Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article PERMANENT ENLARGEMENT OF THE "FREEMASON." Page 1 of 1 Article KENNING'S MASONIC CYCLOPÆDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FREEMASON. Page 1 of 2 Article THE FREEMASON. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The paper kindly sent by our esteemed Bro . Joshua Nunn will appear in our next . Bro . Dick Radclyffe ' s letter in our next . Proof will be sent . Bro . Budden ' s letter received . After the decision of Grand Lodge the subject had better net be renewed . We quite agree with Bro . Budden . Will he send his address ?
Owing to the extraordinary length of our Grand Lodge report , & c , we are compelled to omit the following reports and communications , which stand over till next week : — Royal York Lodge , 315 ; Abbey Chapter , 1225 ; South Devon Lodge , 1797 ; Phcenix of St . Ann Chapter , 1235 i Phamix of St . Ann Lodge , 1235 ; West Smithfield Lodge
of Instruction , 1623 ; Inhabitants Lodge , 153 ; Greta Lodge , 1073 ; Presentation to Mr . Edmunds , of the Theatre Royal , Manchester ; Consecration of West Smithfield Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1623 ; Amateur Masonic Ministrel Concert at Leeds ; Royal and Select Masters ; Royal Alfred , 1028 ; Royal Hanover , 1777 ; Southern Star Lodge of Instruction .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . "The Canadian Craftsman , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Day and Night , " "The West London Observer , " "Alliance News , " "The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " " Iron , " "Press News , " "Croydon Guardian , " "Comer
Stone , " " Hebrew Leader , " "Der Long Islander , ' "Voice of Masonry , " Cornish Telegraph , " " Scottish Freemason , " " Masonic Review , " " Masonic Newspaper , " " Young Folks , " " Egyptian Gazette , " "The Political Catechism , " " Brighton Gazette , " " Orient . "
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . 6 d . for announcements not exceeding Four Lines under this heading . ] BIRTHS . FOIUIESTER . —On the 25 th ult ., at Melbourne-lodge , Lawrie-park , Sydenham , the wife of J . J . Forrester , of a daughter .
MARRIAGE . WRIGHT—ANGEL . —On the 25 th ult ., at St . Dunstan ' s-in the-West , William Yorke Wright , of 27 , Knightriderstrect , City , to Ellen Marion , daughter of Mr . Frank Angel , of Exeter .
DEATHS . BOUI . E . —On the 26 th ult ., Mr . Bodle , of Maplcton Lodge , Lcwisham , aged 4 8 . DYKE . —On the 24 th inst ., at Tadworth Lodge , Banstead , Mr . Charles Dyke .
Permanent Enlargement Of The "Freemason."
Owing to constant pressure on the columns of the Freemason , and to the urgent necessity of " supplements , " whether of four or even eight pages , the Publisher has determined on and afte April 3 rd permanently to enlarge it to Twenty
Pages , except during the period of the Masonic recess , when Sixteen pages will probably suffice for the current hebdomadal news and reports . In addition to this change , the Publisher intends to print the Freemason , on and after April 3 rd ,
with entirely New Type , to use Better Paper , and to give a Coloured Wrapper , like the one recently made use of , which has been much appreciated by his numerous readers . Under these circumstances , the Publisher has
also necessarily determined to increase the price of the Freemason to Threepence , but to deliver it post free to subscribers , and feels convinced , from the experience of the past and present , that he
may rely in the future on the same cheerful patronage and the same unflinching support , which have cheered his earnest efforts to place in the hands and before the minds of his readers a
readable , an intelligent , a respectable Masonic paper , a true reflection in its " outcome " of the real principles and right practice of Freemasonry . All present subscribers will receive to the close of the time of their paid subscription the
Freemason at the present price . All subscribers from the 3 rd of April can have the Freemason posted to them post-free at the
following rates : — United Kingdom . CaMd ^ th ^ Sml . | . " j » - "' f ° »»» nent , & e . lia . Ncwtolaml . & c 13 s . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d .
Kenning's Masonic Cyclopædia.
It having been forcibly represented to Bro . George Kenning that the present price of his "Masonic Cyclopaedia " has acted as a " deterrent" to many of the Craft , and that a lower amount might induce many brethren to purchase so compendious and complete a work of Masonic reference , he has determined , in order to meet these representations and extend the study of Masonic Literature
to make a considerable sacrifice as well as a liberal offer to the Cosmopolitan Crait . If he can receive the names of 2000 brethren at 5 s . 6 d . each , he will issue , early in May , the " Masonic Cyclopedia , " in a plain cloth binding , and post free to all such subscribers . The subscription list will remain open until May 1 st .
As this is a bona fide offer it will not be repeated , for the advantage to the subscribers is so great as not to require futher remarks . Bro . Kenning has still copies of the 10 s . 6 d . issue on hand in the original binding . A circular will , in proper course , be sent to all the lodges , and names may be transmitted forthwith to Bro . W . Lake , 198 , Fleet-street , London ,
E . C . If the applications for the new issue should render it necessary , the book may be delivered even before May ,
The Freemason.
SATURDAY , MAR . 6 , 1880 .
THE proceedings of the last Quarterly Communication were full of interest and importance to the Craft . A crowded hall manifested the fact that some questions were before Grand Lodge which affected in divers ways the sympathies of
the brethren . The Pro G . M ., who was loudly cheered , presided with his usual ability and urbanity . That portion of the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication relative to Bro . James Stevens' resolution was non-confirmed by an
overwhelming majority , after speeches by Bros . McKay , Arnold , Constable , J . R . Simpson , James Stevens , and A . F . A . Woodford . The G . M . was unanimously re-elected amidst most hearty applause . Bro . Sampson Peircc
proposed , and Bro . Cantle seconded , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton as Grand Treasurer . Bro . Wynn was proposed by Bro . Binckes , and seconded by Bro . Terry , and after speeches from several brethren , including Bro . Marsh and others , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton was re-elected Grand
Treasurer amid prolonged applause , by a still more overwhelming majority . The vote for £ 500 for the Duchess of Marlborough ' s Fund was unanimously agreed to with hearty cheers ; and after some discussion relative to the proposals of the
Board of General Purposes , which we allude to elsewhere , and after a few words on Bro . Clabon ' s notice of motion , which was ultimately withdrawn , Grand Lodge closed its animated sitting at a comparatively early hour .
* * IT is most important , for the general welfare of Freemasonry and the maintenance of the rights of all English Freemasons , that the provisions of the Book of Constitutions should be
scrupulously upheld , in even minute particulars . The Pro G . M . 's proposal to refer the purchase of property not so far sanctioned by Grand Lodge , which had been effected by the Board of General Purposes , to a Special Committee to report
upon , was , in our opinion , the only safe and proper course to take . It will probably amount to this , that the Board of General Purposes will be upheld in its purchase of property , which no
one doubts was alike requisite and proper , and the Board itself will receive a " Bill of Indemnity " for what has been done without the previous sanction of Grand Lodge .
* * THE other proposals of the Board of General Purposes , and of a gratuity to our esteemed Bro . Buss , A . G . S ., were approved of most heartily j the latter especially by Grand Lodge .
••• WE rejoice to see the alacrity with which Grand Lodge has voted £ 500 to the relief of the Irish distress . We hope that other lodges and brethren will follow suit , and increase the resources of the Duchess of Marlborough ' s Fund .
The Freemason.
BRO . Clabon , in our opinion very wisely , - , drew his proposal to deal with the surplus f „ | of the Lodge of Benevolence . ' * * * WE congratulate Grand Lodge and the Craft sincerely on the non-confirmation of Bro . JatJ Stevens' resolution . Giving Bro . James Steven
every credit tor his desire to advance uniforms of ritual , it has long been clear to us that he h / 4 never adequately measured out the difficulties of the case . Pretty enough in theory , it was hope , less in practice . * * *
BRO . McKay did good service to Masonry k coming all the way from Kendal purposely tj vindicate the fair liberty of lodges , and to up . hold the judicious toleration of Grand Lodgj
He was very ably seconded by Bro . Arnold P . G . C , and D . P . G . M . for Surrey . The pro ] vinces were and are deeply interested in the ! matter . 1
* THE re-election of our esteemed Bro . Lieut ,. Colonel Creaton as Grand Treasurer , will be hailed by the entire Craft with heartfelt gratifi . cation . We deeply regret that any opposition
was raised to so popular a brother and so good an appointment . We might say a good deal more on this subject , but we forbear , grate .
fully remembering that Grand Lodge , by an un . mistakeable majority has amply demonstrated its entire repudiation of any such opposition on any conceivable ground ;
* * * THERE are several points arising out of the last meeting of Grand Lodge which space forbids us alluding to to-day , but which we shall advert to in our next issue .
He * WE have been requested to state , for the information of those interested in the cases for the Charities which are London cases , that there seems to be a current mistake in reference to the
action of the London Masonic Charity Association . Because it places a candidate on its list that fact does not ensure the election , or do away with the need of active exertion on the part of the friends of the candidate . On the contrary , every
effort is requisite to make a London case secure , owing to trie great number of candidates , and the admirable organization of the Provincial Committees . One of the great improvements effected by the humble efforts of a once much decried
Association has been the concentrating of the metropolitan votes for the Charities in one focus , that is the London votes for London cases . It will be seen elsewhere that the Association has four girls on its list for April , and six boys . All votes are needed by it . *
* * WE wish we could think that with the increase of Masonic numbers there was an increase of Masonic good feeling . Several facts have come recently and prominently , and unt > leasantly
before us , which prove to convince us , we say it with regret , that statements made behind tho backs of brethten , alike untrue and unworthy , are not unknown even with some who loudly profess themselves to be Masons .
* * WE beg to call the attention of all our readers , and to all interested in the Masonic Charities , and the " outcome" of Masonic benevolence , to the fact , that at the recent festival of the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution , from No . 1700 , only eleven lodges in town and country sent up a Steward or a subscription list . Let us hope
for a better return at the Girls' School festival . Surely there are other interests and duties than those connected with the "Knife and Fork Degree , " especially for these young lodges .
# * * WE have been asked to say a few words as to the " rush for office '' which is now conspicuous among our " novi homines" in Masonry . But . to say the truth , such is not a new complaint of the Masonic cynic or the Masonic philosop her .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The paper kindly sent by our esteemed Bro . Joshua Nunn will appear in our next . Bro . Dick Radclyffe ' s letter in our next . Proof will be sent . Bro . Budden ' s letter received . After the decision of Grand Lodge the subject had better net be renewed . We quite agree with Bro . Budden . Will he send his address ?
Owing to the extraordinary length of our Grand Lodge report , & c , we are compelled to omit the following reports and communications , which stand over till next week : — Royal York Lodge , 315 ; Abbey Chapter , 1225 ; South Devon Lodge , 1797 ; Phcenix of St . Ann Chapter , 1235 i Phamix of St . Ann Lodge , 1235 ; West Smithfield Lodge
of Instruction , 1623 ; Inhabitants Lodge , 153 ; Greta Lodge , 1073 ; Presentation to Mr . Edmunds , of the Theatre Royal , Manchester ; Consecration of West Smithfield Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1623 ; Amateur Masonic Ministrel Concert at Leeds ; Royal and Select Masters ; Royal Alfred , 1028 ; Royal Hanover , 1777 ; Southern Star Lodge of Instruction .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . "The Canadian Craftsman , " "Jewish Chronicle , " "Day and Night , " "The West London Observer , " "Alliance News , " "The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " " Iron , " "Press News , " "Croydon Guardian , " "Comer
Stone , " " Hebrew Leader , " "Der Long Islander , ' "Voice of Masonry , " Cornish Telegraph , " " Scottish Freemason , " " Masonic Review , " " Masonic Newspaper , " " Young Folks , " " Egyptian Gazette , " "The Political Catechism , " " Brighton Gazette , " " Orient . "
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . 6 d . for announcements not exceeding Four Lines under this heading . ] BIRTHS . FOIUIESTER . —On the 25 th ult ., at Melbourne-lodge , Lawrie-park , Sydenham , the wife of J . J . Forrester , of a daughter .
MARRIAGE . WRIGHT—ANGEL . —On the 25 th ult ., at St . Dunstan ' s-in the-West , William Yorke Wright , of 27 , Knightriderstrect , City , to Ellen Marion , daughter of Mr . Frank Angel , of Exeter .
DEATHS . BOUI . E . —On the 26 th ult ., Mr . Bodle , of Maplcton Lodge , Lcwisham , aged 4 8 . DYKE . —On the 24 th inst ., at Tadworth Lodge , Banstead , Mr . Charles Dyke .
Permanent Enlargement Of The "Freemason."
Owing to constant pressure on the columns of the Freemason , and to the urgent necessity of " supplements , " whether of four or even eight pages , the Publisher has determined on and afte April 3 rd permanently to enlarge it to Twenty
Pages , except during the period of the Masonic recess , when Sixteen pages will probably suffice for the current hebdomadal news and reports . In addition to this change , the Publisher intends to print the Freemason , on and after April 3 rd ,
with entirely New Type , to use Better Paper , and to give a Coloured Wrapper , like the one recently made use of , which has been much appreciated by his numerous readers . Under these circumstances , the Publisher has
also necessarily determined to increase the price of the Freemason to Threepence , but to deliver it post free to subscribers , and feels convinced , from the experience of the past and present , that he
may rely in the future on the same cheerful patronage and the same unflinching support , which have cheered his earnest efforts to place in the hands and before the minds of his readers a
readable , an intelligent , a respectable Masonic paper , a true reflection in its " outcome " of the real principles and right practice of Freemasonry . All present subscribers will receive to the close of the time of their paid subscription the
Freemason at the present price . All subscribers from the 3 rd of April can have the Freemason posted to them post-free at the
following rates : — United Kingdom . CaMd ^ th ^ Sml . | . " j » - "' f ° »»» nent , & e . lia . Ncwtolaml . & c 13 s . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d .
Kenning's Masonic Cyclopædia.
It having been forcibly represented to Bro . George Kenning that the present price of his "Masonic Cyclopaedia " has acted as a " deterrent" to many of the Craft , and that a lower amount might induce many brethren to purchase so compendious and complete a work of Masonic reference , he has determined , in order to meet these representations and extend the study of Masonic Literature
to make a considerable sacrifice as well as a liberal offer to the Cosmopolitan Crait . If he can receive the names of 2000 brethren at 5 s . 6 d . each , he will issue , early in May , the " Masonic Cyclopedia , " in a plain cloth binding , and post free to all such subscribers . The subscription list will remain open until May 1 st .
As this is a bona fide offer it will not be repeated , for the advantage to the subscribers is so great as not to require futher remarks . Bro . Kenning has still copies of the 10 s . 6 d . issue on hand in the original binding . A circular will , in proper course , be sent to all the lodges , and names may be transmitted forthwith to Bro . W . Lake , 198 , Fleet-street , London ,
E . C . If the applications for the new issue should render it necessary , the book may be delivered even before May ,
The Freemason.
SATURDAY , MAR . 6 , 1880 .
THE proceedings of the last Quarterly Communication were full of interest and importance to the Craft . A crowded hall manifested the fact that some questions were before Grand Lodge which affected in divers ways the sympathies of
the brethren . The Pro G . M ., who was loudly cheered , presided with his usual ability and urbanity . That portion of the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication relative to Bro . James Stevens' resolution was non-confirmed by an
overwhelming majority , after speeches by Bros . McKay , Arnold , Constable , J . R . Simpson , James Stevens , and A . F . A . Woodford . The G . M . was unanimously re-elected amidst most hearty applause . Bro . Sampson Peircc
proposed , and Bro . Cantle seconded , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton as Grand Treasurer . Bro . Wynn was proposed by Bro . Binckes , and seconded by Bro . Terry , and after speeches from several brethren , including Bro . Marsh and others , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton was re-elected Grand
Treasurer amid prolonged applause , by a still more overwhelming majority . The vote for £ 500 for the Duchess of Marlborough ' s Fund was unanimously agreed to with hearty cheers ; and after some discussion relative to the proposals of the
Board of General Purposes , which we allude to elsewhere , and after a few words on Bro . Clabon ' s notice of motion , which was ultimately withdrawn , Grand Lodge closed its animated sitting at a comparatively early hour .
* * IT is most important , for the general welfare of Freemasonry and the maintenance of the rights of all English Freemasons , that the provisions of the Book of Constitutions should be
scrupulously upheld , in even minute particulars . The Pro G . M . 's proposal to refer the purchase of property not so far sanctioned by Grand Lodge , which had been effected by the Board of General Purposes , to a Special Committee to report
upon , was , in our opinion , the only safe and proper course to take . It will probably amount to this , that the Board of General Purposes will be upheld in its purchase of property , which no
one doubts was alike requisite and proper , and the Board itself will receive a " Bill of Indemnity " for what has been done without the previous sanction of Grand Lodge .
* * THE other proposals of the Board of General Purposes , and of a gratuity to our esteemed Bro . Buss , A . G . S ., were approved of most heartily j the latter especially by Grand Lodge .
••• WE rejoice to see the alacrity with which Grand Lodge has voted £ 500 to the relief of the Irish distress . We hope that other lodges and brethren will follow suit , and increase the resources of the Duchess of Marlborough ' s Fund .
The Freemason.
BRO . Clabon , in our opinion very wisely , - , drew his proposal to deal with the surplus f „ | of the Lodge of Benevolence . ' * * * WE congratulate Grand Lodge and the Craft sincerely on the non-confirmation of Bro . JatJ Stevens' resolution . Giving Bro . James Steven
every credit tor his desire to advance uniforms of ritual , it has long been clear to us that he h / 4 never adequately measured out the difficulties of the case . Pretty enough in theory , it was hope , less in practice . * * *
BRO . McKay did good service to Masonry k coming all the way from Kendal purposely tj vindicate the fair liberty of lodges , and to up . hold the judicious toleration of Grand Lodgj
He was very ably seconded by Bro . Arnold P . G . C , and D . P . G . M . for Surrey . The pro ] vinces were and are deeply interested in the ! matter . 1
* THE re-election of our esteemed Bro . Lieut ,. Colonel Creaton as Grand Treasurer , will be hailed by the entire Craft with heartfelt gratifi . cation . We deeply regret that any opposition
was raised to so popular a brother and so good an appointment . We might say a good deal more on this subject , but we forbear , grate .
fully remembering that Grand Lodge , by an un . mistakeable majority has amply demonstrated its entire repudiation of any such opposition on any conceivable ground ;
* * * THERE are several points arising out of the last meeting of Grand Lodge which space forbids us alluding to to-day , but which we shall advert to in our next issue .
He * WE have been requested to state , for the information of those interested in the cases for the Charities which are London cases , that there seems to be a current mistake in reference to the
action of the London Masonic Charity Association . Because it places a candidate on its list that fact does not ensure the election , or do away with the need of active exertion on the part of the friends of the candidate . On the contrary , every
effort is requisite to make a London case secure , owing to trie great number of candidates , and the admirable organization of the Provincial Committees . One of the great improvements effected by the humble efforts of a once much decried
Association has been the concentrating of the metropolitan votes for the Charities in one focus , that is the London votes for London cases . It will be seen elsewhere that the Association has four girls on its list for April , and six boys . All votes are needed by it . *
* * WE wish we could think that with the increase of Masonic numbers there was an increase of Masonic good feeling . Several facts have come recently and prominently , and unt > leasantly
before us , which prove to convince us , we say it with regret , that statements made behind tho backs of brethten , alike untrue and unworthy , are not unknown even with some who loudly profess themselves to be Masons .
* * WE beg to call the attention of all our readers , and to all interested in the Masonic Charities , and the " outcome" of Masonic benevolence , to the fact , that at the recent festival of the Royal
Masonic Benevolent Institution , from No . 1700 , only eleven lodges in town and country sent up a Steward or a subscription list . Let us hope
for a better return at the Girls' School festival . Surely there are other interests and duties than those connected with the "Knife and Fork Degree , " especially for these young lodges .
# * * WE have been asked to say a few words as to the " rush for office '' which is now conspicuous among our " novi homines" in Masonry . But . to say the truth , such is not a new complaint of the Masonic cynic or the Masonic philosop her .