Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . PATRONS : H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . —PRESIDENT . H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . The NINETY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Inst ' tution will take place on Wednesday , iSth MAY next , on which occasion the Right Hon . SIR MICHAEL E . HICKS-BEACH , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , has kindly consented to Preside . Brethren willing to act as Stewards are much needed , and will greatly oblige by forwarding their names < r . s early as convenient to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Office—3 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , E . C .
ACTUALLY PAID UP TO WEDNESDAY , THE 2 nd MARCH , 1 SS 1 . [ N . B . —The future announcements in respect of this fund will appear in the first number of the Freemason for April and following months during the present year . ] i , s - d - Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 , per Bro . Thos . Fenn , P . G . D . ... ... 21 o o
Alliance Lodge , No . 1 S 27 ... ... ... 10 10 0 Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . B . G . P . ( Chairman ) 220 „ Dr . Wendl , G . S . German Correspondence 220 Mornington Lodge , No . 1 G 72 ... ... 3 3 ° Loyal Victoria Lodge , No . 557 ... ... 1 1 0 Hope Lodge , No . 433 ... ... ... 220 Royal Albert Lodge , No . 907 ... ... 220
Eight Past Masters of No . 907 , 5 s . each ... 200 Twenty members of No . 907 , 2 S . Cd . each ... 2 10 0 St . Botolph ' s Lodge , No . 5 SS ... ... o 10 6 Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 " ... 10 10 0 Lodge'of Unions , No . 256 ... ... ... 10 10 0 Bro . Henry Greene , P . M . No . 256 ... ... 1 1 0 „ J . A . Turnlield , P . M . No . 256 ... ... 550 ,. The Rev . lames Amos , P . M . No . 236 ... 1 1 0
„ R . R . Davis , P . M . No . 256 1 1 o ,, F . Adl . ird , P . M . No . 7 1 1 0 „ R . I . Chappell , P . M . No . 7 110
,, Spencer Weston , No . 7 ... ... 110 Dalhousie Lodge , No . S 60 ... ... 5 5 ° Bro . W . H . Davies , > Io . 7 ... ... ... 220 St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 225 ... ... ... 220 York Lodge , No . 236 ... ... ... 220 Bro . C . L . Ravey , No . 25 G ... ... ... 1 1 0 „ C . A . Murton , P . G . D . 5 5 0
Wlritwcll Lodge , No . 1390 ... ... ... 110 Bro . the Rev . ' D . J . Drakeford , P . M . No . 256 1 1 0 „ R . E . K . Wilkinson , W . M . No . 7 ... 1 1 o „ Stephen \ V . Hooper , No . 63 ... ... 1 1 o St . Mary's Lodge , No . 6 \ ... ... ... 10 10 o Bro . George Kelly , P . G . S ., P . M . No . 4 6 , G 3 , & c . 2 2 o Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , No . 1150 ... 5 5 ° Hesketh Lodge , No . 950 ... ... ... 220
Royal Clarence Lodge , N 0 . 97 G ... ... 1 1 o Bro . George Johnston , P . M . 7 ... ... 1 1 0 „ R . H . Blades , S . D . 25 G 1 1 0 Royal York Chapter of Perseverance , No . 7 ... 10 10 o Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 ... ... ... 6 G 0 Bro . Thomas Fenn , P . G . D .... ... ... 5 5 o Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 ... ... ... 5 5 ° Bro . RobeirTHorton Stevens , No . 256 ... 1 1 o „ Wm . S . Ogle , W . M . No . 256 1 1 0
„ Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ... ... 220 „ ' Dr . Bell , P . G . D ., Dep . Prov . G . M . N . and E . York-shire ... ... ... 1 1 0 Castle Lodge of Harmony , No . 2 G ... ... 550 Great City Lodge , No . 1426 ... ... 550 Bro . Sir Albert W . Woods , P . G . W ., G . D . C .... 220 „ H . C . Brunning , No . 7 ... ... 550 „ A . Hill , No . 7 1 1 o
,, E . A . Smith , No . 7 ... ... ... 1 1 o „ S . W . Hopwood , No . 263 ... ... 1 1 o ,, VV . C . Bacon , No . 2 ? . i ... ... 1 1 o Grand Officers' Mess ( per Bro . J . M . Gabon , Treasurer ) ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 Bro . Colonel Creaton , G . Treasurer ... ... 220 ,, Captain Vindalc , No . 7 ... ... 110 „ Geo . Christie , No . 7 ... ... ... 1 1 0 Total ... ... ... jC'Q fi - 6
WOKING COLLEGE , WOKING , SURREY . Head Master , the Rev . C . W . ARNOLD , M . A ., Trinity College , Cambridge , late Head Master of the Royal Naval School , New Cross , and formerly Head Master of King Edward's School , Edinburgh . Second Master , the Rev . A . J . MINTON , M . A ., late Scholar of Syd . Coll ., Cambridge . In the Upper School boys arc prepared for the Universities , Army , and Professional Examinations . There is a Special Class for boys destined for Commercial Life . In the Lower School boys arc prepared for the Navy and for the Public Schools . There are three Resident Masters ; detached infirmary ; large play / ields ; good bathing ; workshops and gardens for boys . Situation very healthy—on Bagshot Sand . Terms moderate and inclusive . Prospectus and report on application .
PRESIDENT . HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER , K . G . The Tenth Annual Festival in aid of this Institution will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C ., on Wednesday , March 16 , 1 SS 1 . The Right Hon . the EARL OF L ATHOM will preside .
His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon . His Grace the Duke of Grafton . His Grace the " Duke of Montrose . The Rig ht Hon . the Eari of Ilchester . The Right Hon . the Earl of Sheffield .
The Right Hon . the Lord Airey . The Right Hon . the Lord Leigh . The Rig ht Hon . the Lord Waveney . The Rig ht Hon . the ViscountSandon , M . P . The Right Hon . Lord John Manners , M . P . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P . Sir Trevor Lawrence , Bart ., M . P .
Sir Henry Tufton , Bart . Sir H . Drummond Wolff , K . C . B ., M . P . Sir John Monckton , Knt . Sir T . J . Nelson , Knt . Rev . C . J . Martyn , M . A . S . C . Hadley , Esq ., Aid . of London ( Treasurer ) .
Col . C . Alexander , M . r . Capt . J . E . F . Aylmer , M . P . I . E . Acworth , Esq . T . C . Baring , Esq ., M . P . Henry Ford Barclay , Esq ., J . P . J . Barrett , Esq . A . C . Barclay , Esq . M . Biddulph , Esq ., M . P .
W . Birt , Esq . H . A . Brassey , Esq ., M . P . W . Cunliffe Brooks , Esq ., M . P . M . C . Buszard , Esq ., Q . C ., M . P . E . J . Cave , Esq . O . E . Coope , Esq ., M . P . Spencer Charrington , Esq . G . Courtauld , Esq ., M . P .
W . Y . Craig . Esq ., M . P . A . Dawson , Esq . Baron de Ferrieres , M . P . W . Francis , Esq . Myles Fenton , Esq . R . Garrett , Esq . H . J . Gardner , Esq . T . Rowley Hill , Esq ., M . P
J . R . Holland , Esq ., M . P . Lieut .-Col . Howard , J . P . C . W . C . Hutton , Esq ., J . P . C . Hall , Esq . Col . R . N . F . Kingscotc , M . P . ] . M . Klenck , Esq . " I . P . Knight , Esq . " J . W . Mellor , Esq ., Q . C ., M . P . I . S . Manley , Esq . G . Merewether , Esq .
J . Pender , Esq ., M . P . J . Phillips , Esq . J . Rankin , Esq ., M . P . C . T . Ritchie , Esq ^ M . P . James Robertson , Esq . John Shaw , Esq . John Staples , Esq . ( Aid . of London ) . T . Vesper , Esq . W . Willis , Esq ., Q . C ., M . P . Baron de Worms , M . P .
OBJECTS OF THE INSTITUTION . The Association is designed to give temporary and permanent assistance to persons in the Service of Railway Companies or Railway Contractors in cases of Accident or Severe Illness ; to provide them Annuities in old age , or if
otherwise incapacitated . for work , and at death to assist their families . Forty Annuitants have been elected , and upwards of £ 29 , 000 have been distributed to necessitous cases since May , 1 S 63 .
THE RAILWAY ORPHAN ASYLUM FUND is established to provide a Home for the offspring of those who lose their lives in carrying out their hazardous duties .
DONATIONS or SUBSCRIPTIONS , to be announced at the Festival , are earnestly solicited . The smallest sum will be thankfully received by the Secretary , MR . JAMES SALMON , at the Offices , 21 , Finsbury Pavement , London , E . C ., or by the Stewards .
N . U . —Subscriptions of Five Shillings and upwards per annum entitle to one or more Votes . Donors of Five Guineas become Life Governors , and are entitled to one Vote for Life at every Election . P . O . Orders should be made payable at Finsbury Pavement .
THE FREEMASON . SATURDAY , MARCH 5 , 18 S 1 . * - TO CORRESPONDENTS . The largely increased circulation of the Freemason necessitates our going to press at an earlier hour on Thursdays . k is therefore requested thai all advertisements and reports intended to appear in the current number may be sent to our oflices not later than 5 p . m . on Wednesdays . Short notices of importance ' received up to 12 o ' clock noon on Thursdays .
TO ADVERTISERS . CHE . FREEMASON has a large , circulation in all parts of the Globe , In it the official Kfcports of the Grand Lodges of Kngland , Ireland , ami Scotland are published with the special sanction of the respective ( iraud Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic vvortc in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonics . The va . st accession to the ranks of the Order during the pa » t fewyears , and the Increasing interest manifested in Us doings , has given the Freemason a position and iufiuence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with confidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a very large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week's issue are received up to six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
TO OUR READERS . THK FRKKMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and Litest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — „ ..,,,. . United States , tnaia , China , Australia United Kingdom . Canada , the Conti . K ^ , Zeil * nd , tc < ncnt , are . 13 s , 15 s . $ d . 17 s - 6 d «
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
W . R . SMITH . —Will Bro . Smith kindly send his address . ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —Bro . Alfred YVoodliffe , as Steward from the Vitruvian Lodge , No . S 7 , writes to correct an error in the list published last week . His amount should have been ^ 55 17 s . 6 d ., instead of £ 45 17 s . Gd . Owing to pressure on our columns several lodge reports unavoidably stand over .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " City Press , " "Sunday Times , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Broad Arrow , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "Citizen , " "Hull Packet , " "La Chaine d'Union , " "The New
York Dispatch , " "The Liberal 1-reemason , " "The Masonic Age , " " ? vIasonic Review , " " Boletin Oficial del Grand Orient De Espana , " " Der Longlslaender , " "Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio , U . S . A ., " " Proceedings of the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Ohio , U . S . A . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ]
THE FESTIVAL OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — As there appears to be a , report current to the effect that the prospects of the coming Festival of this Institution are already so good as virtually not to require any
special effort to ensure its success , allow me to say at once that this statement is entirely incorrect , and that if the Girls' Festival of 1 SS 1 is to be a success , this end can only be attained , as in the past , by the energetic support and active sympathy of our ever generous Craft . 1 consider it necessary to draw attention to the above
mentioned report , as it is | one calculated to have a most injurious effect on the prospects of the Festival , and I need hardly add that brethren willing ; to act as Stewards are ¦ very urgently needed , and their names will be most gratefully received by , Dear Sir and Brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , F . R . W . HEDGES , Sec .
FESTIVAL OF THE R . M . B . l . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Will you allow me space to correct an error in your list of contributions to the Benevolent Festival ? It is only justice to this province to say that the amount raised , exclusive of Stewards' fees , was JCT ; 6 O , which Bro .
Terry announced ; adding the fees of the 165 Stewards it will reach the large sum of £ 3906 10 s ., and there are still several lists to come in . I am , yours faithfully , HENRY SMITH , Vice Patron , Secretary to the Charity Committee , West Yorks . St . John ' s , Wakefield , March 1 st .
BRO . HERVEY'S MEMORIAL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Have the promoters of the memorial to our late lamented Bro . John Hervey chosen the best form , and the most appropriate one ? Are there not many objections
on Masonic " political-economy " grounds to the plan proposed ? Freemasonry has already a great many "benefits" to hold out , and it seems a pity to add to them unnecessarily , to " carry , in fact , coals to Newcastle . " There is a great fear lest Freemasonry should degenerate into one great
benefit order , and we cannot be too much on our guard on this ticklish point . 1 should suggest a Royal Masonic Benevolent Perpetual Presentation , to be nominated by the Grand Secretary , the President of the Board of General Purposes , and the President of the Board of Benevolence for the time being .
Just in the same way as Boys' and Girls' Perpetual Presentations have been purchased , so a perpetual pension might be purchased of the authorities of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Such is the feeling for Bro . John Hervey that I have no
doubt that a male and female presentation might be purchased if the affair is properly managed . To this present scheme , with all deference to its excellent chief promoters , many objections will be made by the Craft , as are now respectfully urged by , yours fraternally , A P . PROV . G . CHAPLAIN
A TYLER . To the Editor of the " Freemason . '' Dear Sir and Brother , — Does a regular subscribing member ot a lodge forfeit his membership by accepting the position of
Tyleror will it be necessary for him to be proposed , reballoteu for , and pay an additional affiliation fee , after his term of office has expired , in order to take his seat agai n as a member of the lodge . 1 am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , P . M . Twill any brother kindly answer this query ?—ED . F . M-..
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . PATRONS : H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . —PRESIDENT . H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES . The NINETY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Inst ' tution will take place on Wednesday , iSth MAY next , on which occasion the Right Hon . SIR MICHAEL E . HICKS-BEACH , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , has kindly consented to Preside . Brethren willing to act as Stewards are much needed , and will greatly oblige by forwarding their names < r . s early as convenient to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . Office—3 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , E . C .
ACTUALLY PAID UP TO WEDNESDAY , THE 2 nd MARCH , 1 SS 1 . [ N . B . —The future announcements in respect of this fund will appear in the first number of the Freemason for April and following months during the present year . ] i , s - d - Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 , per Bro . Thos . Fenn , P . G . D . ... ... 21 o o
Alliance Lodge , No . 1 S 27 ... ... ... 10 10 0 Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . B . G . P . ( Chairman ) 220 „ Dr . Wendl , G . S . German Correspondence 220 Mornington Lodge , No . 1 G 72 ... ... 3 3 ° Loyal Victoria Lodge , No . 557 ... ... 1 1 0 Hope Lodge , No . 433 ... ... ... 220 Royal Albert Lodge , No . 907 ... ... 220
Eight Past Masters of No . 907 , 5 s . each ... 200 Twenty members of No . 907 , 2 S . Cd . each ... 2 10 0 St . Botolph ' s Lodge , No . 5 SS ... ... o 10 6 Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . 7 " ... 10 10 0 Lodge'of Unions , No . 256 ... ... ... 10 10 0 Bro . Henry Greene , P . M . No . 256 ... ... 1 1 0 „ J . A . Turnlield , P . M . No . 256 ... ... 550 ,. The Rev . lames Amos , P . M . No . 236 ... 1 1 0
„ R . R . Davis , P . M . No . 256 1 1 o ,, F . Adl . ird , P . M . No . 7 1 1 0 „ R . I . Chappell , P . M . No . 7 110
,, Spencer Weston , No . 7 ... ... 110 Dalhousie Lodge , No . S 60 ... ... 5 5 ° Bro . W . H . Davies , > Io . 7 ... ... ... 220 St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 225 ... ... ... 220 York Lodge , No . 236 ... ... ... 220 Bro . C . L . Ravey , No . 25 G ... ... ... 1 1 0 „ C . A . Murton , P . G . D . 5 5 0
Wlritwcll Lodge , No . 1390 ... ... ... 110 Bro . the Rev . ' D . J . Drakeford , P . M . No . 256 1 1 0 „ R . E . K . Wilkinson , W . M . No . 7 ... 1 1 o „ Stephen \ V . Hooper , No . 63 ... ... 1 1 o St . Mary's Lodge , No . 6 \ ... ... ... 10 10 o Bro . George Kelly , P . G . S ., P . M . No . 4 6 , G 3 , & c . 2 2 o Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , No . 1150 ... 5 5 ° Hesketh Lodge , No . 950 ... ... ... 220
Royal Clarence Lodge , N 0 . 97 G ... ... 1 1 o Bro . George Johnston , P . M . 7 ... ... 1 1 0 „ R . H . Blades , S . D . 25 G 1 1 0 Royal York Chapter of Perseverance , No . 7 ... 10 10 o Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 ... ... ... 6 G 0 Bro . Thomas Fenn , P . G . D .... ... ... 5 5 o Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 ... ... ... 5 5 ° Bro . RobeirTHorton Stevens , No . 256 ... 1 1 o „ Wm . S . Ogle , W . M . No . 256 1 1 0
„ Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ... ... 220 „ ' Dr . Bell , P . G . D ., Dep . Prov . G . M . N . and E . York-shire ... ... ... 1 1 0 Castle Lodge of Harmony , No . 2 G ... ... 550 Great City Lodge , No . 1426 ... ... 550 Bro . Sir Albert W . Woods , P . G . W ., G . D . C .... 220 „ H . C . Brunning , No . 7 ... ... 550 „ A . Hill , No . 7 1 1 o
,, E . A . Smith , No . 7 ... ... ... 1 1 o „ S . W . Hopwood , No . 263 ... ... 1 1 o ,, VV . C . Bacon , No . 2 ? . i ... ... 1 1 o Grand Officers' Mess ( per Bro . J . M . Gabon , Treasurer ) ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 Bro . Colonel Creaton , G . Treasurer ... ... 220 ,, Captain Vindalc , No . 7 ... ... 110 „ Geo . Christie , No . 7 ... ... ... 1 1 0 Total ... ... ... jC'Q fi - 6
WOKING COLLEGE , WOKING , SURREY . Head Master , the Rev . C . W . ARNOLD , M . A ., Trinity College , Cambridge , late Head Master of the Royal Naval School , New Cross , and formerly Head Master of King Edward's School , Edinburgh . Second Master , the Rev . A . J . MINTON , M . A ., late Scholar of Syd . Coll ., Cambridge . In the Upper School boys arc prepared for the Universities , Army , and Professional Examinations . There is a Special Class for boys destined for Commercial Life . In the Lower School boys arc prepared for the Navy and for the Public Schools . There are three Resident Masters ; detached infirmary ; large play / ields ; good bathing ; workshops and gardens for boys . Situation very healthy—on Bagshot Sand . Terms moderate and inclusive . Prospectus and report on application .
PRESIDENT . HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER , K . G . The Tenth Annual Festival in aid of this Institution will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . C ., on Wednesday , March 16 , 1 SS 1 . The Right Hon . the EARL OF L ATHOM will preside .
His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon . His Grace the Duke of Grafton . His Grace the " Duke of Montrose . The Rig ht Hon . the Eari of Ilchester . The Right Hon . the Earl of Sheffield .
The Right Hon . the Lord Airey . The Right Hon . the Lord Leigh . The Rig ht Hon . the Lord Waveney . The Rig ht Hon . the ViscountSandon , M . P . The Right Hon . Lord John Manners , M . P . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P . Sir Trevor Lawrence , Bart ., M . P .
Sir Henry Tufton , Bart . Sir H . Drummond Wolff , K . C . B ., M . P . Sir John Monckton , Knt . Sir T . J . Nelson , Knt . Rev . C . J . Martyn , M . A . S . C . Hadley , Esq ., Aid . of London ( Treasurer ) .
Col . C . Alexander , M . r . Capt . J . E . F . Aylmer , M . P . I . E . Acworth , Esq . T . C . Baring , Esq ., M . P . Henry Ford Barclay , Esq ., J . P . J . Barrett , Esq . A . C . Barclay , Esq . M . Biddulph , Esq ., M . P .
W . Birt , Esq . H . A . Brassey , Esq ., M . P . W . Cunliffe Brooks , Esq ., M . P . M . C . Buszard , Esq ., Q . C ., M . P . E . J . Cave , Esq . O . E . Coope , Esq ., M . P . Spencer Charrington , Esq . G . Courtauld , Esq ., M . P .
W . Y . Craig . Esq ., M . P . A . Dawson , Esq . Baron de Ferrieres , M . P . W . Francis , Esq . Myles Fenton , Esq . R . Garrett , Esq . H . J . Gardner , Esq . T . Rowley Hill , Esq ., M . P
J . R . Holland , Esq ., M . P . Lieut .-Col . Howard , J . P . C . W . C . Hutton , Esq ., J . P . C . Hall , Esq . Col . R . N . F . Kingscotc , M . P . ] . M . Klenck , Esq . " I . P . Knight , Esq . " J . W . Mellor , Esq ., Q . C ., M . P . I . S . Manley , Esq . G . Merewether , Esq .
J . Pender , Esq ., M . P . J . Phillips , Esq . J . Rankin , Esq ., M . P . C . T . Ritchie , Esq ^ M . P . James Robertson , Esq . John Shaw , Esq . John Staples , Esq . ( Aid . of London ) . T . Vesper , Esq . W . Willis , Esq ., Q . C ., M . P . Baron de Worms , M . P .
OBJECTS OF THE INSTITUTION . The Association is designed to give temporary and permanent assistance to persons in the Service of Railway Companies or Railway Contractors in cases of Accident or Severe Illness ; to provide them Annuities in old age , or if
otherwise incapacitated . for work , and at death to assist their families . Forty Annuitants have been elected , and upwards of £ 29 , 000 have been distributed to necessitous cases since May , 1 S 63 .
THE RAILWAY ORPHAN ASYLUM FUND is established to provide a Home for the offspring of those who lose their lives in carrying out their hazardous duties .
DONATIONS or SUBSCRIPTIONS , to be announced at the Festival , are earnestly solicited . The smallest sum will be thankfully received by the Secretary , MR . JAMES SALMON , at the Offices , 21 , Finsbury Pavement , London , E . C ., or by the Stewards .
N . U . —Subscriptions of Five Shillings and upwards per annum entitle to one or more Votes . Donors of Five Guineas become Life Governors , and are entitled to one Vote for Life at every Election . P . O . Orders should be made payable at Finsbury Pavement .
THE FREEMASON . SATURDAY , MARCH 5 , 18 S 1 . * - TO CORRESPONDENTS . The largely increased circulation of the Freemason necessitates our going to press at an earlier hour on Thursdays . k is therefore requested thai all advertisements and reports intended to appear in the current number may be sent to our oflices not later than 5 p . m . on Wednesdays . Short notices of importance ' received up to 12 o ' clock noon on Thursdays .
TO ADVERTISERS . CHE . FREEMASON has a large , circulation in all parts of the Globe , In it the official Kfcports of the Grand Lodges of Kngland , Ireland , ami Scotland are published with the special sanction of the respective ( iraud Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic vvortc in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonics . The va . st accession to the ranks of the Order during the pa » t fewyears , and the Increasing interest manifested in Us doings , has given the Freemason a position and iufiuence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with confidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a very large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week's issue are received up to six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
TO OUR READERS . THK FRKKMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and Litest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — „ ..,,,. . United States , tnaia , China , Australia United Kingdom . Canada , the Conti . K ^ , Zeil * nd , tc < ncnt , are . 13 s , 15 s . $ d . 17 s - 6 d «
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
W . R . SMITH . —Will Bro . Smith kindly send his address . ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —Bro . Alfred YVoodliffe , as Steward from the Vitruvian Lodge , No . S 7 , writes to correct an error in the list published last week . His amount should have been ^ 55 17 s . 6 d ., instead of £ 45 17 s . Gd . Owing to pressure on our columns several lodge reports unavoidably stand over .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . " City Press , " "Sunday Times , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Broad Arrow , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "Citizen , " "Hull Packet , " "La Chaine d'Union , " "The New
York Dispatch , " "The Liberal 1-reemason , " "The Masonic Age , " " ? vIasonic Review , " " Boletin Oficial del Grand Orient De Espana , " " Der Longlslaender , " "Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ohio , U . S . A ., " " Proceedings of the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Ohio , U . S . A . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ]
THE FESTIVAL OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — As there appears to be a , report current to the effect that the prospects of the coming Festival of this Institution are already so good as virtually not to require any
special effort to ensure its success , allow me to say at once that this statement is entirely incorrect , and that if the Girls' Festival of 1 SS 1 is to be a success , this end can only be attained , as in the past , by the energetic support and active sympathy of our ever generous Craft . 1 consider it necessary to draw attention to the above
mentioned report , as it is | one calculated to have a most injurious effect on the prospects of the Festival , and I need hardly add that brethren willing ; to act as Stewards are ¦ very urgently needed , and their names will be most gratefully received by , Dear Sir and Brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , F . R . W . HEDGES , Sec .
FESTIVAL OF THE R . M . B . l . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Will you allow me space to correct an error in your list of contributions to the Benevolent Festival ? It is only justice to this province to say that the amount raised , exclusive of Stewards' fees , was JCT ; 6 O , which Bro .
Terry announced ; adding the fees of the 165 Stewards it will reach the large sum of £ 3906 10 s ., and there are still several lists to come in . I am , yours faithfully , HENRY SMITH , Vice Patron , Secretary to the Charity Committee , West Yorks . St . John ' s , Wakefield , March 1 st .
BRO . HERVEY'S MEMORIAL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Have the promoters of the memorial to our late lamented Bro . John Hervey chosen the best form , and the most appropriate one ? Are there not many objections
on Masonic " political-economy " grounds to the plan proposed ? Freemasonry has already a great many "benefits" to hold out , and it seems a pity to add to them unnecessarily , to " carry , in fact , coals to Newcastle . " There is a great fear lest Freemasonry should degenerate into one great
benefit order , and we cannot be too much on our guard on this ticklish point . 1 should suggest a Royal Masonic Benevolent Perpetual Presentation , to be nominated by the Grand Secretary , the President of the Board of General Purposes , and the President of the Board of Benevolence for the time being .
Just in the same way as Boys' and Girls' Perpetual Presentations have been purchased , so a perpetual pension might be purchased of the authorities of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Such is the feeling for Bro . John Hervey that I have no
doubt that a male and female presentation might be purchased if the affair is properly managed . To this present scheme , with all deference to its excellent chief promoters , many objections will be made by the Craft , as are now respectfully urged by , yours fraternally , A P . PROV . G . CHAPLAIN
A TYLER . To the Editor of the " Freemason . '' Dear Sir and Brother , — Does a regular subscribing member ot a lodge forfeit his membership by accepting the position of
Tyleror will it be necessary for him to be proposed , reballoteu for , and pay an additional affiliation fee , after his term of office has expired , in order to take his seat agai n as a member of the lodge . 1 am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , P . M . Twill any brother kindly answer this query ?—ED . F . M-..