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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . CIIIEI- " PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN * . PATRONS : HIS ROYAI . HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OE WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., President . HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OK WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in thclargcHallof the FREEMASONS' TAVERN , Great Oueen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields , London , on SATURDAY , the 13 th day of JANUARY , 1 SS 3 , at 12 o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place candidates on the list for the election in April next , and to declare the number of girls then to be elected . Also to consider the following notice ot motion , upon recommendation of the house committee , by Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , P . G . D ., Vice-Patron : "That the best thanks of the Subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls arc eminently due , and are hereby tendered to Bro . Lieut .-Col . LEACH , R . E ., for his fraternal conduct in voluntarily superintending the sanitary works lately so successfully carried out at the School Buildings at Battersea ; and that , as a small recognition of the services rendered by him , he be , and is hereby elected a Vice-Patron of the Institution , with all the rights and privileges attached thereto . " F . R . VV . HEDGES , Secretary . The Ninety-fifth Anniversary Festival , under the distinguished presidency of VV . VV . B . BEACH , Esq ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Hants and Isle of Wight , will take place on Wednesday , 9 th May , 1 SS 3 . Names of Stewards will be thankfully received by the Secretary . Offices—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . 6 th January , 18 S 3 . " *
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . I-OR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . Patron and President : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., S * c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Of this Institution will take place On WEDNESDAY , 2 SH 1 FEBRUARY , 1883 , AT FREEMASONS' IAVERN , GREAT OUEEN-STREET , LONDON , Upon which occasion » GEN . J . STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B ., P . G . W ., R . VV . PROV . G . M . FOR SURREY , Has been pleased to signify his intention of Presiding . Brethren are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Steward upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their Names and Masonic Rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . JAMES TERRY , P . Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . * * # At the Election in May next there will be 120 Candidates for Election , whilst at the present time there are only Twelve Vacancies .
D ~ READNOUGHT SEAMENS ' HOSPITAL , Greenwich , S . E ., and DISPENSARY , Well-street , London Docks , E ., for Sailors of all Nations . No admission ticket or voting papers of any sort required , but both are entirely free to the whole maritime world , irrespective of race , creed , or nationality . Since establishment upwardsof 225 , 000 have been relievedfrom no less than forty-two different countries , and the number of patients during 1 SS 1 , was 7132 , as compared with 4245 , the average of the preceding ten years . Qualification of a governor one guinea annually , or a donation of ten guineas . New annual subscriptions or contributions will be thankfully received b y the bankers , Messrs . VVilliams , Deacon and Co ., 20 , Birchin-lane , E . C , or by the Secretary at the Hospital . Funds are urgently needed for this truly Cosmopolitan Charity , which is supported by voluntary contributions . VV . T . EVANS , Secretary .
FOUNDRY TO LET , with Smiths ' Shop . Stables can be hud adjoining . Formerl y occupied by Messrs . Cutler , Parker-street , Little Queenstreet , Holborn . Apply at the Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) .
A P . M . would be obliged to any Brother who would give him some light EMPLOYMENT where confidence and trust is required ; undeniable references and security—in thc West of England preferred —or would invest some Capital in a Sound Business . Address , P . M ., Freemason , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
'Twelfth Edition , post-free , is . DR . "WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBERT G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 , Bulstrodc-strcct , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . Mitchell and Co ., Red Lion-court . Fleet-street .
ANY Gentleman who is a Freemason , having SPARE 'TIME at his disposal , and wishing to occupy it profitably , will do well by applying by letter to JVIr . M . Underwood , 45 , Ludgate-hill , London .
SECOND EDITION NOW READY , Corrected and revised up to the latest date . THIRTEENTH ANNUAL ISSUE . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR&POCKETBOOK For 1883 . Price 2 s . ; Post Free , 2 s . id . ; about 280 pages , Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band or Tuck . "The most comprehensive Masonic Book of Reference issued . " T HE C OSMOPOLITAN M ASONIC C ALENDAR contains full particulars of all Grand Masonic Bodies in England , Scotland , and Ireland , with complete lists of Craft Lodges , giving Dates of Constitution , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chapters , Knig hts Templar Preceptories , Red Cross Conclaves , Colleges , itc . There are also Lists of London CIIAFT AND MARK . LODGES , ROYAL ARCH CHAI-TERS . Those Meeting in the Country are shewn in towns al phabetically arranged . Tables are given shewing the different Lodges and Chapters grouped under their respective Provinces ; and a List of Lodges and Chapters meeting on Foreign Stations . The London Meetings of the Craft , Royal Arch , Mark , Ancient and Accepted Rite , Knig hts Templar , and Red Cross are noted in the Memorandum space of each day . Meetings of the various Committees of Grand Lodge , Gr ? ind Chapter , and Charitable Institutions are also given . Also the Grand Bodies , with their Officers , in France , Belgium , Switzerland , Germany , Spain , Portugal , Italy , the Netherlands , Sweden and Norway , Denmark , Hungary , Greece , Turkey , Egypt , Canada , Quebec , New Brunswick , British Columbia , United States , Hayti , Central and South America , Republic of Liberia , Cuba , New Zealand , & c , giving in most cases also Lists of Lod ges , & c . It also contains the Three Charges and Entered Apprentice ' s Song .
OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . "' The . Co-smovolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Book , ' published by Mr . G . Kenning , of Little Britain and Aldersgate-street , now for the thirteenth year , is the most useful and comprehensive Masonic book of reference yet issued . It contains a complete and most elaborate list of the lodges , with their dates of constitution and times and places ot meeting , chapters , preceptories , conclaves , colleges , and grand councils , together with full particulars of every grand Masonic body throughout the globe . As the whole of this information and the list of grand officers , etc ., have been corrected down to the very latest hour of publication , the work will be found , as in former years , of the utmost importance and value by the members of the Craft . We notice from it that there are no less than 1975 lodges working under the English Constitution , and that during the current year new warrants were issued by His Royal * Hi ghness the Prince of Wales , the Grand Master , to 29 new lodges . " —City Press . " Masonic brethren who desire information with regard to their order will find the fullest details in this handy , compact , and cheap _ volume . 'The list of lodges , Royal Arch chapters , & c , includes not only Great Britain , but every part of the globe ; and the work also contains a variety of other interesting information with regard to the brotherhood . " —The Manchester Courier . " This useful work contains a list of lodges throughout the woild , with dates ( ancient and modern ) , chapters , K . T . preceptories , conclaves , colleges , and grand councils , with the names of the officers and 'full particulars of every grand Masonic body throughout the globe . ' 'To a Mason , of whom there are so many in Blackburn and Lancashire at large , we cannot conceive a more useful pocket companion , or one which Is more indispensable to every member of thc Craft . —Blackburn Standard . Maybe had of all Booksellers , or at G EOIIGE K ENNING ' Establishments—LONDON : 16 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , Opposite Freemasons' Hall ( Office of Publication ) , r , 2 , 1 , . \ , LITTLE BRITAIN ' S : 197 , ALDERSGATE STREET . LIVERPOOL : ., MONUMENT PLACE . MANCHESTER : 47 , BRIDGE STREET . GLASGOW : y , WEST HOWARD ST .
ROYAL SEA BATHING INFIRMARY , MARGATE . ESTABLISHE D 1791 . THE ONLY ONE EXCLUSIVELY FOR SCROFULOUS POOR . COL . CREATON , TREASURER . JOHN M . CLABON , ESQ ., HON . SECRETARY . _ This Hospital requires aid . An extra liberal diet table is of necessity required on account of the exhausting nature of this terrible disease . Donors of £ 10 10 s ., Annual Subscribers of £ 1 is ., can recommend patients . 250 beds . Average number of Inpatients per year , 750 , and of applicants over 1000 . Bankers , the Bank of England j Coutts and Co . ; and Cobb and Co ., Margate . Offices : No . 30 , Charing Cross , W . JOHN THOMAS WALKER , Secretary .
TO OUR READERS . THE FREEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom Canada , the Continent , India , China , Cevlon , the Colonics & c . Arabia ,, & c . ' 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may bc made in Stamps / , but Post Office Orders or Cheques are prefer-ed , thc former payable to GEORGE KENXI . VC , Chief Ollice , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank .
TO ADVERTISERS . THE FREEMASON has a large circulation in all parts o £ the Globe . In it the official Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland are published with the specia sanction of the rcspective Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic wore in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonies . The vast accession to thc ranks of the Order during the past few years , and the increasing interest manifested in its doings , has given the Freemason a position and influence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with conlidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a very large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week ' s issue are received up to Six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
© 0 -SorregpoitUmtg , BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . "The Broad Arrow , " "The Citizen , " " The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "The Keystone , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Monthly Notes Y . M . C . A ., " "The Hull Packet , " "The Public Ledger , " "Ihe Morning Advertiser , " "The Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar , " The Proceedings of Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ohio , " "The Organina , " "The Masonic Chronicle , " "The Court Circular , " "Hyoutopa : " ( Greek ) , " Boletin Masonico , " " The Thirty-third Annual Convocation Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Illinois , " "The Independent" ( Christmas Number ) , " New York Dispatch , " " Masonia .
^pree^asSi^ IEI T * £ ** Tw * y * f ¥ 'ff **^ ^ S ATURDAY , J ANUARY 6 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents , but we wish in aspint of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . l FREEMASONRY AND VOLUNTEERING . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , —
I shall be glad to know on the following matter . At the installation meeting of a certain lodge a few days ago several brethren appeared in the uniform of a semivolunteer corps , and , of course Masonic clothing . As Masons were they justified in doing so ? 'They were not invited as members of a military , or rather semi-military body , but as Masons , and I contend they were not justified in appearing in uniform , because they were not soldiers , and only soldiers appear at all times in uniform , because
it would be against the Oueen ' s regulations to appear otherwise , and when they attend or visit a lodge they do so only as Masons , and not as soldiers . I ask this question because I think the members of this body were guilty of a piece of unmasonic conduct in prostituting their uniform in a purely Masonic meeting . They might as well wear Masonic clothing on parade , for it would he just as logical and regular as wearing uniform at a lodge . The body I refer to has its head quarters not far
removed from Finsbury . I some time since heard of the consecration of a new lodge in connection with another corps , and I have ascertained that no uniform of any kind was worn , and this in a lodge intimately connected with a corps . I wonder whether the members of the 2 nd Middlesex , the Victoria Rifles , thc Surrey , and other similar lodges always wear uniform in their own and other visiting lodges ? Some of the members of the Wanderers do , because they are soldiers . —Yours fraternally , DOUBTFUL .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE . CIIIEI- " PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN * . PATRONS : HIS ROYAI . HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OE WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., President . HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OK WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be held in thclargcHallof the FREEMASONS' TAVERN , Great Oueen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields , London , on SATURDAY , the 13 th day of JANUARY , 1 SS 3 , at 12 o'clock precisely , on the General Business of the Institution , to place candidates on the list for the election in April next , and to declare the number of girls then to be elected . Also to consider the following notice ot motion , upon recommendation of the house committee , by Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , P . G . D ., Vice-Patron : "That the best thanks of the Subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls arc eminently due , and are hereby tendered to Bro . Lieut .-Col . LEACH , R . E ., for his fraternal conduct in voluntarily superintending the sanitary works lately so successfully carried out at the School Buildings at Battersea ; and that , as a small recognition of the services rendered by him , he be , and is hereby elected a Vice-Patron of the Institution , with all the rights and privileges attached thereto . " F . R . VV . HEDGES , Secretary . The Ninety-fifth Anniversary Festival , under the distinguished presidency of VV . VV . B . BEACH , Esq ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Hants and Isle of Wight , will take place on Wednesday , 9 th May , 1 SS 3 . Names of Stewards will be thankfully received by the Secretary . Offices—5 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . 6 th January , 18 S 3 . " *
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . I-OR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . Patron and President : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., S * c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Of this Institution will take place On WEDNESDAY , 2 SH 1 FEBRUARY , 1883 , AT FREEMASONS' IAVERN , GREAT OUEEN-STREET , LONDON , Upon which occasion » GEN . J . STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B ., P . G . W ., R . VV . PROV . G . M . FOR SURREY , Has been pleased to signify his intention of Presiding . Brethren are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Steward upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their Names and Masonic Rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . JAMES TERRY , P . Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . * * # At the Election in May next there will be 120 Candidates for Election , whilst at the present time there are only Twelve Vacancies .
D ~ READNOUGHT SEAMENS ' HOSPITAL , Greenwich , S . E ., and DISPENSARY , Well-street , London Docks , E ., for Sailors of all Nations . No admission ticket or voting papers of any sort required , but both are entirely free to the whole maritime world , irrespective of race , creed , or nationality . Since establishment upwardsof 225 , 000 have been relievedfrom no less than forty-two different countries , and the number of patients during 1 SS 1 , was 7132 , as compared with 4245 , the average of the preceding ten years . Qualification of a governor one guinea annually , or a donation of ten guineas . New annual subscriptions or contributions will be thankfully received b y the bankers , Messrs . VVilliams , Deacon and Co ., 20 , Birchin-lane , E . C , or by the Secretary at the Hospital . Funds are urgently needed for this truly Cosmopolitan Charity , which is supported by voluntary contributions . VV . T . EVANS , Secretary .
FOUNDRY TO LET , with Smiths ' Shop . Stables can be hud adjoining . Formerl y occupied by Messrs . Cutler , Parker-street , Little Queenstreet , Holborn . Apply at the Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) .
A P . M . would be obliged to any Brother who would give him some light EMPLOYMENT where confidence and trust is required ; undeniable references and security—in thc West of England preferred —or would invest some Capital in a Sound Business . Address , P . M ., Freemason , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
'Twelfth Edition , post-free , is . DR . "WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBERT G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 , Bulstrodc-strcct , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . Mitchell and Co ., Red Lion-court . Fleet-street .
ANY Gentleman who is a Freemason , having SPARE 'TIME at his disposal , and wishing to occupy it profitably , will do well by applying by letter to JVIr . M . Underwood , 45 , Ludgate-hill , London .
SECOND EDITION NOW READY , Corrected and revised up to the latest date . THIRTEENTH ANNUAL ISSUE . THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR&POCKETBOOK For 1883 . Price 2 s . ; Post Free , 2 s . id . ; about 280 pages , Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band or Tuck . "The most comprehensive Masonic Book of Reference issued . " T HE C OSMOPOLITAN M ASONIC C ALENDAR contains full particulars of all Grand Masonic Bodies in England , Scotland , and Ireland , with complete lists of Craft Lodges , giving Dates of Constitution , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chapters , Knig hts Templar Preceptories , Red Cross Conclaves , Colleges , itc . There are also Lists of London CIIAFT AND MARK . LODGES , ROYAL ARCH CHAI-TERS . Those Meeting in the Country are shewn in towns al phabetically arranged . Tables are given shewing the different Lodges and Chapters grouped under their respective Provinces ; and a List of Lodges and Chapters meeting on Foreign Stations . The London Meetings of the Craft , Royal Arch , Mark , Ancient and Accepted Rite , Knig hts Templar , and Red Cross are noted in the Memorandum space of each day . Meetings of the various Committees of Grand Lodge , Gr ? ind Chapter , and Charitable Institutions are also given . Also the Grand Bodies , with their Officers , in France , Belgium , Switzerland , Germany , Spain , Portugal , Italy , the Netherlands , Sweden and Norway , Denmark , Hungary , Greece , Turkey , Egypt , Canada , Quebec , New Brunswick , British Columbia , United States , Hayti , Central and South America , Republic of Liberia , Cuba , New Zealand , & c , giving in most cases also Lists of Lod ges , & c . It also contains the Three Charges and Entered Apprentice ' s Song .
OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . "' The . Co-smovolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Book , ' published by Mr . G . Kenning , of Little Britain and Aldersgate-street , now for the thirteenth year , is the most useful and comprehensive Masonic book of reference yet issued . It contains a complete and most elaborate list of the lodges , with their dates of constitution and times and places ot meeting , chapters , preceptories , conclaves , colleges , and grand councils , together with full particulars of every grand Masonic body throughout the globe . As the whole of this information and the list of grand officers , etc ., have been corrected down to the very latest hour of publication , the work will be found , as in former years , of the utmost importance and value by the members of the Craft . We notice from it that there are no less than 1975 lodges working under the English Constitution , and that during the current year new warrants were issued by His Royal * Hi ghness the Prince of Wales , the Grand Master , to 29 new lodges . " —City Press . " Masonic brethren who desire information with regard to their order will find the fullest details in this handy , compact , and cheap _ volume . 'The list of lodges , Royal Arch chapters , & c , includes not only Great Britain , but every part of the globe ; and the work also contains a variety of other interesting information with regard to the brotherhood . " —The Manchester Courier . " This useful work contains a list of lodges throughout the woild , with dates ( ancient and modern ) , chapters , K . T . preceptories , conclaves , colleges , and grand councils , with the names of the officers and 'full particulars of every grand Masonic body throughout the globe . ' 'To a Mason , of whom there are so many in Blackburn and Lancashire at large , we cannot conceive a more useful pocket companion , or one which Is more indispensable to every member of thc Craft . —Blackburn Standard . Maybe had of all Booksellers , or at G EOIIGE K ENNING ' Establishments—LONDON : 16 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , Opposite Freemasons' Hall ( Office of Publication ) , r , 2 , 1 , . \ , LITTLE BRITAIN ' S : 197 , ALDERSGATE STREET . LIVERPOOL : ., MONUMENT PLACE . MANCHESTER : 47 , BRIDGE STREET . GLASGOW : y , WEST HOWARD ST .
ROYAL SEA BATHING INFIRMARY , MARGATE . ESTABLISHE D 1791 . THE ONLY ONE EXCLUSIVELY FOR SCROFULOUS POOR . COL . CREATON , TREASURER . JOHN M . CLABON , ESQ ., HON . SECRETARY . _ This Hospital requires aid . An extra liberal diet table is of necessity required on account of the exhausting nature of this terrible disease . Donors of £ 10 10 s ., Annual Subscribers of £ 1 is ., can recommend patients . 250 beds . Average number of Inpatients per year , 750 , and of applicants over 1000 . Bankers , the Bank of England j Coutts and Co . ; and Cobb and Co ., Margate . Offices : No . 30 , Charing Cross , W . JOHN THOMAS WALKER , Secretary .
TO OUR READERS . THE FREEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom Canada , the Continent , India , China , Cevlon , the Colonics & c . Arabia ,, & c . ' 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may bc made in Stamps / , but Post Office Orders or Cheques are prefer-ed , thc former payable to GEORGE KENXI . VC , Chief Ollice , London , the latter crossed London Joint Stock Bank .
TO ADVERTISERS . THE FREEMASON has a large circulation in all parts o £ the Globe . In it the official Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland are published with the specia sanction of the rcspective Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic wore in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonies . The vast accession to thc ranks of the Order during the past few years , and the increasing interest manifested in its doings , has given the Freemason a position and influence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with conlidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a very large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week ' s issue are received up to Six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
© 0 -SorregpoitUmtg , BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . "The Broad Arrow , " "The Citizen , " " The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "The Keystone , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Monthly Notes Y . M . C . A ., " "The Hull Packet , " "The Public Ledger , " "Ihe Morning Advertiser , " "The Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar , " The Proceedings of Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ohio , " "The Organina , " "The Masonic Chronicle , " "The Court Circular , " "Hyoutopa : " ( Greek ) , " Boletin Masonico , " " The Thirty-third Annual Convocation Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Illinois , " "The Independent" ( Christmas Number ) , " New York Dispatch , " " Masonia .
^pree^asSi^ IEI T * £ ** Tw * y * f ¥ 'ff **^ ^ S ATURDAY , J ANUARY 6 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents , but we wish in aspint of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . l FREEMASONRY AND VOLUNTEERING . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , —
I shall be glad to know on the following matter . At the installation meeting of a certain lodge a few days ago several brethren appeared in the uniform of a semivolunteer corps , and , of course Masonic clothing . As Masons were they justified in doing so ? 'They were not invited as members of a military , or rather semi-military body , but as Masons , and I contend they were not justified in appearing in uniform , because they were not soldiers , and only soldiers appear at all times in uniform , because
it would be against the Oueen ' s regulations to appear otherwise , and when they attend or visit a lodge they do so only as Masons , and not as soldiers . I ask this question because I think the members of this body were guilty of a piece of unmasonic conduct in prostituting their uniform in a purely Masonic meeting . They might as well wear Masonic clothing on parade , for it would he just as logical and regular as wearing uniform at a lodge . The body I refer to has its head quarters not far
removed from Finsbury . I some time since heard of the consecration of a new lodge in connection with another corps , and I have ascertained that no uniform of any kind was worn , and this in a lodge intimately connected with a corps . I wonder whether the members of the 2 nd Middlesex , the Victoria Rifles , thc Surrey , and other similar lodges always wear uniform in their own and other visiting lodges ? Some of the members of the Wanderers do , because they are soldiers . —Yours fraternally , DOUBTFUL .