Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
WEST LANCASHIRE MASONIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION . '—At a meeting of the General Committee of this Charity , held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on Friday evening , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Beauford , P . G . S . W ., no fewer than thirteen children were recommended to the Court of Governors as eligible for the benefits of education under the auspices of the Institution .
A meeting of the Mount Calvary Knights Templar Preceptory will be held at Freemasons'"Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Friday next . Bro . Barry Sullivan writes correcting the statement respecting his health . He says : " I am happy to inform you that I am not , nor have I been dangerously ill , nor have I had to cancel my engagements .
Bros . Edward Ledger and James Willing , jun ., have each given £$ 5 s . to the Theatrical Fund Benefit ; Bro . W . Creswick giving £ 2 2 S ., and Bro . Arthur Roberts £ 1 is . Bro . John Douglass has sustained a severe loss in the death of his mother , Mrs . Jane Isabella Douglass , which sad event took place at her residence , Lion House ,
Shore-road , South Hackney , on Monday , the 21 st ult ., after many years of severe suffering . The deceased lady was the widow of the late John Douglass , of the Standard Theatre , and mother of the present managers , John and Richard Douglass . Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Bro . John Whitwell , late of Kendal , Westmoreland , who
died on Nov . 2 Sth last , intestate , and a widower , were granted on the 25 th ult ., at the Carlisle district registry , to Mrs . Anna Maria Colville , the daughter , and only next-ofkin , the personal estate being sworn under £ 45 , 000 . The deceased was M . P . for his native borough , Kendal , which he represented in the House of Commons for over twelve years , being first elected in November , 1 S 6 S . Bro .
Whitwell was also a Past Grand Warden of England , and Deputy Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland . His full Masonic career appeared in the Freemason of the 4 th of December last year . The Manchester Guardian , commenting upon Bro . John Graves ' s appointment as Town Clerk of Salford , says : — " Mr . Graves , who has been for a number of years
engaged in private practice as a solicitor in Peterborough , was a member of the local Town Council and Board of Guardians . He was closely connected with several large trading companies , and his testimonials attest his extensive experience of the conduct of public bodies . Very recently he was a candidate for the town clerkship of Peterborough , and possessed strong claims to support , having been mainly
instrumental in procuring a charter of incorporation for the town . Before the election , however , he withdrew his candidature in favour of a friend , otherwise his selection for the office was almost assured . For the appointment he has now obtained there were a large number of applications , but the Special Committee to whom the work of considering the applications was delegated only recommended three
gentlemen to the General Purposes Committee , Mr . Graves ultimately receiving the appointment . Bro . C . W . Thompson announced from the stage of the Drury Lane Theatre , on Monday afternoon , that the sum of eight hundred and fifty pounds was the result of the performances given in aid of the Royal General Theatrical Fund , the amount including both net
receipts and promised subscriptions . Bro . Sir J . M'Garel Hogg and a number of the members of the MctropolitanJBoard of Works , officially inaugurated on Monday a drinking fountain , which has been erected as a memorial of the opening of Great Eastern-street and concurrent improvements . The total cost of the structure is eleven hundred pounds .
Bro . Hyde Clarke was at the eighteenth annual general meeting of the council and members of the Newspaper Press Fund on Saturday , unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Earl of Powis presided at a Court of Assistants of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy on Saturday week , the company present including Bro . John Derby Allcroft , Treasurer . During the meeting it was
announced that Prince Leopold , P . G . W ., had consented to head the list of Stewards at the festival in May next . Bro . George Lambert , F . S . A ., presided at the half-yearly meeting of the Goldsmiths and Jewellers ' Annuity and Asylum Institution , at the North London School , Gray ' s Inn-road , on Thursday week . The United Strength Lodge of Instruction is now
held at the Prince Alfred , No . 13 , Crowndale-road , Camden Town , every Wednesday evening at 8 . Bro . His Grace the Duke of Manchester , K . P ., R . W . G . M . Norths and Hunts , who is making a tour of the Australian Colonies , bad reached Brisbane when the last letters received from him were dispatched . His well known Colonial sympathies have secured for him a hearty welcome from the Antipodean subjects of the Queen .
Bro . / Eneas John Mclntyre , Q . C ., M . P ., Grand Registrar , addressedhisconstituentsinthe Worcester Guildhall on Monday last . Bro . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., was present at the banquet given by the Lord Mayor to the Governor and Court of the Bank of England at the Mansion House , on Monday last , and responded to the toast of " The Reserve Forces . "
For more than twenty years in unbroken buccession the Societe Francaise de Bienfaisance , now in the fortieth year of its existence , has held its annual ball at Willis's Rooms ; and on Monday night last the gathering was as fjay , brilliant , and successful as it has ever been . Many distinguished persons were among the company
present , and the dancing , which commenced at ten o ' clock , was continued with great spirit until a late hour , to an efficient band under the direction of Bro . Louis Beck . A Sydney letter-carrier has been dismissed from the post office service for wilfully destroying copies of the Sydney Freemason , instead f delivering them at their several addresses .
Masonic Tidings.
Bro . His Grace the Duke of St . Albans , R . W . G . M . Notts , has , we are informed , taken Lord Stradbroke ' s house in Belgrave-square for three months , and is expected in town with the Duchess early next week . The Edenhall property has , by Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave ' s will , been left entirely to his eldest son , a boy nine years of age , as well as all the personality , including
the large house in Cavendish-square , with its valuable furniture . There is a very trifling debt on this fine old family estate ; and the accumulation which will accrue during so long a minority will make its possessor , when he comes of age , one of the richest country gentlemen in the South . Lady Musgravc , widow of Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave , who , " " it was said , had left town for Folkestone
early last week , did not go there , though a house had been engaged , preferring to spend a few weeks in Italy with her father , Mr . Peter Wells , who is residing in Florence—The World . Bro . Alderman Hanson presided at the fortysixth anniversary festival of the Fishmongers and Poulterers' Institution at the Albion Tavern on Wednesday week .
Bro . William G . 'I own , Grand Secretary and Chairman , of Committee on Foreign Correspondence of Grand Lodge of Wyoming , died on the 24 th of January , while en route to the Arkansas hot springs for the benefit of his health . The Past Masters of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , held their centenary dinner at the Cannon-street
Hotel , on Saturday . Her Majesty has also been pleased to approve the appointment of Sir Henry Tufton , Bart ., to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Westmoreland , vacant by the death of Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave , Bart . Bro . W . S . Gover presided at the anniversary meeting of the Baptist Chapel , Peckham-park-road , on
Tuesday evening ' ast . Bro . R . Johnson , M . C . of all the balls in connection with the licensed victuallers' trade , celebrated his twenty-fourth annual ball , as already intimated in these columns , at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last . Bro . Thos . Meekham , chairman of the Licensed Victuallers ' Asylum , presided at the supper .
An emergency meeting of the New Cross Lodge , No . 1 559 , will be held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , this ( Satu . day ) aftenoon . SAMSON LODGE , NO . 1668 . —The next meeting of this lodge is on Tuesday , at the Regent Masonic Hall , S , Air-street , W . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the
Southern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 115 S , on Thursday , March 24 th , at the Crown Hotel , Blackfriars-road . The " Masonic Review , " of Cincinnati , U . S . A ., commenced its 55 th volume with the number for February , just received . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox , P . G . C , delivered a sermon on Sunday last at St . Helen's , Bishopsgate , on
" Sunday : Its Use and Abuse . " Bro . T . Brassey , M . P ., has announced his intention of contributing £ 100 to the " Republication Fund " of the Cobden Club . Bro . Marcus Richardson , the aged Freemason of North Bangor , Me , U . S . A ., who recently celebrated his centennial birthday with the Mongomery Lodge , of which
he was made a member October 5 th , 1 S 03 , at l ' rankhn , died on Thursday , January 13 th , of the present year , aged 100 years , two months , and fourteen days , having been a member of the Craft for more than seventy-seven years . Bro . T . J . Pulley , P . M ., Grand Mark Secretary Berks and Oxon , will be installed W . M . of the Royal Sussex Marie Lodge , No . 75 , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on
Tuesday next , the Sth inst . The installation ceremony will be performed by the R . W . G . Mark M ., Bro . Thomas Trollope , M . D . Signor Joseph Pctrom , an advocatc-at-law , has been elected Grand Master of the Italian Freemasons ' Lodges . Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , P . G . W .,
presided at the anniversary festival of the British Orphan Asylum , at Willis ' s Rooms , on Tuesday evening last , when subscriptions to the amount of £ 3430 were announced , including £ 25 from the president , and £ 21 from the Lord Mayor . Bro . Sir Francis Truscott , J . G . W ., and Lad y Truscott are at present in Cairo .
We are happy to report that Mrs . Kendal , wife of Bro . Kendal , is making favourable progress towards recovery from the effects of her recent severe accident . Bro . Edmund Yates announces for the nth inst ., a novelty in evening journalism . On that date he will issue the " Cuckoo , " which he professes will contain " the news of the day , given in its essence divested of those literary tropes
and metaphors which have hitherto constituted the stockin-trade of the cheap journalist , but which arc limited to his vocabulary . " Bro . Lord De Tabley , R . W . G . M . Cheshire , has , as a trustee of the Duke of Newcastle , subscribed five hundred guineas to the building fund of Newark Hospital .
The consecration of the Wallington Lodge , No . 1 S 92 , will take place on Thursday afternoon next , at 2 . 30 , at the Public Hall , Carshalton , Surrey . The officers designate are Bros . Charles Sawyer , P . M . 1619 , W . M . ; John G . Horsey , lSo , P . M . 1019 , S . W . ; and W . Pile , 1619 , J . W . The ceremony will be performed by Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold , D . Prov . Grand Master , P . G . C .
H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has been laid up at Bagshot with a severe attack of neuralg ia , the effect of a cold , from which he has suffered great pain . H . R . H . had sufficiently recovered to be present at the banquet at Windsor on Monday last .
Elaborate festivities are to take place at Ileanfon Court , North Devon , in April , * in celebration of the coming of age of Sir William Williams , eldest son of the late Bro . Sir Frederick Martin | Williams , M . P , for Barnstaple .
Masonic Tidings.
TRAN & UILLITY LODGE , No . 185 . —The capital ot the Benevolent Fund attached to this lodge is jfcSoo , though grants to the amount of £ 250 had been made during the past year . The Masonic Lodges in the United States of
America , according to theSydncy Freemason , number over Sooo , more than double the number of lodges in all the rest of the world . The whole number of lodges throughout the globe it estimates at 13 , 000 , and the total number of members one million .
Bro . Charles Walker presided at a special court of the Governors of the Incorporated Society of Licensed Victuallers' held at the school-house , Kennington-lane , on Thursday week , when Bro . H . J . Gabb was elected to fill the vacancy on the Committee of management .
Her Majesty the Queen has been pleased to confer on Bro . the Earl of Fife the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle , vacant by the death of the Earl of Seafield . Bro . George Martin , chief clerk at the Guildhall Police-court , has , we are pleased to learn , much improved in health . He has just obtained leave of absence for another two months . At the end of that time it is hoped that he will be able to resume his duties at the court .
Bro . Baron Henry De Worms , M . P ., will preside at the sixty-eighth anniversary dinner of the London Orphan Asylum at Willis ' s Rooms on Wednesday next . The Baron will be supported by Bros . R . N . Fowler , M . P ., and H . J . Waterlow , Sheriffs of London and Middlesex .
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales is expected to arrive in London on Wednesday next . The Lenten regulations addressed to Irish Roman Catholics by the Archbishop , Dr . Maccabe , was read in the Roman Catholic Churches in Dublin on Sunday last , in which all Catholics joining the Freemasons , Ribbonmen , or Fenians are declared as under the censure of the Church .
LION AND LAMB LODGE , NO . 192 . —Bro . S . T . Lucas was installed W . M . of this successful lodge on Thursday last , at the Cannon-street Hotel . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . The Liverpool Dramatic Lodge , No . 1609 , at the last meeting voted the sum of £ 21 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Bro . Frank Uffner ' s American Midgets had the honour of appearing before the Queen and Princess Beatrice last Saturday morning . R . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Grand Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , will conduct the
ceremonies of consecration and installation of the Chine Lodge , No . 1 SS 4 , at Daish's Hotel , Shanklin , Isle of Wight , on Monday next , the proceedings to commence at two o ' clock . The officers designate are Bros . G . H . R . Davis , W . M . ; G . Humby , S . W . j and S . H . Shilling ,
J . W . Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., was present at the Festival of the Society of Ancient Britons , and responded to the toast of the Reserve Forces .
Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom will preside at the Tenth Anniversary Festival in aid of the United Kingdom Railway Officers and Servants' Association and Railway Orphan Fund , at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Wednesday week , the 16 th inst . Full particulars will be found in the advertisement in another column . Amongst the admired costumes at the
Drawingroom of Friday week , was the rich and elegant one worn by Mrs . G . Whitakcr Ellis , being a robe de cour of handsome brown brocaded velvet , lined satin of the same colour ; revers of satin , trimmed rich Honiton lace , and nceuds of satin ; petticoat of antique gold-coloured satin broche ' , trimmed posies of various coloured nasturtiums . Headdress of plume and lace lappet . Ornaments , diamonds . The electric light is creating a great sensation in
Brighton , and curiosity in the county generally , nor can it be otherwise , as its brilliancy is obseived so plainly at Worthing , a distance of about sixteen miles . Its effect is striking compared with the insignificant gas lamps surrounding , which are placed in the shade . Various experiments have been made , both by distance and power of light , which have proved successful under the able management of Bro . Schultz .
CRYSTAL PALACE . —Another of Schubert's symphonies , previously unheard in this country , was given at last Saturday ' s afternoon concert at the Crystal Palace . It is in D major , commencing with a short introductory slow movement , leading to an allegro contrio , in which the influence of Beethoven ' s early instrumental works is plainly evidenced , but yet with that colouring of Schubert s own individuality which is perceptible even in his youthful
productions . The symphony—finely played by the band conducted by Mr . Manns—was heard with general satisfaction . On the same occasion a " Concertstuck" for pianoforte ( with orchestra ) was given for the first time here . It is the composition of Herr Carl Reinecke , the conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Concerts . 1 he work is interesting throughout , the treatment of the leading themes , the
passage-writing for the solo instrument , and scoring of the orchestral accompaniments , all bearing the impress of high artistic taste and practised technical skill . The solo portions , abounding in florid passages of elaborate difficulty , were admirabl y executed by Miss Helen Hopekirk , who was much applauded at the close of the Concerto , and again in her subsequent performance of a ( transcribed ) Gavotte by Gliick , and a Concertetude by Rubinstein .
HOLLOWAY '? OINTMENT AND PILL ? . —Diseases of the skin . —No case of disease of the skin , be its nature what it may , has failed to he ber . etited when these potent remedies have been properly applied . In scrofulous and scorbutic auections they are especially seiviccable . Scurvy anil eruptions , which hail resisted all other modes of treatment and gradually become worse from year to year ,
have been completely cured by Holloway s cooling Ointment and purifying PiUs , which root out the disease from the blood itself and leave the constitution free from every morbid taint . In the nursery 1 lolloway ' s Ointment should be ever at hand ; it will give case in sprains , contusions , bums , scalds , and infantile eruptions , and may always safelv be applied by anv ordinary attendant . — [ ADV-T . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
WEST LANCASHIRE MASONIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION . '—At a meeting of the General Committee of this Charity , held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on Friday evening , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Beauford , P . G . S . W ., no fewer than thirteen children were recommended to the Court of Governors as eligible for the benefits of education under the auspices of the Institution .
A meeting of the Mount Calvary Knights Templar Preceptory will be held at Freemasons'"Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Friday next . Bro . Barry Sullivan writes correcting the statement respecting his health . He says : " I am happy to inform you that I am not , nor have I been dangerously ill , nor have I had to cancel my engagements .
Bros . Edward Ledger and James Willing , jun ., have each given £$ 5 s . to the Theatrical Fund Benefit ; Bro . W . Creswick giving £ 2 2 S ., and Bro . Arthur Roberts £ 1 is . Bro . John Douglass has sustained a severe loss in the death of his mother , Mrs . Jane Isabella Douglass , which sad event took place at her residence , Lion House ,
Shore-road , South Hackney , on Monday , the 21 st ult ., after many years of severe suffering . The deceased lady was the widow of the late John Douglass , of the Standard Theatre , and mother of the present managers , John and Richard Douglass . Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Bro . John Whitwell , late of Kendal , Westmoreland , who
died on Nov . 2 Sth last , intestate , and a widower , were granted on the 25 th ult ., at the Carlisle district registry , to Mrs . Anna Maria Colville , the daughter , and only next-ofkin , the personal estate being sworn under £ 45 , 000 . The deceased was M . P . for his native borough , Kendal , which he represented in the House of Commons for over twelve years , being first elected in November , 1 S 6 S . Bro .
Whitwell was also a Past Grand Warden of England , and Deputy Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland . His full Masonic career appeared in the Freemason of the 4 th of December last year . The Manchester Guardian , commenting upon Bro . John Graves ' s appointment as Town Clerk of Salford , says : — " Mr . Graves , who has been for a number of years
engaged in private practice as a solicitor in Peterborough , was a member of the local Town Council and Board of Guardians . He was closely connected with several large trading companies , and his testimonials attest his extensive experience of the conduct of public bodies . Very recently he was a candidate for the town clerkship of Peterborough , and possessed strong claims to support , having been mainly
instrumental in procuring a charter of incorporation for the town . Before the election , however , he withdrew his candidature in favour of a friend , otherwise his selection for the office was almost assured . For the appointment he has now obtained there were a large number of applications , but the Special Committee to whom the work of considering the applications was delegated only recommended three
gentlemen to the General Purposes Committee , Mr . Graves ultimately receiving the appointment . Bro . C . W . Thompson announced from the stage of the Drury Lane Theatre , on Monday afternoon , that the sum of eight hundred and fifty pounds was the result of the performances given in aid of the Royal General Theatrical Fund , the amount including both net
receipts and promised subscriptions . Bro . Sir J . M'Garel Hogg and a number of the members of the MctropolitanJBoard of Works , officially inaugurated on Monday a drinking fountain , which has been erected as a memorial of the opening of Great Eastern-street and concurrent improvements . The total cost of the structure is eleven hundred pounds .
Bro . Hyde Clarke was at the eighteenth annual general meeting of the council and members of the Newspaper Press Fund on Saturday , unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Earl of Powis presided at a Court of Assistants of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy on Saturday week , the company present including Bro . John Derby Allcroft , Treasurer . During the meeting it was
announced that Prince Leopold , P . G . W ., had consented to head the list of Stewards at the festival in May next . Bro . George Lambert , F . S . A ., presided at the half-yearly meeting of the Goldsmiths and Jewellers ' Annuity and Asylum Institution , at the North London School , Gray ' s Inn-road , on Thursday week . The United Strength Lodge of Instruction is now
held at the Prince Alfred , No . 13 , Crowndale-road , Camden Town , every Wednesday evening at 8 . Bro . His Grace the Duke of Manchester , K . P ., R . W . G . M . Norths and Hunts , who is making a tour of the Australian Colonies , bad reached Brisbane when the last letters received from him were dispatched . His well known Colonial sympathies have secured for him a hearty welcome from the Antipodean subjects of the Queen .
Bro . / Eneas John Mclntyre , Q . C ., M . P ., Grand Registrar , addressedhisconstituentsinthe Worcester Guildhall on Monday last . Bro . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., was present at the banquet given by the Lord Mayor to the Governor and Court of the Bank of England at the Mansion House , on Monday last , and responded to the toast of " The Reserve Forces . "
For more than twenty years in unbroken buccession the Societe Francaise de Bienfaisance , now in the fortieth year of its existence , has held its annual ball at Willis's Rooms ; and on Monday night last the gathering was as fjay , brilliant , and successful as it has ever been . Many distinguished persons were among the company
present , and the dancing , which commenced at ten o ' clock , was continued with great spirit until a late hour , to an efficient band under the direction of Bro . Louis Beck . A Sydney letter-carrier has been dismissed from the post office service for wilfully destroying copies of the Sydney Freemason , instead f delivering them at their several addresses .
Masonic Tidings.
Bro . His Grace the Duke of St . Albans , R . W . G . M . Notts , has , we are informed , taken Lord Stradbroke ' s house in Belgrave-square for three months , and is expected in town with the Duchess early next week . The Edenhall property has , by Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave ' s will , been left entirely to his eldest son , a boy nine years of age , as well as all the personality , including
the large house in Cavendish-square , with its valuable furniture . There is a very trifling debt on this fine old family estate ; and the accumulation which will accrue during so long a minority will make its possessor , when he comes of age , one of the richest country gentlemen in the South . Lady Musgravc , widow of Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave , who , " " it was said , had left town for Folkestone
early last week , did not go there , though a house had been engaged , preferring to spend a few weeks in Italy with her father , Mr . Peter Wells , who is residing in Florence—The World . Bro . Alderman Hanson presided at the fortysixth anniversary festival of the Fishmongers and Poulterers' Institution at the Albion Tavern on Wednesday week .
Bro . William G . 'I own , Grand Secretary and Chairman , of Committee on Foreign Correspondence of Grand Lodge of Wyoming , died on the 24 th of January , while en route to the Arkansas hot springs for the benefit of his health . The Past Masters of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , held their centenary dinner at the Cannon-street
Hotel , on Saturday . Her Majesty has also been pleased to approve the appointment of Sir Henry Tufton , Bart ., to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Westmoreland , vacant by the death of Bro . Sir Richard Musgrave , Bart . Bro . W . S . Gover presided at the anniversary meeting of the Baptist Chapel , Peckham-park-road , on
Tuesday evening ' ast . Bro . R . Johnson , M . C . of all the balls in connection with the licensed victuallers' trade , celebrated his twenty-fourth annual ball , as already intimated in these columns , at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last . Bro . Thos . Meekham , chairman of the Licensed Victuallers ' Asylum , presided at the supper .
An emergency meeting of the New Cross Lodge , No . 1 559 , will be held at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , this ( Satu . day ) aftenoon . SAMSON LODGE , NO . 1668 . —The next meeting of this lodge is on Tuesday , at the Regent Masonic Hall , S , Air-street , W . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the
Southern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 115 S , on Thursday , March 24 th , at the Crown Hotel , Blackfriars-road . The " Masonic Review , " of Cincinnati , U . S . A ., commenced its 55 th volume with the number for February , just received . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox , P . G . C , delivered a sermon on Sunday last at St . Helen's , Bishopsgate , on
" Sunday : Its Use and Abuse . " Bro . T . Brassey , M . P ., has announced his intention of contributing £ 100 to the " Republication Fund " of the Cobden Club . Bro . Marcus Richardson , the aged Freemason of North Bangor , Me , U . S . A ., who recently celebrated his centennial birthday with the Mongomery Lodge , of which
he was made a member October 5 th , 1 S 03 , at l ' rankhn , died on Thursday , January 13 th , of the present year , aged 100 years , two months , and fourteen days , having been a member of the Craft for more than seventy-seven years . Bro . T . J . Pulley , P . M ., Grand Mark Secretary Berks and Oxon , will be installed W . M . of the Royal Sussex Marie Lodge , No . 75 , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on
Tuesday next , the Sth inst . The installation ceremony will be performed by the R . W . G . Mark M ., Bro . Thomas Trollope , M . D . Signor Joseph Pctrom , an advocatc-at-law , has been elected Grand Master of the Italian Freemasons ' Lodges . Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , P . G . W .,
presided at the anniversary festival of the British Orphan Asylum , at Willis ' s Rooms , on Tuesday evening last , when subscriptions to the amount of £ 3430 were announced , including £ 25 from the president , and £ 21 from the Lord Mayor . Bro . Sir Francis Truscott , J . G . W ., and Lad y Truscott are at present in Cairo .
We are happy to report that Mrs . Kendal , wife of Bro . Kendal , is making favourable progress towards recovery from the effects of her recent severe accident . Bro . Edmund Yates announces for the nth inst ., a novelty in evening journalism . On that date he will issue the " Cuckoo , " which he professes will contain " the news of the day , given in its essence divested of those literary tropes
and metaphors which have hitherto constituted the stockin-trade of the cheap journalist , but which arc limited to his vocabulary . " Bro . Lord De Tabley , R . W . G . M . Cheshire , has , as a trustee of the Duke of Newcastle , subscribed five hundred guineas to the building fund of Newark Hospital .
The consecration of the Wallington Lodge , No . 1 S 92 , will take place on Thursday afternoon next , at 2 . 30 , at the Public Hall , Carshalton , Surrey . The officers designate are Bros . Charles Sawyer , P . M . 1619 , W . M . ; John G . Horsey , lSo , P . M . 1019 , S . W . ; and W . Pile , 1619 , J . W . The ceremony will be performed by Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold , D . Prov . Grand Master , P . G . C .
H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has been laid up at Bagshot with a severe attack of neuralg ia , the effect of a cold , from which he has suffered great pain . H . R . H . had sufficiently recovered to be present at the banquet at Windsor on Monday last .
Elaborate festivities are to take place at Ileanfon Court , North Devon , in April , * in celebration of the coming of age of Sir William Williams , eldest son of the late Bro . Sir Frederick Martin | Williams , M . P , for Barnstaple .
Masonic Tidings.
TRAN & UILLITY LODGE , No . 185 . —The capital ot the Benevolent Fund attached to this lodge is jfcSoo , though grants to the amount of £ 250 had been made during the past year . The Masonic Lodges in the United States of
America , according to theSydncy Freemason , number over Sooo , more than double the number of lodges in all the rest of the world . The whole number of lodges throughout the globe it estimates at 13 , 000 , and the total number of members one million .
Bro . Charles Walker presided at a special court of the Governors of the Incorporated Society of Licensed Victuallers' held at the school-house , Kennington-lane , on Thursday week , when Bro . H . J . Gabb was elected to fill the vacancy on the Committee of management .
Her Majesty the Queen has been pleased to confer on Bro . the Earl of Fife the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle , vacant by the death of the Earl of Seafield . Bro . George Martin , chief clerk at the Guildhall Police-court , has , we are pleased to learn , much improved in health . He has just obtained leave of absence for another two months . At the end of that time it is hoped that he will be able to resume his duties at the court .
Bro . Baron Henry De Worms , M . P ., will preside at the sixty-eighth anniversary dinner of the London Orphan Asylum at Willis ' s Rooms on Wednesday next . The Baron will be supported by Bros . R . N . Fowler , M . P ., and H . J . Waterlow , Sheriffs of London and Middlesex .
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales is expected to arrive in London on Wednesday next . The Lenten regulations addressed to Irish Roman Catholics by the Archbishop , Dr . Maccabe , was read in the Roman Catholic Churches in Dublin on Sunday last , in which all Catholics joining the Freemasons , Ribbonmen , or Fenians are declared as under the censure of the Church .
LION AND LAMB LODGE , NO . 192 . —Bro . S . T . Lucas was installed W . M . of this successful lodge on Thursday last , at the Cannon-street Hotel . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next . The Liverpool Dramatic Lodge , No . 1609 , at the last meeting voted the sum of £ 21 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Bro . Frank Uffner ' s American Midgets had the honour of appearing before the Queen and Princess Beatrice last Saturday morning . R . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Grand Master of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , will conduct the
ceremonies of consecration and installation of the Chine Lodge , No . 1 SS 4 , at Daish's Hotel , Shanklin , Isle of Wight , on Monday next , the proceedings to commence at two o ' clock . The officers designate are Bros . G . H . R . Davis , W . M . ; G . Humby , S . W . j and S . H . Shilling ,
J . W . Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., was present at the Festival of the Society of Ancient Britons , and responded to the toast of the Reserve Forces .
Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom will preside at the Tenth Anniversary Festival in aid of the United Kingdom Railway Officers and Servants' Association and Railway Orphan Fund , at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Wednesday week , the 16 th inst . Full particulars will be found in the advertisement in another column . Amongst the admired costumes at the
Drawingroom of Friday week , was the rich and elegant one worn by Mrs . G . Whitakcr Ellis , being a robe de cour of handsome brown brocaded velvet , lined satin of the same colour ; revers of satin , trimmed rich Honiton lace , and nceuds of satin ; petticoat of antique gold-coloured satin broche ' , trimmed posies of various coloured nasturtiums . Headdress of plume and lace lappet . Ornaments , diamonds . The electric light is creating a great sensation in
Brighton , and curiosity in the county generally , nor can it be otherwise , as its brilliancy is obseived so plainly at Worthing , a distance of about sixteen miles . Its effect is striking compared with the insignificant gas lamps surrounding , which are placed in the shade . Various experiments have been made , both by distance and power of light , which have proved successful under the able management of Bro . Schultz .
CRYSTAL PALACE . —Another of Schubert's symphonies , previously unheard in this country , was given at last Saturday ' s afternoon concert at the Crystal Palace . It is in D major , commencing with a short introductory slow movement , leading to an allegro contrio , in which the influence of Beethoven ' s early instrumental works is plainly evidenced , but yet with that colouring of Schubert s own individuality which is perceptible even in his youthful
productions . The symphony—finely played by the band conducted by Mr . Manns—was heard with general satisfaction . On the same occasion a " Concertstuck" for pianoforte ( with orchestra ) was given for the first time here . It is the composition of Herr Carl Reinecke , the conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Concerts . 1 he work is interesting throughout , the treatment of the leading themes , the
passage-writing for the solo instrument , and scoring of the orchestral accompaniments , all bearing the impress of high artistic taste and practised technical skill . The solo portions , abounding in florid passages of elaborate difficulty , were admirabl y executed by Miss Helen Hopekirk , who was much applauded at the close of the Concerto , and again in her subsequent performance of a ( transcribed ) Gavotte by Gliick , and a Concertetude by Rubinstein .
HOLLOWAY '? OINTMENT AND PILL ? . —Diseases of the skin . —No case of disease of the skin , be its nature what it may , has failed to he ber . etited when these potent remedies have been properly applied . In scrofulous and scorbutic auections they are especially seiviccable . Scurvy anil eruptions , which hail resisted all other modes of treatment and gradually become worse from year to year ,
have been completely cured by Holloway s cooling Ointment and purifying PiUs , which root out the disease from the blood itself and leave the constitution free from every morbid taint . In the nursery 1 lolloway ' s Ointment should be ever at hand ; it will give case in sprains , contusions , bums , scalds , and infantile eruptions , and may always safelv be applied by anv ordinary attendant . — [ ADV-T . ]