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Scotland .
P BOVINCIAI . GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . The annual meeting of this P . G . lodge was held on T * nrsday evening , 27 th ult ., in St . Alark's Hall , 213 , Bu-, an-strcet . The R . W . P . G . Alaster , Bro . Walter Alont-° , prv Neilson , of Queenhill , presided , supported on the " ,-bv Bros . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , P . S . G . AI . Grand 1 nd-re of Scotland , and P . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirkshire ; ¦
. LOU fa _«> -, » r _ .. i : _ it , __ . _ fE . . . 1 > „„—_ , « . . „ f 1 hn Baird , S . P . G . M ., and various other office-bearers of I" lodo-e ; Bros . George McDonald , R . W . M . 73 , actio" - ' P . G . S . W . ; James Booth , R . W . M . 87 , acting P . G . ' . yj a q'he p . G . Lodge having been opened , and minutes read ' and adopted , the Chairman said he thought they should take the opportunity of having amongst them that nio-. it one of the oldest and best Alasons in Edinburgh ,
Bro . H . Inglis , of Torsonce , to get him to instal their office-bearers . The proposal was received with much approval , and cheerfully agreed to by Bro . Inglis . The following were duly installed and invested with the badges of their respective offices by Bro . Inglis : —Bros . James Gillies , p G Treas . ; George Thallon , P . G . S . D . ; John Aliller , PGJD . ; I- Ritchie , P . G . Architect ; R . Robb , P . G .
Marshal J A . Allison , P . G . Jeweller ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; fames Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Ceremonies ; A . Arrick Smith , P . G . Sword Bearer ; David Reid , P . G . I . G . ; and George Sinclair , Treas ., and Convenor of the P . G . Benevolent Fund . The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Inglis for his kind offices in connection with the ceremony of installation that evening , which was done with
universal acclamation . Thereafter it was moved by Bro . lohn Baird , S . P . G . AL , that a hearty » ote of thanks be awarded to Bro . J . B . Walker , late P . G . Treasurer , for bis services rendered to P . G . Lodge in connection with the high and responsible and elective office . Bro . Baird spoke at some length in regard to Bro . Walker ' s discharge of duties both onerous and delicate , and complimented him
on the conciliatory spirit in which he had met all the difficulties attaching to his position . The motion was seconded by Bro . J . Gillies ( Bro . Walker ' s successor ) . The P . G . Lodge unanimously , and in the heartiest manner , endorsed the motion . The following brethren were then appointed Auditors of P . G . L ., viz .: Bros . William Bell , I . P . AI . 3 J ; L Alorgan , W . AI . 219 ; and J . AIonro . IW . AI . 3 60 . It was
agreed to , that the P . G . Lodge Committee should consist of the office-bearers , commissioned and elective , together with the W . AI . of each lodge within the province ; Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . AI . 3 J , to be Convenor . The meeting was well attended by members of the P . G . Lodge and others . It may be mentioned that Bro . H . Inglis intimated that he received an invitation from Bro . John Monro , W . M . 360 , to
visit the Lodge Commercial , which he had accepted , and would be glad to see as many of the Glasgow brethren on lhat occasion as could conveniently attend . This concluded the business before the meeting . Thelodge wa closed in due form . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Mungo ( No . 27 ) . — A mectinsr of tbis old and flourishing lodge was held in
the Alasonic Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday evening , 20 th ult ., Bro . Dugald Butler , W . AL , in the chair , Bro . Dr . J . Alclnncs , S . W . ; and Bro . George AlcComb , J . W . The meeting was well attended by the members , and a large number of visiting brethren were present . The W . AL was supported on the dais by Bros . A . AIcTaggart , D . M ., P . G . S . of Glasgow Province ;
Divid Dick , S . M . ; Alex . Bain , P . AI . 103 . There were also present Bros . E . Arthur , Alother Kilwinning ; G . W . Wheeler , 73 ; Wm . Morrison , P . M . 215 ; Wm . Ferguson ( "Freemason" ); A . C . Todd , 149 ; W . B . Paterson , 3 60 ; Robert Burns Thomson , 153 ; and Wm . Alexander , 441 ; and others . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of last meeting read and
confirmed , Bros . James Dickie , W m . Alclntyre , Aloses AIcGregor , Joseph Thomson , John Goldfinch , and Robt . Huntley , were passed , and Bro _\ James Kidd , Robert Speirs , James Dickie , John Goldfinch , Robert Huntley , Joseph Thomson , Moses AIcGregor , and Thomas Bell , were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Alason . Both degrees were most impressively rendered by Bro .
Alexander Bain , P . AL 103 . The W . M . then took occasion to propose Bro . Robert Burns Thomson , M . AI . of Lodge No . 133 , Royal Arch Pollockshaws , who is a grandson of Bro . Robert Burns , the immortal Scottish bard , for honorary affiliation , which was received with applause , and after being obligated by Bro . Bain , returned thanks for the high honour conferred upon him . The lodge thereafter
adjourned to refreshment , when a pleasant hour was spent in harmony ; the meeting being much enlivened by some excellent songs sung by Bro . Burns Thomson , the more so they b ; ing his own composing . On the lodge being called to labour it was closed in due form . PORT GLASGOW . —Lodge Doric Kilwinning ( No . 68 ) . —The 119 th anniversary of this lodge
was celebrated in the hall , Church-street , * on the 25 th ult ., Bro . Forgie , W . AL , presiding , supported by Bros . James Kelly , P . M ., and Andrew Dick , P . AL , and others , and surrounded by his office-bearers . The lodge having been opened , the brethren partook of an excellent repast , provided at the expense of one of the most enthusiastic Masons in our midst , Bro . J . Kelly , P . M ., and which was heartily
enjoyed . After disposing of the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , Bro . A . Dick gave " Success to the Doric Kilwinning , " which was received with all the honours . As usual , the day being the anniversary of the birth of the immortal poet . Burns , Bro . Kelly referred in most appropriate terms to his worth as a brother Alason and as Scotland ' s greatest bard
, concluding by giving "The Alemory of Burns , " which was drunk in solemn silence . The W . AL , as is customary at the anniversary of the Doric , in highy eulogistic terms , presented the Past Masters and the Past Wardens with tastefull y elaborated goblets , as a mark of the respect and esteem in which they are held by their brethren , and in
testimony ofthe highly satisfactory manner in which they had performed their duties as office-bearers during the past year . Bro . D . Brown , 2 P . S . W ., in name of himself and others , returned thanks . He said he did not require such a memento to keep him in mind of the honour they had conferred on him in electing him to the office , and the kindness and indulgence he had experienced from the
brethren during the time he filled it . His memory would not be good if he at any time forgot that he was Senior Warden of the Doric . He expected on this occasion to have bid the brethren " good bye , " but as fate had destined otherwise , he would still have the privilege and pleasure of going in and out and fraternising among them . Like the " chap " that got soft in the head of the old oak tree , he might say of the
Doric" In youth it sheltered me , And I'll protect itinow . " A number of other toasts were given . GLASGOW . —Lodge Star ( No . 219 ) . —The regular meeting of ; this prosperous lodge was held on Alonday evening , the 24 th ult ., in their hall , at 12 , Trongate , Bro . lohn Alorgan , W . AL in the chair , Bro . James
tforn , S . W ., and Bro . David Alearns , J . W . Present : Bros . Jasper Alartin , D . AI . ; W . Anderson , S . AI . ; Francis Dow , Sec . ; Benj . Smart , Treas . ; John Brown , S . D . ; David Taylor , f . D . ; and Robert Watson , Chap . ; Alexander Bain , P . M . 103 ; David Reid , I . P . AI . 465 ; William Bell , I . P . AI . 3 J ; Wm . Bilsland , S . W . 408 ; W . Ferguson ( " Freemason " ) ; D . Alclntyre , 3 } ; W . Dick , 3 J ; George
Dunn , 5 ; James Robertson , 87 ; M . W . Kirk , 250 -, James Rerd , 354 ; Robert Fraser , 413 ; and Alalcolm Stark , 419 ; and others . The lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , five candidates were initiated into the E . A . Degree by Bro . Alorgan , W . M ., viz . Thomas E . Realty , James AlcCoy , Charles Groel , William AIcDonald , and Robert' W . Sherlock . Bro . John Brand
was elected I . G . ( Bro . Elliot , jun ., having resigned ) , and Bro . Jamieson Coutts was elected Org ., and presided at the new harmonium just purchased by the office-bearers ¦ and members of the lodge . After making further arrangements for holding the annual festival , the lodge was transferred to refreshment . The W . AI . proposed the usual loyal and ) Masonic toasts , which were heartily responded to . Bro . William Bell , I . P . AI . 3 i , replied on behalf of the
P . G . L . of Glasgow . Bro . Bain , P . AI . 103 , proposed " The Health of the W . AL , " and paid him a very high compliment for the efficient manner in which he performed the ceremony of the First Degree in the former part of the evening , and the able manner he conducts the business of the lodge at all times . Bro . Alorgan replied . After spending a short time in harmony , the lodge was called to labour and closed in due form .
DUNOON . —Lodge Dunoon Argyll ( No . 335 ) . The annual conversazione , musical promenade , and assembly of this lodge took place in the Burgh Hall , Dunoon , on the 28 th ult . The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens , pot plants , and flowers , flags , Sec About 50 couples were present , including many ofthe elite of the town and neighbourhood . Bro . J . F . Aluir , W . AL ,
presided , and conducted the opening proceedings , assisted by Bros . J . Russell , S . VV ., and J / D . Smith , J . W . Deputations were present from the following lodges : —Greenock Kilwinning , No . 12 ; Port Glasgow Doric Kilwinning , No . 68 ; Greenock St . John , No . 175 , and Rothesay St . John ' s , No . 292 . In proposing a vote of thanks to the W . M . for the admirable manner in which he had
conducted the opening proceedings , Bro . the Rev . J . Cameron made a brief but most excellent speech , in which he pointed out the principles on which Freemasonry was conducted , and expressed his belief that next to marriage the Alasonic Order was the oldest institution in the world . While other crdcrs had grown hoary with age , and many had died out altogether , Freemasonry was still in its youth
and he believed it would remain so for ages to come , Dancing was thereafter commenced , and was kept up with unabated \ igour till an early hour in the morning . The refreshment department was presided over by Bro . A . Gunn , of the Argyll 1 Iotel , in a manner which left nothing to be desired . Everything passed off most successfully , and altogether the gathering was one of the best that was ever
held under the auspices of Lodge Dunoon Argyll . RUTHERGLEN . —Lodge St . John ' s Operative ( No . 347 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held in St . John ' s Masonic Hall , Cathcart-strcct , Rutherglen , on Friday evening , 28 th ult ., Bro . David Smart , W . M ., in the chair ; Bro . John Alurdoch , S . W . ; Bro . Thos . Alston , J . W . The W . M . was
supported by Bros . J . Cunningham , I . P . AI . ; Samuel Abbott , D . AI . ; Alex . Warnock , Sec . ; William Gardner , Treas . ; Wm . Young , S . D . ; A . Robertson , J . D . There were also present Bros . John Hamilton , W . AL 116 ; John Alclnnes , S . W . 408 ; William Ferguson ( " Freemason " ); Thomas Dickson , 20 ; John W . AIcBrandy , 21 . On the lodge being opened the Secretary read minutes of last
meetings , which were approved of . Alesrrs . George Allan , Hugh Alorton , John Aitkcnhead , William Miller , and Alex . Liddell were initiated by Bro . Smart , W . M . Two brethren were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree , and Bro . Samuel S . Armstrong and James Dempster were raised to the Sublime Degree of Alaster Mason by Bro . Cunningham , I . P . AI . After arranging to hold the annual festival
on the 23 th of February , the . lodge was closed in due form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 360 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-strci t , Glasgow , on Friday , the
2 ist ult ., Bros . John Monro , W . AL , in the chair ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; J . " Graham , J . W . ; D . Lamb , D . M . ; William Finlay , S . M . ; G . Scott , Treasurer ; J . Smith , Secretary ; William Keiller , S . D . ; R . Brodie , D . of AI . ; and others . There was a large attendance of visitors and members of the lodge . Among the visitors were Bros .
James Booth , W . M . Lodge Thistle , No . 87 ; A . M . Wright , I . P . M . Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 ; R . Alonro , D . AI . Lodge 103 ; David Murray , W . AL Lodge 103 ; W . Ale . G . Mason , W . AL 541 . On the lodge being opened , the minutes were read and adopted . The
business of the evening was the initiating of a candidate as an E . A . Freemasrr for Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 , and the raising of three brethren of Lodge Commercial to the Degree of AI . AL , the ceremony of initiation being performed by Bro . Olliver , S . W ., and that of raising by Bro . Lamb , D . AI .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Athole ( No . 413 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 23 th ult ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Bro . James Louttit , W . AL , presiding ; Bros . Daniel Leeds , S . W . ; Andrew Holms , J . W . The meeting was well attended by the members , and an unusual large number of visiting brethren present . Amongst those present we noticed Bros .
W . Neilson , D . AI . ; J . Baikie , S . AI . ; R . Graham , Sec ; G . Robertson , S . D . ; Wm . Grindlay , J . W . ; Wm . Bell , I . P . AI . 3 % ; J . Booth , W . M . 87 ; T . B . Bell , S . AI . $ ; Wm . Ferguson , I . P . AI . 116 ; R . Jack , W . M . 128 ; J . ' Morgan , W . AL 219 ; Arch . McPhee , Sec . 87 ; Wm . Ferguson , I . P . AI . 343 ( " Freemason " ) ; D . Hodge . 202 ; B . D . Scott , 333 ; Geo . Summers , 335 ; J . Colquhoun , 360 ; A .
Graham , 360 ; J . Stewart , 360 ; G . McKenzie , 370 ; and others . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and adopted . After disposing of business of minor importance , the lodge was called to harmony , and after spending a happy evening in song and sentiment , and honouring the usual loyal , Alasonic , and patriotic toasts , the brethren separated after the Tyler ' s toast , happy to meet , sorry to
part , and happy to meet again . GOVAN . —Lodge Govandale ( No . 437 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held 'in the Alasonic Hall , Portland Buildings , on Tuesday evening , 18 th ult ., Bros . John Miller , W . AL , in the chair ; ' Robert Aluir , S . W . ; and Alex . James , J . W . This being the night of installing the Alaster , and other office-bearers , a very large number
of members and visiting brethren were present , viz ., Bros . James Gillies , P . AI . 103 ( P . G . T . elect ); Alexander Baird , P . AI . 103 ; John Bain , D . AI . No . 117 ; Wm . Borland , 117 ; Wm . Ferguson ( " Freemason " ) ; Wm . Urquhart , 190 ; Wm . Millar , 219 ; Robert Allan , 401 ; L . AI'Donald , 408 ; and Wm . H . Ross , 432 ; and others . The lodge having been opened , the Secretary , Bro . John Sutherland read
minutes of last meeting , which were adopted . Messrs . Robert Webster , John Beaton , Wm . Currie , James Anderson , and John Robertson were initiated by Bro . J . Gillies , P . AL 103 . The office-bearers , who were elected on the 2 ist December , were then installed into their respective places by Bro . Gillies , ably assisted by Bro . Bain , P . M . 103 . Thereafter a Board of Installed Alasters was formed
in the adjoining hall , consisting of Bros . Gillies , Bain , and Ferguson , P . AI . 543 , and the installation ceremony conferred on Bro . Aliller by Bro . Bain . On entering the lodge the brethren saluted the Alaster with the usual accustomed honours , and after a vote of thanks was passed to the three Past Alasters for their kindness in being present from Glasgow , the lodge was closed .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . $ 71 ) . —A meeting of this lodge vvas held in St . Alark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-strcct , on Wednesday , 19 th ult ., at 3 p . m ., Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , W . AL , in the chair ; Bros . H . W . Jack .-man , S . W . ; and W . Sivewright , J . W . Present : Bros . W . Phillips . W . AL 556 ; J . Booth , W . AL 87 ; f . Fraser , P . M . 87 : ; J . F . Alitchell , P . AL 102 ; O . AI'Gregor , P . AL 156 ;
W . Ferguson , P . M . $ 43 ( 'Freemason" ); J . AI . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 ; A . B . Ferguson , S . W . 354 ; and Henry Victor David , 392 ; and others . The lodge having been opened , Bros . Charles Paulo , Charles Green , and Donald Noble were raised to the Sublime Degree of AI . AL by Bro . Phillips , TT . AL 556 . The lodge was then closed . NAIRN . —Lodge St . Ninian ( No . 575 ) . —The
members of this lodge had a torchlight procession on Thursday evening , the 27 th ult ., which created a great deal of interest . The route of the procession through the town was illuminated with Bengal lights , which had a magnificent effect . The procession was led by the Nairn Volunteer Band . Amongst other lodges represented in deputies were Lodges Spey , 527 , Kingussie ; Operative ,
152 , Dunkeld ; Trinity , 148 , Elgin ; St . Lawrence , 144 , Forres ; and St . Alary Caledonian Operative , 339 , Inverness . A vast crowd assembled on the Links of Nairn to witness the march to the Alarine Hotel , the bright light of the torches lighting up the street , and having a very picturesque effect . The brethren dined together in the
evening in tbe Alarine Hotel , and a presentation of jewels to the W . M ., W . Bayne Pegler , on his departure for the South , took place . The lodge is only a few months in existence , it being the youngest lodge in Scotland , but it is a very slrong body , and embraces many of the leading men of the town and county .
Apollo University Lodge, No. 357, Oxford.
The attention of the Masonic world being now turned to this lodge , of which H . R . H . Prince Leopold is to be installed W . AI . on the 22 nd of February , it may be interesting te learn the amount of work done by the present W . M . during Alichaclmas term . Two regular lodges were held , as usual , four lodges of emergency , and five lodges of
instruction . Sixteen gentlemen were initiated , nineteen brethren passed to the Second Degree , and eighteen raised to the Third Degree . The Anniversary Festival will bc held on the 22 nd inst ., and in consequence of the great demand for tickets for the dinner , it is absolutely necessary to apply as soon as possible to the Secretary , University Masonic HaU , Oxford .
WIPE YOUR FEET . —The best Cocoa iNut Mats and Mat ting are made by Treloarand Sons , 69 , tudgate-hill .
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Scotland .
P BOVINCIAI . GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . The annual meeting of this P . G . lodge was held on T * nrsday evening , 27 th ult ., in St . Alark's Hall , 213 , Bu-, an-strcet . The R . W . P . G . Alaster , Bro . Walter Alont-° , prv Neilson , of Queenhill , presided , supported on the " ,-bv Bros . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , P . S . G . AI . Grand 1 nd-re of Scotland , and P . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirkshire ; ¦
. LOU fa _«> -, » r _ .. i : _ it , __ . _ fE . . . 1 > „„—_ , « . . „ f 1 hn Baird , S . P . G . M ., and various other office-bearers of I" lodo-e ; Bros . George McDonald , R . W . M . 73 , actio" - ' P . G . S . W . ; James Booth , R . W . M . 87 , acting P . G . ' . yj a q'he p . G . Lodge having been opened , and minutes read ' and adopted , the Chairman said he thought they should take the opportunity of having amongst them that nio-. it one of the oldest and best Alasons in Edinburgh ,
Bro . H . Inglis , of Torsonce , to get him to instal their office-bearers . The proposal was received with much approval , and cheerfully agreed to by Bro . Inglis . The following were duly installed and invested with the badges of their respective offices by Bro . Inglis : —Bros . James Gillies , p G Treas . ; George Thallon , P . G . S . D . ; John Aliller , PGJD . ; I- Ritchie , P . G . Architect ; R . Robb , P . G .
Marshal J A . Allison , P . G . Jeweller ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; fames Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Ceremonies ; A . Arrick Smith , P . G . Sword Bearer ; David Reid , P . G . I . G . ; and George Sinclair , Treas ., and Convenor of the P . G . Benevolent Fund . The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Inglis for his kind offices in connection with the ceremony of installation that evening , which was done with
universal acclamation . Thereafter it was moved by Bro . lohn Baird , S . P . G . AL , that a hearty » ote of thanks be awarded to Bro . J . B . Walker , late P . G . Treasurer , for bis services rendered to P . G . Lodge in connection with the high and responsible and elective office . Bro . Baird spoke at some length in regard to Bro . Walker ' s discharge of duties both onerous and delicate , and complimented him
on the conciliatory spirit in which he had met all the difficulties attaching to his position . The motion was seconded by Bro . J . Gillies ( Bro . Walker ' s successor ) . The P . G . Lodge unanimously , and in the heartiest manner , endorsed the motion . The following brethren were then appointed Auditors of P . G . L ., viz .: Bros . William Bell , I . P . AI . 3 J ; L Alorgan , W . AI . 219 ; and J . AIonro . IW . AI . 3 60 . It was
agreed to , that the P . G . Lodge Committee should consist of the office-bearers , commissioned and elective , together with the W . AI . of each lodge within the province ; Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . AI . 3 J , to be Convenor . The meeting was well attended by members of the P . G . Lodge and others . It may be mentioned that Bro . H . Inglis intimated that he received an invitation from Bro . John Monro , W . M . 360 , to
visit the Lodge Commercial , which he had accepted , and would be glad to see as many of the Glasgow brethren on lhat occasion as could conveniently attend . This concluded the business before the meeting . Thelodge wa closed in due form . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Mungo ( No . 27 ) . — A mectinsr of tbis old and flourishing lodge was held in
the Alasonic Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Thursday evening , 20 th ult ., Bro . Dugald Butler , W . AL , in the chair , Bro . Dr . J . Alclnncs , S . W . ; and Bro . George AlcComb , J . W . The meeting was well attended by the members , and a large number of visiting brethren were present . The W . AL was supported on the dais by Bros . A . AIcTaggart , D . M ., P . G . S . of Glasgow Province ;
Divid Dick , S . M . ; Alex . Bain , P . AI . 103 . There were also present Bros . E . Arthur , Alother Kilwinning ; G . W . Wheeler , 73 ; Wm . Morrison , P . M . 215 ; Wm . Ferguson ( "Freemason" ); A . C . Todd , 149 ; W . B . Paterson , 3 60 ; Robert Burns Thomson , 153 ; and Wm . Alexander , 441 ; and others . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of last meeting read and
confirmed , Bros . James Dickie , W m . Alclntyre , Aloses AIcGregor , Joseph Thomson , John Goldfinch , and Robt . Huntley , were passed , and Bro _\ James Kidd , Robert Speirs , James Dickie , John Goldfinch , Robert Huntley , Joseph Thomson , Moses AIcGregor , and Thomas Bell , were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Alason . Both degrees were most impressively rendered by Bro .
Alexander Bain , P . AL 103 . The W . M . then took occasion to propose Bro . Robert Burns Thomson , M . AI . of Lodge No . 133 , Royal Arch Pollockshaws , who is a grandson of Bro . Robert Burns , the immortal Scottish bard , for honorary affiliation , which was received with applause , and after being obligated by Bro . Bain , returned thanks for the high honour conferred upon him . The lodge thereafter
adjourned to refreshment , when a pleasant hour was spent in harmony ; the meeting being much enlivened by some excellent songs sung by Bro . Burns Thomson , the more so they b ; ing his own composing . On the lodge being called to labour it was closed in due form . PORT GLASGOW . —Lodge Doric Kilwinning ( No . 68 ) . —The 119 th anniversary of this lodge
was celebrated in the hall , Church-street , * on the 25 th ult ., Bro . Forgie , W . AL , presiding , supported by Bros . James Kelly , P . M ., and Andrew Dick , P . AL , and others , and surrounded by his office-bearers . The lodge having been opened , the brethren partook of an excellent repast , provided at the expense of one of the most enthusiastic Masons in our midst , Bro . J . Kelly , P . M ., and which was heartily
enjoyed . After disposing of the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , Bro . A . Dick gave " Success to the Doric Kilwinning , " which was received with all the honours . As usual , the day being the anniversary of the birth of the immortal poet . Burns , Bro . Kelly referred in most appropriate terms to his worth as a brother Alason and as Scotland ' s greatest bard
, concluding by giving "The Alemory of Burns , " which was drunk in solemn silence . The W . AL , as is customary at the anniversary of the Doric , in highy eulogistic terms , presented the Past Masters and the Past Wardens with tastefull y elaborated goblets , as a mark of the respect and esteem in which they are held by their brethren , and in
testimony ofthe highly satisfactory manner in which they had performed their duties as office-bearers during the past year . Bro . D . Brown , 2 P . S . W ., in name of himself and others , returned thanks . He said he did not require such a memento to keep him in mind of the honour they had conferred on him in electing him to the office , and the kindness and indulgence he had experienced from the
brethren during the time he filled it . His memory would not be good if he at any time forgot that he was Senior Warden of the Doric . He expected on this occasion to have bid the brethren " good bye , " but as fate had destined otherwise , he would still have the privilege and pleasure of going in and out and fraternising among them . Like the " chap " that got soft in the head of the old oak tree , he might say of the
Doric" In youth it sheltered me , And I'll protect itinow . " A number of other toasts were given . GLASGOW . —Lodge Star ( No . 219 ) . —The regular meeting of ; this prosperous lodge was held on Alonday evening , the 24 th ult ., in their hall , at 12 , Trongate , Bro . lohn Alorgan , W . AL in the chair , Bro . James
tforn , S . W ., and Bro . David Alearns , J . W . Present : Bros . Jasper Alartin , D . AI . ; W . Anderson , S . AI . ; Francis Dow , Sec . ; Benj . Smart , Treas . ; John Brown , S . D . ; David Taylor , f . D . ; and Robert Watson , Chap . ; Alexander Bain , P . M . 103 ; David Reid , I . P . AI . 465 ; William Bell , I . P . AI . 3 J ; Wm . Bilsland , S . W . 408 ; W . Ferguson ( " Freemason " ) ; D . Alclntyre , 3 } ; W . Dick , 3 J ; George
Dunn , 5 ; James Robertson , 87 ; M . W . Kirk , 250 -, James Rerd , 354 ; Robert Fraser , 413 ; and Alalcolm Stark , 419 ; and others . The lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , five candidates were initiated into the E . A . Degree by Bro . Alorgan , W . M ., viz . Thomas E . Realty , James AlcCoy , Charles Groel , William AIcDonald , and Robert' W . Sherlock . Bro . John Brand
was elected I . G . ( Bro . Elliot , jun ., having resigned ) , and Bro . Jamieson Coutts was elected Org ., and presided at the new harmonium just purchased by the office-bearers ¦ and members of the lodge . After making further arrangements for holding the annual festival , the lodge was transferred to refreshment . The W . AI . proposed the usual loyal and ) Masonic toasts , which were heartily responded to . Bro . William Bell , I . P . AI . 3 i , replied on behalf of the
P . G . L . of Glasgow . Bro . Bain , P . AI . 103 , proposed " The Health of the W . AL , " and paid him a very high compliment for the efficient manner in which he performed the ceremony of the First Degree in the former part of the evening , and the able manner he conducts the business of the lodge at all times . Bro . Alorgan replied . After spending a short time in harmony , the lodge was called to labour and closed in due form .
DUNOON . —Lodge Dunoon Argyll ( No . 335 ) . The annual conversazione , musical promenade , and assembly of this lodge took place in the Burgh Hall , Dunoon , on the 28 th ult . The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens , pot plants , and flowers , flags , Sec About 50 couples were present , including many ofthe elite of the town and neighbourhood . Bro . J . F . Aluir , W . AL ,
presided , and conducted the opening proceedings , assisted by Bros . J . Russell , S . VV ., and J / D . Smith , J . W . Deputations were present from the following lodges : —Greenock Kilwinning , No . 12 ; Port Glasgow Doric Kilwinning , No . 68 ; Greenock St . John , No . 175 , and Rothesay St . John ' s , No . 292 . In proposing a vote of thanks to the W . M . for the admirable manner in which he had
conducted the opening proceedings , Bro . the Rev . J . Cameron made a brief but most excellent speech , in which he pointed out the principles on which Freemasonry was conducted , and expressed his belief that next to marriage the Alasonic Order was the oldest institution in the world . While other crdcrs had grown hoary with age , and many had died out altogether , Freemasonry was still in its youth
and he believed it would remain so for ages to come , Dancing was thereafter commenced , and was kept up with unabated \ igour till an early hour in the morning . The refreshment department was presided over by Bro . A . Gunn , of the Argyll 1 Iotel , in a manner which left nothing to be desired . Everything passed off most successfully , and altogether the gathering was one of the best that was ever
held under the auspices of Lodge Dunoon Argyll . RUTHERGLEN . —Lodge St . John ' s Operative ( No . 347 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held in St . John ' s Masonic Hall , Cathcart-strcct , Rutherglen , on Friday evening , 28 th ult ., Bro . David Smart , W . M ., in the chair ; Bro . John Alurdoch , S . W . ; Bro . Thos . Alston , J . W . The W . M . was
supported by Bros . J . Cunningham , I . P . AI . ; Samuel Abbott , D . AI . ; Alex . Warnock , Sec . ; William Gardner , Treas . ; Wm . Young , S . D . ; A . Robertson , J . D . There were also present Bros . John Hamilton , W . AL 116 ; John Alclnnes , S . W . 408 ; William Ferguson ( " Freemason " ); Thomas Dickson , 20 ; John W . AIcBrandy , 21 . On the lodge being opened the Secretary read minutes of last
meetings , which were approved of . Alesrrs . George Allan , Hugh Alorton , John Aitkcnhead , William Miller , and Alex . Liddell were initiated by Bro . Smart , W . M . Two brethren were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree , and Bro . Samuel S . Armstrong and James Dempster were raised to the Sublime Degree of Alaster Mason by Bro . Cunningham , I . P . AI . After arranging to hold the annual festival
on the 23 th of February , the . lodge was closed in due form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 360 ) . —The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-strci t , Glasgow , on Friday , the
2 ist ult ., Bros . John Monro , W . AL , in the chair ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; J . " Graham , J . W . ; D . Lamb , D . M . ; William Finlay , S . M . ; G . Scott , Treasurer ; J . Smith , Secretary ; William Keiller , S . D . ; R . Brodie , D . of AI . ; and others . There was a large attendance of visitors and members of the lodge . Among the visitors were Bros .
James Booth , W . M . Lodge Thistle , No . 87 ; A . M . Wright , I . P . M . Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 ; R . Alonro , D . AI . Lodge 103 ; David Murray , W . AL Lodge 103 ; W . Ale . G . Mason , W . AL 541 . On the lodge being opened , the minutes were read and adopted . The
business of the evening was the initiating of a candidate as an E . A . Freemasrr for Lodge Union and Crown , No . 103 , and the raising of three brethren of Lodge Commercial to the Degree of AI . AL , the ceremony of initiation being performed by Bro . Olliver , S . W ., and that of raising by Bro . Lamb , D . AI .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Athole ( No . 413 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 23 th ult ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Bro . James Louttit , W . AL , presiding ; Bros . Daniel Leeds , S . W . ; Andrew Holms , J . W . The meeting was well attended by the members , and an unusual large number of visiting brethren present . Amongst those present we noticed Bros .
W . Neilson , D . AI . ; J . Baikie , S . AI . ; R . Graham , Sec ; G . Robertson , S . D . ; Wm . Grindlay , J . W . ; Wm . Bell , I . P . AI . 3 % ; J . Booth , W . M . 87 ; T . B . Bell , S . AI . $ ; Wm . Ferguson , I . P . AI . 116 ; R . Jack , W . M . 128 ; J . ' Morgan , W . AL 219 ; Arch . McPhee , Sec . 87 ; Wm . Ferguson , I . P . AI . 343 ( " Freemason " ) ; D . Hodge . 202 ; B . D . Scott , 333 ; Geo . Summers , 335 ; J . Colquhoun , 360 ; A .
Graham , 360 ; J . Stewart , 360 ; G . McKenzie , 370 ; and others . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and adopted . After disposing of business of minor importance , the lodge was called to harmony , and after spending a happy evening in song and sentiment , and honouring the usual loyal , Alasonic , and patriotic toasts , the brethren separated after the Tyler ' s toast , happy to meet , sorry to
part , and happy to meet again . GOVAN . —Lodge Govandale ( No . 437 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held 'in the Alasonic Hall , Portland Buildings , on Tuesday evening , 18 th ult ., Bros . John Miller , W . AL , in the chair ; ' Robert Aluir , S . W . ; and Alex . James , J . W . This being the night of installing the Alaster , and other office-bearers , a very large number
of members and visiting brethren were present , viz ., Bros . James Gillies , P . AI . 103 ( P . G . T . elect ); Alexander Baird , P . AI . 103 ; John Bain , D . AI . No . 117 ; Wm . Borland , 117 ; Wm . Ferguson ( " Freemason " ) ; Wm . Urquhart , 190 ; Wm . Millar , 219 ; Robert Allan , 401 ; L . AI'Donald , 408 ; and Wm . H . Ross , 432 ; and others . The lodge having been opened , the Secretary , Bro . John Sutherland read
minutes of last meeting , which were adopted . Messrs . Robert Webster , John Beaton , Wm . Currie , James Anderson , and John Robertson were initiated by Bro . J . Gillies , P . AL 103 . The office-bearers , who were elected on the 2 ist December , were then installed into their respective places by Bro . Gillies , ably assisted by Bro . Bain , P . M . 103 . Thereafter a Board of Installed Alasters was formed
in the adjoining hall , consisting of Bros . Gillies , Bain , and Ferguson , P . AI . 543 , and the installation ceremony conferred on Bro . Aliller by Bro . Bain . On entering the lodge the brethren saluted the Alaster with the usual accustomed honours , and after a vote of thanks was passed to the three Past Alasters for their kindness in being present from Glasgow , the lodge was closed .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . $ 71 ) . —A meeting of this lodge vvas held in St . Alark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-strcct , on Wednesday , 19 th ult ., at 3 p . m ., Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , W . AL , in the chair ; Bros . H . W . Jack .-man , S . W . ; and W . Sivewright , J . W . Present : Bros . W . Phillips . W . AL 556 ; J . Booth , W . AL 87 ; f . Fraser , P . M . 87 : ; J . F . Alitchell , P . AL 102 ; O . AI'Gregor , P . AL 156 ;
W . Ferguson , P . M . $ 43 ( 'Freemason" ); J . AI . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 ; A . B . Ferguson , S . W . 354 ; and Henry Victor David , 392 ; and others . The lodge having been opened , Bros . Charles Paulo , Charles Green , and Donald Noble were raised to the Sublime Degree of AI . AL by Bro . Phillips , TT . AL 556 . The lodge was then closed . NAIRN . —Lodge St . Ninian ( No . 575 ) . —The
members of this lodge had a torchlight procession on Thursday evening , the 27 th ult ., which created a great deal of interest . The route of the procession through the town was illuminated with Bengal lights , which had a magnificent effect . The procession was led by the Nairn Volunteer Band . Amongst other lodges represented in deputies were Lodges Spey , 527 , Kingussie ; Operative ,
152 , Dunkeld ; Trinity , 148 , Elgin ; St . Lawrence , 144 , Forres ; and St . Alary Caledonian Operative , 339 , Inverness . A vast crowd assembled on the Links of Nairn to witness the march to the Alarine Hotel , the bright light of the torches lighting up the street , and having a very picturesque effect . The brethren dined together in the
evening in tbe Alarine Hotel , and a presentation of jewels to the W . M ., W . Bayne Pegler , on his departure for the South , took place . The lodge is only a few months in existence , it being the youngest lodge in Scotland , but it is a very slrong body , and embraces many of the leading men of the town and county .
Apollo University Lodge, No. 357, Oxford.
The attention of the Masonic world being now turned to this lodge , of which H . R . H . Prince Leopold is to be installed W . AI . on the 22 nd of February , it may be interesting te learn the amount of work done by the present W . M . during Alichaclmas term . Two regular lodges were held , as usual , four lodges of emergency , and five lodges of
instruction . Sixteen gentlemen were initiated , nineteen brethren passed to the Second Degree , and eighteen raised to the Third Degree . The Anniversary Festival will bc held on the 22 nd inst ., and in consequence of the great demand for tickets for the dinner , it is absolutely necessary to apply as soon as possible to the Secretary , University Masonic HaU , Oxford .
WIPE YOUR FEET . —The best Cocoa iNut Mats and Mat ting are made by Treloarand Sons , 69 , tudgate-hill .