Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION—( continued ) . 1227 Upton , 318 , 33 0 , 34 S , 3 S 9 . 444 . 523 1259 Dukeof Edinburgh , 319 , 361 , 376 , 389 , 405 , 419 . 545 , ^ 1 9 . 66 ' 1275 Star , 163 , 3 S 9 , 4 S 3 , 494 , 5 oS , 523 , 5 G 2 , 57 1278 Burdett Coutts , S 7 , 191 , 219 , 234 , 250 ,
293 1321 Emblematic , 545 1327 King Harold , 692 1339 Stockwell , 34 S 1349 Friars , 41 13 O 4 Earl of Zetland , 41 , S 7 , 105 , 191 , 219 , _ 234
13 G 5 Clapton , 261 , 278 , 319 13 S 2 Corinthian , 234 , 362 , 3 S 9 , 54 G , 5 G 2 1420 Earl Spencer , 349 1423 Langthorne , 26 1425 Hyde Park , G 34 , O 61 , O 7 O , 692 1426 Great City , 71 , S 7 , 191 1445 Prince Leopold , 71 , 1 O 3 , 177 , 294
1475 Peckham , 41 14 S 9 Marquis of Ripon , 705 , 719 1507 Metropolitan , 433 ' , 444 , 523 1524 Dukeof Connaught , 121 , 177 , 219 , 250 , 261 , 278 , 349 , 362 153 G United Military , G 76 1540 Clarence , 135 , 177
1541 Alexandra Palace , 57 G i 0 o 4 Wanderers , 362 1 G 12 West Middlesex , 535 , 5 62 1623 West Smithfield , 120 , 191 , 349 , 3 G 2 , _ 3 S 9 . 405 . 4 ' 9 . 433 . 52 J . S < 52 , 619 1625 Tredegar , u , 87 , 105 , 121 , 177 , 203 , 234 , 250 , 27 S , 362 , 390 , 405 , 471 , 546 ,
661 , 719 1 G 73 Langton , 10 , 2 O , 41 , 5-5 , 71 , 87 , 121 , 14 S , 163 , 177 , 2 oj , 234 , 250 , 178 , 362 , 390 , 444 , 45 6 « 472 , 494 . C 05 , 619 , G 61 , 67 O , 705 1 O 77 Crusaders , 41 , 71 1 G 03 Kingsland , 305
1 O 95 New Finsbury Park , 705 17 lO All Saints , 405 , 444 1891 St . Ambrose , 591 1901 Selwyn , 619 1949 Brixton , 33 G , 349 , 362 , 37 O , 405 , 419 , 433 . 45 * 3 , 472 . 4 R 3 . 495 . 523 . 535 . 546 , 562 , 59 ' , 620 , O 48 , 676 , 692 , 705
Lodges , Time Immemorial , 79 , 95 Lord Mayor , Unveiling of Masonic Windows by the , 5 S 7 M AINZ , St . John ' s Festival at , 615 M'Clintock , Presentation to Bro . C . E ., 33 Manchester , Annual Masonic Social Party at , 40 „ The Caledonian Lodge Soiree at , 116
„ Masonic Concert and Hall at , . 275 , 020 Mansion House , Banquet to Grand Oflicers and the No . 1 l-odgc at the , 5 «/> Mark Benevolent F ' und , 410
MARK LODGES : — Newstead ( T . I . ) , 319 Royal Cumberland ( I ' . L ) , 262 , Col St . John ( T . I . ) , 719 Vork ( I \ l . ) , 72 , 185 , 433 0 Adams , 72 10 Keystone , GG 2
19 rowkc , 33 G 27 Porchester , 72 34 St . Andrews , 149 44 Florence Nightingale , 251 47 Victoria , 458 , 541 54 Military , 6 G 2 60 Cumberland , 319
O 3 St . Andrew , O 92 75 Royal Sussex , 57 , 163 , 294 , 6 G 2 104 Macdonald , 362 134 Mallet and Chisel , 562 139 Panmure , 2 S 0 140 Moore , 97 , 185 151 Whitwell , 445 , 483
15 S Rose and Thistle , 235 , 61 S 10 4 Southdown , 401 105 Egerton , 306 17 O l * . ra , S 7 ISI Sir l ' rancis Burdett , 57 , 178 , 30 C , GG 2 211 Hammersmith , 88 , 294 , O 77 213 Fletcher , SS
215 Devon , 178 210 Henry , 57 , 121 , 178 , 300 223 West Smithfield , 121 , 60 G 22 G Excelsior , 390 , 535 229 Faithfull , 41 , i s , 235 , 433 , 523 * 234 Brixton , 97 , 294 , 001 235 Leopold , 88
238 Prince I ^ opold , 135 , 251 , 390 , 677 244 Trinity College , 219 245 Simon de St . Liz , 2 S 0 253 Spez Bona , 5 G 3 277 F ' ltzwilliam , 2 G 2
278 Mediterranean , 337 2 S 2 Derwent , 34 0 , 50 S , 349 2 S 4 High Cross , 294 , 472 zSS Port Natal , 6 S 9 293 Industry , 54 6 , G 35 , GG 2 Lodgeof Instruction , Old Kent , 135 , 077
Mark Lodge the Grand , O 5 , 157 , 169 , 328 , 680 Marriage of thc Duke of Albany , the , 243 Masonic Address , a , 629 „ and General Tidings , 11 , 2 S , 43 , 59 , 74 , 90 , 10 7 , 122 , 138 , 152 , 165 , 181 , ' 93 , 20 G , 221 , 237 , 254 , 2 G 4 , 282 , 296 , 309 , 321 , 339 , 351 , 3 G 5 , 378 , 392 , 407 , 42 ' , 435 , 44 S , 4 < 5 ' , 474 , 485 , 49 S , 513 , 526 , 538 , 549 , 565 , 578 , 593 , 608 , 621 , 637 , O 50 , O 64 , ° 79 , 6 95 . 707 , 721 , 733
Masonic Ball at Anerley , O 5 „ „ Basingstoke , 116 „ „ Birkenhead , 157
„ „ Bridge House Hotel , 129 ,, „ Brighton , 166 , 157 „ „ Brixton Hall , 49 „ „ Cambridge , 05 „ „ CannonStreet Hotel , 49 , 11 G City Terminus Hotel , 49
„ „ Hull , 199 „ „ Kenilworth , 116 „ „ Liverpool , 33 . 'SC ' 57 „ „ Maryport , 10 „ „ Mirfield , 65 „ Benevolence Association for'Jamaica a , 3 ' 5 , 4 " 3 , 455 . . „ . „ Benevolence Association , Doric and
Friars Lodge of Instruction , 229 „ Benefit Society , the , 287 „ Charitable Association , East London , 72 „ Charity Association , Leicestershire and Rutland , O 5 S „ Charity , the Dorset , 399 „ Concert at Wigan , 315 „ ,, and Ball at Manchester , 275 , 620
„ Constitution , a New , G 40 „ Demonstration at the Preston Guild , the , 518 „ Educational Institution , West Lancashire , 145 , 174 , 280 , 399 , 505 „ Funeral , 4 S 4 , 635 „ Hall , Liverpool , 65 Hisfnrv nnH Historians . iR . iSj . 212 .
227 „ Institution for Boys , Junior School , Competition for , 479 „ Land Marks , 540 „ I-ecture , a , 50 „ Literature , 51 O „ „ Why Masons do not read , 18
! „ Meeting at Sea , a , 173 ,, Meetings in Dublin , 204 „ Notes and Queries , 5 , 20 , 35 , 50 , G 7 , 81 , 100 , 115 , 131 , 145 , 159 , ' 73 , 187 , 201 , 216 , 229 , 246 , 259 , 275 , 289 , 303 , 317 , 333 . 34 * 5 , 357 . 373 , 386 , 403 , 414 , 429 , 44 ' , 457 . 4 * J 9 . 482 , 493 , 507 , 522 . 533 . 543 . 558 , 571 , Go ! , O 31 , 643 , 658 , O 71 , 688 , 7 ° ' , 7 ' 5 Presentation as Rewardsof Heroism
54-5 „ Relic of Waterloo , a , 4 S 3 ,, Restoration Fund , St . Alban ' s Cathedral , 173 „ Services , Recognition of , 519 „ Wedding , a , O 89 Masonry , Clandestine , 184 „ Craft , 304 „ English , in 1 SS 1 Invincible , KIA
Masters , Worshipful , 0 J , 7 8 , 9 6 , 112 , 15 G Memorial Fund , John Hervey , 82 ,, the Drake , 19 Memoriam , In , 337 Merchant Navy Lodge of Instruction , Annual Outing of the , 495 Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Annual Summer Outing of the , 439
Morgan Monument , the , 5 6 9 Mormonism and Freemasonry , 531 Morocco , Freemasonry in , 171 Munbee , Funeral of the late Major-Gen ., 427 Music , 27 , 42 , 58 , 73 , Sg , 10 G , 113 , 137 , 151 , 164 , 180 , 192 , 205 , 220 , 23 G , 253 , 263 , 2 S 1 , 295 , 30 S , 320 , 338 , 350 , 3 C 4 . 377 , 39 ' . 406 , 420 , 434 . 447 .
4 60 . 473 , 4 SG , 497 , 5 ' 2 , 525 , 537 . 543 , 5 G 4 , 577 , 592 , 607 . * " « , 636 , . 649 . GG 3 . O ?!" . C 94 . 708 . 720 , 7 J 2 Music , Royal College of , 509 NATIONAL Grand Lodge of Egypt , 641
Netherlands , Visit of the Lord Mayor to the , 534 New Brunswick , 307 „ Church for the Deaf and Dumb at Deptford , the , 427 „ Grand Lodge Officers of Canada , the , 54 ' „ Grand Officers , the , 241 , 25 O
„ Lodge at Addington , Natal , Laying the Foundation Stone of a , 129 „ Masonic Hall at Jarrow , Opening of a , " 5 „ South Wales , 363 „ Year ' s Entertainment at the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 2 „ York , Freemasonry in , 199 „ „ Grand Lodge of , 37 O
NEW ZEALAND : — Consecration of a Freemasons' HaU at Auckland , 131 Consecration of a New Lodge ( I C ) , 32 District Grand Lodge of North Island , 541 „ „ Otago and Southland . 280
Laying the Foundation-stone of a Church at Caversham , 306 Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ( I . C . ) , 0 i 5 Quarterly Communication of District Grand Lodge , 97 North Africa , 355 Nottingham , Opening of a New Organ in the Masonic Hall at , GG 9
OBITUARY : — Amos , Charles Edwards , G 77
Barnes , John , 472 Bowes , Dr . John , 121 Carlin , Hugh , 179
Crookes , W . H ., 179 Dann , James , 252 Fawcett , John , 603 Fielder , Barron , 136 Gale , John , 405 Gregory , Alderman Joseph , 615
Hughes , W . Bulkeley , 179 Hurlstone , William , 591 Jacob , John , 536 Jones , Ellis , ' 446 Kemeys-Tynte , Col . Charles John , 543 Linford , Henry Albert , 591 Marsh , Charles , 150 Munbee , Gore Boland , 427
New , J . J ., 319 Oxton , Samuel , 727 Parsons , 235 Patten , Edward Henry , 459 fragg , Jacob , G 5 Ratchffe , Edwin , 50 Shaw , Thomas , 252 Smith , C . J ., 727 Tenterden , Lord , 543 Trollope , Anthony , O 93
Webster Benjamin , 405 Wilsan , Walter Berkley , 446 Wood , Marshall , 427 Woodrow , W . W ., 4 S 4 Objections to the "Sydney Freemason " and its Report , Bro . Hughan ' s , 257 Octogenarian Freemason , an , 146 Opening of a New Masonic Hall at Antrim ,
226 „ „ „ Aylesbury , 275 „ „ ,, Jarrow , 115 „ of a New Organ in the Masonic Hall , Nottingham , 669 „ of the Zetland Masonic Club , Salford , 672
Ophthalmic Dispensary and British Hospice at Jerusalem , 615 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE : Absent Members , ijo Admission of Visitors , 373 At Moghreb At Aksa , 492 , 520 Ancient and Accepted Rite—A Query , 35 O ,
37 2 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite—Supreme Council of New Zealand , 385 Another Attack on Freemasonry , 144 Apollo University Lodge , 80 , 9 8 , 114 , 130 , ' 45 , ' 58 Appeal , An , 80 , 245 Appointment of Officers , 228 Approaching Klections , the , 536 Arch Names , 373 , 385 , 428 , 440 Assistant Secretary to the Girls' School , thc , 303
Begging Mason , a , GO , 173 Begging Masons , 4 , Si , 98 Biennial , Goo Blackballing Candidates , 385 , 401 , 413 Book of Constitutions , thc , 520 Hoys' Preparatory School , the , G 5 G Boys' School , the , 612 Bradlaugh , Mr ., 6 43 Bro . Capt . Bedford Pirn , 333
„ Kdmonston s Letter , 316 „ Hine ' s Appeal , 98 „ Dr . Gaul 520 „ Claybon ' s Motion , 700 , 714 „ MacKcnzie , 441 „ Macleod Moore , 557 „ VV . G . Weber , 440 Business Capacity , 469
Cnlcndner Maconnique , 172 Canadian Knights Templar and Convent General , the , 34 Charity Voting , 274 , 400 Comet , the , 613 Coming Schools' Klections , the , 158 , 173 , 18 G , 201 , 542 Conferring of Degrees , 520 06
Correction , a , , 3 S 6 Cosmo , the , Si Country Brethren at Grand Lodge , 700 Crown Windfalls , 521 Davis , 303 Donations to the Charities , G 57 Duke of Edinburgh , the , 274 Early History of Masonic 'templarism , 22 S Temolarism . 2 I-:
Election "Cases" and "Cases" 557 Voting , 201 , 25 S , 3 S 5 Fllcctions , the , 274 Elias Ashmole , 144 lirrata , 42 S , O 13 „ and Punctuation , 520 Exchange of Votes , 215 , G 13 Forthcoming Benevolent Institution Festival ,
the , 98 Freemasonry in Morocco , 344 French Freemasonry , 144 „ Masonic Terminology 6 57 Friendly Societies , 413 Gibson's Instructor , 481 Girls' Festival , the , 2 S 9 „ School IClcction , the , 201
„ „ Festival , the—A Correction , 303 ,, „ the , 316 , 332 , 412 , 440 , 456 Gloucester Province Calendar , the , 172 Grand I . odge and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 144 „ Lodge Business , 493 „ „ of Manitoba , 630 „ „ Symbolique , the , 158
„ „ ot INew south Wales , 35 O „ Priory of Canada , the , G 56 Grande Loge Symbolique Ecossaise , 172 , 1 S 6 Hiram ' s Tomb , 303 Honorary Secretaries , 332 , 600
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE ( continued ) , Honour to whom Honour is due , 50 H . R . H . the Dukeof Albany's Marriage , 1 S 6 , 201 House Committee of the Girls' School , 372 How History is Written , 542 , 557 , 569 How Statistics are Published , 657
Impostor , an , 245 , 345 , 671 Initiation of Candidates , the , 15 S In Memoriam , 25 S Is the Duke of Buccleuch a Freemason ? 543 Itinerant Masons—A Caution , 25 S John Hervey Memorial Fund , the , 20 , 428 , ... V > ° Ininino * j \ 4 , » m ! ,. »« -e nn
Late Bro . Critchet , the , O 30 „ „ John Hervey ' s Sister , the , 412 „ President Garfield and the Grand Mark Lodge , the , 99 Latin Quotation , a , 245 Letter of Thanks , a , 258 Lodge Certificates of Membership , 532
,, of Al Moghreb Al Aksa , 302 „ of Benevolence , the , 345 , 35 O , 372 „ Ritual , 158 „ Working , 688 Lord Mayor ' s Masonic Banquet , the , 601 Masonic Annuities , 571 „ Certificates , 613
„ Emblems , 34 „ Friendly Society , a , 532 „ Hall for Middlesex , a , 2 S 9 , 356 „ Insurance , 3 S 5 „ Jewels , 50 G , 542 „ Law , 4 „ School Competition , 481 , 493
„ Schools , the , 532 Masons' Marks , 20 Master of Ceremonies , 50 Memorial Masonic Hall in Egypt , a , 042 Metropolitan District Grand Lodge , 274 , 2 S 9 , 302 , 344 Money or Ability , 428 , 440 , 4 OS More Grand Stewards , . 542
National Exhibition of Masonic Relics , a , 34 Neptune Lodge ( 12 G 4 ) Benevolent Fund , O 42 , G 57 , G 71 New Grand Officers , thc , 258 Nominations , 350 "Notes and Queries "—A Suggestion , 22 S Obsolete Words , O 42 , 656 Old Royal Arch Charters , G 71 One Reason as Good as Another , 700
Orphan Working School , 413 Our Educationallnstitutions , 570 „ Great Educational Institutions , iSG ,, Historical Calendar , 81 Outrage , an . 600 Past Master of a New I . odge , G 12 „ Masters' Collars , 520
Point of uw , a , 412 , 42 S Precedence in Lodge , 80 Precept and Practice , 172 Prefixes for Grand Officers , 570 Printers' Errors , 115 Proper Prefix for Proy . GrandOflicers , thc , Goo Prophet of / "Ksthcticism , the , 115
Proposed New Grand I-odgc , 492 Province of N . andE . Yorks—Girls' Festival , 289 Provincial iJrcthren at Grand Lodge , 714 „ Grand Master of Victoria ( I . C . ) , the , 4 O 8 „ Grand Standard Bearer , 99 „ Preferment , O 5 G , G 71 , 700 , 714
„ Returns to the Chanties , 98 , 130 Pure Water in Hotels , 373 , 3 S 5 Qualification of Candidates for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 5 S 6 Quarterage on Arrears , 532 , 542 Quebec Muddle , the , 481 Oueen's English , thc , 145 , 159
Query , a , 20 , So , 159 , 228 , 46 S Question of Etiquette , a , 587 Recent Elections , the , Goo Reinstatement of Members , 98 Return of thc Jews to Palestine , and the Rebuilding of the Temple , 440
Revised Constitutions , O 42 Revision of thc Book of Constitutions , 506 , 520 , 55 . Goo , G 13 Re Past Masters , 480 , 50 G Ritual Question , the , 4 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 4 GS » ,. ,. > , Festival ,
130 . „ Masonic Institution for Girls , 130 , 468 , 481 , 492 „ Masonic Institution for Girls—Alteration of Rules , 55 G , 571 Royalty and Craft Loyalty , iSG Sad Case of Sickness and Destitution , a , 715 Secretaries of Lodges , 00
Simple Saxon , O 43 Sister by Purchase , a , 587 South Australia , 587 Special Grand Lodge , 158 Special Grants by Grand Lodge , 700 Status of Joining Past Masters , 492 „ „ P . M ' s ., the , 440 , 456 , 4 G 8 , 4 S 0 , 492 ,
50 G , 520 , 542 , 55 * 5 , 570 , 586 Step in the Right Direction , Goo Stewards Badges , Ooo Symbolic Teaching , G 30 Territorial Grand Orient of Morocco and
Dependencies , 244 , 258 , 345 Theistic Principles of Freemasonry , So Three Grand Lodges of the United Kingdom , the , 114 ''tis true 'tis pity , pity 'tis 'tis true , 532
Toast Song of the York Lodge , the , 34 1 rinitarianism and Theistic Teaching , So Unclaimed Dividends on Government Stock , l 8 7 . Undue Solicitation , 557 Urgent Case , an , 413
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION—( continued ) . 1227 Upton , 318 , 33 0 , 34 S , 3 S 9 . 444 . 523 1259 Dukeof Edinburgh , 319 , 361 , 376 , 389 , 405 , 419 . 545 , ^ 1 9 . 66 ' 1275 Star , 163 , 3 S 9 , 4 S 3 , 494 , 5 oS , 523 , 5 G 2 , 57 1278 Burdett Coutts , S 7 , 191 , 219 , 234 , 250 ,
293 1321 Emblematic , 545 1327 King Harold , 692 1339 Stockwell , 34 S 1349 Friars , 41 13 O 4 Earl of Zetland , 41 , S 7 , 105 , 191 , 219 , _ 234
13 G 5 Clapton , 261 , 278 , 319 13 S 2 Corinthian , 234 , 362 , 3 S 9 , 54 G , 5 G 2 1420 Earl Spencer , 349 1423 Langthorne , 26 1425 Hyde Park , G 34 , O 61 , O 7 O , 692 1426 Great City , 71 , S 7 , 191 1445 Prince Leopold , 71 , 1 O 3 , 177 , 294
1475 Peckham , 41 14 S 9 Marquis of Ripon , 705 , 719 1507 Metropolitan , 433 ' , 444 , 523 1524 Dukeof Connaught , 121 , 177 , 219 , 250 , 261 , 278 , 349 , 362 153 G United Military , G 76 1540 Clarence , 135 , 177
1541 Alexandra Palace , 57 G i 0 o 4 Wanderers , 362 1 G 12 West Middlesex , 535 , 5 62 1623 West Smithfield , 120 , 191 , 349 , 3 G 2 , _ 3 S 9 . 405 . 4 ' 9 . 433 . 52 J . S < 52 , 619 1625 Tredegar , u , 87 , 105 , 121 , 177 , 203 , 234 , 250 , 27 S , 362 , 390 , 405 , 471 , 546 ,
661 , 719 1 G 73 Langton , 10 , 2 O , 41 , 5-5 , 71 , 87 , 121 , 14 S , 163 , 177 , 2 oj , 234 , 250 , 178 , 362 , 390 , 444 , 45 6 « 472 , 494 . C 05 , 619 , G 61 , 67 O , 705 1 O 77 Crusaders , 41 , 71 1 G 03 Kingsland , 305
1 O 95 New Finsbury Park , 705 17 lO All Saints , 405 , 444 1891 St . Ambrose , 591 1901 Selwyn , 619 1949 Brixton , 33 G , 349 , 362 , 37 O , 405 , 419 , 433 . 45 * 3 , 472 . 4 R 3 . 495 . 523 . 535 . 546 , 562 , 59 ' , 620 , O 48 , 676 , 692 , 705
Lodges , Time Immemorial , 79 , 95 Lord Mayor , Unveiling of Masonic Windows by the , 5 S 7 M AINZ , St . John ' s Festival at , 615 M'Clintock , Presentation to Bro . C . E ., 33 Manchester , Annual Masonic Social Party at , 40 „ The Caledonian Lodge Soiree at , 116
„ Masonic Concert and Hall at , . 275 , 020 Mansion House , Banquet to Grand Oflicers and the No . 1 l-odgc at the , 5 «/> Mark Benevolent F ' und , 410
MARK LODGES : — Newstead ( T . I . ) , 319 Royal Cumberland ( I ' . L ) , 262 , Col St . John ( T . I . ) , 719 Vork ( I \ l . ) , 72 , 185 , 433 0 Adams , 72 10 Keystone , GG 2
19 rowkc , 33 G 27 Porchester , 72 34 St . Andrews , 149 44 Florence Nightingale , 251 47 Victoria , 458 , 541 54 Military , 6 G 2 60 Cumberland , 319
O 3 St . Andrew , O 92 75 Royal Sussex , 57 , 163 , 294 , 6 G 2 104 Macdonald , 362 134 Mallet and Chisel , 562 139 Panmure , 2 S 0 140 Moore , 97 , 185 151 Whitwell , 445 , 483
15 S Rose and Thistle , 235 , 61 S 10 4 Southdown , 401 105 Egerton , 306 17 O l * . ra , S 7 ISI Sir l ' rancis Burdett , 57 , 178 , 30 C , GG 2 211 Hammersmith , 88 , 294 , O 77 213 Fletcher , SS
215 Devon , 178 210 Henry , 57 , 121 , 178 , 300 223 West Smithfield , 121 , 60 G 22 G Excelsior , 390 , 535 229 Faithfull , 41 , i s , 235 , 433 , 523 * 234 Brixton , 97 , 294 , 001 235 Leopold , 88
238 Prince I ^ opold , 135 , 251 , 390 , 677 244 Trinity College , 219 245 Simon de St . Liz , 2 S 0 253 Spez Bona , 5 G 3 277 F ' ltzwilliam , 2 G 2
278 Mediterranean , 337 2 S 2 Derwent , 34 0 , 50 S , 349 2 S 4 High Cross , 294 , 472 zSS Port Natal , 6 S 9 293 Industry , 54 6 , G 35 , GG 2 Lodgeof Instruction , Old Kent , 135 , 077
Mark Lodge the Grand , O 5 , 157 , 169 , 328 , 680 Marriage of thc Duke of Albany , the , 243 Masonic Address , a , 629 „ and General Tidings , 11 , 2 S , 43 , 59 , 74 , 90 , 10 7 , 122 , 138 , 152 , 165 , 181 , ' 93 , 20 G , 221 , 237 , 254 , 2 G 4 , 282 , 296 , 309 , 321 , 339 , 351 , 3 G 5 , 378 , 392 , 407 , 42 ' , 435 , 44 S , 4 < 5 ' , 474 , 485 , 49 S , 513 , 526 , 538 , 549 , 565 , 578 , 593 , 608 , 621 , 637 , O 50 , O 64 , ° 79 , 6 95 . 707 , 721 , 733
Masonic Ball at Anerley , O 5 „ „ Basingstoke , 116 „ „ Birkenhead , 157
„ „ Bridge House Hotel , 129 ,, „ Brighton , 166 , 157 „ „ Brixton Hall , 49 „ „ Cambridge , 05 „ „ CannonStreet Hotel , 49 , 11 G City Terminus Hotel , 49
„ „ Hull , 199 „ „ Kenilworth , 116 „ „ Liverpool , 33 . 'SC ' 57 „ „ Maryport , 10 „ „ Mirfield , 65 „ Benevolence Association for'Jamaica a , 3 ' 5 , 4 " 3 , 455 . . „ . „ Benevolence Association , Doric and
Friars Lodge of Instruction , 229 „ Benefit Society , the , 287 „ Charitable Association , East London , 72 „ Charity Association , Leicestershire and Rutland , O 5 S „ Charity , the Dorset , 399 „ Concert at Wigan , 315 „ ,, and Ball at Manchester , 275 , 620
„ Constitution , a New , G 40 „ Demonstration at the Preston Guild , the , 518 „ Educational Institution , West Lancashire , 145 , 174 , 280 , 399 , 505 „ Funeral , 4 S 4 , 635 „ Hall , Liverpool , 65 Hisfnrv nnH Historians . iR . iSj . 212 .
227 „ Institution for Boys , Junior School , Competition for , 479 „ Land Marks , 540 „ I-ecture , a , 50 „ Literature , 51 O „ „ Why Masons do not read , 18
! „ Meeting at Sea , a , 173 ,, Meetings in Dublin , 204 „ Notes and Queries , 5 , 20 , 35 , 50 , G 7 , 81 , 100 , 115 , 131 , 145 , 159 , ' 73 , 187 , 201 , 216 , 229 , 246 , 259 , 275 , 289 , 303 , 317 , 333 . 34 * 5 , 357 . 373 , 386 , 403 , 414 , 429 , 44 ' , 457 . 4 * J 9 . 482 , 493 , 507 , 522 . 533 . 543 . 558 , 571 , Go ! , O 31 , 643 , 658 , O 71 , 688 , 7 ° ' , 7 ' 5 Presentation as Rewardsof Heroism
54-5 „ Relic of Waterloo , a , 4 S 3 ,, Restoration Fund , St . Alban ' s Cathedral , 173 „ Services , Recognition of , 519 „ Wedding , a , O 89 Masonry , Clandestine , 184 „ Craft , 304 „ English , in 1 SS 1 Invincible , KIA
Masters , Worshipful , 0 J , 7 8 , 9 6 , 112 , 15 G Memorial Fund , John Hervey , 82 ,, the Drake , 19 Memoriam , In , 337 Merchant Navy Lodge of Instruction , Annual Outing of the , 495 Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Annual Summer Outing of the , 439
Morgan Monument , the , 5 6 9 Mormonism and Freemasonry , 531 Morocco , Freemasonry in , 171 Munbee , Funeral of the late Major-Gen ., 427 Music , 27 , 42 , 58 , 73 , Sg , 10 G , 113 , 137 , 151 , 164 , 180 , 192 , 205 , 220 , 23 G , 253 , 263 , 2 S 1 , 295 , 30 S , 320 , 338 , 350 , 3 C 4 . 377 , 39 ' . 406 , 420 , 434 . 447 .
4 60 . 473 , 4 SG , 497 , 5 ' 2 , 525 , 537 . 543 , 5 G 4 , 577 , 592 , 607 . * " « , 636 , . 649 . GG 3 . O ?!" . C 94 . 708 . 720 , 7 J 2 Music , Royal College of , 509 NATIONAL Grand Lodge of Egypt , 641
Netherlands , Visit of the Lord Mayor to the , 534 New Brunswick , 307 „ Church for the Deaf and Dumb at Deptford , the , 427 „ Grand Lodge Officers of Canada , the , 54 ' „ Grand Officers , the , 241 , 25 O
„ Lodge at Addington , Natal , Laying the Foundation Stone of a , 129 „ Masonic Hall at Jarrow , Opening of a , " 5 „ South Wales , 363 „ Year ' s Entertainment at the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 2 „ York , Freemasonry in , 199 „ „ Grand Lodge of , 37 O
NEW ZEALAND : — Consecration of a Freemasons' HaU at Auckland , 131 Consecration of a New Lodge ( I C ) , 32 District Grand Lodge of North Island , 541 „ „ Otago and Southland . 280
Laying the Foundation-stone of a Church at Caversham , 306 Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge ( I . C . ) , 0 i 5 Quarterly Communication of District Grand Lodge , 97 North Africa , 355 Nottingham , Opening of a New Organ in the Masonic Hall at , GG 9
OBITUARY : — Amos , Charles Edwards , G 77
Barnes , John , 472 Bowes , Dr . John , 121 Carlin , Hugh , 179
Crookes , W . H ., 179 Dann , James , 252 Fawcett , John , 603 Fielder , Barron , 136 Gale , John , 405 Gregory , Alderman Joseph , 615
Hughes , W . Bulkeley , 179 Hurlstone , William , 591 Jacob , John , 536 Jones , Ellis , ' 446 Kemeys-Tynte , Col . Charles John , 543 Linford , Henry Albert , 591 Marsh , Charles , 150 Munbee , Gore Boland , 427
New , J . J ., 319 Oxton , Samuel , 727 Parsons , 235 Patten , Edward Henry , 459 fragg , Jacob , G 5 Ratchffe , Edwin , 50 Shaw , Thomas , 252 Smith , C . J ., 727 Tenterden , Lord , 543 Trollope , Anthony , O 93
Webster Benjamin , 405 Wilsan , Walter Berkley , 446 Wood , Marshall , 427 Woodrow , W . W ., 4 S 4 Objections to the "Sydney Freemason " and its Report , Bro . Hughan ' s , 257 Octogenarian Freemason , an , 146 Opening of a New Masonic Hall at Antrim ,
226 „ „ „ Aylesbury , 275 „ „ ,, Jarrow , 115 „ of a New Organ in the Masonic Hall , Nottingham , 669 „ of the Zetland Masonic Club , Salford , 672
Ophthalmic Dispensary and British Hospice at Jerusalem , 615 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE : Absent Members , ijo Admission of Visitors , 373 At Moghreb At Aksa , 492 , 520 Ancient and Accepted Rite—A Query , 35 O ,
37 2 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite—Supreme Council of New Zealand , 385 Another Attack on Freemasonry , 144 Apollo University Lodge , 80 , 9 8 , 114 , 130 , ' 45 , ' 58 Appeal , An , 80 , 245 Appointment of Officers , 228 Approaching Klections , the , 536 Arch Names , 373 , 385 , 428 , 440 Assistant Secretary to the Girls' School , thc , 303
Begging Mason , a , GO , 173 Begging Masons , 4 , Si , 98 Biennial , Goo Blackballing Candidates , 385 , 401 , 413 Book of Constitutions , thc , 520 Hoys' Preparatory School , the , G 5 G Boys' School , the , 612 Bradlaugh , Mr ., 6 43 Bro . Capt . Bedford Pirn , 333
„ Kdmonston s Letter , 316 „ Hine ' s Appeal , 98 „ Dr . Gaul 520 „ Claybon ' s Motion , 700 , 714 „ MacKcnzie , 441 „ Macleod Moore , 557 „ VV . G . Weber , 440 Business Capacity , 469
Cnlcndner Maconnique , 172 Canadian Knights Templar and Convent General , the , 34 Charity Voting , 274 , 400 Comet , the , 613 Coming Schools' Klections , the , 158 , 173 , 18 G , 201 , 542 Conferring of Degrees , 520 06
Correction , a , , 3 S 6 Cosmo , the , Si Country Brethren at Grand Lodge , 700 Crown Windfalls , 521 Davis , 303 Donations to the Charities , G 57 Duke of Edinburgh , the , 274 Early History of Masonic 'templarism , 22 S Temolarism . 2 I-:
Election "Cases" and "Cases" 557 Voting , 201 , 25 S , 3 S 5 Fllcctions , the , 274 Elias Ashmole , 144 lirrata , 42 S , O 13 „ and Punctuation , 520 Exchange of Votes , 215 , G 13 Forthcoming Benevolent Institution Festival ,
the , 98 Freemasonry in Morocco , 344 French Freemasonry , 144 „ Masonic Terminology 6 57 Friendly Societies , 413 Gibson's Instructor , 481 Girls' Festival , the , 2 S 9 „ School IClcction , the , 201
„ „ Festival , the—A Correction , 303 ,, „ the , 316 , 332 , 412 , 440 , 456 Gloucester Province Calendar , the , 172 Grand I . odge and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 144 „ Lodge Business , 493 „ „ of Manitoba , 630 „ „ Symbolique , the , 158
„ „ ot INew south Wales , 35 O „ Priory of Canada , the , G 56 Grande Loge Symbolique Ecossaise , 172 , 1 S 6 Hiram ' s Tomb , 303 Honorary Secretaries , 332 , 600
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE ( continued ) , Honour to whom Honour is due , 50 H . R . H . the Dukeof Albany's Marriage , 1 S 6 , 201 House Committee of the Girls' School , 372 How History is Written , 542 , 557 , 569 How Statistics are Published , 657
Impostor , an , 245 , 345 , 671 Initiation of Candidates , the , 15 S In Memoriam , 25 S Is the Duke of Buccleuch a Freemason ? 543 Itinerant Masons—A Caution , 25 S John Hervey Memorial Fund , the , 20 , 428 , ... V > ° Ininino * j \ 4 , » m ! ,. »« -e nn
Late Bro . Critchet , the , O 30 „ „ John Hervey ' s Sister , the , 412 „ President Garfield and the Grand Mark Lodge , the , 99 Latin Quotation , a , 245 Letter of Thanks , a , 258 Lodge Certificates of Membership , 532
,, of Al Moghreb Al Aksa , 302 „ of Benevolence , the , 345 , 35 O , 372 „ Ritual , 158 „ Working , 688 Lord Mayor ' s Masonic Banquet , the , 601 Masonic Annuities , 571 „ Certificates , 613
„ Emblems , 34 „ Friendly Society , a , 532 „ Hall for Middlesex , a , 2 S 9 , 356 „ Insurance , 3 S 5 „ Jewels , 50 G , 542 „ Law , 4 „ School Competition , 481 , 493
„ Schools , the , 532 Masons' Marks , 20 Master of Ceremonies , 50 Memorial Masonic Hall in Egypt , a , 042 Metropolitan District Grand Lodge , 274 , 2 S 9 , 302 , 344 Money or Ability , 428 , 440 , 4 OS More Grand Stewards , . 542
National Exhibition of Masonic Relics , a , 34 Neptune Lodge ( 12 G 4 ) Benevolent Fund , O 42 , G 57 , G 71 New Grand Officers , thc , 258 Nominations , 350 "Notes and Queries "—A Suggestion , 22 S Obsolete Words , O 42 , 656 Old Royal Arch Charters , G 71 One Reason as Good as Another , 700
Orphan Working School , 413 Our Educationallnstitutions , 570 „ Great Educational Institutions , iSG ,, Historical Calendar , 81 Outrage , an . 600 Past Master of a New I . odge , G 12 „ Masters' Collars , 520
Point of uw , a , 412 , 42 S Precedence in Lodge , 80 Precept and Practice , 172 Prefixes for Grand Officers , 570 Printers' Errors , 115 Proper Prefix for Proy . GrandOflicers , thc , Goo Prophet of / "Ksthcticism , the , 115
Proposed New Grand I-odgc , 492 Province of N . andE . Yorks—Girls' Festival , 289 Provincial iJrcthren at Grand Lodge , 714 „ Grand Master of Victoria ( I . C . ) , the , 4 O 8 „ Grand Standard Bearer , 99 „ Preferment , O 5 G , G 71 , 700 , 714
„ Returns to the Chanties , 98 , 130 Pure Water in Hotels , 373 , 3 S 5 Qualification of Candidates for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 5 S 6 Quarterage on Arrears , 532 , 542 Quebec Muddle , the , 481 Oueen's English , thc , 145 , 159
Query , a , 20 , So , 159 , 228 , 46 S Question of Etiquette , a , 587 Recent Elections , the , Goo Reinstatement of Members , 98 Return of thc Jews to Palestine , and the Rebuilding of the Temple , 440
Revised Constitutions , O 42 Revision of thc Book of Constitutions , 506 , 520 , 55 . Goo , G 13 Re Past Masters , 480 , 50 G Ritual Question , the , 4 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 4 GS » ,. ,. > , Festival ,
130 . „ Masonic Institution for Girls , 130 , 468 , 481 , 492 „ Masonic Institution for Girls—Alteration of Rules , 55 G , 571 Royalty and Craft Loyalty , iSG Sad Case of Sickness and Destitution , a , 715 Secretaries of Lodges , 00
Simple Saxon , O 43 Sister by Purchase , a , 587 South Australia , 587 Special Grand Lodge , 158 Special Grants by Grand Lodge , 700 Status of Joining Past Masters , 492 „ „ P . M ' s ., the , 440 , 456 , 4 G 8 , 4 S 0 , 492 ,
50 G , 520 , 542 , 55 * 5 , 570 , 586 Step in the Right Direction , Goo Stewards Badges , Ooo Symbolic Teaching , G 30 Territorial Grand Orient of Morocco and
Dependencies , 244 , 258 , 345 Theistic Principles of Freemasonry , So Three Grand Lodges of the United Kingdom , the , 114 ''tis true 'tis pity , pity 'tis 'tis true , 532
Toast Song of the York Lodge , the , 34 1 rinitarianism and Theistic Teaching , So Unclaimed Dividends on Government Stock , l 8 7 . Undue Solicitation , 557 Urgent Case , an , 413