Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN JAMAICA Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN TASMANIA Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN TASMANIA Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND MASONIC BALL. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BOLTON . —St . John sMarhLodge , ( No . 221 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on March 26 th , at the lodge room , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , when there were present Bros . Wm . Hamer , W . M ; J as . Newton , S . W ; Jno . Alcock , S . W ; Thos . Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Master ; C . F .
Matier , Grand Junr . Warden ; G . P . Brockbank , Past Grand Warden ; Wm . Flitcroft , Prov . S . G . Deacon ; Dr . Allison , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Geo . Cornfield , Prov . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thos . Mortis , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; John Brandwood , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; W . H . J .
| ones , M . O . ; Jas . Horrocks , S . O . ; Jno . Harwood , J . O . ; Richardson , Allen and others . The Lodge being opened and the minutes read and confirmed the ballot was taken for a number of candidates , for advancement , which were all unanimously elected viz : Bros . Robt . Glaister , Jno . Clough , H . Greenwood , Jas . Mason , Chas .
Williams , and S . Pickard , and being in attendance were then admitted and advanced to the honorable degree of Mark Master Mason by the R . W . Bro . Thos . Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Master . All business being concluded the Lodge was closed and the Brethren adjourned to the refreshment board .
RAMSGATE . —Holmesdale Lodge ( No . 129 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , on Thursday , March the 27 th , at 3 . 0 . p . m . There were present : —Bros . the Rev . G . W . SicLiemore , M . A ., R . W . Prov . G . M . M . ( who kindly acted as Chaplain ) ; Thos .
H . Grove Snowden , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . M .,, S . W . ; Lewis Finch , Prov . G . M . Treasurer W . M . ; J . L . Ellerm , J . W . ; B . L . Hiscocks , Registrar and Secretary ; James W . Smith , G . M . Steward and Prov . G . M . Secretary , S . D . ; lohn Finch , Prov . G . M . Asst . D . C ., as J . D . ;
George Page , Prov . G . M . Sword Bearer , as I . G . ; and other brethren . Five candidates for advancement were duly ballotted for , and unanimously approved . They were Bros . Thos . Ovenden , W . B . Wallace , W . Larkin , W . Adams and W . Crawford . All were present except the first , and
were advanced to the honourable degree by the W . M ., who worked the ceremony in an able manner , and in strict accordance with the improved ritual . The lecture was necessarily omitted on this occasion , for want of time . The W . M . then vacated the chair , which was taken
by Bro . James Stevens , R . W . Past G . O ., and Prov . G . M . Sec . for Middlesex and Surrey . Bro . Snowdon , the W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Finch the retiring W . M ., and the ceremony of installation was impressively ¦ worked by Bro . Stevens , the addresses after
installation being especially admired . The following officers were appointed , for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . J . L . Ellerm , S . W . ; Thos . S . Clarke , J . W . ; James W . Smith , M . O . ; George Miles , S . O . ; Edward J . Jmith , J . O . ; the Rev . G . W ; Sicklemore Chaplain ; Lewis Finch ,
Treasurer ; Bedford L . Hiscocks , Registrar and Secretary ; George Page , S . D . ; Horace Friend , J . . Wm . T . C . Harrison , I . G . ; Thos . J . Foley , D . C . ; William Larkin , Org . ; R . Joynes Emmerson and John Finch , Stewards ; George Meager , Tyler . The wages having been paid
and the working plans deposited , the newly installed W . M . gave orders for closing the lodge , doing his work in such a manner as augurs well for the future of the lodge , under his guidance . The valedictory address was delivered by Bro . W . Smith , M . O . After labour came refreshment
in the form of a banquet ; in serving which , Bro . Hiscocks excelled even himself , and gave the greatest satisfaction to all present . A long list of toasts followed , all being received with the heartiest enthusiasm ; songs and Masonic recitations were interspersed , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
SrauutNT . —The only guaranteed cure for Toothache . —This extraordinary application , marvellous i * i its cH ' ccts , gires immediate relief , without injuring the tooth , and forms ' a temporary stopping , is . lid .: post free is . 3 d . The CORAI - TOOTH I ' AsTK . ' for cleansing and improving the teeth , imparts a natural redness to the gums , and gives hrilliancy to the enamel . Price is . 6 d . The ROYAL DiA-niKiCE , prepared from a recipe as used by her Majesty , gives the teeth a pearl-like whiteness , and imparts a uclicions fragrance , to tlie hreath . t ' ricc is . Od . Sold hy all chemists and peifumcrs and by the proprietors , MESSRS . GABRIEL , the old-established ^ entists , 73 , Ludgate-hill , and 56 , Harley-strcct , Cavendish-square London .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PRESCOT . —fFilliam . de la More Encampment ^ —A conclave of this encampment was held a the New Court House , Prescot , on Thursday the 2 , 0 th inst . Present , Sir Knight J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . C . ; R . Brown , Prelate ; S . Morris , ist Captain ; J . Kellett Smith , 2 nd Captain ,
Reginald Young , Registrar ; Joseph Wood , Treasurer ; Moses Mawson , ist Standard Bearer ; Thomas Ashmore , Captain of Lines ; J . T . Birchall , ist Herald ; G . Morgan , 2 nd Herald ; and T . Sephton , Equerry . After the transaction of some formal business , Sir Knight J . K . Smith ,
( in the absence of the E . C . ) presented a very splendid crystal star jewel , to Sir Knight J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . C , in a highly appropriate speech . The jewel , which was supplied b y Sir Knig ht G . Kenning , of 2 , Monument Place , was a fine work of art , and bore the following
inscription : — " Presented to Sir Knight J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . C , by the Sir Knights of the William de la More Encampment , as a token of their regard and esteem . March 20 , 1873 . " Sir Knight Fowler , acknowledged the presentation in suitable terms .
Freemasonry In Jamaica
FALMOUTH ( J AMAICA ) . —Alhole Union Lodge ( No . 367 S . C . ) . —The members of this lodge had their annual meeting on Wednesday , Jan . 29 , for the purpose of installing Bro . D . C . De Souza , W . M . for the ensuing year , and also the officers . The R . W . M . A . Nunes having resigned the chair ( his term of office having expired ) , the R . W . S .
Constantine Burke , Prov . G . M . for Scotland , took the chair , and summoned the Master Elect to the Pedestal , and delivered the visual charges and installed the W . M . After a complimentary address the W . M . proceeded to instal his officers , at the conclusion of which the W . M . addressed the brethren and officers , and thanked the R . W . S . Constantine Burke for the honour he had done
them in travelling a considerable distance to attend the installation . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren marched in procession to the Court House , where an assembl y of fully 150 ladies and gentlemen were assembled . The brethren having marched into the ball-room then
received the Prov . G . M ., after which dancing was commenced and kept up with great spirit until one o ' clock , when the company was conducted to the supper-room , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared . After the usual loyal » nd Masonic
toasts , the R . W . S . C Burke proposed " The Ladies ; " a return was then made to the ballroom , when dancing was renewed , and kept up without flagging until 5 . 30 . The company then retired highly delighted with the entertainment of the evenins .
Freemasonry In Tasmania
" We extract the following from the " Holart Town Mercury " of 31 st . Dec , last . " " FREEMASONS' HALL COMPANY . —An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in the Freemasons' Hall Company ( Limited ) , was held at the Victoria Tavern , Murray-street , last
evening . The meeting was called for the purpose of receiving and confirming the report of the directors on the tenders for the proposed hall , and also to give power to the directors to borrow a further sum of money for the completion of the building . D . Lewis , Esq ., was in the chair , and
there were nearly T , OOO shares represented . The report of the directors , which stated that they had accepted the tender of Mr . Gregory for the building of the hall , for the sum of £ 2 , $ 6 % , was read . Several shareholders inquired wh y the tender of Mr . Wiggins , which was the lowest
by , 5648 , had not been accepted , and on it being proposed that the report be adopted , a ballot was taken , when the action of the directors was confirmed by a large majority . A resolution was carried that shares lately forfeited by the directors
for non-payment of calls may be resumed by the several shareholders on payment of the amounts due thereon within 10 days . The following motion was also agreed to : — " That to enable the directors to carry out the work , they may be ,
Freemasonry In Tasmania
and are hereby authorised to borrow such further sum or sums of money , as in their discretion may be taken to be requisite to complete the proposed building , not exceeding £ 1000 . " The directors reported that they had authorised another issue of shares on the following terms , viz ., 5 s . per share cash , and js . per share
promissory notes , at 3 , 6 , and 9 months , bearing date January ist , 1873 , for new shareholders ; present shareholders to be allowed additiona shares by giving four promissory notes at 5 s . per share each at 3 , 6 , 9 , and 12 months , from the ist January . The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman . "
Grand Masonic Ball.
A grand Masonic ball ( the proceeds to be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , was given on Wednesday , 25 th ult ., at the Cannonstreet Hotel , by the members of the Lodges and Chapters meeting at that place . Dancing began about ten o ' clock to the strains of Coote and
Tinney ' s magnificent band of twenty-five per . formers , and was continued until one , when supper was served in the upper hall , the chair being occupied by Sir Gilbert Campbell , Bart . This over , and the toasts of the " Queen " the " Grand Master , the Marquess of Ripon , the
Prince of Wales , and all other past Grand Masters , " having been duly honoured , the chairman proposed the " Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , " remarking that he was sure it must have added to the pleasure of all present to knowthat while they were enjoying themselves they
were at the same time contributing to the support of such a really good and deserving institution as that was . Bro . Little responded , and observed that it was one of the first and oldest Masonic Charities in
the world , and , although they were not able to present it with any great sum , yet they were adding their mite to the great aggregate of Masonic charity . The health of the Chairman was then drunk
in bumpers , and one other toast , " . The Ladies " ( for whom Bro . Yeoman replied ) , brought the list to an end . Dancing was then resumed , and continued until about five o ' clock .
The company present numbered nearly three hundred , and the ball altogether , thanks to the indefatigable exertions of Bro . G . Kenning ( hon . sec . ) and Bro . Sidney Spencer , was one of the most enjoyable and successful of the season . The brethren were all in full Masonic costume .
which added greatly to the brilliancy of the scene . The staircase and ball-room were beautifull y decorated with the banners of the " Lion and Lamb Chapter " and the " William P . reston Lodge , " whilst conspicuous on one side of the room were three fine banners ( kindly lent for the occasion
by Bro . Kenning ) , representing the " Freemason ' s Arms , " " the Knights Templars , " and tbe " Red Cross of Rome and Constantine . " Great praise is due to Bros . Bates , George Newman , J . T . Moss , George Abbott , Hogard , Lerander , Yeoman , and Dubois , for the energetic part they took in carrying out the arrangements .
" After thoroughly testing it , I believe your Vegetable Pain Killer to be the best medicine for diarrhoea I have ever known . It gives speedy and permanent relief without any shock , or causing constipation . It is a most useful and valuable family medicine . —E . T . BARRETT , Surrey Chambers . Strand , July 186 9 . —To Perry Davis & Son , London . "
HOLLOWAY ' P ILLS . —Many persons are apt to regard the winter past when a few bright days enliven them , and some are rash enough at once to change warm for lighter clothing ; muctvrisk attends their imprudence , though the inevitable ill-health resulting from it , can be readily set aside , by recourse to these purifying and corrective Pilis , invaluable to the sickly at all times and doubly useful at
this season , when they cast out the impurities of winter and fortify the system against the sudden variations , and frequent epidemics attending Spring . Holloway ' s medicine relaxes the skin , permits free transpiration through its pores'and thus rids it of the irritation and harshness which increasing temperatures make annoying to the nervous and sensitive . — ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BOLTON . —St . John sMarhLodge , ( No . 221 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on March 26 th , at the lodge room , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , when there were present Bros . Wm . Hamer , W . M ; J as . Newton , S . W ; Jno . Alcock , S . W ; Thos . Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Master ; C . F .
Matier , Grand Junr . Warden ; G . P . Brockbank , Past Grand Warden ; Wm . Flitcroft , Prov . S . G . Deacon ; Dr . Allison , P . Prov . G . Deacon ; Geo . Cornfield , Prov . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thos . Mortis , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; John Brandwood , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; W . H . J .
| ones , M . O . ; Jas . Horrocks , S . O . ; Jno . Harwood , J . O . ; Richardson , Allen and others . The Lodge being opened and the minutes read and confirmed the ballot was taken for a number of candidates , for advancement , which were all unanimously elected viz : Bros . Robt . Glaister , Jno . Clough , H . Greenwood , Jas . Mason , Chas .
Williams , and S . Pickard , and being in attendance were then admitted and advanced to the honorable degree of Mark Master Mason by the R . W . Bro . Thos . Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Master . All business being concluded the Lodge was closed and the Brethren adjourned to the refreshment board .
RAMSGATE . —Holmesdale Lodge ( No . 129 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , on Thursday , March the 27 th , at 3 . 0 . p . m . There were present : —Bros . the Rev . G . W . SicLiemore , M . A ., R . W . Prov . G . M . M . ( who kindly acted as Chaplain ) ; Thos .
H . Grove Snowden , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . M .,, S . W . ; Lewis Finch , Prov . G . M . Treasurer W . M . ; J . L . Ellerm , J . W . ; B . L . Hiscocks , Registrar and Secretary ; James W . Smith , G . M . Steward and Prov . G . M . Secretary , S . D . ; lohn Finch , Prov . G . M . Asst . D . C ., as J . D . ;
George Page , Prov . G . M . Sword Bearer , as I . G . ; and other brethren . Five candidates for advancement were duly ballotted for , and unanimously approved . They were Bros . Thos . Ovenden , W . B . Wallace , W . Larkin , W . Adams and W . Crawford . All were present except the first , and
were advanced to the honourable degree by the W . M ., who worked the ceremony in an able manner , and in strict accordance with the improved ritual . The lecture was necessarily omitted on this occasion , for want of time . The W . M . then vacated the chair , which was taken
by Bro . James Stevens , R . W . Past G . O ., and Prov . G . M . Sec . for Middlesex and Surrey . Bro . Snowdon , the W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Finch the retiring W . M ., and the ceremony of installation was impressively ¦ worked by Bro . Stevens , the addresses after
installation being especially admired . The following officers were appointed , for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . J . L . Ellerm , S . W . ; Thos . S . Clarke , J . W . ; James W . Smith , M . O . ; George Miles , S . O . ; Edward J . Jmith , J . O . ; the Rev . G . W ; Sicklemore Chaplain ; Lewis Finch ,
Treasurer ; Bedford L . Hiscocks , Registrar and Secretary ; George Page , S . D . ; Horace Friend , J . . Wm . T . C . Harrison , I . G . ; Thos . J . Foley , D . C . ; William Larkin , Org . ; R . Joynes Emmerson and John Finch , Stewards ; George Meager , Tyler . The wages having been paid
and the working plans deposited , the newly installed W . M . gave orders for closing the lodge , doing his work in such a manner as augurs well for the future of the lodge , under his guidance . The valedictory address was delivered by Bro . W . Smith , M . O . After labour came refreshment
in the form of a banquet ; in serving which , Bro . Hiscocks excelled even himself , and gave the greatest satisfaction to all present . A long list of toasts followed , all being received with the heartiest enthusiasm ; songs and Masonic recitations were interspersed , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
SrauutNT . —The only guaranteed cure for Toothache . —This extraordinary application , marvellous i * i its cH ' ccts , gires immediate relief , without injuring the tooth , and forms ' a temporary stopping , is . lid .: post free is . 3 d . The CORAI - TOOTH I ' AsTK . ' for cleansing and improving the teeth , imparts a natural redness to the gums , and gives hrilliancy to the enamel . Price is . 6 d . The ROYAL DiA-niKiCE , prepared from a recipe as used by her Majesty , gives the teeth a pearl-like whiteness , and imparts a uclicions fragrance , to tlie hreath . t ' ricc is . Od . Sold hy all chemists and peifumcrs and by the proprietors , MESSRS . GABRIEL , the old-established ^ entists , 73 , Ludgate-hill , and 56 , Harley-strcct , Cavendish-square London .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PRESCOT . —fFilliam . de la More Encampment ^ —A conclave of this encampment was held a the New Court House , Prescot , on Thursday the 2 , 0 th inst . Present , Sir Knight J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . C . ; R . Brown , Prelate ; S . Morris , ist Captain ; J . Kellett Smith , 2 nd Captain ,
Reginald Young , Registrar ; Joseph Wood , Treasurer ; Moses Mawson , ist Standard Bearer ; Thomas Ashmore , Captain of Lines ; J . T . Birchall , ist Herald ; G . Morgan , 2 nd Herald ; and T . Sephton , Equerry . After the transaction of some formal business , Sir Knight J . K . Smith ,
( in the absence of the E . C . ) presented a very splendid crystal star jewel , to Sir Knight J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . C , in a highly appropriate speech . The jewel , which was supplied b y Sir Knig ht G . Kenning , of 2 , Monument Place , was a fine work of art , and bore the following
inscription : — " Presented to Sir Knight J . W . J . Fowler , P . E . C , by the Sir Knights of the William de la More Encampment , as a token of their regard and esteem . March 20 , 1873 . " Sir Knight Fowler , acknowledged the presentation in suitable terms .
Freemasonry In Jamaica
FALMOUTH ( J AMAICA ) . —Alhole Union Lodge ( No . 367 S . C . ) . —The members of this lodge had their annual meeting on Wednesday , Jan . 29 , for the purpose of installing Bro . D . C . De Souza , W . M . for the ensuing year , and also the officers . The R . W . M . A . Nunes having resigned the chair ( his term of office having expired ) , the R . W . S .
Constantine Burke , Prov . G . M . for Scotland , took the chair , and summoned the Master Elect to the Pedestal , and delivered the visual charges and installed the W . M . After a complimentary address the W . M . proceeded to instal his officers , at the conclusion of which the W . M . addressed the brethren and officers , and thanked the R . W . S . Constantine Burke for the honour he had done
them in travelling a considerable distance to attend the installation . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren marched in procession to the Court House , where an assembl y of fully 150 ladies and gentlemen were assembled . The brethren having marched into the ball-room then
received the Prov . G . M ., after which dancing was commenced and kept up with great spirit until one o ' clock , when the company was conducted to the supper-room , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared . After the usual loyal » nd Masonic
toasts , the R . W . S . C Burke proposed " The Ladies ; " a return was then made to the ballroom , when dancing was renewed , and kept up without flagging until 5 . 30 . The company then retired highly delighted with the entertainment of the evenins .
Freemasonry In Tasmania
" We extract the following from the " Holart Town Mercury " of 31 st . Dec , last . " " FREEMASONS' HALL COMPANY . —An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in the Freemasons' Hall Company ( Limited ) , was held at the Victoria Tavern , Murray-street , last
evening . The meeting was called for the purpose of receiving and confirming the report of the directors on the tenders for the proposed hall , and also to give power to the directors to borrow a further sum of money for the completion of the building . D . Lewis , Esq ., was in the chair , and
there were nearly T , OOO shares represented . The report of the directors , which stated that they had accepted the tender of Mr . Gregory for the building of the hall , for the sum of £ 2 , $ 6 % , was read . Several shareholders inquired wh y the tender of Mr . Wiggins , which was the lowest
by , 5648 , had not been accepted , and on it being proposed that the report be adopted , a ballot was taken , when the action of the directors was confirmed by a large majority . A resolution was carried that shares lately forfeited by the directors
for non-payment of calls may be resumed by the several shareholders on payment of the amounts due thereon within 10 days . The following motion was also agreed to : — " That to enable the directors to carry out the work , they may be ,
Freemasonry In Tasmania
and are hereby authorised to borrow such further sum or sums of money , as in their discretion may be taken to be requisite to complete the proposed building , not exceeding £ 1000 . " The directors reported that they had authorised another issue of shares on the following terms , viz ., 5 s . per share cash , and js . per share
promissory notes , at 3 , 6 , and 9 months , bearing date January ist , 1873 , for new shareholders ; present shareholders to be allowed additiona shares by giving four promissory notes at 5 s . per share each at 3 , 6 , 9 , and 12 months , from the ist January . The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman . "
Grand Masonic Ball.
A grand Masonic ball ( the proceeds to be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , was given on Wednesday , 25 th ult ., at the Cannonstreet Hotel , by the members of the Lodges and Chapters meeting at that place . Dancing began about ten o ' clock to the strains of Coote and
Tinney ' s magnificent band of twenty-five per . formers , and was continued until one , when supper was served in the upper hall , the chair being occupied by Sir Gilbert Campbell , Bart . This over , and the toasts of the " Queen " the " Grand Master , the Marquess of Ripon , the
Prince of Wales , and all other past Grand Masters , " having been duly honoured , the chairman proposed the " Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , " remarking that he was sure it must have added to the pleasure of all present to knowthat while they were enjoying themselves they
were at the same time contributing to the support of such a really good and deserving institution as that was . Bro . Little responded , and observed that it was one of the first and oldest Masonic Charities in
the world , and , although they were not able to present it with any great sum , yet they were adding their mite to the great aggregate of Masonic charity . The health of the Chairman was then drunk
in bumpers , and one other toast , " . The Ladies " ( for whom Bro . Yeoman replied ) , brought the list to an end . Dancing was then resumed , and continued until about five o ' clock .
The company present numbered nearly three hundred , and the ball altogether , thanks to the indefatigable exertions of Bro . G . Kenning ( hon . sec . ) and Bro . Sidney Spencer , was one of the most enjoyable and successful of the season . The brethren were all in full Masonic costume .
which added greatly to the brilliancy of the scene . The staircase and ball-room were beautifull y decorated with the banners of the " Lion and Lamb Chapter " and the " William P . reston Lodge , " whilst conspicuous on one side of the room were three fine banners ( kindly lent for the occasion
by Bro . Kenning ) , representing the " Freemason ' s Arms , " " the Knights Templars , " and tbe " Red Cross of Rome and Constantine . " Great praise is due to Bros . Bates , George Newman , J . T . Moss , George Abbott , Hogard , Lerander , Yeoman , and Dubois , for the energetic part they took in carrying out the arrangements .
" After thoroughly testing it , I believe your Vegetable Pain Killer to be the best medicine for diarrhoea I have ever known . It gives speedy and permanent relief without any shock , or causing constipation . It is a most useful and valuable family medicine . —E . T . BARRETT , Surrey Chambers . Strand , July 186 9 . —To Perry Davis & Son , London . "
HOLLOWAY ' P ILLS . —Many persons are apt to regard the winter past when a few bright days enliven them , and some are rash enough at once to change warm for lighter clothing ; muctvrisk attends their imprudence , though the inevitable ill-health resulting from it , can be readily set aside , by recourse to these purifying and corrective Pilis , invaluable to the sickly at all times and doubly useful at
this season , when they cast out the impurities of winter and fortify the system against the sudden variations , and frequent epidemics attending Spring . Holloway ' s medicine relaxes the skin , permits free transpiration through its pores'and thus rids it of the irritation and harshness which increasing temperatures make annoying to the nervous and sensitive . — ADVT .