Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article QUALIFICATION FOR THE MARK CHAIR. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
ings ( Except a member of this Lodge , ov a Brother acting by the leave of the Grand , Master , ) be permitted to Offer any Tickets for a Benefit , or any other Tickets whatsoever , Avhich has been very justly complained of , as a heavy grievance , and has been excluded other Lodges for good Reasons .
. 3 - That least the chairs or other ornaments of this Lodge , may suffer , or be any ways Damaged , ' tis Ordered that for the Future no Furniture Avhatsoever , hereunto belonging be Lent .
14 th . That if any member of this Lodge shall propose any Gent , as a Candidate to be admitted a Free and Accepled Mason , and the said Candidate ,
do afterwards Decline being admitted , the Brother Avho proposed him , shall be Charged with usual sum paid upon such occasions , that the Lodge may not be imposed upon , or put to any Extraordinary Trouble or Expence .
13 th . That to prevent any Inconveniences from the Admission of persons of too tender years , the Constitutions Page 1 ; 1 and to he reviv'd and
Strictl y Observed , that none shall be admitted Avho is not his own Master , or under the Age of twenty-one years except by a Dispensation ( to be obtained by the Candidate ) from the Grantl Alaster .
16 th . That to avoid all Scandal which may Accrue to the Brotherhood from precipitate Admissions , it is agreed , that none shall be Ballott'd for , till the Lotige night after they are proposed , that the Junior [[ 'arden may have an () pportunity of Enquiring into the Character of the . Candidate , conformable to Page Kg of the general Regulations .
17 th . That the Master and Wardens after their Election , at the Expence of the Lodge , if circumstances will admit thereof , shall have new Aprons lined with silk , which they are at Liberty to wear afterwards as their own property .
18 th . That these Orders and Regulations , be inserted in the Lodge Book and Signed by the Master , Wardens and each Brother , and Read to every new Member , at his lirst Entrance , that none
may plead Ignorance , but pay due Obedience in their respective Stations as becomes loving Brethren and Members of a Society so Honourable and Antient , and so justly Calculated for Peace and Harmony as that of Free Masons .
Original Correspondence.
© rijpiil CotTCspnbcncc .
MASONIC BALLS . ( To the Editor of the Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — I have ventured to say that the public exhibition of the outward symbols of the High Degrees is a matter of discretion , resting with individual members .
The brother who displays his insignia at a fancy dress ball ( not Masonic ) was certainl y not discreet , and whether he was reproved for wearinir the decorations , or for his want of
discretion , he equally deserves censure . I believe , however , there was another element in this little episode , which has a very strong influence in calling forth this rebuke , and that it was not wholly attributable to the display of Costume .
W . L . A ., , 30 , raises the whole question in his last letter , Avhen he says , " Even for a Masonic Ball permission would have to be obtained . " But why does he allege this ? I Avould like to ask W . L . A . if he can support the assertion by any statute , regulation , resolution , or order of the Supreme Grand Council .
In the meantime I will venture to say , on my own part , that there is no permission necessary for Avearing the decorations of the High Grades at any Masonic Ball , where general Masonic decorations are sanctioned by the Craft Grand Master of the Province .
It is entirely a matter of discretion , and upon that discretion the S . G . C . relies . For myself I Avould say that in the sli g htest question of doubt I should consider it my duty to apply for the guidance of the supreme authorities . There is no prohibition in the Templar Order . LUPUS .
Qualification For The Mark Chair.
( To the Editor of the Freemason . J DEAR SIR AND BROTHER ,- —• Some time back several letters appeared in your columns on this subject , and I regret to find that the matter is still undecided .
Last week I was present at the meeting of the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge of Leicestershire ; the report from the W . M . of the Melton Mowbray Lodge was read , in Avhich it appeared that the lotige was in anything but a favourable position , and he attributes the misfortune to the rule
requiring the AV . M . of a Mark Lodge previously to have passed the chair in the Craft ; a question was afterwards asked as to the power of the Provincial Grand Lodge to pass a resolution on the subject , but the Prov . Grand Master not thinking it desirable , the matter Avas not pressed
though there can be but little doubt that any resolution condemning the present practice would have been almost unanimously passed . The AV . M . of the Fowke Lodge was immediately afterwards installed by dispensation , and although not a Craft P . M ., appeared fully as
competent as many who -are , to rule his lodge , and employ and instruct his brethren in Mark Masonry . I do sincerely hope that this regulation may be done away with ; it operates terribly against the progress of the degree—sspecially in the Provinces —while if there be any connection between the
secrets of the Craft and Mark Chairs , or anything that should not be communicated except to a Craft P . M ., I cannot really understand how a dispensation from the Alark Grand Master should satisfactoril y solve the difficulty . Yours fraternally , A CRAIT P . M . 2 nd April , 1872 .
( Qbituavir .
BRO . JOHN STAPLE KEDDELL , M . R . C . S , During the past Aveek the ceremony of unveiling a tablet , erected to the memory of the late Bro . John Staple Keddell , M . R . C . S ., took place at Holy Trinity Church , Sheerness , whose lamented death , and his interment at the little parish of Iwade , on the 17 th of Novembei ,
1870 , will be vivid in the recollection of our readers . The virtues of those lost to us need no praise , but the remembrance of his faithfulness to the Craft awakened the feelings of the brethren to erect a monument to his memory . The departed brother was a great promoter of the
interests and charities mconnection with Masonry generally ( in Avhich he had obtained high and distinguished positions ) but to 158 " Adams Lodge" of the town he was a worthy and efficient patriarch . The erection of a tablet to his memory originated with his old friends , Bros .
J . G . Green , P . Prov . J . D ., and Isaac Townsend , P . Prov . G . M ., P . Z ., & c . The pattern of the tablet , which is of majestic size , was designed by Bros . S . Townsend , P . M ., and Spears , P . M ., ( the drawing being a beautiful specimen of the draughtsman ' s skill , and Avas made by Bros . Spears , and Thos . Hughes , P . M .
Ihe tablet is of monumental bronze , and is of elaborate appearance ; the casting was entrusted to the well-known firm of Messrs . Avcling , and Porter , of Rochester , under the personal inspection and care of Bro . Geo . Beckwith ; and it was finished , polished , and erected b y Bros . Storrar , and J . O'Brien , all of lodge 158 .
Ihe following description of this beautiful piece of art ( which should be seen to be appreciated ) will not be inappropriate here : — It is four feet high , by three feet wide , Avith a square base and circular top ; in the centre is the form of a pedestal , placed on a platform of three
steps , supported on one side by the J . W . column , and on the other by the S . AV . column . These are capped Avith the celestial and terrestrial spheres . On the pedestal is the following inscription : — "In remembrance of Bro . John Staples
Keddell , F . R . C . S ., born ioth September , 1799 . " " His bod y was interred at the N . E . corner of Iwade Church , in the county of Kent , 17 th November , 1870 , in the presence of a great number of Brethren . He was initiated in Adams Lodge , 158 , on the 4 th February , 18 . 34 , was a P . M . of the
Lodge , a P . Z . of Adams Chapter , Z . of No . 20 and a P . Prov . G . S . W . of Kent . " This tablet Avas erected to his memory by the Brethren ofthe Province in Kent , in testimony of his worth . " On the base of the pedestal is the motto , taken from the beautiful rit . ual of the order :
" He fulfilled the great end of his creation and locked on death as the end of affliction and the entrance to a bf-tter life . "
Ihe deceased brother ' s rise to eminence in the Craft is depicted on the sides between the columns , and the margin of the Tablet , beginning at the base of the J . AV . column , where is placed the plumb rule . Rising in the successive steps to the top of the tablet , we come to the
P . M . jewel . Then , commencing at the foot of the S . AV . column , is seen depicted the 47 th problem of the ist Book of Euclid , and rising past the Mark Master to the sublime degree of " H . R . A . In the centre of the tablet , resting on the top of the pedestal , is the Volume of the
Sacred Law , with the square and compasses . This again is spanned by the catenarian arch . Suspended from the keystone hangs the P . Z . jewel , —the whole being overlooked b y the allseeing eye . The brethren representing several Masonic
Lodges assembled at the Church of Holy Trinity at 6 . . 30 p . m ., on Tuesday Aveek , when the Rev . Bro . G . Bryant , ALA ., and P . D . C ., performed a beautiful and impressive service for the occasion . It commenced with the Hymn 188 , from Hymns Ancient and Modern ,. ( text ) "Behold how good
and joyful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ; " followed by a lesson from the 1 , 3 th chapter , ist book of Corinthians ; the Lord ' s Prayer , the Collects , " Prevent us O Lord , & c , " and thc " Quinguagesima . " The following special prayer for the occasion Avas then
offered by the Rev . Brother Avith devout and affectionate feeling : — "O Almighty and Eternal God , the Great Architect and Ruler of the Universe , at Avhose creative fiat all things Avere made , we , the frail creatures of Thy Providence , humbly implore
Thee to pour down upon us IIOAV assembled in Thy most Holy name the continual dew of Th y blessing , and especially to impart Thy grace upon our present desire to erect a last memorial to a departed friend and brother ; may his fortitude in the solemn hour of trial and affliction have
received 1 h y blessing , and passing safel y under Thy protection through the dark and dreary Valley of the Shadow of Death , may he rise from the tomb of transgression , to shine as the stars for ever and ever , Amen . "
Subsequent to this "The General Thanksgiving , " " Prayer of St . Chrysostom , " and the "Apostolic Benediction" were offered . Hymn 2 , 32 , from book "Ancient and Modern , " ( text ) " Bear ye one another ' s burthen , and so fulfil the
law of Christ " Avas then sung , and during which the Rev . Brother proceeded to the altar where he prayed for " the whole state of Christ ' s church militant here on earth , " followed by the blessing . The brethren and friends then left the sacred
edifice and the ceremony of unveiling was performed by Bro . S . Townsend , P . Prov . G . S . of AV . and P . Prov . G . R . Bro . Spears , P . M ., then briefly addressed the assembled Masons . He said : —We have now performed the last public act of respect and
esteem to our departed friend , Bro . Keddell , by unveiling to public view this tablet , which has been erected to his memory by those who knew him best , both as a Man and a Mason . Our dear brother was to the outer world a gentleman , and a good citizen , a friend to the poor , for to
him the appeal of the distressed was never made in vain . He was to us , brethren , the perfection of Masonry , a Master , a Father , and a Counsellor . May the Great Architect of the Universe grant that Ave may be enabled to follow him in the steps of Freemasonry , and to imitate his virtues , so that , rising to eminence by merit , we
may , like him , live respected and die regretted . Thc full choir of thc church was present . Bro . E . T . Barling , Mus . Prof ., presided at the organ . It should not be forgotten , as evidencing the high esteem in Avhich the deceased brother Avas held b y his province , that the cost of erecting this beautiful memorial was granted b y the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , held at Dover last year .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
ings ( Except a member of this Lodge , ov a Brother acting by the leave of the Grand , Master , ) be permitted to Offer any Tickets for a Benefit , or any other Tickets whatsoever , Avhich has been very justly complained of , as a heavy grievance , and has been excluded other Lodges for good Reasons .
. 3 - That least the chairs or other ornaments of this Lodge , may suffer , or be any ways Damaged , ' tis Ordered that for the Future no Furniture Avhatsoever , hereunto belonging be Lent .
14 th . That if any member of this Lodge shall propose any Gent , as a Candidate to be admitted a Free and Accepled Mason , and the said Candidate ,
do afterwards Decline being admitted , the Brother Avho proposed him , shall be Charged with usual sum paid upon such occasions , that the Lodge may not be imposed upon , or put to any Extraordinary Trouble or Expence .
13 th . That to prevent any Inconveniences from the Admission of persons of too tender years , the Constitutions Page 1 ; 1 and to he reviv'd and
Strictl y Observed , that none shall be admitted Avho is not his own Master , or under the Age of twenty-one years except by a Dispensation ( to be obtained by the Candidate ) from the Grantl Alaster .
16 th . That to avoid all Scandal which may Accrue to the Brotherhood from precipitate Admissions , it is agreed , that none shall be Ballott'd for , till the Lotige night after they are proposed , that the Junior [[ 'arden may have an () pportunity of Enquiring into the Character of the . Candidate , conformable to Page Kg of the general Regulations .
17 th . That the Master and Wardens after their Election , at the Expence of the Lodge , if circumstances will admit thereof , shall have new Aprons lined with silk , which they are at Liberty to wear afterwards as their own property .
18 th . That these Orders and Regulations , be inserted in the Lodge Book and Signed by the Master , Wardens and each Brother , and Read to every new Member , at his lirst Entrance , that none
may plead Ignorance , but pay due Obedience in their respective Stations as becomes loving Brethren and Members of a Society so Honourable and Antient , and so justly Calculated for Peace and Harmony as that of Free Masons .
Original Correspondence.
© rijpiil CotTCspnbcncc .
MASONIC BALLS . ( To the Editor of the Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — I have ventured to say that the public exhibition of the outward symbols of the High Degrees is a matter of discretion , resting with individual members .
The brother who displays his insignia at a fancy dress ball ( not Masonic ) was certainl y not discreet , and whether he was reproved for wearinir the decorations , or for his want of
discretion , he equally deserves censure . I believe , however , there was another element in this little episode , which has a very strong influence in calling forth this rebuke , and that it was not wholly attributable to the display of Costume .
W . L . A ., , 30 , raises the whole question in his last letter , Avhen he says , " Even for a Masonic Ball permission would have to be obtained . " But why does he allege this ? I Avould like to ask W . L . A . if he can support the assertion by any statute , regulation , resolution , or order of the Supreme Grand Council .
In the meantime I will venture to say , on my own part , that there is no permission necessary for Avearing the decorations of the High Grades at any Masonic Ball , where general Masonic decorations are sanctioned by the Craft Grand Master of the Province .
It is entirely a matter of discretion , and upon that discretion the S . G . C . relies . For myself I Avould say that in the sli g htest question of doubt I should consider it my duty to apply for the guidance of the supreme authorities . There is no prohibition in the Templar Order . LUPUS .
Qualification For The Mark Chair.
( To the Editor of the Freemason . J DEAR SIR AND BROTHER ,- —• Some time back several letters appeared in your columns on this subject , and I regret to find that the matter is still undecided .
Last week I was present at the meeting of the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge of Leicestershire ; the report from the W . M . of the Melton Mowbray Lodge was read , in Avhich it appeared that the lotige was in anything but a favourable position , and he attributes the misfortune to the rule
requiring the AV . M . of a Mark Lodge previously to have passed the chair in the Craft ; a question was afterwards asked as to the power of the Provincial Grand Lodge to pass a resolution on the subject , but the Prov . Grand Master not thinking it desirable , the matter Avas not pressed
though there can be but little doubt that any resolution condemning the present practice would have been almost unanimously passed . The AV . M . of the Fowke Lodge was immediately afterwards installed by dispensation , and although not a Craft P . M ., appeared fully as
competent as many who -are , to rule his lodge , and employ and instruct his brethren in Mark Masonry . I do sincerely hope that this regulation may be done away with ; it operates terribly against the progress of the degree—sspecially in the Provinces —while if there be any connection between the
secrets of the Craft and Mark Chairs , or anything that should not be communicated except to a Craft P . M ., I cannot really understand how a dispensation from the Alark Grand Master should satisfactoril y solve the difficulty . Yours fraternally , A CRAIT P . M . 2 nd April , 1872 .
( Qbituavir .
BRO . JOHN STAPLE KEDDELL , M . R . C . S , During the past Aveek the ceremony of unveiling a tablet , erected to the memory of the late Bro . John Staple Keddell , M . R . C . S ., took place at Holy Trinity Church , Sheerness , whose lamented death , and his interment at the little parish of Iwade , on the 17 th of Novembei ,
1870 , will be vivid in the recollection of our readers . The virtues of those lost to us need no praise , but the remembrance of his faithfulness to the Craft awakened the feelings of the brethren to erect a monument to his memory . The departed brother was a great promoter of the
interests and charities mconnection with Masonry generally ( in Avhich he had obtained high and distinguished positions ) but to 158 " Adams Lodge" of the town he was a worthy and efficient patriarch . The erection of a tablet to his memory originated with his old friends , Bros .
J . G . Green , P . Prov . J . D ., and Isaac Townsend , P . Prov . G . M ., P . Z ., & c . The pattern of the tablet , which is of majestic size , was designed by Bros . S . Townsend , P . M ., and Spears , P . M ., ( the drawing being a beautiful specimen of the draughtsman ' s skill , and Avas made by Bros . Spears , and Thos . Hughes , P . M .
Ihe tablet is of monumental bronze , and is of elaborate appearance ; the casting was entrusted to the well-known firm of Messrs . Avcling , and Porter , of Rochester , under the personal inspection and care of Bro . Geo . Beckwith ; and it was finished , polished , and erected b y Bros . Storrar , and J . O'Brien , all of lodge 158 .
Ihe following description of this beautiful piece of art ( which should be seen to be appreciated ) will not be inappropriate here : — It is four feet high , by three feet wide , Avith a square base and circular top ; in the centre is the form of a pedestal , placed on a platform of three
steps , supported on one side by the J . W . column , and on the other by the S . AV . column . These are capped Avith the celestial and terrestrial spheres . On the pedestal is the following inscription : — "In remembrance of Bro . John Staples
Keddell , F . R . C . S ., born ioth September , 1799 . " " His bod y was interred at the N . E . corner of Iwade Church , in the county of Kent , 17 th November , 1870 , in the presence of a great number of Brethren . He was initiated in Adams Lodge , 158 , on the 4 th February , 18 . 34 , was a P . M . of the
Lodge , a P . Z . of Adams Chapter , Z . of No . 20 and a P . Prov . G . S . W . of Kent . " This tablet Avas erected to his memory by the Brethren ofthe Province in Kent , in testimony of his worth . " On the base of the pedestal is the motto , taken from the beautiful rit . ual of the order :
" He fulfilled the great end of his creation and locked on death as the end of affliction and the entrance to a bf-tter life . "
Ihe deceased brother ' s rise to eminence in the Craft is depicted on the sides between the columns , and the margin of the Tablet , beginning at the base of the J . AV . column , where is placed the plumb rule . Rising in the successive steps to the top of the tablet , we come to the
P . M . jewel . Then , commencing at the foot of the S . AV . column , is seen depicted the 47 th problem of the ist Book of Euclid , and rising past the Mark Master to the sublime degree of " H . R . A . In the centre of the tablet , resting on the top of the pedestal , is the Volume of the
Sacred Law , with the square and compasses . This again is spanned by the catenarian arch . Suspended from the keystone hangs the P . Z . jewel , —the whole being overlooked b y the allseeing eye . The brethren representing several Masonic
Lodges assembled at the Church of Holy Trinity at 6 . . 30 p . m ., on Tuesday Aveek , when the Rev . Bro . G . Bryant , ALA ., and P . D . C ., performed a beautiful and impressive service for the occasion . It commenced with the Hymn 188 , from Hymns Ancient and Modern ,. ( text ) "Behold how good
and joyful a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ; " followed by a lesson from the 1 , 3 th chapter , ist book of Corinthians ; the Lord ' s Prayer , the Collects , " Prevent us O Lord , & c , " and thc " Quinguagesima . " The following special prayer for the occasion Avas then
offered by the Rev . Brother Avith devout and affectionate feeling : — "O Almighty and Eternal God , the Great Architect and Ruler of the Universe , at Avhose creative fiat all things Avere made , we , the frail creatures of Thy Providence , humbly implore
Thee to pour down upon us IIOAV assembled in Thy most Holy name the continual dew of Th y blessing , and especially to impart Thy grace upon our present desire to erect a last memorial to a departed friend and brother ; may his fortitude in the solemn hour of trial and affliction have
received 1 h y blessing , and passing safel y under Thy protection through the dark and dreary Valley of the Shadow of Death , may he rise from the tomb of transgression , to shine as the stars for ever and ever , Amen . "
Subsequent to this "The General Thanksgiving , " " Prayer of St . Chrysostom , " and the "Apostolic Benediction" were offered . Hymn 2 , 32 , from book "Ancient and Modern , " ( text ) " Bear ye one another ' s burthen , and so fulfil the
law of Christ " Avas then sung , and during which the Rev . Brother proceeded to the altar where he prayed for " the whole state of Christ ' s church militant here on earth , " followed by the blessing . The brethren and friends then left the sacred
edifice and the ceremony of unveiling was performed by Bro . S . Townsend , P . Prov . G . S . of AV . and P . Prov . G . R . Bro . Spears , P . M ., then briefly addressed the assembled Masons . He said : —We have now performed the last public act of respect and
esteem to our departed friend , Bro . Keddell , by unveiling to public view this tablet , which has been erected to his memory by those who knew him best , both as a Man and a Mason . Our dear brother was to the outer world a gentleman , and a good citizen , a friend to the poor , for to
him the appeal of the distressed was never made in vain . He was to us , brethren , the perfection of Masonry , a Master , a Father , and a Counsellor . May the Great Architect of the Universe grant that Ave may be enabled to follow him in the steps of Freemasonry , and to imitate his virtues , so that , rising to eminence by merit , we
may , like him , live respected and die regretted . Thc full choir of thc church was present . Bro . E . T . Barling , Mus . Prof ., presided at the organ . It should not be forgotten , as evidencing the high esteem in Avhich the deceased brother Avas held b y his province , that the cost of erecting this beautiful memorial was granted b y the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , held at Dover last year .