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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cardof which wasa novelty in itself ) , underthe presidency of the W . M ., who subsequently proposed the usual loyal toasts , which , having been duly honoured , he gave , with considerable taste , " The R . VV . the Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , " calling upon XV Bro . E . Watson , the Deputy P . G . M . ot the province , to reply , by whom some very pertinent remarks were
uttered . Before resuming his seat the worshipful brother proposed the toast cf the evening , viz .: "The Health of the VV . Master , " which , was enthusiastically honoured . The recently-installed brother gave the toast of " The Immediate Past Master , " who was also the Installing Master ; and , referring to thc almost enviable prosperity
which the old Newstead Lodge had enjoyed during Bro . Toplis's rule , he stated that the lodge had resolved upon recognising the valuable services which the I . P . M . had rendered fo this , the mother lodge of the province , by expressing , in a somewhat mote substantial form than a mere formal vote of thanks the regard and high esteem in which he was held by the whole lodge , and the expression
of their opinion had taken the shape of an oil portrait of the worthy brother of whom he was speaking , which he now begged to offer for his acceptance ; whereupon the Deacons entered the room with a large covered picture , which , upon being unveiled , revealed a most happy and striking portrait of Bro . Toplis , in full Masonic clothing , the frame of which bore the following inscription :
"To Bro . John Tophs , VV . M . i 3 S 2 of the Newstead Lodge of Freemasons , No . 47 , as a mark of the respect of the brethren of his lodge , and an acknowledgment of thc efficient manner in which he discharged his duties during his year of office , icjth December , 1882 . " The portrait , which measures 36 in . by 2 S in ., was painted by F . Warsop , Esq ., a well-known artist of the
neighbourhood , and was enclosed in a most handsome and massive Si in . gilt frame . The I . P . M . ( who was evidently deeply affected and much surprised ) , on rising to acknowledge the toast and the generosity of his brethren , declared himself quite unable to adequately express his thanks and astonishment ; but assuring them , as well as he was then able , that in his
desire to serve thc " old Newstead , " either as P . M . or in any other capacity , his services would be always at the disposal of the lodge . For the most handsome present before him , which he accepted with heartfelt gratitude , he could not find words to express his present feelings , but hoped that it would serve as an heirloom , and some evidence to his family of the opinion his brethren of the Newstead entertained of his endeavours to serve the lodge . Thc
Worshipful brother resumed his seat visibly affected by the interesting denouement which had so taken him by surprise . The toastof " The W . M . ' s of the Province of Notts" was eloquently proposed by VV . Bro . J . Derry , and duly responded to by VV . Bro . W . J . Gardner , W . M . 1 794 . W . Bro . R . C . Sutton , P . P . G . S . W ., proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " which was humorously acknowledged by Bros . Jos . Young , P . M . 523 ; and F . Thomas , I . P . M .
272 . Bro . J . Davis , P . P . G . S . D ., gave "Thc Masonic Charities , " to which Bro . H . J . Norris , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer ., replied . "The Health of the Officers of the Lodge" was
proposed by VV . Bro . T . W . Robinson , P . P . G . S . W ., and duly acknowledged by Bro . H . Vickers , J . W . The Tyler's toast brought the evening's proceedings to a close , thc brethren separating " Happy to meet , sorry to part , but happy to meet again . "
HULL . — Humber Lodge ( No . 67 ) . —On the 27 th ult . the members of this lodge met at thc Masonic Hall , Osborne-strcet . Bro . R . Becvcrs , thc Worshipful Master , occupied the chair , and there was a large attendance of thc members of the Craft . The first business was to present an illuminated address to Bro . VV . Banks Hay , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., on his resigning ihe
Treasurership of the Lodge Benevolent Fund , which post he has held for over thirty-years . Bro . VV . Tesseyman , P . M ., presented the address , and Bro . Dr . Hay acknowledged his thanks to the brethren for their kind expressions contained in the address . The installation of thc Worshipful Master elect ( Bro . Andrew Kinfr ) , was then proceeded with . The ceremony of installation was impressively
performed according to ancient custom by thc VV . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Dr . Bell . Bro . Andrew King , on taking the chair , was supported by the Worshipful Masters of the Minerva , Kingston , Alexandra , and Pelham Pillar Lodges , and many distinguished Masons of rank . The following brethren were invested to their respective offices : Bros . R . Beevers , I . P . M . ; George Myers , S . VV . ;
G . D . Stoiry , P . G . O ., J . W . ; H . Toozcs , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Chap . ; Thomas Thompson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Treas . ; William Tesseyman , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works , Treasurer of thc Benevolent and Pension Fund , and Charity Representative ; VV . B . Hay , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., 'Treasurer of Sinking Fund , and Lecture Master ; VV . D . Keyworth , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works , Almoner ; J . D . O'Donogluie , Hon . Sec ; E . Carris , Assist . Hon . Sec ;
J . W . Holmes , S . D . ; J . R . Forman , J . D . ; Robert Hodgson , D . C . j VV . Riby ; Org . ; C . T . Ganderton , Librarian ; John Cockin , I . G . ; William Whincup , Chief Steward ; " William Cuthbert , Tyler ; and J . Biirdall , Assist . Tyler . The banquet was afterwards held in the banqueting hall , at which the newly-installed Master , Bro . A . King , presided , and there was a large attendance of the brethren . Thecustomary loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ,
FALMOUTH . —Love and Honour Lodge ( No . 75 ) . —The installation meeting of this old and flourishing lodge ( the mother'Iodge of the Province of Cornwall ) took place at thc Masonic Hall , Royal Hotel , on Friday , the 29 th ult ., and was in every respect worthy of thc high character thc lodge possesses , both for ils good harmony and brotherly love . In the presence of a goodly assembly
of brethren and visitors Bro . Richard Carter , W . M ., opened the lodge , and Mr . Joseph Smith Dunn was balloted for ancl unanimously elected and initiated a member of the Order . Bro . Walter F . Newman , P . M ., Prov . G . J . W ., was then placed in the chair as Installing - Master , and in a most masterly style proceeded to instal liro . James P . t ' olglasc
into the chair of K . S . Bros . Past Masters R . Carter , Francis Dennis , VV . II . Dunstan , Wilson , Fox , M . Lillie , T . C . Polglasc , VV . D . Rogers , and Joseph Wallace assisted in the ceremony . Bros . E . D . Anderton , P . M . 331 , Prov . G . Sec ; W . H . Christoe , P . M . 331 , P . P . G . S . B . ; Grant , P . M . 31 S ; G . Appleby Jenkins , P . M . 9 G 7 , P . P . G . R ., occupied seats on the dais .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The W . M . elect being installed in thc chair of K . S ., was saluted and greeted , and the Board of Installed Masters was closed . The working tools in the Third Degree wcre presented and explained by 810 . T . C . Polglase ; in the Second Degree by Bro . VVilson Fox ; and the First by Bro . R . Carter , the out-going Master . The following officevs were invested by the newly-installed W . M .: Bros . R . Carter , I . P . M . ; George Carter , S . W . ; Richard C . Richards ,
J . W . ; Rev . J . J . Great Rex , Chap . ; W . F . Newman , P . M . 'Treas . ( unanimously re-elected at the last meeting ) ; S Tresiddcr , Sec . ; John M . Carne , S . D . ; James Jeffery ,. J . D . ; James C . Benny , M . C ; T . E . Dinner , Org . ; G . H . Baynes Reed , I . G . ; James Day Richards ancl Willie Carne , Stewards ; and W . Rusden , Tyler . The final charges having been delivered by the Installing Master , thc ceremony was completed . It should be specially mentioned
that the ceremony was throughout performed in a very able and efficient manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet in the assembly-room adjoining the lodge , at which about forty brethren sat down , under the presidency of the newly-installed Master . 'This large room was most tastefully decorated by Bro . James Francis with flags of all nations , evergreens , and flowers . The dinner , & c , was
first-class , and served in first style , and great credit is due in this respect to the host ( Bro . Carter , I . P . M ., ) and hostess . The excellent catering was supplemented by a splendid display of bouquets for table decoration . When ample justice had been done to the repast and thc waiters had retired , the characteristic feature of thc lodge developed itself . Bro . Robinson presided at the piano , and the intervals between thc toasts , & c , were filled with good
singing and recitations . liro . J . P . Polglase in rising to propose thc first toast on the list said , I have the honour and pleasing duty to-night of proposing the first toast on the toast list , " The Queen and the Craft . " Now , brethren , I am sure you would not forgive me were I simply to give the Queen and the Craft and pass on to the next , without in some way displaying our loyalty to the Crown in drinking the health of our
beloved sovereign . It is one that is received with the greatest enthusiasm in every assembly of Masons . I think that as Masons we should drink this toast even more cordially than other persons , because three of her sons are distinguished members of our Craft ; it is indeed a very gratifying fact to realize that three of her sons , herself the only daughter of an old Grand Master , should never "be ashamed to hear themselves named with a Free and na
Accepted Mason , " and she is ever ready to bear witness to the value of those gallant men who uphold the dignity of the land . Queen Victoria holds an exalted position in the world , not merely because she rules over many nations of mixed religions and of diverse languages , but because she enjoys the high privilege of reigning in the hearts , as well as over the destinies of the freest , and , therefore , the most loyal people in the world , and I do not hesitate to
say that British loyalty , although , perhaps , roughly expressed , is not to be found more genuine throughout her Majesty ' s dominions than amongst the inhabitants of thc somewhat remote and rugged county of Cornwall . VVe must not forget that our beloved sovereign is the patron of all Freemasonry , hence our privilege to couple her honoured name with our Craft . She has never exceeded the constitutional limits assigned to her , and by her life she has earned the affection , the esteem , and the love of
her people . Her name alone brings into every English home , and carries with it wherever it is mentioned all that is noble , gentle , true , and all that is good , under whose rule this country has prospered more than in any other period of its existence . Brethren , these are my true expressions of loyalty , and 1 am sure they must be yours , and let us all hope that she may be spared for many years to honour our Craft , and to rule over the destinies of this great and prosperous country . Brethren , be upstanding , and drink to "The Oueen ancl Craft . "
The W . M . : Brethren , the next toast is "The M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . " I do not think I could propose a more popular one . It is one that is always received with the greatest enthusiasm by thc Freemasons of this country . We all know that he has the vital interests of the Craft at heart . 'The indefatigable manner in which his Royal Highness discharges thc various duties and functions which devolve on him as Prince of
Wales docs not prevent him finding time to discharge his duties as Grand Master , which docs much to promote thc happiness of thc brethren and thc weMarc of thc Craft , and I venture to assert that when , in thc course of eventsalthough ! hope the day is far distant—he ascends the throne , his popularity will beso great as to throw a shade on the halo which surrounded the fame of his illustrious ancestors ; and I think that I shall be within bounds in
stating as my opinion that the title of Grand Master of the Freemasons of this country , the mother Grand Lodge of the world , is one which he bears with the greatest pride , and as such 1 call upon you to drink his health , and 1 include with the toast H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . 'The toast was heartily received . In giving "The Health of the M . W . Bro . the Karl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M . ; the Deputy G . M ., the Earl of
Lathom ; and the Grand Ixjdge of England , " thc VV . M . said : VVe are all aware of the vast amount of interest they all take in the welfare of the Craft . As to the working of Grand Lodge , no doubt but what it is done to perfection . 'The Grand Master is undoubtedl y most ably represented by those noble brethren just mentioned . Bro . Hughan , wbo should have responded to this toast , was unfortunately absent through ill-health .
The VV . M ., in proposing thc toast of " Thc R . W . Bro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . P . G . M . of Cornwall , and the W . D . P . G . M ., Sir Charles B . Graves-Sawle , Bart ., and the Officers , Present and Past , " said : This toast , I am sure , is one that all present here to-night are anxiousl y waiting to do honour to . He has shown himself in the highest degree a true and honest Mason , worthy of the high arid dignified office which he ( ills an honour to the Craft . Ever earnest in promoting its welfare , by him the
affairs of our province arc rightly governed and superintended , lie urges us not to deviate from the ancient landmarks and thc rules and regulations of thc Order , thereby encouraging us to succeed ; and while wc have such an able Prov . Grand Master , wc need not fear as to thc future of lhis province . I lis zeal in Masonry has made him loved and revered by all Masons with whom he comes in contact . He is the right man in the right place . Brethren , be upstanding and do all honour . Bro . E . D . Anderton , Prov . G . Sec , in responding ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
rivetted the attention of the brethren by a very appropriate , instructive , and in every way a truly Masonic speech , and expressed himself satisfied with all he had seen , both in the business of the lodge and at the festive board . He congratulated the VV . M . on the great honour the lodge had conferred on him that day . Bio . G . A . Jenkins , P . Prov . G . Reg ., also responded
in suitable terms , and congratulated the VV . M . in very complimentary language . The Senior Warden " then proposed "'The Health of the VV . M . " in a neat and eulogistic speech , and he asked them to drink to his health and future success . The W . M . in a long and excellent speech expressed his feelings of pride for the great honour conferred upon
him in being made their W . M . He was proud to sec such a gathering around him , and for such greetings and well wishes he heartil y thanked them , especially thc Past Masters for their kindness in supporting him in such strong numbers , and thereby making the ceremony of installation a perfect success , and having their confidence he would do his best to discharge the duties of Master to the best of
his ability during his year of office , and would endeavour to sustain the reputation which had been so admirably upheld b y the Past Masters , many of whom were honouring him with their presence that day . He drank " Hearty good health and long life to all . " The W . M . then proposed "The Initiate , " who he ivas very glad to welcome into the lodge .
'This toast was suitably responded to by thc initiate , Bro . Joseph Smith Dunn . 'The next toast , "The Visitors , " was in a suitable and humourous speech proposed by Bro . Fox , P . M . He was pleased to sec so many old faces and gave them a cordial welcome and hoped they would leave with a favourable impression of their visit . Bro . Grant , P . M . ( Helston ) briefly responded for "The
Visitors , " and thanked the brethren for thc kind reception they had met with . Other visitors followed . The next toast , "'The Immediate Past iVaster , " was proposed by the VV . M ., and he asked thebrcthrento drink upstanding "The Health of their I . P . M ., " which was done with great enthusiasm . The Immediate P . M . responded to the toast in
appropiatc terms , acknowledged the cordiality of the brethren in drinking his health as they had done , and thc cordiality of the W . M . in the manner in which it had been proposed . He hoped thc Master would have as happy a year of office as he had been privileged to enjoy . He spoke a few encouraging words to those who were that day honoured with collars of office ; There were not collars for all . This
was always a difficult matter the Master had in dealing out the collars of office , some must be disappointed . However , he was of opinion there was a selection of officers which the lodge might feel proud of . While in thc chair he had thc hearty support and assistance of thc Past Masters , and he was sure his successor would have their assistance , and he assured him nothing should be wanting
on his part to support him in his labours during thc ensuing year . "The Past Masters , " "Thc Wardens and Officers , " "Brethren out of Office , " and " Absent Members , " were given and briefly responded to , and the Tyler's toast brought to a close one of the most successful meetings this old lodge had witnessed under its banner for several
years . Some excellent songs were given by Bros . Robinson , Saunders , Keene , Benny , Olive , Christoe , 'Tito and Bccherini ; also recitations by Bro . J . D . Richards , which did not fail to call forth rounds of applause .
WEYMOUTH . —All Souls Lodge ( No . 170 ) . — The brethren nf this lodge , in accordance with ancient custom , assembled on St . John ' s Day , the 27 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when Bro . li . Greenwood , S . W ., was dul y installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed by W . Bro . VV . Smith , P . P . G . J . W . 'the WM . then appointed
his officers for the year , viz .: Bros . ' / .. Milledge , S . W . ; C . G . Targctt , J . W . ; Rev . J . H . Scott , P . O . Chap ., Chap . ; H . Hill , Sec ; II . Gibbs , S . D . ; T . J . W . Downes , P . G . Steward , J . D . ; S . Whotham , I . G . j " Kcatcs , Org . ; VV . Bro . E . T . 'Targctt , P . M . ; and Bro . J . K . Bennett , Stewards ; Bro . R . Simmonds , Tyler ; VV . Bio . J . A . Sherren , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., having been previously re-elected 'Treasurer .
After the ceremony the customary banquet was served in the spacious hall attached to the lodge . VV . Bro . R . Greenwood presided , being supported by VV . Bros . Morgan , Smith , Graham , Targett , and Bros . Rev . Scott , Milledge , C . G . Targctt , Hill , Downes , Whetham , Bennett , Allen , Ryan , John Ford , and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , that of "R . W . Bro . VV . Eliot , P . P . G . M . of Dorset , " being
very feelingly given by VV . Bro . Smith , P . P . G . J . W ., and most enthusiastically received by the brethren . Thc venerable brother is believed to be the oldest subscribing Mason living , and was initiated in All Souls Lodge . Later a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented by W . Bro . Smith , P . M ., on behalf of the brethren , to VV . Bro . Morgan , I . P . M ., as a slight recognition of his energetic working during the past year .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 . ) —The installation meeting of this lodge ancl celebration of the festival of St . John the Evangelist , was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athcn . eum , on the afternoon of thc 2 Sth ult ., a good number of brethren being present . The lodge was opened by the VV . M ., Bro . J . R . B . Pilkington , and after the minutes had been read and other routine business
transacted , the chair was taken by the Installing Officer , Bro . J . Atkinson , who inducted Bro . Benjamin Grcgson into his ollice as Worshipful Master of the lodge for the ensuing year with thc usual ceremonial . Thc newly-installed Master afterwards appointed and invested thc following brethren as his officers : Bros . J . Pilkington , I . P . M . ; T . Bayley , S . W .,- R . Stanton , J ' VV .,- J . " Hatch , P . M ., 'Treas . ; John Hatch , P . M ., Sec . ; lames Taylor , P . M .,
Org . ; A . McRaith , S . D . ; Richard Nicholson , J . D . ; J . Thistlclhwaitc , I . G . ; J . lic-ald , S . S . ; J . S . Shaw , J . S . ; and A . K . Allinson , Tyler . 'The lodge was closed with thc usual formalities . 'The brethren , to the number of about thirty , afterwards assembled at thc King's Anns 1 lotct , and sat down to an excellent banquet , which was exceedingly well catered for and served by the host , Mr . Ducksbury . The newlyinstalled VV . M . prcsidcd . supportcdby the I . P . M . and Installing Ofiicer , the Mayor of Lancaster ( Bro Fenton , P . M . ) ,
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cardof which wasa novelty in itself ) , underthe presidency of the W . M ., who subsequently proposed the usual loyal toasts , which , having been duly honoured , he gave , with considerable taste , " The R . VV . the Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , " calling upon XV Bro . E . Watson , the Deputy P . G . M . ot the province , to reply , by whom some very pertinent remarks were
uttered . Before resuming his seat the worshipful brother proposed the toast cf the evening , viz .: "The Health of the VV . Master , " which , was enthusiastically honoured . The recently-installed brother gave the toast of " The Immediate Past Master , " who was also the Installing Master ; and , referring to thc almost enviable prosperity
which the old Newstead Lodge had enjoyed during Bro . Toplis's rule , he stated that the lodge had resolved upon recognising the valuable services which the I . P . M . had rendered fo this , the mother lodge of the province , by expressing , in a somewhat mote substantial form than a mere formal vote of thanks the regard and high esteem in which he was held by the whole lodge , and the expression
of their opinion had taken the shape of an oil portrait of the worthy brother of whom he was speaking , which he now begged to offer for his acceptance ; whereupon the Deacons entered the room with a large covered picture , which , upon being unveiled , revealed a most happy and striking portrait of Bro . Toplis , in full Masonic clothing , the frame of which bore the following inscription :
"To Bro . John Tophs , VV . M . i 3 S 2 of the Newstead Lodge of Freemasons , No . 47 , as a mark of the respect of the brethren of his lodge , and an acknowledgment of thc efficient manner in which he discharged his duties during his year of office , icjth December , 1882 . " The portrait , which measures 36 in . by 2 S in ., was painted by F . Warsop , Esq ., a well-known artist of the
neighbourhood , and was enclosed in a most handsome and massive Si in . gilt frame . The I . P . M . ( who was evidently deeply affected and much surprised ) , on rising to acknowledge the toast and the generosity of his brethren , declared himself quite unable to adequately express his thanks and astonishment ; but assuring them , as well as he was then able , that in his
desire to serve thc " old Newstead , " either as P . M . or in any other capacity , his services would be always at the disposal of the lodge . For the most handsome present before him , which he accepted with heartfelt gratitude , he could not find words to express his present feelings , but hoped that it would serve as an heirloom , and some evidence to his family of the opinion his brethren of the Newstead entertained of his endeavours to serve the lodge . Thc
Worshipful brother resumed his seat visibly affected by the interesting denouement which had so taken him by surprise . The toastof " The W . M . ' s of the Province of Notts" was eloquently proposed by VV . Bro . J . Derry , and duly responded to by VV . Bro . W . J . Gardner , W . M . 1 794 . W . Bro . R . C . Sutton , P . P . G . S . W ., proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " which was humorously acknowledged by Bros . Jos . Young , P . M . 523 ; and F . Thomas , I . P . M .
272 . Bro . J . Davis , P . P . G . S . D ., gave "Thc Masonic Charities , " to which Bro . H . J . Norris , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer ., replied . "The Health of the Officers of the Lodge" was
proposed by VV . Bro . T . W . Robinson , P . P . G . S . W ., and duly acknowledged by Bro . H . Vickers , J . W . The Tyler's toast brought the evening's proceedings to a close , thc brethren separating " Happy to meet , sorry to part , but happy to meet again . "
HULL . — Humber Lodge ( No . 67 ) . —On the 27 th ult . the members of this lodge met at thc Masonic Hall , Osborne-strcet . Bro . R . Becvcrs , thc Worshipful Master , occupied the chair , and there was a large attendance of thc members of the Craft . The first business was to present an illuminated address to Bro . VV . Banks Hay , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., on his resigning ihe
Treasurership of the Lodge Benevolent Fund , which post he has held for over thirty-years . Bro . VV . Tesseyman , P . M ., presented the address , and Bro . Dr . Hay acknowledged his thanks to the brethren for their kind expressions contained in the address . The installation of thc Worshipful Master elect ( Bro . Andrew Kinfr ) , was then proceeded with . The ceremony of installation was impressively
performed according to ancient custom by thc VV . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Dr . Bell . Bro . Andrew King , on taking the chair , was supported by the Worshipful Masters of the Minerva , Kingston , Alexandra , and Pelham Pillar Lodges , and many distinguished Masons of rank . The following brethren were invested to their respective offices : Bros . R . Beevers , I . P . M . ; George Myers , S . VV . ;
G . D . Stoiry , P . G . O ., J . W . ; H . Toozcs , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Chap . ; Thomas Thompson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Treas . ; William Tesseyman , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works , Treasurer of thc Benevolent and Pension Fund , and Charity Representative ; VV . B . Hay , M . D ., P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., 'Treasurer of Sinking Fund , and Lecture Master ; VV . D . Keyworth , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works , Almoner ; J . D . O'Donogluie , Hon . Sec ; E . Carris , Assist . Hon . Sec ;
J . W . Holmes , S . D . ; J . R . Forman , J . D . ; Robert Hodgson , D . C . j VV . Riby ; Org . ; C . T . Ganderton , Librarian ; John Cockin , I . G . ; William Whincup , Chief Steward ; " William Cuthbert , Tyler ; and J . Biirdall , Assist . Tyler . The banquet was afterwards held in the banqueting hall , at which the newly-installed Master , Bro . A . King , presided , and there was a large attendance of the brethren . Thecustomary loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ,
FALMOUTH . —Love and Honour Lodge ( No . 75 ) . —The installation meeting of this old and flourishing lodge ( the mother'Iodge of the Province of Cornwall ) took place at thc Masonic Hall , Royal Hotel , on Friday , the 29 th ult ., and was in every respect worthy of thc high character thc lodge possesses , both for ils good harmony and brotherly love . In the presence of a goodly assembly
of brethren and visitors Bro . Richard Carter , W . M ., opened the lodge , and Mr . Joseph Smith Dunn was balloted for ancl unanimously elected and initiated a member of the Order . Bro . Walter F . Newman , P . M ., Prov . G . J . W ., was then placed in the chair as Installing - Master , and in a most masterly style proceeded to instal liro . James P . t ' olglasc
into the chair of K . S . Bros . Past Masters R . Carter , Francis Dennis , VV . II . Dunstan , Wilson , Fox , M . Lillie , T . C . Polglasc , VV . D . Rogers , and Joseph Wallace assisted in the ceremony . Bros . E . D . Anderton , P . M . 331 , Prov . G . Sec ; W . H . Christoe , P . M . 331 , P . P . G . S . B . ; Grant , P . M . 31 S ; G . Appleby Jenkins , P . M . 9 G 7 , P . P . G . R ., occupied seats on the dais .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The W . M . elect being installed in thc chair of K . S ., was saluted and greeted , and the Board of Installed Masters was closed . The working tools in the Third Degree wcre presented and explained by 810 . T . C . Polglase ; in the Second Degree by Bro . VVilson Fox ; and the First by Bro . R . Carter , the out-going Master . The following officevs were invested by the newly-installed W . M .: Bros . R . Carter , I . P . M . ; George Carter , S . W . ; Richard C . Richards ,
J . W . ; Rev . J . J . Great Rex , Chap . ; W . F . Newman , P . M . 'Treas . ( unanimously re-elected at the last meeting ) ; S Tresiddcr , Sec . ; John M . Carne , S . D . ; James Jeffery ,. J . D . ; James C . Benny , M . C ; T . E . Dinner , Org . ; G . H . Baynes Reed , I . G . ; James Day Richards ancl Willie Carne , Stewards ; and W . Rusden , Tyler . The final charges having been delivered by the Installing Master , thc ceremony was completed . It should be specially mentioned
that the ceremony was throughout performed in a very able and efficient manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet in the assembly-room adjoining the lodge , at which about forty brethren sat down , under the presidency of the newly-installed Master . 'This large room was most tastefully decorated by Bro . James Francis with flags of all nations , evergreens , and flowers . The dinner , & c , was
first-class , and served in first style , and great credit is due in this respect to the host ( Bro . Carter , I . P . M ., ) and hostess . The excellent catering was supplemented by a splendid display of bouquets for table decoration . When ample justice had been done to the repast and thc waiters had retired , the characteristic feature of thc lodge developed itself . Bro . Robinson presided at the piano , and the intervals between thc toasts , & c , were filled with good
singing and recitations . liro . J . P . Polglase in rising to propose thc first toast on the list said , I have the honour and pleasing duty to-night of proposing the first toast on the toast list , " The Queen and the Craft . " Now , brethren , I am sure you would not forgive me were I simply to give the Queen and the Craft and pass on to the next , without in some way displaying our loyalty to the Crown in drinking the health of our
beloved sovereign . It is one that is received with the greatest enthusiasm in every assembly of Masons . I think that as Masons we should drink this toast even more cordially than other persons , because three of her sons are distinguished members of our Craft ; it is indeed a very gratifying fact to realize that three of her sons , herself the only daughter of an old Grand Master , should never "be ashamed to hear themselves named with a Free and na
Accepted Mason , " and she is ever ready to bear witness to the value of those gallant men who uphold the dignity of the land . Queen Victoria holds an exalted position in the world , not merely because she rules over many nations of mixed religions and of diverse languages , but because she enjoys the high privilege of reigning in the hearts , as well as over the destinies of the freest , and , therefore , the most loyal people in the world , and I do not hesitate to
say that British loyalty , although , perhaps , roughly expressed , is not to be found more genuine throughout her Majesty ' s dominions than amongst the inhabitants of thc somewhat remote and rugged county of Cornwall . VVe must not forget that our beloved sovereign is the patron of all Freemasonry , hence our privilege to couple her honoured name with our Craft . She has never exceeded the constitutional limits assigned to her , and by her life she has earned the affection , the esteem , and the love of
her people . Her name alone brings into every English home , and carries with it wherever it is mentioned all that is noble , gentle , true , and all that is good , under whose rule this country has prospered more than in any other period of its existence . Brethren , these are my true expressions of loyalty , and 1 am sure they must be yours , and let us all hope that she may be spared for many years to honour our Craft , and to rule over the destinies of this great and prosperous country . Brethren , be upstanding , and drink to "The Oueen ancl Craft . "
The W . M . : Brethren , the next toast is "The M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . " I do not think I could propose a more popular one . It is one that is always received with the greatest enthusiasm by thc Freemasons of this country . We all know that he has the vital interests of the Craft at heart . 'The indefatigable manner in which his Royal Highness discharges thc various duties and functions which devolve on him as Prince of
Wales docs not prevent him finding time to discharge his duties as Grand Master , which docs much to promote thc happiness of thc brethren and thc weMarc of thc Craft , and I venture to assert that when , in thc course of eventsalthough ! hope the day is far distant—he ascends the throne , his popularity will beso great as to throw a shade on the halo which surrounded the fame of his illustrious ancestors ; and I think that I shall be within bounds in
stating as my opinion that the title of Grand Master of the Freemasons of this country , the mother Grand Lodge of the world , is one which he bears with the greatest pride , and as such 1 call upon you to drink his health , and 1 include with the toast H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . 'The toast was heartily received . In giving "The Health of the M . W . Bro . the Karl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M . ; the Deputy G . M ., the Earl of
Lathom ; and the Grand Ixjdge of England , " thc VV . M . said : VVe are all aware of the vast amount of interest they all take in the welfare of the Craft . As to the working of Grand Lodge , no doubt but what it is done to perfection . 'The Grand Master is undoubtedl y most ably represented by those noble brethren just mentioned . Bro . Hughan , wbo should have responded to this toast , was unfortunately absent through ill-health .
The VV . M ., in proposing thc toast of " Thc R . W . Bro . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . P . G . M . of Cornwall , and the W . D . P . G . M ., Sir Charles B . Graves-Sawle , Bart ., and the Officers , Present and Past , " said : This toast , I am sure , is one that all present here to-night are anxiousl y waiting to do honour to . He has shown himself in the highest degree a true and honest Mason , worthy of the high arid dignified office which he ( ills an honour to the Craft . Ever earnest in promoting its welfare , by him the
affairs of our province arc rightly governed and superintended , lie urges us not to deviate from the ancient landmarks and thc rules and regulations of thc Order , thereby encouraging us to succeed ; and while wc have such an able Prov . Grand Master , wc need not fear as to thc future of lhis province . I lis zeal in Masonry has made him loved and revered by all Masons with whom he comes in contact . He is the right man in the right place . Brethren , be upstanding and do all honour . Bro . E . D . Anderton , Prov . G . Sec , in responding ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
rivetted the attention of the brethren by a very appropriate , instructive , and in every way a truly Masonic speech , and expressed himself satisfied with all he had seen , both in the business of the lodge and at the festive board . He congratulated the VV . M . on the great honour the lodge had conferred on him that day . Bio . G . A . Jenkins , P . Prov . G . Reg ., also responded
in suitable terms , and congratulated the VV . M . in very complimentary language . The Senior Warden " then proposed "'The Health of the VV . M . " in a neat and eulogistic speech , and he asked them to drink to his health and future success . The W . M . in a long and excellent speech expressed his feelings of pride for the great honour conferred upon
him in being made their W . M . He was proud to sec such a gathering around him , and for such greetings and well wishes he heartil y thanked them , especially thc Past Masters for their kindness in supporting him in such strong numbers , and thereby making the ceremony of installation a perfect success , and having their confidence he would do his best to discharge the duties of Master to the best of
his ability during his year of office , and would endeavour to sustain the reputation which had been so admirably upheld b y the Past Masters , many of whom were honouring him with their presence that day . He drank " Hearty good health and long life to all . " The W . M . then proposed "The Initiate , " who he ivas very glad to welcome into the lodge .
'This toast was suitably responded to by thc initiate , Bro . Joseph Smith Dunn . 'The next toast , "The Visitors , " was in a suitable and humourous speech proposed by Bro . Fox , P . M . He was pleased to sec so many old faces and gave them a cordial welcome and hoped they would leave with a favourable impression of their visit . Bro . Grant , P . M . ( Helston ) briefly responded for "The
Visitors , " and thanked the brethren for thc kind reception they had met with . Other visitors followed . The next toast , "'The Immediate Past iVaster , " was proposed by the VV . M ., and he asked thebrcthrento drink upstanding "The Health of their I . P . M ., " which was done with great enthusiasm . The Immediate P . M . responded to the toast in
appropiatc terms , acknowledged the cordiality of the brethren in drinking his health as they had done , and thc cordiality of the W . M . in the manner in which it had been proposed . He hoped thc Master would have as happy a year of office as he had been privileged to enjoy . He spoke a few encouraging words to those who were that day honoured with collars of office ; There were not collars for all . This
was always a difficult matter the Master had in dealing out the collars of office , some must be disappointed . However , he was of opinion there was a selection of officers which the lodge might feel proud of . While in thc chair he had thc hearty support and assistance of thc Past Masters , and he was sure his successor would have their assistance , and he assured him nothing should be wanting
on his part to support him in his labours during thc ensuing year . "The Past Masters , " "Thc Wardens and Officers , " "Brethren out of Office , " and " Absent Members , " were given and briefly responded to , and the Tyler's toast brought to a close one of the most successful meetings this old lodge had witnessed under its banner for several
years . Some excellent songs were given by Bros . Robinson , Saunders , Keene , Benny , Olive , Christoe , 'Tito and Bccherini ; also recitations by Bro . J . D . Richards , which did not fail to call forth rounds of applause .
WEYMOUTH . —All Souls Lodge ( No . 170 ) . — The brethren nf this lodge , in accordance with ancient custom , assembled on St . John ' s Day , the 27 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , when Bro . li . Greenwood , S . W ., was dul y installed as W . M ., the ceremony being performed by W . Bro . VV . Smith , P . P . G . J . W . 'the WM . then appointed
his officers for the year , viz .: Bros . ' / .. Milledge , S . W . ; C . G . Targctt , J . W . ; Rev . J . H . Scott , P . O . Chap ., Chap . ; H . Hill , Sec ; II . Gibbs , S . D . ; T . J . W . Downes , P . G . Steward , J . D . ; S . Whotham , I . G . j " Kcatcs , Org . ; VV . Bro . E . T . 'Targctt , P . M . ; and Bro . J . K . Bennett , Stewards ; Bro . R . Simmonds , Tyler ; VV . Bio . J . A . Sherren , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., having been previously re-elected 'Treasurer .
After the ceremony the customary banquet was served in the spacious hall attached to the lodge . VV . Bro . R . Greenwood presided , being supported by VV . Bros . Morgan , Smith , Graham , Targett , and Bros . Rev . Scott , Milledge , C . G . Targctt , Hill , Downes , Whetham , Bennett , Allen , Ryan , John Ford , and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , that of "R . W . Bro . VV . Eliot , P . P . G . M . of Dorset , " being
very feelingly given by VV . Bro . Smith , P . P . G . J . W ., and most enthusiastically received by the brethren . Thc venerable brother is believed to be the oldest subscribing Mason living , and was initiated in All Souls Lodge . Later a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented by W . Bro . Smith , P . M ., on behalf of the brethren , to VV . Bro . Morgan , I . P . M ., as a slight recognition of his energetic working during the past year .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 2 S 1 . ) —The installation meeting of this lodge ancl celebration of the festival of St . John the Evangelist , was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athcn . eum , on the afternoon of thc 2 Sth ult ., a good number of brethren being present . The lodge was opened by the VV . M ., Bro . J . R . B . Pilkington , and after the minutes had been read and other routine business
transacted , the chair was taken by the Installing Officer , Bro . J . Atkinson , who inducted Bro . Benjamin Grcgson into his ollice as Worshipful Master of the lodge for the ensuing year with thc usual ceremonial . Thc newly-installed Master afterwards appointed and invested thc following brethren as his officers : Bros . J . Pilkington , I . P . M . ; T . Bayley , S . W .,- R . Stanton , J ' VV .,- J . " Hatch , P . M ., 'Treas . ; John Hatch , P . M ., Sec . ; lames Taylor , P . M .,
Org . ; A . McRaith , S . D . ; Richard Nicholson , J . D . ; J . Thistlclhwaitc , I . G . ; J . lic-ald , S . S . ; J . S . Shaw , J . S . ; and A . K . Allinson , Tyler . 'The lodge was closed with thc usual formalities . 'The brethren , to the number of about thirty , afterwards assembled at thc King's Anns 1 lotct , and sat down to an excellent banquet , which was exceedingly well catered for and served by the host , Mr . Ducksbury . The newlyinstalled VV . M . prcsidcd . supportcdby the I . P . M . and Installing Ofiicer , the Mayor of Lancaster ( Bro Fenton , P . M . ) ,