Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Cryptic Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Rosicrucian Society of England. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article THE RECENT FESTIVAL OF THE ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BALL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL STANDARD LODGE OF INSTRUCTION (No. 1298), BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Page 1 of 1 Article CHILDREN'S PARTY AT THE MASONIC HALL, HALIFAX. Page 1 of 1 Article CHILDREN'S PARTY AT THE MASONIC HALL, HALIFAX. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK BENEVOLENT FUND FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
vas presented for installation tothe 111 . Bro . J . C . D o '„ te S G . I . G ., 33 ° , vvho installed him into the chair B * Ke ' decessors most carefully . The M . W . S . appointed ° l , blowing officers : Bros . Kev . Stanhope , High Prelate ; i ? I Marwood , ist General ; Williams , 2 nd General ; }' ¦ I Treasurer and Recorder ; Deelev , G . Marshal and I . ' '™ : * . * , r . nf G . : and Cuzner . Onr .
Business over , the chapter was closed in due form , and ¦ i krprhren adjourned to the banquet , under the presi-A ! r , of the M . W . S ., having on his right 111 . Bros . C . J . Sste 33 ° . * Col . West , | 2 "; Col . Platt , 3 , ° ; Lisle , B o and others ; and on his left , 111 . Bros . Rev . Stanhope , tsrostvicnarason
*> . Deeley , 30 , c * . ana r . . , DICCI , f ~ ur ' net and others . The loyal toasts were proposed from the chair , also " The Upalth of the Members of the Supreme Council , 33 , " and their late LG ., III . Bro . C . J . Banister , 33 " , vvho , after ukine the Al . W . S . and the illustrious brethren for their
' at kindness to him , proposed " ihe Health ot the M W . S ., E . and P . Bro . F . A . Dixon , " which vvas received with Teat cordiality . III . " Bro . Deeley proposed " The Health of Bro . Lisle , I p M . W . S . " ' " The Candidates' Health " was proposed by the M . W . S .,
and each suitably replied . ' The musical arrangements vvere under the supervision of Bro . Cuzner , and gave great satisfaction . III . Bro . Royds , 33 ° > was una b ' to stay for the banquet .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
GRAND MASTERS' COUNCIL ( No . 1 ) . —A meeting if this old and distinguished council vvas held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on the 25 th ult . Anion ? those present vvere Bros . Capt . J . E . Anderson , TIM ; T . Poore , P . G . C . W ., P . T . I . M . ; G . Graveley , c ! of W . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . D . M ., P . T . I . Al ., Recorder ; n ' P . CamaF . Graves , Baron de Ferrieres , P . G . I . M . ;
, T . Clark , Robinson , H . Harris , VV . W . Codd , Parkhouse , Dr . Mickley , and others . The minutes of the previous council having been read and confirmed , the ballot vvas taken on behalf of several candidates , and it proving to be unanimous , Bros . Nicholson and Walker , vvho vvere in attendance , vvere impressively greeted , admitted , and rereived as M . E . M ., R . M ., S . M ., and S . E . M ., by Bro . T .
Poore , ably assisted by Bro . G . Graveley and others . Bro . T . Cubitt was unanimously elected T . I . M . for the year ensuing ; Bro . F . Davison re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Mills , Outer Sentinel . Bro . Walls gave a notice of motion " That the sum of five guineas be voted to the Mark Benevolent Fund , per Bro . T . Clarke as Stwd . " Bros . Roy and Parkhouse having been elected Auditors ,
letters pleading inability to attend vvere read from Bros . R . H . Thrupp , T . Cubitt , Loveland , Major Dunbar , Capt . VV . B . Williamson . J . P . Lamb-Smith , Major Lambert , Hay , and many others . The council having been closed in the Degree of Select Master , the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where an excellent dinner was provided . A few toasts followed .
Rosicrucian Society Of England.
Rosicrucian Society of England .
YORK . —York College . —On Saturday , the 19 th ult ., the annual obligatory meeting of this college was held at Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , by permission of the W . M . and brethren of the Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . The M . C . vvas formed , and there vvere present the following ; Fratres Major Moore , IV ., Celebrant ; W . H . Cowper , II ., Deputy ; J . M . MeekV ., Treas . ; Wm . Brown ,
, I ., Sec ; Col . J . Monks , II ., P . A . ; S . Middleton , IV ., S . A . ; J . J . Wilkes , II ., T . A . ; W . F . Tomlinson , I ., Q . A . ; J . L . Atherton , IL , Precentor ; J . W . Monckman , 1 ., Conductor of Novices ; Dr . C . D . H . Drury , I ., Torch Bearer ; R . Craig , I ., Herald ; G . H . Locking , I ., Medallist ; together with Fratres J . Todd , Geo . Althorpe , W . B . Dyson , H . Maddison , C . R . Fry , F . Smith , Rev .
W . C . Lukis , S . VVilson , Alajor McGachen , W . H . B . Atkinson , S . Chadwick , and S . W . Fisher . There were also present Fratres T . B . Whytehead , Hon . IX ., Chief Adept , and T . Trevor , III ., Suffragan . Successful ballots were taken for Bro . A . W . Tomlinson , P . M . 200 , and Bro .
R . H . Soother ' an , P . M . 1337 , and Bros . Blenkin and Tomlinson were admitted as aspirants to the grade of delator . The election of Celebrant then took place , and Frater Tomlinson was declared elected and was installed in tlie chair of Father Rosenkrenti by the Chief Adept . The accounts of the Treasurer showed a substantial balance
} n hand , and the report of the Auditors was adopted . Frater J . M . Meek was re-elected Treasurer . The Chief Adept announced that he should appoint Frater Major Moore as Suffragan , and Frater William Brown as Provincial Secretary . Frater Charles Rutter Fry was elected Provincial Treasurer . The Chief Adept then gave his annual address to the fratresin the couise of which he
, made some remarks upon the significance of the ancient ernblem of the triangle and the traditions in connection W'th the legend of the lost word . He also congratulated jne fratres upon the progress of the Society and the York College . Nearly all of the members have been brethren ot position in the Craft and men of intelligence , and their meetings vvere vearlv erowins * in interest .
' uters and telegrams were read from 31 members , and the roll having been called it vvas found that niy six fratres had not complied with the obligatory rule . f ,. . were ordered to be communicated vvith at once . The "' lowing candidates vvere proposed : Bros . J . H . Pattison , p ' ]* 54 S * J . R . Welsman , P . M . 600 ; T . M . Watson , , * i T . J . Armstrong , P . M . ; T . M . Wilkinson , P . M . 97
-J _ and H . H . Jekyll , 297 . The place of the next Celh - S Ieft t 0 the decision of the Chief Me P t and 'ebrant , it having been suggested by the latter to make wh i i ^ owden » Hemingbro , and Wressel , at all of 'eh places there vvere antiquities of great interest , the V ° ° ^ " ' was passed to the Eboracum Lodge for andllf t "le Prem'ses J after vvhich the M . C . vvas dissolved he fratres met at tea in the banqueting room .
th * - . under stand that the ball recently held by has rT" ? . " of the Derwent Lodge , No . 40 , Hastings , ROMI S IEI ln the sum o £ £ 20 bei " £ handed over to the yal M asonic Institution for Boys ,
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 571 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge vvas held in the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the ioth inst . Bro . Wm . Sivewright occupied the chair , when a Mark lodge was formed , and eleven of the brethren present , including Bros . Cee-Mee , Fred . Hall , Henry Le Barr , Douglas Dibben , and others , received the Mark Degree , Bio . Geo . Muir officiating . On Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., an emergency meeting was
held in the Alasonic Hall , Bro . Wm ., Siveright , R . W . M ., occupied the chair . Applications for admission were read from the following gentlemen , namely , Mr . Cottrell , Mr . Transfield , also Professor Buer . There being no objections , they were initiated into the mysteries of St . John ' s Freemasonry . Honorary affiliation was confeired on the following brethren , namely , Bros . Croft , 413 ; M'Donald . 128 ; and M'Call , 40 S .
The Recent Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following lists , and additions to lists , have beer received since the publication of our last week's issue _ viz ..
—LONDON . UNATTACHliD . Bro . John L . Mather £ 10 10 o Lodge 1541 Bro . R . J . Ward 52 10 o 1615 ,, Samuel I . Fisher ( additional ) ... 8 8 0 ( Raising his total to £ 44 2 s . )
PROVINCES . BERKS AND BUCKS . 574 Bro . Reginald Alaples 16 16 o 795 » W . Fenton ( additional ) 500 ( Raising his total to £ 27 16 s . 6 d . ) E <\ Sr LANCASHIRE . 1055 Bro . Robert Williamson 10 10 o 1219 The Lodge 52 10 0
WEST LANCASHIRE . 1313 Bro . VV . Piatt ( additional ) 2126 ( Raising his total to £ 93 5 s . 6 d . ) MIDDLESEX . 156 7 Bro . Isaac Dixon ( additional ) 10 10 0 ( Raising his total to £ S $ 14 s . )
SURREY . 19 S 1 Bro . R . E . Catterson ( additional ) ... 2100 ( Raising his total to £ 31 ios . ) We vvill add that the total as stated for " Derbyshire " should have been £ 387 14 s ., not £ 429 14 s ., a sum of £ 42 having been credited to Bro . Geo . Fletcher , No . S 50 , and also to Bro . P . Wallis , vvho vvas also a Steward for that lodge , not " unattached " as stated in the Returns . The Grand Total thus far is £ 19 , 126 15 s .
Masonic Ball.
A grand soiree dansante took place at the new Falcon Hotel , Gravesend , on Wednesday , the 16 th ult ., under the auspices of the Lodge of Freedom , No . 77 , and the sanction and patronage of Earl Amherst , Prov . Grand Master of Kent . Dancing commenced at 9 . 30 and was kept up with great animation and spirit until 4 . 30 to the strains of the very excellent band of the Royal Engineers from Chatham . The duties of M . C were efficiently carried
out to the satisfaction of all present ( numbering about 115 ) by Bro . C . Beaumont , P . AL of the St . John's Lodge , No . 1343 . The whole affair was pronounced a decided success , and augurs well for the future endeavours of the brethren , as this was their first at a Masonic dance . The whole arrangements weie carried out by a Committee of Past Masters and officers of the lodge of whom Bro . J . C . Biggs was the indefatigable Secretary .
The Royal Standard Lodge Of Instruction (No. 1298), Benevolent Association.
Four years ago , the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction ( No . 129 S ) , which meets at the AUvyn Castle , St . Paul ' s Road , Canonbury , started a Benevolent Association , and on Saturday last the final audit took place , when it was shown that Life Governorships to the amount of close on _ Co 2 o have been raised , and that the three Institutions
have been benefited , in round figures , to the following extent , viz ., Aged Freemasons and Widows , £ 510 , Boys , £ 290 , Girls , _ 4 i 2 o . This result has been brought chiefly about by the exertions of Bro . W . Cull , P . M ., Preceptor , and Bro . G . H . Hunter , P . M ., vvho has most perseveringly carried out the work of Hon . Secretary .
Children's Party At The Masonic Hall, Halifax.
A children ' s party , wbich vvas given by the St . James's Lodge , No . 4 SS , took place on Shrove Tuesday at the Masonic Hall , was a new departure from the entertainments provided from time to time by this lodge , and , we are
pleased to say , was a most brilliant success . Invitations to the number of 9 6 were issued by the W . M . and officers . Mrs . Hay , provided the tea , and the arrangements for which were admirably carried out with the assistance of Mr . J . Baxendale , the steward of the hall , and the members of the Committee , for whom Bro . A . Mallinson acted as Hon .
Secretary . Great credit is due to them for their efforts in promoting the success of the party . Tea vvas served in the dining room at 5 p . m . prompt . The evening's amusements commenced at 5 . 45 , when a magic lantern entertainment was given by Bros . Hodgson , Holdsworth , and Westgate . At 7 o'clock , Mr . J . Brooks gave his amusing
ventriloquial performance vvith "Adam and Kitty . " At 8 , Mr . C . Dobson gave a clever and amusing performance . In the intervals between these , and from S . 30 till the close of the evening , dancing and games vvere kept up with spirit . A pleasing variation vvas made in the programme by the introduction of the recitations , " A leap for life , " by Miss Hammerton , and " Nazareth n the olden time , '
Children's Party At The Masonic Hall, Halifax.
by Master Sanders . Songs were also given in admirable style . " The schoolmaster" was sung by Bro . Thompson , and " Ora pro nobis " by Miss E . Brennard , other songs being given by Mr . E . Hanson and Master Greenwood . The following ladies saw to the comfort and enjoyment of the little visitors . * Mesdames Shoebridge , Simpson ,
Holdsworth , Drake , Sanders , Woods , Hanson , Milligan , A . Robertshaw , Alallinson , Fletcher , T . Robertshaw , Morris , Radcliffe , Thompson , and Misses Hodgson , Worsick , Radcliffe , and Robertshaw . The officers generally did their best to promote the children ' s enjoyment , and the happy faces of the juveniles , and the zest with which they entered into the various amusements was a sufficient
indication that their efforts were appreciated . There vvas a large number of visitors , who witnessed with pleasure the children's revels , the happy faces and pretty dresses combining to produce a charming scene . The dancing was under the direction of Mrs . Smithies , who showed great tact in arranging the children for the various figures , which was greatly admired ; and Mr . Smithies
presided at the pianoforte . Refreshments were provided in an ante-room , and now and then quite a raid vvas made upon them . At an interval in the proceedings , the W . M . proposed , and Bro . C . GREENWOOD seconded , a vote of thanks to Messrs . Brooks ] and Dobson for their entertainments—this
vvas carried by acclamation . A vote of thanks vvas also unanimously passed to the ladies and the Committee , to which Bro . A . MALLINSON , the Hon . Secretary , responded . A hope was expressed by many who had the pleasure of being present that the party will be made an annual event .
Mark Benevolent Fund Festival.
An opening meeting of the Board of Stewards for the Festival during the current year of the Mark Benevolent Fund was held at Sa , Red Lion-square , W . C , on Wednesday , when it was arranged that the anniversary should take place at the Holborn Bestaurant on Wednesday , the 20 th July prox ., the chairman on the occasion being Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Amherst , P . G . M . M . M . The Steward's fee having been fixed at two guineas , the
following were appointed officers of the Board , viz ., Bros . Berridge President ; Dawson , Treas . ; and C . F . Matier , Hon . Sec . Bros , the Rev . T . Robinson , J . S . Eastes , and Col . Shadwell H . Clerke were appointed Honorary Presidents , and Bros . Cooper , J . L . Mather , George Kenning , C . H . Driver , R . Glasspool , and G . P . Festa , Special Stewards . Bros . Alfred Williams , C . H . Driver , and J . L . Mather were appointed President , Treasurer , and Hon . Secretary respectively on the Sub-Committee .
Obituary .
BRO . E . D . DAVIS , G . STD . BEARER . Bro . E . D . Davis , G . Std . Br . of England , and P . Prov . S . G . W . of Northumberland , to whose death we referred last week , vvas initiated into Freemasonry in the Sincerity and Unanimity Lodge , No . 261 , Taunton , in 1 S 35 . After a comparatively brief atsociation with the Craft in Devonshire as a joining member of the lodge at Barnstaple , he
passed northwards , and having jsined the De Loraine , No . 541—then No . 793—Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1 S 47 , he became henceforth and remained till the close of his life one of the most capable , active , and energetic Masons , of whom the northern Piovinces of England can boast . He was connected with several lodges both in Durham and Northumberland . Having held the interior , but important ,
ofiice of Prov . G . D . C . ot Durham in 1855 , he became its Prov . J . G . W . in 1856 , while as regaids the sister province , he was Prov . G . D . C . in 1 S 51 , Prov . S . G . W . in 1 S 57 , and from 1 S 66 till his death Prov . G . D . C . In Royal Arch Masomy , to which he was exalted in 1 S 36 , he was equally distinguished , being a Past Z . of many chapters and Past G . H . in the Provincial Grand Chapters ot Duiham and
Northumberland , while in Masonic Templary , to which he became attached in 1 S 3 S at Tiverton , his ability was in no wise less conspicuous . Last year his honours were appropriately crowned by his appointment to the office of Grand Standard Bearer in the United Grand Lodge of England , and on the occasion of his visit to Freemasons' Hall for the purpose of being invested with the insignia of
his rank , he looked well and hearty , notwithstanding his eighty years , and there seemed every probability that his lile might be prolonged for some time . Indeed , he retained his wonted activity almost to the very last . He took part in the installation of R . W . Bro . Sir M . White Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., as P . G . M . of Northumberland in November last , and in the month following : was present and assisted
at the installation of Principals in the St . John's Chapter , No . 80 , Sunderland . But it has been ordained otherwise , and Bro . Davis has at length passed away , full of years and honouis , and enjoying the love and respect of his brethren in Masonry throughout England , but especially in the North , where some forty years of his life had been spent . His funeral , vvhich took place at the Jesmond
Cemetery , Newcastle , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., was attended by fully 300 members of the Craft from Durham and Northumberland , and by a strong body of representatives from the theatrical profession , as well as by the many private friends and the family of our deceased brother , whose remains were solemnly consigned to their last resting place amid sincere manifestations of sorrow from all
present . The following were among the brethren present on the sorrowful occasion , viz .: Bros . Richard H . Holmes , Deputy Prov . G . M . ; T . B . Winter , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . Davidson , B . A ., P . S . G . W . ; T . Blenkinsop , P . J . G . W . ; B . J . Thompson , P . G . Sec . Northumberland ; Thos . Bradley , P . S . G . W . ; R . Hudson , P . G . Sec ; J . J . Clay , P . G . D . C ; B . Boulton , P . P . G . Treas . Durham :
C . F . Charlton , P . J . G . W . ; T . Anderson , P . G . Treas . ; J . VV . Gibson , P . P . G . U . ; R . A . Dodds , P . P . G . D . ; J . S . B . Bell , P . P . G . S . of VV . ; T . Dinning , P . P . A . G . D . C ; T . Gillespie , P . G . Reg . ; Adam Robertson , P . P . S . G . W . ; G . Reavell , P . G . S . ot VV . ; D . Murray , P . G . S . B . ; Duncan McDonnell , P . A . G . P . ; T . Y . Strachan , P . P . S . G . W . ; J .
Straker Wilson , P . P . S . G . W . ; Hubert Laws , P . P . S . G . W . ; John Spearman , P . P . J . G . W . ; S . M . Harris , P . P . A . G . D . of C . Northumberland ; J . R . Pattison , P . A . G . Sec ; W . Liddell , P . P . G . D . ; B . Levy , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . C . Moor , P . P . G . D . ; T . Henderson , P . P . G . S . B . ; T . M . Watson , P . J . G . D . ; W . Logan , P . G . Reg . ; B . Boulton , P . P . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
vas presented for installation tothe 111 . Bro . J . C . D o '„ te S G . I . G ., 33 ° , vvho installed him into the chair B * Ke ' decessors most carefully . The M . W . S . appointed ° l , blowing officers : Bros . Kev . Stanhope , High Prelate ; i ? I Marwood , ist General ; Williams , 2 nd General ; }' ¦ I Treasurer and Recorder ; Deelev , G . Marshal and I . ' '™ : * . * , r . nf G . : and Cuzner . Onr .
Business over , the chapter was closed in due form , and ¦ i krprhren adjourned to the banquet , under the presi-A ! r , of the M . W . S ., having on his right 111 . Bros . C . J . Sste 33 ° . * Col . West , | 2 "; Col . Platt , 3 , ° ; Lisle , B o and others ; and on his left , 111 . Bros . Rev . Stanhope , tsrostvicnarason
*> . Deeley , 30 , c * . ana r . . , DICCI , f ~ ur ' net and others . The loyal toasts were proposed from the chair , also " The Upalth of the Members of the Supreme Council , 33 , " and their late LG ., III . Bro . C . J . Banister , 33 " , vvho , after ukine the Al . W . S . and the illustrious brethren for their
' at kindness to him , proposed " ihe Health ot the M W . S ., E . and P . Bro . F . A . Dixon , " which vvas received with Teat cordiality . III . " Bro . Deeley proposed " The Health of Bro . Lisle , I p M . W . S . " ' " The Candidates' Health " was proposed by the M . W . S .,
and each suitably replied . ' The musical arrangements vvere under the supervision of Bro . Cuzner , and gave great satisfaction . III . Bro . Royds , 33 ° > was una b ' to stay for the banquet .
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
GRAND MASTERS' COUNCIL ( No . 1 ) . —A meeting if this old and distinguished council vvas held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on the 25 th ult . Anion ? those present vvere Bros . Capt . J . E . Anderson , TIM ; T . Poore , P . G . C . W ., P . T . I . M . ; G . Graveley , c ! of W . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . D . M ., P . T . I . Al ., Recorder ; n ' P . CamaF . Graves , Baron de Ferrieres , P . G . I . M . ;
, T . Clark , Robinson , H . Harris , VV . W . Codd , Parkhouse , Dr . Mickley , and others . The minutes of the previous council having been read and confirmed , the ballot vvas taken on behalf of several candidates , and it proving to be unanimous , Bros . Nicholson and Walker , vvho vvere in attendance , vvere impressively greeted , admitted , and rereived as M . E . M ., R . M ., S . M ., and S . E . M ., by Bro . T .
Poore , ably assisted by Bro . G . Graveley and others . Bro . T . Cubitt was unanimously elected T . I . M . for the year ensuing ; Bro . F . Davison re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Mills , Outer Sentinel . Bro . Walls gave a notice of motion " That the sum of five guineas be voted to the Mark Benevolent Fund , per Bro . T . Clarke as Stwd . " Bros . Roy and Parkhouse having been elected Auditors ,
letters pleading inability to attend vvere read from Bros . R . H . Thrupp , T . Cubitt , Loveland , Major Dunbar , Capt . VV . B . Williamson . J . P . Lamb-Smith , Major Lambert , Hay , and many others . The council having been closed in the Degree of Select Master , the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , where an excellent dinner was provided . A few toasts followed .
Rosicrucian Society Of England.
Rosicrucian Society of England .
YORK . —York College . —On Saturday , the 19 th ult ., the annual obligatory meeting of this college was held at Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , by permission of the W . M . and brethren of the Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . The M . C . vvas formed , and there vvere present the following ; Fratres Major Moore , IV ., Celebrant ; W . H . Cowper , II ., Deputy ; J . M . MeekV ., Treas . ; Wm . Brown ,
, I ., Sec ; Col . J . Monks , II ., P . A . ; S . Middleton , IV ., S . A . ; J . J . Wilkes , II ., T . A . ; W . F . Tomlinson , I ., Q . A . ; J . L . Atherton , IL , Precentor ; J . W . Monckman , 1 ., Conductor of Novices ; Dr . C . D . H . Drury , I ., Torch Bearer ; R . Craig , I ., Herald ; G . H . Locking , I ., Medallist ; together with Fratres J . Todd , Geo . Althorpe , W . B . Dyson , H . Maddison , C . R . Fry , F . Smith , Rev .
W . C . Lukis , S . VVilson , Alajor McGachen , W . H . B . Atkinson , S . Chadwick , and S . W . Fisher . There were also present Fratres T . B . Whytehead , Hon . IX ., Chief Adept , and T . Trevor , III ., Suffragan . Successful ballots were taken for Bro . A . W . Tomlinson , P . M . 200 , and Bro .
R . H . Soother ' an , P . M . 1337 , and Bros . Blenkin and Tomlinson were admitted as aspirants to the grade of delator . The election of Celebrant then took place , and Frater Tomlinson was declared elected and was installed in tlie chair of Father Rosenkrenti by the Chief Adept . The accounts of the Treasurer showed a substantial balance
} n hand , and the report of the Auditors was adopted . Frater J . M . Meek was re-elected Treasurer . The Chief Adept announced that he should appoint Frater Major Moore as Suffragan , and Frater William Brown as Provincial Secretary . Frater Charles Rutter Fry was elected Provincial Treasurer . The Chief Adept then gave his annual address to the fratresin the couise of which he
, made some remarks upon the significance of the ancient ernblem of the triangle and the traditions in connection W'th the legend of the lost word . He also congratulated jne fratres upon the progress of the Society and the York College . Nearly all of the members have been brethren ot position in the Craft and men of intelligence , and their meetings vvere vearlv erowins * in interest .
' uters and telegrams were read from 31 members , and the roll having been called it vvas found that niy six fratres had not complied with the obligatory rule . f ,. . were ordered to be communicated vvith at once . The "' lowing candidates vvere proposed : Bros . J . H . Pattison , p ' ]* 54 S * J . R . Welsman , P . M . 600 ; T . M . Watson , , * i T . J . Armstrong , P . M . ; T . M . Wilkinson , P . M . 97
-J _ and H . H . Jekyll , 297 . The place of the next Celh - S Ieft t 0 the decision of the Chief Me P t and 'ebrant , it having been suggested by the latter to make wh i i ^ owden » Hemingbro , and Wressel , at all of 'eh places there vvere antiquities of great interest , the V ° ° ^ " ' was passed to the Eboracum Lodge for andllf t "le Prem'ses J after vvhich the M . C . vvas dissolved he fratres met at tea in the banqueting room .
th * - . under stand that the ball recently held by has rT" ? . " of the Derwent Lodge , No . 40 , Hastings , ROMI S IEI ln the sum o £ £ 20 bei " £ handed over to the yal M asonic Institution for Boys ,
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 571 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge vvas held in the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the ioth inst . Bro . Wm . Sivewright occupied the chair , when a Mark lodge was formed , and eleven of the brethren present , including Bros . Cee-Mee , Fred . Hall , Henry Le Barr , Douglas Dibben , and others , received the Mark Degree , Bio . Geo . Muir officiating . On Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., an emergency meeting was
held in the Alasonic Hall , Bro . Wm ., Siveright , R . W . M ., occupied the chair . Applications for admission were read from the following gentlemen , namely , Mr . Cottrell , Mr . Transfield , also Professor Buer . There being no objections , they were initiated into the mysteries of St . John ' s Freemasonry . Honorary affiliation was confeired on the following brethren , namely , Bros . Croft , 413 ; M'Donald . 128 ; and M'Call , 40 S .
The Recent Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following lists , and additions to lists , have beer received since the publication of our last week's issue _ viz ..
—LONDON . UNATTACHliD . Bro . John L . Mather £ 10 10 o Lodge 1541 Bro . R . J . Ward 52 10 o 1615 ,, Samuel I . Fisher ( additional ) ... 8 8 0 ( Raising his total to £ 44 2 s . )
PROVINCES . BERKS AND BUCKS . 574 Bro . Reginald Alaples 16 16 o 795 » W . Fenton ( additional ) 500 ( Raising his total to £ 27 16 s . 6 d . ) E <\ Sr LANCASHIRE . 1055 Bro . Robert Williamson 10 10 o 1219 The Lodge 52 10 0
WEST LANCASHIRE . 1313 Bro . VV . Piatt ( additional ) 2126 ( Raising his total to £ 93 5 s . 6 d . ) MIDDLESEX . 156 7 Bro . Isaac Dixon ( additional ) 10 10 0 ( Raising his total to £ S $ 14 s . )
SURREY . 19 S 1 Bro . R . E . Catterson ( additional ) ... 2100 ( Raising his total to £ 31 ios . ) We vvill add that the total as stated for " Derbyshire " should have been £ 387 14 s ., not £ 429 14 s ., a sum of £ 42 having been credited to Bro . Geo . Fletcher , No . S 50 , and also to Bro . P . Wallis , vvho vvas also a Steward for that lodge , not " unattached " as stated in the Returns . The Grand Total thus far is £ 19 , 126 15 s .
Masonic Ball.
A grand soiree dansante took place at the new Falcon Hotel , Gravesend , on Wednesday , the 16 th ult ., under the auspices of the Lodge of Freedom , No . 77 , and the sanction and patronage of Earl Amherst , Prov . Grand Master of Kent . Dancing commenced at 9 . 30 and was kept up with great animation and spirit until 4 . 30 to the strains of the very excellent band of the Royal Engineers from Chatham . The duties of M . C were efficiently carried
out to the satisfaction of all present ( numbering about 115 ) by Bro . C . Beaumont , P . AL of the St . John's Lodge , No . 1343 . The whole affair was pronounced a decided success , and augurs well for the future endeavours of the brethren , as this was their first at a Masonic dance . The whole arrangements weie carried out by a Committee of Past Masters and officers of the lodge of whom Bro . J . C . Biggs was the indefatigable Secretary .
The Royal Standard Lodge Of Instruction (No. 1298), Benevolent Association.
Four years ago , the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction ( No . 129 S ) , which meets at the AUvyn Castle , St . Paul ' s Road , Canonbury , started a Benevolent Association , and on Saturday last the final audit took place , when it was shown that Life Governorships to the amount of close on _ Co 2 o have been raised , and that the three Institutions
have been benefited , in round figures , to the following extent , viz ., Aged Freemasons and Widows , £ 510 , Boys , £ 290 , Girls , _ 4 i 2 o . This result has been brought chiefly about by the exertions of Bro . W . Cull , P . M ., Preceptor , and Bro . G . H . Hunter , P . M ., vvho has most perseveringly carried out the work of Hon . Secretary .
Children's Party At The Masonic Hall, Halifax.
A children ' s party , wbich vvas given by the St . James's Lodge , No . 4 SS , took place on Shrove Tuesday at the Masonic Hall , was a new departure from the entertainments provided from time to time by this lodge , and , we are
pleased to say , was a most brilliant success . Invitations to the number of 9 6 were issued by the W . M . and officers . Mrs . Hay , provided the tea , and the arrangements for which were admirably carried out with the assistance of Mr . J . Baxendale , the steward of the hall , and the members of the Committee , for whom Bro . A . Mallinson acted as Hon .
Secretary . Great credit is due to them for their efforts in promoting the success of the party . Tea vvas served in the dining room at 5 p . m . prompt . The evening's amusements commenced at 5 . 45 , when a magic lantern entertainment was given by Bros . Hodgson , Holdsworth , and Westgate . At 7 o'clock , Mr . J . Brooks gave his amusing
ventriloquial performance vvith "Adam and Kitty . " At 8 , Mr . C . Dobson gave a clever and amusing performance . In the intervals between these , and from S . 30 till the close of the evening , dancing and games vvere kept up with spirit . A pleasing variation vvas made in the programme by the introduction of the recitations , " A leap for life , " by Miss Hammerton , and " Nazareth n the olden time , '
Children's Party At The Masonic Hall, Halifax.
by Master Sanders . Songs were also given in admirable style . " The schoolmaster" was sung by Bro . Thompson , and " Ora pro nobis " by Miss E . Brennard , other songs being given by Mr . E . Hanson and Master Greenwood . The following ladies saw to the comfort and enjoyment of the little visitors . * Mesdames Shoebridge , Simpson ,
Holdsworth , Drake , Sanders , Woods , Hanson , Milligan , A . Robertshaw , Alallinson , Fletcher , T . Robertshaw , Morris , Radcliffe , Thompson , and Misses Hodgson , Worsick , Radcliffe , and Robertshaw . The officers generally did their best to promote the children ' s enjoyment , and the happy faces of the juveniles , and the zest with which they entered into the various amusements was a sufficient
indication that their efforts were appreciated . There vvas a large number of visitors , who witnessed with pleasure the children's revels , the happy faces and pretty dresses combining to produce a charming scene . The dancing was under the direction of Mrs . Smithies , who showed great tact in arranging the children for the various figures , which was greatly admired ; and Mr . Smithies
presided at the pianoforte . Refreshments were provided in an ante-room , and now and then quite a raid vvas made upon them . At an interval in the proceedings , the W . M . proposed , and Bro . C . GREENWOOD seconded , a vote of thanks to Messrs . Brooks ] and Dobson for their entertainments—this
vvas carried by acclamation . A vote of thanks vvas also unanimously passed to the ladies and the Committee , to which Bro . A . MALLINSON , the Hon . Secretary , responded . A hope was expressed by many who had the pleasure of being present that the party will be made an annual event .
Mark Benevolent Fund Festival.
An opening meeting of the Board of Stewards for the Festival during the current year of the Mark Benevolent Fund was held at Sa , Red Lion-square , W . C , on Wednesday , when it was arranged that the anniversary should take place at the Holborn Bestaurant on Wednesday , the 20 th July prox ., the chairman on the occasion being Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Amherst , P . G . M . M . M . The Steward's fee having been fixed at two guineas , the
following were appointed officers of the Board , viz ., Bros . Berridge President ; Dawson , Treas . ; and C . F . Matier , Hon . Sec . Bros , the Rev . T . Robinson , J . S . Eastes , and Col . Shadwell H . Clerke were appointed Honorary Presidents , and Bros . Cooper , J . L . Mather , George Kenning , C . H . Driver , R . Glasspool , and G . P . Festa , Special Stewards . Bros . Alfred Williams , C . H . Driver , and J . L . Mather were appointed President , Treasurer , and Hon . Secretary respectively on the Sub-Committee .
Obituary .
BRO . E . D . DAVIS , G . STD . BEARER . Bro . E . D . Davis , G . Std . Br . of England , and P . Prov . S . G . W . of Northumberland , to whose death we referred last week , vvas initiated into Freemasonry in the Sincerity and Unanimity Lodge , No . 261 , Taunton , in 1 S 35 . After a comparatively brief atsociation with the Craft in Devonshire as a joining member of the lodge at Barnstaple , he
passed northwards , and having jsined the De Loraine , No . 541—then No . 793—Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1 S 47 , he became henceforth and remained till the close of his life one of the most capable , active , and energetic Masons , of whom the northern Piovinces of England can boast . He was connected with several lodges both in Durham and Northumberland . Having held the interior , but important ,
ofiice of Prov . G . D . C . ot Durham in 1855 , he became its Prov . J . G . W . in 1856 , while as regaids the sister province , he was Prov . G . D . C . in 1 S 51 , Prov . S . G . W . in 1 S 57 , and from 1 S 66 till his death Prov . G . D . C . In Royal Arch Masomy , to which he was exalted in 1 S 36 , he was equally distinguished , being a Past Z . of many chapters and Past G . H . in the Provincial Grand Chapters ot Duiham and
Northumberland , while in Masonic Templary , to which he became attached in 1 S 3 S at Tiverton , his ability was in no wise less conspicuous . Last year his honours were appropriately crowned by his appointment to the office of Grand Standard Bearer in the United Grand Lodge of England , and on the occasion of his visit to Freemasons' Hall for the purpose of being invested with the insignia of
his rank , he looked well and hearty , notwithstanding his eighty years , and there seemed every probability that his lile might be prolonged for some time . Indeed , he retained his wonted activity almost to the very last . He took part in the installation of R . W . Bro . Sir M . White Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., as P . G . M . of Northumberland in November last , and in the month following : was present and assisted
at the installation of Principals in the St . John's Chapter , No . 80 , Sunderland . But it has been ordained otherwise , and Bro . Davis has at length passed away , full of years and honouis , and enjoying the love and respect of his brethren in Masonry throughout England , but especially in the North , where some forty years of his life had been spent . His funeral , vvhich took place at the Jesmond
Cemetery , Newcastle , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., was attended by fully 300 members of the Craft from Durham and Northumberland , and by a strong body of representatives from the theatrical profession , as well as by the many private friends and the family of our deceased brother , whose remains were solemnly consigned to their last resting place amid sincere manifestations of sorrow from all
present . The following were among the brethren present on the sorrowful occasion , viz .: Bros . Richard H . Holmes , Deputy Prov . G . M . ; T . B . Winter , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . Davidson , B . A ., P . S . G . W . ; T . Blenkinsop , P . J . G . W . ; B . J . Thompson , P . G . Sec . Northumberland ; Thos . Bradley , P . S . G . W . ; R . Hudson , P . G . Sec ; J . J . Clay , P . G . D . C ; B . Boulton , P . P . G . Treas . Durham :
C . F . Charlton , P . J . G . W . ; T . Anderson , P . G . Treas . ; J . VV . Gibson , P . P . G . U . ; R . A . Dodds , P . P . G . D . ; J . S . B . Bell , P . P . G . S . of VV . ; T . Dinning , P . P . A . G . D . C ; T . Gillespie , P . G . Reg . ; Adam Robertson , P . P . S . G . W . ; G . Reavell , P . G . S . ot VV . ; D . Murray , P . G . S . B . ; Duncan McDonnell , P . A . G . P . ; T . Y . Strachan , P . P . S . G . W . ; J .
Straker Wilson , P . P . S . G . W . ; Hubert Laws , P . P . S . G . W . ; John Spearman , P . P . J . G . W . ; S . M . Harris , P . P . A . G . D . of C . Northumberland ; J . R . Pattison , P . A . G . Sec ; W . Liddell , P . P . G . D . ; B . Levy , P . P . J . G . W . ; J . C . Moor , P . P . G . D . ; T . Henderson , P . P . G . S . B . ; T . M . Watson , P . J . G . D . ; W . Logan , P . G . Reg . ; B . Boulton , P . P . G .