Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Board of Benevolence had been pleased to make the liberal grant of B £ ^ O to a brother of the lodge , in distressed circumstances , and trusted that something might be done by the brethren on behalf of the various charities . All Masonic business
being ended , the lodge Avas closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . Bro . Sherwin presided at the harmonium throughout the Avorking of the various ceremonies . Visitors present , Bros . Graham , W . M ., Nelson Lodge , No . 700 , and several other brethren .
KENT . SHEERNESS . —Adam ' s Lodge ( No . 1 jjS . )—On Wednesday e \ -ening , the 27 th ult ., the impressive ceremony of installation of Worshi pful Master of this lodge Avas performed , when Bro . W . T . Carpenter Avas duly installed in that honourable position . The brcth-en assembled at 4 o ' clock ,
in the large room of the Britannia Inn . Several brethren from the various lodges in the Province were in attendance , the Sister Lodge of Sheerness , De Shurland ( No . 1058 ) , being Avell represented . The lodge having been opened in the several degrees , the W . M .-elect Avas prepared for the
installation ceremony . This Avas very impressively performed by Bros . Samuel Townsend , P . M ., and Spears , P . M . At the conclusion of the installation the Worshipful Master , Bro . W . T . Carpenter , appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . G . BeckAvith ,
S . W . ; lurmmger , J . W . ; I . Townsend , Secretary ; Spears , Treasurer ; Mitchell , S . D . ; Tailford , J . D . ; Thurlow I . G . ; and Kelly , Steward . After the conclusion of these appointments the lodge Avas closed in the usual form , and the brethren adjourned to the Masonic Hall , Avhere a banqAiet Avas served in the most excellent manner
possible . About _ seventy brethren sat down to dinner , after Avhich the patriotic , Masonic , and other toasts Avere given , and heartily responded to . Several excellent speeches Avere made b y the brethren , and many capital songs were given during the evening . In fact the most cheering good felloAvship and harmony pervaded the Avhole of the proceedings .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . — [ lit / ton Lodge ( Xo . 10 S 6 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on Wednesday , the 20 th ult . at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale . Present , Bros . R . Abraham , W . M . ; I . C . Lunt , I . P . M . ; Capt . Mott , P . Prov . S . G . D ., and P . Prov . G . S . N ., Dir of Cers ; Jas .
Gvodacre , P . M . ; J . P . Mc . Arthur , S . W . ; Wm . Archer , P . M . and Treas . as J . W . ; Jas . Grimes , Sec . ; H . Hughes , S . D . ; C . Mc . Ewen , f . D . ; G . E . Moses , T . G . ; G . E . Hanmer , and Win Walker , Stewards . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes ofthe last regular
meeting read and confirmed , the W . M ., on behalf of the members of the lodge , presented a beautiful Past Master ' s gold jewel to the Immediate Past Master , Bro . Jos . C . Lunt , Avho had during his term of ollice , given ever ) ' satisfaction , and had Avon the respect and esteem of all the brethren .
He had now the pleasure of placing it on his breast , Avishing that he mi ght long be spared to Avear it . The jeAvel bears the folloAving inscription , " Presented to Bro . Jos . Lunt , P . M ., by the members of the Walton Lodge , No . 10 S 6 , as a token of their esteem . March 20 th , 1872 . " Bro .
Lunt in reply thanked the brethren for this proof of their good Avill ; he considered it Avas a very high privilege so to have earned their good opinion and approbation as to merit in the humblest degree that testimonial . It Avas indeed a proud moment which he should ever look back upon
Avith gratitude and pleasure . Whenever he appended this jewel to his breast his thoughts Avould ever recur to the kindness he had always received from his brethren . From the time he Avas initiated in this lodge his earnest desire had been that he might become a useful member of it , it had always been a pleasure to him to assist
in lodge business and to promote to the best of his ability the prosperity of the lodge ; again he thanked them most cordiall y for this mark of their regard , and assured them how highly he prized their kindness . Bro . Briscoe was examined and entrusted , and having retired , the lodge was opened in the second degree ; he Avas then duly admitted , and passed to the degree of Fellow
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft . Bros . Smith and GloA - er passed an examination in the second degree , and retired . The lodge having been opened in the third degree , Bros . Smith and Glover Avere admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the W . M . in a very impressive manner . The lodge
Avas then closed down to the first degree , and some routine business having been transacted , the lodge Avas closed . ' ULVERSTON . —Fnrness Lodge ( No . 995 . )—A lodge of emergency Avas held on Tuesday the 26 th ult ., to complete the business Avhich it Avas
impossible to get through at the previous regular monthly communication . The W . M . Bro . R . Pearson was present , supported by Bros . R . Dodgson , S . W ., Harrison , J . W ., and the other officers of the lodge . The lodge Avas opened in
the third degree , Avhen Bros . Beake and Hartley were duly raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , the ceremony being performed in the usually satisfactory manner b y the W , M . The lodge Avas then closed doAvn . There Avas a considerable attendance of members .
NORTH WALES . CARNARVON . —Segonlinni . Lodge ( No . 606 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on Thursday , the 21 st ult ., when there A \ -as a numerous attendance of the brethren ; in consequence of its being intimated that Bro . Michael Emanuel , AV . M ., of
the Lodge of Israel , No . 205 , Avould visit the lodge , and give the lectures on the Tracing Boards . The lodge Avas opened b y Bro . Robert Humphreys , the W . M ., assisted b y his officers in due form , Avhen he introduced Bro . Emanuel to the
members . Bro . Emanuel first Avorkcd the second lecture of the lirst degree , and then gave the whole of the lecture , including extracts from thc several sections . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree , and the lecture on the
Tracing Board given , Avith the ori gin of the pass Avork . Bro . Emanuel then gave the Masonic tradition of the six days Creation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and the whole of the Traditional History and Lecture
given . At the conclusion of this ceremony , Bro . Emanuel , at the request of the W . AL , gave instructions as to the proper mode of closing the lodge in the third degree . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , a most cordial vote of
thanks Avas carried unanimousl y to Bro . Emanuel for the unprecedented ceremony witnessed b y the brethren that evening , to which thanks having been returned , tlie brethren adjourned to a banquet , Avhen a most agreeable evening Avas spent ,
the brethren retiring at a seasonable hour , after having enjoyed one of the most intellectual nights they had ever experienced , and Avith a greater knoAvledge of the beauties of Alasonry than they had before possessed . We are
informed that the above lodge are about removing to Carnarvon Castle , in Avhich a lodge room with the necessary ante-rooms , are being fitted up , and that the consecration Avill take p lace about Whitsuntide .
SUFFOLK . IPSAVICH . —British Union Lotige ( No . 114 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was holden at the Alasonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday the 21 st ult ., when there were present Bros . C . F .
Long , W . AL ; Rev . E . I . Lockwood , D . Prov . G . AL ; P . Cornell , I . P . M ., Prov . G . S . D . ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . Prov . G . C , W . AL 9 . 59 ; A . J . Barber , P . AL , Prov . G . O . ; Emra Holmes , P . AL , Prov . G . A . D . C . ; R . AV . Beaumont , S . W . ;
A . Durance George , S . D . ; J . Burton , Prov . G . J . D . ; Cambridge , J . D . ; and Rev . A . Aloore , I . G ., & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of last lodge read , the ballot Avas taken for Bro . Harry Gage Aloore ,
surgeon of this town , as a joining member , Avho Avas unanimously elected . Lodge being opened in the second degree Bros . George Bullen and Robt . C . Athill being duly qualified were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and on the lodge
being opened in the third degree , Bro . Henry Miller Avas raised to the sublime degree of Alaster Alason . The ceremonies were performed by Bro . Cornell , I . P . AL , and Bro . Barber abl y presided at the organ . Pursuant to notice , Bro . Cornell proposed that application should be made
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to the Grand Lodge for permission to alloAV the members of the British Union Lodge to Avear a centenary jeAvel—the lodge having been in existence since 1762 . Bro . Emra Holmes seconded the motion , and in doing so remarked that he had frequently observed the membersof
A'arious lodges in Suffolk , wearing private lodge jeAvels , whicli they had no more right to Avear , Avithout the permission of Grand Lodge , than the members of the higher degrees to Avear the insignia of their rank in Craft Lodges . A centenary jeAvel AV . IS an honourable distinction , of Avhich the
members of the British Union Avould be proud , and the expense of a Warrant Avould not be great . He cordially seconded the motion . The AVorshipful Alaster supported with pleasure the motion , as did Bro . Beaumont , S . W ., and on being put to the lodge it Avas carried unanimously . The
W . AL announced that he purposed holding a lodge of emergency on the Friday in Easter Aveek , for the purpose of passing Lord Viscount Alahon , ALP ., to the second degree . The other business of the lodge having been disposed of , the brethren retired for refreshment .
Royal Arch
Royal Arch
IPSAVICH . —St . Luke ' s Chapter ( No . 225 ) . —• The quarterly communication of this Chapter Avas held at the Coach and Horses hotel , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 27 th inst ., Avhen there were present—Companions J . Franks , P . Z ., Acting Z . ; Richmond , P . Z ., Acting H . ; J . Turner ,
Acting J . ; S . B . King , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; G . S . Findley , P . Z . ; J . Tracy , P . Z . ; Emra Holmes ; C . Davy , P . Z ., 8 cc . This being the meeting for the nomination of officers for the ensuing year , the following were named : —James Franks , Z . ; Richmond , H . ; J . Turner , L ; C . Davy , E . ;
S . B . King , N . ; Emra Holmes , P . Soj . ; •Syer , Janitor . Companion Emra Holmes , on the invitation of the Al . E . Z ., proceeded to give his lecture , " Random Notes on Freemasonry . " In speaking of the antiquity of the craft , the lecturer stated that , Avhile he disputed the dicta of some
brethren Avho spoke of it as a creature of yesterday , and Avho thought that 1717 was the year from which AVC must date our venerable institution , he was quite Avilling to admit , that almost all our information Avas based on tradition ; that absolute historical evidence as to its remote
origin Avas not to be found ; that being a secret society , with but feAV Avritten documents as evidences of its antiquity in the possession of the fraternity , there is great difficulty in proving its immemorialjconstitution , and much must betaken on faith as to its objects and origin . As a secret
society , its aims and history must from all time have been locked up in tradition . In speaking of the admitted descent of the Freemasons , from the travelling masons of the Aliddle Ages , he remarked that Freemasonry to-day Avas in fact little more than a skeleton—a relic of a bygone
age—with secrets valuable to the brethren only , but with something about it which must recommend itself to the searcher after truth and the lover of his kind . Alluding to the Royal Arch , he observed : " Probabl y many of you who are accustomed to look upon the Grand Lodge
of England as at once the supreme head and pattern of Alasonrv , Avill be surprised to find that it stands per se . in the recognition of Avhat is and what is not pure and antient Alasonry—for it recognises the Royal Arch as part of its system and the completion of the . third degree , and refuses to admit the Alark degree : Avhilst the
Grand Lodge of Scotland accepts the Alark and rejects the Arch ; and the Grand Lodge of Ireland acknowledges both . Then again the Grand Lodge of England , in its corporate capacity , does not recognise the hi gher degrees , though many of its most distinguished members belonir to them—notablv the Prince of Wales
and Lord Carnarvon—Avhilst almost every other Grand Body in the Avorld admits them . The most Avidely-spread and generally adopted system is the antient and accepted Rite of ^^degrees ( some of which are of undoubted antiquity ) , and which has a Supreme Council . in almost every
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Board of Benevolence had been pleased to make the liberal grant of B £ ^ O to a brother of the lodge , in distressed circumstances , and trusted that something might be done by the brethren on behalf of the various charities . All Masonic business
being ended , the lodge Avas closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . Bro . Sherwin presided at the harmonium throughout the Avorking of the various ceremonies . Visitors present , Bros . Graham , W . M ., Nelson Lodge , No . 700 , and several other brethren .
KENT . SHEERNESS . —Adam ' s Lodge ( No . 1 jjS . )—On Wednesday e \ -ening , the 27 th ult ., the impressive ceremony of installation of Worshi pful Master of this lodge Avas performed , when Bro . W . T . Carpenter Avas duly installed in that honourable position . The brcth-en assembled at 4 o ' clock ,
in the large room of the Britannia Inn . Several brethren from the various lodges in the Province were in attendance , the Sister Lodge of Sheerness , De Shurland ( No . 1058 ) , being Avell represented . The lodge having been opened in the several degrees , the W . M .-elect Avas prepared for the
installation ceremony . This Avas very impressively performed by Bros . Samuel Townsend , P . M ., and Spears , P . M . At the conclusion of the installation the Worshipful Master , Bro . W . T . Carpenter , appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : Bros . G . BeckAvith ,
S . W . ; lurmmger , J . W . ; I . Townsend , Secretary ; Spears , Treasurer ; Mitchell , S . D . ; Tailford , J . D . ; Thurlow I . G . ; and Kelly , Steward . After the conclusion of these appointments the lodge Avas closed in the usual form , and the brethren adjourned to the Masonic Hall , Avhere a banqAiet Avas served in the most excellent manner
possible . About _ seventy brethren sat down to dinner , after Avhich the patriotic , Masonic , and other toasts Avere given , and heartily responded to . Several excellent speeches Avere made b y the brethren , and many capital songs were given during the evening . In fact the most cheering good felloAvship and harmony pervaded the Avhole of the proceedings .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . — [ lit / ton Lodge ( Xo . 10 S 6 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on Wednesday , the 20 th ult . at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale . Present , Bros . R . Abraham , W . M . ; I . C . Lunt , I . P . M . ; Capt . Mott , P . Prov . S . G . D ., and P . Prov . G . S . N ., Dir of Cers ; Jas .
Gvodacre , P . M . ; J . P . Mc . Arthur , S . W . ; Wm . Archer , P . M . and Treas . as J . W . ; Jas . Grimes , Sec . ; H . Hughes , S . D . ; C . Mc . Ewen , f . D . ; G . E . Moses , T . G . ; G . E . Hanmer , and Win Walker , Stewards . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes ofthe last regular
meeting read and confirmed , the W . M ., on behalf of the members of the lodge , presented a beautiful Past Master ' s gold jewel to the Immediate Past Master , Bro . Jos . C . Lunt , Avho had during his term of ollice , given ever ) ' satisfaction , and had Avon the respect and esteem of all the brethren .
He had now the pleasure of placing it on his breast , Avishing that he mi ght long be spared to Avear it . The jeAvel bears the folloAving inscription , " Presented to Bro . Jos . Lunt , P . M ., by the members of the Walton Lodge , No . 10 S 6 , as a token of their esteem . March 20 th , 1872 . " Bro .
Lunt in reply thanked the brethren for this proof of their good Avill ; he considered it Avas a very high privilege so to have earned their good opinion and approbation as to merit in the humblest degree that testimonial . It Avas indeed a proud moment which he should ever look back upon
Avith gratitude and pleasure . Whenever he appended this jewel to his breast his thoughts Avould ever recur to the kindness he had always received from his brethren . From the time he Avas initiated in this lodge his earnest desire had been that he might become a useful member of it , it had always been a pleasure to him to assist
in lodge business and to promote to the best of his ability the prosperity of the lodge ; again he thanked them most cordiall y for this mark of their regard , and assured them how highly he prized their kindness . Bro . Briscoe was examined and entrusted , and having retired , the lodge was opened in the second degree ; he Avas then duly admitted , and passed to the degree of Fellow
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft . Bros . Smith and GloA - er passed an examination in the second degree , and retired . The lodge having been opened in the third degree , Bros . Smith and Glover Avere admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the W . M . in a very impressive manner . The lodge
Avas then closed down to the first degree , and some routine business having been transacted , the lodge Avas closed . ' ULVERSTON . —Fnrness Lodge ( No . 995 . )—A lodge of emergency Avas held on Tuesday the 26 th ult ., to complete the business Avhich it Avas
impossible to get through at the previous regular monthly communication . The W . M . Bro . R . Pearson was present , supported by Bros . R . Dodgson , S . W ., Harrison , J . W ., and the other officers of the lodge . The lodge Avas opened in
the third degree , Avhen Bros . Beake and Hartley were duly raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , the ceremony being performed in the usually satisfactory manner b y the W , M . The lodge Avas then closed doAvn . There Avas a considerable attendance of members .
NORTH WALES . CARNARVON . —Segonlinni . Lodge ( No . 606 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on Thursday , the 21 st ult ., when there A \ -as a numerous attendance of the brethren ; in consequence of its being intimated that Bro . Michael Emanuel , AV . M ., of
the Lodge of Israel , No . 205 , Avould visit the lodge , and give the lectures on the Tracing Boards . The lodge Avas opened b y Bro . Robert Humphreys , the W . M ., assisted b y his officers in due form , Avhen he introduced Bro . Emanuel to the
members . Bro . Emanuel first Avorkcd the second lecture of the lirst degree , and then gave the whole of the lecture , including extracts from thc several sections . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree , and the lecture on the
Tracing Board given , Avith the ori gin of the pass Avork . Bro . Emanuel then gave the Masonic tradition of the six days Creation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and the whole of the Traditional History and Lecture
given . At the conclusion of this ceremony , Bro . Emanuel , at the request of the W . AL , gave instructions as to the proper mode of closing the lodge in the third degree . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , a most cordial vote of
thanks Avas carried unanimousl y to Bro . Emanuel for the unprecedented ceremony witnessed b y the brethren that evening , to which thanks having been returned , tlie brethren adjourned to a banquet , Avhen a most agreeable evening Avas spent ,
the brethren retiring at a seasonable hour , after having enjoyed one of the most intellectual nights they had ever experienced , and Avith a greater knoAvledge of the beauties of Alasonry than they had before possessed . We are
informed that the above lodge are about removing to Carnarvon Castle , in Avhich a lodge room with the necessary ante-rooms , are being fitted up , and that the consecration Avill take p lace about Whitsuntide .
SUFFOLK . IPSAVICH . —British Union Lotige ( No . 114 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was holden at the Alasonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday the 21 st ult ., when there were present Bros . C . F .
Long , W . AL ; Rev . E . I . Lockwood , D . Prov . G . AL ; P . Cornell , I . P . M ., Prov . G . S . D . ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , P . Prov . G . C , W . AL 9 . 59 ; A . J . Barber , P . AL , Prov . G . O . ; Emra Holmes , P . AL , Prov . G . A . D . C . ; R . AV . Beaumont , S . W . ;
A . Durance George , S . D . ; J . Burton , Prov . G . J . D . ; Cambridge , J . D . ; and Rev . A . Aloore , I . G ., & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of last lodge read , the ballot Avas taken for Bro . Harry Gage Aloore ,
surgeon of this town , as a joining member , Avho Avas unanimously elected . Lodge being opened in the second degree Bros . George Bullen and Robt . C . Athill being duly qualified were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and on the lodge
being opened in the third degree , Bro . Henry Miller Avas raised to the sublime degree of Alaster Alason . The ceremonies were performed by Bro . Cornell , I . P . AL , and Bro . Barber abl y presided at the organ . Pursuant to notice , Bro . Cornell proposed that application should be made
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to the Grand Lodge for permission to alloAV the members of the British Union Lodge to Avear a centenary jeAvel—the lodge having been in existence since 1762 . Bro . Emra Holmes seconded the motion , and in doing so remarked that he had frequently observed the membersof
A'arious lodges in Suffolk , wearing private lodge jeAvels , whicli they had no more right to Avear , Avithout the permission of Grand Lodge , than the members of the higher degrees to Avear the insignia of their rank in Craft Lodges . A centenary jeAvel AV . IS an honourable distinction , of Avhich the
members of the British Union Avould be proud , and the expense of a Warrant Avould not be great . He cordially seconded the motion . The AVorshipful Alaster supported with pleasure the motion , as did Bro . Beaumont , S . W ., and on being put to the lodge it Avas carried unanimously . The
W . AL announced that he purposed holding a lodge of emergency on the Friday in Easter Aveek , for the purpose of passing Lord Viscount Alahon , ALP ., to the second degree . The other business of the lodge having been disposed of , the brethren retired for refreshment .
Royal Arch
Royal Arch
IPSAVICH . —St . Luke ' s Chapter ( No . 225 ) . —• The quarterly communication of this Chapter Avas held at the Coach and Horses hotel , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 27 th inst ., Avhen there were present—Companions J . Franks , P . Z ., Acting Z . ; Richmond , P . Z ., Acting H . ; J . Turner ,
Acting J . ; S . B . King , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; G . S . Findley , P . Z . ; J . Tracy , P . Z . ; Emra Holmes ; C . Davy , P . Z ., 8 cc . This being the meeting for the nomination of officers for the ensuing year , the following were named : —James Franks , Z . ; Richmond , H . ; J . Turner , L ; C . Davy , E . ;
S . B . King , N . ; Emra Holmes , P . Soj . ; •Syer , Janitor . Companion Emra Holmes , on the invitation of the Al . E . Z ., proceeded to give his lecture , " Random Notes on Freemasonry . " In speaking of the antiquity of the craft , the lecturer stated that , Avhile he disputed the dicta of some
brethren Avho spoke of it as a creature of yesterday , and Avho thought that 1717 was the year from which AVC must date our venerable institution , he was quite Avilling to admit , that almost all our information Avas based on tradition ; that absolute historical evidence as to its remote
origin Avas not to be found ; that being a secret society , with but feAV Avritten documents as evidences of its antiquity in the possession of the fraternity , there is great difficulty in proving its immemorialjconstitution , and much must betaken on faith as to its objects and origin . As a secret
society , its aims and history must from all time have been locked up in tradition . In speaking of the admitted descent of the Freemasons , from the travelling masons of the Aliddle Ages , he remarked that Freemasonry to-day Avas in fact little more than a skeleton—a relic of a bygone
age—with secrets valuable to the brethren only , but with something about it which must recommend itself to the searcher after truth and the lover of his kind . Alluding to the Royal Arch , he observed : " Probabl y many of you who are accustomed to look upon the Grand Lodge
of England as at once the supreme head and pattern of Alasonrv , Avill be surprised to find that it stands per se . in the recognition of Avhat is and what is not pure and antient Alasonry—for it recognises the Royal Arch as part of its system and the completion of the . third degree , and refuses to admit the Alark degree : Avhilst the
Grand Lodge of Scotland accepts the Alark and rejects the Arch ; and the Grand Lodge of Ireland acknowledges both . Then again the Grand Lodge of England , in its corporate capacity , does not recognise the hi gher degrees , though many of its most distinguished members belonir to them—notablv the Prince of Wales
and Lord Carnarvon—Avhilst almost every other Grand Body in the Avorld admits them . The most Avidely-spread and generally adopted system is the antient and accepted Rite of ^^degrees ( some of which are of undoubted antiquity ) , and which has a Supreme Council . in almost every