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Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
deavour to deserve . He Avould have to leave frequently for London , because of his parliamentary duties , but on such unavoidable events , he could rely on thc services of several most
efficient Past Masters , Avho would gladly assist him all in their power . ( Hear , hear . ) He congratulated the lodge on its return to the old quarters at St . Day , and thanked the members
of the " Druid ' s Lodge , for their kindness m placing their suite of rooms , Redruth , at their service , and finally concluded a most earnest and appropriate speech by Avishing continued
prosperity to the Tregullow Lodge . ( Applause . ) The W . M . then proposed the health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . Pascoe , who had filled his
year of office in a most able manner , and AVOII the approval and esteem of all the members . Bro . Pascoe expressed his pleasure at having secured the esteem of the brethren . He had
been rapidly passed from one stage to another until he arrived in the East , and considered his promotion Avas mainly due to his regular attendance at the lodge . He mentioned this fact as an
encouragement to the younger members . The Rev . Dr . John Bannister then rose to propose the next toast , viz ., " The Visitors , coupled Avith it the health of a Brother , '' by desire of the W . M . He did not feel able to do
justice to it , as the brother Avas well-known everywhere , as a most earnest and learned Mason . He , as thev no doubt knew , referred to Bro . Hughan , of Truro —( applause)—who has done a great
deal for Masonry , especially for its history , and Avas well acquainted as to its ori gin and character . For that reason he looked upon Bro . Hughan as one ofthe best Masons ofthe day , and believed he was one who was most anxious to see
brethren foilow out practically the grand principles of our order , for if Masonry Avas worth anything at all , it was something most valuable , and underlying our ceremonies , which many
looked upon as absurd , who were in ignorance of their comfort , Avere deep truths of lasting importance whicli all Masons should study , and illustrate dailv , in their conduct as citizens of the
Avorld . Bro . Hughan , desired to thank the Tregullow Lodge , for the handsome entertainment of the visitors , but he would certainlv have preferred
each to have responded , as there were several present Avho Avere Avell able to do justice to the toast , and Avere quite competent to respond on the occasion , as indeed , several were renounce !
for their excellent speeches . However , he certainly felt gratified at the hearty reception given to the visitors , and having said thus much he ivould leave the toast , and say a few words in
reference to the special reason for the meeting today . It Avas to do honour to Sir Frederick Martin Williams , then W . M . For that purpose Ave had assembled , and certainly it . AV .-IS
impossible Ave could do too much to evince our appreciation of the true Masonic feeling that always characterises SirjFrederick j not only as a Cornishman , but Avherever he journeyed he was known
and esteemed as a most liberal hearted , affable and enthusiastic Freemason . He was not one who confronted his benevolence , or his support
to his native county , for almost Avherever he ( Bro . Hughan ) Avent , he found Sir Frederick ' s name ;» vas familiar to the Masonic fraternity , and many
Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
Io'dges had his name inscribed on their roll of members . Bro . Hughan remarked that once he thought he Avas in a town where , the W . M . Avas unknown , but on mentioning his name casually
to a brother , he immediately said , " oh , yes , he is a member of our lodge . " ( Cheers . ) In fact , his ample means Avere freely used to benefit our
charities , and whenever aid Avas Avanted , Sir Frederick was both able and willing to assist , but in such a quiet unostentatious manner , that made his seasonable srifts doubly valuable .
Bro . Hughan then gave the brethren a sketch of the Masonic honours the W . M . had had conferred upon him , from a Grand Warden of England , to his present occupancy of the chair of the
Tregullow Lodge , and finallyconcluded his speech by acknowledg ing on the part of the Province , the indebtedness of the Craft for the many votes for the charities , Avhich Sir Frederick had always
so generously used for the benefit of the Cornish brethren , or their wives and children . ( App lause . ) Bro . Burgess proposed " The Officers of the
Lodge , " which jwas responded to by Bro . Jewell , S . W . Bro . the Rev . G . L . Chinch , gave the toast of
"The Women of England , " in a most eulogistic and humourous speech , Avhicli was well received by the brethren .
The brethren by express desire of the W . M ., drank thc folloAving toast in solemn silence , " Bro . E . H . Ifavke , P . M ., one of the founders of the lotige , " and subsequently the brethren
responded with three cheers for the W . M . The "Tyler ' s Toast" was then given in form , and the proceedings ended .
We should state that Bro . N . 11 . Bullen , J . W 131 , sang two or three songs , and has an excel lent voice . Bro . Sims and others also contri buted to the harmony of the eveninsj .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cvilft | tV . \ S 0 UVB . METROPOLITAN .
LODGE oi' FAITH ( A O . 141 ) . —A very numerous and pleasant gathering of the brethren of the above lodge took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . on Tuesday the 26 th
ult . Bro . C . C . Taylor , the W . M ., presided , assisted by his Wardens , and the rest of his Oliicers . The Past Masters present were , Bros . Peaver , Hill , Stuart , Win . Carter , and Gottlu-il , and N . Gluckstein . The business before the
lodge necessitated the working of the three degrees , Avhich were conferred ia the following order : l'he third upon Bros . Morrison , Quick , and Dunihorne , the ceremony conducted by the W . M . llro . ( iottheil then passed Bros . Allison , and Benjamin to the second degree , after which
the W . M . initiated Messrs . Saunders , H . Hunt , Ezekiel Marks , and G . J . Briggs into the mysteries of the order . 'l'he abilities of the W . M . ofthe Lodge of Faith , are so well-known that comments would be superfluous , and on the present occasion lie distinguished himself ,
especially at the banqueting table , where Avith infinite taste , and great good humour , he pa served order and harmony among an assemblage of some seventy hilarious spirits . The speeches in proposing the various toasts were brief but earnest ,
and tlie one to the initiates was most impressive , and concluded by exhorting them not to imagine Freemasonry to be a merely convivial society , nor to judge of its value even by what the ) - had seen and heard in the lodge room , but to bide patient-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ly , and progress steadily until enli ghtened in the glorious truths of the order , and they will then lind that our institution is based upon the grand principles of Brotherl y Love , Relief , and Truth , . and that its aim is to shield the orphan , comfort
the aged and afflicted , and to wipe the tears from the Avidows' cheek . Bro . Saunders in a few feeling and welcome words , responded to the toast . The proceedings were enlivened with some excellent songs by Bros . Saunders , Mills ,
Hay-Avood , and S . Davis . The lodge was honoured by the presence of the following visitors : —Bro . Coulton , P . M . 313 , Prov . G . Sup . of W . Essex ; Osborn , 312 ; Fenn , 384 ; Tonsiff " , 212 ; Kni ght ,
573 ; Mills , 65 ; George , 742 ; Hollington , 933 ; Bayfield , 78 ; ' Hay wood , 1 S 6 ; Blackett , 165 ; all of whom expressed themselves hi ghly gratified Avith the working of the lodge , and the enthusiastic reception they had met Avith .
UNITY LODGE ( NO . 183 ) . —The installation meeting of this old lodge Avas held on Monday evening , March 25 th , at the London Tavern . The lodge Avas opened by Bro . H . J . Wadling , W . M ., assisted by his oflicers , Bros . Jabez
Garrett , S . W . and W . M . elect ; R . H . Groombridge , J . W . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , Prov . G . C . Middlesex , Chaplain and Secretary ; G . W . Speth , P . M . and Treasurer ; E . C . Moore , S . D . ; E . E . Collins , J . D . ; there Avere also present Bros .
C . W . Todd , P . M . ; Vasey , P . M . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Thompson , P . M . ; Capt . Smith , Britten , Badham , Wclborne , Owens . Hirsch , Dixie , G . Speth , jun ., Ike . Visitors : Bros . Jeffery , P . M . ; Diggetts , 23 ; and Webb . The minutes of the last
meetinghaving been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . G . W . Speth , jun ,, AVIIO Avas a candidate for the third degree , answered the necessary questions , and
was intrusted and retired ; the lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Speth , jun ., was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the W . M . performing tlie ceremony in a faultless manner . The ceremony of installation was then
proceeded with , and Bro . J . Garrett was dul y installed in the chair of K . S . by his predecessor , and aupointed his officers as follows .- —Bros . K . H . ' Groombridge , S . W . ; E . C . Moore , J . W . ; LJV . Shaboe , Chaplain ; G . W . Speth , ' P . M ., I ' reasurer ; Britten , Secretary ; E . Collins , S . D . ;
J . Spencer , J . D . ; and Badham , I . G . A Past Master ' s jewel having been voted to Bro . H . J . Wadling , I . P . M ., it was presented to him by the W . M . wilh some appropriate words . Bro .
Hirsch having intimated that he intended for the sixth time to represent the lodge as Steward at the approaching festival of the Girl ' s School , a grant from the lodge funds Avas made to support his list . There being no further business , thc lodge Avas closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
CAPPER LODGE ( NO . 1076 . )—This excellent working lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the . Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , on Thursday , the 14 th ult ., presided over by its much esteemed W . M ., Bro . C W . Ashdown , supported by the whole of his oflicers , together with P . M . ' s E . West
Prov . S . G . D . Herts ; S . Watkins , II . G . Sisley , and J . Gaskell , I . P . M . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed , Bros . Pinn , Eecles , Sefang , Ferris and Owen , of Lodge 1227 , being candidates for the second degree , were
examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , Avhen those brethren were admitted , and duly passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree ; and ballots were taken for Messrs . Brien , Korton , Spratt and Holliday , which proved
unanimous 111 tlieir iavour . Messrs . Dorton , Brien , and Holliday , being in attendance were admitted , and duly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . The W . M . then on behalf of the lodge , presented to Bro . Sisley , P . M ., an address , handsomely framed and engrossed on vellum , expressive of the high estimation in
which he is held by the brethren , and also their approval of the excellent manner in which he discharged the duties of W . M . during his year of office . A handsome Past Treasurer ' s jewel Avas also presented to Bro . Hughes , in acknowledgement of his past services as Treasurer of the lodge . The W . M . then announced that- the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
deavour to deserve . He Avould have to leave frequently for London , because of his parliamentary duties , but on such unavoidable events , he could rely on thc services of several most
efficient Past Masters , Avho would gladly assist him all in their power . ( Hear , hear . ) He congratulated the lodge on its return to the old quarters at St . Day , and thanked the members
of the " Druid ' s Lodge , for their kindness m placing their suite of rooms , Redruth , at their service , and finally concluded a most earnest and appropriate speech by Avishing continued
prosperity to the Tregullow Lodge . ( Applause . ) The W . M . then proposed the health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . Pascoe , who had filled his
year of office in a most able manner , and AVOII the approval and esteem of all the members . Bro . Pascoe expressed his pleasure at having secured the esteem of the brethren . He had
been rapidly passed from one stage to another until he arrived in the East , and considered his promotion Avas mainly due to his regular attendance at the lodge . He mentioned this fact as an
encouragement to the younger members . The Rev . Dr . John Bannister then rose to propose the next toast , viz ., " The Visitors , coupled Avith it the health of a Brother , '' by desire of the W . M . He did not feel able to do
justice to it , as the brother Avas well-known everywhere , as a most earnest and learned Mason . He , as thev no doubt knew , referred to Bro . Hughan , of Truro —( applause)—who has done a great
deal for Masonry , especially for its history , and Avas well acquainted as to its ori gin and character . For that reason he looked upon Bro . Hughan as one ofthe best Masons ofthe day , and believed he was one who was most anxious to see
brethren foilow out practically the grand principles of our order , for if Masonry Avas worth anything at all , it was something most valuable , and underlying our ceremonies , which many
looked upon as absurd , who were in ignorance of their comfort , Avere deep truths of lasting importance whicli all Masons should study , and illustrate dailv , in their conduct as citizens of the
Avorld . Bro . Hughan , desired to thank the Tregullow Lodge , for the handsome entertainment of the visitors , but he would certainlv have preferred
each to have responded , as there were several present Avho Avere Avell able to do justice to the toast , and Avere quite competent to respond on the occasion , as indeed , several were renounce !
for their excellent speeches . However , he certainly felt gratified at the hearty reception given to the visitors , and having said thus much he ivould leave the toast , and say a few words in
reference to the special reason for the meeting today . It Avas to do honour to Sir Frederick Martin Williams , then W . M . For that purpose Ave had assembled , and certainly it . AV .-IS
impossible Ave could do too much to evince our appreciation of the true Masonic feeling that always characterises SirjFrederick j not only as a Cornishman , but Avherever he journeyed he was known
and esteemed as a most liberal hearted , affable and enthusiastic Freemason . He was not one who confronted his benevolence , or his support
to his native county , for almost Avherever he ( Bro . Hughan ) Avent , he found Sir Frederick ' s name ;» vas familiar to the Masonic fraternity , and many
Installation Of Bro. Sir Fredk. M. Williams, Bart. M , P., P.M . No. 331, P.G., W., P. Prov. G.W. Cornwall, &C.,&C.
Io'dges had his name inscribed on their roll of members . Bro . Hughan remarked that once he thought he Avas in a town where , the W . M . Avas unknown , but on mentioning his name casually
to a brother , he immediately said , " oh , yes , he is a member of our lodge . " ( Cheers . ) In fact , his ample means Avere freely used to benefit our
charities , and whenever aid Avas Avanted , Sir Frederick was both able and willing to assist , but in such a quiet unostentatious manner , that made his seasonable srifts doubly valuable .
Bro . Hughan then gave the brethren a sketch of the Masonic honours the W . M . had had conferred upon him , from a Grand Warden of England , to his present occupancy of the chair of the
Tregullow Lodge , and finallyconcluded his speech by acknowledg ing on the part of the Province , the indebtedness of the Craft for the many votes for the charities , Avhich Sir Frederick had always
so generously used for the benefit of the Cornish brethren , or their wives and children . ( App lause . ) Bro . Burgess proposed " The Officers of the
Lodge , " which jwas responded to by Bro . Jewell , S . W . Bro . the Rev . G . L . Chinch , gave the toast of
"The Women of England , " in a most eulogistic and humourous speech , Avhicli was well received by the brethren .
The brethren by express desire of the W . M ., drank thc folloAving toast in solemn silence , " Bro . E . H . Ifavke , P . M ., one of the founders of the lotige , " and subsequently the brethren
responded with three cheers for the W . M . The "Tyler ' s Toast" was then given in form , and the proceedings ended .
We should state that Bro . N . 11 . Bullen , J . W 131 , sang two or three songs , and has an excel lent voice . Bro . Sims and others also contri buted to the harmony of the eveninsj .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cvilft | tV . \ S 0 UVB . METROPOLITAN .
LODGE oi' FAITH ( A O . 141 ) . —A very numerous and pleasant gathering of the brethren of the above lodge took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . on Tuesday the 26 th
ult . Bro . C . C . Taylor , the W . M ., presided , assisted by his Wardens , and the rest of his Oliicers . The Past Masters present were , Bros . Peaver , Hill , Stuart , Win . Carter , and Gottlu-il , and N . Gluckstein . The business before the
lodge necessitated the working of the three degrees , Avhich were conferred ia the following order : l'he third upon Bros . Morrison , Quick , and Dunihorne , the ceremony conducted by the W . M . llro . ( iottheil then passed Bros . Allison , and Benjamin to the second degree , after which
the W . M . initiated Messrs . Saunders , H . Hunt , Ezekiel Marks , and G . J . Briggs into the mysteries of the order . 'l'he abilities of the W . M . ofthe Lodge of Faith , are so well-known that comments would be superfluous , and on the present occasion lie distinguished himself ,
especially at the banqueting table , where Avith infinite taste , and great good humour , he pa served order and harmony among an assemblage of some seventy hilarious spirits . The speeches in proposing the various toasts were brief but earnest ,
and tlie one to the initiates was most impressive , and concluded by exhorting them not to imagine Freemasonry to be a merely convivial society , nor to judge of its value even by what the ) - had seen and heard in the lodge room , but to bide patient-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ly , and progress steadily until enli ghtened in the glorious truths of the order , and they will then lind that our institution is based upon the grand principles of Brotherl y Love , Relief , and Truth , . and that its aim is to shield the orphan , comfort
the aged and afflicted , and to wipe the tears from the Avidows' cheek . Bro . Saunders in a few feeling and welcome words , responded to the toast . The proceedings were enlivened with some excellent songs by Bros . Saunders , Mills ,
Hay-Avood , and S . Davis . The lodge was honoured by the presence of the following visitors : —Bro . Coulton , P . M . 313 , Prov . G . Sup . of W . Essex ; Osborn , 312 ; Fenn , 384 ; Tonsiff " , 212 ; Kni ght ,
573 ; Mills , 65 ; George , 742 ; Hollington , 933 ; Bayfield , 78 ; ' Hay wood , 1 S 6 ; Blackett , 165 ; all of whom expressed themselves hi ghly gratified Avith the working of the lodge , and the enthusiastic reception they had met Avith .
UNITY LODGE ( NO . 183 ) . —The installation meeting of this old lodge Avas held on Monday evening , March 25 th , at the London Tavern . The lodge Avas opened by Bro . H . J . Wadling , W . M ., assisted by his oflicers , Bros . Jabez
Garrett , S . W . and W . M . elect ; R . H . Groombridge , J . W . ; Rev . D . Shaboe , Prov . G . C . Middlesex , Chaplain and Secretary ; G . W . Speth , P . M . and Treasurer ; E . C . Moore , S . D . ; E . E . Collins , J . D . ; there Avere also present Bros .
C . W . Todd , P . M . ; Vasey , P . M . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Thompson , P . M . ; Capt . Smith , Britten , Badham , Wclborne , Owens . Hirsch , Dixie , G . Speth , jun ., Ike . Visitors : Bros . Jeffery , P . M . ; Diggetts , 23 ; and Webb . The minutes of the last
meetinghaving been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . G . W . Speth , jun ,, AVIIO Avas a candidate for the third degree , answered the necessary questions , and
was intrusted and retired ; the lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Speth , jun ., was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the W . M . performing tlie ceremony in a faultless manner . The ceremony of installation was then
proceeded with , and Bro . J . Garrett was dul y installed in the chair of K . S . by his predecessor , and aupointed his officers as follows .- —Bros . K . H . ' Groombridge , S . W . ; E . C . Moore , J . W . ; LJV . Shaboe , Chaplain ; G . W . Speth , ' P . M ., I ' reasurer ; Britten , Secretary ; E . Collins , S . D . ;
J . Spencer , J . D . ; and Badham , I . G . A Past Master ' s jewel having been voted to Bro . H . J . Wadling , I . P . M ., it was presented to him by the W . M . wilh some appropriate words . Bro .
Hirsch having intimated that he intended for the sixth time to represent the lodge as Steward at the approaching festival of the Girl ' s School , a grant from the lodge funds Avas made to support his list . There being no further business , thc lodge Avas closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
CAPPER LODGE ( NO . 1076 . )—This excellent working lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the . Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , on Thursday , the 14 th ult ., presided over by its much esteemed W . M ., Bro . C W . Ashdown , supported by the whole of his oflicers , together with P . M . ' s E . West
Prov . S . G . D . Herts ; S . Watkins , II . G . Sisley , and J . Gaskell , I . P . M . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed , Bros . Pinn , Eecles , Sefang , Ferris and Owen , of Lodge 1227 , being candidates for the second degree , were
examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , Avhen those brethren were admitted , and duly passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree ; and ballots were taken for Messrs . Brien , Korton , Spratt and Holliday , which proved
unanimous 111 tlieir iavour . Messrs . Dorton , Brien , and Holliday , being in attendance were admitted , and duly initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry . The W . M . then on behalf of the lodge , presented to Bro . Sisley , P . M ., an address , handsomely framed and engrossed on vellum , expressive of the high estimation in
which he is held by the brethren , and also their approval of the excellent manner in which he discharged the duties of W . M . during his year of office . A handsome Past Treasurer ' s jewel Avas also presented to Bro . Hughes , in acknowledgement of his past services as Treasurer of the lodge . The W . M . then announced that- the