Article ERNEST AND FALK. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ERNEST AND FALK. Page 3 of 3 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 2 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 2 →
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Ernest And Falk.
necessary accompaniment to fire , is it sinful to build a chimney ? And was the inventor of the chimney an enemy to fire ? Do you see , that Avas my aim ?
ERNEST . Your aim ! I do not understand . FALK . The comparison Avas , at any rate , apt . If men cannot be united under constitutions without these diversities , are the latter , therefore ,
good , for that very reason ? ERNEST . Probably not . FALK . DO they become sacred ! ERNEST . How sacred ?
FALK . Sacred in the sense that it is sinful to lay hands upon them . ERNEST . In order to — ?
FALK . In order to prevent their becoming wider than is necessary . In order to make their natural consequence as harmless as possible . ERNEST . HOW could that be forbidden ?
FALK . But it canot be enjoined—by laAv enjoined ; for law extends but to the frontier of state territory , and this Avould be beyond the bounds of all and every state . It would therefore
be a Avork of supererogation ; and it is to be desired that the wisest and best of every state voluntarily undertook this work of
supererogation . ERNEST . TO be desired only , but much to be desired .
FALK . I thought so ! Much to be desired that in every state there might be men above the prejudices of nationality , and who know exactl y at what point patriotism becomes no longer a
virtue . ERNEST . Much to be desired ! FALK . Much to be desired that in every state there might be men not subject to religious
prejudices , who do not believe that everything must be good * and true , which is recognised as the semblance of the good and the true . ERNEST . Much to be desired !
FALK . Much to be desired that in every state there might be men not dazzled by civil honours , not annoyed by the littleness of society ; in whose company the exalted unbend , and the lowl y speak
boldly . ERNEST , Much to be desired . FALK . And if this desire were fulfilled ? ERNEST . Fulfilled ? Is it not so , now and
then , here and there ? FALK . Not onl y here and there , now and then . ERNEST . At certain times , in certain lands several .
FALK . What if such men existed at all times , in -all countries , and will continue to exist for ever ? ERNEST . Would to God there were !
FALK . And what if they did not live in useless solitude , not in an invisible church ? ERNEST . Beautiful dream ! FALK . Let me lose no words . And if these
men were the Freemasons ? ERNEST . What say you ? P ' ALK . AVhat if the Freemasons had proposed it as a portion of their task to draw together and
heal these separations , b y which mi ght again become united ? ERNEST . The Freemasons ?
FALK . I say a part of their task . ERNEST . The Freemasons ? F ALK ; Ah ! forgive me ! I had quite forgotten
Ernest And Falk.
that you did not Avish to hear anything more of the Freemasons . Come , they are calling us to breakfast . ERNEST . Nay ! nay ! one instant ! The
Freemasons , you say FALK . The conversation brought me back to them against my will . Pardon me . Come , among a larger circle Ave may find more amusing things to talk about . Come !
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
MASONIC NOTES AND EXCERPTA . I send you a transcript of some interesting lodge rules and regulations , Avhich are still existing anions the Rawlinson MSS ., in the Bodleian
Library , Oxford , and which , at a time , Avhen we are collecting all the evidences Ave can of our past history as an Order , may interest others , as they have interested me .
There is no date attached to them , but they will probabl y be anterior to 17 , 3 1 , as some other rules and regulations , Avhich I propose to send you next Aveek , were of date 17 , 31 . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . C .
Swillington Rectory , Leeds , April and , 1872 . As it hath been ever found necessary for the support of all Society , to form certain Rules and Orders , to bind all the Members thereof , the Master , Wardens , and Brethren , of the Lodge held at
the Bricklayer s Arms in Barbican , London , now removed to the Rose Tavern , in Cheapside for the better promoting Peace and Unity , Order and Decency , and in Conformity with the Liberty given us in the Book of Constitutions , of that
Honourable and Antient Soeiett / , of Free and Accepted Masons , do Agree to the following Regulations , reserving to our Selves , upon any Emergency or Change of Circumstances , a power of Alteration as the Majority of us Shall think Convenient .
ist . Impr . —That our Lodge Ni ghts be held on the First Sc Third Monday in every Month , & that the Brethren do appear in the Lodge by Six O Clock in the Evening , from Michaelmas to Lady Day , He at Seven from Lady Day to Michaelmas ,
& that no member presume to call for AVine until the Master of the Lodge take the Chair , or in his Absence the Last Master , tkca . agreeable to page 59 of the Book of Constitutions , & that no person depart till the Lotige is Closed without permission from the Master .
2 nd . That a new Master be Ballotted for , on the Lodge night that Shall happen before the 24 th of June , & 25 th of December & no person shall Ballot that is in arrears to ye Lotige , before he pay the Same & also his contribution for the current Quarter . Neither shall any but such as Served the Office of Senior IFarden & been a
Member of this Lodge Twelve Months be Capable of being put in Nomination , & when the Master is so chosen by a Majority , he Shall choose his Wardens out of such Brethren as have belonged to this Lodge Six months it and are
then present , also if he thinks fit a Secretary ( who shall be excused from paying Quarteridge if the circumstances of the Lodge will admit ) nor shall the same person be capable of being elected Master twice together .
. 3 rd . That no Person shall be Initiated as a Mason in this Lodge , without the Unanimous consent of all then present , & for the better Regulation of this , ' tis Ordered that all Persons proposed be Ballotted for , & if one Negative appear , then
the Said Person to be Refused , but if all Affirmatives the Person to pay two Pounds seven Shillings at his Making , & received Double Cloathing , Also Avhen this Lodge shall think Convenient , to confer the Superior Degree , of masonry upon him , he shall pay five Shillings
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
more ; & ' tis further Order'd that if any Regular it Avorthy Brother , desires to be a Member of this Lodge , the same Order shall be observed as to the Ballot , Se he shall pay half a Guinea at his Entrance and receive single Cloathing .
4 th . That the Ballot box be placed in some part of the Lodge , or next Room , that no Member may perceive how each other Votes or be by ass ' . d by fear or any other less Laudable motive , & that it
may be so cairied on with the Necessary secrecy of Masonry , the Master is required , to take the Number of Brethren then present & Summon them to Ballot , & after casting up the Numbers , Declare the Opinion of the Society either Affirmatives or Negatives .
5 th . That such Member shall pay to the Master the next Succeeding night after Quarter Day , Six Shillings towards Defraying the Expenses of that Quarter , or neglecting , after the Second
night to be no more esteemed a Member , nor readmitted but upon such conditions as a Majority shall think fit . Also if any Brother leaves this Lodge , he shall be obliged to Aquaint the Master or Wardens , of the Same that his name be Left out of the List .
6 th . That the Master or his Secretary shall keep a fair and clear account , to be perused by Members only ; and that during Lodge hours and that the Said Account be Read once a Quarter , or oft ' ner if required and on Default hereof the Master to be Disqualified from serving any Office in this Lodge again .
7 th . That when the Accounts are fairly stated Vouchers produced Adjusted and Approved of by the Majority of the Lodge , the Master shall pay in the Balance ( if any there be ) to his
successor in the Chair , or if the Balance appear to be on his side , but under the value of thirty shillings , he shall be Reimburs'd in the manner the Lodge shall think proper , and that , in so Expeditious a Method , as to Encourage the Acceptance of Officers amongst us .
Sth . That in obedience to the Grand Officers without whose protection the Harmony of Masonry cannot honourable subsist , the Master is required to obey all summon ' s , And earnestly to
recommend the General Charity , And that a box for that purpose be offered to every Member once a Quarter , that he may give as he is inclin'd , And the report of the Committee to consider of the best methods to regulate the same be also read .
9 th . That the Master or his Secretary do give notice by Letter to all the Members , of the time of election , or of any other emergency that any time shall happen , Also that the Tyler do require from every brother as soon as the Lodge is clos'd his
Apron , and in default of that , or appearing without his Apron , or wearing anothers , to be emerced as the Majority of the Lodge shall think fit . Also that the Tyler admit no visitor into the Lodge Room except there be some present who can Vouch for his being a regular Brother .
ioth . That there be three Books kept for the use of this Lodge , the first to Contain the Names of all Visitors , the Second the minutes of all Transactions of the Lodge , and the third to Contain a List of the members , Avith the Accounts Debtor and Creditor .
1 ith . That no Brother do presume to enter the Lodge disguised in Liquor , prophanely Swear or Discourse on Religion or politicks , and this we more earnestly recommend , as nothing contributes
more to harmony ( the life of Society , ) then Silence on such like Subjects , and if any Brother disobeys the Masters Just Commands he shall be twice dul y Admonished , be enter'd and for the third Offence be expelled this Lodge .
12 th . That when any Questions arise concerning this Lodge ( it is agreed that for the greater freedom of Opinion ) such questions shall be
determin'd by a secret Ballot only , which being demanded and Seconded by two or more Members , the Alaster shall grant a Ballot , Regulated as in the fourth Article , That no Person belonging to any Theatre , or Publick Shows-or rnusick meet-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ernest And Falk.
necessary accompaniment to fire , is it sinful to build a chimney ? And was the inventor of the chimney an enemy to fire ? Do you see , that Avas my aim ?
ERNEST . Your aim ! I do not understand . FALK . The comparison Avas , at any rate , apt . If men cannot be united under constitutions without these diversities , are the latter , therefore ,
good , for that very reason ? ERNEST . Probably not . FALK . DO they become sacred ! ERNEST . How sacred ?
FALK . Sacred in the sense that it is sinful to lay hands upon them . ERNEST . In order to — ?
FALK . In order to prevent their becoming wider than is necessary . In order to make their natural consequence as harmless as possible . ERNEST . HOW could that be forbidden ?
FALK . But it canot be enjoined—by laAv enjoined ; for law extends but to the frontier of state territory , and this Avould be beyond the bounds of all and every state . It would therefore
be a Avork of supererogation ; and it is to be desired that the wisest and best of every state voluntarily undertook this work of
supererogation . ERNEST . TO be desired only , but much to be desired .
FALK . I thought so ! Much to be desired that in every state there might be men above the prejudices of nationality , and who know exactl y at what point patriotism becomes no longer a
virtue . ERNEST . Much to be desired ! FALK . Much to be desired that in every state there might be men not subject to religious
prejudices , who do not believe that everything must be good * and true , which is recognised as the semblance of the good and the true . ERNEST . Much to be desired !
FALK . Much to be desired that in every state there might be men not dazzled by civil honours , not annoyed by the littleness of society ; in whose company the exalted unbend , and the lowl y speak
boldly . ERNEST , Much to be desired . FALK . And if this desire were fulfilled ? ERNEST . Fulfilled ? Is it not so , now and
then , here and there ? FALK . Not onl y here and there , now and then . ERNEST . At certain times , in certain lands several .
FALK . What if such men existed at all times , in -all countries , and will continue to exist for ever ? ERNEST . Would to God there were !
FALK . And what if they did not live in useless solitude , not in an invisible church ? ERNEST . Beautiful dream ! FALK . Let me lose no words . And if these
men were the Freemasons ? ERNEST . What say you ? P ' ALK . AVhat if the Freemasons had proposed it as a portion of their task to draw together and
heal these separations , b y which mi ght again become united ? ERNEST . The Freemasons ?
FALK . I say a part of their task . ERNEST . The Freemasons ? F ALK ; Ah ! forgive me ! I had quite forgotten
Ernest And Falk.
that you did not Avish to hear anything more of the Freemasons . Come , they are calling us to breakfast . ERNEST . Nay ! nay ! one instant ! The
Freemasons , you say FALK . The conversation brought me back to them against my will . Pardon me . Come , among a larger circle Ave may find more amusing things to talk about . Come !
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
MASONIC NOTES AND EXCERPTA . I send you a transcript of some interesting lodge rules and regulations , Avhich are still existing anions the Rawlinson MSS ., in the Bodleian
Library , Oxford , and which , at a time , Avhen we are collecting all the evidences Ave can of our past history as an Order , may interest others , as they have interested me .
There is no date attached to them , but they will probabl y be anterior to 17 , 3 1 , as some other rules and regulations , Avhich I propose to send you next Aveek , were of date 17 , 31 . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . C .
Swillington Rectory , Leeds , April and , 1872 . As it hath been ever found necessary for the support of all Society , to form certain Rules and Orders , to bind all the Members thereof , the Master , Wardens , and Brethren , of the Lodge held at
the Bricklayer s Arms in Barbican , London , now removed to the Rose Tavern , in Cheapside for the better promoting Peace and Unity , Order and Decency , and in Conformity with the Liberty given us in the Book of Constitutions , of that
Honourable and Antient Soeiett / , of Free and Accepted Masons , do Agree to the following Regulations , reserving to our Selves , upon any Emergency or Change of Circumstances , a power of Alteration as the Majority of us Shall think Convenient .
ist . Impr . —That our Lodge Ni ghts be held on the First Sc Third Monday in every Month , & that the Brethren do appear in the Lodge by Six O Clock in the Evening , from Michaelmas to Lady Day , He at Seven from Lady Day to Michaelmas ,
& that no member presume to call for AVine until the Master of the Lodge take the Chair , or in his Absence the Last Master , tkca . agreeable to page 59 of the Book of Constitutions , & that no person depart till the Lotige is Closed without permission from the Master .
2 nd . That a new Master be Ballotted for , on the Lodge night that Shall happen before the 24 th of June , & 25 th of December & no person shall Ballot that is in arrears to ye Lotige , before he pay the Same & also his contribution for the current Quarter . Neither shall any but such as Served the Office of Senior IFarden & been a
Member of this Lodge Twelve Months be Capable of being put in Nomination , & when the Master is so chosen by a Majority , he Shall choose his Wardens out of such Brethren as have belonged to this Lodge Six months it and are
then present , also if he thinks fit a Secretary ( who shall be excused from paying Quarteridge if the circumstances of the Lodge will admit ) nor shall the same person be capable of being elected Master twice together .
. 3 rd . That no Person shall be Initiated as a Mason in this Lodge , without the Unanimous consent of all then present , & for the better Regulation of this , ' tis Ordered that all Persons proposed be Ballotted for , & if one Negative appear , then
the Said Person to be Refused , but if all Affirmatives the Person to pay two Pounds seven Shillings at his Making , & received Double Cloathing , Also Avhen this Lodge shall think Convenient , to confer the Superior Degree , of masonry upon him , he shall pay five Shillings
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
more ; & ' tis further Order'd that if any Regular it Avorthy Brother , desires to be a Member of this Lodge , the same Order shall be observed as to the Ballot , Se he shall pay half a Guinea at his Entrance and receive single Cloathing .
4 th . That the Ballot box be placed in some part of the Lodge , or next Room , that no Member may perceive how each other Votes or be by ass ' . d by fear or any other less Laudable motive , & that it
may be so cairied on with the Necessary secrecy of Masonry , the Master is required , to take the Number of Brethren then present & Summon them to Ballot , & after casting up the Numbers , Declare the Opinion of the Society either Affirmatives or Negatives .
5 th . That such Member shall pay to the Master the next Succeeding night after Quarter Day , Six Shillings towards Defraying the Expenses of that Quarter , or neglecting , after the Second
night to be no more esteemed a Member , nor readmitted but upon such conditions as a Majority shall think fit . Also if any Brother leaves this Lodge , he shall be obliged to Aquaint the Master or Wardens , of the Same that his name be Left out of the List .
6 th . That the Master or his Secretary shall keep a fair and clear account , to be perused by Members only ; and that during Lodge hours and that the Said Account be Read once a Quarter , or oft ' ner if required and on Default hereof the Master to be Disqualified from serving any Office in this Lodge again .
7 th . That when the Accounts are fairly stated Vouchers produced Adjusted and Approved of by the Majority of the Lodge , the Master shall pay in the Balance ( if any there be ) to his
successor in the Chair , or if the Balance appear to be on his side , but under the value of thirty shillings , he shall be Reimburs'd in the manner the Lodge shall think proper , and that , in so Expeditious a Method , as to Encourage the Acceptance of Officers amongst us .
Sth . That in obedience to the Grand Officers without whose protection the Harmony of Masonry cannot honourable subsist , the Master is required to obey all summon ' s , And earnestly to
recommend the General Charity , And that a box for that purpose be offered to every Member once a Quarter , that he may give as he is inclin'd , And the report of the Committee to consider of the best methods to regulate the same be also read .
9 th . That the Master or his Secretary do give notice by Letter to all the Members , of the time of election , or of any other emergency that any time shall happen , Also that the Tyler do require from every brother as soon as the Lodge is clos'd his
Apron , and in default of that , or appearing without his Apron , or wearing anothers , to be emerced as the Majority of the Lodge shall think fit . Also that the Tyler admit no visitor into the Lodge Room except there be some present who can Vouch for his being a regular Brother .
ioth . That there be three Books kept for the use of this Lodge , the first to Contain the Names of all Visitors , the Second the minutes of all Transactions of the Lodge , and the third to Contain a List of the members , Avith the Accounts Debtor and Creditor .
1 ith . That no Brother do presume to enter the Lodge disguised in Liquor , prophanely Swear or Discourse on Religion or politicks , and this we more earnestly recommend , as nothing contributes
more to harmony ( the life of Society , ) then Silence on such like Subjects , and if any Brother disobeys the Masters Just Commands he shall be twice dul y Admonished , be enter'd and for the third Offence be expelled this Lodge .
12 th . That when any Questions arise concerning this Lodge ( it is agreed that for the greater freedom of Opinion ) such questions shall be
determin'd by a secret Ballot only , which being demanded and Seconded by two or more Members , the Alaster shall grant a Ballot , Regulated as in the fourth Article , That no Person belonging to any Theatre , or Publick Shows-or rnusick meet-