February ist , 1731-2 , Bro . John Pennell was " unanimously chosen and declared Secretary to the Grand Lodge . " ¦ By desire of Lord Kingston , Lord Ne ttirvill was elected Grand Master on 2 nd May , who , by letter , appointed Lord Kingsland to be Deputy Grand Master , the two Grand Wardens chosen being James Brcnnan , M . D ., and Robert Nugent . On thc nomination of the Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master was
elected to the chair , and was installed on the 14 th August by the retiring Grand Master . " Sir Marcus Beresford , Lord Viscount Tyrone , " was made his Deputy , and Dr . Brcnnan and Capt . Cobbc , Grand Wardens Lord Kingsland was rc-clcctcd for 1734 , when the Senior Grand Warden was adva need to thc cflicc of Deputy Grand Master , Bros . Cobbe and Baldwin being chosen as thc iwo Grand Wardens .
Lord Kingston , as an act of " condescension , " amidst lhc " usual demonst rations of joy , " was again installed as G . M . 24 th June , 1735 . thc D . G . M . being continued and Bros . Baldwin and Corneillc occupying the Wardens' chairs . Lord Tyrone was installed as Grand Master on 1 st June , 1736 ; thc D . G . M . was continued and Bros . Corneillc and Sandford arc recorded as Grand Wardens . The first mention of Treasurer occurs
on July 6 th 1736 , when John Arabin , Esq ., was chosen to that office . Lord Tyrone was re-elected for 1737 , " was pleased to continue our worthy James Brcnnan , M . D ., his Deputy ; CorneliusCallaghan and John Putland , Esqrs ., being chosen Wardens . " Thc D . G . M . having died , and his lamented decease announced at the Grand Lodge , 27 th December , 1737 , thc G . S . W . was promoted lo D . G . M ., thc Junior lo thc Senior G . W ., and Bro . O'Hara
to the vacancy thus created . The officers installed on 24 th June , 1738 , were Lord Mountjoy , G . M ., C . Callaghan , D . G . M ., and R . Callaghan and E . Martin , Grand Wardens , Bro . T . Mills , Gent ., being appointed Treasurer . The onl y change on 161 I 1 May , 1739 , was in the choice of Wardens , thc G . S . W . being " willing lo decline , " the Brothers li . Martin and C . Annesty were respectively appointed Senior and Junior Grand
Wardens accordingly . Wc read now of the accustomed salutes and congratulations "being received "by thc Grand Ollicers " according to their Degrees . " A new Giand Secretary was chosen on 30 th January , 1739 , in the person of Bro . John Baldwin , P . G . \ V ., who on March 26 th " appointed Bro . Richard Pindar to be his Deputy . " A change in thc method of election of a Grand Master was exhibited in
1740 , for thc Deputy Grand Master proposed no less than three for thc office , viz ., " Lords Anglesey , Tullamorc , and Donneraile , " thc Grand Lodge unanimously electing the last-mentioned . Lord Donneraile on 24 th June , 1740 , continued the Deputy Grand Master , and on his nomination Bros . Martin and Morris were " approved , declared , and saluted " as Grand Wardens . Lord Tullamorc succeeded as Grand Master , and was installed
on 24 th June , 1741 , m thc presence of " Lord Mountjoy , several brethren of rank and distinction , and the Mastcrand Wardens ol thirty icgularlodges . " Thc officers were reappointed or re-elected , and on the re-election ot thc Grand Master they were continued on 24 thjune , 1742 . On December 1 st , Bro . Baldwin resigned as Grand Secretary , Dr . Anthony Rcllban being elected on 27 th December , 1742 , in his place , Bro . Edward Spratt , then
Master of No . n , being approved as his Deputy . At thc Grand Lodge on 24 th June , 1743 , Lord Southwell was installed as Grand Master , C . Callaghan again Deputy Grand Master , and E . Martin and K . Fitzgerald , Grand Wardens . E . Spratt became the Grand Secretary on the resignation of Bro . Rellban , M . D . On 4 th July , 1744 , Lord Allen was installed as Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master being reinvested , and " H . Gorges ,
Esq ., and Mr . R . Houghton , " Grand Wardens . Bro . E . Martin , P . G . W ., was elected Treasurer . The Grand Master was re-elected 15 th May , 1745 , but was not reinstalled , consequent upon his death a few days afterwards , " which deeply affected the Brotherhood . " Lord Kingston was elected Grand Master " ad interim , " and was also installed once more as Grand Master on 7 th May , 1746 , and thc ollicers apparently continued . Sir
Marmaduke Wyvill , Bart ., was proclaimed the Grand Master on 24 th June , 1747 ; John Rutland , Deputy Grand Master ; Boyle Lennox , Grand Senior VVarden ; and Hans Bailie , Grand Junior Warden . The same officers were installed 24 th June , 1748 . At thc deferred Grand Lodge—13 th December—Lord Kingsborough was installed Grand Master , thc Deputy Grand Master and Grand Senior Warden being reappointed ; the Hon . I < .
Mackenzie , Grand Junior Warden . Prosperity now attended the Craft in many parts of Ireland beyond all precedent , and on 3 rd January , 1749 , the Grand Lodge decided that thc new lodge , consisting of the Grand Master , the Past Grand Master , Sir M . Wyvill , Bart ., the Deputy Grand Master , the Grand Wardens , and others be distinguished and known as the " Grand
Muster's Lodge , " and takes precedence of all others on the roll . This distinguished Grand Lodge still exists at the head of the roll of lodges on the registry of the Grand Lodge of Ireland . On the 25 th June , 1750 , the Grand Master and all thc officers were continued . A scheme was started for the building of Freemasons' Hall in 1750 , and thankfulness to God for his mercies to thc Craft concludes the account of the Grand Lodge .