Article NEW YEAR'S ENTERTAINMENT AT CROYDON. Page 1 of 1 Article Jflai'ft JHasonrg. Page 1 of 1 Article Jflai'ft JHasonrg. Page 1 of 1 Article 1882 AND 1883. Page 1 of 1 Article Presentations. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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New Year's Entertainment At Croydon.
The New Year ' s entertainment to the annuitants of the Koyal Masonic Benevolent Institution in the asylum at Croydon was given on Wednesday last , when the following ladies and gentlemen attended to assist in giving a day's enjoyment to their aged friends : Mrs . terry . Miss Terry ,
Bro . T . Hastings Miller and Mrs . Miller , G . Bolton , Edgar Bowyer and Mrs . Bowyer , R . H . Halford and Mrs . Halford , Bro . H . Massey ( Freemason ) , Mr . H . VV . Massey , Miss A . R . Massey and Miss Floirie Massey , Bro . and Mrs . Charles John Perceval , Bro . Hirst and Mrs . Hirst , Bro . A . H . Tattershall , Mrs . Tattershall , and Master Tattershall , Bro . James Terry ( Secretary ) , Bro . E . Davies , Charles VV .
Smyth , Mrs . and Miss Smyth , E . Garnstel , Bro . Robert Paget , Bro . H . Hollis and Mrs . Hollis , Mrs . Newton , Mr . R . " E . Bowyer , Mrs . Constable , Bro . J . E . Terry , Mr . L . B . Newton , Mrs . E . Peterson , Bro . J . Mason and Mrs . Mason , Bro . VV . H . Wallington , Mrs . and Miss Wallington , Bro . VV . J . Crutch , Bro . G . P . Festa and Madame Festa , Bro . F . Binckes , Bro . Recknell , Mr . T . Slater , and Mr . A . T .
Faull . The South Eastern Railway put some special saloon carriages on the 12 . 57 P- - train from Charing Cross , for the convenience of the visitors , and the company had an agreeable and smart run of twenty minutes between Cannon-street and East Croydon . Soon after their arrival at the Institution , where they were cordially welcomed by
Bro . James Terry , the visitors and inmates of the Institution were conducted to the large hall , when Dr . Strong , the honorary surgeon of the Institution , who had "Mrs . Terry on his left , presided at a well prepared and liberal banquet consisting of magnificent turkeys , roast and boiled fowls , and roast beef , with thc necessary followers , iiluin puddings and mince pies . Bros . Terry , Thomas
Cubit and C . J . Perceval took the vice chairs and assisted as carvers , and the other brethren waited on | the old people and lady visitors . The repast was most thoroughly enjoyed by all who partook of it , and those who ministered to thc old folks' enjoyment entered as thoroughly into the pleasures of the day , as those for whom they were provided . There was , however , one fact which marred the
perfectness of the occasion . Some three or four of the annuitants were too ill to leave their apartments , and thc new years ' fare had to be taken by them in the solitude of their own residences . Among those annuitants the respected Warden of the asylum , liro . James Norris , who is now ninetythree years of age , and whose infirmities have increased so much that although he was able a fortnight ago to be in
attendance when the portrait of Bro James Terry , by Mr . Paget , was presented and unveiled in thc hall , he has ever since been confined to his room . The greatest regret was universally expressed at the circumstance , as Bro . Norris has always been a central figure at any visit to the institution . At the conclusion of the repast Dr . STRONG proposed
the three toasts of "The Oueen , "The Founders of the Feast , " and "The Institution . " In giving the toast of " The Queen , " the worth y CHAIRMAJJ said he hoped from thc liberality her Majesty had always shown to the Masonic Institutions , and from her having become chief Patroness of the Girls' School , she would soon take up that position with regard to the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution ior aged I-reemasons and Widows of Freemasons . Bros . EDGAR BOWYER and THOS . HASTINGS MILLER responded to the toast of "The Founders of the Feast , " Bro . Bowyer stating that there were many other brethren present who also contributed to the entertainment . Bro . Hastings Miller said he hoped to be a contributor on many
future occasions . Dr . STRONG , in proposing " The Institution , " regretted the absence and illness of Bro . Norris , and said he had advised him not to be present . But he could not refer to that brother without mentioning the name of Miss Norris , his daughter , who was in the position of matron of the Institution , who had been of immense'service by the
assistance she had given in attending to the ladies whenever they were ill . He had also to mention her in connection with the jireparation of the dinner , which had been admirably prepared , and which had been a perfect marvel , seeing the small accomodation there was at the Institution for cooking a large dinner . He looked upon it as a masterniece of culinary art . At the request of Dr . Strong , the
cheers which accompanied the drinking of this toast were loud enough for Bro . Norris to hear them in his own apartment . Later on , when the annuitants had retired to their rooms , Bro . C . J . PERCEVAL proposed "The Institution ; " and Bro . TERRY , in responding , gave the figures , which will be found in another page , showing the results of
the working of the past year for all the Institutions ; and , while thanking the brethren for their past support , entreated them not to relax their endeavours to place the Benevolent Institution and the Boys' School in as favourable position as the Girls' School . After tea Bro . George Buckland , assisted by Miss Blanche
Paige , gave his new musical entertainment , entitled "Gossip and Song . " During the evening the audience were regaled with wine , cake , and other refreshments ; and at the conclusion of the entertainment , thanks were given to Bros . Buckland and Terry , and after interesting speeches from those brethren , the visitors returned to town . The whole day ' s amusements were a great success .
Jflai'ft Jhasonrg.
Jflai'ft JHasonrg .
FRIZINGTON Henry Lodge ( No . 216 ) . — Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., Bro . Ed . Clarke , W . M ., P . G . J . W ., in thc chair , supported by Bros . B . Craig , S . W ., P . G . J . O . ; D . Bel ) , J . W . ; ] . Harper , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., M . O . ; K . T . Allatt , S . O . ; J . Peel , J . O . ; R . VVilson , Sec , P . G .
Steward ; J . Johnston , S . D . ; Chas , Gnwan , I . G . ; J . Close , Tyler , P . P . G . T . ; R . Baxter , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C ; J . F . Kirkconel , P . P . G . J . W . ; VV . Foster , P . M . ; George Dalrymple , P . M ., P . G . Sec . ; and others . On the minutes being confirmed , the ballot was taken for Master and Treasurer , when Bro . B . Craig was duly elected W . M ., and Bro . Jas . Harper , P . M ., Treas . Afterwards thc lecture was delivered by Bro . Dalrymple , and
Jflai'ft Jhasonrg.
a short address by Bro . Foster , entitled "A Day in Roslin Castle " and " Furness Abbey . " A vote of thanks was passed to be recorded , when the lodge was closed in form and good harmony .
1882 And 1883.
1882 AND 1883 .
Time , with its rapid hours has sped , Another year is past and gone , Fond hopes have faded and have fled , And left us musing , one by one . Yet as for us the year is new Mid echoes still of Christmas glee , Just as we hailed poor eighty-two , We welcome eighty-three .
What will this blithe new year reveal For mortals all who linger still ? What from our heart-joys will it steal ? Will ours bc "signs " of good or ill ? And when another year grows old , And we gather round a Christmas tree , How then will its short tale bc told ? What shall TOP say to eighty-three ?
Shall all we love and all we prize Have vanished from our earthly ken ? Shall gracious forms and loving eyes Be seen on earth no more again ? Shall all the dreams we count divine , Shall all that charms both you and me Have ceased to bless , to grace , to shine , When we bid good-bye to eighty-three ?
Ah ! the " world goes up and the world goes down , " And weary is the march of men , Though truth and faith our life may crown , Who can forecast the " how , " the " when " ? Though ours be a steadfast heart , Just as dear shadows flit and flee , It may be ours to pass and part From life and time in eighty-three ! VV .
Presentations .
PRESENTATION TO BRO . HENRY ERNEST PRICE . Bro . Henry E . Price was recently entertained at a sumptuous dinner at the Albion Hotel , Manchester , by Messrs . Grundy , Kershaw , Saxon , and Sampson , thc solicitors to the Manchester Ship Canal Scheme . In proposing the toast of the evening , " The Manchester Ship Canal , " Mr . Sampson , in a well-chosen words , expressed the great
satisfaction the firm felt with the indefatigable way in which Bro . Price had conducted thc work , and with thc zeal shown by the staff generally to second his efforts , which he believed would be brought to a successful issue by the Bill being passed in the next session of Parliament , and that the canal would become an historic fact . He concluded by proposing "Success to the Manchester Ship Canal , "
coupled with the name of Bro . Price and his staff . Bro . Price was on a subsequent evening presented with a handsome testimonial in the shape of a massive solid silver inkstand , weighing about fifty ounces , with thc following inscription : " " Manchester Ship Canal , 1 SS 2 .
Presented to Henry Price , as a mark of their respect and esteem , by those engaged with and under him in the preparation of the above scheme . " Bro . Price is a member of the Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 17 . 14 , and the Metropolitan Chapter , No . 1507 , in both of which he is held in high estteem by the brethren and companions .
PRESENTATION TO A LITERARY BROTHER . On the 29 th ult . the Prov . Grand Lodgeof Wigtownshire and Kiikudbrightshiie met at Newton-Stewart , N . B ., to say farewell to Bro . Cooke , late editor of the Galloway Gazette , and now editor of the Hull Packet and Times . Bro . George Maxwell , the R . W . P . G . M ., presided . Resolutions thanking Bro . Cooke for his services to Masonry were
adopted , and the complimentwas gracefully acknowledged . In the evening the brethren entertained Bro . Cooke to a banquet at the Crown Hotel , and presented him with a Past Prov . D . G . M . jewel in recognition of his services to the Craft in Galloway . The jewel , which is of gold , bears the thistle and an appropriate design , with the name ot the Provincial Grand Lodge and thc recipient . Bro . Cooke
suitabl y responded , and expressed his gratitude for the distinction which had been conferred upon him . The menu and toast list was a model of Masonic art , each dish and toast bearing an appropriate Shakesperian quotation . On . Tuesday night Bro . Cooke was entertained at a public banquet , and presented with a silver salver and a purse of 130 sovereigns .
A MASONIC WEDDING PRESENT . A handsome and valuable solid gold bracelet , set with pearls , was presented on Tuesday week last , to Miss Annie lessup , daughter of the late Bro . A . Jessup , of Plumstead , Treasurer for many years of the Pattison Lodge and Chapter , No . 913 , on the occasion of her marriage to Mr . William H . Pryce , of the firm of Pryce and SonPrinters
, and Publishers , Woolwich and Plumstead ; as a token of the regard in which her respected father was held by the whole of the Freemasons in the locality and Province of Kent generally . The presentation was made by Bro . A . Penfold , P . M . and P . Z . Pattison Lodge and Chanter , and
P . P . G . ist Assist . S . Kent ; in the presence of Bros . C . Coupland , P . M . and P . Z . 913 , and P . P . G . J . W ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; and H . Pryce , 913 , and P . P . G . R . M . Kent ; who were appointed as a committee b y the subscribers to fulfil that important duty . VVe cordially wish the young couple every happiness in their wedded life .
Obituary .
BRO . 'Till-: KARL OI" WEMYSS AND MARCH . By thc death of this nobleman Scolaud has lust one of her most respected sons , and Scottish Freemasonry a venerable brother , -who more than half a century ago filled the highest position it is in the power of the Craft to bestow . Nor was he the first of his family who had been similarly honoured . Eighth on the list of Scottish Grand Master Masons appears the name of James , fifth Earl of VVcmyss , who was Grand Master in 1743 . Four years
later the Hon . Francis Charteris , subsequently sixth Earl of Weymss , held the same oflice , as did Francis Charteris , Lord Klcho , in the years 17 S 6-S 7 . The nobleman just deceased , Francis , eighth Earl of VVemyss and March , was Grand Master Mason in 1 S 2 S-29 Since there have been no less than fourteen noblemen or gentlemen , exclusive of the Earl of Mar and Kellie , the present Grand Master , who have been chosen to preside over the destinies
of I-reemasonry north of the Tweed . The late earl , who died on New Year ' s Day , was born in 179 6 , and was consequently in the eighty-seventh year of his age . By his marriage , in 1 S 17 , with thc Lad y Louisa Bingham , fourth daughter of the second Earl of Lucan , he leaves Francis , Lord Elcho , M . P . for Haddingtonshire since 1 S 47 , who succeeds him , and a daughter , the Countess of Warwick and Brooke , mother of Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., who has been spoken of as the new Prov . Grand Master of Essex .
BRO . SIR HENRY MEUX , BART ., Expired on Monday morning , at his residence in Grosvenorsquare , at the age of sixty-five , having been born in the year 1 S 17 . The late baronet formerly represented the county of Herts in Parliament . He was educated at Christ Church , Oxford , and during his stay there was initiated into Freemasonry in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 in the
, year 1 S 3 S . Among his contemporaries in the same lodge were Bros , thc Hon . Sir A . F . 0 . 1 . iddell , Permanent Under-Secretary of State , Home Ollice ; the late Lord Carew , and the Hon . 1- ; . F . Levcson-Gower , brother of Earl Granville , all initiated in the same year ; and Bro . Sir W . R . Seymour Fitzgerald , G . C . S . I ., and Bro . thc Duke of Leinster , initiated in 1 S 3 7 and 1 S 39 respectively .
BRO . E . J . SCOTT . VVe greatly regret to announce the death of Bro . E . J . Scott , P . M . 749 , and Secretary of the City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . Our deceased brother has been for some time in delicate health , and although little hope existed of any permanent recovery , his death has caused a deep feeling of sorrow among his numerous friends . He leaves no wife or family , his nearest relatives being three sisters , but few
men had a wider circle of friends to regret his loss . His funeral took place at Kensal-green cemetery , on Wednesday . Bros . Hammond , W . M . ; J . E . Shand , P . M . Treas . ; and B . II . Swallow , P . M . founder , S . VV ., followed with the family as mourners , and many members of Nos . 15 G 3 , 749 , and other lodges were present . Bro . Scott was P . Z . Hermes Chapter , No . 79 , and Grand Sword Bearer for Kent , and served as Steward for the Girls' School at thc festival in 1 SS 0 .
BRO . DR . BOLTON BARTON , PAST PROV . G . M . OF WESTERN INDIA . On Tuesday last the funeral ot the late Bro . Richard Bolton Barton took place in Bradfield churchyard . The deceased gentleman , who died on VVednesday week at his residence , Stour Lodge , Bradfield , Essex , was well known in the district as a gentleman of refinement and kindly
disposition . He was born on September 24 th , 1 S 19 , and was the eldest son of the late Mr . John Barton , of Dublin . His mother was the eldest daughter of the late Col . J . H . Bolton , of Tullydoiinell , Ireland . Educated at Trinity College , Dublin , he matriculated B . A . in the early part of 1 S 44 , and was shortly afterwards called to the Bar by thc Honourable Society of Gray ' s Inn . In iS * , ; Bro . Barton
went to Bombay , where he soon acquired considerable practice in criminal law , and interested himself greatly in Freemasonry in India , in which Order he occupied the post of P . G . M . for the Province of Western India . He was afterwards appointed Chief Magistrate of Bombay , as well as Coroner for that city . So ably and delicately did he fulfil his official duties during exceedingly troublesome
times , that twice the especial thanks of the Government were awarded him . In 1 S 67 he returned to his native country , and a short time subsequently obtained the degree of LL . D . at his old College . In 1871 Bro . Barton settled in Essex , and three years later was made a Justice of thc Peace for the county . In July , 1 S 74 , he was presented with an illuminated address , and a massive silver epergne
and salver , by the Masons of Bombay , Bro . Munchergee Covvasgcc Murzeban , Treasurer of the lodge with which Bro . Barton had identified himself , making the presentation at a meeting at Ipswich of the British Union Lodge of Freemasons . Dr . Barton had been for the past eight years an active member of thc Tendring Hundred Bench , from which he was rarely absent , and was in his usual
place at the magistrates' sitting at 'Thorpe the last week in October . Subsequently he had an apoplectic attack , from which he never recovered , expiring at his residence , Stour Lodge , after a somewhat short period of illness , at the age of sixty-three . Bro . Barton was twice married—first , in 1 S 52 , to Caroline Harriet , daughter of the late Captain Richard Croker , R . N . ; and , secondly , in 1 SG 1 ,
to Eliza Anne , eldest daughter of the late Mr . James Daltort , of Buves House , Suffolk . The funeral procession left the late residence of the deceased at half-past two , and was preceded by the Rev . C . F . J . Norman , who officiated at the service , and by the Rev . \ V . G . C . Notley , the curate of Bradfield . The coffin was of polished oak , with brass furniture , and a simple plate with the inscription— " Richard Bolton Barton , Born 27 th September , 1 S 19 , died 27 th
December , 1 SS 2 . " A number of elegant wreaths were placed upon the cofiin . The deceased ' s two children , Mr . Charles Barton and Miss Barton , followed in the cortege , which contained a large number of mourners and carriages . The Church of England Burial Service was performed partly in the church and partly at the grave , and after Miss Barton had placed another handsome wreath of flowers upon the coffin , the funeral party returned from the churchyard . —East Anglian Daily Times .
TRUSSES , ELASTIC n .-A-DAiiES , ETC . —SEELEV ' S HARD RUUHER TRUSSES . —The world ' s recognition of unequalled excellence . Reccving the only award of merit granted i ' or trusses at the late international Medical Exhibition , 1 S 81 . Made in every desirable anil latest improved pattern , line steel springs , neatly covered with highly-polished hard ri-. hber , light , cool , cleanly ; unaH ' ectcd hy lime , use , or climate . Free from all sour , rusty , chafing , or
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Year's Entertainment At Croydon.
The New Year ' s entertainment to the annuitants of the Koyal Masonic Benevolent Institution in the asylum at Croydon was given on Wednesday last , when the following ladies and gentlemen attended to assist in giving a day's enjoyment to their aged friends : Mrs . terry . Miss Terry ,
Bro . T . Hastings Miller and Mrs . Miller , G . Bolton , Edgar Bowyer and Mrs . Bowyer , R . H . Halford and Mrs . Halford , Bro . H . Massey ( Freemason ) , Mr . H . VV . Massey , Miss A . R . Massey and Miss Floirie Massey , Bro . and Mrs . Charles John Perceval , Bro . Hirst and Mrs . Hirst , Bro . A . H . Tattershall , Mrs . Tattershall , and Master Tattershall , Bro . James Terry ( Secretary ) , Bro . E . Davies , Charles VV .
Smyth , Mrs . and Miss Smyth , E . Garnstel , Bro . Robert Paget , Bro . H . Hollis and Mrs . Hollis , Mrs . Newton , Mr . R . " E . Bowyer , Mrs . Constable , Bro . J . E . Terry , Mr . L . B . Newton , Mrs . E . Peterson , Bro . J . Mason and Mrs . Mason , Bro . VV . H . Wallington , Mrs . and Miss Wallington , Bro . VV . J . Crutch , Bro . G . P . Festa and Madame Festa , Bro . F . Binckes , Bro . Recknell , Mr . T . Slater , and Mr . A . T .
Faull . The South Eastern Railway put some special saloon carriages on the 12 . 57 P- - train from Charing Cross , for the convenience of the visitors , and the company had an agreeable and smart run of twenty minutes between Cannon-street and East Croydon . Soon after their arrival at the Institution , where they were cordially welcomed by
Bro . James Terry , the visitors and inmates of the Institution were conducted to the large hall , when Dr . Strong , the honorary surgeon of the Institution , who had "Mrs . Terry on his left , presided at a well prepared and liberal banquet consisting of magnificent turkeys , roast and boiled fowls , and roast beef , with thc necessary followers , iiluin puddings and mince pies . Bros . Terry , Thomas
Cubit and C . J . Perceval took the vice chairs and assisted as carvers , and the other brethren waited on | the old people and lady visitors . The repast was most thoroughly enjoyed by all who partook of it , and those who ministered to thc old folks' enjoyment entered as thoroughly into the pleasures of the day , as those for whom they were provided . There was , however , one fact which marred the
perfectness of the occasion . Some three or four of the annuitants were too ill to leave their apartments , and thc new years ' fare had to be taken by them in the solitude of their own residences . Among those annuitants the respected Warden of the asylum , liro . James Norris , who is now ninetythree years of age , and whose infirmities have increased so much that although he was able a fortnight ago to be in
attendance when the portrait of Bro James Terry , by Mr . Paget , was presented and unveiled in thc hall , he has ever since been confined to his room . The greatest regret was universally expressed at the circumstance , as Bro . Norris has always been a central figure at any visit to the institution . At the conclusion of the repast Dr . STRONG proposed
the three toasts of "The Oueen , "The Founders of the Feast , " and "The Institution . " In giving the toast of " The Queen , " the worth y CHAIRMAJJ said he hoped from thc liberality her Majesty had always shown to the Masonic Institutions , and from her having become chief Patroness of the Girls' School , she would soon take up that position with regard to the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution ior aged I-reemasons and Widows of Freemasons . Bros . EDGAR BOWYER and THOS . HASTINGS MILLER responded to the toast of "The Founders of the Feast , " Bro . Bowyer stating that there were many other brethren present who also contributed to the entertainment . Bro . Hastings Miller said he hoped to be a contributor on many
future occasions . Dr . STRONG , in proposing " The Institution , " regretted the absence and illness of Bro . Norris , and said he had advised him not to be present . But he could not refer to that brother without mentioning the name of Miss Norris , his daughter , who was in the position of matron of the Institution , who had been of immense'service by the
assistance she had given in attending to the ladies whenever they were ill . He had also to mention her in connection with the jireparation of the dinner , which had been admirably prepared , and which had been a perfect marvel , seeing the small accomodation there was at the Institution for cooking a large dinner . He looked upon it as a masterniece of culinary art . At the request of Dr . Strong , the
cheers which accompanied the drinking of this toast were loud enough for Bro . Norris to hear them in his own apartment . Later on , when the annuitants had retired to their rooms , Bro . C . J . PERCEVAL proposed "The Institution ; " and Bro . TERRY , in responding , gave the figures , which will be found in another page , showing the results of
the working of the past year for all the Institutions ; and , while thanking the brethren for their past support , entreated them not to relax their endeavours to place the Benevolent Institution and the Boys' School in as favourable position as the Girls' School . After tea Bro . George Buckland , assisted by Miss Blanche
Paige , gave his new musical entertainment , entitled "Gossip and Song . " During the evening the audience were regaled with wine , cake , and other refreshments ; and at the conclusion of the entertainment , thanks were given to Bros . Buckland and Terry , and after interesting speeches from those brethren , the visitors returned to town . The whole day ' s amusements were a great success .
Jflai'ft Jhasonrg.
Jflai'ft JHasonrg .
FRIZINGTON Henry Lodge ( No . 216 ) . — Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., Bro . Ed . Clarke , W . M ., P . G . J . W ., in thc chair , supported by Bros . B . Craig , S . W ., P . G . J . O . ; D . Bel ) , J . W . ; ] . Harper , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., M . O . ; K . T . Allatt , S . O . ; J . Peel , J . O . ; R . VVilson , Sec , P . G .
Steward ; J . Johnston , S . D . ; Chas , Gnwan , I . G . ; J . Close , Tyler , P . P . G . T . ; R . Baxter , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C ; J . F . Kirkconel , P . P . G . J . W . ; VV . Foster , P . M . ; George Dalrymple , P . M ., P . G . Sec . ; and others . On the minutes being confirmed , the ballot was taken for Master and Treasurer , when Bro . B . Craig was duly elected W . M ., and Bro . Jas . Harper , P . M ., Treas . Afterwards thc lecture was delivered by Bro . Dalrymple , and
Jflai'ft Jhasonrg.
a short address by Bro . Foster , entitled "A Day in Roslin Castle " and " Furness Abbey . " A vote of thanks was passed to be recorded , when the lodge was closed in form and good harmony .
1882 And 1883.
1882 AND 1883 .
Time , with its rapid hours has sped , Another year is past and gone , Fond hopes have faded and have fled , And left us musing , one by one . Yet as for us the year is new Mid echoes still of Christmas glee , Just as we hailed poor eighty-two , We welcome eighty-three .
What will this blithe new year reveal For mortals all who linger still ? What from our heart-joys will it steal ? Will ours bc "signs " of good or ill ? And when another year grows old , And we gather round a Christmas tree , How then will its short tale bc told ? What shall TOP say to eighty-three ?
Shall all we love and all we prize Have vanished from our earthly ken ? Shall gracious forms and loving eyes Be seen on earth no more again ? Shall all the dreams we count divine , Shall all that charms both you and me Have ceased to bless , to grace , to shine , When we bid good-bye to eighty-three ?
Ah ! the " world goes up and the world goes down , " And weary is the march of men , Though truth and faith our life may crown , Who can forecast the " how , " the " when " ? Though ours be a steadfast heart , Just as dear shadows flit and flee , It may be ours to pass and part From life and time in eighty-three ! VV .
Presentations .
PRESENTATION TO BRO . HENRY ERNEST PRICE . Bro . Henry E . Price was recently entertained at a sumptuous dinner at the Albion Hotel , Manchester , by Messrs . Grundy , Kershaw , Saxon , and Sampson , thc solicitors to the Manchester Ship Canal Scheme . In proposing the toast of the evening , " The Manchester Ship Canal , " Mr . Sampson , in a well-chosen words , expressed the great
satisfaction the firm felt with the indefatigable way in which Bro . Price had conducted thc work , and with thc zeal shown by the staff generally to second his efforts , which he believed would be brought to a successful issue by the Bill being passed in the next session of Parliament , and that the canal would become an historic fact . He concluded by proposing "Success to the Manchester Ship Canal , "
coupled with the name of Bro . Price and his staff . Bro . Price was on a subsequent evening presented with a handsome testimonial in the shape of a massive solid silver inkstand , weighing about fifty ounces , with thc following inscription : " " Manchester Ship Canal , 1 SS 2 .
Presented to Henry Price , as a mark of their respect and esteem , by those engaged with and under him in the preparation of the above scheme . " Bro . Price is a member of the Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 17 . 14 , and the Metropolitan Chapter , No . 1507 , in both of which he is held in high estteem by the brethren and companions .
PRESENTATION TO A LITERARY BROTHER . On the 29 th ult . the Prov . Grand Lodgeof Wigtownshire and Kiikudbrightshiie met at Newton-Stewart , N . B ., to say farewell to Bro . Cooke , late editor of the Galloway Gazette , and now editor of the Hull Packet and Times . Bro . George Maxwell , the R . W . P . G . M ., presided . Resolutions thanking Bro . Cooke for his services to Masonry were
adopted , and the complimentwas gracefully acknowledged . In the evening the brethren entertained Bro . Cooke to a banquet at the Crown Hotel , and presented him with a Past Prov . D . G . M . jewel in recognition of his services to the Craft in Galloway . The jewel , which is of gold , bears the thistle and an appropriate design , with the name ot the Provincial Grand Lodge and thc recipient . Bro . Cooke
suitabl y responded , and expressed his gratitude for the distinction which had been conferred upon him . The menu and toast list was a model of Masonic art , each dish and toast bearing an appropriate Shakesperian quotation . On . Tuesday night Bro . Cooke was entertained at a public banquet , and presented with a silver salver and a purse of 130 sovereigns .
A MASONIC WEDDING PRESENT . A handsome and valuable solid gold bracelet , set with pearls , was presented on Tuesday week last , to Miss Annie lessup , daughter of the late Bro . A . Jessup , of Plumstead , Treasurer for many years of the Pattison Lodge and Chapter , No . 913 , on the occasion of her marriage to Mr . William H . Pryce , of the firm of Pryce and SonPrinters
, and Publishers , Woolwich and Plumstead ; as a token of the regard in which her respected father was held by the whole of the Freemasons in the locality and Province of Kent generally . The presentation was made by Bro . A . Penfold , P . M . and P . Z . Pattison Lodge and Chanter , and
P . P . G . ist Assist . S . Kent ; in the presence of Bros . C . Coupland , P . M . and P . Z . 913 , and P . P . G . J . W ., P . P . G . P . S . Kent ; and H . Pryce , 913 , and P . P . G . R . M . Kent ; who were appointed as a committee b y the subscribers to fulfil that important duty . VVe cordially wish the young couple every happiness in their wedded life .
Obituary .
BRO . 'Till-: KARL OI" WEMYSS AND MARCH . By thc death of this nobleman Scolaud has lust one of her most respected sons , and Scottish Freemasonry a venerable brother , -who more than half a century ago filled the highest position it is in the power of the Craft to bestow . Nor was he the first of his family who had been similarly honoured . Eighth on the list of Scottish Grand Master Masons appears the name of James , fifth Earl of VVcmyss , who was Grand Master in 1743 . Four years
later the Hon . Francis Charteris , subsequently sixth Earl of Weymss , held the same oflice , as did Francis Charteris , Lord Klcho , in the years 17 S 6-S 7 . The nobleman just deceased , Francis , eighth Earl of VVemyss and March , was Grand Master Mason in 1 S 2 S-29 Since there have been no less than fourteen noblemen or gentlemen , exclusive of the Earl of Mar and Kellie , the present Grand Master , who have been chosen to preside over the destinies
of I-reemasonry north of the Tweed . The late earl , who died on New Year ' s Day , was born in 179 6 , and was consequently in the eighty-seventh year of his age . By his marriage , in 1 S 17 , with thc Lad y Louisa Bingham , fourth daughter of the second Earl of Lucan , he leaves Francis , Lord Elcho , M . P . for Haddingtonshire since 1 S 47 , who succeeds him , and a daughter , the Countess of Warwick and Brooke , mother of Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., who has been spoken of as the new Prov . Grand Master of Essex .
BRO . SIR HENRY MEUX , BART ., Expired on Monday morning , at his residence in Grosvenorsquare , at the age of sixty-five , having been born in the year 1 S 17 . The late baronet formerly represented the county of Herts in Parliament . He was educated at Christ Church , Oxford , and during his stay there was initiated into Freemasonry in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 in the
, year 1 S 3 S . Among his contemporaries in the same lodge were Bros , thc Hon . Sir A . F . 0 . 1 . iddell , Permanent Under-Secretary of State , Home Ollice ; the late Lord Carew , and the Hon . 1- ; . F . Levcson-Gower , brother of Earl Granville , all initiated in the same year ; and Bro . Sir W . R . Seymour Fitzgerald , G . C . S . I ., and Bro . thc Duke of Leinster , initiated in 1 S 3 7 and 1 S 39 respectively .
BRO . E . J . SCOTT . VVe greatly regret to announce the death of Bro . E . J . Scott , P . M . 749 , and Secretary of the City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . Our deceased brother has been for some time in delicate health , and although little hope existed of any permanent recovery , his death has caused a deep feeling of sorrow among his numerous friends . He leaves no wife or family , his nearest relatives being three sisters , but few
men had a wider circle of friends to regret his loss . His funeral took place at Kensal-green cemetery , on Wednesday . Bros . Hammond , W . M . ; J . E . Shand , P . M . Treas . ; and B . II . Swallow , P . M . founder , S . VV ., followed with the family as mourners , and many members of Nos . 15 G 3 , 749 , and other lodges were present . Bro . Scott was P . Z . Hermes Chapter , No . 79 , and Grand Sword Bearer for Kent , and served as Steward for the Girls' School at thc festival in 1 SS 0 .
BRO . DR . BOLTON BARTON , PAST PROV . G . M . OF WESTERN INDIA . On Tuesday last the funeral ot the late Bro . Richard Bolton Barton took place in Bradfield churchyard . The deceased gentleman , who died on VVednesday week at his residence , Stour Lodge , Bradfield , Essex , was well known in the district as a gentleman of refinement and kindly
disposition . He was born on September 24 th , 1 S 19 , and was the eldest son of the late Mr . John Barton , of Dublin . His mother was the eldest daughter of the late Col . J . H . Bolton , of Tullydoiinell , Ireland . Educated at Trinity College , Dublin , he matriculated B . A . in the early part of 1 S 44 , and was shortly afterwards called to the Bar by thc Honourable Society of Gray ' s Inn . In iS * , ; Bro . Barton
went to Bombay , where he soon acquired considerable practice in criminal law , and interested himself greatly in Freemasonry in India , in which Order he occupied the post of P . G . M . for the Province of Western India . He was afterwards appointed Chief Magistrate of Bombay , as well as Coroner for that city . So ably and delicately did he fulfil his official duties during exceedingly troublesome
times , that twice the especial thanks of the Government were awarded him . In 1 S 67 he returned to his native country , and a short time subsequently obtained the degree of LL . D . at his old College . In 1871 Bro . Barton settled in Essex , and three years later was made a Justice of thc Peace for the county . In July , 1 S 74 , he was presented with an illuminated address , and a massive silver epergne
and salver , by the Masons of Bombay , Bro . Munchergee Covvasgcc Murzeban , Treasurer of the lodge with which Bro . Barton had identified himself , making the presentation at a meeting at Ipswich of the British Union Lodge of Freemasons . Dr . Barton had been for the past eight years an active member of thc Tendring Hundred Bench , from which he was rarely absent , and was in his usual
place at the magistrates' sitting at 'Thorpe the last week in October . Subsequently he had an apoplectic attack , from which he never recovered , expiring at his residence , Stour Lodge , after a somewhat short period of illness , at the age of sixty-three . Bro . Barton was twice married—first , in 1 S 52 , to Caroline Harriet , daughter of the late Captain Richard Croker , R . N . ; and , secondly , in 1 SG 1 ,
to Eliza Anne , eldest daughter of the late Mr . James Daltort , of Buves House , Suffolk . The funeral procession left the late residence of the deceased at half-past two , and was preceded by the Rev . C . F . J . Norman , who officiated at the service , and by the Rev . \ V . G . C . Notley , the curate of Bradfield . The coffin was of polished oak , with brass furniture , and a simple plate with the inscription— " Richard Bolton Barton , Born 27 th September , 1 S 19 , died 27 th
December , 1 SS 2 . " A number of elegant wreaths were placed upon the cofiin . The deceased ' s two children , Mr . Charles Barton and Miss Barton , followed in the cortege , which contained a large number of mourners and carriages . The Church of England Burial Service was performed partly in the church and partly at the grave , and after Miss Barton had placed another handsome wreath of flowers upon the coffin , the funeral party returned from the churchyard . —East Anglian Daily Times .
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