Article CONSECRATION OF ST. AUSTELL MARK LODGE, No. 275. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Consecration Of St. Austell Mark Lodge, No. 275.
The lodge having been duly dedicated and constituted , the ballot was taken for the following , as joining members , who were all unanimously elected : Bros . Sir Charles G . Sawle , Bart ., Rev . E . E . Gill , R . Parson , W . P . Smith , H . De Legh , and W . Nettle . The ballot was then taken for the following brethren , candidates for advancement to the Degrees of " Mark Mason and Mark Master , who were also unanimously accepted : W . Bros . Rev . F . B . Paul , P . M .
11 5 , P . P . G . Chap . ; T . J . Smith , P . M . 49 6 ; J . Job , P . M . 496 ; F . Williams , P . M . 077 , P . P . G . Swd . ' Br . ; F . Parkyn , P . M . S 5 C ; Bros . W . Tredinnick , J . D . 496 ; J . de Cressy Treffry , J . D . 977 ; A . Sherriff-Clunes , D . C . 977 ; J . A . Blarney , " I . G . 17 S 5 ; C . K . Stevens , S . D . 977 ; B . Houseley , S . D . 493 ; J . Hoit , J . W . S 56 ; W . J . Watts , 49 G ; and W . Real , T . 49 6 . The whole of the brethren being present , with the exception of Bros . Paul , Job ,
Stevens , and Parkyn , they were all duly and regularly obligated and advanced to the honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason , the impressive and dramatic ceremony being performed by Bro . W . J . Hughan with his customary ability . The learned brother , whose works on Masonry are known and read - . vnt . evcr the English language is spoken , and nowhere , perhaps , more widely than in the United States
of America , then delivered an oration on the principles of Mark Masonry , which was listened to with great interest and attention . He mentioned incidentally that there was a Mark Lodge held at Redruth in iSoC , and that a Knight Templar Encampment had been held there since 1797 . Dwelling upon the great antiquity of the Mark as a De-§ ree , he said he had seen the charter of a Mark Lodge in cotland , with marks of the members attached , of the date
of 167 S . These members were noblemen , and men of various professions , as well as Operative Masons and other handicraftsmen , which showed that Speculative Masonry existed at that period . At the conclusion of this most interesting address , Bro . West installed Bro . C Truscott , who was presented by Bro . Sir Charles Sawle , as W . M ., into the chair of A ., at a special lodge of Installed Masters , who then appointed and
invested the following as his officers : Bros . Mason , S . W . ; Guy J . W . ; A . Luke , M . O . ; T . S . Lukes , S . O . ; J . W . Higman , J . O . ; A . Luke , Treas . ; R . Parsons , Sec . ; De Legh ( by proxy ) , Reg . of Marks ; Rev . E . Gill , Chap . ; W . P . Smith , Org . ; W . Nettle , S . D . ; F . B . Williams , J . D . ; Blarney , D . C ; J . de C . Treffry , I . G . ; Smith and A . S . Clunes , Stewards ; and Heal , Tyler .
The collars and silver badges , which are very handsome , were presented to the lodge by the newly-appointed officers . The brethren afterwards dined together , to the number of about thirty , at the White Hart Hotel , where a splendid banquet was admirably served , and at a very reasonable cost , by Bro . Lukes , to which ample justice was done . The usual Masonic toasts followed .
Bros . W . J . HUGHAN and EMRA HOLMES responded to that of "The Officers of the Grand Mark Lodge of England . " Bro . HUGHAN , in the very interesting and telling speech he made , showed by the list of names of eminent Masons in the Craft who had filled the office of Grand Masterwhich could only be held for three years in succession in this Degree , and not practically ad vitarn , as in the
Craftthat the Mark Degree was held in high estimation by the rulers in Masonry . The present Grand Master was the Earl of Lathom , who was also Deputy Grand Master in the Craft—a nobleman beloved by all who knew him . The Earl of Carnarvon , the Marl of Limerick , Lord Leigh—who were respectively Pro Grand Master , Prov . Grand Master of Bristol , and Prov . Grand Master of Warwickshire in the Craft—and Earl Percy were all Past Grand Mark Master
Masons . 'I he position of the Mark was exactly that of the other High Degrees , as regards the Craft . The learned brother concluded a very able speech by showing what , in his opinion , was the esoteric teaching of Mark Masonry . Bro . EMRA HOLMES , alluding to Bro . Hughan ' s statement of the position of Mark Masonry , as regards the Craft , said that by the articles of union between the two Grand Lodges in 1 S 13 it was expressly stipulated in one of
them that whilst it was ruled . that ancient Masonry consisted of Three Degrees , and no more , including the Royal Arch , " yet that this article did wot intend but that the chlvalvic Orders should meet in our chapters and lodges as heretofore , " which was a distinct recognition of the High Degrees of the Knights Templar and Rose Croix , & c He ( the speaker ) thought the Mark one of the most interesting
Degrees , from an archaeological point of view . I he Mark Masons of the Middle Ages marked the stones in their cathedrals and churches and castles , and he himself had seen crowds of these marks on the walls of Salisbury , removed from Old Sarum in the year 1220 . "The Health of the R . W . P . G . Master , Bro . Sir Charles Sawle , " was cordially given and responded to . Other toasts followed , and the brethren separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
ORIGINAL , OR PREMIER , CONCLAVE OF ENGLAND . —The February meeting of this ' conclave was held on the 2 SII 1 ult ., at the Freemasons . Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Among those presen . were Sir Knights H . C . Levander , Grand Treas ., P . S . ' H . A . Dubois , G . P ., P . S . ; J . T . Moss , G . Asst . Marshal ' P . S . ; Thomas Cubitt , G . High Almoner , P . S . ; George Kenning , G . Vice-Chancellor , P . S . ; Key . P . M . Holden ,
G . High Prelate , P . S . ; W . 11 . Hubbard , P . S . ; J . W . Ellison Macartney , M . P ., G . Senior-General ; H . H . Shirley , Thomas Massa , E . II . Thiellay , W . E . Dawes , Mickley , Fredk . Binckes , Henry Parker , T . C . Walls ; and the following visitors : Sir Knights A . M . Broadley , H . Venn , and Don . M . Dewar . The minutes of the last assembl y having been read and confirmed , ballot was taken for Bro . Wm . E . Dawes , of the
Beadon Lodge , No . fiiy , which proving in his favour , he was duly installed a Knight of the Order . The election of Sovereign , Viceroy , Treasurer , and Sentinel was then pro ceeded with , ivy . idling in the unanimous selection of Si-Knights ) . \ V . Ellison Macartney , M . P ., Sovereign ; Thosr Massa , S'iceroy ; Thomas Cubitt , Treas . ; 11 . C .
Levander , Recorder ; K . II . I lucllay , Senior General ; Shirley Junior General ; and John Gilbert ,. Sentinel . Sir Knights Thiellay , Micklcy , ami Dawes having been appointed on the Audit Committee , the conclave was shortl y afterwards closed , the Sir Knights subsequently partaking of banquet , served in Bro . Best ' s usual excellent manner .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft JHasonrg .
PANMURE LODGE ( No . 715 ) . —The February meeting of this lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotei , on Saturday week , the 19 th ult ., when there were present Bros . A . C . Cope , W . M . ; E . Phillips , P . M ., acting S . W . ; E . Zwinger , J . W . ; S . G . Myers , P . M ., Treas . ; Henry Birdseye , P . M ., Sec . ; Wm . Birdseye , P . M ., acting S . D . ; W . S . Cutler , I . G . ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M . ; John Gale , P . M . ; J . H . Weedon , P . M . ; ] . Jonas , P . M . ; J . Paddle ,
C . Smith , M . Bennett , Richard Conder , and the following visitors : Bros . G . W . J . King , W . M . 905 ; Dr . A . Wright , W . M . 170 S ; H . Venn , P . M . 49 ; S . H . Dale , 34 ; E . L . Sheldon , 1366 ; H . Hamilton , 170 S ; and J . P . Hamilton . The only business performed was the raising of Bro . Richard Conder to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , which the W . M ., Bro . Cope , carried out in a most impressive manner . The installation of Bro . H . Watts as W . M .
was postponed , owing to that brother's absence through illness . The S . D . was also absent through indisposition . A handsome gold P . M . 's jewel was presented to the ^ W . M ., Bro . A . C . Cope , for the efficient manner he had conducted the lodge during the past year . Lodge was then closed , and at six o ' clock the brethren sat down to banquet , at the conclusion of which , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE ( No . ! 5 ° 3 ) - —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street . Present : Bros . J . E . Shand , W . M . ; J . Hutchinson , S . W . ; J . Waugh , J . W . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., Treas ., P . S . D . Middx . ; E . J . Scott , P . M ., Sec . ; Day , S . D . ; J . Hammond , J . D ., W . M . 1765 ; P . Eastgate , I . G . ; Potter , P . M ., Tyler ; Edcll , Strevens , W . C . Smith , H . E . Bonham ,
Taylor , Arnold , Hill , and others . Visitors : Bros . G . W . Reed , P . M . 13 ; J . Charles , P . M . 19 ; J . L . Morse , P . M . 169 ; H . T . Reed , P . M . 193 and 12 S 7 ; E . H . Hoare , S . D . I 7 5 J J- Mills , 17 C 5 ; and B . Cohen , iSS . After confirmation of minutes of installation meeting , ballot was taken for Bro . W . G . Higgins , which being favourable , he was impressively initiated . Bros . S . Davies , Quested , and Morton were duly passed to the Decrree of
F . C Propositions for next meeting were announced . The Secretary Bro . Scott , P . M ., expressed a wish to stand Steward for the Girls School . It was unanimously agreed to place £ 21 upon his list from lodge funds . The lodge closed and the brethren , aboutforty in numbers sat down to a capital dinner at the Cafe Royal , the W . M .,
Bro . Shand , presiding , who submitted the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The initiate returned thanks for his health . The visitors expressed pleasure at being present , both in lodge and at the hospitality . Several songs and performances on the piano by brethren made the meeting sociable and convivial ; and after the Tyler ' s toast , about eleven o'clock , the brethren separated .
CLAPHAM LODGE ( No . 1818 ) . —A most successful meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult ., at the Grosvenor Hotel , Belgravia . There were present Bros . Louis Hirsch , W . M . ; C . T . Pearce , S . W . ; G . T . Goodinge , J . W . ; W . Worrell , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Carlton Hale , S . D . ; Dr . Lewis Evans , J . D . ; H . Phillips , I . G . ; Sydney Pocock , G . T . Hankins , Joseph Zeder , Howard Smith , H . J . Thorn , and Dr . John Dixon , P . M . 73 ( hon .
member ) . Visitors : Bros . R . P . Spice , P . M . 21 ; E . H . Thiellay , P . M ., & c , 145 ; A . R . Cranch , S . D . 1216 ; Jas . Broomwich , I . G . 1671 ; Rev . R . Hill , S 57 ; W . Kitching , 309 ; J . E . Edmestone , 1612 ; and G . J . Wright , 1 S 15 . Letters and telegrams regretting their inability to be present were received from several brethren . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , and the ballot being in favour of the candidates ,
the W . M . proceeded to initiate in an able manner , first , Mr . Henry Arthur Smith , and afterwards , Messrs . Benjamin Minors Woollans , and Percy Slater Boult . The installation ceremony was then proceeded with , and carried out most ably by Bro . Worrell , P . M ., and Sec , assisted by Bro . Dr . John Dixon , P . M . 73 ( hon . member ) , Bro . Louis Hirsch being for the second year placed in the chair of King Solomon , and received hearty contrratulations
from all present . The W . M . appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . W . Carlton , Hale , S . W . ; G . T . Goodinge , J . W . ; W . Worrell , P . M ., Sec . j Dr . Lewis Evans , S . D . ; Howard Smith , J . D . ; Henry Phillips , I . G . ; Joseph Zeder , W . S . ; and H . J . Thorn , D . C . Candidates for initiation and joining members were then proposed . Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a recherche banquet , and great praise was due to Bro .
Zeder , the manager of the Grosvenor Hotel , for the admirable manner in which the banquet was served . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given by the W . M . and duly honoured , "The Health of the W . M . " was next proposed by Bro . Worrell , P . M ., in eloquent terms , who after duelling at length on the merits and Masonic abilities of the W . M ., and wishing him a prosperous and happy year of office , concluded by asking the
brethren to receive this toast with the honour due to it . The W . M , thanked the brethren for the cordial and sincere manner in which the last toist had been received by them , proposed in so eloquent and glowing terms by their esteemed Secretary , Bro . Worrell . He assured the brethren that no pains would be spared on his part to sustain the interest and welfare of the Clapham Lodge . The W . M . said that lie looked upon Freemasonry as cultivating the highest virtues
and bringing to the fore all that elevates and ennobles our nature . He thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him in electing him as their W . M . for the second year , and trusted they would all give him theirsupport during his term of office . The W . M . said : The toast I have now the pleasure and gratification to propose to you , is , I feel sure , a most welcome one to you all , for it is emphatically the toast of the evening , and I doubt not will meet with your
cordial reception , namely , " The Health of the Initiates . " From the attention the brethren have paid to the ceremonies and the interest they evinced in this evening ' s proceedings , 1 feel sure they will become useful members of our noble Order . We can , indeed , brethren , congratulate ourselves in haying added to our number these three brethren whose position , influence , and . ' character can add but lustre to our lodge . We know them to be men of sterling worth , good
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and true , as every Freemason should be , and who would do honour to any society . They will undoubtedly carry out the great principles of our Order—brotherly love , relief , and truth—and may " God send them many years of sunshine days . " I ask you , brethren , to rise and drink in a bumper to the health , happiness , and prosperity of the Initiates . The toast was enthusiastically received . Bro . H . Arthur
Smith , in the [ course of a very eloquent reply , stated that he could have never anticipated the pleasure and gratification that evening had afforded him . He expressed his gratitude to the W . M . and brethren for the courteous and considerate reception they had given him that evening , and assured them that as far as his opportunities and abilities would extend , he would do his best thoroughly to carry
out that which he had commenced that night , and to serve the interests of Masonry in every capacity he could . Bro . Boult responded with remarkable clearness and forcible brevit y , expressing his great gratification in having been initiated into the Order , and that the beautiful ceremony so impressively rendered by the W . M . ivould ever remain indelible on his mind . The W . M . had spoken
of them as men of sterling worth , and he trusted the brethren would always find them such . He would certainly endeavour to the best of his abilities to carry out the principles of the Order , and felt sure he would never regret the step he had taken that evening . Bro . Woollan in reply said that he did not know what length of speech an initiate was expected to make , but he took it for granted that
modesty in that respect would be best appreciated , so he would trouble them with but few remarks . He felt very deeply impressed with the ceremony of that evening , and was proud to have the honour of being admitted a member of that glorious Order , and trusted that he would make himself worthy of it . He thanked the W . M . and brethren for the hearty reception they had given him , and for the
kind manner in which they had drank his health . He felt sure he would always remember with pride and pleasure his birthday in Freemasonry , and strive hard to do his duty as a Mason and a man . The W . M . in glowing terms bade the visitors a hearty welcome , on behalf of himself and the members of the lodge , and the toast was responded to by Bros . Spice and
Rev . Hill , in an able and interesting manner . In proposing the next toast , "The Officers of the Lodge , " the W . M . said he felt sure that the brethren who had that evening being appointed to office would spare no pains to uphold the dignity of this lodge , by discharging their duties to their own , and to the . satisfaction of every brother . The W . M . paid a high compliment to Bro . Worrell , for the
able manner in which he performed the installation ceremony . This toast elicited an able reply from Bro . Hale , S . W . The W . M . next rose to propose a toast , which though not on the list was not the less welcome , it being "The Health of Bro . Zeder , W . S ., " thanking him for the great personal interest he had taken in the beautiful arrangement of the banquet table . These remarks were fully
endorsed by every member present , with hearty exhibitions of good feeling . After Bro . Zedcr's suitable repl y , the Tyler ' s toast brought a pleasant and successful evening to a close . A choice musical programme was furnished during the ' evening by Bros . Thorn , Rev . Hill , Howard Smith , Zeder , Cranch Broomwich , Arthur Smith , and others .
LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . 594 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , 22 , Hope-street , on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., the | W . M ., Bro . A . Pederson , in the chair , supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . P . M . Larsen , P . M . ; Thomas Dilcock , P . M . ; J . J . G . Glitherow , S . W . ; W . H . Veevcrs , J . W . ; R . P . France ,
P . M ., Treas . ; W . Evans , Sec . ; W . Heap , S . D . ; J . N . Cain , J . D . ;! A . J . Bolton , I . G . ; W . R . Roberts , Stwd . ; T . Malcolm , T yler j W . Peacock , J . Milner , G . Gold , W . Young , J . Skeaf , P . G . Org ., S . Boswell , F . Peterson , W . Stewart , and S . Prince . Visitors : Bros . G . de la Parell , P . M . 294 and 13 S 0 , P . P . G . D . of C . ; R . R . Martin , P . M . 1094 ; A . Child , 1756 ; P . H . Hill , 1013 ; J . Charnock , P . M .
448 ; A . Bucknell , J . W . C 67 ; J . Williams , 249 ; R . J . L . Kyneston , Sec . 1393 ; H . B . Davis , C 67 ; and J . C . Robinson , P . M . 249 [ Freemason ) . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Messrs . A . Naismith , G . Carpenter , W . Newton , A . Soderholm , L . G . Synness , who were declared duly elected . The Secretary having read a dispensation from the P . G . M . to enable the W . M . to
initiate six candidates , the above named gentlemen , also Mr . J . Lindscy , who had been balloted for last month , being in attendance , were properly prepared , and initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . Young and Welsh were passed to the Degree of F . C , the work in both Degrees being performed by the W . M . and his officers in a very efficient manner . After the sum of £ 5 5 s . had been voted for relief , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where a very enjoyable evening was spent .
KNUTSFORD . —De Tabley Lodge ( No . 941 ) . —The installation of Bro . Charles Sherwin , of Ashley Hall , . as W . M . of this lodge took place in the large assembly room ofthe Royal George Hotel , on the 14 th ult . The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . Nicholls , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., with that precision and effect which characterise the performance of his Masonic duties . The
W . M . appointed his officers as fellows : Bros . David Kinsey , I . P . M . ; Joseph Partington , S . W . ; Alfred M . Palmer , J . W . ; the Rev . Edward Octavius Rawson , Chap . ; W . Nicholls , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Treas . ; Stewart Levett Jackson , Sec . ; William Hough , Senior Deacon ; Thomas Walkden , JuniorJDeacon ; Rev . E . O . Rawson , l . G . j John Pearson , Org . ; Mark Alcock , Tyler . Stewards : Bros .
William Fair , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; John B . Cutter , P . M . ; James Hodgkinson , P . M . ; G . T . Ogram . The business of the lodge being over , the brethren adjourned to the dining-room , where a splendid banquet had been prepared by Airs . Caldecott , the hostess , which gave universal satisfaction . There were present several officers from the Stamford ,
Sincerity , Earl of Chester Lodges , and other visiting brethren . Bros . Young and Pearson presided at the piano , and some excellent songs were g iven in first-rate style , and were much enjoyed and appreciated . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured in able and appropriate speeches , by distinguished brethren of the De Tabley Lodge . Bro . Tanner , in responding to the toast , " The V . W . D . P . G . M ., the Hon . Wiloraham Egcrton , M . P ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , Present and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of St. Austell Mark Lodge, No. 275.
The lodge having been duly dedicated and constituted , the ballot was taken for the following , as joining members , who were all unanimously elected : Bros . Sir Charles G . Sawle , Bart ., Rev . E . E . Gill , R . Parson , W . P . Smith , H . De Legh , and W . Nettle . The ballot was then taken for the following brethren , candidates for advancement to the Degrees of " Mark Mason and Mark Master , who were also unanimously accepted : W . Bros . Rev . F . B . Paul , P . M .
11 5 , P . P . G . Chap . ; T . J . Smith , P . M . 49 6 ; J . Job , P . M . 496 ; F . Williams , P . M . 077 , P . P . G . Swd . ' Br . ; F . Parkyn , P . M . S 5 C ; Bros . W . Tredinnick , J . D . 496 ; J . de Cressy Treffry , J . D . 977 ; A . Sherriff-Clunes , D . C . 977 ; J . A . Blarney , " I . G . 17 S 5 ; C . K . Stevens , S . D . 977 ; B . Houseley , S . D . 493 ; J . Hoit , J . W . S 56 ; W . J . Watts , 49 G ; and W . Real , T . 49 6 . The whole of the brethren being present , with the exception of Bros . Paul , Job ,
Stevens , and Parkyn , they were all duly and regularly obligated and advanced to the honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason , the impressive and dramatic ceremony being performed by Bro . W . J . Hughan with his customary ability . The learned brother , whose works on Masonry are known and read - . vnt . evcr the English language is spoken , and nowhere , perhaps , more widely than in the United States
of America , then delivered an oration on the principles of Mark Masonry , which was listened to with great interest and attention . He mentioned incidentally that there was a Mark Lodge held at Redruth in iSoC , and that a Knight Templar Encampment had been held there since 1797 . Dwelling upon the great antiquity of the Mark as a De-§ ree , he said he had seen the charter of a Mark Lodge in cotland , with marks of the members attached , of the date
of 167 S . These members were noblemen , and men of various professions , as well as Operative Masons and other handicraftsmen , which showed that Speculative Masonry existed at that period . At the conclusion of this most interesting address , Bro . West installed Bro . C Truscott , who was presented by Bro . Sir Charles Sawle , as W . M ., into the chair of A ., at a special lodge of Installed Masters , who then appointed and
invested the following as his officers : Bros . Mason , S . W . ; Guy J . W . ; A . Luke , M . O . ; T . S . Lukes , S . O . ; J . W . Higman , J . O . ; A . Luke , Treas . ; R . Parsons , Sec . ; De Legh ( by proxy ) , Reg . of Marks ; Rev . E . Gill , Chap . ; W . P . Smith , Org . ; W . Nettle , S . D . ; F . B . Williams , J . D . ; Blarney , D . C ; J . de C . Treffry , I . G . ; Smith and A . S . Clunes , Stewards ; and Heal , Tyler .
The collars and silver badges , which are very handsome , were presented to the lodge by the newly-appointed officers . The brethren afterwards dined together , to the number of about thirty , at the White Hart Hotel , where a splendid banquet was admirably served , and at a very reasonable cost , by Bro . Lukes , to which ample justice was done . The usual Masonic toasts followed .
Bros . W . J . HUGHAN and EMRA HOLMES responded to that of "The Officers of the Grand Mark Lodge of England . " Bro . HUGHAN , in the very interesting and telling speech he made , showed by the list of names of eminent Masons in the Craft who had filled the office of Grand Masterwhich could only be held for three years in succession in this Degree , and not practically ad vitarn , as in the
Craftthat the Mark Degree was held in high estimation by the rulers in Masonry . The present Grand Master was the Earl of Lathom , who was also Deputy Grand Master in the Craft—a nobleman beloved by all who knew him . The Earl of Carnarvon , the Marl of Limerick , Lord Leigh—who were respectively Pro Grand Master , Prov . Grand Master of Bristol , and Prov . Grand Master of Warwickshire in the Craft—and Earl Percy were all Past Grand Mark Master
Masons . 'I he position of the Mark was exactly that of the other High Degrees , as regards the Craft . The learned brother concluded a very able speech by showing what , in his opinion , was the esoteric teaching of Mark Masonry . Bro . EMRA HOLMES , alluding to Bro . Hughan ' s statement of the position of Mark Masonry , as regards the Craft , said that by the articles of union between the two Grand Lodges in 1 S 13 it was expressly stipulated in one of
them that whilst it was ruled . that ancient Masonry consisted of Three Degrees , and no more , including the Royal Arch , " yet that this article did wot intend but that the chlvalvic Orders should meet in our chapters and lodges as heretofore , " which was a distinct recognition of the High Degrees of the Knights Templar and Rose Croix , & c He ( the speaker ) thought the Mark one of the most interesting
Degrees , from an archaeological point of view . I he Mark Masons of the Middle Ages marked the stones in their cathedrals and churches and castles , and he himself had seen crowds of these marks on the walls of Salisbury , removed from Old Sarum in the year 1220 . "The Health of the R . W . P . G . Master , Bro . Sir Charles Sawle , " was cordially given and responded to . Other toasts followed , and the brethren separated .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
ORIGINAL , OR PREMIER , CONCLAVE OF ENGLAND . —The February meeting of this ' conclave was held on the 2 SII 1 ult ., at the Freemasons . Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C . Among those presen . were Sir Knights H . C . Levander , Grand Treas ., P . S . ' H . A . Dubois , G . P ., P . S . ; J . T . Moss , G . Asst . Marshal ' P . S . ; Thomas Cubitt , G . High Almoner , P . S . ; George Kenning , G . Vice-Chancellor , P . S . ; Key . P . M . Holden ,
G . High Prelate , P . S . ; W . 11 . Hubbard , P . S . ; J . W . Ellison Macartney , M . P ., G . Senior-General ; H . H . Shirley , Thomas Massa , E . II . Thiellay , W . E . Dawes , Mickley , Fredk . Binckes , Henry Parker , T . C . Walls ; and the following visitors : Sir Knights A . M . Broadley , H . Venn , and Don . M . Dewar . The minutes of the last assembl y having been read and confirmed , ballot was taken for Bro . Wm . E . Dawes , of the
Beadon Lodge , No . fiiy , which proving in his favour , he was duly installed a Knight of the Order . The election of Sovereign , Viceroy , Treasurer , and Sentinel was then pro ceeded with , ivy . idling in the unanimous selection of Si-Knights ) . \ V . Ellison Macartney , M . P ., Sovereign ; Thosr Massa , S'iceroy ; Thomas Cubitt , Treas . ; 11 . C .
Levander , Recorder ; K . II . I lucllay , Senior General ; Shirley Junior General ; and John Gilbert ,. Sentinel . Sir Knights Thiellay , Micklcy , ami Dawes having been appointed on the Audit Committee , the conclave was shortl y afterwards closed , the Sir Knights subsequently partaking of banquet , served in Bro . Best ' s usual excellent manner .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft JHasonrg .
PANMURE LODGE ( No . 715 ) . —The February meeting of this lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotei , on Saturday week , the 19 th ult ., when there were present Bros . A . C . Cope , W . M . ; E . Phillips , P . M ., acting S . W . ; E . Zwinger , J . W . ; S . G . Myers , P . M ., Treas . ; Henry Birdseye , P . M ., Sec . ; Wm . Birdseye , P . M ., acting S . D . ; W . S . Cutler , I . G . ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M . ; John Gale , P . M . ; J . H . Weedon , P . M . ; ] . Jonas , P . M . ; J . Paddle ,
C . Smith , M . Bennett , Richard Conder , and the following visitors : Bros . G . W . J . King , W . M . 905 ; Dr . A . Wright , W . M . 170 S ; H . Venn , P . M . 49 ; S . H . Dale , 34 ; E . L . Sheldon , 1366 ; H . Hamilton , 170 S ; and J . P . Hamilton . The only business performed was the raising of Bro . Richard Conder to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason , which the W . M ., Bro . Cope , carried out in a most impressive manner . The installation of Bro . H . Watts as W . M .
was postponed , owing to that brother's absence through illness . The S . D . was also absent through indisposition . A handsome gold P . M . 's jewel was presented to the ^ W . M ., Bro . A . C . Cope , for the efficient manner he had conducted the lodge during the past year . Lodge was then closed , and at six o ' clock the brethren sat down to banquet , at the conclusion of which , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE ( No . ! 5 ° 3 ) - —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street . Present : Bros . J . E . Shand , W . M . ; J . Hutchinson , S . W . ; J . Waugh , J . W . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., Treas ., P . S . D . Middx . ; E . J . Scott , P . M ., Sec . ; Day , S . D . ; J . Hammond , J . D ., W . M . 1765 ; P . Eastgate , I . G . ; Potter , P . M ., Tyler ; Edcll , Strevens , W . C . Smith , H . E . Bonham ,
Taylor , Arnold , Hill , and others . Visitors : Bros . G . W . Reed , P . M . 13 ; J . Charles , P . M . 19 ; J . L . Morse , P . M . 169 ; H . T . Reed , P . M . 193 and 12 S 7 ; E . H . Hoare , S . D . I 7 5 J J- Mills , 17 C 5 ; and B . Cohen , iSS . After confirmation of minutes of installation meeting , ballot was taken for Bro . W . G . Higgins , which being favourable , he was impressively initiated . Bros . S . Davies , Quested , and Morton were duly passed to the Decrree of
F . C Propositions for next meeting were announced . The Secretary Bro . Scott , P . M ., expressed a wish to stand Steward for the Girls School . It was unanimously agreed to place £ 21 upon his list from lodge funds . The lodge closed and the brethren , aboutforty in numbers sat down to a capital dinner at the Cafe Royal , the W . M .,
Bro . Shand , presiding , who submitted the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The initiate returned thanks for his health . The visitors expressed pleasure at being present , both in lodge and at the hospitality . Several songs and performances on the piano by brethren made the meeting sociable and convivial ; and after the Tyler ' s toast , about eleven o'clock , the brethren separated .
CLAPHAM LODGE ( No . 1818 ) . —A most successful meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult ., at the Grosvenor Hotel , Belgravia . There were present Bros . Louis Hirsch , W . M . ; C . T . Pearce , S . W . ; G . T . Goodinge , J . W . ; W . Worrell , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Carlton Hale , S . D . ; Dr . Lewis Evans , J . D . ; H . Phillips , I . G . ; Sydney Pocock , G . T . Hankins , Joseph Zeder , Howard Smith , H . J . Thorn , and Dr . John Dixon , P . M . 73 ( hon .
member ) . Visitors : Bros . R . P . Spice , P . M . 21 ; E . H . Thiellay , P . M ., & c , 145 ; A . R . Cranch , S . D . 1216 ; Jas . Broomwich , I . G . 1671 ; Rev . R . Hill , S 57 ; W . Kitching , 309 ; J . E . Edmestone , 1612 ; and G . J . Wright , 1 S 15 . Letters and telegrams regretting their inability to be present were received from several brethren . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , and the ballot being in favour of the candidates ,
the W . M . proceeded to initiate in an able manner , first , Mr . Henry Arthur Smith , and afterwards , Messrs . Benjamin Minors Woollans , and Percy Slater Boult . The installation ceremony was then proceeded with , and carried out most ably by Bro . Worrell , P . M ., and Sec , assisted by Bro . Dr . John Dixon , P . M . 73 ( hon . member ) , Bro . Louis Hirsch being for the second year placed in the chair of King Solomon , and received hearty contrratulations
from all present . The W . M . appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . W . Carlton , Hale , S . W . ; G . T . Goodinge , J . W . ; W . Worrell , P . M ., Sec . j Dr . Lewis Evans , S . D . ; Howard Smith , J . D . ; Henry Phillips , I . G . ; Joseph Zeder , W . S . ; and H . J . Thorn , D . C . Candidates for initiation and joining members were then proposed . Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a recherche banquet , and great praise was due to Bro .
Zeder , the manager of the Grosvenor Hotel , for the admirable manner in which the banquet was served . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given by the W . M . and duly honoured , "The Health of the W . M . " was next proposed by Bro . Worrell , P . M ., in eloquent terms , who after duelling at length on the merits and Masonic abilities of the W . M ., and wishing him a prosperous and happy year of office , concluded by asking the
brethren to receive this toast with the honour due to it . The W . M , thanked the brethren for the cordial and sincere manner in which the last toist had been received by them , proposed in so eloquent and glowing terms by their esteemed Secretary , Bro . Worrell . He assured the brethren that no pains would be spared on his part to sustain the interest and welfare of the Clapham Lodge . The W . M . said that lie looked upon Freemasonry as cultivating the highest virtues
and bringing to the fore all that elevates and ennobles our nature . He thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him in electing him as their W . M . for the second year , and trusted they would all give him theirsupport during his term of office . The W . M . said : The toast I have now the pleasure and gratification to propose to you , is , I feel sure , a most welcome one to you all , for it is emphatically the toast of the evening , and I doubt not will meet with your
cordial reception , namely , " The Health of the Initiates . " From the attention the brethren have paid to the ceremonies and the interest they evinced in this evening ' s proceedings , 1 feel sure they will become useful members of our noble Order . We can , indeed , brethren , congratulate ourselves in haying added to our number these three brethren whose position , influence , and . ' character can add but lustre to our lodge . We know them to be men of sterling worth , good
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and true , as every Freemason should be , and who would do honour to any society . They will undoubtedly carry out the great principles of our Order—brotherly love , relief , and truth—and may " God send them many years of sunshine days . " I ask you , brethren , to rise and drink in a bumper to the health , happiness , and prosperity of the Initiates . The toast was enthusiastically received . Bro . H . Arthur
Smith , in the [ course of a very eloquent reply , stated that he could have never anticipated the pleasure and gratification that evening had afforded him . He expressed his gratitude to the W . M . and brethren for the courteous and considerate reception they had given him that evening , and assured them that as far as his opportunities and abilities would extend , he would do his best thoroughly to carry
out that which he had commenced that night , and to serve the interests of Masonry in every capacity he could . Bro . Boult responded with remarkable clearness and forcible brevit y , expressing his great gratification in having been initiated into the Order , and that the beautiful ceremony so impressively rendered by the W . M . ivould ever remain indelible on his mind . The W . M . had spoken
of them as men of sterling worth , and he trusted the brethren would always find them such . He would certainly endeavour to the best of his abilities to carry out the principles of the Order , and felt sure he would never regret the step he had taken that evening . Bro . Woollan in reply said that he did not know what length of speech an initiate was expected to make , but he took it for granted that
modesty in that respect would be best appreciated , so he would trouble them with but few remarks . He felt very deeply impressed with the ceremony of that evening , and was proud to have the honour of being admitted a member of that glorious Order , and trusted that he would make himself worthy of it . He thanked the W . M . and brethren for the hearty reception they had given him , and for the
kind manner in which they had drank his health . He felt sure he would always remember with pride and pleasure his birthday in Freemasonry , and strive hard to do his duty as a Mason and a man . The W . M . in glowing terms bade the visitors a hearty welcome , on behalf of himself and the members of the lodge , and the toast was responded to by Bros . Spice and
Rev . Hill , in an able and interesting manner . In proposing the next toast , "The Officers of the Lodge , " the W . M . said he felt sure that the brethren who had that evening being appointed to office would spare no pains to uphold the dignity of this lodge , by discharging their duties to their own , and to the . satisfaction of every brother . The W . M . paid a high compliment to Bro . Worrell , for the
able manner in which he performed the installation ceremony . This toast elicited an able reply from Bro . Hale , S . W . The W . M . next rose to propose a toast , which though not on the list was not the less welcome , it being "The Health of Bro . Zeder , W . S ., " thanking him for the great personal interest he had taken in the beautiful arrangement of the banquet table . These remarks were fully
endorsed by every member present , with hearty exhibitions of good feeling . After Bro . Zedcr's suitable repl y , the Tyler ' s toast brought a pleasant and successful evening to a close . A choice musical programme was furnished during the ' evening by Bros . Thorn , Rev . Hill , Howard Smith , Zeder , Cranch Broomwich , Arthur Smith , and others .
LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . 594 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , 22 , Hope-street , on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., the | W . M ., Bro . A . Pederson , in the chair , supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . P . M . Larsen , P . M . ; Thomas Dilcock , P . M . ; J . J . G . Glitherow , S . W . ; W . H . Veevcrs , J . W . ; R . P . France ,
P . M ., Treas . ; W . Evans , Sec . ; W . Heap , S . D . ; J . N . Cain , J . D . ;! A . J . Bolton , I . G . ; W . R . Roberts , Stwd . ; T . Malcolm , T yler j W . Peacock , J . Milner , G . Gold , W . Young , J . Skeaf , P . G . Org ., S . Boswell , F . Peterson , W . Stewart , and S . Prince . Visitors : Bros . G . de la Parell , P . M . 294 and 13 S 0 , P . P . G . D . of C . ; R . R . Martin , P . M . 1094 ; A . Child , 1756 ; P . H . Hill , 1013 ; J . Charnock , P . M .
448 ; A . Bucknell , J . W . C 67 ; J . Williams , 249 ; R . J . L . Kyneston , Sec . 1393 ; H . B . Davis , C 67 ; and J . C . Robinson , P . M . 249 [ Freemason ) . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Messrs . A . Naismith , G . Carpenter , W . Newton , A . Soderholm , L . G . Synness , who were declared duly elected . The Secretary having read a dispensation from the P . G . M . to enable the W . M . to
initiate six candidates , the above named gentlemen , also Mr . J . Lindscy , who had been balloted for last month , being in attendance , were properly prepared , and initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . Young and Welsh were passed to the Degree of F . C , the work in both Degrees being performed by the W . M . and his officers in a very efficient manner . After the sum of £ 5 5 s . had been voted for relief , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where a very enjoyable evening was spent .
KNUTSFORD . —De Tabley Lodge ( No . 941 ) . —The installation of Bro . Charles Sherwin , of Ashley Hall , . as W . M . of this lodge took place in the large assembly room ofthe Royal George Hotel , on the 14 th ult . The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . Nicholls , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., with that precision and effect which characterise the performance of his Masonic duties . The
W . M . appointed his officers as fellows : Bros . David Kinsey , I . P . M . ; Joseph Partington , S . W . ; Alfred M . Palmer , J . W . ; the Rev . Edward Octavius Rawson , Chap . ; W . Nicholls , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Treas . ; Stewart Levett Jackson , Sec . ; William Hough , Senior Deacon ; Thomas Walkden , JuniorJDeacon ; Rev . E . O . Rawson , l . G . j John Pearson , Org . ; Mark Alcock , Tyler . Stewards : Bros .
William Fair , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; John B . Cutter , P . M . ; James Hodgkinson , P . M . ; G . T . Ogram . The business of the lodge being over , the brethren adjourned to the dining-room , where a splendid banquet had been prepared by Airs . Caldecott , the hostess , which gave universal satisfaction . There were present several officers from the Stamford ,
Sincerity , Earl of Chester Lodges , and other visiting brethren . Bros . Young and Pearson presided at the piano , and some excellent songs were g iven in first-rate style , and were much enjoyed and appreciated . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured in able and appropriate speeches , by distinguished brethren of the De Tabley Lodge . Bro . Tanner , in responding to the toast , " The V . W . D . P . G . M ., the Hon . Wiloraham Egcrton , M . P ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , Present and