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Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
G . Caulfield , and last , but not least , amongst others the W . M ,, furnished some really capital singing , Bro . Sherwin affording highly efficient accompaniment in his usual
obliging manner . After the usual loyal and Craft toasts , Bro . Pulsford , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " who , in acknowledging the cordial reception this met with , expressed his anxiety to have his zeal for the lodge put more to the test by having even more work to do . Bro . Sidders also acknowledged the great assistance at all times rendered
by the Past Masters . In response thereto , Bros . Pulsford and Graveley made some valuable and practical suggestions to the brethren . Bro . Graveley , who is always to the fore as a " bold beggar" on behalf of our excellent Masonic Charities , urged all brethren to work hard to secure the return of those candidates whom the lodge had adopted . Out of the telling remarks of these brethren a serviceable discussion
ensued , from which it appeared the brethren of this lodge , which so strenuously supports the three Institutions , are , with members of the other lodge in the district , beginning to see that by union those who give largely may be better able to secure with more certainty the return of their candidates , a result which is desirable , and the reverse of that hitherto experienced . In response to the toast of " The Visitors , " Bro . W . G .
Caulfield , 1269 , a brother from South Africa , returned thanks , also furnishing a humorous reading , much to the enjoyment of all present . The Officers' labours were next heartily and , we may truly say , deservingly recognised , and Bro . Stewart , P . M ., gave the final toast , indicative of " goodwill" to absent and deserving brethren , and the brethren separated looking forward to next lodge night .
UPTON LODGE ( No . 1227 ) . —The annual meeting of this successful lodge took place on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , where it has been removed from its birthplace—Upton—and we are pleased to find that since its removal it has made great accession to its roll of members , thus showing the advantage of having its quarters in " modern Babylon . " The
meeting was called for four o ' clock p . m ., and a few minutes after that hour Bro . Charles Gieseke , the W . M ., opened the lodge , being ably supported by Bros . David Legg , S . W ., the W . M . elect ; C . Patrick , J . W . ; C . J . Free , Sec ; J . Stroud , S . D . ; Rowe , J . D . ; G . H . Clark , l . G . ; Bowler , Tyler ; and a numerous attendance of the members of the lodge . The following Past Masters also
attended : Bros . B . Picking ( founder ) , A . W . Fenner , and W . Serjeant ; and the following visitors : Bros . S . Wilson , P . M . 115 s ; H . Hall , P . M . 1693 ; John Davis , P . M . S 79 ; Charles Reeve , P . M . 1 S 7 6 ; W . Giller , W . M . 1607 ; A . Oldroyd . lJ . W . 1876 ; F . Johnson , D . C . 1876 ; P . Potter , n 8 ; andT . Frankland , 7 S 1 . The minutes of the last meeting were then read and
confirmed , after which the Auditors' report was submitted and approved . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bra . Fenner , P . M ., who , by special desire of the W . M ., as also the W . M . elect , proceeded to open the lodge in the Second Degree , when the W . M . elect was presented by Bro . Gieseke for installation , who was duly obligated . The lodge being opened in the Third Degree , a Board of
Installed Masters was duly formed , and Bro . D . Legg was regularly installed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . On the readmission of the brethren , the new W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in the usual manner , after which he appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . C . Patrick , S . W . ; J . Stroud . J . W . ; A . W . Fenner , P . M ., Sec . ; C . J . Free , S . D . ; G . H . Clark ,
J . D . ; T . J . Day , l . G . ; Sherwin , Org . ; and Bowler , Tyler . Bros . W . S . Day and W . Hayward were appointed W . S . and D . C . respectively . Bro . Fenner then completed the ceremony by giving the usual addresses . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Messrs . Nicholas Anstey and William Charles Gray , which proved unanimous , and both these gentlemen being in attendance , the W . M . gave
the brethren a proof of his efficiency by initiating them in a manner which elicited approbation from all present , he being ably supported by his officers . No other business being on the agenda , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in capital style by " mine host" of the Three Nuns . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts
had been given and duly honoured , the gavel was then assumed by Bro . Gieseke , the I . P . M ., who proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master , " and , in doing so , stated that he knew all the brethren would agree with him that , in having such an able Master in the chair as Bro . Legg , the lodge would prosper , and he hoped that they would kindly cooperate with him by rendering him all the assistance that in weir aiu in 01 ine amies
lay power uo mm me aiscnargc of his high office . It is needless to say that the toast was most generously responded to ; and , in reply , The Worshipful Master thanked Bro . Gieseke for the kind manner he had proposed his health , and the brethren for the very cordial manner they had responded to it . He assured them that he would do his utmost for the welfare
of the lodge , and would discharge the duties of the chair to the oest of his ability ; and he Felt sure that , with the kind assistance of the Past Masters and the officers of the lodge , during his year of office there would be nothing to fear for the success of the Upton Lodge . The Worshipful Master then proposed " The Health of the I . P . M . " and remarked that Bro . Gieseke had
discharged his duties as W . M . through a very trying year of office , but he had successfully steered the lodge through all its difficulties , and finally anchored in London , and he was sure that Bro . Gieseke deserved the thanks of every member of the lodge for the unflagging zeal he had displayed for its prosperity ; and he had great pleasure in presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , which had been
unanimously voted him by the lodge , and in placing it on his breast he trusted he would be spared for many years to Wear it as a memento of the good feeling of the members towards him . At the same time he presented him with a very handsome bracelet ( a voluntary gift of the brethren ) for Mrs . Gieseke , as a mark of esteem the brethren had
for her husband . The toast was very cordially received . In response , Bro . Gieseke thanked the brethren from his heart , both for himself and wife , for the kind and handsome way they had expressed their good feeling towards nim j and he assured them that he would always strive to do his utmost for the good of the Upton Lodge .
Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
" The Initiates " toast followed . The W . M . remarked that in initiating the two gentlemen that evening , and whom he had known for a very long time—he was sure they would do honour to the Craft and credit to the lodge , and he hoped that he might have initiates every night during his year of office . The toast was received with all the honours it deserved . In response , Bros . Anstey and Gray expressed the
pleasurejthey felt in being received into such an ancient Fraternity ; and that they would do their utmost to deserve the good opinion of the members of the lodge ; as from what they had already gone through , they felt sure there was nothing but what was good to be learnt in Freemasonry , and they hoped that in time they would be able to carry out the prophecy of the W . M . in bringing credit to
the lodge . " The Visitors " toast next followed , and was proposed in very graceful terms by the W . M ., who also remarked that the Upton Lodge was always proud to receive visitors . They were honoured with the presence of brethren of eminence in the Craft , and called upon the brethren to receive the toast with all Masonic honours , which was done .
Bro . Hall , a P . M . of the Kingsland Lodge , being called upon to respond , said , that while acknowledging the honour conferred upon him . in being deputed to respond for so many visitors , expressed the pleasure he felt while in the lodge at the excellent manner in which the work had been done , and he was sure the other visitors would concur with
him , when he expressed his thanks for the kind and brotherly feeling exhibited by the members towards the visitors , and also for the hospitality shown them that evening by the lodge . He would ever remember it , as it shews the good feeling which exists in the lodge , and he trusted that that good feeling would continue for many years to
come . The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of "The P . Ms ., " and remarked that without the assistance of the P . Ms , no lodge could hope to succeed . Amongst those who were present there was one founder of the lodge , Bro . B . Picking , the P . Ms , of the lodge have always given the Master the benefit of their experience , and so
enabled him to carry out his duties to the satisfaction of the brethren , he also coupled the name of the Treasurer , Bro . Gieseke , with that of the P . M ' . s , under whose care the funds of the lodge had materially increased , he also referred to Bro . C . J . Free , who had discharged the duties of Secretary with great ability , and those through many difficulties , during his term of office , which in a great
measure tended towards the success of the lodge , and to whom the heartiest thanks of the Master were justly due for the great assistance received from him , which toast was heartily received by the brethren . Bros . B . Picking , Fenner , and Sergeant , responded , expressing the pleasure they felt for the genial manner in which their healths had been proposed and accepted , and
also that they would always support the W . M . in the discharge of the duties of his high office , and to further the interests of the lodge to their utmost . "The Officers" toast was proposed in very complimentary terms by the W . M ., and duly honoured , which was
responded to by Bro . S . W . The Tyler's toast brought a very harmonious meeting to an end , which will long be remembered by those who were present . The following brethren contributed in a great measure to the evening , by some excellent music and singing . Bros . Sherwin , Organist of the Lodge ; Serjeant , P . M . ; Patrick , and Stroud .
TWICKENHAM . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Albany Hotel , on the 29 th ult . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . J . P . Jenkins , there being also present Bros . Wm . Hy . Matthews , J . W . ; Edward Wm . Devereux , P . M ., Sec ; Dr . Wm . Faulkner , S . D . ; Wm . Beaton , J . D . j H . B . Hassel , Stwd ., acting l . G . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler :
J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middx . ; J . Faulkner , P . M ., P . G . D . Middx . ; E . H . Thiellay , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Middx . ; Wm . Lovelock , Jas . Baker , and R . M . Jones . Visitors : Bros . I . W . Long , P . M . 66 9 ; and Eugene Montennis , P . M ., P . G . S . Tristan Lodge . tThe W . M . desired the Secretary to read the petition convening the meeting , and by consent
of theW . M ., Bro . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middx ., initiated ( previously balloted for ) Messrs . Baker and Jones . Business being ended the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily received , and the Tyler's toast brought to a conclusion a very happy meeting .
GREAT STAN MORE . —Abercorn Lodge ( No . ' 549 ) - —This lodge held its installation meeting at the Abercorn Hotel , on the 5 th ult . Bro . Dr . Rogers , the respected W . M ., opened his lodge at 5 . 15 , and was well supported . After the preliminary business was disposed of , Bro . Verrall passed the usual examination , and in due time was enlightened as F . C . Bro . Villiers , I . P . M ., then
presented to the W . M . Bro . R . C . Puckett , S . W ., for the benefit of installation , who , after complying with the ancient charges and taking the O . B ., was most efficiently placed by the W . M . in the chair of K . S ,, according to ancient custom , amid the congratulations of all P . Ms , present . Having duly invested the I . P . M ., the brethren were then admitted according to rank , and duly saluted the W . M . in
the several Degrees . The addresses were impressively given from the several chairs , and the following brethren invested as officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . E . Dalzell , S . W . ; H . B . Didsbury , J . W . ; Dr . Rogers , I . P . M ., Treas . ; C . Veal , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Tolman , S . D . ; D . R . Soames , J . D . ; 'J 3 r . Troutbeck , l . G . ; T . J . Villiers , D . C . and W . S . ; H . W . Schartau , Organist ; and J .
Middleton , T y ler . The Worshipful Master , with general approval , then presented the I . P . M . with the handsome lodge jewel , unanimously voted , in recognition of his valuable services during the preceding year , and also thanked him for his able rendering of the ceremony of installation , for which he gratefully responded . Bro . Veal , Sec , having announced many generous contributions from the brethren towards
the Masonic pulpit in St . Alban s Abbey , and also towards the Levander Memorial , which concluded the business , the lodge was duly closed at 7 . 15 . The brethren adjourned to banquet in the large and handsome room lately added to this hotel , both of which reflected great credit upon the proprietor , Bro . C . Veal , and was full y appreciated . The latter improvement is a move in the right direction , and was a great assistance to
Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
those well-known talented vocalists Bros . Dalzell and Schartau , who contributed so largely to the musical treat afforded to the brethren . The various toasts were well given and duly honoured . The visitors were Bros . D . A . Howden , P . M . 263 , and C . H . Webb , P . M . 1607 . The
Tyler's toast closed a most enjoyable meeting at 10 p . m . The attention of Secretaries and brethren may fairly be drawn to the great facilities now enjoyed by this retired hotel for summer banquets , and the formation of new country lodges .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — After two months' summer vacation , the members of the above lodge resumed their Masonic labours for the season , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . The chair was occupied by Bro . R . Burgess , W . M ., and there were also present Bios . J . L . Shrapnell , P . M . ; W . W . Sandbrook , P . M . ; VV . Savage , P . M . ; J . M . BoydS . W . ;
, O . W . Sanderson , J . W . ; J . B . Mackenzie , P . P . G . S . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; Josef Cantor , Sec . ; H . Round , J . D . ; E . H . Allen , S . W . ; T . L . Duncan , and J . Fineberg , Stwds . ; and Win . H . Ball , Tyler . The members included Bros . John Galloway , Joseph Bramham , John M'Gregor , Ed . Graham , Andrew Mein , J . Jacobs , H . Heard , John Ballard , Alfred Lutschannig , James Lees , Albert Smith , Briscall
Wm . , ^ H . Fineberg , G . M . Polini , Geo . Parker Carr , W . C . Fane , ] ohn T . Bramley , Louis Veaco , Arnold W . Pierce , John Cobham , P . M . 241 and 13 S 0 , Robert Sweetman , Sidney Smart , James Boardman , Walter Hy . Owen , Eaton Batty , D . Cumming , James J . Monk , Geo . Williams , S . Mattison , S . Kirkham , N . F . Burt , nnd others . The following visitors were also present : ' is . os .
Frederick Evans , S . D . 1013 ; Thomas Lowton , 2042 ; J . Arthur Addison , P . M . go , 7 SS ; ] . W . Ross Brown , 192 S ; P . D . Prince , 1502 ; G . K . Wood , W . M . 220 ; R . Taylor , 6 G 7 ! J- Jardine , G 67 ; John Mallabar , G 73 ; Berthold Striem , 192 S ; Robt . Hormer , 1264 ; Wm . B . Barker , 35 ( New Jersey ); and VV . E . Smith , 15 , 17 . Messrs . G . H . Croxden-Powell and ' AIbert E . Workman
were unanimously elected , and afterwards duly initiated into the Order . Bros . Smart and Sweetman were passed to the Second Degree , and the lodge subsequently proceeded to the choice of W . M . for the ensuing year . The ballot was unanimously in favour of Bro . John M . Boyd , S . W ., whose valuable services in various offices have thus been very cordially recognised . He enters upon the
performance of his duties with the warmest esteem and hearty good wishes of every brother connected with the Dramatic Lodge , this good feeling being very appositely conveyed , too , by the W . M . to his successor , who responded in the brief and pointed way for which he has a deserved re putation in Masonic and general circles . The ballot for the Treasurership resulted in the unanimous re-election of Brc .
J . B . Mackenzie , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., whose remarks in acknowledgment of the renewed confidence of his brethren were largely directed towards securing a ready and pleasant flow of "bawbees" into the lodge treasury . Bros . Reay ( re-elected ) and Savage were selected Auditors nem . con . ; Bros . Bell , Sandbrook , Anderson , Reay , Burgess , and
Shrapnell were appointed members of the Dramatic Fund of Benevolence ; and Bros . Mittison , Savage , and Cumming were chosen representatives of the Masonic Hall Committee . The brethren subsequentl y dined in the large banquetingroom , aad during the evening songs and recitations of a most attractive nature were given in an admirable manner .
LANDPORT . —Duke of Connaught Lodge ( No . 1 S 34 ) . —There was a numerous and representative gathering at the Freemasons' Hall on Tuesday evening , the 25 th ult ., on the occasion of the installation of Bro . G . T . Cunningham , T . C ., as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony was impressively performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . I . W . Westaway , P . G . Std . Br .,
who was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his services . The W . M . appointed his officers asunder : Bros . J . W . Westaway , I . P . M . ; I . S . Gardner , S . W . ; O . W . Bevis , J . W . ; S . R . Ellis , P . M ., Treas . ; D . T . Rule , Sec ; W . H . Baker , S . D . ; W . W . Slade , J . D . ; G . T . Aylen , D . C ; T . F . Wilton , Org . ; R . G . Fartam , l . G . ; E . Penney and T . I . Suter , Stwds . ; and J . Exell , Tyler .
Among the visiting brethren present at the banquet which followed were Bros . Aldermen VV . D . King and A . Cudlipp , G . Rake , R . W . Beale , J . G . Niven , T . Good , Mason , Gieve , Hill , Dempsey , Naylor , Drake , Lancaster , Rastrick , Long , Backler , jolhffe , Bond , Williams , J . W . Gardner , Marshallsay , Blanche . Sylvester , Miles , Green , Gunnell .
Croucher , Corke , Boulton , Bainton , and others . " The Health of the Worshipful Master " was proposed in fraternal and felicitous terms by Alderman King , and appropriately responded to by Bro . Cunningham . The usual toasts were given , and the vocal contributions were accompanied by Bros . Miles and Sylvester .
CROYDON . —George Price Lodge ( No . 2096 ) . —The fourth regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., when there were present Bros . J . D . Langton , W . M . ; H . M . Hobbs , S . W . ; F . T . Ridpath , J . W . ; J . Langton , Treas . ; J . S . Fraser , Sec ; M . L . Levey , J . D . ; J . G . Horsey , P . P . G . D . C . Surrey ; George Price , P . G . Treas . Surrey ;
W . U . Merritt , VV . G . Oates , E . C . Holdsworth , C . Holden , W . Fraser , J . Rosenberg , A . B . Crundall , J . Klein , and VV . Lane , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . VV . Grellier , l . G . 21 ; H . J . Smith , 1475 ; N . Comock , iSfl ; G . C . Burry , P . P . G . O . Surrey ; C . Daniel , P . M . 65 ; E . R . Holten , 2021 ; J . T . Hoerth , 1790 ; and A . Daw Kerrel ! , P . M . 145 .
The lodge having been opened , the W . M . invested Bro . VV . D . Merritt , P . M . 1000 , as acting I . P . M ., after which Bios . Oates , Holdsworth , Holden , and Rosenberg , candidates for raising , were raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . Mr . A . B . Crundall , previously approved , was then initiated into Freemasonry ; this , as well as the previous ceremonies , being performed by the W . M . in his
usual faultless style , although suffering from the effects of a severe cold . A candidate having been proposed for initiation at the next meeting , the W . M . intimated his desire to represent the lodge at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The offer being
accepted , Bro . Hobbs , S . W ., gave notice that at the next meeting he would move that such sum as the funds of the lodge would permit—not exceeding 10 guineas—be placed on the W . M . ' slist . The W . M ., in the course of the meeting , drew the attention of the brethren to the testimonial then being got up by the different Surrey lodges to show their
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Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
G . Caulfield , and last , but not least , amongst others the W . M ,, furnished some really capital singing , Bro . Sherwin affording highly efficient accompaniment in his usual
obliging manner . After the usual loyal and Craft toasts , Bro . Pulsford , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " who , in acknowledging the cordial reception this met with , expressed his anxiety to have his zeal for the lodge put more to the test by having even more work to do . Bro . Sidders also acknowledged the great assistance at all times rendered
by the Past Masters . In response thereto , Bros . Pulsford and Graveley made some valuable and practical suggestions to the brethren . Bro . Graveley , who is always to the fore as a " bold beggar" on behalf of our excellent Masonic Charities , urged all brethren to work hard to secure the return of those candidates whom the lodge had adopted . Out of the telling remarks of these brethren a serviceable discussion
ensued , from which it appeared the brethren of this lodge , which so strenuously supports the three Institutions , are , with members of the other lodge in the district , beginning to see that by union those who give largely may be better able to secure with more certainty the return of their candidates , a result which is desirable , and the reverse of that hitherto experienced . In response to the toast of " The Visitors , " Bro . W . G .
Caulfield , 1269 , a brother from South Africa , returned thanks , also furnishing a humorous reading , much to the enjoyment of all present . The Officers' labours were next heartily and , we may truly say , deservingly recognised , and Bro . Stewart , P . M ., gave the final toast , indicative of " goodwill" to absent and deserving brethren , and the brethren separated looking forward to next lodge night .
UPTON LODGE ( No . 1227 ) . —The annual meeting of this successful lodge took place on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , where it has been removed from its birthplace—Upton—and we are pleased to find that since its removal it has made great accession to its roll of members , thus showing the advantage of having its quarters in " modern Babylon . " The
meeting was called for four o ' clock p . m ., and a few minutes after that hour Bro . Charles Gieseke , the W . M ., opened the lodge , being ably supported by Bros . David Legg , S . W ., the W . M . elect ; C . Patrick , J . W . ; C . J . Free , Sec ; J . Stroud , S . D . ; Rowe , J . D . ; G . H . Clark , l . G . ; Bowler , Tyler ; and a numerous attendance of the members of the lodge . The following Past Masters also
attended : Bros . B . Picking ( founder ) , A . W . Fenner , and W . Serjeant ; and the following visitors : Bros . S . Wilson , P . M . 115 s ; H . Hall , P . M . 1693 ; John Davis , P . M . S 79 ; Charles Reeve , P . M . 1 S 7 6 ; W . Giller , W . M . 1607 ; A . Oldroyd . lJ . W . 1876 ; F . Johnson , D . C . 1876 ; P . Potter , n 8 ; andT . Frankland , 7 S 1 . The minutes of the last meeting were then read and
confirmed , after which the Auditors' report was submitted and approved . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bra . Fenner , P . M ., who , by special desire of the W . M ., as also the W . M . elect , proceeded to open the lodge in the Second Degree , when the W . M . elect was presented by Bro . Gieseke for installation , who was duly obligated . The lodge being opened in the Third Degree , a Board of
Installed Masters was duly formed , and Bro . D . Legg was regularly installed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . On the readmission of the brethren , the new W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in the usual manner , after which he appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . C . Patrick , S . W . ; J . Stroud . J . W . ; A . W . Fenner , P . M ., Sec . ; C . J . Free , S . D . ; G . H . Clark ,
J . D . ; T . J . Day , l . G . ; Sherwin , Org . ; and Bowler , Tyler . Bros . W . S . Day and W . Hayward were appointed W . S . and D . C . respectively . Bro . Fenner then completed the ceremony by giving the usual addresses . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Messrs . Nicholas Anstey and William Charles Gray , which proved unanimous , and both these gentlemen being in attendance , the W . M . gave
the brethren a proof of his efficiency by initiating them in a manner which elicited approbation from all present , he being ably supported by his officers . No other business being on the agenda , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in capital style by " mine host" of the Three Nuns . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts
had been given and duly honoured , the gavel was then assumed by Bro . Gieseke , the I . P . M ., who proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master , " and , in doing so , stated that he knew all the brethren would agree with him that , in having such an able Master in the chair as Bro . Legg , the lodge would prosper , and he hoped that they would kindly cooperate with him by rendering him all the assistance that in weir aiu in 01 ine amies
lay power uo mm me aiscnargc of his high office . It is needless to say that the toast was most generously responded to ; and , in reply , The Worshipful Master thanked Bro . Gieseke for the kind manner he had proposed his health , and the brethren for the very cordial manner they had responded to it . He assured them that he would do his utmost for the welfare
of the lodge , and would discharge the duties of the chair to the oest of his ability ; and he Felt sure that , with the kind assistance of the Past Masters and the officers of the lodge , during his year of office there would be nothing to fear for the success of the Upton Lodge . The Worshipful Master then proposed " The Health of the I . P . M . " and remarked that Bro . Gieseke had
discharged his duties as W . M . through a very trying year of office , but he had successfully steered the lodge through all its difficulties , and finally anchored in London , and he was sure that Bro . Gieseke deserved the thanks of every member of the lodge for the unflagging zeal he had displayed for its prosperity ; and he had great pleasure in presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , which had been
unanimously voted him by the lodge , and in placing it on his breast he trusted he would be spared for many years to Wear it as a memento of the good feeling of the members towards him . At the same time he presented him with a very handsome bracelet ( a voluntary gift of the brethren ) for Mrs . Gieseke , as a mark of esteem the brethren had
for her husband . The toast was very cordially received . In response , Bro . Gieseke thanked the brethren from his heart , both for himself and wife , for the kind and handsome way they had expressed their good feeling towards nim j and he assured them that he would always strive to do his utmost for the good of the Upton Lodge .
Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
" The Initiates " toast followed . The W . M . remarked that in initiating the two gentlemen that evening , and whom he had known for a very long time—he was sure they would do honour to the Craft and credit to the lodge , and he hoped that he might have initiates every night during his year of office . The toast was received with all the honours it deserved . In response , Bros . Anstey and Gray expressed the
pleasurejthey felt in being received into such an ancient Fraternity ; and that they would do their utmost to deserve the good opinion of the members of the lodge ; as from what they had already gone through , they felt sure there was nothing but what was good to be learnt in Freemasonry , and they hoped that in time they would be able to carry out the prophecy of the W . M . in bringing credit to
the lodge . " The Visitors " toast next followed , and was proposed in very graceful terms by the W . M ., who also remarked that the Upton Lodge was always proud to receive visitors . They were honoured with the presence of brethren of eminence in the Craft , and called upon the brethren to receive the toast with all Masonic honours , which was done .
Bro . Hall , a P . M . of the Kingsland Lodge , being called upon to respond , said , that while acknowledging the honour conferred upon him . in being deputed to respond for so many visitors , expressed the pleasure he felt while in the lodge at the excellent manner in which the work had been done , and he was sure the other visitors would concur with
him , when he expressed his thanks for the kind and brotherly feeling exhibited by the members towards the visitors , and also for the hospitality shown them that evening by the lodge . He would ever remember it , as it shews the good feeling which exists in the lodge , and he trusted that that good feeling would continue for many years to
come . The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of "The P . Ms ., " and remarked that without the assistance of the P . Ms , no lodge could hope to succeed . Amongst those who were present there was one founder of the lodge , Bro . B . Picking , the P . Ms , of the lodge have always given the Master the benefit of their experience , and so
enabled him to carry out his duties to the satisfaction of the brethren , he also coupled the name of the Treasurer , Bro . Gieseke , with that of the P . M ' . s , under whose care the funds of the lodge had materially increased , he also referred to Bro . C . J . Free , who had discharged the duties of Secretary with great ability , and those through many difficulties , during his term of office , which in a great
measure tended towards the success of the lodge , and to whom the heartiest thanks of the Master were justly due for the great assistance received from him , which toast was heartily received by the brethren . Bros . B . Picking , Fenner , and Sergeant , responded , expressing the pleasure they felt for the genial manner in which their healths had been proposed and accepted , and
also that they would always support the W . M . in the discharge of the duties of his high office , and to further the interests of the lodge to their utmost . "The Officers" toast was proposed in very complimentary terms by the W . M ., and duly honoured , which was
responded to by Bro . S . W . The Tyler's toast brought a very harmonious meeting to an end , which will long be remembered by those who were present . The following brethren contributed in a great measure to the evening , by some excellent music and singing . Bros . Sherwin , Organist of the Lodge ; Serjeant , P . M . ; Patrick , and Stroud .
TWICKENHAM . —Era Lodge ( No . 1423 ) . — An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Albany Hotel , on the 29 th ult . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . J . P . Jenkins , there being also present Bros . Wm . Hy . Matthews , J . W . ; Edward Wm . Devereux , P . M ., Sec ; Dr . Wm . Faulkner , S . D . ; Wm . Beaton , J . D . j H . B . Hassel , Stwd ., acting l . G . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler :
J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middx . ; J . Faulkner , P . M ., P . G . D . Middx . ; E . H . Thiellay , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Middx . ; Wm . Lovelock , Jas . Baker , and R . M . Jones . Visitors : Bros . I . W . Long , P . M . 66 9 ; and Eugene Montennis , P . M ., P . G . S . Tristan Lodge . tThe W . M . desired the Secretary to read the petition convening the meeting , and by consent
of theW . M ., Bro . J . T . Moss , P . P . G . R . Middx ., initiated ( previously balloted for ) Messrs . Baker and Jones . Business being ended the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily received , and the Tyler's toast brought to a conclusion a very happy meeting .
GREAT STAN MORE . —Abercorn Lodge ( No . ' 549 ) - —This lodge held its installation meeting at the Abercorn Hotel , on the 5 th ult . Bro . Dr . Rogers , the respected W . M ., opened his lodge at 5 . 15 , and was well supported . After the preliminary business was disposed of , Bro . Verrall passed the usual examination , and in due time was enlightened as F . C . Bro . Villiers , I . P . M ., then
presented to the W . M . Bro . R . C . Puckett , S . W ., for the benefit of installation , who , after complying with the ancient charges and taking the O . B ., was most efficiently placed by the W . M . in the chair of K . S ,, according to ancient custom , amid the congratulations of all P . Ms , present . Having duly invested the I . P . M ., the brethren were then admitted according to rank , and duly saluted the W . M . in
the several Degrees . The addresses were impressively given from the several chairs , and the following brethren invested as officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . E . Dalzell , S . W . ; H . B . Didsbury , J . W . ; Dr . Rogers , I . P . M ., Treas . ; C . Veal , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Tolman , S . D . ; D . R . Soames , J . D . ; 'J 3 r . Troutbeck , l . G . ; T . J . Villiers , D . C . and W . S . ; H . W . Schartau , Organist ; and J .
Middleton , T y ler . The Worshipful Master , with general approval , then presented the I . P . M . with the handsome lodge jewel , unanimously voted , in recognition of his valuable services during the preceding year , and also thanked him for his able rendering of the ceremony of installation , for which he gratefully responded . Bro . Veal , Sec , having announced many generous contributions from the brethren towards
the Masonic pulpit in St . Alban s Abbey , and also towards the Levander Memorial , which concluded the business , the lodge was duly closed at 7 . 15 . The brethren adjourned to banquet in the large and handsome room lately added to this hotel , both of which reflected great credit upon the proprietor , Bro . C . Veal , and was full y appreciated . The latter improvement is a move in the right direction , and was a great assistance to
Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
those well-known talented vocalists Bros . Dalzell and Schartau , who contributed so largely to the musical treat afforded to the brethren . The various toasts were well given and duly honoured . The visitors were Bros . D . A . Howden , P . M . 263 , and C . H . Webb , P . M . 1607 . The
Tyler's toast closed a most enjoyable meeting at 10 p . m . The attention of Secretaries and brethren may fairly be drawn to the great facilities now enjoyed by this retired hotel for summer banquets , and the formation of new country lodges .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — After two months' summer vacation , the members of the above lodge resumed their Masonic labours for the season , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . The chair was occupied by Bro . R . Burgess , W . M ., and there were also present Bios . J . L . Shrapnell , P . M . ; W . W . Sandbrook , P . M . ; VV . Savage , P . M . ; J . M . BoydS . W . ;
, O . W . Sanderson , J . W . ; J . B . Mackenzie , P . P . G . S . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; Josef Cantor , Sec . ; H . Round , J . D . ; E . H . Allen , S . W . ; T . L . Duncan , and J . Fineberg , Stwds . ; and Win . H . Ball , Tyler . The members included Bros . John Galloway , Joseph Bramham , John M'Gregor , Ed . Graham , Andrew Mein , J . Jacobs , H . Heard , John Ballard , Alfred Lutschannig , James Lees , Albert Smith , Briscall
Wm . , ^ H . Fineberg , G . M . Polini , Geo . Parker Carr , W . C . Fane , ] ohn T . Bramley , Louis Veaco , Arnold W . Pierce , John Cobham , P . M . 241 and 13 S 0 , Robert Sweetman , Sidney Smart , James Boardman , Walter Hy . Owen , Eaton Batty , D . Cumming , James J . Monk , Geo . Williams , S . Mattison , S . Kirkham , N . F . Burt , nnd others . The following visitors were also present : ' is . os .
Frederick Evans , S . D . 1013 ; Thomas Lowton , 2042 ; J . Arthur Addison , P . M . go , 7 SS ; ] . W . Ross Brown , 192 S ; P . D . Prince , 1502 ; G . K . Wood , W . M . 220 ; R . Taylor , 6 G 7 ! J- Jardine , G 67 ; John Mallabar , G 73 ; Berthold Striem , 192 S ; Robt . Hormer , 1264 ; Wm . B . Barker , 35 ( New Jersey ); and VV . E . Smith , 15 , 17 . Messrs . G . H . Croxden-Powell and ' AIbert E . Workman
were unanimously elected , and afterwards duly initiated into the Order . Bros . Smart and Sweetman were passed to the Second Degree , and the lodge subsequently proceeded to the choice of W . M . for the ensuing year . The ballot was unanimously in favour of Bro . John M . Boyd , S . W ., whose valuable services in various offices have thus been very cordially recognised . He enters upon the
performance of his duties with the warmest esteem and hearty good wishes of every brother connected with the Dramatic Lodge , this good feeling being very appositely conveyed , too , by the W . M . to his successor , who responded in the brief and pointed way for which he has a deserved re putation in Masonic and general circles . The ballot for the Treasurership resulted in the unanimous re-election of Brc .
J . B . Mackenzie , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., whose remarks in acknowledgment of the renewed confidence of his brethren were largely directed towards securing a ready and pleasant flow of "bawbees" into the lodge treasury . Bros . Reay ( re-elected ) and Savage were selected Auditors nem . con . ; Bros . Bell , Sandbrook , Anderson , Reay , Burgess , and
Shrapnell were appointed members of the Dramatic Fund of Benevolence ; and Bros . Mittison , Savage , and Cumming were chosen representatives of the Masonic Hall Committee . The brethren subsequentl y dined in the large banquetingroom , aad during the evening songs and recitations of a most attractive nature were given in an admirable manner .
LANDPORT . —Duke of Connaught Lodge ( No . 1 S 34 ) . —There was a numerous and representative gathering at the Freemasons' Hall on Tuesday evening , the 25 th ult ., on the occasion of the installation of Bro . G . T . Cunningham , T . C ., as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony was impressively performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . I . W . Westaway , P . G . Std . Br .,
who was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his services . The W . M . appointed his officers asunder : Bros . J . W . Westaway , I . P . M . ; I . S . Gardner , S . W . ; O . W . Bevis , J . W . ; S . R . Ellis , P . M ., Treas . ; D . T . Rule , Sec ; W . H . Baker , S . D . ; W . W . Slade , J . D . ; G . T . Aylen , D . C ; T . F . Wilton , Org . ; R . G . Fartam , l . G . ; E . Penney and T . I . Suter , Stwds . ; and J . Exell , Tyler .
Among the visiting brethren present at the banquet which followed were Bros . Aldermen VV . D . King and A . Cudlipp , G . Rake , R . W . Beale , J . G . Niven , T . Good , Mason , Gieve , Hill , Dempsey , Naylor , Drake , Lancaster , Rastrick , Long , Backler , jolhffe , Bond , Williams , J . W . Gardner , Marshallsay , Blanche . Sylvester , Miles , Green , Gunnell .
Croucher , Corke , Boulton , Bainton , and others . " The Health of the Worshipful Master " was proposed in fraternal and felicitous terms by Alderman King , and appropriately responded to by Bro . Cunningham . The usual toasts were given , and the vocal contributions were accompanied by Bros . Miles and Sylvester .
CROYDON . —George Price Lodge ( No . 2096 ) . —The fourth regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel on Wednesday , the 26 th ult ., when there were present Bros . J . D . Langton , W . M . ; H . M . Hobbs , S . W . ; F . T . Ridpath , J . W . ; J . Langton , Treas . ; J . S . Fraser , Sec ; M . L . Levey , J . D . ; J . G . Horsey , P . P . G . D . C . Surrey ; George Price , P . G . Treas . Surrey ;
W . U . Merritt , VV . G . Oates , E . C . Holdsworth , C . Holden , W . Fraser , J . Rosenberg , A . B . Crundall , J . Klein , and VV . Lane , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . VV . Grellier , l . G . 21 ; H . J . Smith , 1475 ; N . Comock , iSfl ; G . C . Burry , P . P . G . O . Surrey ; C . Daniel , P . M . 65 ; E . R . Holten , 2021 ; J . T . Hoerth , 1790 ; and A . Daw Kerrel ! , P . M . 145 .
The lodge having been opened , the W . M . invested Bro . VV . D . Merritt , P . M . 1000 , as acting I . P . M ., after which Bios . Oates , Holdsworth , Holden , and Rosenberg , candidates for raising , were raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . Mr . A . B . Crundall , previously approved , was then initiated into Freemasonry ; this , as well as the previous ceremonies , being performed by the W . M . in his
usual faultless style , although suffering from the effects of a severe cold . A candidate having been proposed for initiation at the next meeting , the W . M . intimated his desire to represent the lodge at the next Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The offer being
accepted , Bro . Hobbs , S . W ., gave notice that at the next meeting he would move that such sum as the funds of the lodge would permit—not exceeding 10 guineas—be placed on the W . M . ' slist . The W . M ., in the course of the meeting , drew the attention of the brethren to the testimonial then being got up by the different Surrey lodges to show their