Article Untitled ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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mistake , and we cannot do better than urge on all our readers to support this admirable Institution , and to add that all who . intend to qualify as Stewards should do so without delay . *
MANY of our readers will regret to hear of the alarming accident which has occurred to the wife of our esteemed Bro . W . KENDAL G RIMSTON , by which for a time St . James ' s Theatre is deprived of the services of that most graceful artiste . We are happy to be able to announce that all anxiety
has passed , away , and that she is progressing most favourably under the special care of that distinguished surgeon Bro . COOPER . Mrs . K ENDAL GRIMSTON will shortly , it is hoped , reappearto delig ht so many admirers , - and to adorn the English stage .
WE call attention elsewhere to the fact that , by the recent arrangement between the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Grand Lodge of Quebec , all differences are happily at an end .
OUR readers will have read with sad concern the dark news from the Transvaal of the loss of so many brave English officers and soldiers , of all ranks and services , and of the death of SIR G . COLLEY . Under the distinguished
leadership of GENERAL SIR F . R OBERTS and SIR EVELYN W OOD , we need not doubt but that the dominant authority of the English rule , and the prestige of the British arms , will soon be restored to full lustre and reality .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION . The Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and A ^ epted Masons of England was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The Rig ht Hon . the Karl of Lathom , Deputy Grand Master , presided ; Bro . W . ' AV . B . Beach , Provincial Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wight , acted as Deputy Grand Master ; and Bro .
Montague Guest , as Past Grand Master ; the Rev . J . Edmund Cox , P . G . C ., acted as Grand Senior "Warden , and the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C ., as Grand Junior Warden . Among the Grand and Past Grand Officers present were Bros . Lord . Lathom , Deputy Grand Master ; Lord Tenterdcn , K . C . B ., Grand Master Essex ; Col . SJr Francis Burden , Bart ., G . M . Middx . ; W .-W . B .
Beach , M . P ., G . M . Hants and Isle of Wig ht ; Montague Guest , M . P ., G . M . Dorsetshire ; S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . ' China ; Rev . C . W . Spcncci Stanhope , Grand Chaplain ; Rev . R . | . Simpson , P . G . C . ; Rev . C . W , Arnold , P . G . C ; Rev . J . E . Cox , D . D ., P . G . C . ; Col . John Crcaton , Grand Trcas . ; / Eneas John Mclntyre , O . C ., M . P ., Grand Treas ; Sn John B . Monckton , F . S . A ., Pres . Board GeiT . Purposes ; Col . Shad well H
Clerke , Grand Secretary ; R . F . Gould , S . G . D . ; I " rank Richardson S . G . D . ; Col . H . S . Somerville Burncy , | . G . D . : John H . Scott , J . G . I ) . Sir Michael Costa . P . G . W . ; Captain N . G . Philips . P . G . D . ; John A Ruckcr , P . G . D . ; Reginald Bird , P . G . D . ; Fred . A . Philbrick , O . C . P . G . D . ; J . M . Case , P . G . D . ; W . A . F . Powell , P . G . D . ; James Glaisher P . G . D .: C . W . C . Mutton , P . G . D . ; Peter do I . nndc Long , P . G . D .
Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . D . ; Sir Albert W . Woods , Grand D . of C . ; Magnus Ohrcn , Assl . Grand D . of C . ; James Lewis Thomas , F . S . A ., Past Asst . G . D . of C . ; Ex-Sheriff George Burt , Past Asst . G . D . of C . ; Charles Greenwood , Grand Swd . Br . ; A . J . Duff Filer , Past G . S . B . ; Joshua Nunn , Past G . S . B . ; Charles S . Jeky ll , Grand Org . ; Wilhelm Ganz , P . G . O . ; C . Edwin Willing , P . G . O . ; Henry Gustavus
Buss , Asst . Grand Sec ; James Kcnch , Grand Purst . ; Win . Clarke , Asst . Grand Purst . ; E . P . Albert , P . G . P . ; Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; S . G . Foxall , P . G . P . ; A . M . Broadley , P . D . D . G . M . Malta , C . F . Hogard . P . M . 205 , Past G . W . Essex ; George Lambert , P . M . 19 8 , Past G W Herts ; Fred . Davison , Past G . W . Middx . ; K . T . Lctchworth , Past G . Reg . Middx . ; George Kenning , W . M . 1657 , Past G . D . Middx . ; Fredk . Binckes , Sec . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; A . Tisley , Sec ,
London Masonic Charity Association ; Sampson Pierce , Dr . Meadows , T . W . Ockenden , Major Bond , T . S . Carter , Wm . Stephens , W . J . Murlis , C . Atkins , F . Green ( Alliance Lodge ); Alfred Brookman , S . W . 1657 ; Dr . Benton , J . W . 1657 ; John While , Simmons , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) . Grand Lodge having been formally opened , GRAND SECRETARY read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st December , 1 SS 0 ,
were then read by G . SECRETARY . GRAND S ECRETARY slated that with reference to the resolution passed at last Grand Lodge on the motion of the Rev . Bro . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , G . Chap ., seconded by the Rev . Bro . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C , congratulating H . R . H . the Princess of Wales on the attainment of her thirty-sixth birthdayit was engrossed , and framed , and sent to Her Royal Highness at
, Sandringham , and . 1 letter had been received from Her Royal Highness ' s private Secretary , stating that he had laid it before H . R . H ., and she had been p leased to accept it , and directed him to request that he would be good enough to convey to the members of Grand Lodge present on the occasion of the passing of the resolution , the expression of her best thanks for their
congratulations . The minutes were put , and confirmed . Bro . J . M . CASK , P . G . D ., moved , and Bro . MAGNUS OHREN , Asst . G . D . C , seconded , that Her Royal Highness's answer be entered on the minutes of Grand Lodge .
The motion was carried . The GRAND MASTER in the chair said he had the command of H . R . I I . the M . W . G . M . to make a statement to Grand Lodge . He , the Ear ) of Lathom , received a few days ago a communication from the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands , enclosing a resolution passed at ( heir last meeting , on
the 13 th January , addressed to him as their representative in this Grand Lodge of England . As however , this resolution was to the effect that the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands requested the good offices of the Grand Lodge of England towards obtaining the re-establishment of the Transvaal Republic , he replied , with the entire concurrence and approval of his Royal Hig hness the M . W . G . M ., that however anxious he might be to comply with
United Grand Lodge Of England.
their wishes , inasmuch as it was one of the fundamental principles of English Masonry that no question either of a reli gious or of a political nature could ever be brought forward or discussed at any of their meetings , he could only regret that in accordance with such principle he felt himself entirely precluded from acceding- to their request . ( Loud cheers , and hear , hear . )
Major BOND rose on a question of privilege . On the 12 th of January he communicated to Grand Secretary a notice of a motion that it was desirable to bring before Grand Lodge . The motion was in these words , " First that it is desirable that an enquiry should be made into the present status of all Masonic Charitable Institutions . Secondly , that a Committee Deformed with the above object , to report fully their recommendation at the next
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge in June . In reply , hehad received a letter from Grand Secretary enclosing an extract from Grand Lodge minutes of the 3 rd March , 1 S 5 8 , and stating that at the Board of Masters of the 16 th February , it was ruled that inasmuch as the subject contained in the notice of motion was not a matter under the control of Grand Lodge , and over which it had no jurisdiction , the notice of motion could not be
recorded and laid before Grand Lodge for discussion . He ( Major Bond ) believed it was the duty of the Board of Masters to receive notices of motion to be laid before Grand Lodge , if they were not contrary to the landmarks of the Order . _ Grand Lodge had a certain control and jurisdiction over the Masonic Charities , and he thought the brethren would agree with him , that if there was any grievous complaint to be made it was to be made in this Grand
Lodge . ( Cries of "No . no . " ) The Masonic Charities consisted not of three Charities , but of " our Institutions , " the Charity for the Girls , the Charity for the Boys , the Widows' Fund , the Freemasons' Fund , and the Fund of Benevolence , which was administered b y Grand Lodge . Bro . F . BINCKES rose to a point of order . Any brother had just as much right to bring before the Grand Lodge any of the Charities outside Masonry
as he had to bring forward the Masonic Charities , over which Grand Lodge had no jurisdiction whatever , and with which it had no power of interfering . This was not a question of privilege . Bro . Bond was now going into a statement of a thoroughly irrelevant nature , and occupying the time of Grand Lodge unnecessarily . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . BOND said he was not now saying that this Grand Lodge had any
right to interfere with the management of those Institutions , and he had nuvvr done so . Bro . Gabon , the President of the Board of Masters , was under a mistake in thinking his ( Bro . Bond ' s ) motion contained matter which was not under ( he control of Grand Lodge ; he was fully aware that Grand Lodge had no authority whatever over some of the Charitable Institutions . His motion was careful !} -worded . If Grand Lodge had no control ' over any Masonic Charity whateverthen the remarks of the President would
apply equally to the Lodge of Benevolence . It was not his intention , moreover , to ask for a Committee for the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Bro . A \ . J . MCINTYRE , G . Reg ., rose to order . The question was whether this was a question of privilege . He had to decide whether the President of the Board of Masters was justified in refusing to receive this notice of motion . The motion was that there should be a Committee appointed to
enquire into the status of all the Masonic Charities . That was the form of the motion , and in that way it was worded by Bro . Bond himself . It was quite clear that Grand Lodge had no right and no power whatever to enquire Into the status of the Masonic Charities , which Masonic Charities were supported by private and voluntary contributions . Therefore , the President of the Hoard of Masters was not only justified but was bound to refuse to accept a notice of motion on a subject over which Grand Lodge had no control
whatever . J hercforc , he { Bro . Mclntyre ) , rising to a point of order , submitted the question—that as the substance of the motion which the brother was now going into he could not be allowed to go into , the only question was whether upon his notice of motion for a Committee of enquiry into the status of all the Charities the President of the Board was justified in saying that that motion should not be put on the agenda . He ( Bro .. Mclntyre ) begged to submit ( hat the President was perfectly right in his ruling , and that the notice could not be put on the paper . ( Hear , hear . )
The G . M . in the chair , having heard the statement of the Grand Registrar , said he thought there would be little doubt thatthe President of the Board of Masters was perfectly justified in not receiving the notice of motion of Bro . Bond . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . K . LETCHWORTH rose to propose the election of M . W . G . M . Bro . BOND , however , rose to order . He was going to conclude with an
amendment , but if another brother was to go on might he be allowed to exp lain ?—( cries of ' No , no . " ) The G . M . in the chair said it was not on the business on the paper that the worth } ' brother was speaking . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . E . LETCHWORTH then rose and said : Most Worshi p ful Grand Master in the chair and brethren , at the last Quarterly Communication the
honour devolved on me to nominate our Grand Master for the ensuing year . It now becomes my privilege , in accordance with ancient usage , formall y to move "That His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales be re-elected to that office . " ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) I should be guilty not only of presumption , but of great injustice to this Grand Lodge were I vain enough for one moment to imagine that any words of mine are necessary to arouse your
loyalty , or secure for this motion that hearty and unanimous support I know you will accord to it . But , brethren , it may not be unfitting if on this occasion I remind you that the year just closed is one which will ever be memorable in the history of our Order , a history no page of which will be more full of interest than that which chronicles how on the 20 th of May , 1880 , Grand Lodge was held in the newly-constituted city of Truro , and how His
Royal Highness the Duke of Cornwall , as Grand Master of English Masons , with all the solemn pomp and state of Masonic ceremonial , laid the foundation stone of that sacred edifice with which his name will ever be associated . ( Hear , hear . ) And , brethren , I may also recall to you how , more recently , our Grand Master deigned to accept the hospitality of a distinguished olliccr of this Grand Lodge , at that time Lord Mayor of London . On that occasion many of us were privileged to receive from the
Jips of His Royal Hig hness an assurance of his deep and unabated interest in all matters connected with our Craft—an interest which he told us would continue so long as he lived . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) I am sure , brethren , that 1 am only giving utterance to the sentiments of every brother in this hall , and of . every Mason throughout the land , when I express the
fervent hope that His Royal Highness may for many years continue to reign over this United Grand Lodge , and that the day is far distant when he will be called upon to exchange the gavel for the sceptre . 1 have the honour to move " That His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales be re-elected as Most Worshipful Grand Master for the ensuing year . " ( Cheers . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
mistake , and we cannot do better than urge on all our readers to support this admirable Institution , and to add that all who . intend to qualify as Stewards should do so without delay . *
MANY of our readers will regret to hear of the alarming accident which has occurred to the wife of our esteemed Bro . W . KENDAL G RIMSTON , by which for a time St . James ' s Theatre is deprived of the services of that most graceful artiste . We are happy to be able to announce that all anxiety
has passed , away , and that she is progressing most favourably under the special care of that distinguished surgeon Bro . COOPER . Mrs . K ENDAL GRIMSTON will shortly , it is hoped , reappearto delig ht so many admirers , - and to adorn the English stage .
WE call attention elsewhere to the fact that , by the recent arrangement between the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Grand Lodge of Quebec , all differences are happily at an end .
OUR readers will have read with sad concern the dark news from the Transvaal of the loss of so many brave English officers and soldiers , of all ranks and services , and of the death of SIR G . COLLEY . Under the distinguished
leadership of GENERAL SIR F . R OBERTS and SIR EVELYN W OOD , we need not doubt but that the dominant authority of the English rule , and the prestige of the British arms , will soon be restored to full lustre and reality .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION . The Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and A ^ epted Masons of England was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The Rig ht Hon . the Karl of Lathom , Deputy Grand Master , presided ; Bro . W . ' AV . B . Beach , Provincial Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wight , acted as Deputy Grand Master ; and Bro .
Montague Guest , as Past Grand Master ; the Rev . J . Edmund Cox , P . G . C ., acted as Grand Senior "Warden , and the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . C ., as Grand Junior Warden . Among the Grand and Past Grand Officers present were Bros . Lord . Lathom , Deputy Grand Master ; Lord Tenterdcn , K . C . B ., Grand Master Essex ; Col . SJr Francis Burden , Bart ., G . M . Middx . ; W .-W . B .
Beach , M . P ., G . M . Hants and Isle of Wig ht ; Montague Guest , M . P ., G . M . Dorsetshire ; S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . ' China ; Rev . C . W . Spcncci Stanhope , Grand Chaplain ; Rev . R . | . Simpson , P . G . C . ; Rev . C . W , Arnold , P . G . C ; Rev . J . E . Cox , D . D ., P . G . C . ; Col . John Crcaton , Grand Trcas . ; / Eneas John Mclntyre , O . C ., M . P ., Grand Treas ; Sn John B . Monckton , F . S . A ., Pres . Board GeiT . Purposes ; Col . Shad well H
Clerke , Grand Secretary ; R . F . Gould , S . G . D . ; I " rank Richardson S . G . D . ; Col . H . S . Somerville Burncy , | . G . D . : John H . Scott , J . G . I ) . Sir Michael Costa . P . G . W . ; Captain N . G . Philips . P . G . D . ; John A Ruckcr , P . G . D . ; Reginald Bird , P . G . D . ; Fred . A . Philbrick , O . C . P . G . D . ; J . M . Case , P . G . D . ; W . A . F . Powell , P . G . D . ; James Glaisher P . G . D .: C . W . C . Mutton , P . G . D . ; Peter do I . nndc Long , P . G . D .
Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . D . ; Sir Albert W . Woods , Grand D . of C . ; Magnus Ohrcn , Assl . Grand D . of C . ; James Lewis Thomas , F . S . A ., Past Asst . G . D . of C . ; Ex-Sheriff George Burt , Past Asst . G . D . of C . ; Charles Greenwood , Grand Swd . Br . ; A . J . Duff Filer , Past G . S . B . ; Joshua Nunn , Past G . S . B . ; Charles S . Jeky ll , Grand Org . ; Wilhelm Ganz , P . G . O . ; C . Edwin Willing , P . G . O . ; Henry Gustavus
Buss , Asst . Grand Sec ; James Kcnch , Grand Purst . ; Win . Clarke , Asst . Grand Purst . ; E . P . Albert , P . G . P . ; Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; S . G . Foxall , P . G . P . ; A . M . Broadley , P . D . D . G . M . Malta , C . F . Hogard . P . M . 205 , Past G . W . Essex ; George Lambert , P . M . 19 8 , Past G W Herts ; Fred . Davison , Past G . W . Middx . ; K . T . Lctchworth , Past G . Reg . Middx . ; George Kenning , W . M . 1657 , Past G . D . Middx . ; Fredk . Binckes , Sec . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; A . Tisley , Sec ,
London Masonic Charity Association ; Sampson Pierce , Dr . Meadows , T . W . Ockenden , Major Bond , T . S . Carter , Wm . Stephens , W . J . Murlis , C . Atkins , F . Green ( Alliance Lodge ); Alfred Brookman , S . W . 1657 ; Dr . Benton , J . W . 1657 ; John While , Simmons , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) . Grand Lodge having been formally opened , GRAND SECRETARY read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st December , 1 SS 0 ,
were then read by G . SECRETARY . GRAND S ECRETARY slated that with reference to the resolution passed at last Grand Lodge on the motion of the Rev . Bro . C . W . Spencer Stanhope , G . Chap ., seconded by the Rev . Bro . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C , congratulating H . R . H . the Princess of Wales on the attainment of her thirty-sixth birthdayit was engrossed , and framed , and sent to Her Royal Highness at
, Sandringham , and . 1 letter had been received from Her Royal Highness ' s private Secretary , stating that he had laid it before H . R . H ., and she had been p leased to accept it , and directed him to request that he would be good enough to convey to the members of Grand Lodge present on the occasion of the passing of the resolution , the expression of her best thanks for their
congratulations . The minutes were put , and confirmed . Bro . J . M . CASK , P . G . D ., moved , and Bro . MAGNUS OHREN , Asst . G . D . C , seconded , that Her Royal Highness's answer be entered on the minutes of Grand Lodge .
The motion was carried . The GRAND MASTER in the chair said he had the command of H . R . I I . the M . W . G . M . to make a statement to Grand Lodge . He , the Ear ) of Lathom , received a few days ago a communication from the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands , enclosing a resolution passed at ( heir last meeting , on
the 13 th January , addressed to him as their representative in this Grand Lodge of England . As however , this resolution was to the effect that the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands requested the good offices of the Grand Lodge of England towards obtaining the re-establishment of the Transvaal Republic , he replied , with the entire concurrence and approval of his Royal Hig hness the M . W . G . M ., that however anxious he might be to comply with
United Grand Lodge Of England.
their wishes , inasmuch as it was one of the fundamental principles of English Masonry that no question either of a reli gious or of a political nature could ever be brought forward or discussed at any of their meetings , he could only regret that in accordance with such principle he felt himself entirely precluded from acceding- to their request . ( Loud cheers , and hear , hear . )
Major BOND rose on a question of privilege . On the 12 th of January he communicated to Grand Secretary a notice of a motion that it was desirable to bring before Grand Lodge . The motion was in these words , " First that it is desirable that an enquiry should be made into the present status of all Masonic Charitable Institutions . Secondly , that a Committee Deformed with the above object , to report fully their recommendation at the next
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge in June . In reply , hehad received a letter from Grand Secretary enclosing an extract from Grand Lodge minutes of the 3 rd March , 1 S 5 8 , and stating that at the Board of Masters of the 16 th February , it was ruled that inasmuch as the subject contained in the notice of motion was not a matter under the control of Grand Lodge , and over which it had no jurisdiction , the notice of motion could not be
recorded and laid before Grand Lodge for discussion . He ( Major Bond ) believed it was the duty of the Board of Masters to receive notices of motion to be laid before Grand Lodge , if they were not contrary to the landmarks of the Order . _ Grand Lodge had a certain control and jurisdiction over the Masonic Charities , and he thought the brethren would agree with him , that if there was any grievous complaint to be made it was to be made in this Grand
Lodge . ( Cries of "No . no . " ) The Masonic Charities consisted not of three Charities , but of " our Institutions , " the Charity for the Girls , the Charity for the Boys , the Widows' Fund , the Freemasons' Fund , and the Fund of Benevolence , which was administered b y Grand Lodge . Bro . F . BINCKES rose to a point of order . Any brother had just as much right to bring before the Grand Lodge any of the Charities outside Masonry
as he had to bring forward the Masonic Charities , over which Grand Lodge had no jurisdiction whatever , and with which it had no power of interfering . This was not a question of privilege . Bro . Bond was now going into a statement of a thoroughly irrelevant nature , and occupying the time of Grand Lodge unnecessarily . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . BOND said he was not now saying that this Grand Lodge had any
right to interfere with the management of those Institutions , and he had nuvvr done so . Bro . Gabon , the President of the Board of Masters , was under a mistake in thinking his ( Bro . Bond ' s ) motion contained matter which was not under ( he control of Grand Lodge ; he was fully aware that Grand Lodge had no authority whatever over some of the Charitable Institutions . His motion was careful !} -worded . If Grand Lodge had no control ' over any Masonic Charity whateverthen the remarks of the President would
apply equally to the Lodge of Benevolence . It was not his intention , moreover , to ask for a Committee for the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Bro . A \ . J . MCINTYRE , G . Reg ., rose to order . The question was whether this was a question of privilege . He had to decide whether the President of the Board of Masters was justified in refusing to receive this notice of motion . The motion was that there should be a Committee appointed to
enquire into the status of all the Masonic Charities . That was the form of the motion , and in that way it was worded by Bro . Bond himself . It was quite clear that Grand Lodge had no right and no power whatever to enquire Into the status of the Masonic Charities , which Masonic Charities were supported by private and voluntary contributions . Therefore , the President of the Hoard of Masters was not only justified but was bound to refuse to accept a notice of motion on a subject over which Grand Lodge had no control
whatever . J hercforc , he { Bro . Mclntyre ) , rising to a point of order , submitted the question—that as the substance of the motion which the brother was now going into he could not be allowed to go into , the only question was whether upon his notice of motion for a Committee of enquiry into the status of all the Charities the President of the Board was justified in saying that that motion should not be put on the agenda . He ( Bro .. Mclntyre ) begged to submit ( hat the President was perfectly right in his ruling , and that the notice could not be put on the paper . ( Hear , hear . )
The G . M . in the chair , having heard the statement of the Grand Registrar , said he thought there would be little doubt thatthe President of the Board of Masters was perfectly justified in not receiving the notice of motion of Bro . Bond . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . K . LETCHWORTH rose to propose the election of M . W . G . M . Bro . BOND , however , rose to order . He was going to conclude with an
amendment , but if another brother was to go on might he be allowed to exp lain ?—( cries of ' No , no . " ) The G . M . in the chair said it was not on the business on the paper that the worth } ' brother was speaking . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . E . LETCHWORTH then rose and said : Most Worshi p ful Grand Master in the chair and brethren , at the last Quarterly Communication the
honour devolved on me to nominate our Grand Master for the ensuing year . It now becomes my privilege , in accordance with ancient usage , formall y to move "That His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales be re-elected to that office . " ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) I should be guilty not only of presumption , but of great injustice to this Grand Lodge were I vain enough for one moment to imagine that any words of mine are necessary to arouse your
loyalty , or secure for this motion that hearty and unanimous support I know you will accord to it . But , brethren , it may not be unfitting if on this occasion I remind you that the year just closed is one which will ever be memorable in the history of our Order , a history no page of which will be more full of interest than that which chronicles how on the 20 th of May , 1880 , Grand Lodge was held in the newly-constituted city of Truro , and how His
Royal Highness the Duke of Cornwall , as Grand Master of English Masons , with all the solemn pomp and state of Masonic ceremonial , laid the foundation stone of that sacred edifice with which his name will ever be associated . ( Hear , hear . ) And , brethren , I may also recall to you how , more recently , our Grand Master deigned to accept the hospitality of a distinguished olliccr of this Grand Lodge , at that time Lord Mayor of London . On that occasion many of us were privileged to receive from the
Jips of His Royal Hig hness an assurance of his deep and unabated interest in all matters connected with our Craft—an interest which he told us would continue so long as he lived . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) I am sure , brethren , that 1 am only giving utterance to the sentiments of every brother in this hall , and of . every Mason throughout the land , when I express the
fervent hope that His Royal Highness may for many years continue to reign over this United Grand Lodge , and that the day is far distant when he will be called upon to exchange the gavel for the sceptre . 1 have the honour to move " That His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales be re-elected as Most Worshipful Grand Master for the ensuing year . " ( Cheers . )