Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Having been obligated , a board of Installed Masters was formed , amongst whom we observed the W . M ., Bro , J . Mills , P . G . O ., P . M . 11-15 , Tiverton ; Bro . Wellsman , P . M . 858 , South Middlesex , and Bro . Bodley , P . M . 39 , St . John Baptist . The ceremony was performed in a
faultless manner , the charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren , being given in a manner we have rarely heard surpassed . The W . M . appointed as his officers W . Ball , S . W . •G . B . Avant , J . W . ; | . S . Whidborne , Treasurer and S . D .: H . L . Friend , Secretary ; R . B . Ferris
J . . •H . Hatchet , I . G . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet at Bro . Ball ' s , in the Strand . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in excellent taste b y the W . M ., and in proposing " The Health of fie * P . G . M . " a graceful allusion was made to the
visit of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and the honour it had conferred on the Province . In the course of the evening a handsome jewel ¦ was presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Short , who returned thanks in a characteristically modest speech .
Scotland .
GLASGOW ' . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) held their regular meeting on Monday , August 10 th , Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., presiding . There was a very large attendance of members and
visitors , the work consisted of one raising , which was ably performed by Bro . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M ., of the new Lodge Clydesdale , and two passings , at which ceremony Bro . Bain , P . M . of 103 presided .
GLASGOW ~ - £ / . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . 10 a ) . — met in their own hall , Buchanan-street , on the 10 th inst . Bro . J . Mitchell , R . W . M . ; J . Watson , D . M . ; W . Gladsten , S . W . ; J . Jameson , J . W . ; Wm . Nelson , Sec . Visitors—Bros . Bell , and R . Grange , 3 I ; Basnett , 27 ; G .
Weston , R . W . M . ; Wheeler , Sec . of 73 ; j . Park , * 3 l > J . Stuart , 408 ; and several others . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and Bro . R . Murray having proved his proficiency therein , and being entrusted with the reward of merit , on the lodge being raised to the second
degree , he was passed as a Fellow Craft by the R . W . M ., who , on the conclusion of the ceremony , told the brethren that as a rule he objected to refreshment , but on this occasion if they would retire to theadjacent room , he should like as many as possible to stop to do honour to Bro . the Rev . G . Gorden Cuchrachan . who after an absence of
18 years in America , had come back to-ni ght to re-visit this his mother lodge . This having been agreed to , at the subsequent meeting , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . G . Western , R . W . M . 73 , replying on behalf of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The R . W . M . then proposed the
" Health of their guest , Bro . the Rev . G . Gorden Cuchrachan , " who they were pleased to welcome again to his mother lodge . The Rev . brother expressed his pleasure at receiving so cordial a welcome ; he had that day been telling his son , that he was a stranger in his native city . 20 years
ago , when he walked up the principal streets , he had every five minutes to acknowledge the salutation of some acquaintance ; now he had prssed the streets three days without needing to bow once ; but to-night the kindly greeting , not only of the sons of his mother lodge , but also of her visitors , told him that a brother Mason was
never a stranger , and by the contrast he appreciated it the more . He then dwelt on the extension of the Masonic spirit in America , not only in the Craft lodges , but in chapters and commanderies . " The Masonic Press" having been given , Bro . Basset replied for the News ,
and Bro . Wheeler for The Freemason . He said that he atributed the satisfactory progress of the . Masonic Orders in America , of which their brother had been speaking , to the greater number of Masonic publications that they supported . This opinion was fully corrobated by the Rev .
brother . Bro- Wm . Bell , of % \ , responded for the visitors , G . Western , R . W . M . 73 , proposed "Prosperity to Lodge St . Mark 102 , " speaking highly ofthe work he had that ni ght seen them perform . Bro . Mitchell gracefully acknowledged the compliment , and then save the" Parting ; Toast . " ^^ b
GLASGOW . —St . Andrew s Chapter ( No . 69)—met on Tuesday , nth inst ., Comp . T . D . Humphries , Dr . Ph ., Z , presiding . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened , and Bro . W . L . Ensor , of Lodge Tinwald , 1243 , was affiliated , after which a Lodge of Excellent Masters was opened b y
T . D . Humphries , as M . E . M . ; G . W . Wheeler , S . W . ; J . G . Herron , S . W . ; when Comp . Park , Z . 122 , conferred [ that degree on Bro . Ensor . A Royal Arch Chapter was then opened , Comp . Humphries , Z . ; G . Heron , H . ; Wm . Blackward , J . Oliver , S . E . John Buchanan , acting
N . ; Wm . Thomas , T . •G . W . Wheeler , acting First S . ; D . Pash , Second S . ; D . B . Fleming , Third S . Visitor , J . Tweed , 73 . Bro . Ensor was then duly exalted by Comp . Park to the Hol y Royal Aich Degree . GLASGOW . —St . Mungo Encampment ( No .
1729 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Wednesday , August 12 th , to confer the degree on Comps . Wm . Ledger , Ensor , J . P ., of Dublin . The encampment was opened at 5 p . m . by Sir Knight R . Bell , the M . N . C ., assisted by Sir Knights G . W . Wheeler , Recorder , acting as
Prelate ; D . B . Fleming , C . C . ; j . Buchanan , S . C . ; T . Leuttit , J . C . ; G . B . Adams , first A . de C . ; and Wm . Blackwood , W . The encampment was favoured by the presence of two distinguished visitors , Sir Knight George Kenning , P . P . of 48 , Kemeys Tynte Preceptory ,
England , and ,, Sir Knight Edwin Humphries , of the De Molay Commandery , Massachusetts . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , Sir Knight Wheeler expressed a hope that the visitors and the newly Installed Sir Knight would kindly overlook any shortcomings , as it being an
emergency meeting , and all the regular officers absent but the Commander and himself . It had not been performed with that precision they could have wished . Sir Knight Ensor thought the ceremony had been perfect , it had left an
impression on his mind that would never be eradicated . Sir Knights Kenning and Humphries expressed the pleasure they had experienced in having an opportunity of visiting a Knight Templar Encampment in Scotland , and in seeing their mode of working .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PROVINCIAL GREAT PRIORY OF WORCESTERSHIRE . This Provincial Great Priory met at Dudley , on the 2 JSt ult ., in the Preceptory of Richard de Vernon , when the late Provincial Sub-Prior , Sir Knight A . H . Royds ( Provincial Great Prior of Lancashire ) , presided , in the absence of the Provincial Great Prior of Worcestershire , Sir Knight H . C . Vernon . The routine business of
the Priory was transacted , and , on the resignation of office by Sir Knight A . H . Royds , Sir Knight R . Woof , F . S . A ., Past Grand Chamberlain , and past Deputy Grand Commander of Canada , was appointed Deputy Provincial Great Prior of Worcestershire . Other officers of the Priory were appointed , and the report of a committee on the subject of new bye-laws was received .
MASONIC CHURCH RESTORATION . —Thc ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the porch of Swanscombe Church , Kent , which is being restored by the Erasmus Wilson Lodge , No . 1464 , was performed on Saturday afternoon by Professor Erasmus Wilson , the W . M . of the
lodge . Swanscombe parish is in a pretty part of the country between Dartford and Gravesend , and bordering on the high road from London to Canterbury , and both the neighbourhood ancl the old church are rich in historic relics and associations . Professor Wilson was born at
Greenhithe , and he has shown his regard for his native p lace by contributing over £ 2000 towards the general work of restoring the church . The ceremony was performed with full Masonic
honours , and the guests of the Greetihithe Lodge included his Imperial Highness Prince Rhodocanakis , Grand Master of Greece , who wore the scarf of the 33 rd degree , and several ofthe Grand Officers of the Province of Kent . Bro . Haigh , of Regent-sreet , took an excellent photo , at an interesting point of the proceedings .
Bro . H . E . Knight , Worshipful Master of the Mount Moriah Lodge , 34 , has been unanimously elected Alderman for the Ward of Cripplegate .
United Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England met on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , M . B ., Proyincial Grand Master of Devonshire , on the Throne . He was supported by Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , District Grand Master of Bombay ,
as Deputy Grand Master ; Bro . Major-General Brownrigg , Provincial Grand Master of Surrey , as Past Grand Master ; Lord Henry Thynne , M . P ., Senior Grand Warden ; F . Patterson , as Junior Grand Warden ; and a very full lodge of members'from all parts of the kingdom .
Grand Lodge having been opened , the Grand Secretary ( Bro . John Hervey ) rose and said—Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master , I have got a letter from the Most Worshipful Grand Master to lay before the Grand Lodge , which I have received with great regret , and which I am
sure will be received with dismay by every member of the Grand Lodge . I do not know sir , that it will be necessary for me to preface the letter by any further observations , and with your permission , I will read it to Grand Lodge . It is dated from Nopton Hall , Lincolnshire ,
Sept . 1 , 1874 . — " Dear Grand Secretary—I have to inform you that I find myself unable any longer to discharge the duties of Grand Master , and that it is therefore necessary that I should resign that office into the hands of the members of Grand
Lodge . With the expression of my grateful thanks for the favours which I have ever received from them , and of my regret for any inconvenience which my retirement may cause to them , —I remain , yours faithfully , " RIPON . " The reading of this letter caused the most
profound sensation and astonishment in Grand Lodge , and for some moments a dead silence prevailed . Bro . iEneas J . M'Intyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar , rose and said : Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master—I can assure you and Grand
Lodge that it is with feelings of the deepest sorrow that I rise for the purpose of proposing a resolution which I feel confident Grand Lodge will adopt , because they have no alternative but to adopt the resolution which I am about to propose . We all ot us must feel exceedingly
sorrowful that the Most Worship ful Grand Master , who had presided over the destinies of the Craft witli such very great credit to himself , and with such great advantage to our Order , should for reasons which must ; be most cogent , although I am unacquainted with what those
reasons are—but I do know this , that they are entirely unconnected with thenobleOrder to which we belong—has felt it incumbent upon him to resign the high post which he hashel'' with such distinguished honour , and to which , no doubt , he would have been re-elected from year to year
by the body over which he has presided so long and so well . Deeply as we regret the step which the Grand Master has felt it his duty to t : ik <* , we must know— -. ill who know him st well and love him so dearlv—that he never would have taken that step unless there had been reasons
so cogent to his mind , and therefore to our minds , as should induce him to lay his resignation before us . Into those reasons I am perfectly confident that there is no brother throughout this great Order to which we belong would seek to pry with impertinent curiosity .
( Hear , hear . ) The Grand Master has his own reasons for resigning . We can only express our deep regret that he feels bound to take that course , and on departing from us as our chief , let us recollect this—that whilst he presided over us he did everything that was for the honsur of
the Order to which we all belong , the advantage of the Craft , and with the greatest credit to the hig h office which he held . Then , brethren , I think , accepting as we must do , and that is what I now move , that the resignation of the Most Worshipful the Giand Master be accepted by this Grand Lodge with the deepest feelings of
regret , and in hope that in his retirement from among us we shall still be able to look upon him , as we have done in years gone by , as a brig ht ornament of this great Craft over which he presided . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , in seconding the motion , said it would be a great pleasure to his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Having been obligated , a board of Installed Masters was formed , amongst whom we observed the W . M ., Bro , J . Mills , P . G . O ., P . M . 11-15 , Tiverton ; Bro . Wellsman , P . M . 858 , South Middlesex , and Bro . Bodley , P . M . 39 , St . John Baptist . The ceremony was performed in a
faultless manner , the charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren , being given in a manner we have rarely heard surpassed . The W . M . appointed as his officers W . Ball , S . W . •G . B . Avant , J . W . ; | . S . Whidborne , Treasurer and S . D .: H . L . Friend , Secretary ; R . B . Ferris
J . . •H . Hatchet , I . G . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet at Bro . Ball ' s , in the Strand . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in excellent taste b y the W . M ., and in proposing " The Health of fie * P . G . M . " a graceful allusion was made to the
visit of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and the honour it had conferred on the Province . In the course of the evening a handsome jewel ¦ was presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Short , who returned thanks in a characteristically modest speech .
Scotland .
GLASGOW ' . —Star Lodge ( No . 219 ) held their regular meeting on Monday , August 10 th , Bro . J . Wilson , R . W . M ., presiding . There was a very large attendance of members and
visitors , the work consisted of one raising , which was ably performed by Bro . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M ., of the new Lodge Clydesdale , and two passings , at which ceremony Bro . Bain , P . M . of 103 presided .
GLASGOW ~ - £ / . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . 10 a ) . — met in their own hall , Buchanan-street , on the 10 th inst . Bro . J . Mitchell , R . W . M . ; J . Watson , D . M . ; W . Gladsten , S . W . ; J . Jameson , J . W . ; Wm . Nelson , Sec . Visitors—Bros . Bell , and R . Grange , 3 I ; Basnett , 27 ; G .
Weston , R . W . M . ; Wheeler , Sec . of 73 ; j . Park , * 3 l > J . Stuart , 408 ; and several others . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and Bro . R . Murray having proved his proficiency therein , and being entrusted with the reward of merit , on the lodge being raised to the second
degree , he was passed as a Fellow Craft by the R . W . M ., who , on the conclusion of the ceremony , told the brethren that as a rule he objected to refreshment , but on this occasion if they would retire to theadjacent room , he should like as many as possible to stop to do honour to Bro . the Rev . G . Gorden Cuchrachan . who after an absence of
18 years in America , had come back to-ni ght to re-visit this his mother lodge . This having been agreed to , at the subsequent meeting , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . G . Western , R . W . M . 73 , replying on behalf of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The R . W . M . then proposed the
" Health of their guest , Bro . the Rev . G . Gorden Cuchrachan , " who they were pleased to welcome again to his mother lodge . The Rev . brother expressed his pleasure at receiving so cordial a welcome ; he had that day been telling his son , that he was a stranger in his native city . 20 years
ago , when he walked up the principal streets , he had every five minutes to acknowledge the salutation of some acquaintance ; now he had prssed the streets three days without needing to bow once ; but to-night the kindly greeting , not only of the sons of his mother lodge , but also of her visitors , told him that a brother Mason was
never a stranger , and by the contrast he appreciated it the more . He then dwelt on the extension of the Masonic spirit in America , not only in the Craft lodges , but in chapters and commanderies . " The Masonic Press" having been given , Bro . Basset replied for the News ,
and Bro . Wheeler for The Freemason . He said that he atributed the satisfactory progress of the . Masonic Orders in America , of which their brother had been speaking , to the greater number of Masonic publications that they supported . This opinion was fully corrobated by the Rev .
brother . Bro- Wm . Bell , of % \ , responded for the visitors , G . Western , R . W . M . 73 , proposed "Prosperity to Lodge St . Mark 102 , " speaking highly ofthe work he had that ni ght seen them perform . Bro . Mitchell gracefully acknowledged the compliment , and then save the" Parting ; Toast . " ^^ b
GLASGOW . —St . Andrew s Chapter ( No . 69)—met on Tuesday , nth inst ., Comp . T . D . Humphries , Dr . Ph ., Z , presiding . A lodge of Mark Masters was opened , and Bro . W . L . Ensor , of Lodge Tinwald , 1243 , was affiliated , after which a Lodge of Excellent Masters was opened b y
T . D . Humphries , as M . E . M . ; G . W . Wheeler , S . W . ; J . G . Herron , S . W . ; when Comp . Park , Z . 122 , conferred [ that degree on Bro . Ensor . A Royal Arch Chapter was then opened , Comp . Humphries , Z . ; G . Heron , H . ; Wm . Blackward , J . Oliver , S . E . John Buchanan , acting
N . ; Wm . Thomas , T . •G . W . Wheeler , acting First S . ; D . Pash , Second S . ; D . B . Fleming , Third S . Visitor , J . Tweed , 73 . Bro . Ensor was then duly exalted by Comp . Park to the Hol y Royal Aich Degree . GLASGOW . —St . Mungo Encampment ( No .
1729 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Wednesday , August 12 th , to confer the degree on Comps . Wm . Ledger , Ensor , J . P ., of Dublin . The encampment was opened at 5 p . m . by Sir Knight R . Bell , the M . N . C ., assisted by Sir Knights G . W . Wheeler , Recorder , acting as
Prelate ; D . B . Fleming , C . C . ; j . Buchanan , S . C . ; T . Leuttit , J . C . ; G . B . Adams , first A . de C . ; and Wm . Blackwood , W . The encampment was favoured by the presence of two distinguished visitors , Sir Knight George Kenning , P . P . of 48 , Kemeys Tynte Preceptory ,
England , and ,, Sir Knight Edwin Humphries , of the De Molay Commandery , Massachusetts . At the conclusion of the ceremonies , Sir Knight Wheeler expressed a hope that the visitors and the newly Installed Sir Knight would kindly overlook any shortcomings , as it being an
emergency meeting , and all the regular officers absent but the Commander and himself . It had not been performed with that precision they could have wished . Sir Knight Ensor thought the ceremony had been perfect , it had left an
impression on his mind that would never be eradicated . Sir Knights Kenning and Humphries expressed the pleasure they had experienced in having an opportunity of visiting a Knight Templar Encampment in Scotland , and in seeing their mode of working .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
PROVINCIAL GREAT PRIORY OF WORCESTERSHIRE . This Provincial Great Priory met at Dudley , on the 2 JSt ult ., in the Preceptory of Richard de Vernon , when the late Provincial Sub-Prior , Sir Knight A . H . Royds ( Provincial Great Prior of Lancashire ) , presided , in the absence of the Provincial Great Prior of Worcestershire , Sir Knight H . C . Vernon . The routine business of
the Priory was transacted , and , on the resignation of office by Sir Knight A . H . Royds , Sir Knight R . Woof , F . S . A ., Past Grand Chamberlain , and past Deputy Grand Commander of Canada , was appointed Deputy Provincial Great Prior of Worcestershire . Other officers of the Priory were appointed , and the report of a committee on the subject of new bye-laws was received .
MASONIC CHURCH RESTORATION . —Thc ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the porch of Swanscombe Church , Kent , which is being restored by the Erasmus Wilson Lodge , No . 1464 , was performed on Saturday afternoon by Professor Erasmus Wilson , the W . M . of the
lodge . Swanscombe parish is in a pretty part of the country between Dartford and Gravesend , and bordering on the high road from London to Canterbury , and both the neighbourhood ancl the old church are rich in historic relics and associations . Professor Wilson was born at
Greenhithe , and he has shown his regard for his native p lace by contributing over £ 2000 towards the general work of restoring the church . The ceremony was performed with full Masonic
honours , and the guests of the Greetihithe Lodge included his Imperial Highness Prince Rhodocanakis , Grand Master of Greece , who wore the scarf of the 33 rd degree , and several ofthe Grand Officers of the Province of Kent . Bro . Haigh , of Regent-sreet , took an excellent photo , at an interesting point of the proceedings .
Bro . H . E . Knight , Worshipful Master of the Mount Moriah Lodge , 34 , has been unanimously elected Alderman for the Ward of Cripplegate .
United Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England met on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , M . B ., Proyincial Grand Master of Devonshire , on the Throne . He was supported by Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , District Grand Master of Bombay ,
as Deputy Grand Master ; Bro . Major-General Brownrigg , Provincial Grand Master of Surrey , as Past Grand Master ; Lord Henry Thynne , M . P ., Senior Grand Warden ; F . Patterson , as Junior Grand Warden ; and a very full lodge of members'from all parts of the kingdom .
Grand Lodge having been opened , the Grand Secretary ( Bro . John Hervey ) rose and said—Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master , I have got a letter from the Most Worshipful Grand Master to lay before the Grand Lodge , which I have received with great regret , and which I am
sure will be received with dismay by every member of the Grand Lodge . I do not know sir , that it will be necessary for me to preface the letter by any further observations , and with your permission , I will read it to Grand Lodge . It is dated from Nopton Hall , Lincolnshire ,
Sept . 1 , 1874 . — " Dear Grand Secretary—I have to inform you that I find myself unable any longer to discharge the duties of Grand Master , and that it is therefore necessary that I should resign that office into the hands of the members of Grand
Lodge . With the expression of my grateful thanks for the favours which I have ever received from them , and of my regret for any inconvenience which my retirement may cause to them , —I remain , yours faithfully , " RIPON . " The reading of this letter caused the most
profound sensation and astonishment in Grand Lodge , and for some moments a dead silence prevailed . Bro . iEneas J . M'Intyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar , rose and said : Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master—I can assure you and Grand
Lodge that it is with feelings of the deepest sorrow that I rise for the purpose of proposing a resolution which I feel confident Grand Lodge will adopt , because they have no alternative but to adopt the resolution which I am about to propose . We all ot us must feel exceedingly
sorrowful that the Most Worship ful Grand Master , who had presided over the destinies of the Craft witli such very great credit to himself , and with such great advantage to our Order , should for reasons which must ; be most cogent , although I am unacquainted with what those
reasons are—but I do know this , that they are entirely unconnected with thenobleOrder to which we belong—has felt it incumbent upon him to resign the high post which he hashel'' with such distinguished honour , and to which , no doubt , he would have been re-elected from year to year
by the body over which he has presided so long and so well . Deeply as we regret the step which the Grand Master has felt it his duty to t : ik <* , we must know— -. ill who know him st well and love him so dearlv—that he never would have taken that step unless there had been reasons
so cogent to his mind , and therefore to our minds , as should induce him to lay his resignation before us . Into those reasons I am perfectly confident that there is no brother throughout this great Order to which we belong would seek to pry with impertinent curiosity .
( Hear , hear . ) The Grand Master has his own reasons for resigning . We can only express our deep regret that he feels bound to take that course , and on departing from us as our chief , let us recollect this—that whilst he presided over us he did everything that was for the honsur of
the Order to which we all belong , the advantage of the Craft , and with the greatest credit to the hig h office which he held . Then , brethren , I think , accepting as we must do , and that is what I now move , that the resignation of the Most Worshipful the Giand Master be accepted by this Grand Lodge with the deepest feelings of
regret , and in hope that in his retirement from among us we shall still be able to look upon him , as we have done in years gone by , as a brig ht ornament of this great Craft over which he presided . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , in seconding the motion , said it would be a great pleasure to his