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Table Of Contents.
_ n « rs M ASONIC MEETINGS : — B ' _ SS « « . ••m ^ ^ ••^^ r ^ : ^ zr ^ zzzz : zzZl . ^ Tomy ••::: •::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ^ : Sc ° So _ o . the Sir Hugh Myddlcton Lodge 202 ( i ? l . haptcr 203 ° , ; . an 1 General Tidings 203 Masonican ..
K provincial Grand Mastership of Norfolk 204 ? c Grand Festival : = 04 Masonic Et _ - » -tte = 4 Rule Britannia 204 The Value o £ I-rccmssonry 205 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 205 CoRREsroXDENC- : — Kilw * i * nin - and l-reemasonry 20 J Masonic Jurisprudence 20 ; Masonic Prefixes ' 205
Polilics .. ¦•'" S Officers lewcis 20 b Surrey Masonic Hall Company ( Limited ) 206 Sheffield Masonic Library 206 Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism 207 Rro Hubert and thc "Chainc d'Union " 207 Presentation to Bro , Dr . VV . P . Mills 207 Masonic Meetings for Next Week 207 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft ITP'Siwt's . ALEXANDRA PALACE LODGE ( No . 1541 ) . yt meeting of this new and flourishing lodge was held on Saturday in the handsome suite of private rooms of thc Palace from which the lodge takes its name . Thc first W . AI ., Bro . J . C . Parkinson , J . P ., P . G . D ., and Dep . Grand Master of Middlesex , was unfortunately not able to be present , and the chair was taken by Bro . Kelly King , P . M .,
and Past Grand Steward , who is the S . VV . of the lodge , Bro . Dyte , P . M ., the Treas . ami Steward of the lodge , officiated as S . W . ; Bro . Palmer , P . M . ; thc J . W . occupied the chair in the South , and in the course of the heavy work of the day , Bro . Haigh , P . M . and Past (" rand Steward '; Bro . J . R- Stacey , th : Secretary of thc lo : ! gc , and Bro . John Rowlands , Bro . Daniel and other brethren , worked
duties appertaining to the I . P . M ., Deacons , and assistant Past Masters , Bro . Daniels being I . G . On the lodge being opened a letter was read from the V . ' . M ., expicssing his regret at his inability to attend on the installation day , owing to that important event falling upon the occasion when thc Needle Makers . ' Company , of which he is the Alaster , holds its animal meeting . Thc ballot was taken
for a joining member 1 : 1 the person of Bro . C . B . Jones , P . M . of 583 , and he was unanimously elected , and two gentlemen , Mr . Robert Blackmail and Air . G . A . Daniel , were also elected by ballot as candidates . Bro . Kelly King then initiated the candidates in du : form , and with great care on the part of all who assisted in rhe work . In order to give the acting VV . M . the opportunity of making
arrangenents for the comfort of thc brethren at a later period Bro . Stacey took Ihe chair , and passed Bros . Harris , Calvert , Gush , and Dclvalle to thc Second Degree , the ritual being rendered with the excellent effect for which our brother is celebrated . Bro . Kelly King again took the chair . aad the lodge being raised . Bros . Arnold and Todd , who had previously shown their proficiency in the former
degrees , were made Masters . The ceremony was excellently worked by Bro . Kelly King , and thc brethren were all highly pleased with the pains taken , and effective manner in which the beautiful language was delivered . The ability and experience of thc officers , too , added greatly to the effect . Thc lodge was then closed , and the preparation for the dinner gave the brethren an hour's breathing
time about the palace anil grounds . An excellent repast was spread before the brethren , well served by the caterers of the Palace , Bros . Bertram & Roberts , to which all did ample justice . Thc W . M ., in giving the loyal toast of "Thc Queen and the Craft , " said , amid the plaudits of the
brethren that the title "Queen of England" was the highest in the world , and by that title the Sovereign of these realms was endeared to . the hearts of her subjects . In proposing the toast of " the AI . VV ., the Grand Alaster , " after the other had been honoured , the VV . M . said His Royal Highness , when he returned from his Eastern tour would be
received with enthusiasm by all classes , but by none with more fervour than by his brother Alasons . There was no more loyal body in the world than the Freemasons , and it was expected that an oppoitunity would be given to the Crait in England to give their Grand Alaster a special welcome back . It bad been suggested that the welcome should be givenin thc Alexandra Palace , and thc
Alexandra Palace Lodge would be ready to do a special duty on that occasion , should it arise . ( Cheers . ) The toast was warml y honoured , r . s wire the toasts of the Pro . ' -rand Alaster , the D .-puty Grand Alaster , and thc Grand Ofiicers Past am ! Present . Bro . Rook ., P . AI ., and P . G . S ., who was asked u > rcsp . nd for Grand Lodr-e , said he
feared that the W . VI . was colour blind , for scu ' let was not purple ; but though of no higher rank than a Past Grand " steward he would say that the ofiicers of Grand Lodge and all who had had the honour of holding office in Grand Lod ge were always gratified b y the manner ill which this roast was received . Bro . P . M . I \ s ' v \ , P . G S , then proposed thc toast of "The W . AI . of life d _ v »
expressed his pleasure that the acting W . M . had shown nimself so ready to discharge the duties of the chair in the ? h - _ . » . . tl , C Mastcr * The toast "av ' nig been honoured , ine yv . fll ., response , said it had afforded him real gratitication to see . the progress thc lodge had made , though at tne same time he deeply regretted that Bro . Parkinson had Men unable to be amongst them . He thanked the brcthren lor the assistance they had given him 0 . 1 all occasions _ l _ . rH ft , " as the rie l ' > ' ol thc Master , and assured Cm that uo 'forts « ould be wanting on Ids pait lo place
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the lodge in thc high position it was entitled to occupy . After some harmony , the W . AI . proposed " The Initiates , " of whose attention to the ceremony he spoke very highly , and expressed thc hope lhat they would become worthy members of the brotherhood . Bros . Blackman and Daniel
made suitable response , thanking the brethren for the honour conferred by their election into the lodge , and promising to steadily persevere in the ranks into which they had been that day admitted . Thc W . AI . then proposed "The Visitors , " saying that the lodge , though a young old in and welcome to
one , was hospitality gave every visiting brethren . Among those present were Bros . While , P . AI . 228 ( " Freemason" ) ; Fletcher , 4 i 2 ; Lambert , 1138 ; and Skinner . Bro . While , in response , said he was no stranger ; for he was , as it were , at the conception of the lodge ; he was present at its happy delivery into life , and he was glad to be present oh that occasion to mark the
vigour of its youth . A successful future might from tbe first have been augured for the lodge , for it had , as one of its active members , in Bro . Stacey , a High Priest of the Craft , one , too , who unselfishly devoted himself so to teaching in lodges of instruction that his pupils went forth conquering and to conquer positions in old and , 0 __ — , ... —
, young lodges wherever the English tongue was spoken One of the initiated brethren of the lodge , Bro . VV . Senior , was on his way to Tasmania to take a high official position with which he had been tempted , and so imbued had he been with the true spirit of Freemasonry that there was little doubt that when he returned to visit his mother
lodge Jje would hold a high position among th ebrethren in that distant province , and give additional pride to this lodge . It was a matter of congratulation to the lodge that it ha 1 so many Past Alastcrs in its working ranks to give the lodge the benefit of their experience and knowledge , and when brethren who had achieved all the honours of thc Craft were thus seen coming forward to work in all the
offices it betokened that the lodge had all the elements cf a successful future . Bros . Lambert , Fletcher , and Skinner also replied , and the VV . M . then proposed thc toast of ' •The Officers , " and said that one and all had shewn themselves ready to sacrifice any time and money to advance the interests of the lodge—some , indeed , like Bros . Haigh , Dyte , and Stacey , being ready to fill every class of
oflice . Bro . Palmer , in response , said that he ha I stuck to his oflice of J . VV ., and had a bed of roses , while his Bros . Dyte , Stacey , and Haigh had thc most arduous duties thrown upon them . Bro . Dyte said his work was dictated by selfish feelings , for having associated himself with those who were determined to male the lodg- a success , his endeavours were directed to the end of achieving for it
thc position it was justified in looking forward to hold . Bro . Stacey also replied , and then , warning having been given that the iiext * traiii was in readiness , thc Tyler ' s toast was given and the party broke up . The journey south was then commenced , and thc faulty railway arrangements were seen to be as rampant as ever . The Great Northern turned out at King's Cross the passengers
who had booked from thc south , anil at the Aletropolitan Railway no train for these tickets was vouchsafed without an hour ' s , wai'ing , uilcss the passengers rc-booked . Thus these railways demand double booking and double fares by a trick for travelling on thc same railway to the same stations . If punishment and shame fall to those who rob railway companies of fares , what ought to be the
lot of railway companies who seem to lay traps to catch unwary travellers into paying twice ? These companiis ought certainly to learn to " aet on thc square , " for acts like these not only injure the Palace , but will tend to raise sympathy for those who overlook the duty of paying fares once . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge of
Instruction ( No . 249 ) . —What may be called the annual festival of this Lodge of Instruction , which has greatly prospered during the past year under the talented Preceptorship of Bro . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , Prov . G . Reg .,, was celebrated on Thursday evening , the 27 th April , at the Alasonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , where there was a goodly gathering of members and friends . Bro . Dr .
Smith , Preceptor , occupied the chair of W . AI ., and the other offices were filled by Bro . A . [ ones , S . W . ( J . W . 1502 ); J . C . Robinson , J . W . ; W . Corbett , Sec ; j . Whalley , S . D . ; J . R . Cave , J . D . ; and C . Leighton , I . G . Amongst tho-e present were Bros . J . Hayes , I . P . AI . 249 ; J . J . Rose , P . M . 249 , R . Wylie , P . IV .. S . D ., P . P . G . D . C ; H . Price , W . AI . 249 ; J . Lloyd , S . W . 249 ; H . P . Price , J . N .
Pendleton , S . 249 ; VV . H . Vernon , F . Mollett , J . M . Ellison , W . P . Jennings , _ . 249 ; VV . G . Veale , F . Cooper , J . B . Alackenzie , J . Whittle , M . Goldstone , R . Jones , VV . Mooney , W . Smith , R . Collings , Hon . Sec . 249 ; and J . Quinn . An excellent dinner was served by Bro . Ball , and after ample justice had been done to the " creature comforts " thc usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were given with
great point by the Preceptor , Dr . Smith . "The Health of the Preceptor of the Alariners' Lodge of Instruction " was given by Bro . J . Hayes , I . P . M . 249 , who referred lo thc excellent services whieh he had rendered in connection with his ofTicc . Bio . Dr . Smith , in acknowledging thc toa-. t , said it had given him the greatest pleasure during thc last three years to preside over that Lodge of
Instruction . He had had an able coadjutor 111 Bro . Hayes , who had given great assistance in the working of the lodge . " The Officers of Instructiou " was responded toby Bro . A . [ ones , and "The Visitors" by Bros . Quinn and Wylie . Various other toasts were given , and the pleasure of the social gathering was greatly promoted by excellent songs given by Bros . Vcale , Wylie , Quinn , Price , Dr . Smith
Skeaf , McKunc , & c . The Third Degree will be given by Bro . A . Jones , at the meeting next Thursday , and thc present season will cloje with the installation ceremony , worked by Bro . Hayes a fortnight after . LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . 594 ) . — The usu . il monthly meeting ol this lodge was held on 'Ihursday evening , the 271 I- ult ., at thc Alasonic llall ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Hope-street , Liverpool . The W . AI ., Bro . T . Dilcock , presided , and amongst his staff of officers and " full privates " present were Bros . H . ' Hunt , P . M . ; R . P . France , S . W . ; J . Le Comber , J . W . ; R . Ing , P . M ., Treas . ; J . L . Haughton , Sec ; T . Boswell , J . D . ; J . W . Whitfield , I . G . A . Pederson , S . ; W . G . Veaic , Org . ; P . AT . Larsen , P . AI ., Tyler ; Wheatham , D .
Quayle , _ . Duncanson , J . H . Burch , W . H . Booth , H . Collas , T . G . Leather , W . I-I . Veevers , I . de Frece , Treas . 1502 ; C . D . Blackburn , A . R . Watt , J . B . AIacKen _ ie , C . Strickland , L . Goodman , S . Prince , J . Long , R . Aladdox . The visitors included Bros . H . Williams , P . AI . 241 ; R . Alills , 401 ; D . Aleek , 203 ; J . AIcQuitan , 241 ; and R . Donnelly , 205 . After the
minutes had been read and confirmed the W . M . initiated tvvo candidates in a highly effective manner into thc mysteries and privileges of the Order . The ancient charge was well given by the S . W ., and the working tools by the J . W . The lodge was subsequently closed in peace and harmony . COLCHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —
The annual festival of this lodge was held on Friday the 2 ist ult ., at the George Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . A . R . Clench , having been unanimously re-elected to the office of W . AI ., the ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . the Rev . J . C . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain of England , and P . M . of Sudbury Lodge . Letters of apology for unavoidable absence were read from a large number
of brethren of the province , including the R . W . P . Grand Alaster , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , the . R . W . Deputy P . G . AI ., Bro . Clarke , Bro . F . Binckes , Secretary of the Boys' Masonic Institution , & c . At the close of the installation ceremony the WdM . appointed and installed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros , the Rev . E . H . Crate , I . P . M . ; T . W . Taylor , S . W . ; W . H . Bateman , J . W . ;
the Rev . T . G . Bretiingham , Chaplain ; B . Brailcy , Treas . ; T . Rix . Sec . ; George Harvey , S . D . ; C . E . Denton , J . D . ; C . Wintcrbon , Org . ; j . H . Boulton , D . C . ; R . Emson , I . G . ; II . Everitt and A . Adams , Stewards ; C . Gunner , Tyler . Amongst the visitors were Bros . R . B . Barton , D . C . L ., P . P . G . AI . of Western India ; J . W . Carr , P . G . S . of Essex ; Alfred Welch ,
W . AI . 51 , Colchester ; J . E . Wiseman , P . M . 433 ; H . York . P . M . 433 , Brightlingsea ; J . Hills , ; P . M . 1224 and P . P . G . J . W . Suffolk ; George Brav , Colonel 9 6 th Regiment , Royal Kent ; W . S . Sprent , ' P . G . S . B . Essex ; A . E . Rogers , S . D . 413 ; Henry Welham , U 24 ; W . Rickey , P . AI . 701 ; Welch , W . M . 51 ; G . G . Pye , W . AI . Star in thc East , Harwich , S . W . 51 , Src . In thc
evening the brethren sat down to an elegantly served banquet at thc George Hotel . The W . AI . was supported hy Bros . Bolton Barton , Colonel S . Burney ( one of thc rriginal founders of the lodge nearly twenty years ago ) , C . J . Alartyn , J . VV . Carr ; and the company numbered between sixty and seventy . Thc day ' s proceedings were of a highly successful and satisfactory character , and formed a red-letter day in the annals of the lodge .
INSTRUCTION . STABILITY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 217 ) . —The 59 th anniversary of this excellent Lodge of Instruction , which for many years has been under the Preceptorship of Bro . Henry Aluggeridge , one of the most highly respected members of the Craft , was held on the 28 th ult ., at the City Terminus Hotel . As usual on the
annually recurring occasions of this festival there was a very large number of brethren present , for whom , however , the hotel found plenty of accommodation . About 200 brethren were present , and among them were Lord Dc Tabley , Prov . G . M . of Cheshire ; _ E . J . Alclntyre , Q . C , G . Reg . ; S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . of China ; John Hervey , G . Sec ; E . S . Snell , P . G . Deacon ; John Boyd , P . G .
Pursuivant ; James Terry , P . G . Dir . of Cer ., Herts . ; John Edmund Aliddelton , P . G . Steward ; Fred Brown , and Bros . J . Home Payne , H . C . Levander , A . H . Tattershall , A . H . Diaper , George Kenning , W . Lane , Gurton , N . B . Headon , Edward Moody , Charles Hill , G . W . F . Loftus , H . Alassey ( " Freemason" ) , Wayner , Botall , Zwinger , VV . Webb , Greon , 233 ; Aloses , Palev , Hopwood , Williams , 21 ; Groos ,
21 ; Cheese , 869 ; Wyche , 715 ; W . F . Kibble , 715 ; W . Kibble , 715 ; W . White , 49 ; L . R . Alills , 49 ; Howard , 49 ; Hunter , 49 ; Dr . Smith , Fordati , 2 ; H . Brown , 2 ; Muir , 217 ; Westmore , 217 ; Kidder , 12 ; Cooper , 12 ; Coombs , 12 ; Emanuel , 235 , Baulman , 715 , and Townend , 715 . At six o ' clock , the hour that this lodge always meets , Bro . H . Muggeridge ascended the chair , and opened
the ledge , assisted by the following brethren as his officers : Bros . Joseph Clever , S . W . ; Thomas Cargill , J . W . ; J . Bagot Sciiven , S . D . ; F . D . R . Copestick , J . D . ; Sidney Smith , I . G . ; Henry Birdseye , Sec . ; and J . Gilchrist , Tyler . After the usual formalities the programme for the evening was entered upon , and the lecture of the First Degree was worked in sections by the following brethren
.: — 1 st Section . Bro . Francis Fellowe ; , J . D .... 192 2 nd „ ,, Cha-des Arkell , S . VV . ... 192 3 rd 1 , „ Joseph Clever , P . AI . ... 12 4 th ,, „ Thomas Cargill , VV . M . 49 a- h ) „ „ J . Bagot Scriven ( Lodge
Cth ) Board ) , P . AI 5 7 U 1 „ „ Sidney G . Smith , I . G .... 715 All this work was beautifully performed , and each brother on resuming his scat was loudly applauded by the lodge . At thc conclusion of the ritual , names of brethren proposed for joining were taken and read out , and among them Lord Dc Tabley was one of thc earliest . At the
conclusion of the business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a very nice supper provided b y Bro . Lord over which Bro . Ai . J . Mclntyre , Q . C , presided . When thc banquet was finished , and thc table had been cleared , grace , "Non nobis , " was sung by Bros . Lester , Cozens anil Distin , arid the toasts were then proposed . Bro . Alclntyr _ iu giving "Thc Queen and the Craft" referred to Her
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
_ n « rs M ASONIC MEETINGS : — B ' _ SS « « . ••m ^ ^ ••^^ r ^ : ^ zr ^ zzzz : zzZl . ^ Tomy ••::: •::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ^ : Sc ° So _ o . the Sir Hugh Myddlcton Lodge 202 ( i ? l . haptcr 203 ° , ; . an 1 General Tidings 203 Masonican ..
K provincial Grand Mastership of Norfolk 204 ? c Grand Festival : = 04 Masonic Et _ - » -tte = 4 Rule Britannia 204 The Value o £ I-rccmssonry 205 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 205 CoRREsroXDENC- : — Kilw * i * nin - and l-reemasonry 20 J Masonic Jurisprudence 20 ; Masonic Prefixes ' 205
Polilics .. ¦•'" S Officers lewcis 20 b Surrey Masonic Hall Company ( Limited ) 206 Sheffield Masonic Library 206 Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism 207 Rro Hubert and thc "Chainc d'Union " 207 Presentation to Bro , Dr . VV . P . Mills 207 Masonic Meetings for Next Week 207 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft ITP'Siwt's . ALEXANDRA PALACE LODGE ( No . 1541 ) . yt meeting of this new and flourishing lodge was held on Saturday in the handsome suite of private rooms of thc Palace from which the lodge takes its name . Thc first W . AI ., Bro . J . C . Parkinson , J . P ., P . G . D ., and Dep . Grand Master of Middlesex , was unfortunately not able to be present , and the chair was taken by Bro . Kelly King , P . M .,
and Past Grand Steward , who is the S . VV . of the lodge , Bro . Dyte , P . M ., the Treas . ami Steward of the lodge , officiated as S . W . ; Bro . Palmer , P . M . ; thc J . W . occupied the chair in the South , and in the course of the heavy work of the day , Bro . Haigh , P . M . and Past (" rand Steward '; Bro . J . R- Stacey , th : Secretary of thc lo : ! gc , and Bro . John Rowlands , Bro . Daniel and other brethren , worked
duties appertaining to the I . P . M ., Deacons , and assistant Past Masters , Bro . Daniels being I . G . On the lodge being opened a letter was read from the V . ' . M ., expicssing his regret at his inability to attend on the installation day , owing to that important event falling upon the occasion when thc Needle Makers . ' Company , of which he is the Alaster , holds its animal meeting . Thc ballot was taken
for a joining member 1 : 1 the person of Bro . C . B . Jones , P . M . of 583 , and he was unanimously elected , and two gentlemen , Mr . Robert Blackmail and Air . G . A . Daniel , were also elected by ballot as candidates . Bro . Kelly King then initiated the candidates in du : form , and with great care on the part of all who assisted in rhe work . In order to give the acting VV . M . the opportunity of making
arrangenents for the comfort of thc brethren at a later period Bro . Stacey took Ihe chair , and passed Bros . Harris , Calvert , Gush , and Dclvalle to thc Second Degree , the ritual being rendered with the excellent effect for which our brother is celebrated . Bro . Kelly King again took the chair . aad the lodge being raised . Bros . Arnold and Todd , who had previously shown their proficiency in the former
degrees , were made Masters . The ceremony was excellently worked by Bro . Kelly King , and thc brethren were all highly pleased with the pains taken , and effective manner in which the beautiful language was delivered . The ability and experience of thc officers , too , added greatly to the effect . Thc lodge was then closed , and the preparation for the dinner gave the brethren an hour's breathing
time about the palace anil grounds . An excellent repast was spread before the brethren , well served by the caterers of the Palace , Bros . Bertram & Roberts , to which all did ample justice . Thc W . M ., in giving the loyal toast of "Thc Queen and the Craft , " said , amid the plaudits of the
brethren that the title "Queen of England" was the highest in the world , and by that title the Sovereign of these realms was endeared to . the hearts of her subjects . In proposing the toast of " the AI . VV ., the Grand Alaster , " after the other had been honoured , the VV . M . said His Royal Highness , when he returned from his Eastern tour would be
received with enthusiasm by all classes , but by none with more fervour than by his brother Alasons . There was no more loyal body in the world than the Freemasons , and it was expected that an oppoitunity would be given to the Crait in England to give their Grand Alaster a special welcome back . It bad been suggested that the welcome should be givenin thc Alexandra Palace , and thc
Alexandra Palace Lodge would be ready to do a special duty on that occasion , should it arise . ( Cheers . ) The toast was warml y honoured , r . s wire the toasts of the Pro . ' -rand Alaster , the D .-puty Grand Alaster , and thc Grand Ofiicers Past am ! Present . Bro . Rook ., P . AI ., and P . G . S ., who was asked u > rcsp . nd for Grand Lodr-e , said he
feared that the W . VI . was colour blind , for scu ' let was not purple ; but though of no higher rank than a Past Grand " steward he would say that the ofiicers of Grand Lodge and all who had had the honour of holding office in Grand Lod ge were always gratified b y the manner ill which this roast was received . Bro . P . M . I \ s ' v \ , P . G S , then proposed thc toast of "The W . AI . of life d _ v »
expressed his pleasure that the acting W . M . had shown nimself so ready to discharge the duties of the chair in the ? h - _ . » . . tl , C Mastcr * The toast "av ' nig been honoured , ine yv . fll ., response , said it had afforded him real gratitication to see . the progress thc lodge had made , though at tne same time he deeply regretted that Bro . Parkinson had Men unable to be amongst them . He thanked the brcthren lor the assistance they had given him 0 . 1 all occasions _ l _ . rH ft , " as the rie l ' > ' ol thc Master , and assured Cm that uo 'forts « ould be wanting on Ids pait lo place
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the lodge in thc high position it was entitled to occupy . After some harmony , the W . AI . proposed " The Initiates , " of whose attention to the ceremony he spoke very highly , and expressed thc hope lhat they would become worthy members of the brotherhood . Bros . Blackman and Daniel
made suitable response , thanking the brethren for the honour conferred by their election into the lodge , and promising to steadily persevere in the ranks into which they had been that day admitted . Thc W . AI . then proposed "The Visitors , " saying that the lodge , though a young old in and welcome to
one , was hospitality gave every visiting brethren . Among those present were Bros . While , P . AI . 228 ( " Freemason" ) ; Fletcher , 4 i 2 ; Lambert , 1138 ; and Skinner . Bro . While , in response , said he was no stranger ; for he was , as it were , at the conception of the lodge ; he was present at its happy delivery into life , and he was glad to be present oh that occasion to mark the
vigour of its youth . A successful future might from tbe first have been augured for the lodge , for it had , as one of its active members , in Bro . Stacey , a High Priest of the Craft , one , too , who unselfishly devoted himself so to teaching in lodges of instruction that his pupils went forth conquering and to conquer positions in old and , 0 __ — , ... —
, young lodges wherever the English tongue was spoken One of the initiated brethren of the lodge , Bro . VV . Senior , was on his way to Tasmania to take a high official position with which he had been tempted , and so imbued had he been with the true spirit of Freemasonry that there was little doubt that when he returned to visit his mother
lodge Jje would hold a high position among th ebrethren in that distant province , and give additional pride to this lodge . It was a matter of congratulation to the lodge that it ha 1 so many Past Alastcrs in its working ranks to give the lodge the benefit of their experience and knowledge , and when brethren who had achieved all the honours of thc Craft were thus seen coming forward to work in all the
offices it betokened that the lodge had all the elements cf a successful future . Bros . Lambert , Fletcher , and Skinner also replied , and the VV . M . then proposed thc toast of ' •The Officers , " and said that one and all had shewn themselves ready to sacrifice any time and money to advance the interests of the lodge—some , indeed , like Bros . Haigh , Dyte , and Stacey , being ready to fill every class of
oflice . Bro . Palmer , in response , said that he ha I stuck to his oflice of J . VV ., and had a bed of roses , while his Bros . Dyte , Stacey , and Haigh had thc most arduous duties thrown upon them . Bro . Dyte said his work was dictated by selfish feelings , for having associated himself with those who were determined to male the lodg- a success , his endeavours were directed to the end of achieving for it
thc position it was justified in looking forward to hold . Bro . Stacey also replied , and then , warning having been given that the iiext * traiii was in readiness , thc Tyler ' s toast was given and the party broke up . The journey south was then commenced , and thc faulty railway arrangements were seen to be as rampant as ever . The Great Northern turned out at King's Cross the passengers
who had booked from thc south , anil at the Aletropolitan Railway no train for these tickets was vouchsafed without an hour ' s , wai'ing , uilcss the passengers rc-booked . Thus these railways demand double booking and double fares by a trick for travelling on thc same railway to the same stations . If punishment and shame fall to those who rob railway companies of fares , what ought to be the
lot of railway companies who seem to lay traps to catch unwary travellers into paying twice ? These companiis ought certainly to learn to " aet on thc square , " for acts like these not only injure the Palace , but will tend to raise sympathy for those who overlook the duty of paying fares once . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge of
Instruction ( No . 249 ) . —What may be called the annual festival of this Lodge of Instruction , which has greatly prospered during the past year under the talented Preceptorship of Bro . Dr . J . Kellett Smith , Prov . G . Reg .,, was celebrated on Thursday evening , the 27 th April , at the Alasonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , where there was a goodly gathering of members and friends . Bro . Dr .
Smith , Preceptor , occupied the chair of W . AI ., and the other offices were filled by Bro . A . [ ones , S . W . ( J . W . 1502 ); J . C . Robinson , J . W . ; W . Corbett , Sec ; j . Whalley , S . D . ; J . R . Cave , J . D . ; and C . Leighton , I . G . Amongst tho-e present were Bros . J . Hayes , I . P . AI . 249 ; J . J . Rose , P . M . 249 , R . Wylie , P . IV .. S . D ., P . P . G . D . C ; H . Price , W . AI . 249 ; J . Lloyd , S . W . 249 ; H . P . Price , J . N .
Pendleton , S . 249 ; VV . H . Vernon , F . Mollett , J . M . Ellison , W . P . Jennings , _ . 249 ; VV . G . Veale , F . Cooper , J . B . Alackenzie , J . Whittle , M . Goldstone , R . Jones , VV . Mooney , W . Smith , R . Collings , Hon . Sec . 249 ; and J . Quinn . An excellent dinner was served by Bro . Ball , and after ample justice had been done to the " creature comforts " thc usual loyal and Alasonic toasts were given with
great point by the Preceptor , Dr . Smith . "The Health of the Preceptor of the Alariners' Lodge of Instruction " was given by Bro . J . Hayes , I . P . M . 249 , who referred lo thc excellent services whieh he had rendered in connection with his ofTicc . Bio . Dr . Smith , in acknowledging thc toa-. t , said it had given him the greatest pleasure during thc last three years to preside over that Lodge of
Instruction . He had had an able coadjutor 111 Bro . Hayes , who had given great assistance in the working of the lodge . " The Officers of Instructiou " was responded toby Bro . A . [ ones , and "The Visitors" by Bros . Quinn and Wylie . Various other toasts were given , and the pleasure of the social gathering was greatly promoted by excellent songs given by Bros . Vcale , Wylie , Quinn , Price , Dr . Smith
Skeaf , McKunc , & c . The Third Degree will be given by Bro . A . Jones , at the meeting next Thursday , and thc present season will cloje with the installation ceremony , worked by Bro . Hayes a fortnight after . LIVERPOOL . —Downshire Lodge ( No . 594 ) . — The usu . il monthly meeting ol this lodge was held on 'Ihursday evening , the 271 I- ult ., at thc Alasonic llall ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Hope-street , Liverpool . The W . AI ., Bro . T . Dilcock , presided , and amongst his staff of officers and " full privates " present were Bros . H . ' Hunt , P . M . ; R . P . France , S . W . ; J . Le Comber , J . W . ; R . Ing , P . M ., Treas . ; J . L . Haughton , Sec ; T . Boswell , J . D . ; J . W . Whitfield , I . G . A . Pederson , S . ; W . G . Veaic , Org . ; P . AT . Larsen , P . AI ., Tyler ; Wheatham , D .
Quayle , _ . Duncanson , J . H . Burch , W . H . Booth , H . Collas , T . G . Leather , W . I-I . Veevers , I . de Frece , Treas . 1502 ; C . D . Blackburn , A . R . Watt , J . B . AIacKen _ ie , C . Strickland , L . Goodman , S . Prince , J . Long , R . Aladdox . The visitors included Bros . H . Williams , P . AI . 241 ; R . Alills , 401 ; D . Aleek , 203 ; J . AIcQuitan , 241 ; and R . Donnelly , 205 . After the
minutes had been read and confirmed the W . M . initiated tvvo candidates in a highly effective manner into thc mysteries and privileges of the Order . The ancient charge was well given by the S . W ., and the working tools by the J . W . The lodge was subsequently closed in peace and harmony . COLCHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —
The annual festival of this lodge was held on Friday the 2 ist ult ., at the George Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . A . R . Clench , having been unanimously re-elected to the office of W . AI ., the ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . the Rev . J . C . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain of England , and P . M . of Sudbury Lodge . Letters of apology for unavoidable absence were read from a large number
of brethren of the province , including the R . W . P . Grand Alaster , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , the . R . W . Deputy P . G . AI ., Bro . Clarke , Bro . F . Binckes , Secretary of the Boys' Masonic Institution , & c . At the close of the installation ceremony the WdM . appointed and installed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros , the Rev . E . H . Crate , I . P . M . ; T . W . Taylor , S . W . ; W . H . Bateman , J . W . ;
the Rev . T . G . Bretiingham , Chaplain ; B . Brailcy , Treas . ; T . Rix . Sec . ; George Harvey , S . D . ; C . E . Denton , J . D . ; C . Wintcrbon , Org . ; j . H . Boulton , D . C . ; R . Emson , I . G . ; II . Everitt and A . Adams , Stewards ; C . Gunner , Tyler . Amongst the visitors were Bros . R . B . Barton , D . C . L ., P . P . G . AI . of Western India ; J . W . Carr , P . G . S . of Essex ; Alfred Welch ,
W . AI . 51 , Colchester ; J . E . Wiseman , P . M . 433 ; H . York . P . M . 433 , Brightlingsea ; J . Hills , ; P . M . 1224 and P . P . G . J . W . Suffolk ; George Brav , Colonel 9 6 th Regiment , Royal Kent ; W . S . Sprent , ' P . G . S . B . Essex ; A . E . Rogers , S . D . 413 ; Henry Welham , U 24 ; W . Rickey , P . AI . 701 ; Welch , W . M . 51 ; G . G . Pye , W . AI . Star in thc East , Harwich , S . W . 51 , Src . In thc
evening the brethren sat down to an elegantly served banquet at thc George Hotel . The W . AI . was supported hy Bros . Bolton Barton , Colonel S . Burney ( one of thc rriginal founders of the lodge nearly twenty years ago ) , C . J . Alartyn , J . VV . Carr ; and the company numbered between sixty and seventy . Thc day ' s proceedings were of a highly successful and satisfactory character , and formed a red-letter day in the annals of the lodge .
INSTRUCTION . STABILITY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 217 ) . —The 59 th anniversary of this excellent Lodge of Instruction , which for many years has been under the Preceptorship of Bro . Henry Aluggeridge , one of the most highly respected members of the Craft , was held on the 28 th ult ., at the City Terminus Hotel . As usual on the
annually recurring occasions of this festival there was a very large number of brethren present , for whom , however , the hotel found plenty of accommodation . About 200 brethren were present , and among them were Lord Dc Tabley , Prov . G . M . of Cheshire ; _ E . J . Alclntyre , Q . C , G . Reg . ; S . Rawson , P . D . G . M . of China ; John Hervey , G . Sec ; E . S . Snell , P . G . Deacon ; John Boyd , P . G .
Pursuivant ; James Terry , P . G . Dir . of Cer ., Herts . ; John Edmund Aliddelton , P . G . Steward ; Fred Brown , and Bros . J . Home Payne , H . C . Levander , A . H . Tattershall , A . H . Diaper , George Kenning , W . Lane , Gurton , N . B . Headon , Edward Moody , Charles Hill , G . W . F . Loftus , H . Alassey ( " Freemason" ) , Wayner , Botall , Zwinger , VV . Webb , Greon , 233 ; Aloses , Palev , Hopwood , Williams , 21 ; Groos ,
21 ; Cheese , 869 ; Wyche , 715 ; W . F . Kibble , 715 ; W . Kibble , 715 ; W . White , 49 ; L . R . Alills , 49 ; Howard , 49 ; Hunter , 49 ; Dr . Smith , Fordati , 2 ; H . Brown , 2 ; Muir , 217 ; Westmore , 217 ; Kidder , 12 ; Cooper , 12 ; Coombs , 12 ; Emanuel , 235 , Baulman , 715 , and Townend , 715 . At six o ' clock , the hour that this lodge always meets , Bro . H . Muggeridge ascended the chair , and opened
the ledge , assisted by the following brethren as his officers : Bros . Joseph Clever , S . W . ; Thomas Cargill , J . W . ; J . Bagot Sciiven , S . D . ; F . D . R . Copestick , J . D . ; Sidney Smith , I . G . ; Henry Birdseye , Sec . ; and J . Gilchrist , Tyler . After the usual formalities the programme for the evening was entered upon , and the lecture of the First Degree was worked in sections by the following brethren
.: — 1 st Section . Bro . Francis Fellowe ; , J . D .... 192 2 nd „ ,, Cha-des Arkell , S . VV . ... 192 3 rd 1 , „ Joseph Clever , P . AI . ... 12 4 th ,, „ Thomas Cargill , VV . M . 49 a- h ) „ „ J . Bagot Scriven ( Lodge
Cth ) Board ) , P . AI 5 7 U 1 „ „ Sidney G . Smith , I . G .... 715 All this work was beautifully performed , and each brother on resuming his scat was loudly applauded by the lodge . At thc conclusion of the ritual , names of brethren proposed for joining were taken and read out , and among them Lord Dc Tabley was one of thc earliest . At the
conclusion of the business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a very nice supper provided b y Bro . Lord over which Bro . Ai . J . Mclntyre , Q . C , presided . When thc banquet was finished , and thc table had been cleared , grace , "Non nobis , " was sung by Bros . Lester , Cozens anil Distin , arid the toasts were then proposed . Bro . Alclntyr _ iu giving "Thc Queen and the Craft" referred to Her