Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
We regret to have to record the death of Bro . Joseph Kenworthy , S . VV . of the Mirfield Lodge , No . 1102 , who will be greatly missed by the brethren of his lodge . The usual annual ball held in connection wilh the Mirfield Lodge , No . 1102 , will take place on the 12 th inst ., when Bros . Horsfall and Bailey ' s Band will supply the music . The children ' s dance will take place the succeeding evening .
Bro . Alderman Sir R . Hanson , M . A ., Granel Steward Middlesex , presided at the anniversary festival ol the Commercial 'Travellers' Benevolent Institution , held at the Albion Tavern , last week , the donations amounting to nearly £ 2000 .
Bro . the Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , B . A ., of Christ's Hospital . and Professor Buchheim . of King ' sCollege , Strand , were the respective examiners in French and German in connexion with the competition for the Prince Consort ' s prizes at Eton College .
Bro . Waller Hopekirk , P . M . and Ireasurer Manchester Lodge , 1 79 , and P . M . Upper Norwood Lodge , J 5 SG , is the W . M . Designate of the Honor Oak Lodge , the warrant for which has just been granted . There are twenty-two vacancies in the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , for which there will be twentynine candidates at the next election , which takes place in
April . At the invitation of Captain Hobson , about sixty children of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls remaining in the school during the holidays were present at the performance of the pantomime of "Jack the Giant Killer " at the Imperial Theatre , Westminster , on Monday
afternoon . The Mayor and Corporation of Maidstone were on Monday last presented by Bro . Sir John Monckton , Town Clerk of the City of London , and President Board of General Purposes , on behalf of the past and present residents of that town , -. vith a well-executed portrait of the late Earl of Beaconsfield by Mr . Sidney Hodges , Maidstone being the borough which first sent Mr . Disraeli into Parliament .
Bros . Spurgeon and Stevenson have returned to their original premises , 48 , Milton-street , of which the rebuilding after the fire which took place has just been completed . The Mason who only regards his lodge as a place where certain rites and ceremonies are to be hurried through , that the trilling labour maybe adjourned from for
long and often little needed refreshment ; who has no higher conception of the Craft than that of a select Free-and-Easy , even though he may be no drunkard , glutton , debauchee , or cheat ; who may even be " a respectable man " as the world goes , but one who never felt a higher wish than that of making a honest living , is an intruder where more glorious aspirationsare required . —Bro . George Markham Tweddell .
Mrs . Gladstone has contributed a preface to the new edition of " Early Influences , " ( Messrs . Rivingtons ) , in which she offers some observations on the training of the young , observing that it is "the step by step training —the learning a child ' s disposition by means of hourly watchfulness—which is too often neglected ; " and directing attention to "the way in which children are often over-noticed
and over-petted , and considered in every conceivable way ; and again , the dangers attending the very advantages of charming by interesting books . " All this , she adds , " unless regulated and checked by proper home influence , may become an actual snare . So much the more is it necessary that , from very early childhood , the mother should guide and shape the child ' s mind and heart . "
Twenty years ago the annuities paid by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution amounted to £ 2 ( JOO ; whilst last year they leached the sum of £ u , Goo . At the earlier date there were 91 annuitants , the highest of whom got £ 36 , and the lowest , £ 15 J while the annuities granted to the widows ranged from ^ 25 to £ 15 .
At the present time there are 325 annuitants , the men receiving £ 40 and the widows £ 32 annually , At that time the investments amounted to something like £ 32 , 000 ; they are now £ 64 , 000 , so that while the institution has widened the basis of its operations it has doubled its reserve fund and at the same time increased " the number of the recipients .
At the regular monthly meeting of the Melbourne Lodge , No . 747 ( E . C ) , on Monday , November 20 th , the following notice of motion was tabled by a P . M . : " That Melbourne Lodge " hereby places upon record its protest ai / ainst , and disapprobation of , the continued letting of
the Masonic Hall to the freethinkers and secularist associations , as being a direct contravention of the constitutions and landmarks of Freemasonry ; and that a copy of the resolution be sent to the directors of the Masonic Hall Company forthwith . "
MONEY LENT . Advances on Property . Loans Negotiated . — £ 5 to £ 1000 , with and without securities , at moderate Interest upon Promissory Notes , repayable at a fixed period , or by instalments ; also upon Deeds , Life Policies , Furniture , Jewellery , Shares , Warrants , Stocks , Sic . Prompt attention , with secrecy . Trade bills discounted . Deposits received . THE LONDON BANK , 71 ,
Fleet-street , E . G . ; SS , High-street , Islington , N . ; and 113 , Church-street , Edgware-road , VV . Open daily Forms gratis . Established 183 S . E . J . READ , Secretary . —[ ADVT . ] HOLLOWAY ' OINTME . VT AXII PILLS combine : both sanitive and sanative powers in a high degree—by the former term is understood their ability to preserve health , bv the latter their capability to restore health . With these remedies at hand , no invalid need be at
fault to guide himself or herself safely through the many trials to which even-one is subjected during onr long and ofttimes inclement winters . Coughs , colds , ulcerated throats , whooping cough can be successfully treated by well rubbing tbis Ointment upon the chest , and by taking the Pills . During damp , foggy weather asthmatical sull'erers will experience the utmost possible relief from the inunction of the Ointment , and all tender-chested persons will save endless misery by adopting this treatment , —[ Ann * , ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . George Vickery is the architect for the two large buildings in Aldermanbury-avenue . Bro . T . Duckham , M . P ., one of the members of Herefordshire , is , we regret to say , lying very seriously ill at his residence , Bayshaw Court , Ross , Herefordshire . Bro . Col . James Peters , Past Senior Grand Warden for Middlesex , has become a Vice Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Bro . Broadley left Cairo for his return to Tunis on Monday evening , taking wilh him thc gratitude of many and the respect of all thc officials with whom be had been brought in contact . Bro . William Jarvis , P . M . and P . G . S . B . North
Wales and Shropshire , sailed on the 3 rd inst ., in the Garth Castle , for Port Natal , en route for Pietermaritzburg and Bloemfontein . Bro . Jarvis has been advised to winter in these districts , and we hope he may be soon restored to health , and be able to send us some good reports of the lodges and brethren in these remote regions .
It is the wish of the Prince of Wales , the Standard understands , that Prince Albert Victor , when his education is completed , should join the Army as a duty officer , starting in the junior ranks , and working his way up gradually , as his uncle , the Duke of Connaught , has clone .
A Masonic ball , under distinguished patronage , is announced to be held at Barrow-in-Furness on the 25 th inst . An influential committee has been formed , which contains the names of well-known brethren in the district , and as the public as well will be admitted , there appears to be every element of success in connection with the affair . Bros . Bagot and C . VV . Roll are the joint Secretaries .
Bro . the Lord Mayor has invited the Loriners ' Company , represented by the Court , to dine at thc Mansion House on the 30 th inst . The Lord Mayor is Master of the Company . The Chaplain ( the Rev . J . H . Smith , P . G . Chap . Hants ) , the Clerk ( Major T . D . Sewell , P . G . S . ) , Sir John Bennett , Bro . George Kenning , P . D . G . Middx ., and several other members of the Court , besides a large number of the Livery , are members of the Craft . It is
probable we shall have something further to say respecting this interesting meeting of this ancient guild . Bro . Sir William John Clarke , Bart ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Victoria ( I . C ) , was on VVednesday , 20 th December , tendered a complimentary ball in the Town Hall , Melbourne , in honour of his return to the colony . The proceeds were to be applied to the endowment fund of the Victorian Masonic Charities .
We have had submitted for our inspection a very ingenious portable music stand , manufactured by Harrow ancl Company , of Portland-street , Wardour-street . lt is thoroughly strong , light , and extremely portable . A score or two may be stowed away in a very small space , while a single one can be carried as easily as an umbrella . They need only to be known to be in general use among the musical world .
Bro . Major T . Davies Sewell , P . G . S ., S . W . 1 S 27 , has been presented this week by Bro . Alderman and Sheriff De Keyser and Mr . Sheriff Savory with a handsome silver gilt claret jug and two goblets , ot most delicate and magnificent workmanship , in token of their esteem for our brother , chiefly in connection with his indefatigable services in assisting them with their inauguration banquet and arrangements of the shrievalty office since September .
A vote of thanks has been passed to Bro . Edward Dresser Rogers , Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of the City of London , as follows : " Resolved unanimously , that the best thanks of this Committee be and are hereby presented to Bro . Edward Dresser Rogers , Esq ., for the able manner in which , during the past year , he had discharged the duties of Chairman ,
being the second time during his long connection with the Corporation he has been called upon to undertake those responsibilities , and for his general courtesy and genial hospitality . Recognising the large amount of public work done b y their Chairman , his colleagues tender him their best wishes for his continued health , usefulness , and happiness . "
The following resolution was passed at a recent board meeting of the Royal Free Hospital , Gray's-inn-road : "That the weekly board desire to offer to Mrs . Mary Ann Dacomb Scharlieb their congratulations at the results of the late examination of the University of London , that lady having not only passed in the First division of the M . B . Examination , but in the subsequent examination for honours
having obtained the gold medal and the scholarship in Obstetric Medicine , and having been placed in the first class in forensic medicine and in the second class in medicine . 'The board arc of course aware that the studies of Mrs . Scharlieb , which have gained for her such well merited eminence , have not been solely prosecuted at the Royal Free Hospital ; but as this is the first occasion on which University honours
have been conferred on a student of the hospital , as such , the board feel it to be a fitting opportunity of expressing their pleasure and pride that the hospital has been associated with the name of Mrs . Scharlieb in a way which reflects honour on that institution . They wish Mrs . Scharlieb every success in her future career , and request the chairman ot the general committee of the hospital to communicate this resolution to that lady . "
A full meeting of the Victoria Institute took place on Monday evening , when a paper upon " Design in Nature" was read by Mr . W . P . James . It was announced that her Majesty the Oueen had been graciously pleased to accept a complete volume of the "'I ransactions " of the Institute , with a list of its members , and that the total number of home , foreign , and colonial members at the close of the year was 99 8 . lt was further stated that Professor Stokes , F . R . S ., would read a paper at the next meeting .
Itis certain the-Queen ' s Physician , Dr . Fairbank , has written strongly recommending LENTILLA , or TONIC DAILY FOOD . It cures Indigestion , Heartburn , Constipation , Liver and Stomach Complaints , Sic ., besides having such wondrous nourishing properties . Makes Soups , Porridge , Custards , Puddings , Biscuits , & c . Tins , lib . is . ( 3 d . ; Jib ., iod . Barrels , 2 Slb ., 30 s . ; 141 b ., iCs . Of all Chemists . —Proprietor , H . J . Deacon , Beckenham , Kent . —[ ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Sir Charles Dilke has been succeeded as Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice , M . P ., brother of the Marquis of Lansdowne . Lord Enfield has resigned Ihe Under Secretaryship of State for India , such step being rendered necessary by the appointment of Bro . the Earl of Kimberley to be Secretary of State for the same department .
Among the guests at the annual Druids' dinner at Oxford , on New Year ' s Day , was Bro . the Earl of Jersey , P . G . W . and Prov . G . Mark Master of Berks and Oxon , who responded for " 'The House of Lords . " On the evening of New Year ' s day the Baroness
and Mr . Biudett-Coutts gave a dinner at the Shoreditch Town Hall to the tenants of 'he Columbia estate and the various institutions at the east end , including the oldestablished Columbia C ' ostermongers' Club , with which her ladyship is connected . The guests numbered close on eight hundred .
Bro . the Emperor William of Germany received the congratulations of his generals on New Year's Day , and , in reply , expressed a hope that they would have a year of peace . The day following at Potsdam , his grandchildren , the Prince and Princess William of Prussia , entertained the foreign diplomatic body in Berlin .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , left Highclerc Castle for town on Tuesday . The Countess and her infant son are both doing well . The Oueen ' s New Year ' s gifts were presented to the servants at Osborne on Monday . Christmas trees
were prepared in the Steward ' s Room and Servants' Hall , and visiting each in succession her Majesty personally handed a present to each servant . The Queen was accompanied by Princess Beatrice , andattendeS by the Dowager Marchioness of Ely .
The thirty-fourth annual Masonic ball takes place at the Town Hall , Liverpool , on Thursday next , in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . These annual gatherings have in the past largely benefited the Institution in question , and we have no doubt the coming one will be equally successful . The list of Patrons is headed by ' the Mayor and Mayoress of Liverpool , followed by the Pro Grand Master and the Countess of Carnarvon , and many other names of distinction .
Bro . John Ricnardso-i , of the Harrogate and Clara Lodge , No . 1001 , and P . P . G . Purst . West Yorkshire , is , we notice , the inventor of a very clover contrivance for coupling and uncoupling railway carriages . Being selfacting it entirely obviates the " necessity of a man going
between the buffers , or even crossing the rails to do their duties . All must have noticed the present dangerous method of performing this operation , and we trust Bro . Richardson ' s useful invention will soon become universally adopted .
At the present season of the year , when so many pleasant festive gatherings are being organised , we have very great pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the arrangements which have been made for the next annual ball of the Burdett Coutts 1-odge , No . 127 S . This event will take place , under the distinguished patronage of the Baroness Burdett Coutts , on Tuesday , the 30 th inst .
Bro . A . Jones , W . M ., has secured an excellent list of Stewards , including Bros . R . J . Chitson , J . VV . R . Hammond , E . Stewart , S . G . Bonner , Dr . J . E . Defriez P . M G . Ward Verry , P . M . ; A . Weston , G . A . Payne , W . M * . 933 ; and R . L . Sturtevant , I . P . M . 127 S , Hon . Sec .
Bonner's HaU Fields , Victoria-park , of whom tickets and all information may be obtained . Permission has been obtained for Craft Masonic clothing to be worn . As the proceeds of the ball will be devoted exclusively to Masonic charities , the kind -support of lod ges and friends is earnestly solicited .
Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , M . P ., is , we are glad to say , still improving , his condition being considered much better . VVe believe there is no truth whatever in the statement made that Sir Watkin will leave for the south of France , as no place as yet has been fixed hy his medical advisers where he shall go to recruit his health .
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution has issued particulars of the lifeboat service in 1 SS 2 , from which we learn a total of 731 lives have been saved by the boatsof the institution during the year , beside-itiventvthree vessels saved from destruction and brought safely into port . In addition to these services , the lifeboats were called out during the year , in replies to signals of distress
, ninety-eight times—when no positive results followed . On such occasions , however , lifeboatmen have no time for hesitation ; for the signal ot distress always means urgency , and very often , in the absence of the lifeboats , death to those on board the distressed ship . During the year the institution also granted rewards for rescuing 143 lives by fishing and other boats , making S 74 lives saved last year
mainly through its instrumentality . Altogether since its formation the society has contributed to the saving of 2 o , Goo shipwrecked persons . Thus the committee of the Lifeboat Institution feel justified in appealing with renewed assurance to thc public for their support and svmnathv on
behalf of an institution whose operations have been attended with such marked and gratifying results . VVe will only add that contributions are received for the Lifeboat Institution by all the London and county bankers , and by the Secretary , Richard Lewis , Esq ., 14 , John-street , Adelphi , London .
How TO SECURE Goon HEALTH . — MARTIN ' S CURATIVE MAGNETISM . —Health secured , Health restored , and Health promoted by the use of this Natural Agent , now so extensively used . See Press opinions , testimonials , and fullest particulars in 48 page pamphlet , which is sent gratis to all by John Hugh Martin , Inventor and Maker of the Improved Appliances , 272 , Regent-circus , London . W . —fAnvT . 1
" Sapo Carbonis Detergens" is a physician ' s name for a remedy prescribed for the past quarter-century for every variety of skin disease . The public have also adopted the same as a preventive of smallpox , scarlet fever , and measles . Purchasers should see that the Latin Brand is on every tablet , and WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP on each wrapper , without which none are genuine .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
We regret to have to record the death of Bro . Joseph Kenworthy , S . VV . of the Mirfield Lodge , No . 1102 , who will be greatly missed by the brethren of his lodge . The usual annual ball held in connection wilh the Mirfield Lodge , No . 1102 , will take place on the 12 th inst ., when Bros . Horsfall and Bailey ' s Band will supply the music . The children ' s dance will take place the succeeding evening .
Bro . Alderman Sir R . Hanson , M . A ., Granel Steward Middlesex , presided at the anniversary festival ol the Commercial 'Travellers' Benevolent Institution , held at the Albion Tavern , last week , the donations amounting to nearly £ 2000 .
Bro . the Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , B . A ., of Christ's Hospital . and Professor Buchheim . of King ' sCollege , Strand , were the respective examiners in French and German in connexion with the competition for the Prince Consort ' s prizes at Eton College .
Bro . Waller Hopekirk , P . M . and Ireasurer Manchester Lodge , 1 79 , and P . M . Upper Norwood Lodge , J 5 SG , is the W . M . Designate of the Honor Oak Lodge , the warrant for which has just been granted . There are twenty-two vacancies in the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , for which there will be twentynine candidates at the next election , which takes place in
April . At the invitation of Captain Hobson , about sixty children of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls remaining in the school during the holidays were present at the performance of the pantomime of "Jack the Giant Killer " at the Imperial Theatre , Westminster , on Monday
afternoon . The Mayor and Corporation of Maidstone were on Monday last presented by Bro . Sir John Monckton , Town Clerk of the City of London , and President Board of General Purposes , on behalf of the past and present residents of that town , -. vith a well-executed portrait of the late Earl of Beaconsfield by Mr . Sidney Hodges , Maidstone being the borough which first sent Mr . Disraeli into Parliament .
Bros . Spurgeon and Stevenson have returned to their original premises , 48 , Milton-street , of which the rebuilding after the fire which took place has just been completed . The Mason who only regards his lodge as a place where certain rites and ceremonies are to be hurried through , that the trilling labour maybe adjourned from for
long and often little needed refreshment ; who has no higher conception of the Craft than that of a select Free-and-Easy , even though he may be no drunkard , glutton , debauchee , or cheat ; who may even be " a respectable man " as the world goes , but one who never felt a higher wish than that of making a honest living , is an intruder where more glorious aspirationsare required . —Bro . George Markham Tweddell .
Mrs . Gladstone has contributed a preface to the new edition of " Early Influences , " ( Messrs . Rivingtons ) , in which she offers some observations on the training of the young , observing that it is "the step by step training —the learning a child ' s disposition by means of hourly watchfulness—which is too often neglected ; " and directing attention to "the way in which children are often over-noticed
and over-petted , and considered in every conceivable way ; and again , the dangers attending the very advantages of charming by interesting books . " All this , she adds , " unless regulated and checked by proper home influence , may become an actual snare . So much the more is it necessary that , from very early childhood , the mother should guide and shape the child ' s mind and heart . "
Twenty years ago the annuities paid by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution amounted to £ 2 ( JOO ; whilst last year they leached the sum of £ u , Goo . At the earlier date there were 91 annuitants , the highest of whom got £ 36 , and the lowest , £ 15 J while the annuities granted to the widows ranged from ^ 25 to £ 15 .
At the present time there are 325 annuitants , the men receiving £ 40 and the widows £ 32 annually , At that time the investments amounted to something like £ 32 , 000 ; they are now £ 64 , 000 , so that while the institution has widened the basis of its operations it has doubled its reserve fund and at the same time increased " the number of the recipients .
At the regular monthly meeting of the Melbourne Lodge , No . 747 ( E . C ) , on Monday , November 20 th , the following notice of motion was tabled by a P . M . : " That Melbourne Lodge " hereby places upon record its protest ai / ainst , and disapprobation of , the continued letting of
the Masonic Hall to the freethinkers and secularist associations , as being a direct contravention of the constitutions and landmarks of Freemasonry ; and that a copy of the resolution be sent to the directors of the Masonic Hall Company forthwith . "
MONEY LENT . Advances on Property . Loans Negotiated . — £ 5 to £ 1000 , with and without securities , at moderate Interest upon Promissory Notes , repayable at a fixed period , or by instalments ; also upon Deeds , Life Policies , Furniture , Jewellery , Shares , Warrants , Stocks , Sic . Prompt attention , with secrecy . Trade bills discounted . Deposits received . THE LONDON BANK , 71 ,
Fleet-street , E . G . ; SS , High-street , Islington , N . ; and 113 , Church-street , Edgware-road , VV . Open daily Forms gratis . Established 183 S . E . J . READ , Secretary . —[ ADVT . ] HOLLOWAY ' OINTME . VT AXII PILLS combine : both sanitive and sanative powers in a high degree—by the former term is understood their ability to preserve health , bv the latter their capability to restore health . With these remedies at hand , no invalid need be at
fault to guide himself or herself safely through the many trials to which even-one is subjected during onr long and ofttimes inclement winters . Coughs , colds , ulcerated throats , whooping cough can be successfully treated by well rubbing tbis Ointment upon the chest , and by taking the Pills . During damp , foggy weather asthmatical sull'erers will experience the utmost possible relief from the inunction of the Ointment , and all tender-chested persons will save endless misery by adopting this treatment , —[ Ann * , ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . George Vickery is the architect for the two large buildings in Aldermanbury-avenue . Bro . T . Duckham , M . P ., one of the members of Herefordshire , is , we regret to say , lying very seriously ill at his residence , Bayshaw Court , Ross , Herefordshire . Bro . Col . James Peters , Past Senior Grand Warden for Middlesex , has become a Vice Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Bro . Broadley left Cairo for his return to Tunis on Monday evening , taking wilh him thc gratitude of many and the respect of all thc officials with whom be had been brought in contact . Bro . William Jarvis , P . M . and P . G . S . B . North
Wales and Shropshire , sailed on the 3 rd inst ., in the Garth Castle , for Port Natal , en route for Pietermaritzburg and Bloemfontein . Bro . Jarvis has been advised to winter in these districts , and we hope he may be soon restored to health , and be able to send us some good reports of the lodges and brethren in these remote regions .
It is the wish of the Prince of Wales , the Standard understands , that Prince Albert Victor , when his education is completed , should join the Army as a duty officer , starting in the junior ranks , and working his way up gradually , as his uncle , the Duke of Connaught , has clone .
A Masonic ball , under distinguished patronage , is announced to be held at Barrow-in-Furness on the 25 th inst . An influential committee has been formed , which contains the names of well-known brethren in the district , and as the public as well will be admitted , there appears to be every element of success in connection with the affair . Bros . Bagot and C . VV . Roll are the joint Secretaries .
Bro . the Lord Mayor has invited the Loriners ' Company , represented by the Court , to dine at thc Mansion House on the 30 th inst . The Lord Mayor is Master of the Company . The Chaplain ( the Rev . J . H . Smith , P . G . Chap . Hants ) , the Clerk ( Major T . D . Sewell , P . G . S . ) , Sir John Bennett , Bro . George Kenning , P . D . G . Middx ., and several other members of the Court , besides a large number of the Livery , are members of the Craft . It is
probable we shall have something further to say respecting this interesting meeting of this ancient guild . Bro . Sir William John Clarke , Bart ., R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Victoria ( I . C ) , was on VVednesday , 20 th December , tendered a complimentary ball in the Town Hall , Melbourne , in honour of his return to the colony . The proceeds were to be applied to the endowment fund of the Victorian Masonic Charities .
We have had submitted for our inspection a very ingenious portable music stand , manufactured by Harrow ancl Company , of Portland-street , Wardour-street . lt is thoroughly strong , light , and extremely portable . A score or two may be stowed away in a very small space , while a single one can be carried as easily as an umbrella . They need only to be known to be in general use among the musical world .
Bro . Major T . Davies Sewell , P . G . S ., S . W . 1 S 27 , has been presented this week by Bro . Alderman and Sheriff De Keyser and Mr . Sheriff Savory with a handsome silver gilt claret jug and two goblets , ot most delicate and magnificent workmanship , in token of their esteem for our brother , chiefly in connection with his indefatigable services in assisting them with their inauguration banquet and arrangements of the shrievalty office since September .
A vote of thanks has been passed to Bro . Edward Dresser Rogers , Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of the City of London , as follows : " Resolved unanimously , that the best thanks of this Committee be and are hereby presented to Bro . Edward Dresser Rogers , Esq ., for the able manner in which , during the past year , he had discharged the duties of Chairman ,
being the second time during his long connection with the Corporation he has been called upon to undertake those responsibilities , and for his general courtesy and genial hospitality . Recognising the large amount of public work done b y their Chairman , his colleagues tender him their best wishes for his continued health , usefulness , and happiness . "
The following resolution was passed at a recent board meeting of the Royal Free Hospital , Gray's-inn-road : "That the weekly board desire to offer to Mrs . Mary Ann Dacomb Scharlieb their congratulations at the results of the late examination of the University of London , that lady having not only passed in the First division of the M . B . Examination , but in the subsequent examination for honours
having obtained the gold medal and the scholarship in Obstetric Medicine , and having been placed in the first class in forensic medicine and in the second class in medicine . 'The board arc of course aware that the studies of Mrs . Scharlieb , which have gained for her such well merited eminence , have not been solely prosecuted at the Royal Free Hospital ; but as this is the first occasion on which University honours
have been conferred on a student of the hospital , as such , the board feel it to be a fitting opportunity of expressing their pleasure and pride that the hospital has been associated with the name of Mrs . Scharlieb in a way which reflects honour on that institution . They wish Mrs . Scharlieb every success in her future career , and request the chairman ot the general committee of the hospital to communicate this resolution to that lady . "
A full meeting of the Victoria Institute took place on Monday evening , when a paper upon " Design in Nature" was read by Mr . W . P . James . It was announced that her Majesty the Oueen had been graciously pleased to accept a complete volume of the "'I ransactions " of the Institute , with a list of its members , and that the total number of home , foreign , and colonial members at the close of the year was 99 8 . lt was further stated that Professor Stokes , F . R . S ., would read a paper at the next meeting .
Itis certain the-Queen ' s Physician , Dr . Fairbank , has written strongly recommending LENTILLA , or TONIC DAILY FOOD . It cures Indigestion , Heartburn , Constipation , Liver and Stomach Complaints , Sic ., besides having such wondrous nourishing properties . Makes Soups , Porridge , Custards , Puddings , Biscuits , & c . Tins , lib . is . ( 3 d . ; Jib ., iod . Barrels , 2 Slb ., 30 s . ; 141 b ., iCs . Of all Chemists . —Proprietor , H . J . Deacon , Beckenham , Kent . —[ ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Sir Charles Dilke has been succeeded as Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice , M . P ., brother of the Marquis of Lansdowne . Lord Enfield has resigned Ihe Under Secretaryship of State for India , such step being rendered necessary by the appointment of Bro . the Earl of Kimberley to be Secretary of State for the same department .
Among the guests at the annual Druids' dinner at Oxford , on New Year ' s Day , was Bro . the Earl of Jersey , P . G . W . and Prov . G . Mark Master of Berks and Oxon , who responded for " 'The House of Lords . " On the evening of New Year ' s day the Baroness
and Mr . Biudett-Coutts gave a dinner at the Shoreditch Town Hall to the tenants of 'he Columbia estate and the various institutions at the east end , including the oldestablished Columbia C ' ostermongers' Club , with which her ladyship is connected . The guests numbered close on eight hundred .
Bro . the Emperor William of Germany received the congratulations of his generals on New Year's Day , and , in reply , expressed a hope that they would have a year of peace . The day following at Potsdam , his grandchildren , the Prince and Princess William of Prussia , entertained the foreign diplomatic body in Berlin .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , left Highclerc Castle for town on Tuesday . The Countess and her infant son are both doing well . The Oueen ' s New Year ' s gifts were presented to the servants at Osborne on Monday . Christmas trees
were prepared in the Steward ' s Room and Servants' Hall , and visiting each in succession her Majesty personally handed a present to each servant . The Queen was accompanied by Princess Beatrice , andattendeS by the Dowager Marchioness of Ely .
The thirty-fourth annual Masonic ball takes place at the Town Hall , Liverpool , on Thursday next , in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . These annual gatherings have in the past largely benefited the Institution in question , and we have no doubt the coming one will be equally successful . The list of Patrons is headed by ' the Mayor and Mayoress of Liverpool , followed by the Pro Grand Master and the Countess of Carnarvon , and many other names of distinction .
Bro . John Ricnardso-i , of the Harrogate and Clara Lodge , No . 1001 , and P . P . G . Purst . West Yorkshire , is , we notice , the inventor of a very clover contrivance for coupling and uncoupling railway carriages . Being selfacting it entirely obviates the " necessity of a man going
between the buffers , or even crossing the rails to do their duties . All must have noticed the present dangerous method of performing this operation , and we trust Bro . Richardson ' s useful invention will soon become universally adopted .
At the present season of the year , when so many pleasant festive gatherings are being organised , we have very great pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the arrangements which have been made for the next annual ball of the Burdett Coutts 1-odge , No . 127 S . This event will take place , under the distinguished patronage of the Baroness Burdett Coutts , on Tuesday , the 30 th inst .
Bro . A . Jones , W . M ., has secured an excellent list of Stewards , including Bros . R . J . Chitson , J . VV . R . Hammond , E . Stewart , S . G . Bonner , Dr . J . E . Defriez P . M G . Ward Verry , P . M . ; A . Weston , G . A . Payne , W . M * . 933 ; and R . L . Sturtevant , I . P . M . 127 S , Hon . Sec .
Bonner's HaU Fields , Victoria-park , of whom tickets and all information may be obtained . Permission has been obtained for Craft Masonic clothing to be worn . As the proceeds of the ball will be devoted exclusively to Masonic charities , the kind -support of lod ges and friends is earnestly solicited .
Bro . Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , M . P ., is , we are glad to say , still improving , his condition being considered much better . VVe believe there is no truth whatever in the statement made that Sir Watkin will leave for the south of France , as no place as yet has been fixed hy his medical advisers where he shall go to recruit his health .
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution has issued particulars of the lifeboat service in 1 SS 2 , from which we learn a total of 731 lives have been saved by the boatsof the institution during the year , beside-itiventvthree vessels saved from destruction and brought safely into port . In addition to these services , the lifeboats were called out during the year , in replies to signals of distress
, ninety-eight times—when no positive results followed . On such occasions , however , lifeboatmen have no time for hesitation ; for the signal ot distress always means urgency , and very often , in the absence of the lifeboats , death to those on board the distressed ship . During the year the institution also granted rewards for rescuing 143 lives by fishing and other boats , making S 74 lives saved last year
mainly through its instrumentality . Altogether since its formation the society has contributed to the saving of 2 o , Goo shipwrecked persons . Thus the committee of the Lifeboat Institution feel justified in appealing with renewed assurance to thc public for their support and svmnathv on
behalf of an institution whose operations have been attended with such marked and gratifying results . VVe will only add that contributions are received for the Lifeboat Institution by all the London and county bankers , and by the Secretary , Richard Lewis , Esq ., 14 , John-street , Adelphi , London .
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