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Masonic Bazaar At Salford.
Bro . OLLIER seconded the motion , which was carried amid enthusiasm . Bro . Col . STARKIE , in responding , said he was much obliged to them , but as he thought the credit was mostly due to thc ladies , he proposed a hearty vote of thanks to them . The motion was cordially received , and the business of the bazaar then commenced .
Presentation To Bro. And Mrs. E. Dawkins.
On Saturday evening last a handsome presentation was made to Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins at the Horse Shoe Hotel , 'Tottenham Court-road . The presentation consisted of a valuable tea and coffee service and salver , and an elegantly illuminated vellum , framed and glazed , recording the object of the gift . This was signed by the subscribers to the
testimonial , who were some of the most frequent visitors of Freemasons' Tavern ( of which Bro . Dawkins has been the manager for several years ) , and the staff of the Tavern . It was as a testimony of their appreciation of Bro . Dawkins' urbanity and kindness in all his relations with these signatories , and further as a wedding gift to Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins , that the presentation was made . A very nice little dinner preceded thc formal ceremony of
presentation . Bro . A . J . Muir presided , having Bro . Dawkins on his immediate right , and Mrs . Dawkins on his immediate left . Bro . Palmer took one vice-chair , and Bro . Morley the other . About 30 ladies and gentlemen sat down to the dinner . In making the presentation , Bro . A . J . Muir said it had been his privilege to work with Bro . Dawkins for seven years , an apprenticeship during which full opportunity was afforded to hnd out a man ' s character .
Some of those present had known Bro . Dawkins longer , and they could confirm the truth of what he said that it had never fallen to his lot to meet with such uniform kindness and courteous consideration for the feelings of others as he had witnessed in Bro . Dawkins . Bro . Dawkins had given 14 or 15 of the best years of his life to the service of Freemasons' Tavern , and it was astonishing no presentation had been made to him before ; but this had no doubt
occurred from the want of some one to start thc idea . When it was taken in hand he ( Bro . Muir ) on mentioning it never met with anything but complimentary pleasing remarks upon it . _ No one said he could not afford to subscribe to it , but on the contrary every one said , "How much do you want ! If you do not get enough come back to me . " If he ( Bro . Muir ) had had more time and opportunity at his disposal thc
testimonial subscription would have been very much more . He had on many occasions had to take part in testimonials , but be had never met with such a hearty response as he had in this testimonial to Bro . Dawkins . It almost made him feel that begging was a very good trade , and he felt much inclined to make a profession of it . He had received one letter about it , which he thought particularly kind . The writer said he wished thc testimonial could be more than it
was , as everyone admired Bro . Dawkins for his kind and courteous conduct . Bro . Muir concluded by saying that if he could have seen all thc brethren he knew about thc presentation the table that thc tea and coffee service was now on would not have been large enough to hold it ; and in thc name of the subscribers he begged its acceptance by Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins . Bro . MORLF . V added that Bro . Muir had not said enough ,
though he agreed with all he had said . It had been his pleasure to know Bro . Dawkins for a very long period , and there were only two gentlemen in the room who bad known him longer . Whether in business or pleasure Bro . Dawkins was always the same . Having had a great deal to do with him , dealing with the staff of Freemasons' Tavern , which was a very large one , he had found that all of them said Mr . Dawkins was a gentleman . He did not know that he
had ever met with a gentleman who was kinder to all who dealt with him in business . With regard to Mrs . Dawkins , it had been his pleasure to be associated with her in thc business of thc Tavern for a long time , and during all that time he had found she had conducted her portion of the business in a businesslike way . It was a pleasure to him lo think she was mated with such a man as Bro . Dawkins , and he wished happiness and prosperity to them in their future
life . Bro . PALMER said he had been associated with Bro . Dawkins for 14 months and he thoroughl y endorsed all that had been said with regard to Bro . Dawkins' courtesy and general kindness . He ( Bro . Palmer ) was an old servant of Spiers and Pond , and he would say after having travelled all over the country for the firm he had never met with so courteous and kind a gentleman and so tender hearted a
man as Bro . Dawkins . He sincerely hoped that although his ( Bro . Palmer ' s ) place of business was some distance from Bro . Dawkins ' s , Bro . Dawkins would look upon him as . a member of the Freemasons' Tavern staff , no matter what their relative positions might be , that they might meet at the central place , at the Freemasons' Tavern or the Auction Mart on the same footing as when he ( Bro . Palmer ) was under Bro . Dawkins , because from Bro .
Dawkins ' s conduct he ( Bro . Palmer ) had never felt himself a subordinate , he was more like a companion . What that staff did was done not more for Spiers and Pond than for thc manager , because he was the representative of the firm . He hoped the presentation would be a small souvenir of the feelings of appreciation not only of thc servants of the Tavern , but of the customers , who had given in a liberal and spontaneous spirit . He was sure that Bro . Dawkins
would look on it as if it had been worth far more in a pecuniary point of view , as coming from the hearts of those who presented it . He congratulated Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins on their union and hoped they would live long enough to see the tea and coffee service worn out , and that all that time they might enjoy every happiness in life , and meet the present company on many occasions . The presentation was then made by Bro . Muir , and Bro . Dawkins in acknowledging the gift said thc comoanv must excuse him if
he could not return thanks as he would like to do for thc great kindness that had been shown him , and also for the kind expressions right and left , which had been showered upon him . He could not express his feelings as he would wish , and therefore he would simply thank them—though most sincerely—for thc very handsome present that had been made to him and Mrs . Dawkins . The evening was enlivened with some beautiful singing and music , by Bros . G . S . Graham and Kift , and some wonderful feats of Iedgerdemain by Bro . Charles Bertram .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft ilascmru
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion , on the ' nth ult , Bro . W . II . Gulliford , W . M ., presided , supported by the following officers : Bros . G . Coleman , S . W . ; J . Jacobs , J . W . ; Edward Jacobs , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bourne , P . M ., Sec ; W . 11 . Redgley , S . D . ; T . A . Dickson , J . D . ; B . Solomons , I . G . ; Bros . J . P . Ripley ,
Holditch , T . Wilson , W . W . Cousins , G . Reynolds , Frank Gulliford , G . H . Reynolds , Starling , J . C . Howard , R . Head , T . A . Thompson , G . Ralph , W . F . Thorpe , S . Mordecai , I .. Alexander , Kedglcy , P . M . ; S . Jacobs , P . M . Visitors : Bros . I . Cox , P . M . igo ; W . Rorts , 1273 ; F . Davis , 34 ; Henry Carr , 10 S 5 ; Samuel East , jun ., 134 S ; ' ti . Mordecai , 134 S ; and VI . Marks , 1349 .
The lodge having been opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Messrs . James Bellamy and W . Umvin , which was unanimous in their favour . Lodge opened in the Second and then the Third Degree and the W . M . raised Bro . II . Cousins to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . Lodge resumed to the Second Degree ,
and Bros . J . Starling , Frank Gulliford , G . II . Reynolds , G . A . Holditch , and D . Mordecai , were passed to thc degree of F . C . Lodge resumed to the I- 'irst Degree and Messrs . James Bellamy and II . L ' nwin received the benefit of initiation into l'rccmasonry , thc whole of the ceremonies being rendered by the W . M . in a masterly manner , assisted by his ollicers . Bro . G . Coleman ,
S . W ., was unanimously elected to fill thc chair for the ensuing year . Bro . Edward Jacobs , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer and Bro . Potter , P . M ., Tyler . A P . M . ' s jewel was voted to Bro . W . II . Gulliford in recognition of bis valuable services as W . M . for the past year , and Bros . G . Reynolds , G . Ralph , and W . Cousins were appointed as Audit Committee .
Thc Worshipful Master having received the " Hearty good wishes" of the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed and thc brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner was served by Messrs . Spiers and Pond . After thc usual Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . S . Jacobs , l . P . M ., said he always felt much pleasure
in taking thc gavel in hand to propose " The Health of their worthy W . M . " They all knew how well he worked , of which they had had a grand specimen that evening . 1 le had always thc good of the lodge at heart , and no Past Master could remember thc lodge so flourishing as at present Thc Worshipful Master suitably acknowledged the
compliment , and afterwards gave the toast of " lhc Initiates . " All must have observed the sincere and attentive manner and attitude of thc Initiates that night , and he felt sure that they would be good and true brethren . The Initiates returned their thanks in a few and well appropriate words , thanking thc brethren for thc honour they had done them in electing them as members of thc Covent Garden Lodge . 'They both had many friends in
the lodge and they would do all in their power to become good and true Masons . The Worshipful Master in proposing " 'The Health of the VV . M . elect " asked if it was possible for any brother who was about to enter thc chair to have better wishes . He traced with p leasure his antecedents . The W . M . elect was the first initiate in thc Covent Garden Lodge . He was
the son-in-law of thc founder of the lodge , and all along he has devoted his time to thc Craft . His adherence to thc Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction was a great proof of his sincerity . In proposing "Thc Health of their future W . M . " he trusted the brethren would drink it most heartily . Thc Worshipful Master elect thanked the brethren for
the kind manner in which his health had been drank , lie had always received great kindness from thc W . M ., also thc P . Ms , and brethren of the lodge . The W . M . bad always had good ollicers , and he only hoped he would be successful in having better ollicers than his predecessors . The Worshipful Master , in proposing- the health of the P . Ms ., Treasurer , and Secretary , said no lodge could
have more agreeable brethren . They were always ready to do all in their power for the brethren , and to further thc interest of the lodge . Bro . C . Jacobs , l . P . M ., returned thanks for the P . Ms . Bro . Marks , 1349 , ' returning thanks for thc " Visitors , " thanked thc W . M . and the brethren for the hearty manner in which their healths had been drunk . It was always a pleasure to him to visit Covent Garden Lodge , and on behalf of thc other visitors and himself he could say they
had visited many lodges , but had neverseen thc ceremonies so ably rendered . It was a great treat and not to be forgotten . The Officers , having acknowledged thc toast in their honour , the Tyler's toast brought to a conclusion a most enjoyable evening , to the pleasures of which Bro . Bassett , with an extraordinary entertainment with a pack of cards , and Bro . Ralph , Unwin , Mordecai , Bourne , and Mark , contributed by their vocal abilities .
SAINT MARY ABBOTTS LODGE ( No . ' 97 , 4 ) . —A meeting of emergency of this lodge was held on Thursday , thc 27 th ult ., at thc Town Hall , Kensington , VV . Present : Bros . Capt . A . Nicols , W . M . ; Capt . C . Compton , S . W . ; James Green , 'Treasurer ; Geo . Capper Harding , Sec ; Alfred Williams , S . D . ; Francis Compton , D . C ; Thos . Friend , Tyler ; D . Shorter Skinner , W . C .
Glen , Capt . II . S . Andrews , F . Aylmer Lloyd , J . Peacock , J . II . Townscnd-Grcei , C . E . Baker , C . VV . Stephens , and C . B . R . Hunter . Visitors -. V . W . Bro . Rev . Ambrose W . Hall , P . G . Chap . ; W . Bro . George Read , P . M . 1767 ; and Bro . A , Hardy , 201 .
'This emergency meeting was held for thc purpose of clearing off llie unfinished work of the year , and to lighten the agenda paper for the installation meeting , which will take place on the 24 th inst . Thc VV . M ., Bro . Capt . A . Nicols , took the opportunity of remarking that the lodge had met nine times during the year , and had done a very considerable amount of eood work in that sphere in which it
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was originally established . He felt sure that the lodge had attained its prosperity and high standing in the Craft through the united endeavours of the ollicers and members to promote the original design of the founders , which was " quality rather than quantity . " 'Three brethren were passed to thc Second Degree , the tracing board being
beautifully explained hy Bro . Francis Compton , and two true and trusty Craftsmen , viz ., Bros . J . H . Townsend-Green and J . Peacock , were duly raised to the degree of M . M ., the whole of the ceremonies being worked in extenso b y the W . M . There was a fair attendance of members , notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather and it being Christmas week . .
HULL . —Humber Lodge ( No . 57 )—The members cf this lar ^ c and influential lodge held their annual meeting on St . John ' s Day , at their Hall , Osbornc-strect , for the inslallation of ollicers for the ensuing year . There was a good musterof the members , and many distinguished brethren from York and the neighbouring towns were present , amongst whom were the following : W . Hro . J .
Pearson Bell , M . D ., Dep .- Prov . Grand . Master of N . and E . Yorks ; Bros . M . C . Peck , P . G . Sec , P . M . 250 , 1040 , 1 5 , & c ; T . B , Whytehead , P . M . 1 G 11 , S . P . G . W . ; | . S . Cumberland , P . M . 1611 , P . P . G . J . VV . ; Walter Reynolds , P . M . 250 , P . P . G . D . C . ; E . Bryan , VV . M . 291 . P . G . D . C , Charles II . Wright , W . M . 1 ( 105 ; II . llolgreaves , W . M . 1040 ; B . J . Tonge , VV . M . 792 ; George
L . Shackles , P . M . 1511 , P . P . G . S . D . ; E . Goodcridge , P . M . 45 S ; F . A . Hopwood , P . M . 1010 , P . P . G . S . B . ; A . King , W . M . 57 ; R . Beevers , P . M . 57 , P . G . Supt . Wks . ; Wm . Banks Hay , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; George Wilson , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; Morris llabcrland , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; Henry Toozes , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; VV . Tcsscyman , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . ; R . T . Vivian ,
P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; ' 1 nomas Thompson , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . and W . D . Kcyworth , 57 , P . P . G . Supt . Works . Thc lodge was opened in form with solemn prayer . Thc VV . M ., Bro . A . King , vacated the chair , and the Wurshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in his usual impressive manner , installed , according to ancient custom , the VV . M . elect , Bio . Robert Hodgson .
who appointed and invested his ofiiccrs as follows : Bros . A . King , I . P . M . ; I ) . / . O'Donoghue , S . W . ; . VI . J . Martinson , J . W . ; II . Tonzcs , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Chap . ; Thomas Thompson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; W . B . Hay , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Lecture Master : W . D . Kcyworth , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of VV ., Almoner ; John Cockin , Hon . Sec . ; John Pctch , Asst . Sec . ; William
Whincup , S . D . ; Edward Corns , J . D . ; John Walton , D . C . ; G . D . Starry , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; John Dinsdale , Stwd . ; W . J . Hall , I . G . ; Win . Cuthbcrt , " T yler ; and J . Burdall , Asst . Tyler . A very hearty vote of thanks w . is moved and seconded to the W . I ) . Prov . G . M ., Dr . J . P . Bell , and carried by acclamation . The several visitors from neighbouring and distant lodges having proposed the
usual hearty good wishes , the lodge was closed in ancient form and the brethren and visitors adjourned to the banquet ball , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared and well served by Bro . J . Burdall , The W . M . was supported b y a large number of Past Masters and other brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , thc loving cup was passed round , and a very pleasant and happy evening was spent .
'lo" lhc Health of thc Visiting Brethren , " the W . Ms , of 792 , 1 G 05 , and Bro . E . Goderidge , P . M . 55 S , replied . During the evening , Bro . E . H . II . Brooke , tlis eminent and distinguished dramatist , now playing at thc Theatre Royal the " Silver King , " was introduced to thc brethren by thc VV . M . and most heartily received . He gave several very effective recitations .
HEREFORD . —Palladia *! Lod ge ( No . 120 ) . — The members assembled at the Green Dragon Hotel , on thc 27 th ult ., to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and for the installation of Bro . John . \ farchant , S . W ., as W . M . for thc ensuing year . The installation ceremony was ably rendered by Bro . T . Smith , P . M ., assisted by Bro . VV . Earle , P . M . 'The following ofiiccrs for thc ensuing year Were appointed -. Bros . John Davies ,
l . P . M . ; William Rowe , S . W . ; John Barnes , J . VV . ; the Rev . A . J . Capel , Chap . ; II . C . Beddoe , Treas . ; W . Wigley , Sec . ; James Pembridgc , S . D . ; Thomas Blinkhorn , J . D . j C . Caldicott , Org . ; G . J . Caldwell , I . G . ; Edward George and J . S . Norton , Stwds . ; E . James , Tyler . An excellent banquet , followed by the usual Masonic toasts , thc presentation of a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . J . Davies , the much respected l . P . M ., and a most pleasant evening brought the meeting to a close .
RICHMOND ( YORKS ) . —Lennox Lodge ( No . 123 ) . — 'The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated by the members of the above lodge on Thursday , the 27 th ult . The members assembled in the Masonic Hall in Ncwbcggin in the afternoon , when there was a
large attendance . Bro . the Hon . VV . Ordc-Powlett , P . M ., was installed Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . A . T . Rogers officiated as Installing Master . Bro . II . Procter wasinvestcd as l . P . M ., and thc newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested the following officers for the vcar :
Bros . R . B . Hall , S . VV . ; P . T . Hcslop , J . VV . ; J . VV . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; James March , Sec ; ' 1 . C Dcnhain , S . D . ; John Gibson , J . D . ; R . II . Glenton , Org . ; and Bro . James Newton was unanimously elected Tyler for the lifty-scventh time . Illness prevented him from attending , and it was the lirst occasion of his absence from the anniversary during that lengthened period . Bro . VV . Grieves was appointed Assistant Tyler .
An adjournment was afterwards made to the King ' s Head Hotel , where the annual banquet was held . The spread reflected thc highest credit upon Mr . and Mrs . Brasher . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Ordc-Powlett presided , and was supported by Past Masters Bros . Procter , A . T . Rogers , G . Roper , J . W . Smith , VV . R . Walpole , VV . F . Greathead , and others . 'The customary loyal and patriotic toasts were proposed and duly honoured .
BOLTON .-St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 221 ) . — -The monthly meeting of this lodge was held 011 Wednesday , the 19 th ult ., at the Commercial Hotel , at halfpast five o ' clock in the evening . Present : Bro . John Isherwood , W . M . ; Edwin Melrose , S . VV . ; Peter Bradburn , J . VV . ; G . P . Brockbank , Treas . ; Chas . Crompton , S . D . ; James Walker , J . D . ; II . J . Briscoe , Organist ; W . F . Chambers , I . G . ; W . Siddorn and R . Cuerden , Stewards ; Thos . Higson , Tyler ; Boothroyd , P . M , j
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Masonic Bazaar At Salford.
Bro . OLLIER seconded the motion , which was carried amid enthusiasm . Bro . Col . STARKIE , in responding , said he was much obliged to them , but as he thought the credit was mostly due to thc ladies , he proposed a hearty vote of thanks to them . The motion was cordially received , and the business of the bazaar then commenced .
Presentation To Bro. And Mrs. E. Dawkins.
On Saturday evening last a handsome presentation was made to Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins at the Horse Shoe Hotel , 'Tottenham Court-road . The presentation consisted of a valuable tea and coffee service and salver , and an elegantly illuminated vellum , framed and glazed , recording the object of the gift . This was signed by the subscribers to the
testimonial , who were some of the most frequent visitors of Freemasons' Tavern ( of which Bro . Dawkins has been the manager for several years ) , and the staff of the Tavern . It was as a testimony of their appreciation of Bro . Dawkins' urbanity and kindness in all his relations with these signatories , and further as a wedding gift to Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins , that the presentation was made . A very nice little dinner preceded thc formal ceremony of
presentation . Bro . A . J . Muir presided , having Bro . Dawkins on his immediate right , and Mrs . Dawkins on his immediate left . Bro . Palmer took one vice-chair , and Bro . Morley the other . About 30 ladies and gentlemen sat down to the dinner . In making the presentation , Bro . A . J . Muir said it had been his privilege to work with Bro . Dawkins for seven years , an apprenticeship during which full opportunity was afforded to hnd out a man ' s character .
Some of those present had known Bro . Dawkins longer , and they could confirm the truth of what he said that it had never fallen to his lot to meet with such uniform kindness and courteous consideration for the feelings of others as he had witnessed in Bro . Dawkins . Bro . Dawkins had given 14 or 15 of the best years of his life to the service of Freemasons' Tavern , and it was astonishing no presentation had been made to him before ; but this had no doubt
occurred from the want of some one to start thc idea . When it was taken in hand he ( Bro . Muir ) on mentioning it never met with anything but complimentary pleasing remarks upon it . _ No one said he could not afford to subscribe to it , but on the contrary every one said , "How much do you want ! If you do not get enough come back to me . " If he ( Bro . Muir ) had had more time and opportunity at his disposal thc
testimonial subscription would have been very much more . He had on many occasions had to take part in testimonials , but be had never met with such a hearty response as he had in this testimonial to Bro . Dawkins . It almost made him feel that begging was a very good trade , and he felt much inclined to make a profession of it . He had received one letter about it , which he thought particularly kind . The writer said he wished thc testimonial could be more than it
was , as everyone admired Bro . Dawkins for his kind and courteous conduct . Bro . Muir concluded by saying that if he could have seen all thc brethren he knew about thc presentation the table that thc tea and coffee service was now on would not have been large enough to hold it ; and in thc name of the subscribers he begged its acceptance by Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins . Bro . MORLF . V added that Bro . Muir had not said enough ,
though he agreed with all he had said . It had been his pleasure to know Bro . Dawkins for a very long period , and there were only two gentlemen in the room who bad known him longer . Whether in business or pleasure Bro . Dawkins was always the same . Having had a great deal to do with him , dealing with the staff of Freemasons' Tavern , which was a very large one , he had found that all of them said Mr . Dawkins was a gentleman . He did not know that he
had ever met with a gentleman who was kinder to all who dealt with him in business . With regard to Mrs . Dawkins , it had been his pleasure to be associated with her in thc business of thc Tavern for a long time , and during all that time he had found she had conducted her portion of the business in a businesslike way . It was a pleasure to him lo think she was mated with such a man as Bro . Dawkins , and he wished happiness and prosperity to them in their future
life . Bro . PALMER said he had been associated with Bro . Dawkins for 14 months and he thoroughl y endorsed all that had been said with regard to Bro . Dawkins' courtesy and general kindness . He ( Bro . Palmer ) was an old servant of Spiers and Pond , and he would say after having travelled all over the country for the firm he had never met with so courteous and kind a gentleman and so tender hearted a
man as Bro . Dawkins . He sincerely hoped that although his ( Bro . Palmer ' s ) place of business was some distance from Bro . Dawkins ' s , Bro . Dawkins would look upon him as . a member of the Freemasons' Tavern staff , no matter what their relative positions might be , that they might meet at the central place , at the Freemasons' Tavern or the Auction Mart on the same footing as when he ( Bro . Palmer ) was under Bro . Dawkins , because from Bro .
Dawkins ' s conduct he ( Bro . Palmer ) had never felt himself a subordinate , he was more like a companion . What that staff did was done not more for Spiers and Pond than for thc manager , because he was the representative of the firm . He hoped the presentation would be a small souvenir of the feelings of appreciation not only of thc servants of the Tavern , but of the customers , who had given in a liberal and spontaneous spirit . He was sure that Bro . Dawkins
would look on it as if it had been worth far more in a pecuniary point of view , as coming from the hearts of those who presented it . He congratulated Bro . and Mrs . Dawkins on their union and hoped they would live long enough to see the tea and coffee service worn out , and that all that time they might enjoy every happiness in life , and meet the present company on many occasions . The presentation was then made by Bro . Muir , and Bro . Dawkins in acknowledging the gift said thc comoanv must excuse him if
he could not return thanks as he would like to do for thc great kindness that had been shown him , and also for the kind expressions right and left , which had been showered upon him . He could not express his feelings as he would wish , and therefore he would simply thank them—though most sincerely—for thc very handsome present that had been made to him and Mrs . Dawkins . The evening was enlivened with some beautiful singing and music , by Bros . G . S . Graham and Kift , and some wonderful feats of Iedgerdemain by Bro . Charles Bertram .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft ilascmru
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion , on the ' nth ult , Bro . W . II . Gulliford , W . M ., presided , supported by the following officers : Bros . G . Coleman , S . W . ; J . Jacobs , J . W . ; Edward Jacobs , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Bourne , P . M ., Sec ; W . 11 . Redgley , S . D . ; T . A . Dickson , J . D . ; B . Solomons , I . G . ; Bros . J . P . Ripley ,
Holditch , T . Wilson , W . W . Cousins , G . Reynolds , Frank Gulliford , G . H . Reynolds , Starling , J . C . Howard , R . Head , T . A . Thompson , G . Ralph , W . F . Thorpe , S . Mordecai , I .. Alexander , Kedglcy , P . M . ; S . Jacobs , P . M . Visitors : Bros . I . Cox , P . M . igo ; W . Rorts , 1273 ; F . Davis , 34 ; Henry Carr , 10 S 5 ; Samuel East , jun ., 134 S ; ' ti . Mordecai , 134 S ; and VI . Marks , 1349 .
The lodge having been opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Messrs . James Bellamy and W . Umvin , which was unanimous in their favour . Lodge opened in the Second and then the Third Degree and the W . M . raised Bro . II . Cousins to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . Lodge resumed to the Second Degree ,
and Bros . J . Starling , Frank Gulliford , G . II . Reynolds , G . A . Holditch , and D . Mordecai , were passed to thc degree of F . C . Lodge resumed to the I- 'irst Degree and Messrs . James Bellamy and II . L ' nwin received the benefit of initiation into l'rccmasonry , thc whole of the ceremonies being rendered by the W . M . in a masterly manner , assisted by his ollicers . Bro . G . Coleman ,
S . W ., was unanimously elected to fill thc chair for the ensuing year . Bro . Edward Jacobs , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer and Bro . Potter , P . M ., Tyler . A P . M . ' s jewel was voted to Bro . W . II . Gulliford in recognition of bis valuable services as W . M . for the past year , and Bros . G . Reynolds , G . Ralph , and W . Cousins were appointed as Audit Committee .
Thc Worshipful Master having received the " Hearty good wishes" of the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed and thc brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner was served by Messrs . Spiers and Pond . After thc usual Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . S . Jacobs , l . P . M ., said he always felt much pleasure
in taking thc gavel in hand to propose " The Health of their worthy W . M . " They all knew how well he worked , of which they had had a grand specimen that evening . 1 le had always thc good of the lodge at heart , and no Past Master could remember thc lodge so flourishing as at present Thc Worshipful Master suitably acknowledged the
compliment , and afterwards gave the toast of " lhc Initiates . " All must have observed the sincere and attentive manner and attitude of thc Initiates that night , and he felt sure that they would be good and true brethren . The Initiates returned their thanks in a few and well appropriate words , thanking thc brethren for thc honour they had done them in electing them as members of thc Covent Garden Lodge . 'They both had many friends in
the lodge and they would do all in their power to become good and true Masons . The Worshipful Master in proposing " 'The Health of the VV . M . elect " asked if it was possible for any brother who was about to enter thc chair to have better wishes . He traced with p leasure his antecedents . The W . M . elect was the first initiate in thc Covent Garden Lodge . He was
the son-in-law of thc founder of the lodge , and all along he has devoted his time to thc Craft . His adherence to thc Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction was a great proof of his sincerity . In proposing "Thc Health of their future W . M . " he trusted the brethren would drink it most heartily . Thc Worshipful Master elect thanked the brethren for
the kind manner in which his health had been drank , lie had always received great kindness from thc W . M ., also thc P . Ms , and brethren of the lodge . The W . M . bad always had good ollicers , and he only hoped he would be successful in having better ollicers than his predecessors . The Worshipful Master , in proposing- the health of the P . Ms ., Treasurer , and Secretary , said no lodge could
have more agreeable brethren . They were always ready to do all in their power for the brethren , and to further thc interest of the lodge . Bro . C . Jacobs , l . P . M ., returned thanks for the P . Ms . Bro . Marks , 1349 , ' returning thanks for thc " Visitors , " thanked thc W . M . and the brethren for the hearty manner in which their healths had been drunk . It was always a pleasure to him to visit Covent Garden Lodge , and on behalf of thc other visitors and himself he could say they
had visited many lodges , but had neverseen thc ceremonies so ably rendered . It was a great treat and not to be forgotten . The Officers , having acknowledged thc toast in their honour , the Tyler's toast brought to a conclusion a most enjoyable evening , to the pleasures of which Bro . Bassett , with an extraordinary entertainment with a pack of cards , and Bro . Ralph , Unwin , Mordecai , Bourne , and Mark , contributed by their vocal abilities .
SAINT MARY ABBOTTS LODGE ( No . ' 97 , 4 ) . —A meeting of emergency of this lodge was held on Thursday , thc 27 th ult ., at thc Town Hall , Kensington , VV . Present : Bros . Capt . A . Nicols , W . M . ; Capt . C . Compton , S . W . ; James Green , 'Treasurer ; Geo . Capper Harding , Sec ; Alfred Williams , S . D . ; Francis Compton , D . C ; Thos . Friend , Tyler ; D . Shorter Skinner , W . C .
Glen , Capt . II . S . Andrews , F . Aylmer Lloyd , J . Peacock , J . II . Townscnd-Grcei , C . E . Baker , C . VV . Stephens , and C . B . R . Hunter . Visitors -. V . W . Bro . Rev . Ambrose W . Hall , P . G . Chap . ; W . Bro . George Read , P . M . 1767 ; and Bro . A , Hardy , 201 .
'This emergency meeting was held for thc purpose of clearing off llie unfinished work of the year , and to lighten the agenda paper for the installation meeting , which will take place on the 24 th inst . Thc VV . M ., Bro . Capt . A . Nicols , took the opportunity of remarking that the lodge had met nine times during the year , and had done a very considerable amount of eood work in that sphere in which it
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was originally established . He felt sure that the lodge had attained its prosperity and high standing in the Craft through the united endeavours of the ollicers and members to promote the original design of the founders , which was " quality rather than quantity . " 'Three brethren were passed to thc Second Degree , the tracing board being
beautifully explained hy Bro . Francis Compton , and two true and trusty Craftsmen , viz ., Bros . J . H . Townsend-Green and J . Peacock , were duly raised to the degree of M . M ., the whole of the ceremonies being worked in extenso b y the W . M . There was a fair attendance of members , notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather and it being Christmas week . .
HULL . —Humber Lodge ( No . 57 )—The members cf this lar ^ c and influential lodge held their annual meeting on St . John ' s Day , at their Hall , Osbornc-strect , for the inslallation of ollicers for the ensuing year . There was a good musterof the members , and many distinguished brethren from York and the neighbouring towns were present , amongst whom were the following : W . Hro . J .
Pearson Bell , M . D ., Dep .- Prov . Grand . Master of N . and E . Yorks ; Bros . M . C . Peck , P . G . Sec , P . M . 250 , 1040 , 1 5 , & c ; T . B , Whytehead , P . M . 1 G 11 , S . P . G . W . ; | . S . Cumberland , P . M . 1611 , P . P . G . J . VV . ; Walter Reynolds , P . M . 250 , P . P . G . D . C . ; E . Bryan , VV . M . 291 . P . G . D . C , Charles II . Wright , W . M . 1 ( 105 ; II . llolgreaves , W . M . 1040 ; B . J . Tonge , VV . M . 792 ; George
L . Shackles , P . M . 1511 , P . P . G . S . D . ; E . Goodcridge , P . M . 45 S ; F . A . Hopwood , P . M . 1010 , P . P . G . S . B . ; A . King , W . M . 57 ; R . Beevers , P . M . 57 , P . G . Supt . Wks . ; Wm . Banks Hay , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; George Wilson , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; Morris llabcrland , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; Henry Toozes , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; VV . Tcsscyman , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks . ; R . T . Vivian ,
P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . ; ' 1 nomas Thompson , P . M . 57 , P . P . G . D . and W . D . Kcyworth , 57 , P . P . G . Supt . Works . Thc lodge was opened in form with solemn prayer . Thc VV . M ., Bro . A . King , vacated the chair , and the Wurshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in his usual impressive manner , installed , according to ancient custom , the VV . M . elect , Bio . Robert Hodgson .
who appointed and invested his ofiiccrs as follows : Bros . A . King , I . P . M . ; I ) . / . O'Donoghue , S . W . ; . VI . J . Martinson , J . W . ; II . Tonzcs , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Chap . ; Thomas Thompson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Treas . ; W . B . Hay , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Lecture Master : W . D . Kcyworth , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of VV ., Almoner ; John Cockin , Hon . Sec . ; John Pctch , Asst . Sec . ; William
Whincup , S . D . ; Edward Corns , J . D . ; John Walton , D . C . ; G . D . Starry , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; John Dinsdale , Stwd . ; W . J . Hall , I . G . ; Win . Cuthbcrt , " T yler ; and J . Burdall , Asst . Tyler . A very hearty vote of thanks w . is moved and seconded to the W . I ) . Prov . G . M ., Dr . J . P . Bell , and carried by acclamation . The several visitors from neighbouring and distant lodges having proposed the
usual hearty good wishes , the lodge was closed in ancient form and the brethren and visitors adjourned to the banquet ball , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared and well served by Bro . J . Burdall , The W . M . was supported b y a large number of Past Masters and other brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , thc loving cup was passed round , and a very pleasant and happy evening was spent .
'lo" lhc Health of thc Visiting Brethren , " the W . Ms , of 792 , 1 G 05 , and Bro . E . Goderidge , P . M . 55 S , replied . During the evening , Bro . E . H . II . Brooke , tlis eminent and distinguished dramatist , now playing at thc Theatre Royal the " Silver King , " was introduced to thc brethren by thc VV . M . and most heartily received . He gave several very effective recitations .
HEREFORD . —Palladia *! Lod ge ( No . 120 ) . — The members assembled at the Green Dragon Hotel , on thc 27 th ult ., to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and for the installation of Bro . John . \ farchant , S . W ., as W . M . for thc ensuing year . The installation ceremony was ably rendered by Bro . T . Smith , P . M ., assisted by Bro . VV . Earle , P . M . 'The following ofiiccrs for thc ensuing year Were appointed -. Bros . John Davies ,
l . P . M . ; William Rowe , S . W . ; John Barnes , J . VV . ; the Rev . A . J . Capel , Chap . ; II . C . Beddoe , Treas . ; W . Wigley , Sec . ; James Pembridgc , S . D . ; Thomas Blinkhorn , J . D . j C . Caldicott , Org . ; G . J . Caldwell , I . G . ; Edward George and J . S . Norton , Stwds . ; E . James , Tyler . An excellent banquet , followed by the usual Masonic toasts , thc presentation of a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . J . Davies , the much respected l . P . M ., and a most pleasant evening brought the meeting to a close .
RICHMOND ( YORKS ) . —Lennox Lodge ( No . 123 ) . — 'The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated by the members of the above lodge on Thursday , the 27 th ult . The members assembled in the Masonic Hall in Ncwbcggin in the afternoon , when there was a
large attendance . Bro . the Hon . VV . Ordc-Powlett , P . M ., was installed Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . A . T . Rogers officiated as Installing Master . Bro . II . Procter wasinvestcd as l . P . M ., and thc newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested the following officers for the vcar :
Bros . R . B . Hall , S . VV . ; P . T . Hcslop , J . VV . ; J . VV . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; James March , Sec ; ' 1 . C Dcnhain , S . D . ; John Gibson , J . D . ; R . II . Glenton , Org . ; and Bro . James Newton was unanimously elected Tyler for the lifty-scventh time . Illness prevented him from attending , and it was the lirst occasion of his absence from the anniversary during that lengthened period . Bro . VV . Grieves was appointed Assistant Tyler .
An adjournment was afterwards made to the King ' s Head Hotel , where the annual banquet was held . The spread reflected thc highest credit upon Mr . and Mrs . Brasher . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Ordc-Powlett presided , and was supported by Past Masters Bros . Procter , A . T . Rogers , G . Roper , J . W . Smith , VV . R . Walpole , VV . F . Greathead , and others . 'The customary loyal and patriotic toasts were proposed and duly honoured .
BOLTON .-St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 221 ) . — -The monthly meeting of this lodge was held 011 Wednesday , the 19 th ult ., at the Commercial Hotel , at halfpast five o ' clock in the evening . Present : Bro . John Isherwood , W . M . ; Edwin Melrose , S . VV . ; Peter Bradburn , J . VV . ; G . P . Brockbank , Treas . ; Chas . Crompton , S . D . ; James Walker , J . D . ; II . J . Briscoe , Organist ; W . F . Chambers , I . G . ; W . Siddorn and R . Cuerden , Stewards ; Thos . Higson , Tyler ; Boothroyd , P . M , j