Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was holden on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall , when Col . Brownrigg presided as G . Z . ; Comp . S . Rawson , as H . ; and Comp . Hugh D . Sandeman , as J . The other officers were Comps . John Hervey , G . S . E . ; Col . Creaton , as S . N . ; John A .
Rucker , P . S . ; Joseph C . Parkinson , as First A . S . ; Robert Grey , Second A . S . ; F . P . Morrell , S . B . ; and Dr . Woodman , D . C . The other companions in Grand Chapter were H . G . Buss , Frederick Pattison , Thomas Fenn , P . G . S . B . ; Benjamin Head , P . G . S . ; Charles A . Murton , P . G . A . S . ; H . Browse , P . G . S . ; James Glaisher , P . A . P . S . ; Edward Snell , P . G . S . B . ; Frederick Derry , P . Z . 4 82 and 938 , and P . G . N .
Staffordshire ; Captain W . Piatt , P . G . S . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . D . C . ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . D . C . ; E . D . Davis , P . Z . 24 ; II . J . P . Dumas , P . S . B . ; H . S . Brownrigg , H . 6 ; John Coutts , P . Z . 177 and 3 S 2 , Z . 1348 ; J . AL Case , Z . and P . Z . 231 ); H . Alassey , P . Z . 619 ( "Freemason" ); John Boyd , P . Z . 145 and 534 ; William Stephens , H . 862 , Z . 1365 ; William Hammond , H . 185 ; W . F . C . Moutrie ,
P . Z . and Z . n ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . C ; and C . B . Payne . The pray-ers of all the petitions for new chapters published by the " Freemason " in the agenda paper of Grand Chapter last week were granted . On the motion of Comp . E . Snell , P . G . S . B ., it was unanimously resolved lhat a record be made in the books
of Grand Chapter of the great loss Grand Chapter felt that it and Alasonry had sustained by the lamented death of Comp . John Savage , late President ofthe Committee of General Purposes . The AI . E . Z . said he was sure that this feeling must be entertained by the whole body of Alasons . Grand Chapter was thereupon closed . '
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
On Wednesday , 26 th ult ., the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yoikshire assembled at Leeds , to the number of upwards of three hundred brethren , under the banner of Philanthropic Lodge , 304 , the W . AL and officers of which lodge opened the preliminary lodge in the three degrees .
Previous to the Provincial Grand Lodge entering a pleasing incident occurred , in the acceptance hy the brethren of a beautifully-framed portrait of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , of London , formerly of Swillington , near Leeds , and one of the old Past Masters of the lodge . The Provincial Grand Lodge having entered , was
presided over by the Rt . W . Prov . Grand Alaster ( Sir II . Edwards , Bart . ) , who was assisted by his Deputy , Bro . Tew , J . P ., of Pontefraet , and the Provincial Grand Officers . ' The brethren having saluted the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster with the greatest cordiality ,
'Ihe Provincial Grand Alaster , in reply , said—Provincial Grand Officers , Worshipful Alaslers , and brethren of this Provincial Grand Lodge , your reception of mc to-day is , 1 hope , a convincing proof that the loyalty and attachment the brethren of West Yorkshire have ever accorded to my distinguished predecessor have in no way , judging from the warmth of your salutation , been diminished with
reference to myself . It is my great desire that on all occa sions when the Provincial Grand Lodge is called togethe to be present amongst you . Permit mc , on this , the firste of our collective gatherings in the new year , to offer th brethren my sincere congratulations and hearty good wishes for the prosperity of the Craft in this important province . This new year opens , I trust , with gladness to
ourselves , and as we live m sympathy with every brother throughout the world , it is thus we strive to promote on earth pence and good will towards men . Between the square and compasses our lives are pledged to charity and fellowship ; and as in the year behind us , so in the year before us , I hope the brethren of West Yorkshire will strive to emulate the noble aspirations and the generous deeds
which have so pre-eminently adorned the high character which Freemasonry in this province possesses . With reference to the gathering in Leeds , the Provincial Grand Alaster said he was glad to understand that the Leeds lodges were promoting the system of inviting the Provincial Grand Lodge annually , under each lodge in rotation . He referred to the recent election for girls to their school ,
and congratulated West Yorkshire on their double success . Adverting to the recent Exhibition in Leeds , the Provincial Grand Alaster said he was present on tbe occasion of the opening ofthe Exhibition , and he regretted on that occasion that the then Alayor of Leeds was not a member of our ancient and honourable society . " Alost deeply , " he said , " do we all deplore that visitation of Providence which , on
the 19 th inst ., unexpectedly deprived Leeds of one of her most public spirited officers in the person of the ex-Mayor . " The noble Baronet then concluded by repeating the words of his predecessor , with reference to the increasing strength of the fraternity . " Brethren , remember the strength of our Order lies not in the increasing roll of our members , but in the fraternal spirit by which the members arc
animated , and which lives and breathes in our lodges . " Bro . Tew , Dep . Prov . G . AL , having responded , Bro . Bentley Shaw entered , and was vociferously received . After he had been saluted he briefly relurned thanks for their great warmth of feeling towards him . lie felt that he could not , if he would , stay away from the
meeting , and hoped to be able to attend many more . After the ordinary routine business had been gone through , the attention of the brethren was called to the report of the Committee of Investigation into the management of the Royal Alasonic Boys' School , which report was presented to the Prov . Grand Alaster by the chairman of
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
the committee , Bro . Gill , Alayor of Wakefield . It was gathered from the report that the committee had extended their inquiry over six years—from January , 186 9 , to December , 1874 . During that time the sum of £ 38 , 746 10 s . 2 d . had been expended , showing , for an average attendance of 123 boys per year , an average cost of £ 52
ios . o-Jd . per annum , which , when added to the value of the farm produce , shows a total of £ 54 . 10 s . 3 d . During that time no charge was made for rent or as interest on expended capital . This expenditure contrasts unfavourably with that of the following institutions : — No . of Cost per Pupils . Head .
C s . d London Orphan Asylum 491 31 0 3 Commercial Travellers .... 228 30 4 o Ackworth School 290 31 10 ( i Sidworth School 97 33 19 o Yorkshire Boys'School 33 ...... 33 o o Royal Alasonic Girls'School 146 3 ( 1 i ( i u _ j
Clergy Orphan no 45 18 o . J The report went on to state that the expense caused by the frequent changes of Alasters and Assistant Masters was great , and had acted injuriously in the education of boys , as exemplified by the unsuccessful results at the Cambridge and Oxford local examinations . The committee brought their report to a close as follows : — " The great
cost of the school pervades nearly every department of its management , and the committee strongly impresses upon the Provincial Grand Ledge the necessity for adopting such measures as will secure a material reduction of such cost , so that the institution may be placed in a position by which its usefulness may be largely extended , its benefits conferred upon a much greater number of recipients , and
the sympathies of the Craft continued and extended in its favour . "—This report was unanimously adopted , and such resolutions were passed as would carry out the objects of the committee . Before the close of the Provincial Grand Lodge Bro . Gill , on behalf of the Committee of Investigation , handed to the Provincial Grand Master a very handsome Past
Alaster ' s jewel , with the request that he would present it to Bro . Robert Craig , P . AI . 304 , for his courtesy , kindness , and great hospitality in entertaining that committee at all their meetings . The Provincial Grand Alaster highly eulogized the character of Bro . Craig , and in handing him the present
wished him long life to wear it . Bro . Craig feelingly and sincerely thanked the brethren . After lhe business of the lodge was concluded , about 100 of the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet served by Bro . J . L . Oates , in the banqueting-room , after which the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly given and honoured .
Consecration Of The St. James's Lodge (No. 1579.)
On Friday , the 21 st ult ., at the Bell Hitel , Enfield Highway , a new lodge was consecrated , to be called the St . James ' s Lodge ( Xo . 1579 ) ( under the Province o ( Middlesex ) , the R . W . Prov . Grand Alaster , Colonel Burdett , P . S . G . W . of England , presiding . The first half
hour was spent by the brethren present 111 locking at lhe new lodge furniture , jewels , and regalia , supplied by Bro . George Kenning , of Link- Britain , which seemed to be much approved of by the brethren . At about 3 . 30 p . m . it was announced lhat the R . W . Prov Grand Alaster had arrived , which was a signal for the brethren to be clothed and take their places to receive the
Prov . Grand Officers . Amongst those present were the R . W . Prov . G . AL of Middlesex , Colonel Burdelt , P . G . S . W ., & c . ; W . Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . G . S . W . ; W . Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts ; Bros . J . J . Wilson P . P . G . J . W . Essex ; T . Hastings Aliller , P . G . Org . Middlesex ; J . Tydeman , P . G . P . Essex ; Thompson , P . G . D . C , Middlesex ; Tye , P . P . G . J . D . Middlesex ; James Linzell ,
P . P . G . D . C , and W . AI . designate ; Edward Letchworth , S . W . designate ; John Painter , J . W . designate ; 1 C . Clarke , Driscoll , Stevens , T . Cusworth , G . Jaffa , Verry , Collycr , Gabb , J . Mailer , P . AL ; W . Gilbert , W . M . 1 327 ; Capt . Wiltshire , P . AL ; Alalcolm , Sec . 13 : 7 ; Sheldon , P . G . S . Herts ; Harvey , Pepper , Bradstock , Newman , Jewison , Yorke , Oddey , Aluggleston , P . M . ; and others , in all about
sixty brethren . The R . W . Prov . Grand Alaster having appointed the following brethren lo assist him as officers pro . teni ., viz . W . Bro . II . W . Utile , P . G . S . W . Middx ., as D G . AL , and to act as Chaplain ; W . Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , as Director of Ceremonies j Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . P . G . J . W . Essex , as Senior Warden ; Bro . J . Tydeman ,
Prov . G . Purst . Essex , as Junior Warden ; Bro . Thompson Prov . G . D . C , as Inner Guard ; and Bro . Verry , as Tyler ' The Provincial Grand Organist , Uro . T . II . Miller pre-, siding at the harmonium . The lodge was opened in the three degrees . The Grand Alaster then addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . Bro . R . W . Little then gave the
prayer . After which the acting Secretary addressed the Grand Alaster , who replied , and gave directions to the brethren of the new lodge to form themselves in order in the body of ( he room . The Secretary then read the petition , also the warrant from the Grand Alaster of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the brethren appointed in the warrant as first
Alaster and Wardens being Bros . James Linzell , P . M ., as W . AL ; Edward Letchworth , as first S . W . ; and John Painter , as first J . W . The Grand Alaster having inquired of the brethren if they approved of the officers named , the brethren signified this approval in the usual way . After which Bro . R . W . Little gave an oration on the nature and principles of the institution in an eloquent and masterly manner , the same being listened to with the greatest atten-
Consecration Of The St. James's Lodge (No. 1579.)
tion by all present . The following hymn was sung by the brethren : — Hail , Eternal , by whose aid All created things were made , Heav ' n and earth Thy vast design , Hear us , Architect divine .
Alay our work , b 3 gun in Thee , liver blest with order be , And when we from labour cease , Part in harmony and peace . By Thy glorious Alajesty , By the trust we place in Thee , By the lodge and mystic sign , Hear us , Architect Divine .
After the first part of the dedication prayer , & -c , the Chaplain read II . Chron ., Chap . I . to XVI . verses . Thelodge board being uncovered the Deputy Alaster and Wardens pro tem . carried the elements of consecration three times round the lodge . The Presiding Officer then dedicated the lodge , when the hymn was sung commencing Our souls shall magnify the Lord ;
In Him our spirits shall rejoice . The Presiding Officer having constituted the lodge , the hymn was sung commencing Now the . evening shadows closing . The consecration ceremony over the lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , when Bro . James Linzell was presented to the Grand Master for installation , and after the
usual preliminaries were gone through , those brethren below the ranks of Installed Alasters whithdrew , while the remainder of the ceremony of installation was proceeded with in the presence of nineteen Past Masters . The brethren having been re-admitted , were called upon to salute the Worshipful Alaster in the three degrees . The W . M . appointed the officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . Edward Letchworth , S . W . ; lohn Painter ,
J . W . ; E . Clark , Treas . ; Driscoll , Sec . ; Stevens , S . D . ; T . Cusworth , J . D . ; G . Jaffa , I . G . ; Veiry , Tyler . Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , then gave the addresses to the officers and brethren of the lodge in a very clear and impressive manner , which brought forth the applause of all present . Votes of thanks were passed to Bro . the R . W . Colanel Burdett and others who assisted in the consecration
ceremony . Colonel Burdett , Bro . R . W . Little , Bro . James Terry , and Bro . T . II . Aliller were proposed and unanimously accepted honorary members of the lodge . The lodge having been closed to the First Degree , some brethren were proposed as joining members . The lodge * was then closed in due form , after which about fifty
brethren adjourned to the banquet-hall , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , composed of every delicacy of the season , the arrangements being carried out in Bro . Jewison ' s very best style , which , with the excellent quality of the wines , reflected great credit to his establishment and satisfaction to all present . The following loyal and Ma sonic toasts were given aud responded to : — "The Queen
and the Craft ; " " 1 he M . W . Grand Alaster , the Prince of Wales ; " " The Pro G . Af . the Earl of Carnarvon , " " The Deputy G . AL , the Earl of Skelmersdale , and rest of Grand Officers ; " "The Provincial Grand Alaster , " to which Colonel Burdett replied , thanking the brethren for having made him an honorary member of their lodge , a lodge which , from what he had heard and seen , he expected
would become one of the most important in lhe province . He congratu ' ated them upon lhe choice they had made of a Alaster . He was one who had twice before held a similar position , and had creditably performed the duties of his hi-jh office . The W . M . next proposed " The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Province . " Bro . Little replied
in very appropriate terms . Bros . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W . Essex , then proposed " The Worshipful Alaster , " and in doing so congratulated the lodge in getting one to preside over them so well up in Alasonry and so popular with his brethren . Bros . Linzell , W . M ., having replied , he proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " which was responded to by Bros .
Wilson , P . AI . ; Captain Wiltshire , P . AL , and Dr . Aluggleston , P . AL , who in very pithy speeches expressed themselves highly delighted with the whole arrangements of the day , Bro . Wilson remarking that , although not one of the new lodge he wished them every success . He had a few years ago been the principal promoter of a new lodge in the same parish , and the time had now come
whea he did not see why another lodge should not be worked , and with the good wishes of the sister lodge . " The Officers " were next proposed , to which Bro . Letchworth , S . W ., replied , thanking the brethren for the cordial manner in which his own aud brother officers' healths had been drank , assuring them that he would endeavour to carry out the duties in a satisfactory way . Having so
good a brother as W . AL , whose kind and agreeable disposition would insure him the good feelings of those working with him , lie looked lor prosperity in their new undertaking . "The Alasonic Charities" was responded to by Bro . J . Terry , Secretary of the R . M . B . I . He congratulated the brethren upon the success of the day , and afterwards
made a claim upon the charity of the brethren . He said that although a very large amount was annually subscribed by our fraternity for the charitable institutions ( indeed , a sum to be proud of ) , yet they were unable to give the assistance to every case that they should like , but if every brother in the fraternity would only subscribe five
shillings per year they would raise a sum by which every candidate could bc relieved . I fe called upon the brethren very urgently to consider whether they were doing their duty in this respect , and thus carrying out the first principle of their profession . He was sorry to say there was a very large number of brethren connected with Masonry
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was holden on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall , when Col . Brownrigg presided as G . Z . ; Comp . S . Rawson , as H . ; and Comp . Hugh D . Sandeman , as J . The other officers were Comps . John Hervey , G . S . E . ; Col . Creaton , as S . N . ; John A .
Rucker , P . S . ; Joseph C . Parkinson , as First A . S . ; Robert Grey , Second A . S . ; F . P . Morrell , S . B . ; and Dr . Woodman , D . C . The other companions in Grand Chapter were H . G . Buss , Frederick Pattison , Thomas Fenn , P . G . S . B . ; Benjamin Head , P . G . S . ; Charles A . Murton , P . G . A . S . ; H . Browse , P . G . S . ; James Glaisher , P . A . P . S . ; Edward Snell , P . G . S . B . ; Frederick Derry , P . Z . 4 82 and 938 , and P . G . N .
Staffordshire ; Captain W . Piatt , P . G . S . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . D . C . ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . D . C . ; E . D . Davis , P . Z . 24 ; II . J . P . Dumas , P . S . B . ; H . S . Brownrigg , H . 6 ; John Coutts , P . Z . 177 and 3 S 2 , Z . 1348 ; J . AL Case , Z . and P . Z . 231 ); H . Alassey , P . Z . 619 ( "Freemason" ); John Boyd , P . Z . 145 and 534 ; William Stephens , H . 862 , Z . 1365 ; William Hammond , H . 185 ; W . F . C . Moutrie ,
P . Z . and Z . n ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . C ; and C . B . Payne . The pray-ers of all the petitions for new chapters published by the " Freemason " in the agenda paper of Grand Chapter last week were granted . On the motion of Comp . E . Snell , P . G . S . B ., it was unanimously resolved lhat a record be made in the books
of Grand Chapter of the great loss Grand Chapter felt that it and Alasonry had sustained by the lamented death of Comp . John Savage , late President ofthe Committee of General Purposes . The AI . E . Z . said he was sure that this feeling must be entertained by the whole body of Alasons . Grand Chapter was thereupon closed . '
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
On Wednesday , 26 th ult ., the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yoikshire assembled at Leeds , to the number of upwards of three hundred brethren , under the banner of Philanthropic Lodge , 304 , the W . AL and officers of which lodge opened the preliminary lodge in the three degrees .
Previous to the Provincial Grand Lodge entering a pleasing incident occurred , in the acceptance hy the brethren of a beautifully-framed portrait of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , of London , formerly of Swillington , near Leeds , and one of the old Past Masters of the lodge . The Provincial Grand Lodge having entered , was
presided over by the Rt . W . Prov . Grand Alaster ( Sir II . Edwards , Bart . ) , who was assisted by his Deputy , Bro . Tew , J . P ., of Pontefraet , and the Provincial Grand Officers . ' The brethren having saluted the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster with the greatest cordiality ,
'Ihe Provincial Grand Alaster , in reply , said—Provincial Grand Officers , Worshipful Alaslers , and brethren of this Provincial Grand Lodge , your reception of mc to-day is , 1 hope , a convincing proof that the loyalty and attachment the brethren of West Yorkshire have ever accorded to my distinguished predecessor have in no way , judging from the warmth of your salutation , been diminished with
reference to myself . It is my great desire that on all occa sions when the Provincial Grand Lodge is called togethe to be present amongst you . Permit mc , on this , the firste of our collective gatherings in the new year , to offer th brethren my sincere congratulations and hearty good wishes for the prosperity of the Craft in this important province . This new year opens , I trust , with gladness to
ourselves , and as we live m sympathy with every brother throughout the world , it is thus we strive to promote on earth pence and good will towards men . Between the square and compasses our lives are pledged to charity and fellowship ; and as in the year behind us , so in the year before us , I hope the brethren of West Yorkshire will strive to emulate the noble aspirations and the generous deeds
which have so pre-eminently adorned the high character which Freemasonry in this province possesses . With reference to the gathering in Leeds , the Provincial Grand Alaster said he was glad to understand that the Leeds lodges were promoting the system of inviting the Provincial Grand Lodge annually , under each lodge in rotation . He referred to the recent election for girls to their school ,
and congratulated West Yorkshire on their double success . Adverting to the recent Exhibition in Leeds , the Provincial Grand Alaster said he was present on tbe occasion of the opening ofthe Exhibition , and he regretted on that occasion that the then Alayor of Leeds was not a member of our ancient and honourable society . " Alost deeply , " he said , " do we all deplore that visitation of Providence which , on
the 19 th inst ., unexpectedly deprived Leeds of one of her most public spirited officers in the person of the ex-Mayor . " The noble Baronet then concluded by repeating the words of his predecessor , with reference to the increasing strength of the fraternity . " Brethren , remember the strength of our Order lies not in the increasing roll of our members , but in the fraternal spirit by which the members arc
animated , and which lives and breathes in our lodges . " Bro . Tew , Dep . Prov . G . AL , having responded , Bro . Bentley Shaw entered , and was vociferously received . After he had been saluted he briefly relurned thanks for their great warmth of feeling towards him . lie felt that he could not , if he would , stay away from the
meeting , and hoped to be able to attend many more . After the ordinary routine business had been gone through , the attention of the brethren was called to the report of the Committee of Investigation into the management of the Royal Alasonic Boys' School , which report was presented to the Prov . Grand Alaster by the chairman of
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
the committee , Bro . Gill , Alayor of Wakefield . It was gathered from the report that the committee had extended their inquiry over six years—from January , 186 9 , to December , 1874 . During that time the sum of £ 38 , 746 10 s . 2 d . had been expended , showing , for an average attendance of 123 boys per year , an average cost of £ 52
ios . o-Jd . per annum , which , when added to the value of the farm produce , shows a total of £ 54 . 10 s . 3 d . During that time no charge was made for rent or as interest on expended capital . This expenditure contrasts unfavourably with that of the following institutions : — No . of Cost per Pupils . Head .
C s . d London Orphan Asylum 491 31 0 3 Commercial Travellers .... 228 30 4 o Ackworth School 290 31 10 ( i Sidworth School 97 33 19 o Yorkshire Boys'School 33 ...... 33 o o Royal Alasonic Girls'School 146 3 ( 1 i ( i u _ j
Clergy Orphan no 45 18 o . J The report went on to state that the expense caused by the frequent changes of Alasters and Assistant Masters was great , and had acted injuriously in the education of boys , as exemplified by the unsuccessful results at the Cambridge and Oxford local examinations . The committee brought their report to a close as follows : — " The great
cost of the school pervades nearly every department of its management , and the committee strongly impresses upon the Provincial Grand Ledge the necessity for adopting such measures as will secure a material reduction of such cost , so that the institution may be placed in a position by which its usefulness may be largely extended , its benefits conferred upon a much greater number of recipients , and
the sympathies of the Craft continued and extended in its favour . "—This report was unanimously adopted , and such resolutions were passed as would carry out the objects of the committee . Before the close of the Provincial Grand Lodge Bro . Gill , on behalf of the Committee of Investigation , handed to the Provincial Grand Master a very handsome Past
Alaster ' s jewel , with the request that he would present it to Bro . Robert Craig , P . AI . 304 , for his courtesy , kindness , and great hospitality in entertaining that committee at all their meetings . The Provincial Grand Alaster highly eulogized the character of Bro . Craig , and in handing him the present
wished him long life to wear it . Bro . Craig feelingly and sincerely thanked the brethren . After lhe business of the lodge was concluded , about 100 of the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet served by Bro . J . L . Oates , in the banqueting-room , after which the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were duly given and honoured .
Consecration Of The St. James's Lodge (No. 1579.)
On Friday , the 21 st ult ., at the Bell Hitel , Enfield Highway , a new lodge was consecrated , to be called the St . James ' s Lodge ( Xo . 1579 ) ( under the Province o ( Middlesex ) , the R . W . Prov . Grand Alaster , Colonel Burdett , P . S . G . W . of England , presiding . The first half
hour was spent by the brethren present 111 locking at lhe new lodge furniture , jewels , and regalia , supplied by Bro . George Kenning , of Link- Britain , which seemed to be much approved of by the brethren . At about 3 . 30 p . m . it was announced lhat the R . W . Prov Grand Alaster had arrived , which was a signal for the brethren to be clothed and take their places to receive the
Prov . Grand Officers . Amongst those present were the R . W . Prov . G . AL of Middlesex , Colonel Burdelt , P . G . S . W ., & c . ; W . Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . G . S . W . ; W . Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts ; Bros . J . J . Wilson P . P . G . J . W . Essex ; T . Hastings Aliller , P . G . Org . Middlesex ; J . Tydeman , P . G . P . Essex ; Thompson , P . G . D . C , Middlesex ; Tye , P . P . G . J . D . Middlesex ; James Linzell ,
P . P . G . D . C , and W . AI . designate ; Edward Letchworth , S . W . designate ; John Painter , J . W . designate ; 1 C . Clarke , Driscoll , Stevens , T . Cusworth , G . Jaffa , Verry , Collycr , Gabb , J . Mailer , P . AL ; W . Gilbert , W . M . 1 327 ; Capt . Wiltshire , P . AL ; Alalcolm , Sec . 13 : 7 ; Sheldon , P . G . S . Herts ; Harvey , Pepper , Bradstock , Newman , Jewison , Yorke , Oddey , Aluggleston , P . M . ; and others , in all about
sixty brethren . The R . W . Prov . Grand Alaster having appointed the following brethren lo assist him as officers pro . teni ., viz . W . Bro . II . W . Utile , P . G . S . W . Middx ., as D G . AL , and to act as Chaplain ; W . Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , as Director of Ceremonies j Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . P . G . J . W . Essex , as Senior Warden ; Bro . J . Tydeman ,
Prov . G . Purst . Essex , as Junior Warden ; Bro . Thompson Prov . G . D . C , as Inner Guard ; and Bro . Verry , as Tyler ' The Provincial Grand Organist , Uro . T . II . Miller pre-, siding at the harmonium . The lodge was opened in the three degrees . The Grand Alaster then addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . Bro . R . W . Little then gave the
prayer . After which the acting Secretary addressed the Grand Alaster , who replied , and gave directions to the brethren of the new lodge to form themselves in order in the body of ( he room . The Secretary then read the petition , also the warrant from the Grand Alaster of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the brethren appointed in the warrant as first
Alaster and Wardens being Bros . James Linzell , P . M ., as W . AL ; Edward Letchworth , as first S . W . ; and John Painter , as first J . W . The Grand Alaster having inquired of the brethren if they approved of the officers named , the brethren signified this approval in the usual way . After which Bro . R . W . Little gave an oration on the nature and principles of the institution in an eloquent and masterly manner , the same being listened to with the greatest atten-
Consecration Of The St. James's Lodge (No. 1579.)
tion by all present . The following hymn was sung by the brethren : — Hail , Eternal , by whose aid All created things were made , Heav ' n and earth Thy vast design , Hear us , Architect divine .
Alay our work , b 3 gun in Thee , liver blest with order be , And when we from labour cease , Part in harmony and peace . By Thy glorious Alajesty , By the trust we place in Thee , By the lodge and mystic sign , Hear us , Architect Divine .
After the first part of the dedication prayer , & -c , the Chaplain read II . Chron ., Chap . I . to XVI . verses . Thelodge board being uncovered the Deputy Alaster and Wardens pro tem . carried the elements of consecration three times round the lodge . The Presiding Officer then dedicated the lodge , when the hymn was sung commencing Our souls shall magnify the Lord ;
In Him our spirits shall rejoice . The Presiding Officer having constituted the lodge , the hymn was sung commencing Now the . evening shadows closing . The consecration ceremony over the lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , when Bro . James Linzell was presented to the Grand Master for installation , and after the
usual preliminaries were gone through , those brethren below the ranks of Installed Alasters whithdrew , while the remainder of the ceremony of installation was proceeded with in the presence of nineteen Past Masters . The brethren having been re-admitted , were called upon to salute the Worshipful Alaster in the three degrees . The W . M . appointed the officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . Edward Letchworth , S . W . ; lohn Painter ,
J . W . ; E . Clark , Treas . ; Driscoll , Sec . ; Stevens , S . D . ; T . Cusworth , J . D . ; G . Jaffa , I . G . ; Veiry , Tyler . Bro . James Terry , P . G . D . C . Herts , then gave the addresses to the officers and brethren of the lodge in a very clear and impressive manner , which brought forth the applause of all present . Votes of thanks were passed to Bro . the R . W . Colanel Burdett and others who assisted in the consecration
ceremony . Colonel Burdett , Bro . R . W . Little , Bro . James Terry , and Bro . T . II . Aliller were proposed and unanimously accepted honorary members of the lodge . The lodge having been closed to the First Degree , some brethren were proposed as joining members . The lodge * was then closed in due form , after which about fifty
brethren adjourned to the banquet-hall , where a sumptuous banquet awaited them , composed of every delicacy of the season , the arrangements being carried out in Bro . Jewison ' s very best style , which , with the excellent quality of the wines , reflected great credit to his establishment and satisfaction to all present . The following loyal and Ma sonic toasts were given aud responded to : — "The Queen
and the Craft ; " " 1 he M . W . Grand Alaster , the Prince of Wales ; " " The Pro G . Af . the Earl of Carnarvon , " " The Deputy G . AL , the Earl of Skelmersdale , and rest of Grand Officers ; " "The Provincial Grand Alaster , " to which Colonel Burdett replied , thanking the brethren for having made him an honorary member of their lodge , a lodge which , from what he had heard and seen , he expected
would become one of the most important in lhe province . He congratu ' ated them upon lhe choice they had made of a Alaster . He was one who had twice before held a similar position , and had creditably performed the duties of his hi-jh office . The W . M . next proposed " The Deputy Grand Master and Grand Officers of the Province . " Bro . Little replied
in very appropriate terms . Bros . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W . Essex , then proposed " The Worshipful Alaster , " and in doing so congratulated the lodge in getting one to preside over them so well up in Alasonry and so popular with his brethren . Bros . Linzell , W . M ., having replied , he proposed " The Health of the Visitors , " which was responded to by Bros .
Wilson , P . AI . ; Captain Wiltshire , P . AL , and Dr . Aluggleston , P . AL , who in very pithy speeches expressed themselves highly delighted with the whole arrangements of the day , Bro . Wilson remarking that , although not one of the new lodge he wished them every success . He had a few years ago been the principal promoter of a new lodge in the same parish , and the time had now come
whea he did not see why another lodge should not be worked , and with the good wishes of the sister lodge . " The Officers " were next proposed , to which Bro . Letchworth , S . W ., replied , thanking the brethren for the cordial manner in which his own aud brother officers' healths had been drank , assuring them that he would endeavour to carry out the duties in a satisfactory way . Having so
good a brother as W . AL , whose kind and agreeable disposition would insure him the good feelings of those working with him , lie looked lor prosperity in their new undertaking . "The Alasonic Charities" was responded to by Bro . J . Terry , Secretary of the R . M . B . I . He congratulated the brethren upon the success of the day , and afterwards
made a claim upon the charity of the brethren . He said that although a very large amount was annually subscribed by our fraternity for the charitable institutions ( indeed , a sum to be proud of ) , yet they were unable to give the assistance to every case that they should like , but if every brother in the fraternity would only subscribe five
shillings per year they would raise a sum by which every candidate could bc relieved . I fe called upon the brethren very urgently to consider whether they were doing their duty in this respect , and thus carrying out the first principle of their profession . He was sorry to say there was a very large number of brethren connected with Masonry