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S . YARDLEY & SONS , ( ESTABLISHED 1830 ) Shop Front Builders , SHOP FITTERS , AND Air Tight Show Case Manufacturers , WoR KS *^ - 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , EXMOUTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , LONDON , E . C . Snow ROOMS—25 , MOUNT PLEASANT , CLERKENWELL . Eveiy description of fittings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Offices , Drapers , Museums , Banks , Libraries , Outfitters and Hosiers , Fancy Trades , & c . Plans and Estimates provided for shop fronts and internal ntings , inTown or any part of the Country . S . YARDLEY & SONS respectfully solicit the patronage of Architects and Surveyors , whose instructions shall receive special and faithful attention .
FUNERALS . Bro . J . Ayton , Successor toE . T . CROFTON , Funeral Furnisher and Featherman , ESTABLISHED l 82 I , 79 , JUDD ST ., BRUNSWICK SQ .. W . C , AND 139 , CALEDONIAN RD ., ISLINGTON , N . Price List on Application . Distance no object .
SUPERIOR SHIRTS IN OXFORD MATTE CLOTH AND FRENCH PRINTED CAMBRIC 6 for 45 s . Pa terns and Measuring Directions Free . GANN , ROOT , & CO ., Shirt Tailors , 171 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C . MANUFACTURER OF THE NEW JEGIS UMBRELLA , Combining increased shelter with increased strength , an elegant shape , and a convenient walking length . RIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c .
ALGERIAN CIGARS . THREE PRIZE MEDALS . Lovers of the "SOOTHING WEED" will find the PRIZE MEDAL ALGERIAN CIGARS full of Fragrance and Bouquet and in best condition . Bro . A . OLDROYD , Leyton , E ., begs to say that he has the Sole Agency for England . Per box of Per bundle ieo . of 25 . PALATINAS 14 s- 6 ° " . 3 - 9 - DAMITAS 18 s . 6 d . 4 s . Qd . CAZADOHS 21 s . od . 5 s . 9 d . MEDIANOS 25 s- od- 6 s- 6 d-P . A 37 s- ° - . 9 s 6 d - Warranted made in Alg iers from the finest native Tobaccos . Sent ( samples per post ) on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O ., payable to Bro . A . Oldroyd , Leyton , E . " They contain all the aroma and fine flavours that can be obtained to give satisfaction , and are certainly worth a trial . "— " Freemason . "
TO RESTAURANT' AND HOTEL PROPRIETORS , & c rj . AIN , BUTCHER , a 3 . SEETHlNG . LANE , ^^ Great Tower-street , Supplies Hotels , Luncheon-Bars , Coffee Houses , & c , with Joints , Chops , Steaks , & c , at lowest possible rates . Branch Establishments—Gipsy-hill , Norwood ; 306 , Walwoith-road .
"T RUTH MUSTI ' RIVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Bathe , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Elect-oplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTIFARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 41 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , Q FFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY ^ " ^ GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He dees no keep an " Immense Stock , " but sufficiently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated ,
WUNG GENTLEMEN'S ACADEMY ftUAI DU LEMAN , GENEVA . ( Founded in 18 . 13 ° y Mr . Diederichs , for the last five years under the direction of Bro . V . Wisard . ) A School of long standing and high reputation . Beautiful and healthy situation . Complete education . Special studies for modern languages . Advantageous terms for the sons of Masonic brethren . Highest Masonic and Commercial references .
THE EAST HARDWICK SCHOOL , NEAR PONTEFRACT , Has long enjoyed a High Scholastic Reputation . Average 90 Boarders for Eight consecutive years . Healthy country , dairy farm , cricket fields , swimming bath , sound teaching . Moderate Terms . Full particulars , with references from the Principals , Messrs . LORD ( P . M ., H . ) and SLACK ( P . M ., Z . ) . Next term , January 31 st .
GERMANY . — HIGH CLASS EDUCAyj TION at the Royal Colleges , Casscl ( attended b y the Sons of the Crown Prince of Germany ) , with thorough German , French , and English Private Tuition by resident Graduates , and a refined English Home . Deli ghtful neighbourhood of Wilhelmshohe , the Aue Park , and the valley of the Fulda . Prospectus , with highest references . Terms , 70 to 90 guineas inclusive . Sons of Masonic bretb .-en at reduced terms . —Address Bro . Dr . Saure , M . A ., Cassel .
ST . LEONARD'S COLLEGE , OXFORD ROAD , BIRKDALE PARK , SOUTHPORT , LANCASHIRE . PRiNcrpAL—Bro . the REV . DR . LOWE , of the Universities of St . Andrew's and Edinburgh . The premises occupy a salubrious and commanding position near the sea . Young gentlemen are thoroughly instructed in all the branches of an English , Commercial , Mathematical , and Classical Education , and are prepared for Mercantile pursuits , the Civil Service , and Professional Examinations , and for the Universities . The number of pupils being limited to fifteen , special pains are taken , as well with those whose education is in a backward state as with those who are more advanced . High , moral , and religious training . The most respectable references . Inclusive terms , Ten Guineas per quarter . A liberal reduction made in favour of the sons of deceased Masons .
ST . GALL , CONCORDIA , SWITZERLAND . INTERNATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL . —Scholars with or without Board and Lodging . Class instruction given in parallel courses . The most important courses taught in different languages , by professor ^ , of various nationalities . Instruction in all the mercantile branches , especially German , French , English , Italian , Spanish , Portuguese , Dutch , and Russian , with correspondence in these languages . Preparations for superior technical schools . At present five languages , three reli gions , and ten nationalities are represented . Referees : Mrs . Ingall-Gunther , chief editor of " The Bazar , " Berlin ; Dr . Jon . Scherr , Zurich ; J . Flitz , Swiss Consul-General , Washington ; Dr . Kerr , Swiss Ambassador , Paris-, Geisser , Swiss Consul-General , Turin ; B . B . Scheerer-Inglis ; T . R . Tschidy , House Director , St . Gall . Prospectuses , programmes , and regulations of the establishment , in five langaages , to be had by applying to the directcr . The school is conducted on truly Masonic principles . DR . BERTSCH-SAILER , Director .
TWICKENHAM SCHOOL , MIDDLEA SEX . — Established 1820 . Sound Education . Preparation for Examination and Commercial Pursuits . Foreign Masters . Moderate and Inclusive Terms . —Apply to Bro . Clayton Palmer , LL . D ., L . C . P ., F . E . I . S ., & c .
A PHYSICIAN ( Bro . ) residing on the South Coast , wishes to receive a few delicate children , for whose education ( up to physical and mental ability ) and health he tvill hold himself entirely responsible . —Address M . D ., Renshaw's , 35 C , Strand , London .
By appointment to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . T ^ HE EMPEROR of RUSSIA and the CITY ¦ *• of LONDON . —His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia has conferred on Mr . J . W . BENSON the Appointment of Goldsmith to the Imperial Court , in appreciation of Mr . Benson ' s artistic production of thc Gold Casket presented to the Emperor by the Corporation of the City of London .
fiENSON , Watch and Clock Maker to the . Queen and Royal Family , and to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
rVTOVELTY . — ENGLISH DINING and ^ DRAWING-ROOM ORMOULU CLOCKS , far superior to foreign , desiyncd by English Artists in the Doric , Ionic , Corinthian , Gothic , Meuixval , Renaissance , and Italian styles ; decorated with Wcdgewood and other wares , and made to harmonise with the architecture and furniture of mansions . Solely at BEN * SON'S establishments . Clocks , £ 1 to £ 1000 . I Plate ( Presentation , Prize , Re-Watches , £ 1 to £ 200 . gimental ) , £ s to £ 500 . jewellery , New Designs , £ 1 to Bronzes , Artistic , Special De-/ ecooi I BiRrrs , £ 3 to £ 300 . . ' a , OLD BOND-STREET , W .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB . 101 , Queen Victoria Street , E . C . On and after the 1 st Febuary , 1877 , an Entrance Fee of 5 Guineas will be imposed on New Members , the Annual Subscription remaining as heretofore , Town Members 5 Guineas , Country Members 3 Guineas . Lodges requiring accommodation should maks immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at the offices—37 , QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
THE VICTORIA ( LADIES' ) CLUB ( UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE ) IS NOW OPEN , 25 , REGENT-STREET , W ., ( corner of Jermyn-street ) . Every convenience for Ladies visiting Town . Subscription , £ 2 2 s . Family Ticket £ 3 3 s . PARTICULARS BV ADDRESSING T . IE LADY MANAGER .
OUSES BOUGHT WITH THEIR OWN fj RENT , and small savings invested in houses or by the aid of advances from THE PLANET BUILDING SOCIETY , repayable by easy instalments , spread over a series of years . Borrowers exempted from tb < -. delay of the ballot , and from exorbitant terms of redemption . PREMIUMS CONVERTIBLE into a monthl y payment . PROFESSIONAL EXPENSES extremely moderate . MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION for paying off in foure en years both principal and interest of each £ 100 advanced , 17 s . only , . OSWALD R . GREEN , Secretary . Offices : 1 , Finsbury-square , London , E . C .
PRESENTATION PAST MASTERS' JEWELS LEVELS , & c . A Large Stock now on view at Bro . G . KENNING'S Show Rooms , Little Britain and Aldersgate-street , London .
JJYER'S GOLD WATCHES for PRESENTS . —Ladies' small ditto , four jewels , 44 s , 68 s , 115 s each ; Gentlemen's splendid full-jewelled Gold Levers , 94 s and 126 s each ; gold , crystal , or hunting cases , £ 5 to £ 10 each . All two years ' warranted . Illustrations and lists free . Orders sent safe per post .
TJYER ' S SILVER WATCHES for PRESENT & . —Ladies' elegant small ditto , four jewels , 3 6 s and jss . Gents' handsome ditto 26 s , 36 s , and 52 s . Splendid Levers , 55 s , 84 s , and 115 s . Crystal or hunting cases , J 2 s , 705 , and 1261 each . All three years warranted . Country orders and remittances promptly attended to .
R EAL DIAMONDS for PRESENTS . - xv DYER and SONS are able to offer DIAMOND JEWELLERY real bargains , having had opportunities of buying them very cheap . Beautitul Diamond EarriHgs , £ 6 per pair ; ditto anJ Brooches , en suite , £ 7 to £ ig set ; Diamond Rings , £ } to £ 10 ; Diamond Lockets , large It . to £ 20 . Price lists free . —ji , Burlington-arcade , Piccadilly , and 90 , Regent-street , London , W .
J" ) YER'S ALUMINIUM WATCHES , perfect substitutes for gold , 15 s 6 d , 18 s 6 d , 2 < s each . Ladies' small ditto , 21 s . All jewelled and warranted . Dyer's Clocks , neat ami elegant , 2 is , 30 s , 142 s each . Rich gilt ditto , 353 and 50 s each . — DYER and SONS , Watchmakers , 90 , Regent-street , London , W .
QlLVER JEWELLERY , the Acme of Fashion . DYER and SONS have a splendid stock of choice Silver Jewellery of every description , at reduced prices , to favo « r the demand at this season of the year . Elegant Earrings , ss to losi splendid Brooches , Js to 15 s ; handsome Lockets , Js to 40 s ; beautiful Necklets , choice Victorias , strong Alberts , Charms , Pln ' i Chatelaines , Bags , Belts , & c ; to suit every taste . —si , Burlington Arcade , Piccadilly ; and 90 , Regent-street , London , W .
DYER'S SOLID GOLD CHAINS for PRESENTS , cheapest in the world . Ladies' elegant Gold , 3 ? ' Sos , and Jos each , according to weight j Ladies' fashionable Victorias , tine quality , 40 s , 603 ; Gentlemen ' s Gold Alberts , 20 s , 35 " Sis ; Gold Necklets and Lockets , af , s . Illustrations free . —5 ' i Burlington Arcade and oo , Regent-street , London , W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
S . YARDLEY & SONS , ( ESTABLISHED 1830 ) Shop Front Builders , SHOP FITTERS , AND Air Tight Show Case Manufacturers , WoR KS *^ - 8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , EXMOUTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , LONDON , E . C . Snow ROOMS—25 , MOUNT PLEASANT , CLERKENWELL . Eveiy description of fittings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Offices , Drapers , Museums , Banks , Libraries , Outfitters and Hosiers , Fancy Trades , & c . Plans and Estimates provided for shop fronts and internal ntings , inTown or any part of the Country . S . YARDLEY & SONS respectfully solicit the patronage of Architects and Surveyors , whose instructions shall receive special and faithful attention .
FUNERALS . Bro . J . Ayton , Successor toE . T . CROFTON , Funeral Furnisher and Featherman , ESTABLISHED l 82 I , 79 , JUDD ST ., BRUNSWICK SQ .. W . C , AND 139 , CALEDONIAN RD ., ISLINGTON , N . Price List on Application . Distance no object .
SUPERIOR SHIRTS IN OXFORD MATTE CLOTH AND FRENCH PRINTED CAMBRIC 6 for 45 s . Pa terns and Measuring Directions Free . GANN , ROOT , & CO ., Shirt Tailors , 171 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
W . FIGES , 80 , CANNON-STREET , LONDON , E . C . MANUFACTURER OF THE NEW JEGIS UMBRELLA , Combining increased shelter with increased strength , an elegant shape , and a convenient walking length . RIDING AND DRIVING WHIPS , & c .
ALGERIAN CIGARS . THREE PRIZE MEDALS . Lovers of the "SOOTHING WEED" will find the PRIZE MEDAL ALGERIAN CIGARS full of Fragrance and Bouquet and in best condition . Bro . A . OLDROYD , Leyton , E ., begs to say that he has the Sole Agency for England . Per box of Per bundle ieo . of 25 . PALATINAS 14 s- 6 ° " . 3 - 9 - DAMITAS 18 s . 6 d . 4 s . Qd . CAZADOHS 21 s . od . 5 s . 9 d . MEDIANOS 25 s- od- 6 s- 6 d-P . A 37 s- ° - . 9 s 6 d - Warranted made in Alg iers from the finest native Tobaccos . Sent ( samples per post ) on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O ., payable to Bro . A . Oldroyd , Leyton , E . " They contain all the aroma and fine flavours that can be obtained to give satisfaction , and are certainly worth a trial . "— " Freemason . "
TO RESTAURANT' AND HOTEL PROPRIETORS , & c rj . AIN , BUTCHER , a 3 . SEETHlNG . LANE , ^^ Great Tower-street , Supplies Hotels , Luncheon-Bars , Coffee Houses , & c , with Joints , Chops , Steaks , & c , at lowest possible rates . Branch Establishments—Gipsy-hill , Norwood ; 306 , Walwoith-road .
"T RUTH MUSTI ' RIVAIL . "—Common Sense . Lamps , Bathe , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Elect-oplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . DTIFARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , 41 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , Q FFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY ^ " ^ GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He dees no keep an " Immense Stock , " but sufficiently large for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated ,
WUNG GENTLEMEN'S ACADEMY ftUAI DU LEMAN , GENEVA . ( Founded in 18 . 13 ° y Mr . Diederichs , for the last five years under the direction of Bro . V . Wisard . ) A School of long standing and high reputation . Beautiful and healthy situation . Complete education . Special studies for modern languages . Advantageous terms for the sons of Masonic brethren . Highest Masonic and Commercial references .
THE EAST HARDWICK SCHOOL , NEAR PONTEFRACT , Has long enjoyed a High Scholastic Reputation . Average 90 Boarders for Eight consecutive years . Healthy country , dairy farm , cricket fields , swimming bath , sound teaching . Moderate Terms . Full particulars , with references from the Principals , Messrs . LORD ( P . M ., H . ) and SLACK ( P . M ., Z . ) . Next term , January 31 st .
GERMANY . — HIGH CLASS EDUCAyj TION at the Royal Colleges , Casscl ( attended b y the Sons of the Crown Prince of Germany ) , with thorough German , French , and English Private Tuition by resident Graduates , and a refined English Home . Deli ghtful neighbourhood of Wilhelmshohe , the Aue Park , and the valley of the Fulda . Prospectus , with highest references . Terms , 70 to 90 guineas inclusive . Sons of Masonic bretb .-en at reduced terms . —Address Bro . Dr . Saure , M . A ., Cassel .
ST . LEONARD'S COLLEGE , OXFORD ROAD , BIRKDALE PARK , SOUTHPORT , LANCASHIRE . PRiNcrpAL—Bro . the REV . DR . LOWE , of the Universities of St . Andrew's and Edinburgh . The premises occupy a salubrious and commanding position near the sea . Young gentlemen are thoroughly instructed in all the branches of an English , Commercial , Mathematical , and Classical Education , and are prepared for Mercantile pursuits , the Civil Service , and Professional Examinations , and for the Universities . The number of pupils being limited to fifteen , special pains are taken , as well with those whose education is in a backward state as with those who are more advanced . High , moral , and religious training . The most respectable references . Inclusive terms , Ten Guineas per quarter . A liberal reduction made in favour of the sons of deceased Masons .
ST . GALL , CONCORDIA , SWITZERLAND . INTERNATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL . —Scholars with or without Board and Lodging . Class instruction given in parallel courses . The most important courses taught in different languages , by professor ^ , of various nationalities . Instruction in all the mercantile branches , especially German , French , English , Italian , Spanish , Portuguese , Dutch , and Russian , with correspondence in these languages . Preparations for superior technical schools . At present five languages , three reli gions , and ten nationalities are represented . Referees : Mrs . Ingall-Gunther , chief editor of " The Bazar , " Berlin ; Dr . Jon . Scherr , Zurich ; J . Flitz , Swiss Consul-General , Washington ; Dr . Kerr , Swiss Ambassador , Paris-, Geisser , Swiss Consul-General , Turin ; B . B . Scheerer-Inglis ; T . R . Tschidy , House Director , St . Gall . Prospectuses , programmes , and regulations of the establishment , in five langaages , to be had by applying to the directcr . The school is conducted on truly Masonic principles . DR . BERTSCH-SAILER , Director .
TWICKENHAM SCHOOL , MIDDLEA SEX . — Established 1820 . Sound Education . Preparation for Examination and Commercial Pursuits . Foreign Masters . Moderate and Inclusive Terms . —Apply to Bro . Clayton Palmer , LL . D ., L . C . P ., F . E . I . S ., & c .
A PHYSICIAN ( Bro . ) residing on the South Coast , wishes to receive a few delicate children , for whose education ( up to physical and mental ability ) and health he tvill hold himself entirely responsible . —Address M . D ., Renshaw's , 35 C , Strand , London .
By appointment to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . T ^ HE EMPEROR of RUSSIA and the CITY ¦ *• of LONDON . —His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia has conferred on Mr . J . W . BENSON the Appointment of Goldsmith to the Imperial Court , in appreciation of Mr . Benson ' s artistic production of thc Gold Casket presented to the Emperor by the Corporation of the City of London .
fiENSON , Watch and Clock Maker to the . Queen and Royal Family , and to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
rVTOVELTY . — ENGLISH DINING and ^ DRAWING-ROOM ORMOULU CLOCKS , far superior to foreign , desiyncd by English Artists in the Doric , Ionic , Corinthian , Gothic , Meuixval , Renaissance , and Italian styles ; decorated with Wcdgewood and other wares , and made to harmonise with the architecture and furniture of mansions . Solely at BEN * SON'S establishments . Clocks , £ 1 to £ 1000 . I Plate ( Presentation , Prize , Re-Watches , £ 1 to £ 200 . gimental ) , £ s to £ 500 . jewellery , New Designs , £ 1 to Bronzes , Artistic , Special De-/ ecooi I BiRrrs , £ 3 to £ 300 . . ' a , OLD BOND-STREET , W .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB . 101 , Queen Victoria Street , E . C . On and after the 1 st Febuary , 1877 , an Entrance Fee of 5 Guineas will be imposed on New Members , the Annual Subscription remaining as heretofore , Town Members 5 Guineas , Country Members 3 Guineas . Lodges requiring accommodation should maks immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at the offices—37 , QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
THE VICTORIA ( LADIES' ) CLUB ( UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE ) IS NOW OPEN , 25 , REGENT-STREET , W ., ( corner of Jermyn-street ) . Every convenience for Ladies visiting Town . Subscription , £ 2 2 s . Family Ticket £ 3 3 s . PARTICULARS BV ADDRESSING T . IE LADY MANAGER .
OUSES BOUGHT WITH THEIR OWN fj RENT , and small savings invested in houses or by the aid of advances from THE PLANET BUILDING SOCIETY , repayable by easy instalments , spread over a series of years . Borrowers exempted from tb < -. delay of the ballot , and from exorbitant terms of redemption . PREMIUMS CONVERTIBLE into a monthl y payment . PROFESSIONAL EXPENSES extremely moderate . MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION for paying off in foure en years both principal and interest of each £ 100 advanced , 17 s . only , . OSWALD R . GREEN , Secretary . Offices : 1 , Finsbury-square , London , E . C .
PRESENTATION PAST MASTERS' JEWELS LEVELS , & c . A Large Stock now on view at Bro . G . KENNING'S Show Rooms , Little Britain and Aldersgate-street , London .
JJYER'S GOLD WATCHES for PRESENTS . —Ladies' small ditto , four jewels , 44 s , 68 s , 115 s each ; Gentlemen's splendid full-jewelled Gold Levers , 94 s and 126 s each ; gold , crystal , or hunting cases , £ 5 to £ 10 each . All two years ' warranted . Illustrations and lists free . Orders sent safe per post .
TJYER ' S SILVER WATCHES for PRESENT & . —Ladies' elegant small ditto , four jewels , 3 6 s and jss . Gents' handsome ditto 26 s , 36 s , and 52 s . Splendid Levers , 55 s , 84 s , and 115 s . Crystal or hunting cases , J 2 s , 705 , and 1261 each . All three years warranted . Country orders and remittances promptly attended to .
R EAL DIAMONDS for PRESENTS . - xv DYER and SONS are able to offer DIAMOND JEWELLERY real bargains , having had opportunities of buying them very cheap . Beautitul Diamond EarriHgs , £ 6 per pair ; ditto anJ Brooches , en suite , £ 7 to £ ig set ; Diamond Rings , £ } to £ 10 ; Diamond Lockets , large It . to £ 20 . Price lists free . —ji , Burlington-arcade , Piccadilly , and 90 , Regent-street , London , W .
J" ) YER'S ALUMINIUM WATCHES , perfect substitutes for gold , 15 s 6 d , 18 s 6 d , 2 < s each . Ladies' small ditto , 21 s . All jewelled and warranted . Dyer's Clocks , neat ami elegant , 2 is , 30 s , 142 s each . Rich gilt ditto , 353 and 50 s each . — DYER and SONS , Watchmakers , 90 , Regent-street , London , W .
QlLVER JEWELLERY , the Acme of Fashion . DYER and SONS have a splendid stock of choice Silver Jewellery of every description , at reduced prices , to favo « r the demand at this season of the year . Elegant Earrings , ss to losi splendid Brooches , Js to 15 s ; handsome Lockets , Js to 40 s ; beautiful Necklets , choice Victorias , strong Alberts , Charms , Pln ' i Chatelaines , Bags , Belts , & c ; to suit every taste . —si , Burlington Arcade , Piccadilly ; and 90 , Regent-street , London , W .
DYER'S SOLID GOLD CHAINS for PRESENTS , cheapest in the world . Ladies' elegant Gold , 3 ? ' Sos , and Jos each , according to weight j Ladies' fashionable Victorias , tine quality , 40 s , 603 ; Gentlemen ' s Gold Alberts , 20 s , 35 " Sis ; Gold Necklets and Lockets , af , s . Illustrations free . —5 ' i Burlington Arcade and oo , Regent-street , London , W .