Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 2 →
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REPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry 'JJ Mark Masonry = 7 _'' j Chapter ' 7 t ' ' crationof the Morninpton Lodge 172 i- " cecration of the Ancient Briton Lodge i /\ 1 rtlval ' of the Stability Lodrje of Instruction r 74 v ¦ n ' cial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland 17 . 1 £ "" . 1 Masonic Institution for Girls J 75 K ° - \„ ; and General Tidings ' 5 s « "fMovements of our Royal Grand Master ijfi
rC « Canbct and Grimaux ' 7 * K'K ' ew Grand Officers 176 R ^ siaaml Turkey > 77 . . . Memoriam 17 & CORRESPONDENCE : - Commemorative LifeDoats l l ° True Masonic Charity . ' 17 S at Grand 78
The Organ Lodge r Freemasonry in South Africa r 7 s Honour Worthily Bestowed r 79 csctcr Masonic Hall 17 ° Provincial Grand Chapter of Leicestershire i / ° Provincial Grand Chapter of East Lancashire r 7 'J The Tews and the German Grand Lodges rSo lodge Meetings for Next Week rSo Advertisements iSo . i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft W MWPI *
MONTEFIORE LODGE ( No . 1017 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , April 25 th . The minutes of the previous meeting having ; been read and confirmed , Bro . Bordereau was passed to the Second Degree . Lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . Benjamin and Ernstein were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons .
The Hon . Secretary of the Montefiore Committee reported that 230 petitions referring to the exclusion of ncn-Christians from German lodges had been returned duly signed , together with many letters sympathising with the object the committee had in view . He further reported that the letter from the Joppa Committee had been duly considered , and a reply sent on 28 th March , stating that
the Montefiore Committee was willing to meet tne Joppa and any other committee ; but no reply had been received to that communication . It was unanimously resolved that letters of condolence should be sent to Bro . Albert , P . M ., P . G . P ., Secretary to the lodge , and to Bro . W . Clifford Eskell , P . M ., on their recent bereavement . URBAN LODGE ( No . 1196 ) . —The last regular
meeting of this lodge was held en the 24 th ult . at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenvvell . The previous evening Shakespeare ' s memory was duly honoured according to ancient custom by the members of the Urban Club , from which the lodge sprang . Under the presidency of the well-known dramatist , Dr . Westland Marston , assisted by Dr . Doran as " vice , " a company assembled at the old Gate ,
numbering upwards of one hundred gentlemen , nearly all of whom are more or less known in the literary world . The Right Hon . W . E . Gladstone , M . P ., had announced that he would be present on the occasion , but in the course of the day Bro . Loverdo received a note from the right honourable gentleman " regretting his inability to release himself from Parliamentary engagements . " Dr .
Schlicmann , of Mycenae , Professor Fawcett , M . P ., and the following sat down to dinner : —Sir E . Lechmere , M . Y * ., Sir John Bennett , Dr . Carpenter , C , Horsley , F . W . Koch , > . W . J . Hunter , Chas . Harcourt , Dr . G . G . Zcrffi , R . H . Pearson , P . J . Duffy , Dr . Barringer , Jonathan Pearson , W . G . Kent , Donald King , R . Farquharson , J . Dionysius Loverdo , George G . Fairchild , Wilhelm Ganz , Reuben
Green , B . J . Jeffery , S . S . Bacca , S . Lehmeyer , J . Redding , Ware , and others . In the above list we have Grand Officers , Past Masters , and other brethren well-known in the Craft , and we must congratulate the Urban Lodge on its success . At the last meeting Bro . Simpson , W . M ,, presided , assisted by his officers , Bros . Edwin Legge , S . W . ; Webb , J . W . ; Heath , h . D . ; Loverdo , J . D . ; Eckstein ,
I . G . ; Lehmeyer , Org . ; Carpenter , P . M ., Treas . ; Marston , P . M ., D . C . ; and Radford , W . S . The lodge was opened and minutes confirmed . Bros . Caspar , Clark , and Tacon were passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Fairchild proposed , and Bro . Heath seconded , that the initiation fee be raised to ten guineas , and the joining fee to five , which was unanimously carried . Notice was given that at the next meeting the annual subscription should be raised .
After some formal business the lodge was closed and adjourned to the fourth Tuesday in October next . At the tunquet the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bros . Lehmeyer and Bianchi , the accomplished pianists , enlivened the proceedings with several executions on the piano , chiefly their own compositions . Bro . Marsh ( Henry Marston ) gave a recitation in a very effective Wanner , Bros . Carpenter , Bacca , Heath , and Jones some capital singing .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( No . 1287 ) . — At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on Thursday , the ' 9 'li ult ., there were present Bros . Jupe , W . M . ; Christie , S . W . ; West , J . W . ; Robinson and Arkell , Deacons ; Jack-•* ' " , I . G . ; Timberlake , D . C . The business before the lod ge was to initiate Messrs . Sommet , Pallett , Edgar , D ubby , and Bradford , but , unfortunately , the four latter " ¦ d y appeared . The W . M . having given these brethre » their qualifications , rose in the customary manner , * "fn the name of a candidate was announced for the next
assembling , and the lodge was closed in due form . Besides the brethren mentioned above , there were Bros . Lan-Mster , I . p . M . ; Forbes , P . M . s' Statens ( Sec ) , Reed , and ff ebb ( Treas . ); T . Adams , and J . Terry . Hon . Sec ; also * large number of visitors and brethren . This being the
3 st ni ght of the season there vvas a banquet , and on the bating of the cloth the usual Masonic toasts were given * " < 1 dul y responded to . During the evening P . M . ' s Reed , « bb , Forbes , and Bros . Harper , Soden , Kempton , Owen , J * Arkell enlivened the company with songs and recita-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ALFORD . — Hamilton Lodge ( No . 1600 ) . —The festival of St . John and the installation of the "W . M . was celebrated on Monday , the 3 0 th March . This is the first anniversary ( consecrated 30 th March , 1876 ) of this lodge , the " Hamilton , " named after the lord of the manor , and who , as a good landlord , is much respected and very popular . This day will doubtless be long
remembered by those brethren who were privileged to be present , not only on account of the presence of the D . P . G . M ., W . Bro . W . H . Smyth , a member of this lodge , but for the splendid working of the Installing Officer , Bro . C . Smyth , P . P . G . P ., the retiring W . M ., who well and worthily installed his successor , Bro . R . Garfit , into the chair of K . S . After the confirmation of the minutes , which showed
that the S . W ., Bro . Garfit , had received the unanimous votes of the brethren , Bro . W . O . Taylor , an E . A ., answered the questions put from the chair in a very satisfactory manner , which reflected credit upon the brother who had undertaken this portion of the work . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Taylor was passed in a manner , we were about to add faultless ,
but , really , this is perhaps too strong a term ; however , in justice to the W . M . and the officers , it may be said that the ceremony was performed as near the " Emulation working " as could be desired . To particularise , the charge and tracing board by the S . W ., and the working tools , specially prepared by the W . M ., were to use the term advisedly , splendidly given , and a treat rarely enjoyed , we may say ,
even in this large province of Lincolnshire . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and a Board of Installed Masters 5 pened . Bro . C . Smyth in this difficult work , as in the subsequent addresses , and in a manner that is rarely attained or ever excelled but by the few , installed Bro . Robert Garfit , S . W ., into the chair of K . S . The officers invested were as follows : Bros . F . Higgins , S . W .
and Treas . ; T . C Johnson , J . W . and Sec ; B . A . Galland , Chap . ; C . Brooks , S . D . ; E . A . Young , J . D . ; T . A . Handslcy , I . G . ; and Bros . J . E . Mason and G . Bosson , Stewards . There was no proposition as to Tyler , and this appointment stood over . The retiring W . M . was appointed I . P . M . This formal business being over , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the White Horse
Hotel , where Mr . Hibbitt had provided a banquet exceedingly pleasing to the brethren , and most creditable to himself . Time and tide waiting for no man , neither will the railways in this part of Lincolnshire admit of but the nicest arrangements , consequently the D . P . G . M . had to leave at a very early hour , not , however , until the W . M . had secured from him a response ( taken out of order to
admit of it ) to the toast of "The P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M . and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire . " The D . P . G . M . paid a high tribute to the working of the lodge , and he was convinced from personal observation that the Hamilton Lodge , although the last on the roll of the province , yet must be taken to be among the foremost in the work of a proper and well-conducted lodge . In proposing
the toast of " The I . P . M ., Bro . C . Smyth , the founder of the Hamilton Lodge , " Bro . the Rev . B . A . Galland , Chap . Apollo , Oxford , and P . M ., in felicitous terms , expressed his admiration of the working of the lodge , and , suiting the action to the word , in the name of the lodge , affixed a valuable P . M . jewel to the breast of the I . I'JM ., who briefly , in a voice broken by emotion , thanked
the brethren .. The sum of £ 5 , afterwards supplemented by a whip round of £ 1 5 s . Cd , and a sovereign , specially contributed by the worthy Chaplain — total , £ "J 5 s . 6 d . — was there and then handed over to Bro . J . Fowler , ex-Mayor of Louth , P . P . G . W ., the Charity Steward , to be devoted to the " Oliver Memorial Fund . " Bro . the Rev . G . Lowe , in
proposing the toast oE " The W . M ., " felt that he indeed was a privileged member of the Craft in being present at this first anniversary of the Hamilton Lodge , for although the I . P . M . was so pat and nice , yet the newly-installed W . M . had taught himself , and , he believed , even older Masons than he , how to invest the officers of a lodge , and to conduct the business of the chair . The W . M .
deprecated his own work , but felt that the officers of the Hamilton Lodge for the ensuing year would fully maintain the reputation for the good and perfect working it had so justly earned in the past , although it vvas the first year of its existence . Other Masonic and complimentary toasts followed , and an exceedingly instructive day was very harmoniously closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 1 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Little Britain , on Tuesday , the 1 st inst . Present : Bros . Chas . Horsley , W . M . ; E . H . Thiellay , S . W . ; H . A . Dubois , J . W . ; H . C . Levander , Treas ., jP . M . ; Gcorge ^ Kenning , Sec ., 'P . M . ; T .
Cubitt , P . M . ; T . B . Yeoman , P . M . ; Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , I . P . M . ; W . Stephens , E . L . Shepherd , E . Stanton Jones , and George Newman . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Thiellay was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Levander , Treas . ; and Bro . Gilbert , Tyler .
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 104 ) . —This lodge met at the Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , Coleman-st ., E . C , on Friday , the 20 th ult ., and was attended by a large muster of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . T . W . White , W . M . ; Alfred Williams , P . G . S ., S . W . ; G . W . Verry , as J . W . ; E . Moody , M . O . ; F . Cozens , S . O ., and R . M . ; W . P . Collins , J . O . ; the V . W . Bro . T . Meggy ,
P . G . M . O ., P . M ., and Treas . ; the V . W . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . J . O ., P . M ., as Sec . ; Bros . N . J . F . Basnett , S . D . ; George Yaxley . J . D . ; W . C . Hale , Org . ; J . K . Pitt , I . G . ; Grant , Tyler ; also Bros . W . Worrell , P . M ., P . G . Org . ; C . R . Crommelin , W . Johnston , F . G . Raggett , J . R . Williams , T . de Seliva , and others . Bro . R . W . Brown , of the newly-constituted Croydon Mark lodge ;
Mark Masonry.
198 , was the only visitor on this occasion . The lodge having been opened , Bro . T . W . Simons was duly balloted for , approved of , and advanced to the honourable degree of M . M . M ., the V . W . Bro . Meggy conducting the ceremony with his usual skill and ability . The lodge then proceeded to the election of W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , and Bro . Alfred Williams was unanimously
elected to the office of W . M ., and Bro . Meggy was reelected as Treasurer . Both appointments gave great satisfaction , and the announcement of each respective election was received with applause . Bro . Grant was re-elected Tyler . Bros . J . R . Williams and R . Johnston were elected on the Audit Committee . Candidates were proposed for the ensuing meeting , which will also be that of
installation . The Past Master ' s jewel of the lodge was voted to Bro . T . W . White in recognition of his services during the past year . Bro . James Stevens gave notice of motion , " That the sum of ten guineas be voted by the lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the same to be placed on the list and in the name of Bro . Meggy , who will represent the Mark Degree at the ensuing festival
of that Institution . " The lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the newly advanced brother , Bro . T . W . Simons , was cordially welcomed , and responded to the good wishes expressed towards him in a neat and forcible speech , and , to the great delight of the brethren gave an admirable specimen
of his professional vocal powers . To the toast of " The Visitor , Bro . R . W . Brown , " was appended " Success and Prosperity to the Croydon Mark Lodge , No . 198 , the first god-child of the Macdonald , " in reply to which , after Bro . Brown had suitably acknowledged his personal appreciation of the welcome accorded to him , Bro . Geo . Yaxley , the W . M ., and Bro . J . K . Pitt , the J . W . respectively of the
Croydon Lodge , expressed their sense of the benefits derived by that lodge from association with the Macdonald , the assistance rendered to it by Bros . Meggy and Stevens at its consecration , and their conviction that the new lodge would be a worthy branch of the parent stem . The remaining toasts were honoured , special reference being
made , in response to that of " The Officers , " to the past exertions of the Treasurer , Bro . Meggy , and the hope that the same be remembered and recognised by liberal additions to his Steward ' s list at the next Boys' Festival . Another most agreeable evening , enlivened by song and social converse , was added to the many pleasant gatherings associated with the Macdonald .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The quarterly convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of England was holden on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Comp . Lord De Tabley occupied the chair of M . E . Z . ; Comp . Dr . Hamilton , that of H . ; Comp . S . Rawson , that of J . ; Comp . John Hervey , S . E . ; Comp . Col . Creaton , as S . N . ;
Comp . Rucker , as P . S . ; Comp . James Glaisher , as 1 st A . S . ; Comp . Lieut-Col . Thomas Birchall , as 2 nd A . S . ; and Comps . J . J . Barron , Std . Br . ; John Case , D . C . ; Capt . Piatt ; Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . S . B . ; Benj . Head , P . G . S . B . ; J . C . Parkinson , P . G . S . B . ; Thos . Fenn ; Robert Gray , P . P . S . ; S . Leith Tomkins , P . G . P . S . ; E . G . Snell , P . G . D . C . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . C . ; Geo . Lemann ,
Z . 176 ; A . J . B . Bumstead , Z . 79 ; W . F . Nettleship , P . Z . 8 ; G . T . Talent , Z . 186 ; F . Davison , P . Z . 1293 ; B . H ., Mallin , Z . 77 ; W . Hideman , P . Z . 130 ; II . Massey , P . M . 619 ( Freemason ); John Seex , P . Z . 186 ; John Boyd , P . Z . 145 ; Matthew Cooke . P . Z . 534 ; Daniel Roberts , J . 403 ; W . Stephens , P . Z . 1365 ; James L . Thomas , P . Z . i ^ j John Cornham , H . 22 ; H . Muggeridge , P . G . S . B . ; John
Coutts , Peter De L . Long , G . W . Paten , Z . 2 ; Geo . J . Palmer , Z . 11 ; A . J . Duff Filer , P . Z . 28 ; Joseph Smith , S . Rawson , P . G . Sup . China ; Dr . Robert Hamilton , Hugh D . Sandeman , P . G . Sup . ; A . A . Pendlebury , P . Z . 1056 ; Hyde Clarke , P . Z . Polish National ; F . Johnson , J . 259 ; Geo . Moxon , J . 771 ; Herbert Dicketts , P . Z . 145 ; "Wm . Bywater , P . Z . 19 ; W . Smallpiece , H . 2 r ; W . A . Bowler ,
P . Z . 51 ; G . R . Shervill , Z . 534 ; John J . Wilson , Z . 25 ; W . A Tinney , J . 1 C 3 John Taylor , J . 933 ; Dr . W . Rhys Williams , F . G . Baker , C . Burmeister , Z . 538 ; J . J . Berry , J- 554 ; Jas . W . Stobbs , J . 1365 ; C . F . Hogard , Z . 141 ; Thos . S . Carter , Z . 503 ; Wm . F . C . Moutrie , P . Z . n ; Peter Parsons , J . 1348 ; E . Driver , H . 742 ; H . C . Levander ,
P . Z . 1294 ; Richard Pine , P . Z . 79 ; John Palmer , H . 1 ^ 48 ; Thos . Kingston , H . 862 ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . D . C . ; H . G Buss , P . Z . ; and C . B . Payne , Janitor . After the formal opening of Grand Chapter , Comp . Hervey , S . E ., read the regulations for the government of the Supreme Grand Chapter during the time of public husiness .
The minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation were then read and confirmed . After this the installation of the Grand Officers for the year was proceeded with , and the following companions were announced and invested as Grand Officers : —His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . E . Z . ; the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Z . ; Lord Skelmersdale , H . ; Lord
De Tabley , J . ; John Hervey , S . E . ; Capt . N . G . Philips , S . N . ; Peter De Lande Long , P . S . ; W . Hickman , First A . S . ; Dr . W . Rhys Williams , Second A . S . ; Samuel Tomkins , Grand Treasurer ; Al . J . Mclntyre , Q . C ., G . Reg . ; A . J . Duff Filer , Sword Bearer ; W . F . Nettleship , Standard Bearer ; Francis Robinson , D . C . ; and C . B . Payne , Janitor , The report of the Committee of General Purposes was
then taken as read and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes . It was as follows : — To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th January , 1877 , to the 17 th April , 1877 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : - Craft Masonry 'JJ Mark Masonry = 7 _'' j Chapter ' 7 t ' ' crationof the Morninpton Lodge 172 i- " cecration of the Ancient Briton Lodge i /\ 1 rtlval ' of the Stability Lodrje of Instruction r 74 v ¦ n ' cial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland 17 . 1 £ "" . 1 Masonic Institution for Girls J 75 K ° - \„ ; and General Tidings ' 5 s « "fMovements of our Royal Grand Master ijfi
rC « Canbct and Grimaux ' 7 * K'K ' ew Grand Officers 176 R ^ siaaml Turkey > 77 . . . Memoriam 17 & CORRESPONDENCE : - Commemorative LifeDoats l l ° True Masonic Charity . ' 17 S at Grand 78
The Organ Lodge r Freemasonry in South Africa r 7 s Honour Worthily Bestowed r 79 csctcr Masonic Hall 17 ° Provincial Grand Chapter of Leicestershire i / ° Provincial Grand Chapter of East Lancashire r 7 'J The Tews and the German Grand Lodges rSo lodge Meetings for Next Week rSo Advertisements iSo . i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft W MWPI *
MONTEFIORE LODGE ( No . 1017 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , April 25 th . The minutes of the previous meeting having ; been read and confirmed , Bro . Bordereau was passed to the Second Degree . Lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . Benjamin and Ernstein were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons .
The Hon . Secretary of the Montefiore Committee reported that 230 petitions referring to the exclusion of ncn-Christians from German lodges had been returned duly signed , together with many letters sympathising with the object the committee had in view . He further reported that the letter from the Joppa Committee had been duly considered , and a reply sent on 28 th March , stating that
the Montefiore Committee was willing to meet tne Joppa and any other committee ; but no reply had been received to that communication . It was unanimously resolved that letters of condolence should be sent to Bro . Albert , P . M ., P . G . P ., Secretary to the lodge , and to Bro . W . Clifford Eskell , P . M ., on their recent bereavement . URBAN LODGE ( No . 1196 ) . —The last regular
meeting of this lodge was held en the 24 th ult . at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenvvell . The previous evening Shakespeare ' s memory was duly honoured according to ancient custom by the members of the Urban Club , from which the lodge sprang . Under the presidency of the well-known dramatist , Dr . Westland Marston , assisted by Dr . Doran as " vice , " a company assembled at the old Gate ,
numbering upwards of one hundred gentlemen , nearly all of whom are more or less known in the literary world . The Right Hon . W . E . Gladstone , M . P ., had announced that he would be present on the occasion , but in the course of the day Bro . Loverdo received a note from the right honourable gentleman " regretting his inability to release himself from Parliamentary engagements . " Dr .
Schlicmann , of Mycenae , Professor Fawcett , M . P ., and the following sat down to dinner : —Sir E . Lechmere , M . Y * ., Sir John Bennett , Dr . Carpenter , C , Horsley , F . W . Koch , > . W . J . Hunter , Chas . Harcourt , Dr . G . G . Zcrffi , R . H . Pearson , P . J . Duffy , Dr . Barringer , Jonathan Pearson , W . G . Kent , Donald King , R . Farquharson , J . Dionysius Loverdo , George G . Fairchild , Wilhelm Ganz , Reuben
Green , B . J . Jeffery , S . S . Bacca , S . Lehmeyer , J . Redding , Ware , and others . In the above list we have Grand Officers , Past Masters , and other brethren well-known in the Craft , and we must congratulate the Urban Lodge on its success . At the last meeting Bro . Simpson , W . M ,, presided , assisted by his officers , Bros . Edwin Legge , S . W . ; Webb , J . W . ; Heath , h . D . ; Loverdo , J . D . ; Eckstein ,
I . G . ; Lehmeyer , Org . ; Carpenter , P . M ., Treas . ; Marston , P . M ., D . C . ; and Radford , W . S . The lodge was opened and minutes confirmed . Bros . Caspar , Clark , and Tacon were passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Fairchild proposed , and Bro . Heath seconded , that the initiation fee be raised to ten guineas , and the joining fee to five , which was unanimously carried . Notice was given that at the next meeting the annual subscription should be raised .
After some formal business the lodge was closed and adjourned to the fourth Tuesday in October next . At the tunquet the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bros . Lehmeyer and Bianchi , the accomplished pianists , enlivened the proceedings with several executions on the piano , chiefly their own compositions . Bro . Marsh ( Henry Marston ) gave a recitation in a very effective Wanner , Bros . Carpenter , Bacca , Heath , and Jones some capital singing .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( No . 1287 ) . — At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on Thursday , the ' 9 'li ult ., there were present Bros . Jupe , W . M . ; Christie , S . W . ; West , J . W . ; Robinson and Arkell , Deacons ; Jack-•* ' " , I . G . ; Timberlake , D . C . The business before the lod ge was to initiate Messrs . Sommet , Pallett , Edgar , D ubby , and Bradford , but , unfortunately , the four latter " ¦ d y appeared . The W . M . having given these brethre » their qualifications , rose in the customary manner , * "fn the name of a candidate was announced for the next
assembling , and the lodge was closed in due form . Besides the brethren mentioned above , there were Bros . Lan-Mster , I . p . M . ; Forbes , P . M . s' Statens ( Sec ) , Reed , and ff ebb ( Treas . ); T . Adams , and J . Terry . Hon . Sec ; also * large number of visitors and brethren . This being the
3 st ni ght of the season there vvas a banquet , and on the bating of the cloth the usual Masonic toasts were given * " < 1 dul y responded to . During the evening P . M . ' s Reed , « bb , Forbes , and Bros . Harper , Soden , Kempton , Owen , J * Arkell enlivened the company with songs and recita-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ALFORD . — Hamilton Lodge ( No . 1600 ) . —The festival of St . John and the installation of the "W . M . was celebrated on Monday , the 3 0 th March . This is the first anniversary ( consecrated 30 th March , 1876 ) of this lodge , the " Hamilton , " named after the lord of the manor , and who , as a good landlord , is much respected and very popular . This day will doubtless be long
remembered by those brethren who were privileged to be present , not only on account of the presence of the D . P . G . M ., W . Bro . W . H . Smyth , a member of this lodge , but for the splendid working of the Installing Officer , Bro . C . Smyth , P . P . G . P ., the retiring W . M ., who well and worthily installed his successor , Bro . R . Garfit , into the chair of K . S . After the confirmation of the minutes , which showed
that the S . W ., Bro . Garfit , had received the unanimous votes of the brethren , Bro . W . O . Taylor , an E . A ., answered the questions put from the chair in a very satisfactory manner , which reflected credit upon the brother who had undertaken this portion of the work . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Taylor was passed in a manner , we were about to add faultless ,
but , really , this is perhaps too strong a term ; however , in justice to the W . M . and the officers , it may be said that the ceremony was performed as near the " Emulation working " as could be desired . To particularise , the charge and tracing board by the S . W ., and the working tools , specially prepared by the W . M ., were to use the term advisedly , splendidly given , and a treat rarely enjoyed , we may say ,
even in this large province of Lincolnshire . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and a Board of Installed Masters 5 pened . Bro . C . Smyth in this difficult work , as in the subsequent addresses , and in a manner that is rarely attained or ever excelled but by the few , installed Bro . Robert Garfit , S . W ., into the chair of K . S . The officers invested were as follows : Bros . F . Higgins , S . W .
and Treas . ; T . C Johnson , J . W . and Sec ; B . A . Galland , Chap . ; C . Brooks , S . D . ; E . A . Young , J . D . ; T . A . Handslcy , I . G . ; and Bros . J . E . Mason and G . Bosson , Stewards . There was no proposition as to Tyler , and this appointment stood over . The retiring W . M . was appointed I . P . M . This formal business being over , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the White Horse
Hotel , where Mr . Hibbitt had provided a banquet exceedingly pleasing to the brethren , and most creditable to himself . Time and tide waiting for no man , neither will the railways in this part of Lincolnshire admit of but the nicest arrangements , consequently the D . P . G . M . had to leave at a very early hour , not , however , until the W . M . had secured from him a response ( taken out of order to
admit of it ) to the toast of "The P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M . and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire . " The D . P . G . M . paid a high tribute to the working of the lodge , and he was convinced from personal observation that the Hamilton Lodge , although the last on the roll of the province , yet must be taken to be among the foremost in the work of a proper and well-conducted lodge . In proposing
the toast of " The I . P . M ., Bro . C . Smyth , the founder of the Hamilton Lodge , " Bro . the Rev . B . A . Galland , Chap . Apollo , Oxford , and P . M ., in felicitous terms , expressed his admiration of the working of the lodge , and , suiting the action to the word , in the name of the lodge , affixed a valuable P . M . jewel to the breast of the I . I'JM ., who briefly , in a voice broken by emotion , thanked
the brethren .. The sum of £ 5 , afterwards supplemented by a whip round of £ 1 5 s . Cd , and a sovereign , specially contributed by the worthy Chaplain — total , £ "J 5 s . 6 d . — was there and then handed over to Bro . J . Fowler , ex-Mayor of Louth , P . P . G . W ., the Charity Steward , to be devoted to the " Oliver Memorial Fund . " Bro . the Rev . G . Lowe , in
proposing the toast oE " The W . M ., " felt that he indeed was a privileged member of the Craft in being present at this first anniversary of the Hamilton Lodge , for although the I . P . M . was so pat and nice , yet the newly-installed W . M . had taught himself , and , he believed , even older Masons than he , how to invest the officers of a lodge , and to conduct the business of the chair . The W . M .
deprecated his own work , but felt that the officers of the Hamilton Lodge for the ensuing year would fully maintain the reputation for the good and perfect working it had so justly earned in the past , although it vvas the first year of its existence . Other Masonic and complimentary toasts followed , and an exceedingly instructive day was very harmoniously closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
ST . MARK'S LODGE ( No . 1 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Little Britain , on Tuesday , the 1 st inst . Present : Bros . Chas . Horsley , W . M . ; E . H . Thiellay , S . W . ; H . A . Dubois , J . W . ; H . C . Levander , Treas ., jP . M . ; Gcorge ^ Kenning , Sec ., 'P . M . ; T .
Cubitt , P . M . ; T . B . Yeoman , P . M . ; Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , I . P . M . ; W . Stephens , E . L . Shepherd , E . Stanton Jones , and George Newman . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Thiellay was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Levander , Treas . ; and Bro . Gilbert , Tyler .
MACDONALD LODGE ( No . 104 ) . —This lodge met at the Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , Coleman-st ., E . C , on Friday , the 20 th ult ., and was attended by a large muster of brethren , amongst whom were Bros . T . W . White , W . M . ; Alfred Williams , P . G . S ., S . W . ; G . W . Verry , as J . W . ; E . Moody , M . O . ; F . Cozens , S . O ., and R . M . ; W . P . Collins , J . O . ; the V . W . Bro . T . Meggy ,
P . G . M . O ., P . M ., and Treas . ; the V . W . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . J . O ., P . M ., as Sec . ; Bros . N . J . F . Basnett , S . D . ; George Yaxley . J . D . ; W . C . Hale , Org . ; J . K . Pitt , I . G . ; Grant , Tyler ; also Bros . W . Worrell , P . M ., P . G . Org . ; C . R . Crommelin , W . Johnston , F . G . Raggett , J . R . Williams , T . de Seliva , and others . Bro . R . W . Brown , of the newly-constituted Croydon Mark lodge ;
Mark Masonry.
198 , was the only visitor on this occasion . The lodge having been opened , Bro . T . W . Simons was duly balloted for , approved of , and advanced to the honourable degree of M . M . M ., the V . W . Bro . Meggy conducting the ceremony with his usual skill and ability . The lodge then proceeded to the election of W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , and Bro . Alfred Williams was unanimously
elected to the office of W . M ., and Bro . Meggy was reelected as Treasurer . Both appointments gave great satisfaction , and the announcement of each respective election was received with applause . Bro . Grant was re-elected Tyler . Bros . J . R . Williams and R . Johnston were elected on the Audit Committee . Candidates were proposed for the ensuing meeting , which will also be that of
installation . The Past Master ' s jewel of the lodge was voted to Bro . T . W . White in recognition of his services during the past year . Bro . James Stevens gave notice of motion , " That the sum of ten guineas be voted by the lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , the same to be placed on the list and in the name of Bro . Meggy , who will represent the Mark Degree at the ensuing festival
of that Institution . " The lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the newly advanced brother , Bro . T . W . Simons , was cordially welcomed , and responded to the good wishes expressed towards him in a neat and forcible speech , and , to the great delight of the brethren gave an admirable specimen
of his professional vocal powers . To the toast of " The Visitor , Bro . R . W . Brown , " was appended " Success and Prosperity to the Croydon Mark Lodge , No . 198 , the first god-child of the Macdonald , " in reply to which , after Bro . Brown had suitably acknowledged his personal appreciation of the welcome accorded to him , Bro . Geo . Yaxley , the W . M ., and Bro . J . K . Pitt , the J . W . respectively of the
Croydon Lodge , expressed their sense of the benefits derived by that lodge from association with the Macdonald , the assistance rendered to it by Bros . Meggy and Stevens at its consecration , and their conviction that the new lodge would be a worthy branch of the parent stem . The remaining toasts were honoured , special reference being
made , in response to that of " The Officers , " to the past exertions of the Treasurer , Bro . Meggy , and the hope that the same be remembered and recognised by liberal additions to his Steward ' s list at the next Boys' Festival . Another most agreeable evening , enlivened by song and social converse , was added to the many pleasant gatherings associated with the Macdonald .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
The quarterly convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons of England was holden on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Comp . Lord De Tabley occupied the chair of M . E . Z . ; Comp . Dr . Hamilton , that of H . ; Comp . S . Rawson , that of J . ; Comp . John Hervey , S . E . ; Comp . Col . Creaton , as S . N . ;
Comp . Rucker , as P . S . ; Comp . James Glaisher , as 1 st A . S . ; Comp . Lieut-Col . Thomas Birchall , as 2 nd A . S . ; and Comps . J . J . Barron , Std . Br . ; John Case , D . C . ; Capt . Piatt ; Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . S . B . ; Benj . Head , P . G . S . B . ; J . C . Parkinson , P . G . S . B . ; Thos . Fenn ; Robert Gray , P . P . S . ; S . Leith Tomkins , P . G . P . S . ; E . G . Snell , P . G . D . C . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . D . C . ; Geo . Lemann ,
Z . 176 ; A . J . B . Bumstead , Z . 79 ; W . F . Nettleship , P . Z . 8 ; G . T . Talent , Z . 186 ; F . Davison , P . Z . 1293 ; B . H ., Mallin , Z . 77 ; W . Hideman , P . Z . 130 ; II . Massey , P . M . 619 ( Freemason ); John Seex , P . Z . 186 ; John Boyd , P . Z . 145 ; Matthew Cooke . P . Z . 534 ; Daniel Roberts , J . 403 ; W . Stephens , P . Z . 1365 ; James L . Thomas , P . Z . i ^ j John Cornham , H . 22 ; H . Muggeridge , P . G . S . B . ; John
Coutts , Peter De L . Long , G . W . Paten , Z . 2 ; Geo . J . Palmer , Z . 11 ; A . J . Duff Filer , P . Z . 28 ; Joseph Smith , S . Rawson , P . G . Sup . China ; Dr . Robert Hamilton , Hugh D . Sandeman , P . G . Sup . ; A . A . Pendlebury , P . Z . 1056 ; Hyde Clarke , P . Z . Polish National ; F . Johnson , J . 259 ; Geo . Moxon , J . 771 ; Herbert Dicketts , P . Z . 145 ; "Wm . Bywater , P . Z . 19 ; W . Smallpiece , H . 2 r ; W . A . Bowler ,
P . Z . 51 ; G . R . Shervill , Z . 534 ; John J . Wilson , Z . 25 ; W . A Tinney , J . 1 C 3 John Taylor , J . 933 ; Dr . W . Rhys Williams , F . G . Baker , C . Burmeister , Z . 538 ; J . J . Berry , J- 554 ; Jas . W . Stobbs , J . 1365 ; C . F . Hogard , Z . 141 ; Thos . S . Carter , Z . 503 ; Wm . F . C . Moutrie , P . Z . n ; Peter Parsons , J . 1348 ; E . Driver , H . 742 ; H . C . Levander ,
P . Z . 1294 ; Richard Pine , P . Z . 79 ; John Palmer , H . 1 ^ 48 ; Thos . Kingston , H . 862 ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . D . C . ; H . G Buss , P . Z . ; and C . B . Payne , Janitor . After the formal opening of Grand Chapter , Comp . Hervey , S . E ., read the regulations for the government of the Supreme Grand Chapter during the time of public husiness .
The minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation were then read and confirmed . After this the installation of the Grand Officers for the year was proceeded with , and the following companions were announced and invested as Grand Officers : —His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . E . Z . ; the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Z . ; Lord Skelmersdale , H . ; Lord
De Tabley , J . ; John Hervey , S . E . ; Capt . N . G . Philips , S . N . ; Peter De Lande Long , P . S . ; W . Hickman , First A . S . ; Dr . W . Rhys Williams , Second A . S . ; Samuel Tomkins , Grand Treasurer ; Al . J . Mclntyre , Q . C ., G . Reg . ; A . J . Duff Filer , Sword Bearer ; W . F . Nettleship , Standard Bearer ; Francis Robinson , D . C . ; and C . B . Payne , Janitor , The report of the Committee of General Purposes was
then taken as read and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes . It was as follows : — To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 17 th January , 1877 , to the 17 th April , 1877 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows :