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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Linton , and Cox duly acknowledged the toast . In the course of their several replies they paid a very high compliment to the W . M . and the officers of the lodge for their excellent all round " working . " The toast of " The Past Masters " was responded to by Bro . Dairy . Bros . Carter and Stuart replied to the pledge of " The Treasurer and
Secretary , " and " The Health of the Officers" having been coupled with the names of Bros . Morrison and Heaphv , those brethren briefly acknowledged the compliment upo i behalf of themselves and colleagues . The Tyler's toast , at a late hour , brought the proceedings , which were throughout most successful , to a termination .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE ( No . 1563 ) .- !—A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , W . There were present Bros . B . Turner , W . M . ; J . E . Shand , S . W . ; J . Hutchinson , J . W . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., P . G . D . Middx ., Treas . ; E . J . Scott , P 1 M . 749 , Sec . ; J . B . Docker , as S . D . ; Joel Emanuel , J . D . ; T . M . lanes , D . C .
1 . Eastgate , as I . G . ; Potter , Tyler ; B . Phillips , P . M . ; E . White , P . M . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., P . M . ; Blackford , IT . Bonham , Craft , Day , Gardner , Hill , Hart , Lee , Kolher , W . E . Smith , T . Woodward , Ward , and others . Visitors : Bros . G . P . Dairy , P . M . 141 ; W . J . Colleno , S . D . 760 ; G . Fe'sta , S . D . S 34 ; De Lever , 1426 ; Symons Smith , 742 ; Pye , 193 ; P . Sender , 749 ; and others . The lodge
was opened in due form , when Mr . Cox was impressively - initiated into the Order b y the W . M . Bros . May , Strtvens , Clont .- ' , Line , and Wenn having answered the usual questions , the ledge was advanced , and they were duly passed to the Degree of F . C . The resignations of Bros . T . Pike ( country member ) S . W . St . Tudno ( North Wales ) , No . 755 , and Misselbrook were received with regret . Ten guineas was voted for the Girls' School , to go on Bro . lanes' list ,
who is Steward for that Institution . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren , about fifty , adjourned to a capital dinner , served by Bro . Nichols , Cafe Royal . After the removal of I he cloth the W . M . proposed the customary loyal and other toasts in appropriate terms . Some good music , piano solo by Bro . Sender , and songs by Bros . B . Phillips , P . M . ; Symond Smith , Eastgate , and others closed a very happy , convivial , and joyous meeting .
ST . DUNSTAN'S LODGE ( No . 1589 ) . —One of the most successful gatherings in the history of this young butexceedingly flourishing lodge took place on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . There were present among others Bros . J . H . Dodson , P . M . 55 , W . M . ; Henry Turner , S . W ., W . M . elect ; T . A . Woodbridge , J . W . ; A . 'fishy , Secretary ; Dal wood , l . P . M . ; G .
Manners , S . D . ; Low , J . D . ; H . D . Clemow , D . C ., acting I . G . ; W . Farrington , Organist ; F . Farrington , W . S . ; Dwarber , P . M . ; W . Wellsman , P . M . ; the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain ( honorary member ) ; Gilbert , P . G . T . Middx ., Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . Colonel Radcliffe , P . G . S . ; W . Lake , P . P . G . R . Cornwall , P . M . 131 , to ; Brodie , P . P . G . D . Devonshire , P . M . 121 : 2 ,
etc . ; Gomm , W . M . 708 ; H . W . Green , P . M . 108 ; George Carter , P . M . 3 82 , - J . L . Jones , P . M . 6157 , 1460 , 16 7 6 , to . ; T . Dodson , P . M . 860 j Dunn , P . M . 16 70 ; Stiles , l . P . M . 1732 ; W . H . Jackson , jun ., l . P . M . 1 745 , to .-, H . Stiles , S . W . 1732 ; White , 55 ; Seymour Smith , 742 ; Tinney , 1319 ; Welch , 16 35 ; Sadler , 1670 ; Evill , Canterbury Lodge ; J . Boyes , Laughton Lodge ; Woolf ,
Missouri , No . 1 ( America ); T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . 1381 , to . (/< irem « so ») . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot for initiation was taken on behalf of Mr . W . T . Madge , and it proved to he unanimous . By the W . M . 's permission Bro . Harris was then passed by Bro . Dalwond , P . M ., and Mr . Madge was
initiated by Bro . Wellsman , P . M ., the respective ceremonies being well performed . The W . M . having resumed the chair , appointed Bros . Wellsman as S . W . ; Dalwood as J . W . ; Dwarber as D . C ; and Brodie as I . G ., t 0 a 3 si . it him in the ceremony of installing Bro . H . Turner , S . W ., as W . M . for the year ensuing . Upon the conclusion of the ceremonial , which was most ably performed , a vote
of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Dodson for the manner in which he had discharged the arduous duties of Installing Officer . The officers appointed and invested were as follows : Bros . Woodbridge , S . W . ; Manners , J . W . ; Dodson , l . P . M . ; Praed , Treas . ( by deputy ); A . Tisley , See . ; Low , S . D . ; IT . Clemow , J . D . ; F . Farrington , ) . G . ; W . Farrington , Organist ; W . K . Fairinston ,
D . C ; ) i . Clemow , W . S . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . The lodge having be-in duly closed , the brethren adjourned to a wiTI-scrvcd banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth , "The Queen anJ Craf : " and the 1 tiler complimentary toasts were done full justice to . liro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , respondsd upon behalf ol "The Giand Officers . " lathe
course of his very eloquent reply he said that the noblemen and good Masons who were at the head of the Craft were worthy not only of their good wishes but their admiration ( or the manner in which they discharged the responsibilities of their high Masonic rank . In speaking of the other brethren comprising the members of Grand Lodge , he said that on more than constitutional grounds the
brethren should receive the toast of their health with warmth . Thcie were many important questions before Grand Lodge which would require more than passing attention , and as the Grand Officer .- ; would lake an active part in the discussion of thos'j mattery there would of necessity be a greal strain upon their mental and physical health . In concluding his remarks he said that having been present
at the birth of the St . Dunstan ' s Lodge he was delighted to find that it h .-id increased so numerously ,.-mil that the " working " of the lodge war . so good . lh : was particularly struck with tile able way in which the l . P . M . had discharged the duties of Installing Officer that evening , and if every V' ^' er that followed on evinced the sine annul' t of Masuiic aptitude their lodge must of . necessity flourish .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Colonel Radcliffc having also said a few words , " The Health of the W . M . " was warmly proposed by the I . P . M ., and most enthusiastically drank . The W . M ., in reply , tersely said that as they had unanimously voted him to the chair , he should always cherish the honour as a sincere mark of their appreciation , and he begged to thank them most gratefully and heartily for the uniform kindness
he had received at their hands throughout his connection with the lodge . It was a position he had aspired to for some years , and he had endeavoured to " work " up to it Degree by Degree , and he hoped to perform the duties to tneir satisfaction . " The Health of the Initiate " followed . ( Song , " The Entered Apprentice , " Bro . Tisley . ) Bro . Madge , in response , briefly thanked the brethren for the
cordial way in which they had received the toast , and he most emphatically said no act of his should sully or bring any discredit cither on the lodge or on the great and valuable institution that they had that evening done him the honour of admitting him to . In giving "The l . P . M . " the W . M . slid that he should not speak upon the merits of the toast , as the officer in question , Bro . Dodson , could not
expect more praise than had been already so eloquently given to him by the Past Grand Chaplain , but he would say that he most heartily endorsed all that had been stated by Bro . Simpson , and it afforded him a great amount of pleasure in being in a position to present the l . P . M . with a jewel , which decoration would serve as a souvenir of his twelve months' arduous services to the lodge . Bro .
Dodson having acknowledged the compliment and the gut that accompanied it , " The Visitors " followed , coupled with the name of Bro . Woolf , au American Mason . That brother , in reply , expressed his gratification for the manner in which the toast had been proposed . He complimented the lodge not only on its working and profuse hospitality , but upon the pei feet unanimity which appeared to prevail .
It was so long since he had visited any lodge 111 the United States that it was quite out of his power to afford them any detailed information as to the present position of Masonry there , hut it had taken , as they well knew , a very firm root throughout the whole American continent , and was increasing to a very large extent . In conclusion he again thanked the lodge for the cordial manner in which he and
his co-visitors had been received . " The Health of the Past Masters " came next , and this toast having been drunk with that amount of enthusiasm which so vital a pledge demanded , Bro . Wellsman replied , on behalf of his colleages and himself , in a speech that was characterised hy a great deal of originality and quiet humour . When the amusement that this response created had subsided , the W . W . proposed , in very flattering terms , "The
Treasurer and Secretary . In the absence ' , through indisposition , of Bro . Praed , the Treasurer , Bro . Tisley acknowledged this toast in a neat speech of some length . " The Officers " followed , and this pledge was responded to by Bros . Low and C \ emow . The Tyler having been called upon to discharge his duty , the proceedings terminated . During the evening Bros . Seymour Smith , George Carter , and others , gave an excellent selection of instrumental and vocal music .
KILBURN LODGE ( No . 1608 ) . —This prosperous lodge , which has its head-quarters at the Queen ' s Arms Hotel , Kilburn , was convened for the dispatch of business on Monday , the 2 } rd ult . Amongthose in attendance were Bros . S . Brooks , W . M . ; J . W . Cuff , S . W . ; G . A . 13 . Fletcher , acting J . W . ; George Everett , P . M . 177 , 1581 , Trcas . ; A . W . Wcbs'er , Sec . ; F . J . Baker , S . D . ;
H . B . Phillips , | . D . ; W . blackbourn , I . G . ; H . f . Turner , D . C . ; J . P . Cole , P . M ., Org . ; G . A . Barclay , S . ; J . Palmer , P . M . ; and C . Thomas , Tyler . The visitors were Bros . Gillett , P . M . Royal Jubilee ; Staden , 180 ; Nicholson , 1 82 ; Brooks , 766 ; Hyatt , 1214 ; J . Edgar , 1287 ; anil T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . 1381 ( Freemason ) . The minutes ofthe previous meeting having been read and
confirmed , the ballot was taken , as joining members , upon behalf of Bros . J . Warner , P . M . 23 ; J . Sams , 45 ; and W . B . Armstrong , P . P . J . W . of Midland Counties , Ireland , P . M . 163 , to-., and proved to be unanimous . The W . M . then most ably and impressively raised Bro . IT . T . Hartley and passed Bro . H . East . The following notice of motion by the W . M ., " That a sum of five pounds , from
the funds ol the lodge , be sent to the Treasurer of the Kilburn Lodge of Instruction , as a contribution towards defraying the cost of furniture anet other pvopeity , " was then discussed ; and the proposition having been MConded by the S . W ., was unanimously carried . The lodge was then closed according to ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to a most elegant banquet , which reflected great
credit upon the genial caterer , Bro . T . H . I' . Hartley . The usual complimentary toasls having received full justice , Bro . Palmer , P . M ., rose and proposed in very happy terms "The Health of the W . M . " In the course of his speech he said that he felt exceedingly sorry that the brother ( the l . P . M . ) who should have proposed the toast was absent in consequence of infirm health . He ( Bro . Palmer ) was
glad to sec that their W . M . was discharging his duties in a manner as if he had been born to be a ruler in the Craft . The way in which the W . M . had carried out the responsibilities of his high position had not been surpassed by any of his predecessors in the chair . In conclusion , he hoped that the W . M . would , during the remainder of his year of office , be able to be present in good health to perform the duties of his rank in the same admirable manner
as had hitherto characterised his " working . " illcar , hear . ) The W . M ,, in reply , briefly said that the proposer of Jiis health had spoken of him in far more laudatory terms than his poor efforts deserved . To be Master of a lodge ! so influential as tiie Kilburn was , in itself , an
honour to be greatly desired , and as they had placed him in that high position , he felt that it was his boundeii duty to do everything that should he conducive to the best inteiests of No . 1608 . He trusted that the kind support that they had hitherto g iven him would continue until the time should have arrived tor him to vacate the office . In con-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cluding his remarks he expressed a hope that he sh ( j i he in a position to transfer to his successor the chair r >[ , Kilburn Lodge as unsullied as he had received it from 1 predecessor , fn giving "The Health of the Visitors , " . If W . M . took occasion to call the attention of the brethren , the great number of visitors that had from time to ti ^ honoured the lodge with their presence . On that succi'j occasion , although they ( the visitors ) were but f ,. „ , :
number , they were none the less welcome . He consi . j or ! it . a goodly custom to visit each other's lodges , beca uI the practice cemented friendships and increased Mason ? , interests . In conclusion , he briefly , but in most compU mentary terms , touched upon the merits of several of tf , " visiting brethren , and remarked that , as Masonic hospta
hty engendered "brotherly love , " h . ; hoped the praeii . would long continue to be . the Alpha and Omega , of y , " Order . This pledge was coupled with the name of Jj ra Walls , who duly acknowledged the compliment . The toasts of " The Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Officers" followed in quick succcssioi
and were responded to by representatives of the brethren thus honoured . During the evening the enjoyment of tht brethren was considerably enhanced by the instrument ! and vocal abilities of Bros . Cole , Hyatt ( Frank Percival ) Baker , and others . The Tyler's t 03 st , at an advance hour , terminated the proceedings .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE ( N , . 1839 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held 011 Thurs " . day , the 26 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall . There were pre . sent Bros . Brooke , W . M . ; Corpe , S . W . ; Bott , J . W . ; Daw . snap , Trcas . ; Cruse , Sec ; Smith , jun ., S . D . ; Stokes J . D . ; Smith , sen ., D . C ; Wilkins , I . G . 5 Bauman , Stw , | . ' Goddard , Tyler ; and others . Visitors : Bros . Kuhler '
, W . M . 13 S 1 ; Higgins , 1381 ; Marcus , 186 ; and many other brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . F . Quoadt , H . Auer . b ^ ch , Holmes , and Cattermolc were then balloted for ; the ballot was unanimous , and they were duly initiated . The W . M . then rose for the first time , and called upon the Sec .
retary to read any communication he had received . Tne Secretary then read a letter from the Grand Secretary , acknowledging icceipt of the letter of congratulation on his appointment to and investiture by H . H . IT . the M . W . Grand Master . The brethren afterwards dined at Freemasons' Hall , the dinner being served ia Bro . Dawkiris ' best style .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this ancient lodge was held at 34 , Denmark-street , on Monday , the 23 rd February . The lodge was opened b y the W . M ., Br . % K . Whitfield , at seven o ' clock , assisted by the officers as follows : Bros . W . Corbitt , l . P . M . ; ] . Wood , S . W . ; J . G . Smith , J . W . ; W . B . Elsdon , Trcas . ; £ .
Liddell , Sec . ; E . W . Middlemast , S . D . ; J . W . A . Boyeit , as J . D . ; J . Boyctt , I . G . ; R . Ferry , Org . ; J . Mclntyre , J . S . ; and J . Curry , Tyler . The other members present were Bros . D . Sinclair , . P . M . ; J . E . Robsou , P . M . ; 11 . Tate , J , Matthews , W . Leach , E . Shewbrooks , G . F . VVestmacotr , H . Brason , J . Snowdon , W . M . Pybus , W . Whitfield , J . Liddell , A . Rhagg , W . Richardson , M . J . Wheatley , T . Swan ,
R . Locke , and others . The W . M . was honoured with the presence of numerous visitors , amongst whom were Bros . J . Page , W . M . 406 ; T . S . Wraith , P . M . 1643 ; W . Cooper , W . M . 1 ^ 42 ; G . J . Dean , P . M . 541 ; J . Duckett , S . W . 481 ; M . H . D jdds , J . W . 1119 ; T . binning , 481 ; 11 . W . Sisson , J . S . 406 ; F . Wright , 1 : 542 ; G . C . Adamson , 1342 ; R . A . Dodds , Sec . 1626 ; G . B . Berber , 24 ; K .
Stephenson , P . M . 424 ; E . A . Gibson , 424 ; R . Wigluman , J . . 531 ; K . A . Forsttr , 481 ; E . Hall , 1 G 43 ; and others . After the minutes of the 'last regular meeting were confirmed , the ballot was taken for Messrs . W . Brown , G . Bolam , E . Mitchinson , and W . Lowers , all duly proposed at the January meeting , and each was declared to bs unanimousl y elected . The candidates- being in attendance
and properly prepared , were initiated into the mysteries ami privileges of . Masonry by the W . M ., Messrs . W . Brown and IV . Lowers in the first instance , and Messrs . G . Bolam and E . Milcb ' n son in the second place . The tools of this Degree were explained by the S . W . The W . M . read . 1 communication from the P . G . M . ofthe province respecting the intended formation of a Royal Masonic Pupils'
Assistance Fund , alter which , on the proposition of the W . M ., seconded hy the I . P . M ., it was unanimously resolved , "That whilst fully approving 1 f the- principles of the scheme a 1-vocatcd b ; Lord Hosslvn , this lodge would be reluctant 10 see a fouith Masonic Charily established for this purpose in England , believing that the inachineiy for carrying 011 such a Charily is unnecessary , and would be exceedingly
expensive ; and desirable as thif object is , we think it might be less expensively attained through the means of existing institutions . " The election of the W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , and Bro . J . Wood , S . W ., was unanimously elected . The W . M . elect returned thanks to the brethren for the high honour conferred on him . Bro . VV . B . Elsdon was unanimously re-electod Treasurer . The
Finance Committee , the Organist , and the Tyler were afterwards elected according to the bye-laws . Mr . J . G . Benson w ^ s proposed for initiation . The usual routine business having bean disposed of , the lodge was duly closed at 9 . 30 p . m . after the W . M . had received the " Hearty good wishes "
of the visiting brethren . An adjournment was made for refreshments , when there was a full attendance of brethren who had been present at the lodge . The Masonic toasts were proposed , and a evry harmonious evening was spent i " listening to the musical melange given by the glee part )' in Connection with old 48 .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Integrity ( fv' . 16 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of tins flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . The following brethren were piesent : Bros . J . E . Williams , W . M . ; Henry Walley , l . P . M-. and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Linton , and Cox duly acknowledged the toast . In the course of their several replies they paid a very high compliment to the W . M . and the officers of the lodge for their excellent all round " working . " The toast of " The Past Masters " was responded to by Bro . Dairy . Bros . Carter and Stuart replied to the pledge of " The Treasurer and
Secretary , " and " The Health of the Officers" having been coupled with the names of Bros . Morrison and Heaphv , those brethren briefly acknowledged the compliment upo i behalf of themselves and colleagues . The Tyler's toast , at a late hour , brought the proceedings , which were throughout most successful , to a termination .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE ( No . 1563 ) .- !—A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at Regent Masonic Hall , Air-street , W . There were present Bros . B . Turner , W . M . ; J . E . Shand , S . W . ; J . Hutchinson , J . W . ; B . H . Swallow , P . M ., P . G . D . Middx ., Treas . ; E . J . Scott , P 1 M . 749 , Sec . ; J . B . Docker , as S . D . ; Joel Emanuel , J . D . ; T . M . lanes , D . C .
1 . Eastgate , as I . G . ; Potter , Tyler ; B . Phillips , P . M . ; E . White , P . M . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., P . M . ; Blackford , IT . Bonham , Craft , Day , Gardner , Hill , Hart , Lee , Kolher , W . E . Smith , T . Woodward , Ward , and others . Visitors : Bros . G . P . Dairy , P . M . 141 ; W . J . Colleno , S . D . 760 ; G . Fe'sta , S . D . S 34 ; De Lever , 1426 ; Symons Smith , 742 ; Pye , 193 ; P . Sender , 749 ; and others . The lodge
was opened in due form , when Mr . Cox was impressively - initiated into the Order b y the W . M . Bros . May , Strtvens , Clont .- ' , Line , and Wenn having answered the usual questions , the ledge was advanced , and they were duly passed to the Degree of F . C . The resignations of Bros . T . Pike ( country member ) S . W . St . Tudno ( North Wales ) , No . 755 , and Misselbrook were received with regret . Ten guineas was voted for the Girls' School , to go on Bro . lanes' list ,
who is Steward for that Institution . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren , about fifty , adjourned to a capital dinner , served by Bro . Nichols , Cafe Royal . After the removal of I he cloth the W . M . proposed the customary loyal and other toasts in appropriate terms . Some good music , piano solo by Bro . Sender , and songs by Bros . B . Phillips , P . M . ; Symond Smith , Eastgate , and others closed a very happy , convivial , and joyous meeting .
ST . DUNSTAN'S LODGE ( No . 1589 ) . —One of the most successful gatherings in the history of this young butexceedingly flourishing lodge took place on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . There were present among others Bros . J . H . Dodson , P . M . 55 , W . M . ; Henry Turner , S . W ., W . M . elect ; T . A . Woodbridge , J . W . ; A . 'fishy , Secretary ; Dal wood , l . P . M . ; G .
Manners , S . D . ; Low , J . D . ; H . D . Clemow , D . C ., acting I . G . ; W . Farrington , Organist ; F . Farrington , W . S . ; Dwarber , P . M . ; W . Wellsman , P . M . ; the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain ( honorary member ) ; Gilbert , P . G . T . Middx ., Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . Colonel Radcliffe , P . G . S . ; W . Lake , P . P . G . R . Cornwall , P . M . 131 , to ; Brodie , P . P . G . D . Devonshire , P . M . 121 : 2 ,
etc . ; Gomm , W . M . 708 ; H . W . Green , P . M . 108 ; George Carter , P . M . 3 82 , - J . L . Jones , P . M . 6157 , 1460 , 16 7 6 , to . ; T . Dodson , P . M . 860 j Dunn , P . M . 16 70 ; Stiles , l . P . M . 1732 ; W . H . Jackson , jun ., l . P . M . 1 745 , to .-, H . Stiles , S . W . 1732 ; White , 55 ; Seymour Smith , 742 ; Tinney , 1319 ; Welch , 16 35 ; Sadler , 1670 ; Evill , Canterbury Lodge ; J . Boyes , Laughton Lodge ; Woolf ,
Missouri , No . 1 ( America ); T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . 1381 , to . (/< irem « so ») . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot for initiation was taken on behalf of Mr . W . T . Madge , and it proved to he unanimous . By the W . M . 's permission Bro . Harris was then passed by Bro . Dalwond , P . M ., and Mr . Madge was
initiated by Bro . Wellsman , P . M ., the respective ceremonies being well performed . The W . M . having resumed the chair , appointed Bros . Wellsman as S . W . ; Dalwood as J . W . ; Dwarber as D . C ; and Brodie as I . G ., t 0 a 3 si . it him in the ceremony of installing Bro . H . Turner , S . W ., as W . M . for the year ensuing . Upon the conclusion of the ceremonial , which was most ably performed , a vote
of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Dodson for the manner in which he had discharged the arduous duties of Installing Officer . The officers appointed and invested were as follows : Bros . Woodbridge , S . W . ; Manners , J . W . ; Dodson , l . P . M . ; Praed , Treas . ( by deputy ); A . Tisley , See . ; Low , S . D . ; IT . Clemow , J . D . ; F . Farrington , ) . G . ; W . Farrington , Organist ; W . K . Fairinston ,
D . C ; ) i . Clemow , W . S . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . The lodge having be-in duly closed , the brethren adjourned to a wiTI-scrvcd banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth , "The Queen anJ Craf : " and the 1 tiler complimentary toasts were done full justice to . liro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , P . G . Chaplain , respondsd upon behalf ol "The Giand Officers . " lathe
course of his very eloquent reply he said that the noblemen and good Masons who were at the head of the Craft were worthy not only of their good wishes but their admiration ( or the manner in which they discharged the responsibilities of their high Masonic rank . In speaking of the other brethren comprising the members of Grand Lodge , he said that on more than constitutional grounds the
brethren should receive the toast of their health with warmth . Thcie were many important questions before Grand Lodge which would require more than passing attention , and as the Grand Officer .- ; would lake an active part in the discussion of thos'j mattery there would of necessity be a greal strain upon their mental and physical health . In concluding his remarks he said that having been present
at the birth of the St . Dunstan ' s Lodge he was delighted to find that it h .-id increased so numerously ,.-mil that the " working " of the lodge war . so good . lh : was particularly struck with tile able way in which the l . P . M . had discharged the duties of Installing Officer that evening , and if every V' ^' er that followed on evinced the sine annul' t of Masuiic aptitude their lodge must of . necessity flourish .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Colonel Radcliffc having also said a few words , " The Health of the W . M . " was warmly proposed by the I . P . M ., and most enthusiastically drank . The W . M ., in reply , tersely said that as they had unanimously voted him to the chair , he should always cherish the honour as a sincere mark of their appreciation , and he begged to thank them most gratefully and heartily for the uniform kindness
he had received at their hands throughout his connection with the lodge . It was a position he had aspired to for some years , and he had endeavoured to " work " up to it Degree by Degree , and he hoped to perform the duties to tneir satisfaction . " The Health of the Initiate " followed . ( Song , " The Entered Apprentice , " Bro . Tisley . ) Bro . Madge , in response , briefly thanked the brethren for the
cordial way in which they had received the toast , and he most emphatically said no act of his should sully or bring any discredit cither on the lodge or on the great and valuable institution that they had that evening done him the honour of admitting him to . In giving "The l . P . M . " the W . M . slid that he should not speak upon the merits of the toast , as the officer in question , Bro . Dodson , could not
expect more praise than had been already so eloquently given to him by the Past Grand Chaplain , but he would say that he most heartily endorsed all that had been stated by Bro . Simpson , and it afforded him a great amount of pleasure in being in a position to present the l . P . M . with a jewel , which decoration would serve as a souvenir of his twelve months' arduous services to the lodge . Bro .
Dodson having acknowledged the compliment and the gut that accompanied it , " The Visitors " followed , coupled with the name of Bro . Woolf , au American Mason . That brother , in reply , expressed his gratification for the manner in which the toast had been proposed . He complimented the lodge not only on its working and profuse hospitality , but upon the pei feet unanimity which appeared to prevail .
It was so long since he had visited any lodge 111 the United States that it was quite out of his power to afford them any detailed information as to the present position of Masonry there , hut it had taken , as they well knew , a very firm root throughout the whole American continent , and was increasing to a very large extent . In conclusion he again thanked the lodge for the cordial manner in which he and
his co-visitors had been received . " The Health of the Past Masters " came next , and this toast having been drunk with that amount of enthusiasm which so vital a pledge demanded , Bro . Wellsman replied , on behalf of his colleages and himself , in a speech that was characterised hy a great deal of originality and quiet humour . When the amusement that this response created had subsided , the W . W . proposed , in very flattering terms , "The
Treasurer and Secretary . In the absence ' , through indisposition , of Bro . Praed , the Treasurer , Bro . Tisley acknowledged this toast in a neat speech of some length . " The Officers " followed , and this pledge was responded to by Bros . Low and C \ emow . The Tyler having been called upon to discharge his duty , the proceedings terminated . During the evening Bros . Seymour Smith , George Carter , and others , gave an excellent selection of instrumental and vocal music .
KILBURN LODGE ( No . 1608 ) . —This prosperous lodge , which has its head-quarters at the Queen ' s Arms Hotel , Kilburn , was convened for the dispatch of business on Monday , the 2 } rd ult . Amongthose in attendance were Bros . S . Brooks , W . M . ; J . W . Cuff , S . W . ; G . A . 13 . Fletcher , acting J . W . ; George Everett , P . M . 177 , 1581 , Trcas . ; A . W . Wcbs'er , Sec . ; F . J . Baker , S . D . ;
H . B . Phillips , | . D . ; W . blackbourn , I . G . ; H . f . Turner , D . C . ; J . P . Cole , P . M ., Org . ; G . A . Barclay , S . ; J . Palmer , P . M . ; and C . Thomas , Tyler . The visitors were Bros . Gillett , P . M . Royal Jubilee ; Staden , 180 ; Nicholson , 1 82 ; Brooks , 766 ; Hyatt , 1214 ; J . Edgar , 1287 ; anil T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . M . 1381 ( Freemason ) . The minutes ofthe previous meeting having been read and
confirmed , the ballot was taken , as joining members , upon behalf of Bros . J . Warner , P . M . 23 ; J . Sams , 45 ; and W . B . Armstrong , P . P . J . W . of Midland Counties , Ireland , P . M . 163 , to-., and proved to be unanimous . The W . M . then most ably and impressively raised Bro . IT . T . Hartley and passed Bro . H . East . The following notice of motion by the W . M ., " That a sum of five pounds , from
the funds ol the lodge , be sent to the Treasurer of the Kilburn Lodge of Instruction , as a contribution towards defraying the cost of furniture anet other pvopeity , " was then discussed ; and the proposition having been MConded by the S . W ., was unanimously carried . The lodge was then closed according to ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to a most elegant banquet , which reflected great
credit upon the genial caterer , Bro . T . H . I' . Hartley . The usual complimentary toasls having received full justice , Bro . Palmer , P . M ., rose and proposed in very happy terms "The Health of the W . M . " In the course of his speech he said that he felt exceedingly sorry that the brother ( the l . P . M . ) who should have proposed the toast was absent in consequence of infirm health . He ( Bro . Palmer ) was
glad to sec that their W . M . was discharging his duties in a manner as if he had been born to be a ruler in the Craft . The way in which the W . M . had carried out the responsibilities of his high position had not been surpassed by any of his predecessors in the chair . In conclusion , he hoped that the W . M . would , during the remainder of his year of office , be able to be present in good health to perform the duties of his rank in the same admirable manner
as had hitherto characterised his " working . " illcar , hear . ) The W . M ,, in reply , briefly said that the proposer of Jiis health had spoken of him in far more laudatory terms than his poor efforts deserved . To be Master of a lodge ! so influential as tiie Kilburn was , in itself , an
honour to be greatly desired , and as they had placed him in that high position , he felt that it was his boundeii duty to do everything that should he conducive to the best inteiests of No . 1608 . He trusted that the kind support that they had hitherto g iven him would continue until the time should have arrived tor him to vacate the office . In con-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cluding his remarks he expressed a hope that he sh ( j i he in a position to transfer to his successor the chair r >[ , Kilburn Lodge as unsullied as he had received it from 1 predecessor , fn giving "The Health of the Visitors , " . If W . M . took occasion to call the attention of the brethren , the great number of visitors that had from time to ti ^ honoured the lodge with their presence . On that succi'j occasion , although they ( the visitors ) were but f ,. „ , :
number , they were none the less welcome . He consi . j or ! it . a goodly custom to visit each other's lodges , beca uI the practice cemented friendships and increased Mason ? , interests . In conclusion , he briefly , but in most compU mentary terms , touched upon the merits of several of tf , " visiting brethren , and remarked that , as Masonic hospta
hty engendered "brotherly love , " h . ; hoped the praeii . would long continue to be . the Alpha and Omega , of y , " Order . This pledge was coupled with the name of Jj ra Walls , who duly acknowledged the compliment . The toasts of " The Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Officers" followed in quick succcssioi
and were responded to by representatives of the brethren thus honoured . During the evening the enjoyment of tht brethren was considerably enhanced by the instrument ! and vocal abilities of Bros . Cole , Hyatt ( Frank Percival ) Baker , and others . The Tyler's t 03 st , at an advance hour , terminated the proceedings .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE ( N , . 1839 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held 011 Thurs " . day , the 26 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall . There were pre . sent Bros . Brooke , W . M . ; Corpe , S . W . ; Bott , J . W . ; Daw . snap , Trcas . ; Cruse , Sec ; Smith , jun ., S . D . ; Stokes J . D . ; Smith , sen ., D . C ; Wilkins , I . G . 5 Bauman , Stw , | . ' Goddard , Tyler ; and others . Visitors : Bros . Kuhler '
, W . M . 13 S 1 ; Higgins , 1381 ; Marcus , 186 ; and many other brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . F . Quoadt , H . Auer . b ^ ch , Holmes , and Cattermolc were then balloted for ; the ballot was unanimous , and they were duly initiated . The W . M . then rose for the first time , and called upon the Sec .
retary to read any communication he had received . Tne Secretary then read a letter from the Grand Secretary , acknowledging icceipt of the letter of congratulation on his appointment to and investiture by H . H . IT . the M . W . Grand Master . The brethren afterwards dined at Freemasons' Hall , the dinner being served ia Bro . Dawkiris ' best style .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this ancient lodge was held at 34 , Denmark-street , on Monday , the 23 rd February . The lodge was opened b y the W . M ., Br . % K . Whitfield , at seven o ' clock , assisted by the officers as follows : Bros . W . Corbitt , l . P . M . ; ] . Wood , S . W . ; J . G . Smith , J . W . ; W . B . Elsdon , Trcas . ; £ .
Liddell , Sec . ; E . W . Middlemast , S . D . ; J . W . A . Boyeit , as J . D . ; J . Boyctt , I . G . ; R . Ferry , Org . ; J . Mclntyre , J . S . ; and J . Curry , Tyler . The other members present were Bros . D . Sinclair , . P . M . ; J . E . Robsou , P . M . ; 11 . Tate , J , Matthews , W . Leach , E . Shewbrooks , G . F . VVestmacotr , H . Brason , J . Snowdon , W . M . Pybus , W . Whitfield , J . Liddell , A . Rhagg , W . Richardson , M . J . Wheatley , T . Swan ,
R . Locke , and others . The W . M . was honoured with the presence of numerous visitors , amongst whom were Bros . J . Page , W . M . 406 ; T . S . Wraith , P . M . 1643 ; W . Cooper , W . M . 1 ^ 42 ; G . J . Dean , P . M . 541 ; J . Duckett , S . W . 481 ; M . H . D jdds , J . W . 1119 ; T . binning , 481 ; 11 . W . Sisson , J . S . 406 ; F . Wright , 1 : 542 ; G . C . Adamson , 1342 ; R . A . Dodds , Sec . 1626 ; G . B . Berber , 24 ; K .
Stephenson , P . M . 424 ; E . A . Gibson , 424 ; R . Wigluman , J . . 531 ; K . A . Forsttr , 481 ; E . Hall , 1 G 43 ; and others . After the minutes of the 'last regular meeting were confirmed , the ballot was taken for Messrs . W . Brown , G . Bolam , E . Mitchinson , and W . Lowers , all duly proposed at the January meeting , and each was declared to bs unanimousl y elected . The candidates- being in attendance
and properly prepared , were initiated into the mysteries ami privileges of . Masonry by the W . M ., Messrs . W . Brown and IV . Lowers in the first instance , and Messrs . G . Bolam and E . Milcb ' n son in the second place . The tools of this Degree were explained by the S . W . The W . M . read . 1 communication from the P . G . M . ofthe province respecting the intended formation of a Royal Masonic Pupils'
Assistance Fund , alter which , on the proposition of the W . M ., seconded hy the I . P . M ., it was unanimously resolved , "That whilst fully approving 1 f the- principles of the scheme a 1-vocatcd b ; Lord Hosslvn , this lodge would be reluctant 10 see a fouith Masonic Charily established for this purpose in England , believing that the inachineiy for carrying 011 such a Charily is unnecessary , and would be exceedingly
expensive ; and desirable as thif object is , we think it might be less expensively attained through the means of existing institutions . " The election of the W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , and Bro . J . Wood , S . W ., was unanimously elected . The W . M . elect returned thanks to the brethren for the high honour conferred on him . Bro . VV . B . Elsdon was unanimously re-electod Treasurer . The
Finance Committee , the Organist , and the Tyler were afterwards elected according to the bye-laws . Mr . J . G . Benson w ^ s proposed for initiation . The usual routine business having bean disposed of , the lodge was duly closed at 9 . 30 p . m . after the W . M . had received the " Hearty good wishes "
of the visiting brethren . An adjournment was made for refreshments , when there was a full attendance of brethren who had been present at the lodge . The Masonic toasts were proposed , and a evry harmonious evening was spent i " listening to the musical melange given by the glee part )' in Connection with old 48 .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Integrity ( fv' . 16 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of tins flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . The following brethren were piesent : Bros . J . E . Williams , W . M . ; Henry Walley , l . P . M-. and