Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF CHINA Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Past " said there was one brother in connection with the toast that it gave him the greatest possible pleasure to mention , the Installing Master , Bro . Nicholls . He had attended many lodges at their installation , but he must say that he never attended one in which he was more pleased with the very impressive and able manner in which Bro . Nicholls ivent through the ceremony that day . He was ouite sure every one would quite agree with him in those
sentiments . Bro . Nicholls was but a young man compared with some of them , but he was an ornament to the De Tabley Lodge and the Craft at large , and he thought that much was due to him for the prosperity and working of the lodge , and , were it not for his exertions the lodge would not maintain its high position . At the conclusion of the evening , the brethren separated in peace and harmony , and that fraternal brotherhood known only to the Craft .
LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Israel ( No . 1502 ) . — The ordinary meeting of this most admirably worked lodge was held on Monday evening , the 21 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . Bro . S . J . Henochsberg , W . M ., presided , and amongst those who gave him valuable support were Bros . S . Schonstadt , P . M . ; H . A . Tobias , P . M . ; M . Aronsberg . S . W . ; W . P . Tueski , J . W . ; M . Hart , P . M .,
Treas . ; J . Saber , Sec ; D . Gabnelson , J . D . ; H . Silver , I . G . ; B . Levy , M . C ; A . B . Ewart . Org . ; M . Baum , S . ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . The members present were Bros . J . Winsor , P . M . 241 ; J . Franks , P . M . 203 ; M . H . Edwards , J . Brag , H . De Frece , T . Henry , F . Archer , R . A . Abrahams , H . Gabriel , J . A . Dear , A . Cohen , A . Rainbow , A . Levy , R . Johnson , J . Milton , and
others . The visitors were Bros . W . Sharp , P . M . 14 S , P . P . G . J . W . ; R . Rankin , P . M . 579 ; R . Tution , P . M . 1004 ; J . B . Mackenzie , I . P . M . 1609 ; J . Sharpenell , 1609 ; T . Peake , W . M . 667 ; R . Bethell , S . S . 1094 ; F . Bonsted , 1094 ; J . Lewis , 97 , New York ; S . Hurtig , 179 S ; and H . Robinson , P . M . 249 ( Freemason ) . The initiation ceremony was most effectively performed
by the W . M . and his officers , and very rarely has the Third Degree , which followed , been more efficiently g iven than it was on this occasion by the Lodge of Israel " chief . " The brethren , after business , retired to the banqueting room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and cordially responded to . Bro . Sharp , P . P . G . J . W .,
responded for "The P . G . Officers . " The I . P . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and Bro . Jackson , one of the newly-initiated brethren , responded in an eloquent speech , which occupied half-an-hour . The lodge was then called from refreshment to labour , when two gentlemen were proposed . Music after " refreshment" was furnished by Bros . M . Hart , Gabrielson , Ewart , Franks , and others .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when Bro . W . Sandbrook , W . M ., presided . Support to the chair was given by Bros . J . Bell , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; L . Courtenay , P . M . ; J . Atkinson , S . W . ; W . Savage , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; J . M . Boyd , Sec ; 1 . Pyer , S . D . ;
H . P . Squire , J . D . ; R . Burgess , Org . ; J . L . Shrapnell , I . G . ; Dr . Whittle , H . Round , and O . W . Sanderson , Stewards ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . Messrs . J . Cantor , Campion , Owen , Williams , and Neubert were initiated , and Bros . H . and W . Wardroper , J . L . Shine , and Doyle were passed to the Degree of F . C . The sum of twenty guineas
was voted for the Girls' Masonic Educational Institution , and five and two guineas respectively for the relief of the distressed widows of deceased brethren , one of whom belonged to another lodge . A capital programme after the banquet was provided by the Bros . Wardroper , Bro . W . Williams , Bro . Brammall , and Bro . Burgess , Organist .
MANCHESTER . —Worsley Lodge ( No . 1814 ) . —The installation meeting , being the first that has taken place since the consecration , was held at the Court House on Monday the 22 nd ult . This lodge , which is only in its infancy , being but twelve months old , has since its formation made rapid strides , commencing its career under the noble presidency of Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of
Lllesmcre , and with barely more members than those whose names were on the petition . The list of members has now increased to the number of twenty-six , of whom nine are founders , seven initiates , and ten joining members . The noble Earl who twelve months since was installed into the chair of K . S . by the M . W . P . G . Master of East Lancshire , Bro . Col . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , has taken a
large amount of interest in the welfare of the lodge , and showed this interest in a substantial manner by presenting the lodge with most of the furniture , which was made from his lordship's timber grown on his estate , and made of solid oak . His lordship has also since his installation presided several times as W . M . of the lodge , and in that capacity has displayed his ability and interest in Masonry
by assisting to initiate , pass , and raise several brethren , and it is somewhat unfortunate that arrangements which had been , made some time previous to his installation compelled him to leave Worsley on a tour , which has occupied several months . We however are firmly convinced of the continued interest which the Earl takes in the prosperity of the lodge , and of his intention on his return to England of
being present at each and every possible opportunity at the lod ge meetings . We are very pleased to record that , notwithstanding , the temporary absence of the first W . M ., the od ge has lost none of the prestige which it gained at the hist onset by reason of the zeal and untiring devotion paid to it b y the acting W . M ., Bro . Richard Williams , P . M . ' . - 'J , who has never been absent on any single occasion iince
the formation of the lodge , and who since the reins pf management came into his hands , has done his utmost to carry out the principles of Masonry in every sense , and b y insisting on the " work" being done thoroughl y and well , and by abstaining from any extravagant outlay tor re'reshments , until the lodge has freed itself from the fetters ot debt , the gratifying result being , as the balance sheet recentl y issued shows , that the desired object has nearly
oeen attained . We heartily congratulated Bro . Williams on the result of his labours , and wish him every success during his forthcoming year of office . \ xr „ . ^ "owing brethren were present : Bros . Richard Williams , acting W . M . ; W . Boulden , J . W ., P . P . G . S . B . W . L . ; W . Wilson , Treas . ; Rev . Will . H . Baynes , Sec ; A A , Y- Mart ' n . S-D . J G . A . Batley , S . Bradburn , A- . Derham , J . Wallwork , Thomas Wilson , W . B . Upjohn , William Henry Wilson , W . Whittle , John
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Redyard . Visitors : Bros . H . S . Alpass , 155 and 6 S 0 , Prov . G . Sec W . Lane ; Benjamin Taylor , P . M . 935 , P . P . G . Treas . E . Lane ; Rev . J . E . Roberts , P . M . 121 S , Prov . G . Chap . E . Lane ; Walter Pennington , 37 , 67 S , and 1345 ; Geo . P . Cartwright , W . M . 67 S ; W . H . Leigh , P . M . 1213 and 1633 ; P . Derham , 1723 ; H . Moreton , P-. M . 325 ; Alfred Thurlow , C 7 S ; F . H . Dale , Org . 1773 ; Enoch Stott , W . M . 350 ; Thomas Andrews , P . M . 1213 ; and R . R .
Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was opened shortly after four o'clock , and the minutes of the pVevious meeting read and conhrmed . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . H . S . Allpass , Prov . G . Sec . W . Lane ; that of S . W . by Bro . the . Rev . W . H . Baynes ; and that of J . W . by Bro . Bowden . Bro . Kirby , of the Friendship Lodge , No . 44 , was balloted for , and unanimously elected a member of the lodge . The balance
sheet was handed to each member of the lodge , commented on by the auditors , and adopted with satisfaction by the members . The W . M . elect , Bro . Richard Williams , was presented by Bro . Lei g h , P . M . 1633 , to the Installing Master , and installed with due rite and ceremony into the chair of K . S . Bro . Benjamin Taylor , assisting Installing Master , then invested and addressed the following members of the lodge as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . W .
Bowden , P . P . G . S . B ., S . W . ; Dr . W . Y . Martin , J . W . ; W . Wilson , Treas . ; W . B . Upjohn , See ; J . Roscoe , S . D . ; T . Wilson , J . D . ; W . H . Wilson , I . G . ; R . F . Coules , Org . ; J . Wallwork and Dr . A . Derham , Stewards ; and J . Samuelson , Tyler . Bro . the Rev . the Earl of Mulgrave was appointed Chaplain . When the investiture was finished , Bro . Benjamin Taylor , P . M . P . P . G . T . E . Lane , addressed the W . M . and Wardens , whilst the ceremony of
installation was concluded by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Roberts , Prov . G . Chap . E . Lane , delivering the address to the brethren in a very impressive manner . After "Hearty good wishes " had been given , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 5 . 55 . The brethren adjourned to the Bridgewater [ Hotel , where an excellent banquet had been provided for [ them by the hostess , Mrs . Stevenson , and to which ample justice was done . When the banquet was
over , the brethren retraced their steps to the Court House to spend the remainder of the evening , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly responded to . Bro . the Rev . J . E . Roberts , Prov . G . Chap . E . Lane , responded for "The M . W . P . G . Masters , the V . W . D . P . G . Masters , and the Past and Present Officers of East and
West Lancashire . " Several other toasts were proposed and responded to , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , our talented Bro . Batley enlivening the proceedings with selections on the cornet , and several brethren sang songs , which together with the valuable assistance given by the Stewards , Bros . Dr . Derham and J . Wallwork , left nothing to be desired .
EARL OF CARNARVON CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT . —On Friday , the 25 th nit ., the ceremony of inaugurating this new chapter was most ably performed atthe Mitre Hotel , Golborne-road , North Kensington , by Comp . Wm . Stephens , P . Z . S 62 , S 74 , 13 ( 15 , i 4 Sg , & c , acting M . E . Z . ; assisted by Comp . S . H . Parkhouse , as H . ; and Comp . G . Read , P . Z . 19 , and S 34 , as J . Amongst
those present were Comps . Geo . Penn , M . E . Z . 1642 ; S . Smout , sen ., Geo . Davis , J . S . Adkins , C . Andrews , Mouson , S . Elborn , E . Rogers , S . Smout , jun ., H . Wood , W . Williams , J . Woodmason , Hatton , and D . Stroud . After an address had been delivered by the M . E . Z . he proceeded to constitute the companions into a regular chapter of improvement under the warrant of the Earl of Carnarvon Chapter , No . 1 C 42 . The companions were then
elected as officers , and duly invested , when the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed in a most perfect and able manner . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , Comps . Wm . Stephens , G . Read , and G . Davis , were unanimously elected honorary members , and Comps . G . Penn and | S . Smout , jun ., as Treasurer and Scribe E . respectively . A committee was also formed to frame the bye-laws . We may here say
the chapter is fully equipped , and furnished with all the banners and requisites suitable for a regular working chapter . It is intended to meet fortnightly , and the first 1 egular meeting will take place on Friday , the nthinst ., Comp . Wm . Stephens acting as M . E . Z ., and as the working will be that of the late Dr . Ladd and Jr . o . Boyd , we have no doubt of its success .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PLYMOUTH—Fortitude Chapter ( No . 105 ) . — On Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., a meeting of this chapter was held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple for the election of Principals and other business . Comp . Charles Kodda , S . E ., proposed "That Comp . J . T . Browning be elected Z . of the chapter for the ensuing year . " The proposal was
carried unanimously . Comps . Emdon was elected H ., and J . Pearse Sawyer , J . Comp . Charles Rodda was appointed Principal Sojourner , and he appointed Comp . J . D . Ford , Lodge iogi , 1 st Assistant , and Comp . T . D . Gray , 2 nd Assistant . Comp . T . S . Phillips was appointed Janitor for the ensuing year .
LIVERPOOL . —Everton Chapter ( No . 82 ;!) . — The members ol this highly prosperous chapter met in strong force at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., for the purpose of assisting at the installation of the Principals , a ceremony which was very effectively carried out by Comp . Major George Turner , P . P . G . T ., P . Z ., ably assisted by Comp . J . W . Ballard , P . P . G . P ., retiring
Z . The following officers were invested for the ensuing year : Comp . H . Ashmorc , M . E . Z . ; T . Webster , H . ; R . Warriner , [ . ; Brassey , Treasurer ( re-elected ); Galley , S . E . ; Del ' amere , N . ; Hassall , P . S . ; J . H . Parker and Milne , A . S . ; and P . Ball , Janitor ( re-elected ) . Before the close of the proceedings the . M . E . Z . presented Comp . I . W . Ballard , I . P . Z ., with a P . Z . ' s jewel on behalf of
the chapter . Handsome portraits of the LP . / , and Mrs . Ballard , painted on porcelain , were also presented by Comp . I . Jacobs on the part of companions and friends . The paintings , which were much admired , are the work of Bro . Vandyke , Bald-street . Comp . Ballard acknowledged the presentation in suitable terms . The companions afterwards dined together , when the usual | oya | and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Scotland .
PROV . G . LODGE OF BERWICKSHIRE AND ROXBURGHSHIRE . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington , having summoned a meeting at Kelso for Thursday afternoon , the 24 th ult ., there was a large muster of the brethren of the province . Unfortunately at the last moment the R . W . P . G . M . sent word that he was
indisposed , and would be unable to be present , so the In stalling Master , Bro . Burton , M . D ., P . D . P . G . M . of Staffordshire , opened the Prov . Grand Lodge , the Craft lodge having been previously opened by the W . M . of Lodge 5 S , Bro . the Rev . P . McKerron , and installed the following office-bearers : Bros . W . Fred . Vernon , P . M . 58 and 261 , D . P . G . M . ; James Steel , P . M . 261 , Sub . P . G . M . ;
Ballantine , P . M . 132 , P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Hogg , P . M . . 2 S 0 , P . G . J . W . ; Rev . P . McKerron , R . W . M . 5 S , P . G . Chap . ; J . Smith , P . G . See ; J . W . Plummer , P . G . Treas . ; John Burden , P . G . Architect ; T . Laing , P . G . Jeweller ; Alfred Heap , P . G . Organist ; W . C Monro , P . G . S . D . ; A . Steel , P . G . J . D . ; Beloe , P . M . 2 S 0 , P . G . D . of C ; Rodgers , Robertson , and Murray , P . G . Stewards ; G . Crease , P . G .
I . G . ; and James Allan , P . G . Tyler . The Installing Master went through the whole of the ceremony in a most impressive manner , giving the various office-bearers kindly words of counsel and instruction in their various duties . The installation over , the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Vernon , closed the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the Stewards having covered the tables , the brethren sat down to a substantial banquet purveyed by the Senior Steward ,
Bro . R . Rodgers ; of the Black Swan Hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a number of excellent songs were sung , the company separating at an early hour , as some of the visiting brethren had to go by train . This the first meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Berwickshire and Roxburghshire was in every way a success , and the brethren are to be congratulated upon the revival of the province , which has been dormant for about thirty years .
COLDSTREAM . —St . John Lodge ( No . 280 ) . — The above lodge , which some years ago was one of the most prosperous institutions of the kind in the south of Scotland , having for some reason or other been allowed to relapse into inactivity during the past fifteen years , a ' strong desire lias of late been expressed to have it resuscitated . With this object in view communications were entered into with the Provincial Grand Lodge of Benvickshire and
Roxburghshire , and the result was that a numerous deputation of the brethren of the Kelso Lodge , No . 5 S , visited Coldstream on Thursday evening , the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of opening the lodge and assisting in setting it in working order . The meeting took place in the Assembly Room of the Newcastle Arms Hotel ( the Masonic Hall , a handsome building erected b y the lodge for the purposes of Masonry , has been disposed of when the lodge fell into disuetude ) , and the deputation
was met by about twenty of the members , including the principal office-bearers of the old lodge . The lodge having been opened by Bro . the Rev . P . McKerron , R . W . M . of No . 5 S , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , assisted by Bros . Shearer and Mills , of No . 5 S , as S . W . and J . W . respectively , Bro . Pike , Secretary of the Coldstream Lodge , read the last minute of date 27 th December , 186 ( 5 . Bro . McKerron having stated the nature of the
business before the lodge , and that he acted under authority from the Prov . Grand Lodge and with the permission of the Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren proceeded to the affiliation of four brethren , belonging to other lodges , hut now resident in Coldstream , namely Bros . John Smith , W . C . Monro , William Turnbull , and John Robertson , the D . P . G . M ., Bro . W . F . Vernon , officiating . Some other business having been disposed of , the following
were nominated for the various offices of the lodge : Bros . William Cameron , R . W . M . ; William Baird , P . M . ; W . L . Beloe , D . M . ; W . C . Monro , S . W . ; A . Shiel , J . W . ; John Davidson , h . D . ; William Turnbull , J . D . ; John Smith , Treas . ; Thomas Pike , Sec ; Sergt .-Major J . Rodgers , I . G . ; and John Robertson , Steward . The following nominations of candidates for initiation were afterwards made , namely , Messrs . W . Hepburn , V . S ., R . M . Donald , H . Fairgrieve ,
J . Pattinson , A . Palmer , H . Melrose , James Dalgleish , and William Henderson . On the suggestion of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Thomas Hogg was nominated for recommendation to the Prov . G . M . for the appointment of Prov . G . J . W . At the conclusion of the business , the thanks of the Lodge 2 S 0 were conveyed in a hearty manner , on the motion of Bro . Pike , seconded b y Bro . John Smith , to the deputation , and especially to Bro . McKerron , for their
attendance and services on this occasion , a similar compliment being conveyed to Bro . Vernon , on the motion of Bro . Monro , for the trouble he had taken in bringing about the resuscitation of the lodge . On the whole the proceedings were of the most harmonious nature , and judging from the hearty manner in which the reorganisation has been taken up and is being carried out , it was confidently predicted that Lodge No . 2 S 0 has now before it a prosperous career .
District Grand Lodge Of China
The District Grand Lodge of China enjoyed a grand banquet on January 22 nd , in the New Town Hall of Hong-Kong , to welcome the R . W . Grand Master , Bro . T . G . Linsteed , upon his return from England , where he for nine months was engaged upon Masonic business . Covers were laid for 500 guests , a great accession of Masonic strength
coming from the assembling of the fleet . Bro . Linsteed has an autograph letter of greeting from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to the Grand Lodge of China , which was read , and received by the assembled lodge previous to closing for refieshment . At the banquet , Bro . Sir POPE HENNF . SSV responded for
"Queen and Craft , " and Bro . Admiral COOTE for "Visiting Brethren , " while "Grand Lodge of England" was represented by Bro . A . F . MCINTYRE , of the Comus . The Governor-General and the Military Commandant both lent their official service of plate for the occasion , which is estimated at the value of £ 500 , 000 . —Keystone . [ Is there not a mistake in figures . —ED . F . M . 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Past " said there was one brother in connection with the toast that it gave him the greatest possible pleasure to mention , the Installing Master , Bro . Nicholls . He had attended many lodges at their installation , but he must say that he never attended one in which he was more pleased with the very impressive and able manner in which Bro . Nicholls ivent through the ceremony that day . He was ouite sure every one would quite agree with him in those
sentiments . Bro . Nicholls was but a young man compared with some of them , but he was an ornament to the De Tabley Lodge and the Craft at large , and he thought that much was due to him for the prosperity and working of the lodge , and , were it not for his exertions the lodge would not maintain its high position . At the conclusion of the evening , the brethren separated in peace and harmony , and that fraternal brotherhood known only to the Craft .
LIVERPOOL . —Lodge of Israel ( No . 1502 ) . — The ordinary meeting of this most admirably worked lodge was held on Monday evening , the 21 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . Bro . S . J . Henochsberg , W . M ., presided , and amongst those who gave him valuable support were Bros . S . Schonstadt , P . M . ; H . A . Tobias , P . M . ; M . Aronsberg . S . W . ; W . P . Tueski , J . W . ; M . Hart , P . M .,
Treas . ; J . Saber , Sec ; D . Gabnelson , J . D . ; H . Silver , I . G . ; B . Levy , M . C ; A . B . Ewart . Org . ; M . Baum , S . ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . The members present were Bros . J . Winsor , P . M . 241 ; J . Franks , P . M . 203 ; M . H . Edwards , J . Brag , H . De Frece , T . Henry , F . Archer , R . A . Abrahams , H . Gabriel , J . A . Dear , A . Cohen , A . Rainbow , A . Levy , R . Johnson , J . Milton , and
others . The visitors were Bros . W . Sharp , P . M . 14 S , P . P . G . J . W . ; R . Rankin , P . M . 579 ; R . Tution , P . M . 1004 ; J . B . Mackenzie , I . P . M . 1609 ; J . Sharpenell , 1609 ; T . Peake , W . M . 667 ; R . Bethell , S . S . 1094 ; F . Bonsted , 1094 ; J . Lewis , 97 , New York ; S . Hurtig , 179 S ; and H . Robinson , P . M . 249 ( Freemason ) . The initiation ceremony was most effectively performed
by the W . M . and his officers , and very rarely has the Third Degree , which followed , been more efficiently g iven than it was on this occasion by the Lodge of Israel " chief . " The brethren , after business , retired to the banqueting room , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and cordially responded to . Bro . Sharp , P . P . G . J . W .,
responded for "The P . G . Officers . " The I . P . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and Bro . Jackson , one of the newly-initiated brethren , responded in an eloquent speech , which occupied half-an-hour . The lodge was then called from refreshment to labour , when two gentlemen were proposed . Music after " refreshment" was furnished by Bros . M . Hart , Gabrielson , Ewart , Franks , and others .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The monthly meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when Bro . W . Sandbrook , W . M ., presided . Support to the chair was given by Bros . J . Bell , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; L . Courtenay , P . M . ; J . Atkinson , S . W . ; W . Savage , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; J . M . Boyd , Sec ; 1 . Pyer , S . D . ;
H . P . Squire , J . D . ; R . Burgess , Org . ; J . L . Shrapnell , I . G . ; Dr . Whittle , H . Round , and O . W . Sanderson , Stewards ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . Messrs . J . Cantor , Campion , Owen , Williams , and Neubert were initiated , and Bros . H . and W . Wardroper , J . L . Shine , and Doyle were passed to the Degree of F . C . The sum of twenty guineas
was voted for the Girls' Masonic Educational Institution , and five and two guineas respectively for the relief of the distressed widows of deceased brethren , one of whom belonged to another lodge . A capital programme after the banquet was provided by the Bros . Wardroper , Bro . W . Williams , Bro . Brammall , and Bro . Burgess , Organist .
MANCHESTER . —Worsley Lodge ( No . 1814 ) . —The installation meeting , being the first that has taken place since the consecration , was held at the Court House on Monday the 22 nd ult . This lodge , which is only in its infancy , being but twelve months old , has since its formation made rapid strides , commencing its career under the noble presidency of Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of
Lllesmcre , and with barely more members than those whose names were on the petition . The list of members has now increased to the number of twenty-six , of whom nine are founders , seven initiates , and ten joining members . The noble Earl who twelve months since was installed into the chair of K . S . by the M . W . P . G . Master of East Lancshire , Bro . Col . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , has taken a
large amount of interest in the welfare of the lodge , and showed this interest in a substantial manner by presenting the lodge with most of the furniture , which was made from his lordship's timber grown on his estate , and made of solid oak . His lordship has also since his installation presided several times as W . M . of the lodge , and in that capacity has displayed his ability and interest in Masonry
by assisting to initiate , pass , and raise several brethren , and it is somewhat unfortunate that arrangements which had been , made some time previous to his installation compelled him to leave Worsley on a tour , which has occupied several months . We however are firmly convinced of the continued interest which the Earl takes in the prosperity of the lodge , and of his intention on his return to England of
being present at each and every possible opportunity at the lod ge meetings . We are very pleased to record that , notwithstanding , the temporary absence of the first W . M ., the od ge has lost none of the prestige which it gained at the hist onset by reason of the zeal and untiring devotion paid to it b y the acting W . M ., Bro . Richard Williams , P . M . ' . - 'J , who has never been absent on any single occasion iince
the formation of the lodge , and who since the reins pf management came into his hands , has done his utmost to carry out the principles of Masonry in every sense , and b y insisting on the " work" being done thoroughl y and well , and by abstaining from any extravagant outlay tor re'reshments , until the lodge has freed itself from the fetters ot debt , the gratifying result being , as the balance sheet recentl y issued shows , that the desired object has nearly
oeen attained . We heartily congratulated Bro . Williams on the result of his labours , and wish him every success during his forthcoming year of office . \ xr „ . ^ "owing brethren were present : Bros . Richard Williams , acting W . M . ; W . Boulden , J . W ., P . P . G . S . B . W . L . ; W . Wilson , Treas . ; Rev . Will . H . Baynes , Sec ; A A , Y- Mart ' n . S-D . J G . A . Batley , S . Bradburn , A- . Derham , J . Wallwork , Thomas Wilson , W . B . Upjohn , William Henry Wilson , W . Whittle , John
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Redyard . Visitors : Bros . H . S . Alpass , 155 and 6 S 0 , Prov . G . Sec W . Lane ; Benjamin Taylor , P . M . 935 , P . P . G . Treas . E . Lane ; Rev . J . E . Roberts , P . M . 121 S , Prov . G . Chap . E . Lane ; Walter Pennington , 37 , 67 S , and 1345 ; Geo . P . Cartwright , W . M . 67 S ; W . H . Leigh , P . M . 1213 and 1633 ; P . Derham , 1723 ; H . Moreton , P-. M . 325 ; Alfred Thurlow , C 7 S ; F . H . Dale , Org . 1773 ; Enoch Stott , W . M . 350 ; Thomas Andrews , P . M . 1213 ; and R . R .
Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . The lodge was opened shortly after four o'clock , and the minutes of the pVevious meeting read and conhrmed . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . H . S . Allpass , Prov . G . Sec . W . Lane ; that of S . W . by Bro . the . Rev . W . H . Baynes ; and that of J . W . by Bro . Bowden . Bro . Kirby , of the Friendship Lodge , No . 44 , was balloted for , and unanimously elected a member of the lodge . The balance
sheet was handed to each member of the lodge , commented on by the auditors , and adopted with satisfaction by the members . The W . M . elect , Bro . Richard Williams , was presented by Bro . Lei g h , P . M . 1633 , to the Installing Master , and installed with due rite and ceremony into the chair of K . S . Bro . Benjamin Taylor , assisting Installing Master , then invested and addressed the following members of the lodge as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . W .
Bowden , P . P . G . S . B ., S . W . ; Dr . W . Y . Martin , J . W . ; W . Wilson , Treas . ; W . B . Upjohn , See ; J . Roscoe , S . D . ; T . Wilson , J . D . ; W . H . Wilson , I . G . ; R . F . Coules , Org . ; J . Wallwork and Dr . A . Derham , Stewards ; and J . Samuelson , Tyler . Bro . the Rev . the Earl of Mulgrave was appointed Chaplain . When the investiture was finished , Bro . Benjamin Taylor , P . M . P . P . G . T . E . Lane , addressed the W . M . and Wardens , whilst the ceremony of
installation was concluded by Bro . the Rev . J . E . Roberts , Prov . G . Chap . E . Lane , delivering the address to the brethren in a very impressive manner . After "Hearty good wishes " had been given , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 5 . 55 . The brethren adjourned to the Bridgewater [ Hotel , where an excellent banquet had been provided for [ them by the hostess , Mrs . Stevenson , and to which ample justice was done . When the banquet was
over , the brethren retraced their steps to the Court House to spend the remainder of the evening , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly responded to . Bro . the Rev . J . E . Roberts , Prov . G . Chap . E . Lane , responded for "The M . W . P . G . Masters , the V . W . D . P . G . Masters , and the Past and Present Officers of East and
West Lancashire . " Several other toasts were proposed and responded to , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , our talented Bro . Batley enlivening the proceedings with selections on the cornet , and several brethren sang songs , which together with the valuable assistance given by the Stewards , Bros . Dr . Derham and J . Wallwork , left nothing to be desired .
EARL OF CARNARVON CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT . —On Friday , the 25 th nit ., the ceremony of inaugurating this new chapter was most ably performed atthe Mitre Hotel , Golborne-road , North Kensington , by Comp . Wm . Stephens , P . Z . S 62 , S 74 , 13 ( 15 , i 4 Sg , & c , acting M . E . Z . ; assisted by Comp . S . H . Parkhouse , as H . ; and Comp . G . Read , P . Z . 19 , and S 34 , as J . Amongst
those present were Comps . Geo . Penn , M . E . Z . 1642 ; S . Smout , sen ., Geo . Davis , J . S . Adkins , C . Andrews , Mouson , S . Elborn , E . Rogers , S . Smout , jun ., H . Wood , W . Williams , J . Woodmason , Hatton , and D . Stroud . After an address had been delivered by the M . E . Z . he proceeded to constitute the companions into a regular chapter of improvement under the warrant of the Earl of Carnarvon Chapter , No . 1 C 42 . The companions were then
elected as officers , and duly invested , when the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed in a most perfect and able manner . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , Comps . Wm . Stephens , G . Read , and G . Davis , were unanimously elected honorary members , and Comps . G . Penn and | S . Smout , jun ., as Treasurer and Scribe E . respectively . A committee was also formed to frame the bye-laws . We may here say
the chapter is fully equipped , and furnished with all the banners and requisites suitable for a regular working chapter . It is intended to meet fortnightly , and the first 1 egular meeting will take place on Friday , the nthinst ., Comp . Wm . Stephens acting as M . E . Z ., and as the working will be that of the late Dr . Ladd and Jr . o . Boyd , we have no doubt of its success .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PLYMOUTH—Fortitude Chapter ( No . 105 ) . — On Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., a meeting of this chapter was held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple for the election of Principals and other business . Comp . Charles Kodda , S . E ., proposed "That Comp . J . T . Browning be elected Z . of the chapter for the ensuing year . " The proposal was
carried unanimously . Comps . Emdon was elected H ., and J . Pearse Sawyer , J . Comp . Charles Rodda was appointed Principal Sojourner , and he appointed Comp . J . D . Ford , Lodge iogi , 1 st Assistant , and Comp . T . D . Gray , 2 nd Assistant . Comp . T . S . Phillips was appointed Janitor for the ensuing year .
LIVERPOOL . —Everton Chapter ( No . 82 ;!) . — The members ol this highly prosperous chapter met in strong force at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., for the purpose of assisting at the installation of the Principals , a ceremony which was very effectively carried out by Comp . Major George Turner , P . P . G . T ., P . Z ., ably assisted by Comp . J . W . Ballard , P . P . G . P ., retiring
Z . The following officers were invested for the ensuing year : Comp . H . Ashmorc , M . E . Z . ; T . Webster , H . ; R . Warriner , [ . ; Brassey , Treasurer ( re-elected ); Galley , S . E . ; Del ' amere , N . ; Hassall , P . S . ; J . H . Parker and Milne , A . S . ; and P . Ball , Janitor ( re-elected ) . Before the close of the proceedings the . M . E . Z . presented Comp . I . W . Ballard , I . P . Z ., with a P . Z . ' s jewel on behalf of
the chapter . Handsome portraits of the LP . / , and Mrs . Ballard , painted on porcelain , were also presented by Comp . I . Jacobs on the part of companions and friends . The paintings , which were much admired , are the work of Bro . Vandyke , Bald-street . Comp . Ballard acknowledged the presentation in suitable terms . The companions afterwards dined together , when the usual | oya | and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Scotland .
PROV . G . LODGE OF BERWICKSHIRE AND ROXBURGHSHIRE . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington , having summoned a meeting at Kelso for Thursday afternoon , the 24 th ult ., there was a large muster of the brethren of the province . Unfortunately at the last moment the R . W . P . G . M . sent word that he was
indisposed , and would be unable to be present , so the In stalling Master , Bro . Burton , M . D ., P . D . P . G . M . of Staffordshire , opened the Prov . Grand Lodge , the Craft lodge having been previously opened by the W . M . of Lodge 5 S , Bro . the Rev . P . McKerron , and installed the following office-bearers : Bros . W . Fred . Vernon , P . M . 58 and 261 , D . P . G . M . ; James Steel , P . M . 261 , Sub . P . G . M . ;
Ballantine , P . M . 132 , P . G . S . W . ; Thomas Hogg , P . M . . 2 S 0 , P . G . J . W . ; Rev . P . McKerron , R . W . M . 5 S , P . G . Chap . ; J . Smith , P . G . See ; J . W . Plummer , P . G . Treas . ; John Burden , P . G . Architect ; T . Laing , P . G . Jeweller ; Alfred Heap , P . G . Organist ; W . C Monro , P . G . S . D . ; A . Steel , P . G . J . D . ; Beloe , P . M . 2 S 0 , P . G . D . of C ; Rodgers , Robertson , and Murray , P . G . Stewards ; G . Crease , P . G .
I . G . ; and James Allan , P . G . Tyler . The Installing Master went through the whole of the ceremony in a most impressive manner , giving the various office-bearers kindly words of counsel and instruction in their various duties . The installation over , the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Vernon , closed the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the Stewards having covered the tables , the brethren sat down to a substantial banquet purveyed by the Senior Steward ,
Bro . R . Rodgers ; of the Black Swan Hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and a number of excellent songs were sung , the company separating at an early hour , as some of the visiting brethren had to go by train . This the first meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Berwickshire and Roxburghshire was in every way a success , and the brethren are to be congratulated upon the revival of the province , which has been dormant for about thirty years .
COLDSTREAM . —St . John Lodge ( No . 280 ) . — The above lodge , which some years ago was one of the most prosperous institutions of the kind in the south of Scotland , having for some reason or other been allowed to relapse into inactivity during the past fifteen years , a ' strong desire lias of late been expressed to have it resuscitated . With this object in view communications were entered into with the Provincial Grand Lodge of Benvickshire and
Roxburghshire , and the result was that a numerous deputation of the brethren of the Kelso Lodge , No . 5 S , visited Coldstream on Thursday evening , the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of opening the lodge and assisting in setting it in working order . The meeting took place in the Assembly Room of the Newcastle Arms Hotel ( the Masonic Hall , a handsome building erected b y the lodge for the purposes of Masonry , has been disposed of when the lodge fell into disuetude ) , and the deputation
was met by about twenty of the members , including the principal office-bearers of the old lodge . The lodge having been opened by Bro . the Rev . P . McKerron , R . W . M . of No . 5 S , and Prov . Grand Chaplain , assisted by Bros . Shearer and Mills , of No . 5 S , as S . W . and J . W . respectively , Bro . Pike , Secretary of the Coldstream Lodge , read the last minute of date 27 th December , 186 ( 5 . Bro . McKerron having stated the nature of the
business before the lodge , and that he acted under authority from the Prov . Grand Lodge and with the permission of the Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the brethren proceeded to the affiliation of four brethren , belonging to other lodges , hut now resident in Coldstream , namely Bros . John Smith , W . C . Monro , William Turnbull , and John Robertson , the D . P . G . M ., Bro . W . F . Vernon , officiating . Some other business having been disposed of , the following
were nominated for the various offices of the lodge : Bros . William Cameron , R . W . M . ; William Baird , P . M . ; W . L . Beloe , D . M . ; W . C . Monro , S . W . ; A . Shiel , J . W . ; John Davidson , h . D . ; William Turnbull , J . D . ; John Smith , Treas . ; Thomas Pike , Sec ; Sergt .-Major J . Rodgers , I . G . ; and John Robertson , Steward . The following nominations of candidates for initiation were afterwards made , namely , Messrs . W . Hepburn , V . S ., R . M . Donald , H . Fairgrieve ,
J . Pattinson , A . Palmer , H . Melrose , James Dalgleish , and William Henderson . On the suggestion of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Thomas Hogg was nominated for recommendation to the Prov . G . M . for the appointment of Prov . G . J . W . At the conclusion of the business , the thanks of the Lodge 2 S 0 were conveyed in a hearty manner , on the motion of Bro . Pike , seconded b y Bro . John Smith , to the deputation , and especially to Bro . McKerron , for their
attendance and services on this occasion , a similar compliment being conveyed to Bro . Vernon , on the motion of Bro . Monro , for the trouble he had taken in bringing about the resuscitation of the lodge . On the whole the proceedings were of the most harmonious nature , and judging from the hearty manner in which the reorganisation has been taken up and is being carried out , it was confidently predicted that Lodge No . 2 S 0 has now before it a prosperous career .
District Grand Lodge Of China
The District Grand Lodge of China enjoyed a grand banquet on January 22 nd , in the New Town Hall of Hong-Kong , to welcome the R . W . Grand Master , Bro . T . G . Linsteed , upon his return from England , where he for nine months was engaged upon Masonic business . Covers were laid for 500 guests , a great accession of Masonic strength
coming from the assembling of the fleet . Bro . Linsteed has an autograph letter of greeting from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to the Grand Lodge of China , which was read , and received by the assembled lodge previous to closing for refieshment . At the banquet , Bro . Sir POPE HENNF . SSV responded for
"Queen and Craft , " and Bro . Admiral COOTE for "Visiting Brethren , " while "Grand Lodge of England" was represented by Bro . A . F . MCINTYRE , of the Comus . The Governor-General and the Military Commandant both lent their official service of plate for the occasion , which is estimated at the value of £ 500 , 000 . —Keystone . [ Is there not a mistake in figures . —ED . F . M . 1