Article TESTIMONIAL TO BROTHER W. J. HUGHAN, P.G.D. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS, Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Testimonial To Brother W. J. Hughan, P.G.D.
PRESIDENT : THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF ZETLAND , Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorks . ViCE-PuHsmi- 'ST : J . DERBY AI . . CROET , Grand Treasurer . TREASURER : GEORGE K ENNING , P . G . D . Middlesex .
COMMITTEE : Right Hon . the Earl FERRERS , Prov . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland . HORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , C . C , W . M . 1949 . I . I ' . HELL , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . North and East Yorks . T . W . TEW , Senior Grand Deacon , D . P . G . M . West Yorks . Hon . W . T . ORDE-POWI . ETT , Dep . Prov . G . M . M . M . North and East Yorkshire .
Sir J . MEER , P . P . G . W . North and East Yorkshire . MAGNUS OUREN , P . A . G . D . C W . KELLV , F . S . A ., P . P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland IX MURRAY LYON , Grand Secretary Scotland . THUS . FENN , P . G . D . Rev . T . ROUINSON , P . G . C . GEO . TOLLER . jun ., P . G . Swd . Hr ., D . P . G . M . Leicestershire Dr . II . HOPKINS , P . M . 41 , 43 , < J 5 S . P . P . G . S . W . War
wickshire ; P . G . W . Grand Mark Lodge . T . J . RAI . LING , Prov . G . Sec . Essex . E . L . HAWKINS , Prov . G . S . W . Oxon . M . C PECK . iPmv . G . Sec . North and East Yorkshire . J . II . NEILSON , P . M . 620 l . C , P . G . S . W ., and representative G . L . Egypt . J . W . WOODAIIL , P . P . S . G . W ., Prov . G . M . M . M . North and East Yorkshire .
] . LE CROSIER , M . D ., P . P . G . S . W ., D . P . G . M . Jersey . Kev . C IAS . J . MARTYN , P . G . C , D . P . G . M . Suffolk . G . L . MCKAY , P . P . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Sec . Cumberland and Westmorland . ROBERT CASE , Prov . G . Sec . Dorset . GEORGE TAYLOR , Prov . G . Sec . Worcestershire . I , \ s . SMITH HASTES , D . P . G . M . Kent . G . P . BROCKBANK , P . P . G . D . East Lancashire , Grand
• Steward . Scotland . F . BINCKES , P . G . S ., Sec . R . M . I . Hoys . T . Y . STHACUAN , Deputy Prov . G . M . M . M . Northumbcr land and Durham . Rev . W . C LUKIS , P . P . G . Chaplain West Yorkshire . R , HUDSON , Prov , G . Sec . Durham J . BROOK-SMITH , D . P . G . M . Gloucester . \ V . G . ROGERS . D . P . G . M . Devon .
Capt . COI . VII . LE , P . G . S . W . Cornwall . C . FKNUELOW , 3 j ° , P . P . G . W . Staffordshire . Sir HENRY EDWARDS , Dart ., Prov . G . M . W . Yorkshire R . S . BROWN , P . M ., SIC ., Edinburgh . J AMES NEWTON , P . Prov . S . G . IX East Lane . j . II . SILLITOE , P . P . G . D . C . and P . G . J . F . ast Lane . EDGAR BOWVEK , G . Std . Br . N . II . HEADON . P . M . and Treasurer 1426 .
M . RICHARDS MUCKI . E , Past Grand 1 rcas . Pennsylvania . CHAS . A . MEYER , G . ll . P . Pennsylvania . | . S , Cu . MiiEitLA . ND , P . G . J . W . N . and E . Yorkshire . " | . TODD , P . P . G . Reg . N . and E . Yorks . Hon . Judge TOWNSHEND , LL . D ., P . Dep . CM ., K . of the Giand Chap . Ireland .
Canon TRISTRAM , D . C . L ., Prcv . G . M . M . M . Northum bcrland and Durham . R . C ELSE , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Somersetshire . Colonel ADAIR , P . P . Gr . M ., G . Supt . Somersetshire . E . I ) . ANDERTON , P . P . G . W ., P . G . Sec . Cornwall . J . GARRETT BORDER , IS ' , W . M . 3 6 . F . U . W . HEDGES , W . M . 1910 , Sec . R . M . I . Girls .
HON . SECRETARIES : T . B . WHYTEHEAD , Prov . G . S . W . N . and F .. Yorks , York . WILLIAM LAKE , P . Prov . G . Reg . Cornwall , 16 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . REVISED LIST OK SUDSCRIPTIONS . Anonymous ... 50 o o I . Brook Smith ... 1 1 0 RuyalCumbcrland W . Watson ... 1 1 0 Lodge 5 5 o Lodge No . GS ... 110
Aldersgate Chapter 5 5 o K . G . Irwin 1 I o Jordan Lodge ... 550 R . Hudson 1 I o II . H . Marshall ... 550 Hon . J . F . Towns-George Kenning 550 bend 110 lames S . Fastis 3 3 o Rcv . CanonTristram 1 1 o HonourLodgt ' , 379 220 A . M . Broadley ... 1 1 0 Rev . T . Robinson 220 lacob Norton ... 110 Dr . 11 . Hopkins ... 200 F . R . W . Hedges 1 1 o Cnl . Adair 200 T . Wilton , 41 ... 1 1 o
R ' . 'In . Earl Ferrers 1 1 o R . Peel Floyd , 41 1 1 o j . IJ . Allcroft ... 1 1 o Radway , 41 ... 1 1 o j . P . Bell 1 1 o Cater , 4 i 1 1 o T . W . Tew 1 1 o Royal Clarence Hon . W . T . Ordc- Lodge 1 1 o Powlett 1 1 o James Newton ... 1 1 o Sir James Meek ... I 1 o E . IX Anderton ... 1 I o Magnus Ohrcn ... 1 1 o E . Bowyer 1 1 o
William Kelly ... 110 Col . Edwards ... 1 1 o D . Murray Lyon 1 1 o R . V . V . Smith ... 1 1 0 'I homas l-unn ... 1 1 o J . Chapman ... 1 1 o Geo . Toller , jun ... 1 1 o \ V . Bradnec ... 110 K . L . Hawkins ... 1 1 . o I . Lane 1 1 o M . C Peck 1 1 o Rev . II . A . Pickard I 1 o J . II . Neilson ... 1 1 o John Hogg 1 1 0 ' ( . W . Woodall ... I 1 o J . P . Ashley ... 1 1 o
I . LcCronicr ... 110 J . S . lurner ... 1 1 o Rev . C J . Martyn 1 1 o S . Mitchell 1 1 o G . I ... McKay ... I 1 o Loder , 379 1 1 o Robert Case . . : 10 A . G . Goodall ... 1 1 o George Taylor ... 1 1 o James Terry ... 1 1 o G . P . Brockbank 1 1 o Alderman Staples 1 1 o l- ' rcdU . Binckes ... 1 1 o J . T . B . Batten ... 1 1 0 T . Y . SUachan ... 1 1 o John Tillman ... 1 1 o
Kev . W . C . Lukis 1 1 o W . Nott 1 1 o | . S . Cumberland 1 1 o Rev . A . F . A . j . Todd 110 Woodford ... 1 1 o G . Simpson . 1 1 0 St . John ' s Lodge 1 1 0 | . T . Seller 1 1 o John Marshall ... 1 I o \ V . 11 . Bells ... 1 1 o John Brewer ... 1 1 o
II . J . Mmtun ... 1 1 o T . S . Carter ... o 10 6 1 . Blenkin 1 1 o T . J . Railing ... o 10 0 At . Rooke 1 1 o Mercer , 41 o 10 0 T . B . Whytehead 1 1 o Bartlett , 41 o 10 0 York Lodge ... 1 I o Rabie , 41 0100 Eboracum Lodge 1 1 o Wm . Peach , ,,. o 10 o
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls,
K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of thc Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at
FREEMASONS' HALL , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's Inn Fields , London , on SATURDAY ~ the 12 th day of J ANUARY , 18 S 4 , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place Candidates on the List for the Election in April next , to declare the numberof Girls then to be elected , and to consider Notices of Motion as under :
NOTICES OF MOTION . By Bro . W . J . MURI . IS-. — " That the whole of the business in conducting- the Election of the I louse and Audit Committee and other kindred Elections be carried out in the same room as that in which the presiding Ollicer is sitting , and that it be referred to the General Committee to consider and
report on the best means for conducting such Elections . " By Bro . ROBERT MARTIN : — To add to Law C 3 , after the word " thereof" in fifth line"Or b y an annual'payment , under similar conditions , of Fifty pounds , provided that any person nominating a girl under this latter clause shall give such guarantee
for the continuous annual payment during the time such girl remains in thc Institution that the General Committee may require . " By Bro . C . F . MATIER : " Every individual donor of Two Hundred guineas by one payment or in sums of not less than Five guineas each shall become a Patron and have Eighty Votes at all
Elections of Girls . " A Lady or a Lewis being a minor—contributing One Hundred guineas in one or more payments of not less than Five guineas each shall be a Patron with Eighty Votes at all Elections of Giils . "A Lodge , Chapter , or Society shall enjoy thc like privileges
on completion of the payment , under similar conditions , ol iour hundred guineas . "That H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales be constituted the Grand Patron . "That H . R . H . thc Princess of Wales be constituted thc Grand Patroness .
By Bro . ROUEKT GREY , P . G . D ., Vice-Pat ., " That in consideration of the special services rendered to thc Institution by Mr . Prestige , he be elected an Honorary Life Governor with eight votes . " F . R . W . HEDGESSecretary .
, Offices—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Quecn-strcct , W . C . January sth . Stewards for thc Festival in May next are very much needed .
THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS , EARLWOOD , REDU 1 LL , SURREY . Under the Patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN . Total number of Inmates in the Asylum 5 G 3 Entirely supported by Voluntary Subscriptions ... 375 FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED TO MEET CURRENT EXPENSES . Superior accommodation is provided for private cases , payment for which is regulated by thc Board of Management . BANKERS—Thc London Joint Stock Bank . WILLIAM NICHOLAS , Secretary . Offices , 36 , King William-street , E . C .
OUTCAST—DESTITUTF . —HOMELESS . FIELD-LANE REFUGES , RAGGED SCHOOLS , RAGGED CHURCH , BABIES' NURSERY , & c , & c President . The Right Hon . thc EARL OK SIIAI-TESBURY , K . G . The Committee urgently APPEAL for FUNDS . Over 2 , 000 persons benefited weekly . The Committee also desire to provide a Dinner for 500 Outcasts on Christmas Day . H . R . H . thc Duke of Connaught , K . C , characterizes thc work as " A perfect network of charitable operations . . . An immense boon " to the poor . Treasurer—Wilfrid A . Bevan , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street . Bankers—Messrs . Barclay , Bevan , and Co ., and Messrs . Ransom and Co . Secretary—Peregrine Piatt , the Institution , Vine-street , Clerkcnwcll-road , E . C
SANATORIUM FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN AT BRIGHTON . CONDUCTED BY ALLEN DUKE , M . D . Opened for the rc : cption of Ladies and Children needing bracing air and recovering from non-infectious illness . 'Terms , which include Medical Attendance , from Three Guineas per Week . Apply to DR . DUKE , 124 , Western-road , Brighton .
AN IMPORTANT FACT ! jC j r \ and upwards carefully invested ^ W JL \ J in Options on Stocks and Shares is the safest ar . d most popular way of rapidly making money on the Stock Exchange by the non-liability system . Explanatory Book ( new edition ) giving full details , gratis and post free . — Address , GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Sworn Brokers , Grcsham House , London , E . C .
flH & ucaticmal . ULWICH HOUSE SCHOOL , VICTORIA ROAD , UPPER NORWOOD , S . E . ( Within seven minutes' of the Crystal Palace ) . PRINCIPAL : Mr . j . K . BARNES , LONDON UNIVERSITY . ( Late Upper Fifth-Form Master , Bedford Modern School , Harpur Foundation . ) RESIDENT STAFF : Classics : Mr . W . P . EVANS , M . A . ( 2 nd Class Classical Tripos , 1 S 77 . ) ( Late Foundation Scholar , Sidney Sussex College , Cambridge . ) English Language and Literature : The PRINCIPAL . Mathematics and Science : P . Z . ROUND , B . A . ( Mathematical Tripos , 1 SS 2 . ) ( Late Scholar St . Katharine's College , Cambridge . ) Modern Languages : The PRINCIPAL . VISITING STAKE : Modern Languages : Monsieur EUGENE FASNACIIT . ( Late Senior Modern Language Master , Bedford Modern School . Editor of Macmillan ' s Foreign Classics . ) Science : Rev . J . G . WOOD , M . A ., F . L . S ., and Prof . C P . MORRIS , Geology and Phys . Geog . j and such other qualified and experienced Masters | as thc requirements of the Pupils may demand . References kindly permitted to Rev . R . B . Poole , B . D ., Bed . Mod . School , Bedford . Alex . Waugh Young , M . A ., Tettcnhall College , Staffordshire . G . M . Hicks , M . A ., 5 , South-row , Blackhcatb , S . E . E , F . Ashworth Briggs , M . A ., L . L . M ., 15 , New Street , Daventry . Rev . A . Lloyd , M . A ., Norton Rectory , Bury St . Edmunds . C L . Peel , Esq ., C . B ., Woodcraft , Cuckficld , Sussex . Major Ed . Green , St . Mary's , Bedford . J . D . Rodger , Esq ., College Lawn , Cheltenham . C . P . Mason , B . A ., F . C . P ., Dukcsell , Streatham Hill , S . E .
TTAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL . FOUNDED 1556 . RECONSTITUTED 1 S 7 S . Head Master—Rev . G . F . HEATHER , M . A . ( formerly of the Royal Naval School ) . Second Master—Rev . H . ADRIAN , M . A . Christ Church , Oxon . Third Master-Mr . WALTER SMITH , B . A ., Trinity Coll ., Camb . German and Drawing-HERR HOERING . Drill—Sergt .-Instructor MORRIS , East Surrey Regiment . Non-residents are now admitted on thc same annual terms as Residents ; Fees from 3 I guineas per term . The new School , built with strict regard to sanitary Brinciples and all modern requirements , is now open for oarucrs and Day Scholars . 'The site is one of thc highest and most beautiful in the Thames Valley . Extensive playground , gravel soil , pure and bracing air . Excellent boating and bathing ; swimming is taught . Thc full Public School Classical and Mathematical Course , with Modern Languages , Natural Science , Drawing , & c . Preparation for competitive and other examinations , and for mercantile pursuits . For Prospectus , particulars as to Entrance , Scholarships , next Term , & c , apply to the Rev . G . F . HEATHER , I lampton-on-Thamcs .
BROOKLANDS COLLEGE , WEST HILL , PUTNEY , S . W . A FIRST-GRADE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR THE SONS OF GENTLEMEN ONLY . HEAD MASTER- . The Rev . II . F . WESTON COWLEY , B . A ., UNIVERSITY COLLEGE , LONDON . ( Ten Years an Assistant Master in University College School , London . Lately Curate of Rochampton , S . W . ) Preparation for Public Schools , Naval Cadctslnps , and Wellington College , Universities and Army . Fees for Day Boys , C , 7 and 8 Guineas per Term , according to age . Boarders 70 to 80 Guineas per School Year . Cricket , Lawn Tennis , Gymnasium . For full particulars apply to the Rev . the HEAD MASTER . No Corporal Punishment . Boating and Swimming .
ALL CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS . BRADFORD CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE . 41 , SUNBR 1 DGE ROAD , BRADFORD . The DAY and EVENING CLASSES are NOVV OPEN . Candidates arc thoroughly prepared for thc Indian , Class 1 . and IL , Clerkships , Royal Irish Constabulary Cadctships , Excise , Customs , Lady Clerkships ( age 18 to 20 ) , Naval Engineer Studentships , & c . Preparations also for thc Army , Navy , the University , Theological , Preliminary Medical , Legal , Pharmaceutical , and other Examinations . Pupils very highly successful , obtaining ist , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , Gth , 10 th places on the lists . Success certain . Backward and delicate pupils receive special attention . Special Class for Ladies preparing for Clerkships in the Post-Office , commencing salary £ 65 . Boarders received ; terms moderate . Parents and Guardians should consult Mr . PIERCE , the Principal , respecting Government Appointments . Prospectuses post free . For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY . N . B . —Candidates rapidly prepared by Correspondence . Obtained the highest percentage of passes throughout thc United Kingdom . Passed upwards of 900 pupils . TWO ARTICLED PUPILS required . Age , iC to 21 . Premium required , So to 100 guineas . Salary first year , £ 40 with board , & c , or £ So without board , & c . Thorough training ; will be prepared for any branch of thc Civil Service . For further particulars apply to Mr . W . G . PIERCE , Civil Service Institute , Bradford , Yorkshire .
WANTED by a Young Man , a brother Mason , EMPLOYMENT at home or abroad . Trustworthy ; good reference s . —M . G ., 25 , Atholstreet , Abbots-road , Poplar , E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Testimonial To Brother W. J. Hughan, P.G.D.
PRESIDENT : THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF ZETLAND , Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorks . ViCE-PuHsmi- 'ST : J . DERBY AI . . CROET , Grand Treasurer . TREASURER : GEORGE K ENNING , P . G . D . Middlesex .
COMMITTEE : Right Hon . the Earl FERRERS , Prov . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland . HORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , C . C , W . M . 1949 . I . I ' . HELL , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . North and East Yorks . T . W . TEW , Senior Grand Deacon , D . P . G . M . West Yorks . Hon . W . T . ORDE-POWI . ETT , Dep . Prov . G . M . M . M . North and East Yorkshire .
Sir J . MEER , P . P . G . W . North and East Yorkshire . MAGNUS OUREN , P . A . G . D . C W . KELLV , F . S . A ., P . P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland IX MURRAY LYON , Grand Secretary Scotland . THUS . FENN , P . G . D . Rev . T . ROUINSON , P . G . C . GEO . TOLLER . jun ., P . G . Swd . Hr ., D . P . G . M . Leicestershire Dr . II . HOPKINS , P . M . 41 , 43 , < J 5 S . P . P . G . S . W . War
wickshire ; P . G . W . Grand Mark Lodge . T . J . RAI . LING , Prov . G . Sec . Essex . E . L . HAWKINS , Prov . G . S . W . Oxon . M . C PECK . iPmv . G . Sec . North and East Yorkshire . J . II . NEILSON , P . M . 620 l . C , P . G . S . W ., and representative G . L . Egypt . J . W . WOODAIIL , P . P . S . G . W ., Prov . G . M . M . M . North and East Yorkshire .
] . LE CROSIER , M . D ., P . P . G . S . W ., D . P . G . M . Jersey . Kev . C IAS . J . MARTYN , P . G . C , D . P . G . M . Suffolk . G . L . MCKAY , P . P . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Sec . Cumberland and Westmorland . ROBERT CASE , Prov . G . Sec . Dorset . GEORGE TAYLOR , Prov . G . Sec . Worcestershire . I , \ s . SMITH HASTES , D . P . G . M . Kent . G . P . BROCKBANK , P . P . G . D . East Lancashire , Grand
• Steward . Scotland . F . BINCKES , P . G . S ., Sec . R . M . I . Hoys . T . Y . STHACUAN , Deputy Prov . G . M . M . M . Northumbcr land and Durham . Rev . W . C LUKIS , P . P . G . Chaplain West Yorkshire . R , HUDSON , Prov , G . Sec . Durham J . BROOK-SMITH , D . P . G . M . Gloucester . \ V . G . ROGERS . D . P . G . M . Devon .
Capt . COI . VII . LE , P . G . S . W . Cornwall . C . FKNUELOW , 3 j ° , P . P . G . W . Staffordshire . Sir HENRY EDWARDS , Dart ., Prov . G . M . W . Yorkshire R . S . BROWN , P . M ., SIC ., Edinburgh . J AMES NEWTON , P . Prov . S . G . IX East Lane . j . II . SILLITOE , P . P . G . D . C . and P . G . J . F . ast Lane . EDGAR BOWVEK , G . Std . Br . N . II . HEADON . P . M . and Treasurer 1426 .
M . RICHARDS MUCKI . E , Past Grand 1 rcas . Pennsylvania . CHAS . A . MEYER , G . ll . P . Pennsylvania . | . S , Cu . MiiEitLA . ND , P . G . J . W . N . and E . Yorkshire . " | . TODD , P . P . G . Reg . N . and E . Yorks . Hon . Judge TOWNSHEND , LL . D ., P . Dep . CM ., K . of the Giand Chap . Ireland .
Canon TRISTRAM , D . C . L ., Prcv . G . M . M . M . Northum bcrland and Durham . R . C ELSE , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Somersetshire . Colonel ADAIR , P . P . Gr . M ., G . Supt . Somersetshire . E . I ) . ANDERTON , P . P . G . W ., P . G . Sec . Cornwall . J . GARRETT BORDER , IS ' , W . M . 3 6 . F . U . W . HEDGES , W . M . 1910 , Sec . R . M . I . Girls .
HON . SECRETARIES : T . B . WHYTEHEAD , Prov . G . S . W . N . and F .. Yorks , York . WILLIAM LAKE , P . Prov . G . Reg . Cornwall , 16 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . REVISED LIST OK SUDSCRIPTIONS . Anonymous ... 50 o o I . Brook Smith ... 1 1 0 RuyalCumbcrland W . Watson ... 1 1 0 Lodge 5 5 o Lodge No . GS ... 110
Aldersgate Chapter 5 5 o K . G . Irwin 1 I o Jordan Lodge ... 550 R . Hudson 1 I o II . H . Marshall ... 550 Hon . J . F . Towns-George Kenning 550 bend 110 lames S . Fastis 3 3 o Rcv . CanonTristram 1 1 o HonourLodgt ' , 379 220 A . M . Broadley ... 1 1 0 Rev . T . Robinson 220 lacob Norton ... 110 Dr . 11 . Hopkins ... 200 F . R . W . Hedges 1 1 o Cnl . Adair 200 T . Wilton , 41 ... 1 1 o
R ' . 'In . Earl Ferrers 1 1 o R . Peel Floyd , 41 1 1 o j . IJ . Allcroft ... 1 1 o Radway , 41 ... 1 1 o j . P . Bell 1 1 o Cater , 4 i 1 1 o T . W . Tew 1 1 o Royal Clarence Hon . W . T . Ordc- Lodge 1 1 o Powlett 1 1 o James Newton ... 1 1 o Sir James Meek ... I 1 o E . IX Anderton ... 1 I o Magnus Ohrcn ... 1 1 o E . Bowyer 1 1 o
William Kelly ... 110 Col . Edwards ... 1 1 o D . Murray Lyon 1 1 o R . V . V . Smith ... 1 1 0 'I homas l-unn ... 1 1 o J . Chapman ... 1 1 o Geo . Toller , jun ... 1 1 o \ V . Bradnec ... 110 K . L . Hawkins ... 1 1 . o I . Lane 1 1 o M . C Peck 1 1 o Rev . II . A . Pickard I 1 o J . II . Neilson ... 1 1 o John Hogg 1 1 0 ' ( . W . Woodall ... I 1 o J . P . Ashley ... 1 1 o
I . LcCronicr ... 110 J . S . lurner ... 1 1 o Rev . C J . Martyn 1 1 o S . Mitchell 1 1 o G . I ... McKay ... I 1 o Loder , 379 1 1 o Robert Case . . : 10 A . G . Goodall ... 1 1 o George Taylor ... 1 1 o James Terry ... 1 1 o G . P . Brockbank 1 1 o Alderman Staples 1 1 o l- ' rcdU . Binckes ... 1 1 o J . T . B . Batten ... 1 1 0 T . Y . SUachan ... 1 1 o John Tillman ... 1 1 o
Kev . W . C . Lukis 1 1 o W . Nott 1 1 o | . S . Cumberland 1 1 o Rev . A . F . A . j . Todd 110 Woodford ... 1 1 o G . Simpson . 1 1 0 St . John ' s Lodge 1 1 0 | . T . Seller 1 1 o John Marshall ... 1 I o \ V . 11 . Bells ... 1 1 o John Brewer ... 1 1 o
II . J . Mmtun ... 1 1 o T . S . Carter ... o 10 6 1 . Blenkin 1 1 o T . J . Railing ... o 10 0 At . Rooke 1 1 o Mercer , 41 o 10 0 T . B . Whytehead 1 1 o Bartlett , 41 o 10 0 York Lodge ... 1 I o Rabie , 41 0100 Eboracum Lodge 1 1 o Wm . Peach , ,,. o 10 o
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls,
K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of thc Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held at
FREEMASONS' HALL , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's Inn Fields , London , on SATURDAY ~ the 12 th day of J ANUARY , 18 S 4 , at Twelve o ' clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place Candidates on the List for the Election in April next , to declare the numberof Girls then to be elected , and to consider Notices of Motion as under :
NOTICES OF MOTION . By Bro . W . J . MURI . IS-. — " That the whole of the business in conducting- the Election of the I louse and Audit Committee and other kindred Elections be carried out in the same room as that in which the presiding Ollicer is sitting , and that it be referred to the General Committee to consider and
report on the best means for conducting such Elections . " By Bro . ROBERT MARTIN : — To add to Law C 3 , after the word " thereof" in fifth line"Or b y an annual'payment , under similar conditions , of Fifty pounds , provided that any person nominating a girl under this latter clause shall give such guarantee
for the continuous annual payment during the time such girl remains in thc Institution that the General Committee may require . " By Bro . C . F . MATIER : " Every individual donor of Two Hundred guineas by one payment or in sums of not less than Five guineas each shall become a Patron and have Eighty Votes at all
Elections of Girls . " A Lady or a Lewis being a minor—contributing One Hundred guineas in one or more payments of not less than Five guineas each shall be a Patron with Eighty Votes at all Elections of Giils . "A Lodge , Chapter , or Society shall enjoy thc like privileges
on completion of the payment , under similar conditions , ol iour hundred guineas . "That H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales be constituted the Grand Patron . "That H . R . H . thc Princess of Wales be constituted thc Grand Patroness .
By Bro . ROUEKT GREY , P . G . D ., Vice-Pat ., " That in consideration of the special services rendered to thc Institution by Mr . Prestige , he be elected an Honorary Life Governor with eight votes . " F . R . W . HEDGESSecretary .
, Offices—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Quecn-strcct , W . C . January sth . Stewards for thc Festival in May next are very much needed .
THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS , EARLWOOD , REDU 1 LL , SURREY . Under the Patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN . Total number of Inmates in the Asylum 5 G 3 Entirely supported by Voluntary Subscriptions ... 375 FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED TO MEET CURRENT EXPENSES . Superior accommodation is provided for private cases , payment for which is regulated by thc Board of Management . BANKERS—Thc London Joint Stock Bank . WILLIAM NICHOLAS , Secretary . Offices , 36 , King William-street , E . C .
OUTCAST—DESTITUTF . —HOMELESS . FIELD-LANE REFUGES , RAGGED SCHOOLS , RAGGED CHURCH , BABIES' NURSERY , & c , & c President . The Right Hon . thc EARL OK SIIAI-TESBURY , K . G . The Committee urgently APPEAL for FUNDS . Over 2 , 000 persons benefited weekly . The Committee also desire to provide a Dinner for 500 Outcasts on Christmas Day . H . R . H . thc Duke of Connaught , K . C , characterizes thc work as " A perfect network of charitable operations . . . An immense boon " to the poor . Treasurer—Wilfrid A . Bevan , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street . Bankers—Messrs . Barclay , Bevan , and Co ., and Messrs . Ransom and Co . Secretary—Peregrine Piatt , the Institution , Vine-street , Clerkcnwcll-road , E . C
SANATORIUM FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN AT BRIGHTON . CONDUCTED BY ALLEN DUKE , M . D . Opened for the rc : cption of Ladies and Children needing bracing air and recovering from non-infectious illness . 'Terms , which include Medical Attendance , from Three Guineas per Week . Apply to DR . DUKE , 124 , Western-road , Brighton .
AN IMPORTANT FACT ! jC j r \ and upwards carefully invested ^ W JL \ J in Options on Stocks and Shares is the safest ar . d most popular way of rapidly making money on the Stock Exchange by the non-liability system . Explanatory Book ( new edition ) giving full details , gratis and post free . — Address , GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Sworn Brokers , Grcsham House , London , E . C .
flH & ucaticmal . ULWICH HOUSE SCHOOL , VICTORIA ROAD , UPPER NORWOOD , S . E . ( Within seven minutes' of the Crystal Palace ) . PRINCIPAL : Mr . j . K . BARNES , LONDON UNIVERSITY . ( Late Upper Fifth-Form Master , Bedford Modern School , Harpur Foundation . ) RESIDENT STAFF : Classics : Mr . W . P . EVANS , M . A . ( 2 nd Class Classical Tripos , 1 S 77 . ) ( Late Foundation Scholar , Sidney Sussex College , Cambridge . ) English Language and Literature : The PRINCIPAL . Mathematics and Science : P . Z . ROUND , B . A . ( Mathematical Tripos , 1 SS 2 . ) ( Late Scholar St . Katharine's College , Cambridge . ) Modern Languages : The PRINCIPAL . VISITING STAKE : Modern Languages : Monsieur EUGENE FASNACIIT . ( Late Senior Modern Language Master , Bedford Modern School . Editor of Macmillan ' s Foreign Classics . ) Science : Rev . J . G . WOOD , M . A ., F . L . S ., and Prof . C P . MORRIS , Geology and Phys . Geog . j and such other qualified and experienced Masters | as thc requirements of the Pupils may demand . References kindly permitted to Rev . R . B . Poole , B . D ., Bed . Mod . School , Bedford . Alex . Waugh Young , M . A ., Tettcnhall College , Staffordshire . G . M . Hicks , M . A ., 5 , South-row , Blackhcatb , S . E . E , F . Ashworth Briggs , M . A ., L . L . M ., 15 , New Street , Daventry . Rev . A . Lloyd , M . A ., Norton Rectory , Bury St . Edmunds . C L . Peel , Esq ., C . B ., Woodcraft , Cuckficld , Sussex . Major Ed . Green , St . Mary's , Bedford . J . D . Rodger , Esq ., College Lawn , Cheltenham . C . P . Mason , B . A ., F . C . P ., Dukcsell , Streatham Hill , S . E .
TTAMPTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL . FOUNDED 1556 . RECONSTITUTED 1 S 7 S . Head Master—Rev . G . F . HEATHER , M . A . ( formerly of the Royal Naval School ) . Second Master—Rev . H . ADRIAN , M . A . Christ Church , Oxon . Third Master-Mr . WALTER SMITH , B . A ., Trinity Coll ., Camb . German and Drawing-HERR HOERING . Drill—Sergt .-Instructor MORRIS , East Surrey Regiment . Non-residents are now admitted on thc same annual terms as Residents ; Fees from 3 I guineas per term . The new School , built with strict regard to sanitary Brinciples and all modern requirements , is now open for oarucrs and Day Scholars . 'The site is one of thc highest and most beautiful in the Thames Valley . Extensive playground , gravel soil , pure and bracing air . Excellent boating and bathing ; swimming is taught . Thc full Public School Classical and Mathematical Course , with Modern Languages , Natural Science , Drawing , & c . Preparation for competitive and other examinations , and for mercantile pursuits . For Prospectus , particulars as to Entrance , Scholarships , next Term , & c , apply to the Rev . G . F . HEATHER , I lampton-on-Thamcs .
BROOKLANDS COLLEGE , WEST HILL , PUTNEY , S . W . A FIRST-GRADE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR THE SONS OF GENTLEMEN ONLY . HEAD MASTER- . The Rev . II . F . WESTON COWLEY , B . A ., UNIVERSITY COLLEGE , LONDON . ( Ten Years an Assistant Master in University College School , London . Lately Curate of Rochampton , S . W . ) Preparation for Public Schools , Naval Cadctslnps , and Wellington College , Universities and Army . Fees for Day Boys , C , 7 and 8 Guineas per Term , according to age . Boarders 70 to 80 Guineas per School Year . Cricket , Lawn Tennis , Gymnasium . For full particulars apply to the Rev . the HEAD MASTER . No Corporal Punishment . Boating and Swimming .
ALL CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS . BRADFORD CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE . 41 , SUNBR 1 DGE ROAD , BRADFORD . The DAY and EVENING CLASSES are NOVV OPEN . Candidates arc thoroughly prepared for thc Indian , Class 1 . and IL , Clerkships , Royal Irish Constabulary Cadctships , Excise , Customs , Lady Clerkships ( age 18 to 20 ) , Naval Engineer Studentships , & c . Preparations also for thc Army , Navy , the University , Theological , Preliminary Medical , Legal , Pharmaceutical , and other Examinations . Pupils very highly successful , obtaining ist , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , Gth , 10 th places on the lists . Success certain . Backward and delicate pupils receive special attention . Special Class for Ladies preparing for Clerkships in the Post-Office , commencing salary £ 65 . Boarders received ; terms moderate . Parents and Guardians should consult Mr . PIERCE , the Principal , respecting Government Appointments . Prospectuses post free . For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY . N . B . —Candidates rapidly prepared by Correspondence . Obtained the highest percentage of passes throughout thc United Kingdom . Passed upwards of 900 pupils . TWO ARTICLED PUPILS required . Age , iC to 21 . Premium required , So to 100 guineas . Salary first year , £ 40 with board , & c , or £ So without board , & c . Thorough training ; will be prepared for any branch of thc Civil Service . For further particulars apply to Mr . W . G . PIERCE , Civil Service Institute , Bradford , Yorkshire .
WANTED by a Young Man , a brother Mason , EMPLOYMENT at home or abroad . Trustworthy ; good reference s . —M . G ., 25 , Atholstreet , Abbots-road , Poplar , E .