Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE LIBERTY OF HAVERING LODGE, No.1437. Page 1 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE LIBERTY OF HAVERING LODGE, No.1437. Page 1 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE LIBERTY OF HAVERING LODGE, No.1437. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bounel in cloth 4 s- 61 I . Vol . II ., ditto is . Od . Vol . HI ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . V ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 5 2 numbers ... 23 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of thc Freemason Is Twopence per week ; annual
Bubscnption , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 108 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Eiiitorwill pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unlessaccompanicd by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c ., intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than b o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
C . J . B . —A ' our letter is held over for the present . ERRATA IN- "THE MASONIC TEMPLE . "—Line 2 , for "labours" read "labour ; " lines 3 and 4 , for " aforetimes " read " aforetime ; " line 2 , verse 2 , for "but" read "IJC ;" line 4 , verse 2 , for " was" read "be ; " line 1 , verse 3 , for " cemented" read "directed ; " 2 nd line of verse 3 , read " shall bless and adorn , if the work He approve ; last line but one delete comma after duties .
In the report of the Consecration of Sandgatc lodge the name ol Bro . H . C . Fuhr , was erroneously spelt as II . C . Foster ; that of Bro . W . Tucker , J . W . 125 , as W . Lucker , G . W . 125 ; and Bro . Sherwood , as Isherv .-ood .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending- July 12 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , Limc-strcct . —Lessee Hro . E . Sakcr . Gaii-tv Company ,
RO VAL AMPHITHEATRE , Great Charlotte-street . —Lessee Bro . H . Leslie . " The Poor ol" Liverpool . " PrUNCETM ^ WATlvS ^ fllEA' ^ Mr . Sefton Parry . Mr . Hymn ' s new tlrama , " Chained to the Oar . " ' f _ HEATlCri ROYATr ^ Villianlson-Niuare . —Lessee , Bro . De Frccce . Burlesque , of " The Forty Thicycs , " " The Sylpbidc , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment .
ST . JAMES'S HALL , Lime-street . —Proprietor , Bro . S . Hague , Special Artistes anil Programme . N ~ EW STAR MUSIC HALL , WililanTsmW qirareT- ^ Ianagcr , Bro . Saundeis . Opera aud Special Attractions . H ' " OTUNDA THEATRE and MUSIC HALL . —Proprietor , " Mr . II . ^ rannell . Miscellaneous Entertainments .
ROYAL CIRQUE . —William Ilrown-st . —ICjuestrian and other Performances . N " " EWSOME'S CIRCu " s , ~ \ Vhiiechapcl . —Scenes of the Circle and other Entertainments .-
The Freemason , SATURDAY , JULY 5 , 1873 . '
Consecration Of The Liberty Of Havering Lodge, No.1437.
PROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER . This lodge , to be held at tiv * Fox and Hounds Hotel , Romford , Essex , was inaugurated by consecration on Monday , the , 50 th ult . Amongst
those present we recognised the following : — Bros . P . Matthews , P . M ., P . G . D . C ; Rev . ¥ . B . Shepherd , P . M . 276 ; Lacey , AV . M . 1421 ; AVood , of the Angel Lodge ; J . A . Wardell , P . M . ; Day ,
P . M .: Beck , of the Priory Lodge , 1000 ; Scott , P . S . G . D ., P . M . Antiquity Lodge , 214 ; Pearson , S . VV . i , r j 6 ; Roberts , P . M . 554 ; J . H . Sling , 1 . 327 ; AV . !•' . Cox . 1 . 327 ; G . AV . Patmore , 1 . 327 ; W . H . Pearse , S . AV . 214 ; T . Cochrane . P . M .,
Consecration Of The Liberty Of Havering Lodge, No.1437.
P . G . C . 214 ; Saul , P . M . 276 , P . P . G . S . D . ; AV AV . Gilbert , S . D . ; F . G . Day , 10 J 6 ; A . Penfole , 910 ; H . Payne , 1076 ; J . Evans , 1327 ; F . AVhitmore , 276 ; J . Austin , 1 . 327 , AVakefield , 1327 ; T- Tydeman , S . AV . ; AV . Allison , P . M
13 ; Bolton , P . M . 1227 ; Gabb , J . D . 72 ; S . Piggin , S . D . 1312 ; J . AVorken , 1237 ; AV . D . Martin , of the Acacia Lodge , 1309 ; J . Maloney , 765 : G . Tedder , 1107 ; J . Nicholls , P . M .,
P . G . S . AV . Essex ; A . AVackett , 1437 ; C . AV Ashdown , P . M . 1076 " ; E . AV . Long , W . M . 25 ; W . Money , 1327 ; R . Bolton , 1237 ; AV . Parkinson , 1327 ; J . C- Whitworth , 1421 5 J . K
Young , P . G . AV . j AVackett , 754 ; J . AVilliams , 6 99 ; and other brethren . The brethren having entered the lodge-roo m in procession , Bro . Matthews , in the absence of
the R . W . Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw , Provincial Grand Master of Essex , took the chair , and appointed AVardens , pro . tem .
1 he lodge was opened 111 the three degrees , after which the Chaplain , ( the Rev . F . B . Shepherd ) offered up a solemn prayer , imploring the G . A . O . T . U . to assist them in the duties in which
they were about to h » engaged , after which the following ode was sung : — Behold the Lodge rise into view , The work of industry and art . 'Tis grand , ' tis regular and true ;
For so is each good Mason ' s heart . Friendship cements it from the ground . And secrecy shall fence it round . Then may our views to virtue
move—So virtue , owned in all her parts . Come candour , innocence and love , Come and possess our faithful hearts ; Mercy , who feeds the hungry , poor , And silence , guardian of the door .
Immortal science , too , be near ; AVe own thy empire o ' er the mind ; Dress'd in thy radiant robes , appear AVith all thy bounteous train behind . Invention , young and blooming there : Here ' s Geometry with rule and square .
United thus , and for these ends , Let scorn deride , and envy rail ; From age to age the Craft descends , . And what we build shall never fail ; Nor shall the world our works survey , For ev ' ry brother keeps the key .
The presiding officer then addressed the brethren on the object of their meeting . The Secretary then read the petition and warrant of constitution .
Ihe brethren having signified their approval of the same , the Chaplain then delivered an oration . He said , brethren , whenever a Masonic lodge is consecrated , it is customary for some brother to deliver a short oration on the
excellencies of our institution ; doubtless you are well acquainted with the principles of Masonry , and may God hel p you to go through the several steps which leads us to the top of the latlder , the
summit of which gives us entrance to the mansion of the Great Architect , and where the just shall shine for ever and ever . Our three grand principles are b .-olherly love , relief ,
and truth ; they are hud down for our guidance in the great book of sacred law—that book which is , as it were , the . spiritual tracing board
of the Architect 01 the Universe , in it are laid do ' . vn our principles and Jaws , which will , if we value them , bring us to the temple above—a temple not made with hands , eternal in thc
Consecration Of The Liberty Of Havering Lodge, No.1437.
heavens . The sacred law is our text-book , the unerring standard of truth . It teaches us the important duties we owe to God , and al ! mankind . Benevolence and charity are two grand
ornaments , besides these are secrecy and fidelity , which are two Masonic virtues—virtues which all brethren love . AVisdom , strength , and beauty , also are the three grand p illars which
support our lodge . The virtues of faith , hope and charity , are the three principal staves in the ladder which reaches into Heaven . -Faith in the Great Architect , Builder and Upholder of this
Universe shall hereafter be revealed to those who love and keep His commandments . Temperance , fortitude , prudence , and justice are virtues which regulate a Mason ' s daily life ; these virtues are
likened to the four great rivers which flow out of the Garden of Eden , where our first parents lived , and happy will our future lot be , if we through life observe the lessons , which these
virtues inculcate . Ye , who are this day erecting and dedicating this lodge , remember these virtues . Do not let this lodge degenerate into a place for mere social meeting , or what is still worse , a
public-house club . See that you do not use liberty as a cloak of licentiousness . Finally , brethren , love the brotherhood , fear God , and honour the Queen , avoid quarrelling , slanderings , Sec ., be of
one mind , live in peace , and the God of love will be with you . AVhatsoever things are just , whatsoever things are of good report shall be added unto you . Now
brethren , as the Father of our great Master prayed for the Jewish Temple , so will all true Masonspresent pray for this lodge . May peace be within thy
walls , and prosperity within thy borders ; for my brethren and companions' sake , I will—say peace be within thee .
Tlie Director of Ceremonies then presented the AV . . Master to the presiding officer , who placed him on his left . The brethren of the new lodge then arranged themselves on each side of
ihe lodge-board . After a short prayer by the Chaplain , Bro . P . M . Day uncovered the lodge , and the elements of consecration , corn , wine , and oil , were carried round by P . M . ' s Day , AVardell ,
and Augell , solemn music being performed during the ceremony ; after which , the following anthem was sung , " Glory be to God on high ; peace on earth ; goodwill towards men ;—to
which all chant , " So mote it be . " The Grand Chaplain of Oxford then took the censer three times round the lodge , during solemn music . The second porlion of the dedication prayer was
then oflered up— " May the God of love endue the brethren with wisdom from on high ; may brotherl y love , relief , and truth dwell among the members of this lodge ; grant speedy relief to
all who are in distress ; finally , when we finish our work here below , grant that we may be taken to the Grand Lotige above . " Thc
presiding officer then constituted the lodge , concluding his remarks hy wishing the lodge every success . The following anthem was then sung
Behold ! how pleasant , anil how good , For brethren such as we , Of the " Accepted" Brotherhood , To dwell in unity .
"Tis like the oil on Aaron ' s head , AA'liich to his feet dislils ; Like Hermon ' s dew so richly shed On Zion ' s sacred hills .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bounel in cloth 4 s- 61 I . Vol . II ., ditto is . Od . Vol . HI ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . V ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 5 2 numbers ... 23 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of thc Freemason Is Twopence per week ; annual
Bubscnption , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 108 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Eiiitorwill pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unlessaccompanicd by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , & c ., intended for insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than b o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
C . J . B . —A ' our letter is held over for the present . ERRATA IN- "THE MASONIC TEMPLE . "—Line 2 , for "labours" read "labour ; " lines 3 and 4 , for " aforetimes " read " aforetime ; " line 2 , verse 2 , for "but" read "IJC ;" line 4 , verse 2 , for " was" read "be ; " line 1 , verse 3 , for " cemented" read "directed ; " 2 nd line of verse 3 , read " shall bless and adorn , if the work He approve ; last line but one delete comma after duties .
In the report of the Consecration of Sandgatc lodge the name ol Bro . H . C . Fuhr , was erroneously spelt as II . C . Foster ; that of Bro . W . Tucker , J . W . 125 , as W . Lucker , G . W . 125 ; and Bro . Sherwood , as Isherv .-ood .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending- July 12 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , Limc-strcct . —Lessee Hro . E . Sakcr . Gaii-tv Company ,
RO VAL AMPHITHEATRE , Great Charlotte-street . —Lessee Bro . H . Leslie . " The Poor ol" Liverpool . " PrUNCETM ^ WATlvS ^ fllEA' ^ Mr . Sefton Parry . Mr . Hymn ' s new tlrama , " Chained to the Oar . " ' f _ HEATlCri ROYATr ^ Villianlson-Niuare . —Lessee , Bro . De Frccce . Burlesque , of " The Forty Thicycs , " " The Sylpbidc , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment .
ST . JAMES'S HALL , Lime-street . —Proprietor , Bro . S . Hague , Special Artistes anil Programme . N ~ EW STAR MUSIC HALL , WililanTsmW qirareT- ^ Ianagcr , Bro . Saundeis . Opera aud Special Attractions . H ' " OTUNDA THEATRE and MUSIC HALL . —Proprietor , " Mr . II . ^ rannell . Miscellaneous Entertainments .
ROYAL CIRQUE . —William Ilrown-st . —ICjuestrian and other Performances . N " " EWSOME'S CIRCu " s , ~ \ Vhiiechapcl . —Scenes of the Circle and other Entertainments .-
The Freemason , SATURDAY , JULY 5 , 1873 . '
Consecration Of The Liberty Of Havering Lodge, No.1437.
PROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER . This lodge , to be held at tiv * Fox and Hounds Hotel , Romford , Essex , was inaugurated by consecration on Monday , the , 50 th ult . Amongst
those present we recognised the following : — Bros . P . Matthews , P . M ., P . G . D . C ; Rev . ¥ . B . Shepherd , P . M . 276 ; Lacey , AV . M . 1421 ; AVood , of the Angel Lodge ; J . A . Wardell , P . M . ; Day ,
P . M .: Beck , of the Priory Lodge , 1000 ; Scott , P . S . G . D ., P . M . Antiquity Lodge , 214 ; Pearson , S . VV . i , r j 6 ; Roberts , P . M . 554 ; J . H . Sling , 1 . 327 ; AV . !•' . Cox . 1 . 327 ; G . AV . Patmore , 1 . 327 ; W . H . Pearse , S . AV . 214 ; T . Cochrane . P . M .,
Consecration Of The Liberty Of Havering Lodge, No.1437.
P . G . C . 214 ; Saul , P . M . 276 , P . P . G . S . D . ; AV AV . Gilbert , S . D . ; F . G . Day , 10 J 6 ; A . Penfole , 910 ; H . Payne , 1076 ; J . Evans , 1327 ; F . AVhitmore , 276 ; J . Austin , 1 . 327 , AVakefield , 1327 ; T- Tydeman , S . AV . ; AV . Allison , P . M
13 ; Bolton , P . M . 1227 ; Gabb , J . D . 72 ; S . Piggin , S . D . 1312 ; J . AVorken , 1237 ; AV . D . Martin , of the Acacia Lodge , 1309 ; J . Maloney , 765 : G . Tedder , 1107 ; J . Nicholls , P . M .,
P . G . S . AV . Essex ; A . AVackett , 1437 ; C . AV Ashdown , P . M . 1076 " ; E . AV . Long , W . M . 25 ; W . Money , 1327 ; R . Bolton , 1237 ; AV . Parkinson , 1327 ; J . C- Whitworth , 1421 5 J . K
Young , P . G . AV . j AVackett , 754 ; J . AVilliams , 6 99 ; and other brethren . The brethren having entered the lodge-roo m in procession , Bro . Matthews , in the absence of
the R . W . Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw , Provincial Grand Master of Essex , took the chair , and appointed AVardens , pro . tem .
1 he lodge was opened 111 the three degrees , after which the Chaplain , ( the Rev . F . B . Shepherd ) offered up a solemn prayer , imploring the G . A . O . T . U . to assist them in the duties in which
they were about to h » engaged , after which the following ode was sung : — Behold the Lodge rise into view , The work of industry and art . 'Tis grand , ' tis regular and true ;
For so is each good Mason ' s heart . Friendship cements it from the ground . And secrecy shall fence it round . Then may our views to virtue
move—So virtue , owned in all her parts . Come candour , innocence and love , Come and possess our faithful hearts ; Mercy , who feeds the hungry , poor , And silence , guardian of the door .
Immortal science , too , be near ; AVe own thy empire o ' er the mind ; Dress'd in thy radiant robes , appear AVith all thy bounteous train behind . Invention , young and blooming there : Here ' s Geometry with rule and square .
United thus , and for these ends , Let scorn deride , and envy rail ; From age to age the Craft descends , . And what we build shall never fail ; Nor shall the world our works survey , For ev ' ry brother keeps the key .
The presiding officer then addressed the brethren on the object of their meeting . The Secretary then read the petition and warrant of constitution .
Ihe brethren having signified their approval of the same , the Chaplain then delivered an oration . He said , brethren , whenever a Masonic lodge is consecrated , it is customary for some brother to deliver a short oration on the
excellencies of our institution ; doubtless you are well acquainted with the principles of Masonry , and may God hel p you to go through the several steps which leads us to the top of the latlder , the
summit of which gives us entrance to the mansion of the Great Architect , and where the just shall shine for ever and ever . Our three grand principles are b .-olherly love , relief ,
and truth ; they are hud down for our guidance in the great book of sacred law—that book which is , as it were , the . spiritual tracing board
of the Architect 01 the Universe , in it are laid do ' . vn our principles and Jaws , which will , if we value them , bring us to the temple above—a temple not made with hands , eternal in thc
Consecration Of The Liberty Of Havering Lodge, No.1437.
heavens . The sacred law is our text-book , the unerring standard of truth . It teaches us the important duties we owe to God , and al ! mankind . Benevolence and charity are two grand
ornaments , besides these are secrecy and fidelity , which are two Masonic virtues—virtues which all brethren love . AVisdom , strength , and beauty , also are the three grand p illars which
support our lodge . The virtues of faith , hope and charity , are the three principal staves in the ladder which reaches into Heaven . -Faith in the Great Architect , Builder and Upholder of this
Universe shall hereafter be revealed to those who love and keep His commandments . Temperance , fortitude , prudence , and justice are virtues which regulate a Mason ' s daily life ; these virtues are
likened to the four great rivers which flow out of the Garden of Eden , where our first parents lived , and happy will our future lot be , if we through life observe the lessons , which these
virtues inculcate . Ye , who are this day erecting and dedicating this lodge , remember these virtues . Do not let this lodge degenerate into a place for mere social meeting , or what is still worse , a
public-house club . See that you do not use liberty as a cloak of licentiousness . Finally , brethren , love the brotherhood , fear God , and honour the Queen , avoid quarrelling , slanderings , Sec ., be of
one mind , live in peace , and the God of love will be with you . AVhatsoever things are just , whatsoever things are of good report shall be added unto you . Now
brethren , as the Father of our great Master prayed for the Jewish Temple , so will all true Masonspresent pray for this lodge . May peace be within thy
walls , and prosperity within thy borders ; for my brethren and companions' sake , I will—say peace be within thee .
Tlie Director of Ceremonies then presented the AV . . Master to the presiding officer , who placed him on his left . The brethren of the new lodge then arranged themselves on each side of
ihe lodge-board . After a short prayer by the Chaplain , Bro . P . M . Day uncovered the lodge , and the elements of consecration , corn , wine , and oil , were carried round by P . M . ' s Day , AVardell ,
and Augell , solemn music being performed during the ceremony ; after which , the following anthem was sung , " Glory be to God on high ; peace on earth ; goodwill towards men ;—to
which all chant , " So mote it be . " The Grand Chaplain of Oxford then took the censer three times round the lodge , during solemn music . The second porlion of the dedication prayer was
then oflered up— " May the God of love endue the brethren with wisdom from on high ; may brotherl y love , relief , and truth dwell among the members of this lodge ; grant speedy relief to
all who are in distress ; finally , when we finish our work here below , grant that we may be taken to the Grand Lotige above . " Thc
presiding officer then constituted the lodge , concluding his remarks hy wishing the lodge every success . The following anthem was then sung
Behold ! how pleasant , anil how good , For brethren such as we , Of the " Accepted" Brotherhood , To dwell in unity .
"Tis like the oil on Aaron ' s head , AA'liich to his feet dislils ; Like Hermon ' s dew so richly shed On Zion ' s sacred hills .