Article CARNARVON AND MIZPAH BALL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC BALL IN LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article LOYAL SOCIETY OF ANCIENT BRITONS. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Carnarvon And Mizpah Ball.
like you ; there ' s in yoaall that we believe of Heavenamazing brightness , purity , and truth , eternal joy and everlasting love . " He did not know if the experience of the gentlemen present had been such as to form similar conceptions of our gentle sisters . To him they were a kind of ¦ terrestial divinity ; they were the poetry of the world in the same sense as the stars are the poetry of
Heaven—clear , light-giving , harmonious ; they are the terrestial planets that rule the destinies of mankind . He congratulated himself upon having the honour of proposing such a toast , and , in conclusion hoped they would mett again next year under the same happy circumstances . Bro . Bosano , whose name was coupled with this toast , having responded , the ladies retired from the banquet
table , when , during the short interval that elapsed pievious to the gentlemen rejoining them , Bro . Edward Terry favoured the company with a song , which he rendered in his well known ' ¦ Gaiety " style . Among the company present we noticed Bros . George Briggs , W . M . 1572 ; Nelson Reed , P . M . 1671 , S . W . 1572 , Treasurer and Secretary of the Ball Committee ; Mrs .
Reed and Miss Reed ; W . S . Whitakcr , P . M . and Secretary 1572 ; Miss Kyle ; Edward Terry , P . M . 1319 ; Mrs . Terry ; J . Clarricoats , Treasurer 1572 ; Mrs . and Miss Clarriroats ; W . E . Downey , 1671 ; J . E . Burman , S . D . 1572 ; Miss Burman ; Bullock , D . of C 1572 ; Mrs . Bullock ; A . Pcarcc , 1572 ; J . W . and A . R . Cartwright , 1671 ; Goffin , 1372 ; MissGoffin ; W . White , 1572 ; Miss White ; Willcocks , 1572 ; Mrs . Willcocks ; C . H . Meiter ,
1671 ; Mrs . Meiter ; Lovebond , 1572 ; Mrs . Lovebond ; Wright , 1671 ; Z . H . Perkins , 1372 ; Mrs . Perkins ; Heilbut , 1671 ; Stevens , W . M . 637 ; Mrs . Stevens ; Lewis , 1671 ; Zeder , 1671 ; Mrs . Zeder ; J . J . Avery , Past . G . Trcas . Devon ; Maid well , P . M . 27 ; Mrs . Maidwell ; King , 1426 ; Mrs . King ; Barham , 1426 ; Mrs . Barham ; J . Steedman , P . M . 754 ; Owston , 1421 ; M-s . and Miss Owston , R . Conder , Mrs . Clayton , Miss Johnson , and F . A . Kelly , 1 ^ 24 ( Freemason ) .
Masonic Ball In Liverpool.
The members of the Lodge of fsrael , No . 1302 , held their annual ball in aid of the Fund of Benevolence at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., when there was an attendance of nearly 2 CO ladies and brethren . The Ball Committee and Stewards were as follows : Bros . H . A . Tobias , W . M ., Chairman ; Abraham
Lyons , Treasurer ; M . Aronsberg , J . W . ; R . Abrahams , M . Baum , J . S . ; I . De Frcce , H . De Frcce , M . H . Edwards , J . Frank , I . G . ; D . Gabrielsen ( Assistant Captain of Stewards ) ; A . J . Henochsberg , P . M . ; S . J . Henochsberg , S . W . ; Maurice Hart , P . M ., D . C . ; Asher Hart , P . M . 724 ; A . Jones , P . M . ; S . Jacobs , D . M . Joseph , Barnard Levy , A . D . Liebschutz , J . Lazarus , A . Levy , J . S . McCabe , J . L . Mitton , S . Mamelock , P . S . Levy ( Captain of
Stewards ); Rev . J . Prag , R . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; S . Schonstadt , l . P . M . ; J . Saber , S . D . ; H . Sager , S . Kimmons , L . Simmons , H . L . Stern , M . P . Tueski , Hon . Sec . ; J . Toope , B . Woolfe , H . F . Wright , J . D . ; E . W . Yates , A . Lolki ; and Bro . H . M . Silver was an indefatigable Hon . Sec . The band was provided by Bro . H . De Frece . and the M . C . ' s duties were efficiently fulfilled by Bros . S . J . Henochsberg and A . Hart .
Masonic Dramatic Entertainments.
Three grand amateur dramatic performances were recently given at the Theatre Royal , Birkenhead , in aid of the funds of the Borough Hospital and Children ' s Infirmary , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , London , and the Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution . The
performances were under the distinguished patronage of His Worship the Mayor of Birkenhead , T . 11 . Jackson , Esq . ; David Maciver , Esq ., M . P . ; His Grace the Duke of Westminster , K . G . ; Bros , the Right Hon . the Lord de Tabley , R . WP . G . M . Cheshire ; the Right Hon . the Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire ; Sir Watkin Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M .
Shropshire and North Wales ; the Hon . Wilbraham Egcrton , M . P ., R . W . D . P . G M . Cheshire ; the Viscount Combermere , R . W . P . P . D . G . M . Cheshire ; the Lord Richard Grosvenor , R . W . P . G . S . W . ' England , P . P . G . S . W Cheshire ; Sir A . B . Walker ; G . W . Latham , R . W . P . G . D . England . Wm . Laird , Esq , J . P . ; Jno . Laird , Esq ., J . P . ; C . J . Preston , Esq ., J . P . ; Septimus Leftward ,
Esq ., J . P . ; Thomas Williams , Est ) ., J . P . ; W . M . Mellor , Esq ., J . P . ; John Williamson , Est ) ., J . P . ; Lieut .-Col . King , J . P . ; J . R . Shaw , Esq ., J . P . ; G . Strongitharm , Esq ., J . P . ; Edward Logan , Esq ., J . P . ; W . Hind , Esq . Aldermen W . Baker , W . Francis , P . Morris , j . T . Rayncs , and W . Williamson . Councilluis James Jones , T . S . Deakin , F . D . Graham , A . Bleakley , Robert Main , S . H .
Watson , S . Forrest , T . Hitchmough , J . R . Jems , and Charles Willmer . Bros . Arthur J . Williams and W . A . Clayton . Major Walker and officers of the 1 st Cheshire Engineers , and others . The pieces comprised Richard III . and Macbeth ( played twice ) , and the chief parts were admirably taken by several leading Birkenhead brethren . Bros . J . Dutton , P . M . 477 and W . M . 1576 , was the Hon . Treas . ; and A . 11 . Gardiner , S . W . 477 , the ; Hon Sec .
The fifth anniveisary banquet of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , was held on Tuesday last , at the Moorgate Station Restaurant , under the presidency of the Worshipful Mister , Bro . C . J . Scales . A report of the proceedings , which is in type , will appear in our next . J . K . . SIJAS'J ) & Co ., Wine ami S |> iiit McrcliauU ( l £ xpcrld and Valuers ) , 2 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street ; London , S . W , Price lists on application .
Loyal Society Of Ancient Britons.
The festival of the Most Honourable am ! Loyal Scciety of Antient Britons , which took place on St . David ' s Day , was presided over by the Right Hon . the Earl of Powis , in the absence of the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnar \ on , who had not recovered from his indisposition , and was
remarkable for the many distinguished Masons who supported him . The Vice-Presidents were J . C . Parkinson , Esq . ; J . Edmund Severne , Esq ., M . P . ; the Right Hon . Lord Sudeley ; Col . Williams ; James Lewis Thomas , Fsq ., F . S . A . ; Rhys Williams , Esq . ; the Right Hon . Lord Windsor , and C . W . Williams Wynn , Esq ., M . P , Among those present were Gmeral Sir George Bouchier ,
Col . James Peters , Lieut . E . Cecil Dowse , H . M . 45 th Regiment of Foot , Mr . J . R . Kenyon , Q . C ., Sir Alexander Wood , and Dr . Evans . The Welsh Schools , in behalf of which special contributions are raised in connection with the anniversary , are situated at Ashford , Middlesex . From the report for the past year it appears that since the Institution was founded
in the year 1737 , 255 8 boys and 829 girls have passed through the Institution ; and of these 90 boys and 55 girls are in the present establishment . The Society is to a large extent dependent on donations and annual-subscriptions . The musical performances were under the special direction of Mr . Brinley Richards , who kindly lent his aid
on the occasion , and the music was of a very interesting character , one feature in it being the song of " I Wisgo Aur-Goron " ( solo by Miss Margaret Jones ) . The celebrated native harper Gruffydd was sent to attend the banquet by Lady Llanover . Gruffydd is domestic harper to Lady Llanover , and Welsh harper extraordinary to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The vocalists , in addition to
Miss Margaret Jones , Miss Spencer Jones , Mr . Ben Davies , and Mr . J . C . Hughes ; also a select Welsh choir , conducted by Mr . Wm . Davies . The band ot the Royal Artillery , under the conductorship of Mr . Smyth , played an excellent selection of music . The total amount of the donations announced by the Secretary , Mr . C . B . Shaw , was upwards of £ 700 ,
including 100 guineas from the Queen , 50 guineas from the Farl of Powis , 50 guineas from Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , M . P ., 10 guineas from the Earl of Carnarvon , 5 guineas from Mr . J . C Parkinson , and the same amount from Mr . C . W . Williams Wynn , M . P ., and Mr . James Lewis Thomas , F . S . A ., in addition to his annual subscription .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 238 ) . — This lodge met on the 17 th ult . at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , for the dispatch of . business . Among those in attendance were Bros . W . Wigginton , P . G . S . of Works , and P . P . G . S . of Works Middlesex and Surrey , W . M . ; T . C Walls , S . W . ; Alfred Tisley , J . W . ; Richnell , S . O . ; Dodson , S . D . ; Bcningfield , I . G . ; and Harrison , Tyler .
W . Bro . William Taylor , P . P . G . D . Middlesex and Surrey , & c , was a visitor . The minutes of the last regular meeting and an emergency meeting having been read and coufirmed , the election of W . M . for the ensuing year resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . T . C . Walls . W . Bro . Charles Horsley , G . J . O ., & c , was also unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Harrison Tyler . A Past
Master ' s jewel having been voted to W . Bro . W . Wigginton for his efficient services as a founder and first Master of the lodge , Bro . Walls moved , which was seconded by the W . M ., and carried with acclamation— "That the members of the Prince Leopold Lodge having heard , with a very considerable amount of regret , of the serious illness of the W . Bn > . Charles Horsley , their respected Treasurer ,
and one of the most active founders of the lodge , desire to tender to him their great sympathy , and to express a sincere hope that his health will very speedily be restored . " It was also resolved that the Secretary should convey this vote of condolence to Bro . Horsley . Several letters of
apology for non-attendance having been read , the lodge was duly and formally closer ! , and the brethren partook of a most elegant banquet , which refltctetl great credit upon the caterer , Bro . Clemow . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual routine of Mark toasts followed , and they were duly honoured .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CAVE AC CHAPTER ( No . 176 ) . —The regular convocation of this select chapter was held on Saturday , 28 th ult ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-srreet , City . There were present Comps . C . Browne , M . E . Z . ; P . A . Nairn ? , P . Z ., H- ; J . B . Sorrell , jun ., J . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . A . S . Midx ., P . Z ., Treasurer ; A . Middlemass , S . E . ; H . C . Soper ,
2 nd A . S . ; C . T . Dorey , P . Z . ; J . B . Sorrell , P . Z . ; W . M . Goss , P . Z . ; S . Pownceby , J . Soper , and R . Strong . The minutes if the meeting held on Saturday , November 22 nd , were read and unanimously confirmed . Some private business having been disposed of , the chapter was closed . Banquet followed .
HOLLOWAY ' S O XT . V , ' I" AND PILLS . —Coughs , Inllucrua . —The soothing properties of these medicament * render them worthy of trial in all diseases of the lun ^ s . In common colds and inlluenza the I'ills 'aken internally anil the Ointment nibbed externally are exceedingly etficacious . When influenza is epidemic this treatment is easiest , safest , and surest . Holloway ' s i'ills and Ointment
purity thy blood , remove all obstmctiuiis to r's free circulitron rhronidi the lungs , relieve the overgorged air tubes , and render respiration free without reducing the strcuglh , irritating the nenes , or depres > ing the spirits . Such are the rc-uty meausut * uvi « g suffering when alliieted with colds , coughs , bronchitis , and other complaints by which to many are seriously and permanently afflicted in most countries , —[ AUVT , ]
( Con I i lined , from page 107 J . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . —Perhaps the most successful meeting of this lodge which has been held for a long time took place at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday afternoon , the 24 th ult . There was a numerous gathering of the brethren . Bro . J . B . Mackenzie , W . M ., presided , and amongst other
brethren present were Bros . Lindo Courtenay , l . P . M . ; Joseph Bell , P . M . ; W . J . Constantine . ' . P . M ., D . C . ; W . Sandbrook , S . W . ; J . Atkinson , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; J . Pyer , J . D . ; R . Burgess , Organist ; W . Savage , I . G . ; H . P . Squire , S . S ., and others . Amongst the members present were Bros . I . N . Shrapnell , f . M . Boyd , A . Ricketts , D . Saunders , H . H . Harold , A . Webb , J . J . Monk , F . J .
Stimson , G . H . Dixon , Finel-erg , Graham , Fischer , Richardson , Webster Williams , Adams , Sanderson , Dr . Whittle , Captain Ainscough , Addiss , Ballard , J . W . R . Brown , J . F . Cowdell , Captain Conby , Heap , James Keet , G . Martin , H . Round , S . Matison , and others . Mr . Julius David Block was unanimousl y elected as an initiate , and Bro . A . E . Richardson was in the same manner chosen as a joining member cf the lodge . Bros . Ricketts , Fischer ,
Harold , Webb , and Monk were passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Captain Conby , Stimson , Fineberg , Dixon , and Graham were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . 's . At the conclusion of the business banquet was served in the old lodge room , and during the evening a most enjoyable programme was furnished by Bros . Webster Williams , J . Busfield , D . Saunders , H . H . Harold , A . Ricketts , Bramhall , and others , the accompaniments being played by Bros . Burgess and Martin .
LIVERPOOL . —Antient Briton Lodge ( No . I 0 75 ) - —The monthly meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 n . m . in due form by Bro . J . R . Bottomley , W . M ., supported by Bros . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; T . Evans , S . W . ; Johnson , J . W . ;
E . W . Coxen , Treas . ; R . Fairclough , Sec . ; H . Jones , J . D . ; H . Pritchard , I . G . •J . Hughes , S . S . ; T . II . Walker , J . S . ; M . Williamson , Tyler ; H . W . Parry , J . W . 249 ; W . C . Cowell , J . Woods , J . Price , J . Lewis , G . Nevill , J . Ireland , 'I ' . Gray , J . Roberts , E . Peters , O . Evans , and others . Visitors : Bros . C . S . Dean , S . D . 1289 ; W . Crane , P . M . ; W . Callow , P . G . Treas . ; C . James , 597 , S . C . ; E . N . Dunn ,
665 ; R . Jones , 1182 ; H . H . Halliburton , 6 73 ; W . Braithwait , 673 ; J . II . Owen , 1356 ; W . Williams , 1609 ; J . C . Robinson , P . M . 249 ; and others . Alter the confirmation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Messrs . J . C . Marron , Isaac Moltershead , and Capt . R . Firman . They being in attendance were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M . in his usual able manner .
They having retired , the lodge was opened up in the Second Degree , when Bro . J . F . Metcalf , being desirous of going forward , receivedthclistand retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when the above-named brother was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . M . in a mannir which reflects great credit upon him . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree . A notice of motion was then given that at the next meeting the sum
of | £ io . 10 s . be voted from the funds of the lodge for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . " Hearty good wishes " having [ been exprtsscri by the visitors , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned loan excellent banquet , presided over by the W . M ., who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The brethren seperated at an early hour . The harmony of the evening was enhanced by the capital singing of Bros . Webster Williams , Jones , and Braithwait .
Bro . James Lewis Thomas , F . S . A ., Past Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies of England , has just received an elaboratel y designed diploma , dated 24 th day of February , 18 S 0 , certifying that on the 5 th and 7 th days of February he was , " hy reason of his illustrious seivices to Freemasonry , " named an honorary member of the Ancient Carthage Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1717 , under the seals of the said Masonic bodies .
lhe " Masonic Magazine for March is now ready , and may be obtained of any bookseller or direct from the office , 198 , Hect-street , London . —[ AUVT . ] An emergency meeting of the Caxton Lodge , No . 18 53 , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday last . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next . London General Omnious Company ( Litnited ) .
—1 he traffic receipts for the week ending February 29 th were £ 10 , 055 ' 4 s . 4 " - ; 1 S 79 , £ 9241 17 s . 5 < i . The cart-horse show , which remained open on Wednesday last , was visiicd by the Prince and Princess of Wales , who were accompanied by their three daughters . The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress , the Baroness Burdett-Coutts , and Mr . Henry Irving were also amongst the
\ lsitors . The Cornish Freemasons greatly appreciate the unusual compliment which the Prince of Wales will pay to the Province on the 20 th of May by opening the Grand Lodge of England at Truro , when the foundation stone of the new cathedral will be laid . Two stones will , in fact , be laid , one with full Masonic ceremonial at the
noith cast corner of the building , and the other at the western end . It is expected that the demonstration will be the most brilliant ever witnessed in the Wtst of England , and it is certain that the Dulcc and Duchess of Cornwall will receive such a welcome from the population of the duchy as will render the visit buth delightful and memorable . —The lf'hilehall Renew .
WoKiisworcrn ' . s " COCA I'll . l . S " the successful remedy lor slccplessnup f neuralgia , anil Hay lever , as . per box . Humcepattiic CliC jniB .. 6 , Sloanc-strect , London . —fAuvr , ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Carnarvon And Mizpah Ball.
like you ; there ' s in yoaall that we believe of Heavenamazing brightness , purity , and truth , eternal joy and everlasting love . " He did not know if the experience of the gentlemen present had been such as to form similar conceptions of our gentle sisters . To him they were a kind of ¦ terrestial divinity ; they were the poetry of the world in the same sense as the stars are the poetry of
Heaven—clear , light-giving , harmonious ; they are the terrestial planets that rule the destinies of mankind . He congratulated himself upon having the honour of proposing such a toast , and , in conclusion hoped they would mett again next year under the same happy circumstances . Bro . Bosano , whose name was coupled with this toast , having responded , the ladies retired from the banquet
table , when , during the short interval that elapsed pievious to the gentlemen rejoining them , Bro . Edward Terry favoured the company with a song , which he rendered in his well known ' ¦ Gaiety " style . Among the company present we noticed Bros . George Briggs , W . M . 1572 ; Nelson Reed , P . M . 1671 , S . W . 1572 , Treasurer and Secretary of the Ball Committee ; Mrs .
Reed and Miss Reed ; W . S . Whitakcr , P . M . and Secretary 1572 ; Miss Kyle ; Edward Terry , P . M . 1319 ; Mrs . Terry ; J . Clarricoats , Treasurer 1572 ; Mrs . and Miss Clarriroats ; W . E . Downey , 1671 ; J . E . Burman , S . D . 1572 ; Miss Burman ; Bullock , D . of C 1572 ; Mrs . Bullock ; A . Pcarcc , 1572 ; J . W . and A . R . Cartwright , 1671 ; Goffin , 1372 ; MissGoffin ; W . White , 1572 ; Miss White ; Willcocks , 1572 ; Mrs . Willcocks ; C . H . Meiter ,
1671 ; Mrs . Meiter ; Lovebond , 1572 ; Mrs . Lovebond ; Wright , 1671 ; Z . H . Perkins , 1372 ; Mrs . Perkins ; Heilbut , 1671 ; Stevens , W . M . 637 ; Mrs . Stevens ; Lewis , 1671 ; Zeder , 1671 ; Mrs . Zeder ; J . J . Avery , Past . G . Trcas . Devon ; Maid well , P . M . 27 ; Mrs . Maidwell ; King , 1426 ; Mrs . King ; Barham , 1426 ; Mrs . Barham ; J . Steedman , P . M . 754 ; Owston , 1421 ; M-s . and Miss Owston , R . Conder , Mrs . Clayton , Miss Johnson , and F . A . Kelly , 1 ^ 24 ( Freemason ) .
Masonic Ball In Liverpool.
The members of the Lodge of fsrael , No . 1302 , held their annual ball in aid of the Fund of Benevolence at the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., when there was an attendance of nearly 2 CO ladies and brethren . The Ball Committee and Stewards were as follows : Bros . H . A . Tobias , W . M ., Chairman ; Abraham
Lyons , Treasurer ; M . Aronsberg , J . W . ; R . Abrahams , M . Baum , J . S . ; I . De Frcce , H . De Frcce , M . H . Edwards , J . Frank , I . G . ; D . Gabrielsen ( Assistant Captain of Stewards ) ; A . J . Henochsberg , P . M . ; S . J . Henochsberg , S . W . ; Maurice Hart , P . M ., D . C . ; Asher Hart , P . M . 724 ; A . Jones , P . M . ; S . Jacobs , D . M . Joseph , Barnard Levy , A . D . Liebschutz , J . Lazarus , A . Levy , J . S . McCabe , J . L . Mitton , S . Mamelock , P . S . Levy ( Captain of
Stewards ); Rev . J . Prag , R . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; S . Schonstadt , l . P . M . ; J . Saber , S . D . ; H . Sager , S . Kimmons , L . Simmons , H . L . Stern , M . P . Tueski , Hon . Sec . ; J . Toope , B . Woolfe , H . F . Wright , J . D . ; E . W . Yates , A . Lolki ; and Bro . H . M . Silver was an indefatigable Hon . Sec . The band was provided by Bro . H . De Frece . and the M . C . ' s duties were efficiently fulfilled by Bros . S . J . Henochsberg and A . Hart .
Masonic Dramatic Entertainments.
Three grand amateur dramatic performances were recently given at the Theatre Royal , Birkenhead , in aid of the funds of the Borough Hospital and Children ' s Infirmary , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , London , and the Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution . The
performances were under the distinguished patronage of His Worship the Mayor of Birkenhead , T . 11 . Jackson , Esq . ; David Maciver , Esq ., M . P . ; His Grace the Duke of Westminster , K . G . ; Bros , the Right Hon . the Lord de Tabley , R . WP . G . M . Cheshire ; the Right Hon . the Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . D . G . M . England , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire ; Sir Watkin Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M .
Shropshire and North Wales ; the Hon . Wilbraham Egcrton , M . P ., R . W . D . P . G M . Cheshire ; the Viscount Combermere , R . W . P . P . D . G . M . Cheshire ; the Lord Richard Grosvenor , R . W . P . G . S . W . ' England , P . P . G . S . W Cheshire ; Sir A . B . Walker ; G . W . Latham , R . W . P . G . D . England . Wm . Laird , Esq , J . P . ; Jno . Laird , Esq ., J . P . ; C . J . Preston , Esq ., J . P . ; Septimus Leftward ,
Esq ., J . P . ; Thomas Williams , Est ) ., J . P . ; W . M . Mellor , Esq ., J . P . ; John Williamson , Est ) ., J . P . ; Lieut .-Col . King , J . P . ; J . R . Shaw , Esq ., J . P . ; G . Strongitharm , Esq ., J . P . ; Edward Logan , Esq ., J . P . ; W . Hind , Esq . Aldermen W . Baker , W . Francis , P . Morris , j . T . Rayncs , and W . Williamson . Councilluis James Jones , T . S . Deakin , F . D . Graham , A . Bleakley , Robert Main , S . H .
Watson , S . Forrest , T . Hitchmough , J . R . Jems , and Charles Willmer . Bros . Arthur J . Williams and W . A . Clayton . Major Walker and officers of the 1 st Cheshire Engineers , and others . The pieces comprised Richard III . and Macbeth ( played twice ) , and the chief parts were admirably taken by several leading Birkenhead brethren . Bros . J . Dutton , P . M . 477 and W . M . 1576 , was the Hon . Treas . ; and A . 11 . Gardiner , S . W . 477 , the ; Hon Sec .
The fifth anniveisary banquet of the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , was held on Tuesday last , at the Moorgate Station Restaurant , under the presidency of the Worshipful Mister , Bro . C . J . Scales . A report of the proceedings , which is in type , will appear in our next . J . K . . SIJAS'J ) & Co ., Wine ami S |> iiit McrcliauU ( l £ xpcrld and Valuers ) , 2 , Albert Mansions , Victoria-street ; London , S . W , Price lists on application .
Loyal Society Of Ancient Britons.
The festival of the Most Honourable am ! Loyal Scciety of Antient Britons , which took place on St . David ' s Day , was presided over by the Right Hon . the Earl of Powis , in the absence of the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnar \ on , who had not recovered from his indisposition , and was
remarkable for the many distinguished Masons who supported him . The Vice-Presidents were J . C . Parkinson , Esq . ; J . Edmund Severne , Esq ., M . P . ; the Right Hon . Lord Sudeley ; Col . Williams ; James Lewis Thomas , Fsq ., F . S . A . ; Rhys Williams , Esq . ; the Right Hon . Lord Windsor , and C . W . Williams Wynn , Esq ., M . P , Among those present were Gmeral Sir George Bouchier ,
Col . James Peters , Lieut . E . Cecil Dowse , H . M . 45 th Regiment of Foot , Mr . J . R . Kenyon , Q . C ., Sir Alexander Wood , and Dr . Evans . The Welsh Schools , in behalf of which special contributions are raised in connection with the anniversary , are situated at Ashford , Middlesex . From the report for the past year it appears that since the Institution was founded
in the year 1737 , 255 8 boys and 829 girls have passed through the Institution ; and of these 90 boys and 55 girls are in the present establishment . The Society is to a large extent dependent on donations and annual-subscriptions . The musical performances were under the special direction of Mr . Brinley Richards , who kindly lent his aid
on the occasion , and the music was of a very interesting character , one feature in it being the song of " I Wisgo Aur-Goron " ( solo by Miss Margaret Jones ) . The celebrated native harper Gruffydd was sent to attend the banquet by Lady Llanover . Gruffydd is domestic harper to Lady Llanover , and Welsh harper extraordinary to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The vocalists , in addition to
Miss Margaret Jones , Miss Spencer Jones , Mr . Ben Davies , and Mr . J . C . Hughes ; also a select Welsh choir , conducted by Mr . Wm . Davies . The band ot the Royal Artillery , under the conductorship of Mr . Smyth , played an excellent selection of music . The total amount of the donations announced by the Secretary , Mr . C . B . Shaw , was upwards of £ 700 ,
including 100 guineas from the Queen , 50 guineas from the Farl of Powis , 50 guineas from Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , M . P ., 10 guineas from the Earl of Carnarvon , 5 guineas from Mr . J . C Parkinson , and the same amount from Mr . C . W . Williams Wynn , M . P ., and Mr . James Lewis Thomas , F . S . A ., in addition to his annual subscription .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 238 ) . — This lodge met on the 17 th ult . at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , for the dispatch of . business . Among those in attendance were Bros . W . Wigginton , P . G . S . of Works , and P . P . G . S . of Works Middlesex and Surrey , W . M . ; T . C Walls , S . W . ; Alfred Tisley , J . W . ; Richnell , S . O . ; Dodson , S . D . ; Bcningfield , I . G . ; and Harrison , Tyler .
W . Bro . William Taylor , P . P . G . D . Middlesex and Surrey , & c , was a visitor . The minutes of the last regular meeting and an emergency meeting having been read and coufirmed , the election of W . M . for the ensuing year resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . T . C . Walls . W . Bro . Charles Horsley , G . J . O ., & c , was also unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Harrison Tyler . A Past
Master ' s jewel having been voted to W . Bro . W . Wigginton for his efficient services as a founder and first Master of the lodge , Bro . Walls moved , which was seconded by the W . M ., and carried with acclamation— "That the members of the Prince Leopold Lodge having heard , with a very considerable amount of regret , of the serious illness of the W . Bn > . Charles Horsley , their respected Treasurer ,
and one of the most active founders of the lodge , desire to tender to him their great sympathy , and to express a sincere hope that his health will very speedily be restored . " It was also resolved that the Secretary should convey this vote of condolence to Bro . Horsley . Several letters of
apology for non-attendance having been read , the lodge was duly and formally closer ! , and the brethren partook of a most elegant banquet , which refltctetl great credit upon the caterer , Bro . Clemow . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual routine of Mark toasts followed , and they were duly honoured .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CAVE AC CHAPTER ( No . 176 ) . —The regular convocation of this select chapter was held on Saturday , 28 th ult ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-srreet , City . There were present Comps . C . Browne , M . E . Z . ; P . A . Nairn ? , P . Z ., H- ; J . B . Sorrell , jun ., J . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . A . S . Midx ., P . Z ., Treasurer ; A . Middlemass , S . E . ; H . C . Soper ,
2 nd A . S . ; C . T . Dorey , P . Z . ; J . B . Sorrell , P . Z . ; W . M . Goss , P . Z . ; S . Pownceby , J . Soper , and R . Strong . The minutes if the meeting held on Saturday , November 22 nd , were read and unanimously confirmed . Some private business having been disposed of , the chapter was closed . Banquet followed .
HOLLOWAY ' S O XT . V , ' I" AND PILLS . —Coughs , Inllucrua . —The soothing properties of these medicament * render them worthy of trial in all diseases of the lun ^ s . In common colds and inlluenza the I'ills 'aken internally anil the Ointment nibbed externally are exceedingly etficacious . When influenza is epidemic this treatment is easiest , safest , and surest . Holloway ' s i'ills and Ointment
purity thy blood , remove all obstmctiuiis to r's free circulitron rhronidi the lungs , relieve the overgorged air tubes , and render respiration free without reducing the strcuglh , irritating the nenes , or depres > ing the spirits . Such are the rc-uty meausut * uvi « g suffering when alliieted with colds , coughs , bronchitis , and other complaints by which to many are seriously and permanently afflicted in most countries , —[ AUVT , ]
( Con I i lined , from page 107 J . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . —Perhaps the most successful meeting of this lodge which has been held for a long time took place at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday afternoon , the 24 th ult . There was a numerous gathering of the brethren . Bro . J . B . Mackenzie , W . M ., presided , and amongst other
brethren present were Bros . Lindo Courtenay , l . P . M . ; Joseph Bell , P . M . ; W . J . Constantine . ' . P . M ., D . C . ; W . Sandbrook , S . W . ; J . Atkinson , J . W . ; A . Woolrich , Treas . ; J . Pyer , J . D . ; R . Burgess , Organist ; W . Savage , I . G . ; H . P . Squire , S . S ., and others . Amongst the members present were Bros . I . N . Shrapnell , f . M . Boyd , A . Ricketts , D . Saunders , H . H . Harold , A . Webb , J . J . Monk , F . J .
Stimson , G . H . Dixon , Finel-erg , Graham , Fischer , Richardson , Webster Williams , Adams , Sanderson , Dr . Whittle , Captain Ainscough , Addiss , Ballard , J . W . R . Brown , J . F . Cowdell , Captain Conby , Heap , James Keet , G . Martin , H . Round , S . Matison , and others . Mr . Julius David Block was unanimousl y elected as an initiate , and Bro . A . E . Richardson was in the same manner chosen as a joining member cf the lodge . Bros . Ricketts , Fischer ,
Harold , Webb , and Monk were passed to the Second Degree , and Bros . Captain Conby , Stimson , Fineberg , Dixon , and Graham were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . 's . At the conclusion of the business banquet was served in the old lodge room , and during the evening a most enjoyable programme was furnished by Bros . Webster Williams , J . Busfield , D . Saunders , H . H . Harold , A . Ricketts , Bramhall , and others , the accompaniments being played by Bros . Burgess and Martin .
LIVERPOOL . —Antient Briton Lodge ( No . I 0 75 ) - —The monthly meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday , the 24 th ult . The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 n . m . in due form by Bro . J . R . Bottomley , W . M ., supported by Bros . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; T . Evans , S . W . ; Johnson , J . W . ;
E . W . Coxen , Treas . ; R . Fairclough , Sec . ; H . Jones , J . D . ; H . Pritchard , I . G . •J . Hughes , S . S . ; T . II . Walker , J . S . ; M . Williamson , Tyler ; H . W . Parry , J . W . 249 ; W . C . Cowell , J . Woods , J . Price , J . Lewis , G . Nevill , J . Ireland , 'I ' . Gray , J . Roberts , E . Peters , O . Evans , and others . Visitors : Bros . C . S . Dean , S . D . 1289 ; W . Crane , P . M . ; W . Callow , P . G . Treas . ; C . James , 597 , S . C . ; E . N . Dunn ,
665 ; R . Jones , 1182 ; H . H . Halliburton , 6 73 ; W . Braithwait , 673 ; J . II . Owen , 1356 ; W . Williams , 1609 ; J . C . Robinson , P . M . 249 ; and others . Alter the confirmation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Messrs . J . C . Marron , Isaac Moltershead , and Capt . R . Firman . They being in attendance were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M . in his usual able manner .
They having retired , the lodge was opened up in the Second Degree , when Bro . J . F . Metcalf , being desirous of going forward , receivedthclistand retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when the above-named brother was raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . by the W . M . in a mannir which reflects great credit upon him . The lodge was then closed down to the First Degree . A notice of motion was then given that at the next meeting the sum
of | £ io . 10 s . be voted from the funds of the lodge for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . " Hearty good wishes " having [ been exprtsscri by the visitors , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned loan excellent banquet , presided over by the W . M ., who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The brethren seperated at an early hour . The harmony of the evening was enhanced by the capital singing of Bros . Webster Williams , Jones , and Braithwait .
Bro . James Lewis Thomas , F . S . A ., Past Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies of England , has just received an elaboratel y designed diploma , dated 24 th day of February , 18 S 0 , certifying that on the 5 th and 7 th days of February he was , " hy reason of his illustrious seivices to Freemasonry , " named an honorary member of the Ancient Carthage Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1717 , under the seals of the said Masonic bodies .
lhe " Masonic Magazine for March is now ready , and may be obtained of any bookseller or direct from the office , 198 , Hect-street , London . —[ AUVT . ] An emergency meeting of the Caxton Lodge , No . 18 53 , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday last . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next . London General Omnious Company ( Litnited ) .
—1 he traffic receipts for the week ending February 29 th were £ 10 , 055 ' 4 s . 4 " - ; 1 S 79 , £ 9241 17 s . 5 < i . The cart-horse show , which remained open on Wednesday last , was visiicd by the Prince and Princess of Wales , who were accompanied by their three daughters . The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress , the Baroness Burdett-Coutts , and Mr . Henry Irving were also amongst the
\ lsitors . The Cornish Freemasons greatly appreciate the unusual compliment which the Prince of Wales will pay to the Province on the 20 th of May by opening the Grand Lodge of England at Truro , when the foundation stone of the new cathedral will be laid . Two stones will , in fact , be laid , one with full Masonic ceremonial at the
noith cast corner of the building , and the other at the western end . It is expected that the demonstration will be the most brilliant ever witnessed in the Wtst of England , and it is certain that the Dulcc and Duchess of Cornwall will receive such a welcome from the population of the duchy as will render the visit buth delightful and memorable . —The lf'hilehall Renew .
WoKiisworcrn ' . s " COCA I'll . l . S " the successful remedy lor slccplessnup f neuralgia , anil Hay lever , as . per box . Humcepattiic CliC jniB .. 6 , Sloanc-strect , London . —fAuvr , ]