Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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rjEri . ETE or MASONIC MESTINOS — . rJft Masonry „ , „ rjj i . tftriiction x . i 9 Bov . il Arch 1 . 39 Kn i g hts Templar 139 Mi * onic Notes and Queries 140 Ol , iiu . irv ' ¦* = 1 rm 1 cr . 1 l of Bro . R . Kcelela , of Stnnernuse 14 °
mr . isburp Cathedral lit ' -ilic I onelon Masonic Charity Association 141 pnrewell Banrpict to Bro . J . Clark 141 fjnirs on Art & c I 41 Wlat Freemasonry Docs Do 143 A Pleasant Presentation 142 T [ : c L ^ neion Masonic Charity Association I 42 i VUXESl'OSDEXCE : —
The Elections in April 142 Ignorance and . Intolerance 142 Dr . Hopkins' Masonic Chart , & c 143 Tli ^ Granel Loelge of Irelanel 143 A Oner / 143 Ancient anel Accepted Rite : 143 Reviews ' 44
J ' ub ic Amusements 144 The Altar in Masonry 144 Masmis as Judges , Jntors , & c M 5 TI 1 C I ' r . ncess Alice 143 Miesonic anil General Tidings 14 ? Lwlere Meetings for Next Week I 4 < i Advertisements i ., ii ., iii ., iv ., v ., vi .
" REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 6 o ' clock p . m ., on "Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft iHasonrg . LODGE OF ANTIQUITY ( No . 2 ) . —This distinguished lodge met in goodly numbers on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., and we observed among the visitors present Bros . Lieut .-Col . Shadwell Clerke , G . D . ; J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D . ; and Brodie . Bio . J . A . Batley was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by Bro . W . Hope , D . M ., in a very effective manner , and then took place a ceremony ,
which was undoubtedly the great event of the evening , and which conferred both pleasure and prestige on all concerned , as well as afforded much satisfaction to all present . It hael been decided to present Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton with his portrait , painted by Bro . Slept en Pearce , and the presentation was now to take p'ace . Bro . P . M . Swinburne , by permission of the D . M ., addressed Bro . Creaton in the
following manly and touching words , which were warmly appreciated and applauded by the brethren assembled : "Bio . G . Treasurer , I have been commanded by the W . M . to communicate to you the pleasure we all feel at your recent promotion to the office of high dignity and trust which you now hold in Grand Lodge , and to assure you that we all feel that by your promotion to this office the
lodge has had an honour conferred upon it also . You have for many years been a prominent member of the Craft , and have especially been associateel with what we all consieler its greatest good , namely , the noble Charities , which are the practical result of the teaching we have received in our profession as Masons , You have not alone given with an open hand , again and again , but you have done
more than this , lor although there have been many calls upon your time in the performance of the duties which have devolved upon you as a soldier , a magistrate , and a gentleman , you have , nevertheless , given the first and the best of your time , of your thought , of your patience , and of your labour to those excellent institutions , which are the chief honour of English Masonry . But it is not as a
distinguished officer of Granel Lodge , iur as a distinguished patron of the Masonic Charities , that I have been commanded to address you this evening . You have a personal claim nearer even than these , great as they are , in our common brotherhood . You are one of ourselves , a distinguished member of this grand old lodge , where you have especially served us in a manner most gratifying to
its members , namely , by promoting its unanimity and concord by your own kind and genial nature , and by upholding its dignity and traditions as its Master . The good work of a man is his test and most lasting monument , and his mission is , in one sense , illustrated by the monument of our greatest Master in the noble cathedral tliat adorns our city , for you read , on entering that building ,
that should you wish to see the monument of him who ercckel it , you must look around , and there it stands a grand and imperishable record of a Master of his lodge , klill , in this room wc find records of him scattered around us , and records not alone of him but of other illustrious Wasters of this lodge , whose names are household words " 1 Masonry . We have felt that one who has done so well
should not alone be remembered by his contemporaries , tut b y those who are to follow hereafter , and we trust who will follow in the footsteps of such a leader . And it occurred to us , on reflecting on your ° wn good work , that at some future time , when we shall a " of us have gone hence , some might care to know what
this Master of Antiquity was like that men spoke so Well of , and who did such good work in his time . And we therefore said , we have amongst us a distinguished painter ; We will confer with him ; he may perhaps help us to hand own—not the memory of our good friend and brother , ° t that we trust will be ever green—but his semblance as Pe appeared amongst us . And our good friend and Bro ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Stephen Pearce , with that generosity so characteristic of an artist , and of such an artist , has reproduced you here . Accept this , elcar brother , from us as a pledge of our brotherlylove anel friendship . Anel may you live long to enjoy the good will of this old Lodge of Antiquity , and when no longer with it , may this picture be where good Masons may sometimes see it , and when looking on it , say . " ' Ah ,
that was Creaton , the Grand Treasurer ; he was a Master of Antiquity , he stood well in the Craft , did good work in his time , and his name will go down to posterity on the Grand Muster Roll of good and great Masons . '" The following is the inscription on the picture : "Presented by H . R . H . Prince Leopold , K . G ., & c , & c , and the members of the lodge , to Lieut-Col . Creaton , Past Master of the lodge . '" At the
conclusion of his able address , Bro . P . M . Swinburne uncovered the portrait , which as a work of art was greatly admired , and reflects the most undoubted credit on the " limner ' s cunning hand . " Bro . Creaton " more suo" returned thanks for the kindly and fraternal compliment in a few well-chosen . worcs , which clearly came from the heart . It was then moved by Bro . J . Sampson l ' eirce , P . M ., and
seconded by Bro . Erasmus Wilson , P . M ., and carried unanimously , "That the best thanks of the lodge be offered to Bro . Stephen Pearce , for his kindly assistance in placing his great talents at the disposal of the lodge , to do hononr to Bro . Lie » t .-Col . Creaton . " Bro . Stephen Pearce acknowledged the compliment in a few feeling words . The
lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet and the pleasant reunion of the social circle , separating at an early hour , highly gratified with the gathering , and which will ever remain an " Alba Dies " in the warm memories of the many good Masons and fricr . dly men who compose the " phalanx" of " Olel Antiquity . "
IVY LODGE ( No . 14 + 1 ) . —On Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , under the guidance of Bro . Louis Cornellisen . The officers present were Bros . Ashwell , S . W . ; T . F . Knight Smith , J . W . and W . M . ilect ; Foster , S . D . ; Skegg , J . D . ; Burgess , I . G . ; A . Vernon , W . S . ; W . S . Ashford , D . C . ; Noke , P . M . ; Tolly ,
P . M ., Sec , and others . The minutes of last lodge meeting were duly read and confirmed . After the usual questions , Bros . Trehearne and Shaw were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Francis Gill was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The W . M ., though speaking- in ( to him ) a foreign tongue , performed these several
ceremonics-excellently . The lodge was then resumed in the Second Degree , when the chair was taken by Bro . G-. Smith , P . M ., one of the founders , and the father of the lodge . Bro . T . F . Knight Smith was then duly inducted into the chair of K . S . The ceremony was rendered by Bro . Smith , P . M ., in a truly admirable manner throughout , the various orations being delivered fluently and impressively , and made a lasting
impression on the minds of those brethren who had the happiness of being present . The W . M . duly appointed and invested his officers . The W . M . hail the pleasing duty to present to the I . P . M ., Bro . Louis Cornellisen , a very beautiful jewel , and in so doing expressed a wish that Bro . Cornellisen might live many years to wear it , as a mark of the great esteem the Ivy Lodge felt for him , and for the
generous spirit he had frequently manifested . After some other business the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , in consequence of the large hall being let for other purposes . This was to many a great inconvenience , and to a certain extent accounted for the sparse attendance , many members having to come from great distances . The
interests of the Craft are not so well considered at this hall as formally , at least murmurings of dissatisfaction are rife , and one would think it is certainly to the interests of the proprietors to eneleavour to remeely this in future . On reaching the Holborn Restaurant the brethren found an atmosphere of warmth , brightness , and geniality there , which soon dissipated both the effects of the journey anil
the very unpleasant weather , and sat down to a very excellent banquet , which gave great credit to that establishment and to its admirable manager , Bro . Ham p . In presenting the various loyal and Masonic toasts , the few remarks which fell from the W . M . were well receiveel , anil on replying to the toast proposed to his health by Bro . Cornellisen , I . P . M ., the W . M . said he felt it a great honour to
be placed in the position he was in that evening for many reasons , —he was one of the first initiates made in the lodge , and the first who had risen to the chair of the W . M . ; but not only that , he loved Masonry for its own sake , for its splendid traditions , its grand teachings , and its widespread Charities , and he would impress upon the brethren the importance of living up to those principles . In the
First Degree the beauties of moral truth were unveiled to the eyes of the brethren ; in the Second their attention was directed to the wonders of art and science , those endless fields of human investigation ; and in the Third those sublime teachings with regard to the future , the spirit of all religions , the necessity of preparing by well-orJered lives here if we would wish to obtain a happy entrance to the
Grand Lodge above . In presenting " The Health of the Installing Master , P . M . C . Smith , " the W . M . said it afforded him a great pleasure , as the P . M . was one of the founders and father of the lodge . He had initiated him and now completed the work he had so well begun by installing him in the chair of K . S ., and in so admirable a manner that it would make a lasting impression both on his
mind as well as on the minds of all the brethren present . Bro . C . Smith , in replying , said it afforded him great pleasure to render any service he could to the lodge , for he looked upon it as his child , and loved Masonry in his heart , and trusted it would go on and prosper in the future as it had done in the past . The toast of "The Visitors " was well responded to by Bro 3 . Farwig , W . M . St . James ' s Union , and Dr . Oswald , P . M . 1328 . The toast of "The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Past Masters " was duly honoured and acknowledged by I . P . M . Bro . Cornellisen and P . M . Bro . Matlock ; and P . M . Bro . Cantlc the services of Treasurer . Bro . P . M . fllatlock and Bro . P . M . Jolly were duly acknowledged , and after " The Officers " the Tyler's toast brought a very happy evening to a close . The brethren were enlivened during the evening by some songs well sung by Bros . P . M . Ion Cantle , Kift , Martin , and Cooper ; anel some
excellent readings by Bro . Reynolds . Bro . Kift presided efficiently at the piano . Among the visitors present were Bros . Pollard , W . M . 16 9 + ; Farwig , W . M . 1 S 0 ; W . H . Morgan , 1383 ; L . Sane , 1402 ; J . G . Rush , 1201 ; J . P . Tonge , 1216 ; and P . M . ' s HuM , 87 , and J . W . Oswald , 1328 ; Thurkle , P . M . 87 ; anel Bros . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ( Hon . Mem . ) ; W . J . Large , S . W . 13 21 ; and many other brethren .
SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE ( No . 1602 ) . —The regular meeting of this loelge was held in the Agricultural Hall on the 28 th ult . Theie were present Bros . T . J . Coombs , W . M . ; E . Somers , P . M . ; E . G . Sim , P . M . ; —Lee , P . M . ; A . J . Rowley , S . W . ; John Weston , J . W . ; John Greenfield , Treas . ; John Oshorn , Sec . ; W . Noriiss , S . D . ; W . T . Poulton , I . D . ; H . Field , I . G . ; W .
Oppenheivn , D . C ; R . G . Thomas , Organist ; T . J . Rimcll , Steward ; W . Steedman , Tyler ; R . Allison , J . Fitlong , E . Payn , Wm . Payn , James Alexander , K . J . Pe-ircy , J . Brewer , James Crocker , E . Pelikin , J . Raffety , G . Tarrant , J . Kitchiner , C . Parslow , H . T . Godolphin , S . Hollidge , and A . H . Chisholm { Freemason ) . The visitors present were Bros . II . Sprake , 815 ; J . O'Connor , 1330 ; B . Clark ,
1507 ; J . Humphreys , 167 ; It . Pearcy , W . M . 228 ; J . L . Cogan , W . M . 136 5 ; and E . Roberts , 1 C 23 . The loelge was opened at five o ' clock , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Alexander was passed . I he balbt was then taken for Mr . T . C . Duncan , who , being unanimously approved , was initiated into the secrets and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . A . F .
Rowley was , by a majority of one , electee ! to hi the office of W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bros . Greenfield , Treas ., and Steedman , Tyler , were unanimously re-elected . Bros . Tarrant , Raffety , and Hrlong were appointed Auditor ? . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel was , on the motion of Bro . Somers , voted out of the funds of the lodge to the retiring W . M ., 5 which will be presented to him at the
installation meeting in May . Bro . Coombs , in a few appropriate remarks , acknowledged the generous presentation , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner in the lodge-room , the W . M . presiding . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , interspersed with some capital songs , and after spending a few pleasant hours together , the brethren adjourned until the 23 rd of May .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . —The regular meeting of this well established and most prosperous lodge was held at the New Market Hotel , Kingstreet , West Smithfield , on Thursday , the 201 I 1 ult . Bio . G . S . Elliott , W . M ., opened the loelge . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read , unanimously confirmed , and signed by the W . M . The ballot taken for Mr . John
Rose was dcclareel to be unanimous in favour of his admission . The W . M ., Bro . G . S . Elliott , in an impressive , correct , and painstaking manner raised Bros . Greenwood , Smith , Wcolridge , P . Bowley , and Allen , passeel Bros . Kinloch and Cork , then completed his heavy eluties by initiating Mr . Richard Titcomb into Freemasonry . Bro . G . S . Elliott , W . M ., was highly complimented for
the admirable style in which he had rendeted every part of the work , his working being an intellectual treat to all who had the good fortune to be present . The proposed bye-laws were then read through by the energetic Secretary , Bro . E . Mallelt , P . M . 141 , who explained to the lodge that he had sent a copy of these bye-laws to every members , as every item in them had been fully discussed at
a previous meeting . On the motion of Bro . W . Malthouse , J . D ., seconded by Bro . G . H . Stephens , W . S ., it was unanimously resolved , "That the bye-laws , submittal to the lodge , do become its bye-laws , that they be sub . nitteel to Grand Lodge , anil when approved of by the Granel Secretary the same be printed , and copies issued to all the members . " Bro . W . Malthouse , J . D ., whe > had been
unanimously elected as Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys' School , maele an eloquent and soul-stirring appeal to the members to support him , as their representative of the lodge , at that festival . If eloquence and a clear matter of fact statement , shewing how much the noble Institution needed their support , had any effect—and we are sure no Steward could equal our
zealous brother in his endeavours to enlist the sympathies of all who were present—no doubt his list will be well upported . The names of several gentlemen were given in who were anxious to be initiated into Freemasonry . Letters of apology for absence were read from those officers who couid not attend in consequence of severe ill-health , viz ., Bros . John Johnson , J . W . ( since died , on the 211 th ult .,
of bronchitis and disease of the heart ) , and Frederick Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer . Business being ended , the lodge was closed and adjourned . The banquet then followed , served under the special superintendence of the kind and genial host , Bro . Thomas Butt , who was wejl supported , in his endeavours to give satisfaction and comfort to all present , by his sons , Bros . T . M . Butt
and W . Butt . We need harell y here remark that the worthy host has earned a good anil lasting repute for the good catering and lavish expenditure to make everything first-rate with which he puts on ali his banquets . Great things were txpecteel of him when he commenced his career
as a Masonic caterer , and he has proved his capabilities by the exquisite manner he has done his business . The usual routine of Masonic toasts were given and responded to , that of " The Visitors" being answered by Bro . Elliott , 749 ( father of the Worshipful Master , Bro . G . S . Elliott ) , thanking the W . M ., Past Masters , officers , anil
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
rjEri . ETE or MASONIC MESTINOS — . rJft Masonry „ , „ rjj i . tftriiction x . i 9 Bov . il Arch 1 . 39 Kn i g hts Templar 139 Mi * onic Notes and Queries 140 Ol , iiu . irv ' ¦* = 1 rm 1 cr . 1 l of Bro . R . Kcelela , of Stnnernuse 14 °
mr . isburp Cathedral lit ' -ilic I onelon Masonic Charity Association 141 pnrewell Banrpict to Bro . J . Clark 141 fjnirs on Art & c I 41 Wlat Freemasonry Docs Do 143 A Pleasant Presentation 142 T [ : c L ^ neion Masonic Charity Association I 42 i VUXESl'OSDEXCE : —
The Elections in April 142 Ignorance and . Intolerance 142 Dr . Hopkins' Masonic Chart , & c 143 Tli ^ Granel Loelge of Irelanel 143 A Oner / 143 Ancient anel Accepted Rite : 143 Reviews ' 44
J ' ub ic Amusements 144 The Altar in Masonry 144 Masmis as Judges , Jntors , & c M 5 TI 1 C I ' r . ncess Alice 143 Miesonic anil General Tidings 14 ? Lwlere Meetings for Next Week I 4 < i Advertisements i ., ii ., iii ., iv ., v ., vi .
" REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 6 o ' clock p . m ., on "Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
( Craft iHasonrg . LODGE OF ANTIQUITY ( No . 2 ) . —This distinguished lodge met in goodly numbers on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., and we observed among the visitors present Bros . Lieut .-Col . Shadwell Clerke , G . D . ; J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D . ; and Brodie . Bio . J . A . Batley was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by Bro . W . Hope , D . M ., in a very effective manner , and then took place a ceremony ,
which was undoubtedly the great event of the evening , and which conferred both pleasure and prestige on all concerned , as well as afforded much satisfaction to all present . It hael been decided to present Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton with his portrait , painted by Bro . Slept en Pearce , and the presentation was now to take p'ace . Bro . P . M . Swinburne , by permission of the D . M ., addressed Bro . Creaton in the
following manly and touching words , which were warmly appreciated and applauded by the brethren assembled : "Bio . G . Treasurer , I have been commanded by the W . M . to communicate to you the pleasure we all feel at your recent promotion to the office of high dignity and trust which you now hold in Grand Lodge , and to assure you that we all feel that by your promotion to this office the
lodge has had an honour conferred upon it also . You have for many years been a prominent member of the Craft , and have especially been associateel with what we all consieler its greatest good , namely , the noble Charities , which are the practical result of the teaching we have received in our profession as Masons , You have not alone given with an open hand , again and again , but you have done
more than this , lor although there have been many calls upon your time in the performance of the duties which have devolved upon you as a soldier , a magistrate , and a gentleman , you have , nevertheless , given the first and the best of your time , of your thought , of your patience , and of your labour to those excellent institutions , which are the chief honour of English Masonry . But it is not as a
distinguished officer of Granel Lodge , iur as a distinguished patron of the Masonic Charities , that I have been commanded to address you this evening . You have a personal claim nearer even than these , great as they are , in our common brotherhood . You are one of ourselves , a distinguished member of this grand old lodge , where you have especially served us in a manner most gratifying to
its members , namely , by promoting its unanimity and concord by your own kind and genial nature , and by upholding its dignity and traditions as its Master . The good work of a man is his test and most lasting monument , and his mission is , in one sense , illustrated by the monument of our greatest Master in the noble cathedral tliat adorns our city , for you read , on entering that building ,
that should you wish to see the monument of him who ercckel it , you must look around , and there it stands a grand and imperishable record of a Master of his lodge , klill , in this room wc find records of him scattered around us , and records not alone of him but of other illustrious Wasters of this lodge , whose names are household words " 1 Masonry . We have felt that one who has done so well
should not alone be remembered by his contemporaries , tut b y those who are to follow hereafter , and we trust who will follow in the footsteps of such a leader . And it occurred to us , on reflecting on your ° wn good work , that at some future time , when we shall a " of us have gone hence , some might care to know what
this Master of Antiquity was like that men spoke so Well of , and who did such good work in his time . And we therefore said , we have amongst us a distinguished painter ; We will confer with him ; he may perhaps help us to hand own—not the memory of our good friend and brother , ° t that we trust will be ever green—but his semblance as Pe appeared amongst us . And our good friend and Bro ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Stephen Pearce , with that generosity so characteristic of an artist , and of such an artist , has reproduced you here . Accept this , elcar brother , from us as a pledge of our brotherlylove anel friendship . Anel may you live long to enjoy the good will of this old Lodge of Antiquity , and when no longer with it , may this picture be where good Masons may sometimes see it , and when looking on it , say . " ' Ah ,
that was Creaton , the Grand Treasurer ; he was a Master of Antiquity , he stood well in the Craft , did good work in his time , and his name will go down to posterity on the Grand Muster Roll of good and great Masons . '" The following is the inscription on the picture : "Presented by H . R . H . Prince Leopold , K . G ., & c , & c , and the members of the lodge , to Lieut-Col . Creaton , Past Master of the lodge . '" At the
conclusion of his able address , Bro . P . M . Swinburne uncovered the portrait , which as a work of art was greatly admired , and reflects the most undoubted credit on the " limner ' s cunning hand . " Bro . Creaton " more suo" returned thanks for the kindly and fraternal compliment in a few well-chosen . worcs , which clearly came from the heart . It was then moved by Bro . J . Sampson l ' eirce , P . M ., and
seconded by Bro . Erasmus Wilson , P . M ., and carried unanimously , "That the best thanks of the lodge be offered to Bro . Stephen Pearce , for his kindly assistance in placing his great talents at the disposal of the lodge , to do hononr to Bro . Lie » t .-Col . Creaton . " Bro . Stephen Pearce acknowledged the compliment in a few feeling words . The
lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet and the pleasant reunion of the social circle , separating at an early hour , highly gratified with the gathering , and which will ever remain an " Alba Dies " in the warm memories of the many good Masons and fricr . dly men who compose the " phalanx" of " Olel Antiquity . "
IVY LODGE ( No . 14 + 1 ) . —On Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , under the guidance of Bro . Louis Cornellisen . The officers present were Bros . Ashwell , S . W . ; T . F . Knight Smith , J . W . and W . M . ilect ; Foster , S . D . ; Skegg , J . D . ; Burgess , I . G . ; A . Vernon , W . S . ; W . S . Ashford , D . C . ; Noke , P . M . ; Tolly ,
P . M ., Sec , and others . The minutes of last lodge meeting were duly read and confirmed . After the usual questions , Bros . Trehearne and Shaw were passed to the Fellow Craft Degree . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , and Bro . Francis Gill was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The W . M ., though speaking- in ( to him ) a foreign tongue , performed these several
ceremonics-excellently . The lodge was then resumed in the Second Degree , when the chair was taken by Bro . G-. Smith , P . M ., one of the founders , and the father of the lodge . Bro . T . F . Knight Smith was then duly inducted into the chair of K . S . The ceremony was rendered by Bro . Smith , P . M ., in a truly admirable manner throughout , the various orations being delivered fluently and impressively , and made a lasting
impression on the minds of those brethren who had the happiness of being present . The W . M . duly appointed and invested his officers . The W . M . hail the pleasing duty to present to the I . P . M ., Bro . Louis Cornellisen , a very beautiful jewel , and in so doing expressed a wish that Bro . Cornellisen might live many years to wear it , as a mark of the great esteem the Ivy Lodge felt for him , and for the
generous spirit he had frequently manifested . After some other business the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant , in consequence of the large hall being let for other purposes . This was to many a great inconvenience , and to a certain extent accounted for the sparse attendance , many members having to come from great distances . The
interests of the Craft are not so well considered at this hall as formally , at least murmurings of dissatisfaction are rife , and one would think it is certainly to the interests of the proprietors to eneleavour to remeely this in future . On reaching the Holborn Restaurant the brethren found an atmosphere of warmth , brightness , and geniality there , which soon dissipated both the effects of the journey anil
the very unpleasant weather , and sat down to a very excellent banquet , which gave great credit to that establishment and to its admirable manager , Bro . Ham p . In presenting the various loyal and Masonic toasts , the few remarks which fell from the W . M . were well receiveel , anil on replying to the toast proposed to his health by Bro . Cornellisen , I . P . M ., the W . M . said he felt it a great honour to
be placed in the position he was in that evening for many reasons , —he was one of the first initiates made in the lodge , and the first who had risen to the chair of the W . M . ; but not only that , he loved Masonry for its own sake , for its splendid traditions , its grand teachings , and its widespread Charities , and he would impress upon the brethren the importance of living up to those principles . In the
First Degree the beauties of moral truth were unveiled to the eyes of the brethren ; in the Second their attention was directed to the wonders of art and science , those endless fields of human investigation ; and in the Third those sublime teachings with regard to the future , the spirit of all religions , the necessity of preparing by well-orJered lives here if we would wish to obtain a happy entrance to the
Grand Lodge above . In presenting " The Health of the Installing Master , P . M . C . Smith , " the W . M . said it afforded him a great pleasure , as the P . M . was one of the founders and father of the lodge . He had initiated him and now completed the work he had so well begun by installing him in the chair of K . S ., and in so admirable a manner that it would make a lasting impression both on his
mind as well as on the minds of all the brethren present . Bro . C . Smith , in replying , said it afforded him great pleasure to render any service he could to the lodge , for he looked upon it as his child , and loved Masonry in his heart , and trusted it would go on and prosper in the future as it had done in the past . The toast of "The Visitors " was well responded to by Bro 3 . Farwig , W . M . St . James ' s Union , and Dr . Oswald , P . M . 1328 . The toast of "The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Past Masters " was duly honoured and acknowledged by I . P . M . Bro . Cornellisen and P . M . Bro . Matlock ; and P . M . Bro . Cantlc the services of Treasurer . Bro . P . M . fllatlock and Bro . P . M . Jolly were duly acknowledged , and after " The Officers " the Tyler's toast brought a very happy evening to a close . The brethren were enlivened during the evening by some songs well sung by Bros . P . M . Ion Cantle , Kift , Martin , and Cooper ; anel some
excellent readings by Bro . Reynolds . Bro . Kift presided efficiently at the piano . Among the visitors present were Bros . Pollard , W . M . 16 9 + ; Farwig , W . M . 1 S 0 ; W . H . Morgan , 1383 ; L . Sane , 1402 ; J . G . Rush , 1201 ; J . P . Tonge , 1216 ; and P . M . ' s HuM , 87 , and J . W . Oswald , 1328 ; Thurkle , P . M . 87 ; anel Bros . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ( Hon . Mem . ) ; W . J . Large , S . W . 13 21 ; and many other brethren .
SIR HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE ( No . 1602 ) . —The regular meeting of this loelge was held in the Agricultural Hall on the 28 th ult . Theie were present Bros . T . J . Coombs , W . M . ; E . Somers , P . M . ; E . G . Sim , P . M . ; —Lee , P . M . ; A . J . Rowley , S . W . ; John Weston , J . W . ; John Greenfield , Treas . ; John Oshorn , Sec . ; W . Noriiss , S . D . ; W . T . Poulton , I . D . ; H . Field , I . G . ; W .
Oppenheivn , D . C ; R . G . Thomas , Organist ; T . J . Rimcll , Steward ; W . Steedman , Tyler ; R . Allison , J . Fitlong , E . Payn , Wm . Payn , James Alexander , K . J . Pe-ircy , J . Brewer , James Crocker , E . Pelikin , J . Raffety , G . Tarrant , J . Kitchiner , C . Parslow , H . T . Godolphin , S . Hollidge , and A . H . Chisholm { Freemason ) . The visitors present were Bros . II . Sprake , 815 ; J . O'Connor , 1330 ; B . Clark ,
1507 ; J . Humphreys , 167 ; It . Pearcy , W . M . 228 ; J . L . Cogan , W . M . 136 5 ; and E . Roberts , 1 C 23 . The loelge was opened at five o ' clock , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Alexander was passed . I he balbt was then taken for Mr . T . C . Duncan , who , being unanimously approved , was initiated into the secrets and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . A . F .
Rowley was , by a majority of one , electee ! to hi the office of W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bros . Greenfield , Treas ., and Steedman , Tyler , were unanimously re-elected . Bros . Tarrant , Raffety , and Hrlong were appointed Auditor ? . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel was , on the motion of Bro . Somers , voted out of the funds of the lodge to the retiring W . M ., 5 which will be presented to him at the
installation meeting in May . Bro . Coombs , in a few appropriate remarks , acknowledged the generous presentation , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner in the lodge-room , the W . M . presiding . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , interspersed with some capital songs , and after spending a few pleasant hours together , the brethren adjourned until the 23 rd of May .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . —The regular meeting of this well established and most prosperous lodge was held at the New Market Hotel , Kingstreet , West Smithfield , on Thursday , the 201 I 1 ult . Bio . G . S . Elliott , W . M ., opened the loelge . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read , unanimously confirmed , and signed by the W . M . The ballot taken for Mr . John
Rose was dcclareel to be unanimous in favour of his admission . The W . M ., Bro . G . S . Elliott , in an impressive , correct , and painstaking manner raised Bros . Greenwood , Smith , Wcolridge , P . Bowley , and Allen , passeel Bros . Kinloch and Cork , then completed his heavy eluties by initiating Mr . Richard Titcomb into Freemasonry . Bro . G . S . Elliott , W . M ., was highly complimented for
the admirable style in which he had rendeted every part of the work , his working being an intellectual treat to all who had the good fortune to be present . The proposed bye-laws were then read through by the energetic Secretary , Bro . E . Mallelt , P . M . 141 , who explained to the lodge that he had sent a copy of these bye-laws to every members , as every item in them had been fully discussed at
a previous meeting . On the motion of Bro . W . Malthouse , J . D ., seconded by Bro . G . H . Stephens , W . S ., it was unanimously resolved , "That the bye-laws , submittal to the lodge , do become its bye-laws , that they be sub . nitteel to Grand Lodge , anil when approved of by the Granel Secretary the same be printed , and copies issued to all the members . " Bro . W . Malthouse , J . D ., whe > had been
unanimously elected as Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Boys' School , maele an eloquent and soul-stirring appeal to the members to support him , as their representative of the lodge , at that festival . If eloquence and a clear matter of fact statement , shewing how much the noble Institution needed their support , had any effect—and we are sure no Steward could equal our
zealous brother in his endeavours to enlist the sympathies of all who were present—no doubt his list will be well upported . The names of several gentlemen were given in who were anxious to be initiated into Freemasonry . Letters of apology for absence were read from those officers who couid not attend in consequence of severe ill-health , viz ., Bros . John Johnson , J . W . ( since died , on the 211 th ult .,
of bronchitis and disease of the heart ) , and Frederick Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer . Business being ended , the lodge was closed and adjourned . The banquet then followed , served under the special superintendence of the kind and genial host , Bro . Thomas Butt , who was wejl supported , in his endeavours to give satisfaction and comfort to all present , by his sons , Bros . T . M . Butt
and W . Butt . We need harell y here remark that the worthy host has earned a good anil lasting repute for the good catering and lavish expenditure to make everything first-rate with which he puts on ali his banquets . Great things were txpecteel of him when he commenced his career
as a Masonic caterer , and he has proved his capabilities by the exquisite manner he has done his business . The usual routine of Masonic toasts were given and responded to , that of " The Visitors" being answered by Bro . Elliott , 749 ( father of the Worshipful Master , Bro . G . S . Elliott ) , thanking the W . M ., Past Masters , officers , anil