Article REPORES OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article South Africa. Page 1 of 1 Article Australia. Page 1 of 1 Article BELFAST MASONIC CLUB. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES. Page 1 of 1
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Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
sincere approbation of the services rendered to the Province of Surrey by Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold , D . P . G . M . of Surrey . - Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet room , where a very excellent repast was served , under the personal superintendence of Bro . Bentley , the able and courteous manager of the hotel .
ROSE OI" DENMARK LODG 1 C ( No . 975 ) . —The ceremony of installation was tcheavsed at the above lodge of instruction at the Gauden Hotel , Clapham Station , S . W ., on Monday , the 31 st nit ., by the able Preceptor of the lodge , Hro . Edward Ayling , P . M . o }< , when a grand muster of the members rallied round him on the occasion . As a token of . the great interest taken in the proceedings , a Board of Inst ? lied Masters was constituted , consisting of as many as thirteen brethren . The ceremony was rehearsed in a highly satisfactory manner , Bro . Strangers acting as W . M . elect , and the
several addresses given so eloquently and impressively as to evoke frequent expressions of approval on ' the part of the brethren asscm . bled . As a mark of their appreciation , a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Ayling was proposed and carried unanimously amid acclamation , and ordered to be entered on the minutes , for the able manner in which he had discharged his duties that evening . Bro . Ayling , in an appropriate replv , stated that he felt deeply gratilied to see so many brethren present , amongst whom he recognised many eminent and distinguished Masons . Thirteen new members were enrolled ,
and , although the lodge has barely been in existence four months , it now numbers nearly sixty members , and gives every promise of becoming a nourishing lodge of instruction . The spacious lodge room , placed at the disposal of the lodge by Bro . Sliannaw , gTf , the worthy proprietor of the hotel , is , we think , without exception , one of the most convenient and comfortable lodge rooms of any in the south of London . •—- — HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . \ v-0- —A meeting was held on Mondavthe sist ult . at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , in , Praed .
, , street , Pacldington . Present : Bros . E . C . Mnlvcy , W . M . ; . ] . H . Wood , S . W . ; ] . C . Conwav , l . W . j G . Read , P . M . 5 ir , Treas . and Preceptor ; Id . Dehane , P . M . i . < 4 i , Sec . ; C . Coleman , S . D . ; O . VV . Battlev , | . D . ; M . U . Green , l . G . ; D . Stroud , Stwd . ; J . Cruttenden , C . S . Mote , \ V . Harris , and C . T . Thomson . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and conlirmed . The W . M . worked the ist Section of the lecture ,
assisted by the brethren . The lodge was called olV and on . After the usual ' preliminaries , the ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed , Bros . Motcand Battley as candidates respectively . Lodge was closed down . Bro . Wood was elected W . M . for next meeting , and appointed his oificers in rotation . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried , to be recorded on the minutes , to Bro . Mulvey , for the able manner he had performed the duties of the chair for the lirst time . Lodge was then closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , ' Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 25 th ult ., when there were present Bros . D . Stroud , W . M . ; J . R . Harnell , S . W . ; Frank Gulliford , J . W . ; E . C . Mulvey , S . D . j ] . II . Woods , | . D . ; 1 . Wetherhill , l . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; C . Ralph , J . Skinner , P . M . ; C . Corby , and T . E . Weeks . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and conlirmed . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the ist Section of this lecture . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the ist Section of this lecture . Bro . C Ralph oll ' ering himself as a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , and retired . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of M . M ., giving the charge . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the 3 rd Section of this lecture . Lodge closed in the Third and then the Second Degree , On rising for the lirst time .
Bro . J . H . Woods , Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 , was unanimously elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , being proposed by the W . M ., and seconded hy Bro . S . D . On rising for the second' time , Bro . W . C . Smith proposed that Bro , J . R . Harnell be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by Bro . J . VV ., carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his olficers in rotation . ' On rising for the third time , nothing further oll ' ering for the good of Freemasonrv , the lodge was closed .
UBIQUE LODGE f . No . 17 S 9 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . Glover , W . M . j Coleman , S . W . ; Grist , J . W . j Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , Treas , ; Coughlan , Sec ; Green , sen ., S . D . ; Green , jun ., J . D . ; McCullagh , l . G . ; Wade , P . M . ; C . White , P . M . ; F . Purncll , and Chilcott . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and conlirmed . The lodge was opened in the
Second Degree . Bro . Gibson , a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , answered the usual questions and was entiusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Gibson as candidate . The lodge was closed in the Third and Seoond Degrees . The W . M . having risen for the second time , it was proposed , teconded , and unanimously carried , that Bro . Coleman be elected W . M . for the ensuing week . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 2 gth ult ., at the Hampshire Hog , King-street West , Hammersmith , W . C . Present ; Bros . Valentine Uring , W . M , ; C . A . Walter , P . M ., S . W . ; G . Wood , ) . \ V . ; George Gardner , Treas . ; 11 . Johnson , Sec . ; G . Gardner , S . D . ; A . Craggs , | . D . ; | . Mair , l . G . ' ; T . Weeks , Tyler ; E . Ayling , P . M ., Preceptor ; P . liurton , P . M . ; C . Coward , Laundy , D . Stroud , and A . Bishop . Visitor : Bro . Mulvey , 179 . Lodge opened in due form . The 2 nd Section of the First Lecture was worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , after which the W . M . rehearsed the initiation ceremonv , in a very efficient
manner , Bro . Mulvey being the candidate . Lodge opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and closed down to the First , On rising for the second time , the S . W . was duly elected to fill the chair of K . S . for the ensuing week . Bro . Muh'ey was elected a member , and the Treasurer , Bro . George Gardner , proposed and assisted in establishing a Benevolent Association , to be attached to this flourishing young lodge , a committee of brethren present being formed for the purpose of drawing up the bye-laws . This step is in the right direction , and will tend to increase the attendance . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
COLCHESTER . —Patriotic Chapter ( No . 51 ) . — At the quarterly meeting of this chapter , held at the Three Cups Hotel , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the following officers were unanimously elected for the ensuing year : Comps . W . Sowman , P . G . A . S ., Z . ; John J . C . Turner , P . G . O ., II . ; R . Clowes ,. ) . ; S . Munson , Janitor . The installation takes place in November .
GREAT STANMORE . —Stanmore Chapter ( No . 1549 ) . —The installation meeting" of this thriving chapter was held at the Abercorn Hotel on the 8 th ult ., when Comp . C . II . Webb , with his usual ability , installed his successor , Comp . J . S . Fraser , as M . E . Z . He was
ably supported by Comps . Maidwcli , P . Z ., and F . Brown , P . Z ., who occupied the chairs of II . and J ., the installing ' to which was unavoidably postponed until next meeting , Comps . Dr . Rogers was invested as Treas . ; C , Veal , S . E . ; Bentley Haynes , S . N . ; C . B . Todd , P . S . ; and
Royal Arch.
T . Middleton , Janitor . The ballot proving unanimous in favour of Bro . Dr . j . E . Troutbeck , of the Abercorn Lodge , the worthy brother was most impressively exalted and invested as a Royal Arch Mason . The usual handsome chapter jewel was presented to Comp . Webb for his very excellent service during the past year , fully maintaining the reputation of this chapter for its superior working .
All business being completed , the companions adjourned to an enjoyable banquet , which passed off admirably , the M . E . Z . receiving due support in the customary toasts . The lovely weather contributed to the success of the meeting . The visitors comprised Comps . J . D . Langton , 1319 ; H . M . Hobbs , 933 ; and W . W . Morgan , 141 .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
JERSEY . —Concord Conclave ( No . S ) . —The annual assembly of the above conclave was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at the MasonicTcmple , Stopfond-road , St . Helier ' s , when there were present Sir Knts . T . LeScelleur , M . P . S . ; Thos . Leat , V . E . ; L . Hespiradoux , S . G . ; W . Pugsley , J . G . ; T . J . Aubin , H . P . ; j . Blampied , Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Recorder ; P . Bois , Prefect ; J . G . Jean , Std . Br . ; J . W . Tapper , M . A ., Orator ; J . E . Harr . on ,
ist Aide ; T . Stone , 2 nd Aide ; J . Gibson , Herald ; G . Coombes , D . C . ; George Rogers , Sentinel ; and others . After the calling of the muster roll , and the confirmation of the minutes of the previous conclave , a College of Viceroys was opened , and Sir Knt . L . Hespiradoux , V . E . elect , was installed as Viceroy , after which , a Senate of Sovereigns being called , E . Sir Knt . Thos . Leat , M . P . S . elect , was then enthroned . The M . P . S . subsequently
invested as his officers for the ensuing year the following , viz .: Sir ; Knt . J . E . Hamon , Senior General ; W . T . Pugsley , Junior General ; T . J . Aubin , High Prelate ; J . Blampied , Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Recorder ; Thomas Stone , ist Aide ; J . Gibson , 2 nd Aide ; J . G . Jean , Std . B . ; P . Bois , Prefect ; G . Coombes , Herald ; Thos . Baudain , D . C . ; and George Rogers , Sentinel . The Recorder read several communications from the General Grand Conclave ,
and also a satisfactory report of the Audit Committee , and the balance sheet of the conclave and of IC . H . S . Sanctuary andS . G . T . E . Commandery . Sir Knt . C . Hespiradoux gave a lecture or oration on Freemasonry and chivalry , which was most attentively listened to . There being no other business before the conclave , it was then closed in imperial form and the assembly adjourned .
The brethren partook of a banquet in the banqueting room , and the toast of the evening was , as usual , that of our " Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign , Col . Sir Francis Burdett , " under whose genial rule the Red Cross and its appendant Orders are enjoying a fair share of prosperity and advancement . The proceedings of the evening were very much enlivened by songs and recitations from several companions .
South Africa.
South Africa .
PIETERMARITZBUR G . —Skelmersdale Lodge ( No . 1729 ) . —A unique and pleasing ceremony took place on the 7 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Natal , on the occasion of the installation banquet to Bro . F . R . Becker , the newly-installed W . M . of the above lodge . There were present the W . M ., the I . P . M ., Bro . Stranack , Bro . W . B . Francis , D . D . G . M ., the W . M . 's of the Prince Alfred , No . 729 , and Natalia , No . 1 G 65 , lodges , and many
brethren . After the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . Sydney Ford , P . M ., proposed the toast of "The I . P . M ., Bro . S . Stranack , " and stated that he was the brother chosen to fill the honourable position of foundation Master in 1877 , when the lodge was first opened , and had since occupied the chair for two successive years , during which period he had contributed very greatly to the
successful position in which the lodge was now in . On the expiration of the first year of Bro . Stranack ' s office the lodge had unanimously voted him a jewel , to mark in a slight manner the sense of obligation it was under to him for his indefatigable work during that period , and now , after another period of two years' service , it was unanimously agreed that such valuable assistance should again be acknowledged in a suitable manner , and as during
the term of his Mastership his wife had presented him with two Lewises , the opportunity was embraced of acknowledging this pleasing fact by presenting Mrs . Stranack w ' nh a silver cradle in commemoration of the two events . Bro . Ford then made the presentation in a few wellchosen words , and expressed , on behalf of the lodge , the wish that they would all live to see the Lewises initiated into Freemasonry by their father , and in the lodge where he
had served with so much honour and distinction . Bro . Stranack then returned thanks in a very feeling manner , and expressed , on behalf of his wife and self , the very great pleasure it gave him to receive so handsome and valuable a present from the lodge , which would remain in his family as an heirloom ; and also trusted that the time might come when he would ask the then W . M . to vacate the chair to enable him to initiate his two sons .
The cradle , which is made of solid silver , is very elaborately carved , and stands on an ebony stand , with a silver plate let in , on which is inscribed the following : "St . John the Baptist's Day , iSS 5 . _ ( Skelmersdale arms . ) Presented by the members of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 , to the mother of two Lewises , each born during their father ' s Mastership—Ethelbert Tyzack Stranack , December 7 th , 1878 ; William Garland Stranack , December 14 th , 1 S 83 . "
The Weekly Bee of Omaha , U . S . A ., of the ist July contains an account of a " Grand Custodian Lodge of Instruction , " held in the Masonic Hall of that city the previous Monday . Bro . B . F . Rawalt presided as " Grand Custodian , " and was assisted by Bros . D . McElhenny and Slaughter as Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . About 300 brethren from different lodges in the jurisdiction
were present , among them being Bro . J . J . Wimple , G . M ., and P . G . M . 's Bros . R . C . Jordan and J . R . Cain . The work of conferring the several degrees was ably exemplified , and the day following the meeting of Grand Lodge was held , when liro . Pike , P . G . M ., who is So years of age , delivered a stirring address . The office of Grand Custodian is new to us ; but we suppose it corresponds with that of Grand Lecturer .
Australia .
CONSECRATION OF THE CLARKE LODGE , No . 2080 ( E . C ) The above lodge was constituted on Tuesday , the 5 th o £ May last , at Melbourne , Victoria , by Bro . John James , P . M ., P . D . G . S . W ., acting on behalf of the R . W . District Grand Master , Bvo . Sir W . J . Clarke , Bart ., assisted by the following brethren : Bros . Wm . Gledhill , P . M ., P . D . G . Reg ., as S . W . ; Robt . Robertson , P . D . G . S . W ., as J . W . ;
Rev . E . A . Thomas , D . G . Chap ., as Chap . ; T . H . Lempriere , D . G . Sec , as Sec ; and W . H . Perry , P . D . G . D . of C , as D . of C . The brethren having assembled , the usual ceremony of consecration was then proceeded with . At the conclusion of the constituting ceremony , Bro . James , assisted by Bro . T . J . Jackson , P . M ., P . D . G . S . of W ., installed the
undernoted brethren into their respective chairs : Bros . VV . J . Runting , P . M ., as W . M . ; G . Gordon Ross , as S . W . ; E . H . Mack , as J . W . ; and invested John Braim , as Sec . ; and A . J . Clarke , as Tyler . Bro . H . W . Lowry , P . M ., D . G . Treas ., was invested by the W . M . as I . P . M . The warrant was dated December 4 th , 1 SS 4 . The founders of the lodge are as follows : Bros . H . W . Lowry , VV . J .
Runting , G . Gordon Ross , E . H . Mack , John Braim , Edwin Exon , T . J . Jackman , T . Ford , W . Juniper , Alfred Ford , D . A . Madden , W . A . Staker , J . P . Hornidge , S . W . M . Lamble , B . T . Moroney , and S . Angus . The choral portion of the ceremony was ably rendered by a choir , consisting of nine of the founders , under the direction of Bro . S . Lamble , choir master .
During the installation of the W . M ., upwards of Co Past Masters constituted the Board of Installed Masters , On the lodge being closed , the W . M . invited the brethren to a banquet in honour of the consecration of the Clarke Lodge , to which upwards of 80 brethren sat down . The usual toasts were proposed and responded to , interspersed with several songs and glees by the choir , which were much admired .
Belfast Masonic Club.
On Saturday evening last , the 29 th ult ., the annual meeting of this dub took place at their rooms in Arthursquare , when there was a large attendance of members . After the formal business had been gone through , which consisted of a very encouraging financial report , read by the Hon . Secretary of the club , Bro . Jas . M'Ouoid , and the
election of office-bearers for the incoming year , supper was served , Bro . James Lowden occupying the chair , and Bro . Hugh Doey the vice-chair . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal toast , "The Queen , " was given and received in aright loyal manner ; the remaining toasts being "Our President , " "Our
Treasurer , " Our Secretary , " and " The Committee , " which were duly responded to . During the evening songs , readings , & c , were given by Bros . W . A . Close , E . T . Church , Alex . Hay , Samuel Steel , Robert Speers , W . H . Minshull , and James M'Ouoid . The proceedings terminated with the singing of the National Anthem .
The Theatres.
On Saturday week Toole ' s was reopened by Mr . Duck and Miss Eweretta Lawrence . with a new farcical comedy by Von Moser , adapted from the German , entitled * ' On 'Change . " Its chief defect—an important one—is its lack of plot ; but this is amply compensated for by the sparkling wit of the author , the excellence of the company all round , and the whole tone of the piece , and " On 'Change " may safely be placed in the category of the
farcical comedies now successfully engaging public attention . A learned professor , declaring that business does not call forth any special genius , as doeshis vocation , is challenged by a stockbroker to prove it by taking up the business of buying and selling stocks and shares for a month . The stockbroker provides him with money to commence operations with . The professor foolishly accepts the challenge ; he plunges into finance , and soon becomes confused and
muddled by the " tips " he receives from a bondseller . This personage tells him how he can make millions in a month by selling "Trunks . " The professor says he only has two portmanteaus and a hat box . When he understands that " Trunks " are railway stock , he proceeds to buy up all he can . The stock , of course , is going down in the market , and when he sells he finds he has made a great loss , and is ruined apparently . The friend told him to sell " Trunks ;"
but he argues how could he "sell" until he has " bought . " Much laughter is caused by the professor's knowledge of " Brighton A ' s , " " Mexicans , " and " North-Westerns , " though , of course , this is the most amusing to the business men amongst the audience . The stockbroker , by a ruse , having prevented the professor ' s money being lost , he suffers nothing more than a temporary loss of peace of mind , and learns a lesson . The love portions of the play thin
are , and only put in because there could not be a play without such affairs . Foremost in the piece are Mr . Wm . Farren , who plays the broker , and Mr . Felix Morris- , the professor . The latter is a wonderful study of Scotch character , accent , and sentiments . Mr . Farren acts as he always does , carrying his audience with him , and riveting their attention whilst he is before them . Mr . Yorke Stephens again shows his spirited style of acting as he did at the Vaudeville . Mr . Gerald Moore is the insipidfoolish
, masher . In a similar character he has been seen frequently of late , and always with satisfaction . Miss Eweretta Lawrence is not so at home as the other principals in the cast ; she lacks repose and does not speak out clearly . Several times we could see her lips moving ; but her words failed to reach us . The other ladies do not call for remark . Wc should like to know the reason of Miss Filippi ' s name being printed in large type in the programme ; she does nothing to deserve it .
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Repores Of Masonic Meetings.
sincere approbation of the services rendered to the Province of Surrey by Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold , D . P . G . M . of Surrey . - Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet room , where a very excellent repast was served , under the personal superintendence of Bro . Bentley , the able and courteous manager of the hotel .
ROSE OI" DENMARK LODG 1 C ( No . 975 ) . —The ceremony of installation was tcheavsed at the above lodge of instruction at the Gauden Hotel , Clapham Station , S . W ., on Monday , the 31 st nit ., by the able Preceptor of the lodge , Hro . Edward Ayling , P . M . o }< , when a grand muster of the members rallied round him on the occasion . As a token of . the great interest taken in the proceedings , a Board of Inst ? lied Masters was constituted , consisting of as many as thirteen brethren . The ceremony was rehearsed in a highly satisfactory manner , Bro . Strangers acting as W . M . elect , and the
several addresses given so eloquently and impressively as to evoke frequent expressions of approval on ' the part of the brethren asscm . bled . As a mark of their appreciation , a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Ayling was proposed and carried unanimously amid acclamation , and ordered to be entered on the minutes , for the able manner in which he had discharged his duties that evening . Bro . Ayling , in an appropriate replv , stated that he felt deeply gratilied to see so many brethren present , amongst whom he recognised many eminent and distinguished Masons . Thirteen new members were enrolled ,
and , although the lodge has barely been in existence four months , it now numbers nearly sixty members , and gives every promise of becoming a nourishing lodge of instruction . The spacious lodge room , placed at the disposal of the lodge by Bro . Sliannaw , gTf , the worthy proprietor of the hotel , is , we think , without exception , one of the most convenient and comfortable lodge rooms of any in the south of London . •—- — HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . \ v-0- —A meeting was held on Mondavthe sist ult . at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , in , Praed .
, , street , Pacldington . Present : Bros . E . C . Mnlvcy , W . M . ; . ] . H . Wood , S . W . ; ] . C . Conwav , l . W . j G . Read , P . M . 5 ir , Treas . and Preceptor ; Id . Dehane , P . M . i . < 4 i , Sec . ; C . Coleman , S . D . ; O . VV . Battlev , | . D . ; M . U . Green , l . G . ; D . Stroud , Stwd . ; J . Cruttenden , C . S . Mote , \ V . Harris , and C . T . Thomson . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and conlirmed . The W . M . worked the ist Section of the lecture ,
assisted by the brethren . The lodge was called olV and on . After the usual ' preliminaries , the ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed , Bros . Motcand Battley as candidates respectively . Lodge was closed down . Bro . Wood was elected W . M . for next meeting , and appointed his oificers in rotation . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried , to be recorded on the minutes , to Bro . Mulvey , for the able manner he had performed the duties of the chair for the lirst time . Lodge was then closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . — The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , ' Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 25 th ult ., when there were present Bros . D . Stroud , W . M . ; J . R . Harnell , S . W . ; Frank Gulliford , J . W . ; E . C . Mulvey , S . D . j ] . II . Woods , | . D . ; 1 . Wetherhill , l . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; C . Ralph , J . Skinner , P . M . ; C . Corby , and T . E . Weeks . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and conlirmed . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the ist Section of this lecture . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the ist Section of this lecture . Bro . C Ralph oll ' ering himself as a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , and retired . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of M . M ., giving the charge . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the 3 rd Section of this lecture . Lodge closed in the Third and then the Second Degree , On rising for the lirst time .
Bro . J . H . Woods , Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 , was unanimously elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , being proposed by the W . M ., and seconded hy Bro . S . D . On rising for the second' time , Bro . W . C . Smith proposed that Bro , J . R . Harnell be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by Bro . J . VV ., carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his olficers in rotation . ' On rising for the third time , nothing further oll ' ering for the good of Freemasonrv , the lodge was closed .
UBIQUE LODGE f . No . 17 S 9 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . Glover , W . M . j Coleman , S . W . ; Grist , J . W . j Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , Treas , ; Coughlan , Sec ; Green , sen ., S . D . ; Green , jun ., J . D . ; McCullagh , l . G . ; Wade , P . M . ; C . White , P . M . ; F . Purncll , and Chilcott . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and conlirmed . The lodge was opened in the
Second Degree . Bro . Gibson , a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , answered the usual questions and was entiusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Gibson as candidate . The lodge was closed in the Third and Seoond Degrees . The W . M . having risen for the second time , it was proposed , teconded , and unanimously carried , that Bro . Coleman be elected W . M . for the ensuing week . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 2 gth ult ., at the Hampshire Hog , King-street West , Hammersmith , W . C . Present ; Bros . Valentine Uring , W . M , ; C . A . Walter , P . M ., S . W . ; G . Wood , ) . \ V . ; George Gardner , Treas . ; 11 . Johnson , Sec . ; G . Gardner , S . D . ; A . Craggs , | . D . ; | . Mair , l . G . ' ; T . Weeks , Tyler ; E . Ayling , P . M ., Preceptor ; P . liurton , P . M . ; C . Coward , Laundy , D . Stroud , and A . Bishop . Visitor : Bro . Mulvey , 179 . Lodge opened in due form . The 2 nd Section of the First Lecture was worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , after which the W . M . rehearsed the initiation ceremonv , in a very efficient
manner , Bro . Mulvey being the candidate . Lodge opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and closed down to the First , On rising for the second time , the S . W . was duly elected to fill the chair of K . S . for the ensuing week . Bro . Muh'ey was elected a member , and the Treasurer , Bro . George Gardner , proposed and assisted in establishing a Benevolent Association , to be attached to this flourishing young lodge , a committee of brethren present being formed for the purpose of drawing up the bye-laws . This step is in the right direction , and will tend to increase the attendance . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
COLCHESTER . —Patriotic Chapter ( No . 51 ) . — At the quarterly meeting of this chapter , held at the Three Cups Hotel , on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the following officers were unanimously elected for the ensuing year : Comps . W . Sowman , P . G . A . S ., Z . ; John J . C . Turner , P . G . O ., II . ; R . Clowes ,. ) . ; S . Munson , Janitor . The installation takes place in November .
GREAT STANMORE . —Stanmore Chapter ( No . 1549 ) . —The installation meeting" of this thriving chapter was held at the Abercorn Hotel on the 8 th ult ., when Comp . C . II . Webb , with his usual ability , installed his successor , Comp . J . S . Fraser , as M . E . Z . He was
ably supported by Comps . Maidwcli , P . Z ., and F . Brown , P . Z ., who occupied the chairs of II . and J ., the installing ' to which was unavoidably postponed until next meeting , Comps . Dr . Rogers was invested as Treas . ; C , Veal , S . E . ; Bentley Haynes , S . N . ; C . B . Todd , P . S . ; and
Royal Arch.
T . Middleton , Janitor . The ballot proving unanimous in favour of Bro . Dr . j . E . Troutbeck , of the Abercorn Lodge , the worthy brother was most impressively exalted and invested as a Royal Arch Mason . The usual handsome chapter jewel was presented to Comp . Webb for his very excellent service during the past year , fully maintaining the reputation of this chapter for its superior working .
All business being completed , the companions adjourned to an enjoyable banquet , which passed off admirably , the M . E . Z . receiving due support in the customary toasts . The lovely weather contributed to the success of the meeting . The visitors comprised Comps . J . D . Langton , 1319 ; H . M . Hobbs , 933 ; and W . W . Morgan , 141 .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
JERSEY . —Concord Conclave ( No . S ) . —The annual assembly of the above conclave was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., at the MasonicTcmple , Stopfond-road , St . Helier ' s , when there were present Sir Knts . T . LeScelleur , M . P . S . ; Thos . Leat , V . E . ; L . Hespiradoux , S . G . ; W . Pugsley , J . G . ; T . J . Aubin , H . P . ; j . Blampied , Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Recorder ; P . Bois , Prefect ; J . G . Jean , Std . Br . ; J . W . Tapper , M . A ., Orator ; J . E . Harr . on ,
ist Aide ; T . Stone , 2 nd Aide ; J . Gibson , Herald ; G . Coombes , D . C . ; George Rogers , Sentinel ; and others . After the calling of the muster roll , and the confirmation of the minutes of the previous conclave , a College of Viceroys was opened , and Sir Knt . L . Hespiradoux , V . E . elect , was installed as Viceroy , after which , a Senate of Sovereigns being called , E . Sir Knt . Thos . Leat , M . P . S . elect , was then enthroned . The M . P . S . subsequently
invested as his officers for the ensuing year the following , viz .: Sir ; Knt . J . E . Hamon , Senior General ; W . T . Pugsley , Junior General ; T . J . Aubin , High Prelate ; J . Blampied , Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Recorder ; Thomas Stone , ist Aide ; J . Gibson , 2 nd Aide ; J . G . Jean , Std . B . ; P . Bois , Prefect ; G . Coombes , Herald ; Thos . Baudain , D . C . ; and George Rogers , Sentinel . The Recorder read several communications from the General Grand Conclave ,
and also a satisfactory report of the Audit Committee , and the balance sheet of the conclave and of IC . H . S . Sanctuary andS . G . T . E . Commandery . Sir Knt . C . Hespiradoux gave a lecture or oration on Freemasonry and chivalry , which was most attentively listened to . There being no other business before the conclave , it was then closed in imperial form and the assembly adjourned .
The brethren partook of a banquet in the banqueting room , and the toast of the evening was , as usual , that of our " Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign , Col . Sir Francis Burdett , " under whose genial rule the Red Cross and its appendant Orders are enjoying a fair share of prosperity and advancement . The proceedings of the evening were very much enlivened by songs and recitations from several companions .
South Africa.
South Africa .
PIETERMARITZBUR G . —Skelmersdale Lodge ( No . 1729 ) . —A unique and pleasing ceremony took place on the 7 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Natal , on the occasion of the installation banquet to Bro . F . R . Becker , the newly-installed W . M . of the above lodge . There were present the W . M ., the I . P . M ., Bro . Stranack , Bro . W . B . Francis , D . D . G . M ., the W . M . 's of the Prince Alfred , No . 729 , and Natalia , No . 1 G 65 , lodges , and many
brethren . After the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . Sydney Ford , P . M ., proposed the toast of "The I . P . M ., Bro . S . Stranack , " and stated that he was the brother chosen to fill the honourable position of foundation Master in 1877 , when the lodge was first opened , and had since occupied the chair for two successive years , during which period he had contributed very greatly to the
successful position in which the lodge was now in . On the expiration of the first year of Bro . Stranack ' s office the lodge had unanimously voted him a jewel , to mark in a slight manner the sense of obligation it was under to him for his indefatigable work during that period , and now , after another period of two years' service , it was unanimously agreed that such valuable assistance should again be acknowledged in a suitable manner , and as during
the term of his Mastership his wife had presented him with two Lewises , the opportunity was embraced of acknowledging this pleasing fact by presenting Mrs . Stranack w ' nh a silver cradle in commemoration of the two events . Bro . Ford then made the presentation in a few wellchosen words , and expressed , on behalf of the lodge , the wish that they would all live to see the Lewises initiated into Freemasonry by their father , and in the lodge where he
had served with so much honour and distinction . Bro . Stranack then returned thanks in a very feeling manner , and expressed , on behalf of his wife and self , the very great pleasure it gave him to receive so handsome and valuable a present from the lodge , which would remain in his family as an heirloom ; and also trusted that the time might come when he would ask the then W . M . to vacate the chair to enable him to initiate his two sons .
The cradle , which is made of solid silver , is very elaborately carved , and stands on an ebony stand , with a silver plate let in , on which is inscribed the following : "St . John the Baptist's Day , iSS 5 . _ ( Skelmersdale arms . ) Presented by the members of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 , to the mother of two Lewises , each born during their father ' s Mastership—Ethelbert Tyzack Stranack , December 7 th , 1878 ; William Garland Stranack , December 14 th , 1 S 83 . "
The Weekly Bee of Omaha , U . S . A ., of the ist July contains an account of a " Grand Custodian Lodge of Instruction , " held in the Masonic Hall of that city the previous Monday . Bro . B . F . Rawalt presided as " Grand Custodian , " and was assisted by Bros . D . McElhenny and Slaughter as Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . About 300 brethren from different lodges in the jurisdiction
were present , among them being Bro . J . J . Wimple , G . M ., and P . G . M . 's Bros . R . C . Jordan and J . R . Cain . The work of conferring the several degrees was ably exemplified , and the day following the meeting of Grand Lodge was held , when liro . Pike , P . G . M ., who is So years of age , delivered a stirring address . The office of Grand Custodian is new to us ; but we suppose it corresponds with that of Grand Lecturer .
Australia .
CONSECRATION OF THE CLARKE LODGE , No . 2080 ( E . C ) The above lodge was constituted on Tuesday , the 5 th o £ May last , at Melbourne , Victoria , by Bro . John James , P . M ., P . D . G . S . W ., acting on behalf of the R . W . District Grand Master , Bvo . Sir W . J . Clarke , Bart ., assisted by the following brethren : Bros . Wm . Gledhill , P . M ., P . D . G . Reg ., as S . W . ; Robt . Robertson , P . D . G . S . W ., as J . W . ;
Rev . E . A . Thomas , D . G . Chap ., as Chap . ; T . H . Lempriere , D . G . Sec , as Sec ; and W . H . Perry , P . D . G . D . of C , as D . of C . The brethren having assembled , the usual ceremony of consecration was then proceeded with . At the conclusion of the constituting ceremony , Bro . James , assisted by Bro . T . J . Jackson , P . M ., P . D . G . S . of W ., installed the
undernoted brethren into their respective chairs : Bros . VV . J . Runting , P . M ., as W . M . ; G . Gordon Ross , as S . W . ; E . H . Mack , as J . W . ; and invested John Braim , as Sec . ; and A . J . Clarke , as Tyler . Bro . H . W . Lowry , P . M ., D . G . Treas ., was invested by the W . M . as I . P . M . The warrant was dated December 4 th , 1 SS 4 . The founders of the lodge are as follows : Bros . H . W . Lowry , VV . J .
Runting , G . Gordon Ross , E . H . Mack , John Braim , Edwin Exon , T . J . Jackman , T . Ford , W . Juniper , Alfred Ford , D . A . Madden , W . A . Staker , J . P . Hornidge , S . W . M . Lamble , B . T . Moroney , and S . Angus . The choral portion of the ceremony was ably rendered by a choir , consisting of nine of the founders , under the direction of Bro . S . Lamble , choir master .
During the installation of the W . M ., upwards of Co Past Masters constituted the Board of Installed Masters , On the lodge being closed , the W . M . invited the brethren to a banquet in honour of the consecration of the Clarke Lodge , to which upwards of 80 brethren sat down . The usual toasts were proposed and responded to , interspersed with several songs and glees by the choir , which were much admired .
Belfast Masonic Club.
On Saturday evening last , the 29 th ult ., the annual meeting of this dub took place at their rooms in Arthursquare , when there was a large attendance of members . After the formal business had been gone through , which consisted of a very encouraging financial report , read by the Hon . Secretary of the club , Bro . Jas . M'Ouoid , and the
election of office-bearers for the incoming year , supper was served , Bro . James Lowden occupying the chair , and Bro . Hugh Doey the vice-chair . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal toast , "The Queen , " was given and received in aright loyal manner ; the remaining toasts being "Our President , " "Our
Treasurer , " Our Secretary , " and " The Committee , " which were duly responded to . During the evening songs , readings , & c , were given by Bros . W . A . Close , E . T . Church , Alex . Hay , Samuel Steel , Robert Speers , W . H . Minshull , and James M'Ouoid . The proceedings terminated with the singing of the National Anthem .
The Theatres.
On Saturday week Toole ' s was reopened by Mr . Duck and Miss Eweretta Lawrence . with a new farcical comedy by Von Moser , adapted from the German , entitled * ' On 'Change . " Its chief defect—an important one—is its lack of plot ; but this is amply compensated for by the sparkling wit of the author , the excellence of the company all round , and the whole tone of the piece , and " On 'Change " may safely be placed in the category of the
farcical comedies now successfully engaging public attention . A learned professor , declaring that business does not call forth any special genius , as doeshis vocation , is challenged by a stockbroker to prove it by taking up the business of buying and selling stocks and shares for a month . The stockbroker provides him with money to commence operations with . The professor foolishly accepts the challenge ; he plunges into finance , and soon becomes confused and
muddled by the " tips " he receives from a bondseller . This personage tells him how he can make millions in a month by selling "Trunks . " The professor says he only has two portmanteaus and a hat box . When he understands that " Trunks " are railway stock , he proceeds to buy up all he can . The stock , of course , is going down in the market , and when he sells he finds he has made a great loss , and is ruined apparently . The friend told him to sell " Trunks ;"
but he argues how could he "sell" until he has " bought . " Much laughter is caused by the professor's knowledge of " Brighton A ' s , " " Mexicans , " and " North-Westerns , " though , of course , this is the most amusing to the business men amongst the audience . The stockbroker , by a ruse , having prevented the professor ' s money being lost , he suffers nothing more than a temporary loss of peace of mind , and learns a lesson . The love portions of the play thin
are , and only put in because there could not be a play without such affairs . Foremost in the piece are Mr . Wm . Farren , who plays the broker , and Mr . Felix Morris- , the professor . The latter is a wonderful study of Scotch character , accent , and sentiments . Mr . Farren acts as he always does , carrying his audience with him , and riveting their attention whilst he is before them . Mr . Yorke Stephens again shows his spirited style of acting as he did at the Vaudeville . Mr . Gerald Moore is the insipidfoolish
, masher . In a similar character he has been seen frequently of late , and always with satisfaction . Miss Eweretta Lawrence is not so at home as the other principals in the cast ; she lacks repose and does not speak out clearly . Several times we could see her lips moving ; but her words failed to reach us . The other ladies do not call for remark . Wc should like to know the reason of Miss Filippi ' s name being printed in large type in the programme ; she does nothing to deserve it .