Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Major General Bland-Hunt , W . M . of the Pentangle Lodge , No . n 74 , is a candidate for the office of Mace-bearer of the City of London . Bro . G . W . Churchley , P . M . 615 , & c , P . Prov . G . S . of Kent , the well known Solicitor of Ramsgate , in a charge of wilful damage to the pleasure yacht , Prince Frederick William , obtained a conviction against the
defendant , one of the crew of the Princess Alice yacht . Bro . Lord Robartes addressed a meeting of the Miners' Association of Cornwall on Tuesday . The Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1695 , held at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , will resume its meetings on Wednesday , 9 th inst ., at S . 30 p . m . Mr . William Dilke , great-uncle Of Bro . Sir Chas .
Dilke , Bart ., M . P ., died at Chichester , on Sunday last at the advanced age of ninety . R . W . Bro . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M . North and East Yorkshire , presided at a banquet held on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at Kirkwall , under the auspices of the Edinburgh , Orkney , and Shetland Association . A committee of the tenants and friends of Bro . Sheriff-elect Clarke has been formed for the purpose of
presenting to that gentleman a testimonial on the occasion of his being inducted into office . Some 300 guineas have already been subscribed . Bro . the Earl and Countess of Granville , with Viscount Leveson and Lady Victoria Leveson-Gower , who had been cruising for some ten days on Bro . Lord Wolverton ' s yacht Palatine , were expected to return to Walmer Castle during the present week .
It is proposed to present Bro . P . L . Simmonds with a testimonial as a mark of respect and recognition of his constant and energetic services on behalf of the British exhibitors at Antwerp . Subscriptions have been already promised by Mr . G . Hodgson , Messrs . W . J . Bush and Co ., Artillery-lane , Mr . J . Corbett , M . P ., and others .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , with the Countess of Carnarvon , and the Ladies Herbert , on Saturday last , visited the dwellings erected in Coombe Area , Dublin , by the Artizans' Dwellings Company , and expressed themselves greatly pleased with the arrangements and the information they obtained from the occupants . The Viceregal party were loudly cheered .
Bro . the Marquis and Marchioness of Headfort , Bro . the Earl and Countess Cowper , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Cork , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Northesk , Bro . Eaton , M . P ., and Miss Eaton , Bro . Viscount Powerscourt , and Bro . the Earl and Countess of Longford , were among the fashionable English visitors staying at Hamburg during the month of August .
In accordance with ancient custom , Bro . the Lord Mayor has received Royal warrants for four bucks from Bushey Park from H . M ' s . First Commissioners of Works , Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead and Sheriff Phillips receiving warrants for three each , and the Recorder , the Chamberlain , Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton ( Town Clerk ) , the Common Serjeant , and Bro . G . P . Goldney ( Remembrancer ) , one buck each .
On Monday , the 24 th ult ., the members of Ayr St . Paul ' s Lodge met at Bro . Eraser's , High-street , Ayr , for the purpose of entertaining Bro . Samuel Savage at supper on the eve of his departure for Florida and bidding him God-speed in his undertakings . Bro . Dobbie presided , and there was a very full attendance , the proceedings passing off very successfully , and the health of the guest of the evening being- drunk with much heartiness .
On Wednesday afternoon , at St . Thomas ' s , Orchard-street , Portman-square , a marriage took place between Lord Edward Cecil , Grenadier Guards , third son of the Marquis of Exeter , and Miss Tyssen-Amherst , eldest daughter of Bro . W . A . Tyssen-Amherst , M . P ., P . P . G .
S . W . Norfolk . There was a large party of the friends and relatives of the two families present on the occasion , and the bride was given away by her father , the bridegroom being supported by his brother , Lord John Cecil , as best man . After the wedding breakfast the newly-married couple left for Didlington Hall , Norfolk , to pass the honeymoon .
It has been decided by the brethren of the Province of West Lancashire to mark their respect for their late Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . H . S . Alpass , P . G . Std . B . of England , by establishing another Charitable Institution in addition to those already existing , and bestowing on it the title of the " Alpass Benevolent Institution for
Freemasons' Widows . " A considerable sum has been raised already , but further donations and subscriptions are needed , and to promote this purpose Bro . the Rev . J . P . Shepperd , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . West Lancashire , preached an eloquent sermon in St . Thomas ' s Church , Liverpool , on Sunday , the 23 rd ult . We trust soon to hear that the result has proved satisfactory .
ISLE OF AXHOLME LODGE , NO . 1482 . —Afewof the brethren met on the 25 th ult ., to bid " farewell " and " Godspeed " to a worthy brother ( W . W . Harrison ) , who has been the Head Master of the Board School , at Crowle , for the past four years . He has accepted an appointment in one of the Board Schools in North London , where he removes this week . The "leave taking " was amonir the
brethren , who greatly respected Bro . Harrison . The excellent manner in which he filled the office of Secretary to the above lodge , and his general bearing as a Mason , won for him their esteem : A splendid supper was placed on the table by Mr . and Mrs . Furniss . at the Cross Kevs
Hotel ; the J . W . ( Bro . Bellerby ) , occupying the chair in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . and S . W . The usual Masonic toast list was very ably gone through , and the principal one of the evening was proposed by Bro . Bellerby , to which Bro . Harrison replied . The evening ' s conversation was enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Fox , Power , J . Hemingbro , and R . Wood . The best wishes of the brethren go with Bro . Harrison .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Captain George Lambert , F . S . A ., has been re-elected President of the Goldsmiths' and Jewellers ' Annuity and Asylum Institutions . Bro . George Vickery is the Architect of the new warehouses in Carthusian-street .
Bro . E . Dresser Rogers , C . C ., who is a Liberal candidate for Peckham , addressed a numerous meeting of the electors on Thursday , the 27 th ult . Bro . Sir H . Drummond Wolff , M . P ., Special Envoy from the Queen to the Sultan , has been received both officially and in private audience by his Imperial Majesty .
Bros , the Right Hon . Hugh C . E . Childers , M . P ., and Sir Farrar Herschell , Q . C ., M . P ., are among the visitors in the Lake District , the place of their sojourn being in the vicinity of Ambleside . Bro . the Marquis , of Hartington , M . P ., P . G . M . Derbyshire , as Liberal candidate for the Rossendale division
of North-East Lancashire , addresssed a crowded meeting of the electors at Waterfoot on Saturday last . Bros , the Lord Mayor , M . P ., and Lord Randolph Churchill , M . P ., are among those who have promised subscriptions towards the restoration of the Eleanor Cross at Waltham .
All our readers will , we feel sure , be gratified to hear that Bro . James Terry has sufficiently recovered from his severe indisposition , to return to his official duties . His recent attack following the accident he met with a few months since has considerably weakened him , but we trust he has now made a fair start towards recovery . Bro , Bingham , M . W . G . M . of North Carolina ,
reports that recently a Mrs . Letitia M . Walker placed 1000 dollars at the disposal of the Grand Lodge , for the purpose of building a bathhouse for the North Carolina Masonic Orphan Asylum , the lady in question having done this out of funds bequeathed to her for benevolent purposes by her son , lately deceased , Mr . John M . Walker . Bro . E . Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., appeared as leading
Counsel for the West Ham Local Board in an arbitration case between the North Woolwich Land Company and the said Board which after four days' argument was brought to a conclusion last week . The question involved had reference to the freeing of certain tolls near the docks , and the arbitrator reserved his decision . The cruise of Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey ' s yacht
Sunbeam , came to a close on Tuesday , when the vessel arrived in the Moray Firth and the ex-Premier with Mrs . and Miss Gladstone landed at Fort George and took the Aberdeen train for Fasque , Kincardineshire , the residence of Sir Thomas Gladstone . Bro . Sir T . and Lady Brassey accompanied their distinguished guests to the station and afterwards proceeded to Inverness . Bro . the Lord Mayor has returned from his
holiday and resumed his duties at the Mansion House . His lordship and the Lady Mayoress will give a ball at the Mansion House on Friday , the 9 th October , when a large number of the Provincial Mayors and other municipal functionaries will be in London in connection with the celebration of the jubilee of Reformed Corporations . A errand Masonic re-union will be held at the
Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Wednesday , the 30 th inst ., in aid of the West Lancashire Hamer Educational Fund . Tickets , 10 s . 6 d . each ( refreshments included ) , must be applied for early , as the number issued will be strictly limited . The entertainment will consist of soiree , conversazione , and ball , of which full particulars and programmes will be courteously furnished by Bro . H . H . Smith ,
Honorary Secretary . The funeral of Bro . H . Fowkes , P . M ., Mayor of Derbv , took place on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., amid general manifestations of sorrow on the part of his fellow townsmen , while a large number of his brother Masons testified their respect for the deceased by joining in the procession which accomoanied his remains to their last resting place . Bro .
Fowkes was initiated in the Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 , Derby , but subsequently joining the Lodge of Repose , No . 802 , meeting in the same town , rose in time to be its W . M . So greatly was he esteemed by the members of the latter lodge that , at its last meeting , it was unanimously agreed to transmit a resolution of condolence to the widow and familv . and also that the lodee should wear mourning for a
period of three months . Bro . Fowkes was a Life Subscriber to the Boys' School . There is no class of men to whom the Loisettian system of memory is likely to be of such service as Freemasons , the correct working of whose ceremonies depends so largely for success , on a careful cultivation of the art of remembering what can be alone communicated to them orally .
Many among us , no doubt , have tried various of the systems of Mnemonics , which have from time to time been invented , but in the majority of cases the result has been comparative , if not absolute , failure , simply because it is a severer tax on the mental powers to master the Mnemonical systems than to acquire and retain in the memory what was originally set down to be remembered . Professor Loisette ,
Memory Instructorto the Polytechnic YoungMen ' s Christian Institute , has invented and again and again demonstrated the value of his system of Physiological Memory , or , as he also describes it , " the Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting-. " The secret of his success lies in the fact that he sets himself to the task of developing , scientifically , the natural memory with which man is endowed , instead of providing
for it all kinds of traps and obstacles , which only have the effect of restricting its powers and making them less and less operative . The system is easily acquired , and the terms for a complete course of study are most moderate . Such well known authorities as Mr . R . A . Proctor , the popular astronomical writer and Editor of Knowledge , and Dr . Andrew Wilson , F . R . S . E ., have spoken in terms of the
most uuqualified praise of its merits , and we have no hesitation in bringing it to the notice of any among our readers whose powers of memory may have become rusty through want of employment , or been rendered less effective by the mnemonical systems already spoken of . A very good inions formed of
idea of what it has done , and the high op it by competent judges will be gathered horn Professor Loisette ' s pamphlet , entitled , "The Loisettian School of Physiological Memory ; or , the Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting , " which can be obtained on application to the Professor himself at his offices , 37 , New Oxford-street , over against Mudie ' s Library .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Justice Straight is now on a visit to this country from Allahabad . A special service was held in the Lecture Hall of the Judith College , Ramsgate , on Sunday last in memory of the late Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore , the thirty days mourning for the deceased having terminated on that day . Lady Harlech , wife of Bro . Lord Harlech , P . G . M .:
designate of North Wales , will next month give at Oswestry a series of concerts in aid of the funds of the Oswestry School of Music . Bro . Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., Governor of the Irish Society , has returned from his official visit to the Society's estates in Londonderry , and is now staying at his residence , Byfleet .
The Prince of Wales entertained the authorities of Drontheim at dinner on board the Osborne on Monday and left for Sweden on Tuesday , reaching Storlien on the frontier on the same day . Bro . General Lord Wolseley was one of a distinguished party which on Saturday evening last proceeded
on a visit to Bro . Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild , M . P ., at Waddesdon Manor , near Aylesbury . Bro . Sir Michael R . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., Prov . Grand Master of Scotland , accompanied by Lady Shaw-Stewart , left the Clyde on board Sir Michael's yacht tor the Dorset coast , en route for Fonthill Towers , their seat in Wiltshire .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., with several members and officers of the Corporation of London , will officially visit West Ham Park on Thursday next , the 10 th inst . A sum of j ( , 200 has been voted towards the day's expenses by the Court of Common Council . The Royal yacht Victoria and Albert , with Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Connaught dn board , sailed from
Sheerness for Hamburg on Friday , the 29 th ult ., but owing to the boisterousness of the weather , their Royal Highnesses found it desirable to land at Antwerp instead of continuing their journey . The Royal yacht Osborne , with his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on board , arrived at Molde on Friday , the 2 Sth ult . In the afternoon the Prince took
tea with Mr . Gladstone and Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , M . P ., on board the Sunbeam , the ex-Premier and Sir Thomas subsequently dining with his Royal Highness . The Grand Lodge of Virginia has sustained a heavy loss by the death , in June last , of Bro . John Farren Regnault , its Grand Treasurer . The deceased , who was aged 72 years , had been a Freemason upwards of 40 years ,
having been initiated in 1 S 44 , and during that time had enjoyed the esteem and respect of all with whom he came in contact . He had shown conspicuous ability and zeal in the fulfilment of his duties , and deep regret has been expressed by the Grand Master ot Virginia and others at his death . He is succeeded in his office of Grand Treasurer by Bro . Charles Evans Wingo .
The General Committee of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution were to hold a meeting this day ( Friday ) at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , for the purpose of considering proposals to place eleven , children on the list of candidates for the October election , as well as applications for grants for advancement to children who have been on the foundation , and for any other
business that may be submitted . The Philadelphia Keystone states that Bro . Joseph H . Hough , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey , was elected Deputy Grand Secretary on 13 th November 1838 , became Acting Grand Secretary—on the death of his predecessor—in December 1 S 42 , and was first elected ,
I and has regularly ever since been annually re-elected , Grand Secretary on 14 th November , 1 S 43 . During the whole of this prolonged period , adds our contemporary , this veteran Grand Officer has never missed "an annual session of Grand Lodge , " and , we rejoice to hear , is " good , apparently , for many more annual sessions . " Loyal and continuous service like this richly deserves to be commemorated .
The following Editorial answer to a question ,. " Would some one give me some information respecting Freemasonry ? " is from the Bazaar of the 15 th June last . We are afraid we cannot offer our congratulations to the Editor of our contemporary on the nature and extent of hisacquaintance with our Society . He would have done better , had he referred his querist to some competent authority .
However , let the answer speak for itself— " You had better read some of the following works , which treat upon Masonic ceremonies : "The Book of the Lodge , " 5 s ., and "The History of Initiation , " by Dr . Oliver ; How ' s "Freemason ' s Manual , " ps . 6 d . ; Sickel's " Ahiman Rezon ;' Moore's " New Masonic Trestle Board ; " Ragon's " Rituals of Freemasonry" ( in French ) .
The St . Omer Commandery of Knights Templar of Boston , Massachusetts , visited the St . John ' s Encampment , St . John , New Brunswick , on Tuesday the 4 th ult .,. and during their stay in that city , which lasted till the Friday following , the visitors under Sir Knight Charles J . Noyes , E . C , met everywhere with a most hearty welcome . On landing thev were escorted to Freemasons' Hall , where
a formal address of welcome was delivered by Sir Knight James Adam , E . C . of the St . John ' s Encampment . This having been appropriately acknowledged by Sir Knight Noyes , a concert and dance followed , and were much enjoyed . Wednesday and Thursday were given up entirely to visiting the objects of interest in the city and its vicinity , the warmest hospitality being exhibited everywhere towards
the visitors , a " clambake , " at the Beach House , Lancaster , being the most conspicuous feature of Thursday ' s doings . On Friday the Boston Commandery took its departure under escort from the St . John ' s Encampment , after a most enjoyable sojourn , amid the hearty good wishes of their hosts and the citizens generally . HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . —Epidemic Diseases . —The alarming increase
of English cholera and diarrhoea should be a warning to every one to subdue at once any irregularity tending towards disease . Holloway ' s Pills should now be in everv household to rectify all impure states of the blood , to remedy weakness , and to overcome impaired general health . Nothing can be simpler than the Instructions for efficient than ii » -
taking this corrective medicine , nothing more cleansir-. g powers , nothing more harmless than its vegetable ingredients . Holloway ' s is the best ' physic during the summer season , when decaying fruits and unwholesome vegetables are frequent , y deranging the bowels , and daily exposing thousands , througll tneir negligence In permitting disordered action , to the dangers diarrhoea , dvsenterr . and cholera . [ ADVT . J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Major General Bland-Hunt , W . M . of the Pentangle Lodge , No . n 74 , is a candidate for the office of Mace-bearer of the City of London . Bro . G . W . Churchley , P . M . 615 , & c , P . Prov . G . S . of Kent , the well known Solicitor of Ramsgate , in a charge of wilful damage to the pleasure yacht , Prince Frederick William , obtained a conviction against the
defendant , one of the crew of the Princess Alice yacht . Bro . Lord Robartes addressed a meeting of the Miners' Association of Cornwall on Tuesday . The Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1695 , held at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , will resume its meetings on Wednesday , 9 th inst ., at S . 30 p . m . Mr . William Dilke , great-uncle Of Bro . Sir Chas .
Dilke , Bart ., M . P ., died at Chichester , on Sunday last at the advanced age of ninety . R . W . Bro . the Earl of Zetland , P . G . M . North and East Yorkshire , presided at a banquet held on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at Kirkwall , under the auspices of the Edinburgh , Orkney , and Shetland Association . A committee of the tenants and friends of Bro . Sheriff-elect Clarke has been formed for the purpose of
presenting to that gentleman a testimonial on the occasion of his being inducted into office . Some 300 guineas have already been subscribed . Bro . the Earl and Countess of Granville , with Viscount Leveson and Lady Victoria Leveson-Gower , who had been cruising for some ten days on Bro . Lord Wolverton ' s yacht Palatine , were expected to return to Walmer Castle during the present week .
It is proposed to present Bro . P . L . Simmonds with a testimonial as a mark of respect and recognition of his constant and energetic services on behalf of the British exhibitors at Antwerp . Subscriptions have been already promised by Mr . G . Hodgson , Messrs . W . J . Bush and Co ., Artillery-lane , Mr . J . Corbett , M . P ., and others .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , with the Countess of Carnarvon , and the Ladies Herbert , on Saturday last , visited the dwellings erected in Coombe Area , Dublin , by the Artizans' Dwellings Company , and expressed themselves greatly pleased with the arrangements and the information they obtained from the occupants . The Viceregal party were loudly cheered .
Bro . the Marquis and Marchioness of Headfort , Bro . the Earl and Countess Cowper , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Cork , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Northesk , Bro . Eaton , M . P ., and Miss Eaton , Bro . Viscount Powerscourt , and Bro . the Earl and Countess of Longford , were among the fashionable English visitors staying at Hamburg during the month of August .
In accordance with ancient custom , Bro . the Lord Mayor has received Royal warrants for four bucks from Bushey Park from H . M ' s . First Commissioners of Works , Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead and Sheriff Phillips receiving warrants for three each , and the Recorder , the Chamberlain , Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton ( Town Clerk ) , the Common Serjeant , and Bro . G . P . Goldney ( Remembrancer ) , one buck each .
On Monday , the 24 th ult ., the members of Ayr St . Paul ' s Lodge met at Bro . Eraser's , High-street , Ayr , for the purpose of entertaining Bro . Samuel Savage at supper on the eve of his departure for Florida and bidding him God-speed in his undertakings . Bro . Dobbie presided , and there was a very full attendance , the proceedings passing off very successfully , and the health of the guest of the evening being- drunk with much heartiness .
On Wednesday afternoon , at St . Thomas ' s , Orchard-street , Portman-square , a marriage took place between Lord Edward Cecil , Grenadier Guards , third son of the Marquis of Exeter , and Miss Tyssen-Amherst , eldest daughter of Bro . W . A . Tyssen-Amherst , M . P ., P . P . G .
S . W . Norfolk . There was a large party of the friends and relatives of the two families present on the occasion , and the bride was given away by her father , the bridegroom being supported by his brother , Lord John Cecil , as best man . After the wedding breakfast the newly-married couple left for Didlington Hall , Norfolk , to pass the honeymoon .
It has been decided by the brethren of the Province of West Lancashire to mark their respect for their late Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . H . S . Alpass , P . G . Std . B . of England , by establishing another Charitable Institution in addition to those already existing , and bestowing on it the title of the " Alpass Benevolent Institution for
Freemasons' Widows . " A considerable sum has been raised already , but further donations and subscriptions are needed , and to promote this purpose Bro . the Rev . J . P . Shepperd , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . West Lancashire , preached an eloquent sermon in St . Thomas ' s Church , Liverpool , on Sunday , the 23 rd ult . We trust soon to hear that the result has proved satisfactory .
ISLE OF AXHOLME LODGE , NO . 1482 . —Afewof the brethren met on the 25 th ult ., to bid " farewell " and " Godspeed " to a worthy brother ( W . W . Harrison ) , who has been the Head Master of the Board School , at Crowle , for the past four years . He has accepted an appointment in one of the Board Schools in North London , where he removes this week . The "leave taking " was amonir the
brethren , who greatly respected Bro . Harrison . The excellent manner in which he filled the office of Secretary to the above lodge , and his general bearing as a Mason , won for him their esteem : A splendid supper was placed on the table by Mr . and Mrs . Furniss . at the Cross Kevs
Hotel ; the J . W . ( Bro . Bellerby ) , occupying the chair in the unavoidable absence of the W . M . and S . W . The usual Masonic toast list was very ably gone through , and the principal one of the evening was proposed by Bro . Bellerby , to which Bro . Harrison replied . The evening ' s conversation was enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Fox , Power , J . Hemingbro , and R . Wood . The best wishes of the brethren go with Bro . Harrison .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Captain George Lambert , F . S . A ., has been re-elected President of the Goldsmiths' and Jewellers ' Annuity and Asylum Institutions . Bro . George Vickery is the Architect of the new warehouses in Carthusian-street .
Bro . E . Dresser Rogers , C . C ., who is a Liberal candidate for Peckham , addressed a numerous meeting of the electors on Thursday , the 27 th ult . Bro . Sir H . Drummond Wolff , M . P ., Special Envoy from the Queen to the Sultan , has been received both officially and in private audience by his Imperial Majesty .
Bros , the Right Hon . Hugh C . E . Childers , M . P ., and Sir Farrar Herschell , Q . C ., M . P ., are among the visitors in the Lake District , the place of their sojourn being in the vicinity of Ambleside . Bro . the Marquis , of Hartington , M . P ., P . G . M . Derbyshire , as Liberal candidate for the Rossendale division
of North-East Lancashire , addresssed a crowded meeting of the electors at Waterfoot on Saturday last . Bros , the Lord Mayor , M . P ., and Lord Randolph Churchill , M . P ., are among those who have promised subscriptions towards the restoration of the Eleanor Cross at Waltham .
All our readers will , we feel sure , be gratified to hear that Bro . James Terry has sufficiently recovered from his severe indisposition , to return to his official duties . His recent attack following the accident he met with a few months since has considerably weakened him , but we trust he has now made a fair start towards recovery . Bro , Bingham , M . W . G . M . of North Carolina ,
reports that recently a Mrs . Letitia M . Walker placed 1000 dollars at the disposal of the Grand Lodge , for the purpose of building a bathhouse for the North Carolina Masonic Orphan Asylum , the lady in question having done this out of funds bequeathed to her for benevolent purposes by her son , lately deceased , Mr . John M . Walker . Bro . E . Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., appeared as leading
Counsel for the West Ham Local Board in an arbitration case between the North Woolwich Land Company and the said Board which after four days' argument was brought to a conclusion last week . The question involved had reference to the freeing of certain tolls near the docks , and the arbitrator reserved his decision . The cruise of Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey ' s yacht
Sunbeam , came to a close on Tuesday , when the vessel arrived in the Moray Firth and the ex-Premier with Mrs . and Miss Gladstone landed at Fort George and took the Aberdeen train for Fasque , Kincardineshire , the residence of Sir Thomas Gladstone . Bro . Sir T . and Lady Brassey accompanied their distinguished guests to the station and afterwards proceeded to Inverness . Bro . the Lord Mayor has returned from his
holiday and resumed his duties at the Mansion House . His lordship and the Lady Mayoress will give a ball at the Mansion House on Friday , the 9 th October , when a large number of the Provincial Mayors and other municipal functionaries will be in London in connection with the celebration of the jubilee of Reformed Corporations . A errand Masonic re-union will be held at the
Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Wednesday , the 30 th inst ., in aid of the West Lancashire Hamer Educational Fund . Tickets , 10 s . 6 d . each ( refreshments included ) , must be applied for early , as the number issued will be strictly limited . The entertainment will consist of soiree , conversazione , and ball , of which full particulars and programmes will be courteously furnished by Bro . H . H . Smith ,
Honorary Secretary . The funeral of Bro . H . Fowkes , P . M ., Mayor of Derbv , took place on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., amid general manifestations of sorrow on the part of his fellow townsmen , while a large number of his brother Masons testified their respect for the deceased by joining in the procession which accomoanied his remains to their last resting place . Bro .
Fowkes was initiated in the Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 , Derby , but subsequently joining the Lodge of Repose , No . 802 , meeting in the same town , rose in time to be its W . M . So greatly was he esteemed by the members of the latter lodge that , at its last meeting , it was unanimously agreed to transmit a resolution of condolence to the widow and familv . and also that the lodee should wear mourning for a
period of three months . Bro . Fowkes was a Life Subscriber to the Boys' School . There is no class of men to whom the Loisettian system of memory is likely to be of such service as Freemasons , the correct working of whose ceremonies depends so largely for success , on a careful cultivation of the art of remembering what can be alone communicated to them orally .
Many among us , no doubt , have tried various of the systems of Mnemonics , which have from time to time been invented , but in the majority of cases the result has been comparative , if not absolute , failure , simply because it is a severer tax on the mental powers to master the Mnemonical systems than to acquire and retain in the memory what was originally set down to be remembered . Professor Loisette ,
Memory Instructorto the Polytechnic YoungMen ' s Christian Institute , has invented and again and again demonstrated the value of his system of Physiological Memory , or , as he also describes it , " the Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting-. " The secret of his success lies in the fact that he sets himself to the task of developing , scientifically , the natural memory with which man is endowed , instead of providing
for it all kinds of traps and obstacles , which only have the effect of restricting its powers and making them less and less operative . The system is easily acquired , and the terms for a complete course of study are most moderate . Such well known authorities as Mr . R . A . Proctor , the popular astronomical writer and Editor of Knowledge , and Dr . Andrew Wilson , F . R . S . E ., have spoken in terms of the
most uuqualified praise of its merits , and we have no hesitation in bringing it to the notice of any among our readers whose powers of memory may have become rusty through want of employment , or been rendered less effective by the mnemonical systems already spoken of . A very good inions formed of
idea of what it has done , and the high op it by competent judges will be gathered horn Professor Loisette ' s pamphlet , entitled , "The Loisettian School of Physiological Memory ; or , the Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting , " which can be obtained on application to the Professor himself at his offices , 37 , New Oxford-street , over against Mudie ' s Library .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Justice Straight is now on a visit to this country from Allahabad . A special service was held in the Lecture Hall of the Judith College , Ramsgate , on Sunday last in memory of the late Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore , the thirty days mourning for the deceased having terminated on that day . Lady Harlech , wife of Bro . Lord Harlech , P . G . M .:
designate of North Wales , will next month give at Oswestry a series of concerts in aid of the funds of the Oswestry School of Music . Bro . Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., Governor of the Irish Society , has returned from his official visit to the Society's estates in Londonderry , and is now staying at his residence , Byfleet .
The Prince of Wales entertained the authorities of Drontheim at dinner on board the Osborne on Monday and left for Sweden on Tuesday , reaching Storlien on the frontier on the same day . Bro . General Lord Wolseley was one of a distinguished party which on Saturday evening last proceeded
on a visit to Bro . Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild , M . P ., at Waddesdon Manor , near Aylesbury . Bro . Sir Michael R . Shaw-Stewart , Bart ., Prov . Grand Master of Scotland , accompanied by Lady Shaw-Stewart , left the Clyde on board Sir Michael's yacht tor the Dorset coast , en route for Fonthill Towers , their seat in Wiltshire .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., with several members and officers of the Corporation of London , will officially visit West Ham Park on Thursday next , the 10 th inst . A sum of j ( , 200 has been voted towards the day's expenses by the Court of Common Council . The Royal yacht Victoria and Albert , with Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Connaught dn board , sailed from
Sheerness for Hamburg on Friday , the 29 th ult ., but owing to the boisterousness of the weather , their Royal Highnesses found it desirable to land at Antwerp instead of continuing their journey . The Royal yacht Osborne , with his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on board , arrived at Molde on Friday , the 2 Sth ult . In the afternoon the Prince took
tea with Mr . Gladstone and Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , M . P ., on board the Sunbeam , the ex-Premier and Sir Thomas subsequently dining with his Royal Highness . The Grand Lodge of Virginia has sustained a heavy loss by the death , in June last , of Bro . John Farren Regnault , its Grand Treasurer . The deceased , who was aged 72 years , had been a Freemason upwards of 40 years ,
having been initiated in 1 S 44 , and during that time had enjoyed the esteem and respect of all with whom he came in contact . He had shown conspicuous ability and zeal in the fulfilment of his duties , and deep regret has been expressed by the Grand Master ot Virginia and others at his death . He is succeeded in his office of Grand Treasurer by Bro . Charles Evans Wingo .
The General Committee of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution were to hold a meeting this day ( Friday ) at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , for the purpose of considering proposals to place eleven , children on the list of candidates for the October election , as well as applications for grants for advancement to children who have been on the foundation , and for any other
business that may be submitted . The Philadelphia Keystone states that Bro . Joseph H . Hough , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey , was elected Deputy Grand Secretary on 13 th November 1838 , became Acting Grand Secretary—on the death of his predecessor—in December 1 S 42 , and was first elected ,
I and has regularly ever since been annually re-elected , Grand Secretary on 14 th November , 1 S 43 . During the whole of this prolonged period , adds our contemporary , this veteran Grand Officer has never missed "an annual session of Grand Lodge , " and , we rejoice to hear , is " good , apparently , for many more annual sessions . " Loyal and continuous service like this richly deserves to be commemorated .
The following Editorial answer to a question ,. " Would some one give me some information respecting Freemasonry ? " is from the Bazaar of the 15 th June last . We are afraid we cannot offer our congratulations to the Editor of our contemporary on the nature and extent of hisacquaintance with our Society . He would have done better , had he referred his querist to some competent authority .
However , let the answer speak for itself— " You had better read some of the following works , which treat upon Masonic ceremonies : "The Book of the Lodge , " 5 s ., and "The History of Initiation , " by Dr . Oliver ; How ' s "Freemason ' s Manual , " ps . 6 d . ; Sickel's " Ahiman Rezon ;' Moore's " New Masonic Trestle Board ; " Ragon's " Rituals of Freemasonry" ( in French ) .
The St . Omer Commandery of Knights Templar of Boston , Massachusetts , visited the St . John ' s Encampment , St . John , New Brunswick , on Tuesday the 4 th ult .,. and during their stay in that city , which lasted till the Friday following , the visitors under Sir Knight Charles J . Noyes , E . C , met everywhere with a most hearty welcome . On landing thev were escorted to Freemasons' Hall , where
a formal address of welcome was delivered by Sir Knight James Adam , E . C . of the St . John ' s Encampment . This having been appropriately acknowledged by Sir Knight Noyes , a concert and dance followed , and were much enjoyed . Wednesday and Thursday were given up entirely to visiting the objects of interest in the city and its vicinity , the warmest hospitality being exhibited everywhere towards
the visitors , a " clambake , " at the Beach House , Lancaster , being the most conspicuous feature of Thursday ' s doings . On Friday the Boston Commandery took its departure under escort from the St . John ' s Encampment , after a most enjoyable sojourn , amid the hearty good wishes of their hosts and the citizens generally . HOLLOWAY ' PILLS . —Epidemic Diseases . —The alarming increase
of English cholera and diarrhoea should be a warning to every one to subdue at once any irregularity tending towards disease . Holloway ' s Pills should now be in everv household to rectify all impure states of the blood , to remedy weakness , and to overcome impaired general health . Nothing can be simpler than the Instructions for efficient than ii » -
taking this corrective medicine , nothing more cleansir-. g powers , nothing more harmless than its vegetable ingredients . Holloway ' s is the best ' physic during the summer season , when decaying fruits and unwholesome vegetables are frequent , y deranging the bowels , and daily exposing thousands , througll tneir negligence In permitting disordered action , to the dangers diarrhoea , dvsenterr . and cholera . [ ADVT . J