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The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
no doubt , have been rejected as undeserving , but hese rejections only convinced the Committee of the evils of indiscriminate relief , and of the necessity Avhich exists for n thorough investigation into each particular case .
The relief extended by the Committee has hitherto been to parties in the loAver walks of life , n numerous small sums . There have been several exceptions to this rule , and these
exceptions the Committee trust will become less rare , as the Funds accumulate and their power of doing good is extended . By the introduction of a higher class of applicants into the benefits of
the Charity , the Committee believe much real good Avould be effected , and much more suffering relieved , where for every class , the accumulation of a capital Fund affords the only sure prospect of
steady and permanent relief . Like the Funds of a similar Institution , under Patronage of the Grand Lodge of England , the Committee of this Charity Avould wish to see its
revenues applied , not only as at present , in affording relief in small and numerous payments , however beneficial in many instances these have been , but also in relieving those who , although
occupying a higher position in society , are often from temporary and unexpected causes , involved in pecuniary difficulties of a most distressing nature . The annual income of the Fund , from its
commencement m 18 46 , to 30 th November , 1852 , Avill be seen b y the following statement of receipts - . — £ s . d .
Year ending 30 th Nov ., 1847 I 2 ° ° * 6 „ „ 18 4 8 113 82 „ „ 18 49 109 3 o
„ „ 1850 140 io 3 „ 18 , 51 212 2 8 „ „ 1852 238 19 1 The Committee sincerely hope that the present
state of prosperity may continue , and that a large capital may be ere long accumulated . For this purpose they are ready to receive such donations as may be forwarded to any ofthe Trustees , and they solicit the active exertions of the members of the
Grand Lodge , and of all who have the good of Masonry and humanity at heart , in promoting the object in view . By adding to the numbers interested in this benevolent institution , and
especially by securing the sympathies of the " mason ' s wives , " who have so generously come forward to promote a charitable cause in its
iri' fancy , by giving , not merel y their names , but their poAverful influence , as Patronesses of the Balls alluded to , the Committee are sure that
efficient means have been taken to extend the benefits of the charity entrusted to their care to increase its usefulness , and add to its resources . B y order of the Committee ,
J . LINKING WOODMAN , Collector . Edinburgh , March 25 , 1853 . 20 , St . Andrew Square .
HOLLOWAY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Variable temperatures . —After the season which has just passed by , a mild damp atmosphere will probably succeed , and in its train will come fever , sore throat , diptheria , chest complaints , and rheumatism . Holloway ' s Ointment well rubbed upon the skin , near the affected part , at once corrects the relaxing and depressing effects of dampness on the constitution and
spares sickness , it penetrates the internal textures , regulates the local circulations , assuages inflammation , soothes irritation , braces relaxed organs , and heals ulcerations . Holloway ' s Pills simultaneously taken , expedite the cure . In all diseases of the throat and chest , immediate recourse is recommended to Holloway ' s purifying and powerful preparations , which , assiduously employed , will prevent astlima towumption , and otherserjous issues , —ADVT .
Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
INSTALLATION OF BRO . SIR FREDK . M . WILLIAMS , BART . M , P ., P . M . No . 331 , P . G ., W ., P . PROV . G . W . CORNWALL , & c ., & c .
[ FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT . ] One of the most interesting meetings that it has fallen to our lot to attend in the Province of Cornwall , or indeed in any other Province , was
the occasion of the installation of the deservedl y esteemed Mason , Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., ALP ., Representative from the Grand Orient of Portugal , at the Grand Lodge of England .
The members of the Tregullow Lodge , No . 1006 , St . Day , unanimously elected the worthy baronet as their Master , and the "Gala day " was delayed in consequence of numerous other
engagements necessitating the absence from the province of the W . M . elect . Yesterday however , Tuesday , April the and inst ., the brethren Avere highly gratified at last to
see Sir Frederick placed in the chair of a new , but flourishing lodge , a lodge meeting in their own hall , and though only Avarranted A . D . 186 4 now free from debt , and able from their funds to contribute fairlv to our noble charities .
The ceremony Avas Avell rendered b y Bro . William Pascoe , W . M ., Avhowas ably assisted by Bros , the Rev . Dr . John Bannister , P . M ., P Prov . G . Chap . ; Dr . Geo . Michell , P . M . ; and
John Burgess , P . M . ' The Board of Installed Masters Avas also composed of tlie following brethren , members of the lodge , and of neighbouring lodges as visitors , viz . —Bros . Frederick W .
Dabb , P . M . 589 , P . Prov . G . W . ; Rev . G . L . Church , W . M . 609 , Prov . G . Chap . ; John Niness , P . M . 699 , P . Prov . G . Keg . j William James Hughan , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . Sec .:
John Paull , P . M . 6 99 , P . Prov . Supt . of Works ; William Tregay , P . M . 589 , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; John Hocking , jun ., P . M . 589 , Prov . G . Organist ; Thomas Davey , P . M . 589 ; W .
Reynolds , P . M . 589 , Edmund Michell , P . M . 1006 ; Dr , W . H . Hugoe , P . M . 6 995 and J . Sims , W . M . 589 . Numerous apologies Avere received from other
distinguished brethren , who were unavoidably absent , and AVIIO much regretted their inability to take part in the proceedings . There were present representatives from several lodges in the
vicinity , including the Fortitude Lodge , Truro ; Bro . William Middleton , S . W ., and Bro . N . B . Bullen J . W . ; the Druid's Lodge , Redruth ; and the Boscawen Lodge , ChaceAvater ,
On the admission of the brethren , after the " Installed Board" Avas closed , Sir F . M . Williams , in a few appropriate remarks , expressed his appreciation of the honour conferred upon him
as Master of Tregullow Lodge , and hoped that the success of the past , Avould be also realised , and if possible added to the future .
The various charges Avere then most impressively given , especially those by the Rev . Dr . Bannister and Dr . Michell , and they were listened to in wrapt attention by the members .
The report of thc funds , & c , was presented by the Treasurer and their being a balance in hand of over £ 20 , it is needless to state that the
accounts Avere passed with acclamation . One guinea each to the Royal Masonic Institutions for Girls and Boys , £$ 3 s ., to the
Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
Provincial Grand Masters' Portrait Fund , and ^ 1 is ., to the CornAvall Masonic Annuity Fund Avere voted b y the lodge , and a canvass subsequentl y among the members b y Rev . John
Pascoe , P . M ., resulted in many pounds being contributed to the Portrait Fund especially . The officers Avere then appointed as follows : — Bros . Jewell , S . W . ; Blarney , J . W . ; Rev . Dr .
Bannister , Chap . ; Dr . Michell , Treas . ; John Barnett , Sec . ; J . W . Bawden , J . D . ; W . B . Bennett , D . C ; Bro . Cock , Asst . D . C . ; E . Rogers , I . G . ; Jno . Hocking , P . M ., Organist ; Bartlett and Richards , SteAvards ; I . Trebilcock , Tyler .
On the conclusion of the lodge business , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , under the presidency of Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., W . M , The banquet Avas served by Bro .
W . Bevan Bennett , in the first style , and of course , gave universal satisfaction , as indeed his catering for the brethren ahvays does . During the evening , various toasts Avere proposed , and responded to , in a most felicitous
manner . The W . M . in proposing the Duke of Cornwall ( H . R . H . Prince of Wales ) , congratulated the Craft , on our Royal Brothers' restoration to
health , and stated that he Avas sure that no lodge Avas more anxious for his recovery , and felt more thankful for the happy realised fact , than the "TregulloAv" St . Day . ( Applause . )
The health of the Grand Master of England , the Dep . Grand Master and the other officers , g iven from the chair Avas Avell received , and so Avas the toast of the excellent Prov . Grand Master
of Cornwall , R . W . Bro . Augustus Smith , ( who Avas unfortunately prevented from attending , as was likewise the Dep . Prov . Grand Master ) .
The Rev . G . L . Church , Prov . G . Chap . responded , and paid a just tribute to the Avorth of the Prov . G . Master , than Avhom he Avas sure a better and more zealous Mason could not be
found . ( Hear ) . Bro . John Pascoe , P . M . then proposed in a most efficient manner the toast of the evening , viz . Sir F . M . Williams , Bart . W . M . 1006 .
The W . Master on rising , was greeted Avith such loud and prolonged applause , that it Avas sometime before the hearty goodwill of the brethren could be for a time restrained from
outward expression , but at last the Avorthy Baronet , having secured a moments respite from such an enthusiastic ovation , stated that his zeal and fondness for Masonry Avas not in
any Avay diminished , but on the contrary , he believed it increased year by year . Since his installation in 1867 as W . M . of the Phoenix Lodge No . 331 , Truro , he had become
increasingly attached to the Craft , and he hoped and believed his love for the Order would continue throughout his life , ( cheers ) . He hoped he Avould long be spared to support these
noble Institutions , Avhich Avere an honour to our society , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys and Girls , and Aged Freemasons and Widows , London , and about Avhich AVC are , as
Masons , justly proud . He had heard the brethren say that they thought it an act of kindness on his part to accept the Mastership of
the Lodge ( but he must contradict the statement ) as he considered it a special honour conferred upon him , one Avhich he Avould en-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Lodge Of Scotland And Reform.
no doubt , have been rejected as undeserving , but hese rejections only convinced the Committee of the evils of indiscriminate relief , and of the necessity Avhich exists for n thorough investigation into each particular case .
The relief extended by the Committee has hitherto been to parties in the loAver walks of life , n numerous small sums . There have been several exceptions to this rule , and these
exceptions the Committee trust will become less rare , as the Funds accumulate and their power of doing good is extended . By the introduction of a higher class of applicants into the benefits of
the Charity , the Committee believe much real good Avould be effected , and much more suffering relieved , where for every class , the accumulation of a capital Fund affords the only sure prospect of
steady and permanent relief . Like the Funds of a similar Institution , under Patronage of the Grand Lodge of England , the Committee of this Charity Avould wish to see its
revenues applied , not only as at present , in affording relief in small and numerous payments , however beneficial in many instances these have been , but also in relieving those who , although
occupying a higher position in society , are often from temporary and unexpected causes , involved in pecuniary difficulties of a most distressing nature . The annual income of the Fund , from its
commencement m 18 46 , to 30 th November , 1852 , Avill be seen b y the following statement of receipts - . — £ s . d .
Year ending 30 th Nov ., 1847 I 2 ° ° * 6 „ „ 18 4 8 113 82 „ „ 18 49 109 3 o
„ „ 1850 140 io 3 „ 18 , 51 212 2 8 „ „ 1852 238 19 1 The Committee sincerely hope that the present
state of prosperity may continue , and that a large capital may be ere long accumulated . For this purpose they are ready to receive such donations as may be forwarded to any ofthe Trustees , and they solicit the active exertions of the members of the
Grand Lodge , and of all who have the good of Masonry and humanity at heart , in promoting the object in view . By adding to the numbers interested in this benevolent institution , and
especially by securing the sympathies of the " mason ' s wives , " who have so generously come forward to promote a charitable cause in its
iri' fancy , by giving , not merel y their names , but their poAverful influence , as Patronesses of the Balls alluded to , the Committee are sure that
efficient means have been taken to extend the benefits of the charity entrusted to their care to increase its usefulness , and add to its resources . B y order of the Committee ,
J . LINKING WOODMAN , Collector . Edinburgh , March 25 , 1853 . 20 , St . Andrew Square .
HOLLOWAY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Variable temperatures . —After the season which has just passed by , a mild damp atmosphere will probably succeed , and in its train will come fever , sore throat , diptheria , chest complaints , and rheumatism . Holloway ' s Ointment well rubbed upon the skin , near the affected part , at once corrects the relaxing and depressing effects of dampness on the constitution and
spares sickness , it penetrates the internal textures , regulates the local circulations , assuages inflammation , soothes irritation , braces relaxed organs , and heals ulcerations . Holloway ' s Pills simultaneously taken , expedite the cure . In all diseases of the throat and chest , immediate recourse is recommended to Holloway ' s purifying and powerful preparations , which , assiduously employed , will prevent astlima towumption , and otherserjous issues , —ADVT .
Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
INSTALLATION OF BRO . SIR FREDK . M . WILLIAMS , BART . M , P ., P . M . No . 331 , P . G ., W ., P . PROV . G . W . CORNWALL , & c ., & c .
[ FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT . ] One of the most interesting meetings that it has fallen to our lot to attend in the Province of Cornwall , or indeed in any other Province , was
the occasion of the installation of the deservedl y esteemed Mason , Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., ALP ., Representative from the Grand Orient of Portugal , at the Grand Lodge of England .
The members of the Tregullow Lodge , No . 1006 , St . Day , unanimously elected the worthy baronet as their Master , and the "Gala day " was delayed in consequence of numerous other
engagements necessitating the absence from the province of the W . M . elect . Yesterday however , Tuesday , April the and inst ., the brethren Avere highly gratified at last to
see Sir Frederick placed in the chair of a new , but flourishing lodge , a lodge meeting in their own hall , and though only Avarranted A . D . 186 4 now free from debt , and able from their funds to contribute fairlv to our noble charities .
The ceremony Avas Avell rendered b y Bro . William Pascoe , W . M ., Avhowas ably assisted by Bros , the Rev . Dr . John Bannister , P . M ., P Prov . G . Chap . ; Dr . Geo . Michell , P . M . ; and
John Burgess , P . M . ' The Board of Installed Masters Avas also composed of tlie following brethren , members of the lodge , and of neighbouring lodges as visitors , viz . —Bros . Frederick W .
Dabb , P . M . 589 , P . Prov . G . W . ; Rev . G . L . Church , W . M . 609 , Prov . G . Chap . ; John Niness , P . M . 699 , P . Prov . G . Keg . j William James Hughan , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . Sec .:
John Paull , P . M . 6 99 , P . Prov . Supt . of Works ; William Tregay , P . M . 589 , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; John Hocking , jun ., P . M . 589 , Prov . G . Organist ; Thomas Davey , P . M . 589 ; W .
Reynolds , P . M . 589 , Edmund Michell , P . M . 1006 ; Dr , W . H . Hugoe , P . M . 6 995 and J . Sims , W . M . 589 . Numerous apologies Avere received from other
distinguished brethren , who were unavoidably absent , and AVIIO much regretted their inability to take part in the proceedings . There were present representatives from several lodges in the
vicinity , including the Fortitude Lodge , Truro ; Bro . William Middleton , S . W ., and Bro . N . B . Bullen J . W . ; the Druid's Lodge , Redruth ; and the Boscawen Lodge , ChaceAvater ,
On the admission of the brethren , after the " Installed Board" Avas closed , Sir F . M . Williams , in a few appropriate remarks , expressed his appreciation of the honour conferred upon him
as Master of Tregullow Lodge , and hoped that the success of the past , Avould be also realised , and if possible added to the future .
The various charges Avere then most impressively given , especially those by the Rev . Dr . Bannister and Dr . Michell , and they were listened to in wrapt attention by the members .
The report of thc funds , & c , was presented by the Treasurer and their being a balance in hand of over £ 20 , it is needless to state that the
accounts Avere passed with acclamation . One guinea each to the Royal Masonic Institutions for Girls and Boys , £$ 3 s ., to the
Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
Provincial Grand Masters' Portrait Fund , and ^ 1 is ., to the CornAvall Masonic Annuity Fund Avere voted b y the lodge , and a canvass subsequentl y among the members b y Rev . John
Pascoe , P . M ., resulted in many pounds being contributed to the Portrait Fund especially . The officers Avere then appointed as follows : — Bros . Jewell , S . W . ; Blarney , J . W . ; Rev . Dr .
Bannister , Chap . ; Dr . Michell , Treas . ; John Barnett , Sec . ; J . W . Bawden , J . D . ; W . B . Bennett , D . C ; Bro . Cock , Asst . D . C . ; E . Rogers , I . G . ; Jno . Hocking , P . M ., Organist ; Bartlett and Richards , SteAvards ; I . Trebilcock , Tyler .
On the conclusion of the lodge business , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , under the presidency of Sir F . M . Williams , Bart ., W . M , The banquet Avas served by Bro .
W . Bevan Bennett , in the first style , and of course , gave universal satisfaction , as indeed his catering for the brethren ahvays does . During the evening , various toasts Avere proposed , and responded to , in a most felicitous
manner . The W . M . in proposing the Duke of Cornwall ( H . R . H . Prince of Wales ) , congratulated the Craft , on our Royal Brothers' restoration to
health , and stated that he Avas sure that no lodge Avas more anxious for his recovery , and felt more thankful for the happy realised fact , than the "TregulloAv" St . Day . ( Applause . )
The health of the Grand Master of England , the Dep . Grand Master and the other officers , g iven from the chair Avas Avell received , and so Avas the toast of the excellent Prov . Grand Master
of Cornwall , R . W . Bro . Augustus Smith , ( who Avas unfortunately prevented from attending , as was likewise the Dep . Prov . Grand Master ) .
The Rev . G . L . Church , Prov . G . Chap . responded , and paid a just tribute to the Avorth of the Prov . G . Master , than Avhom he Avas sure a better and more zealous Mason could not be
found . ( Hear ) . Bro . John Pascoe , P . M . then proposed in a most efficient manner the toast of the evening , viz . Sir F . M . Williams , Bart . W . M . 1006 .
The W . Master on rising , was greeted Avith such loud and prolonged applause , that it Avas sometime before the hearty goodwill of the brethren could be for a time restrained from
outward expression , but at last the Avorthy Baronet , having secured a moments respite from such an enthusiastic ovation , stated that his zeal and fondness for Masonry Avas not in
any Avay diminished , but on the contrary , he believed it increased year by year . Since his installation in 1867 as W . M . of the Phoenix Lodge No . 331 , Truro , he had become
increasingly attached to the Craft , and he hoped and believed his love for the Order would continue throughout his life , ( cheers ) . He hoped he Avould long be spared to support these
noble Institutions , Avhich Avere an honour to our society , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys and Girls , and Aged Freemasons and Widows , London , and about Avhich AVC are , as
Masons , justly proud . He had heard the brethren say that they thought it an act of kindness on his part to accept the Mastership of
the Lodge ( but he must contradict the statement ) as he considered it a special honour conferred upon him , one Avhich he Avould en-