Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ession- Hc d ' cl not th ' nk if hc were burie < 1 that llis of CX ? mild be desirous of digging him up to-morrow friends w ° ^ son g .. jan i john i . which had just ( referring Bro Distin ) . and at any rate - , probably been sung ^ ^ missed as , ile g janitor of whom their W 1 I nt Bro . Distin had just ' sung so admirably about . C liter . ) However that might be he could quite assure 'k * hrethren 0 f the cordial thanks for thc compliment which
, had paid the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , a l d _ c with which he had been associated , 00137 years , as no , Aluggeridge had been associated with the Stability , 1 t he believed 32 ' years ; but then he was a juvenile as mpared w ; t j 1 f ^ eir excellent Preceptor , and therefore five 'iears would not go for nothing . Hc had been Treasurer of the Emulation for 29 years , and although he could not
hoast of having paid such strict attention to the duties of the lodge as Bro . Aluggeridge had to the Lo-lge of Stability , yet he hoped he had done some good service to it or ikey would not have gone on fromyear to year electing him as their Treasurer , paying him the compliment which they did . He was very glad to be present that night , and he would bear his testimony , as had been so admirably borne
already , to the working of the brethren that evening , and to the working of the Preceptor who so ably presided . To this working of course he need not allude , because it was so well-known that it needed no eulogy cither from him or any body else ; but they all knew it was difficult to gtt up from year to year to come forward to work thj sections to do honour to the lodge of which they were members , and
to shew that precision of working , and that practical working , that had been exhibited on that occasion . He was glad to see that the Craft had been so well supported by the brethren who had worked that evening , and that the Lodge of Stability was in such a state of prosperity , a " prosperity which he hopedwould increase from year to year , •ind that whether they were in the East or in the West , in
the Lodge of Stability or the Lodge of Emulation , the only competition they would have would be in their good working and showing thc grand desire they had of improving in the Craft , improving those who came among them , and doing honour to those who presided over them .
( Cheers . ) Bro . Alclntyre in proposing the toast of " The Masonic Charities " said that this last toast was not the leastimportant in an assembly of Freemasons . They were told that among the great and good gifts that sent to man the greatest gift of all was charity ; and it was , at all events , a thing that was impressed upon a
Freemason from the time he entered into the Craft , and was instilled into him as he went on . They could never forget to their dying day the way in which the Alasonic charities were impressed upon thtm ; they all felt and appreciated them . But let them do more than appreciate them ; let them show by their actions towards them that they thought them worthy of the support Freemasons had
accorded to them . lhey fully deserved the support they got . On that occasion they had representatives of one oi them there . He was only sorry they had not the representatives of all there . But they had a very distinguished one present in the person of Bro . Terry —( hear , hear)—who , wherever he went , always preached the cause of charity from his heart . Consequently it went straight to
the heart . ( Hear , hear . ) They wire all delighted to see him , and in his presence he ( Bro . Alclntyre ) wished prosperity to all the Alasonic institutions , hoping he might be long spared to adiance the cause of all thc charities , and particularly that charity of which he was the Secretary and so able a supporter . ( Great applause . ) Bro . Terry , in reply , said : Permit me to thank you , W . AI ., very sincerely
lndeid for the . very kind expressions you have thought fit to make use of in proposing , for the acceptance of this meeting , the subject of the Alasonic Institutions—the institutions of which this lodge of instruction has been so very many years a most consistent supporter ; and I have to thank the Preceptor and the members of the lodge this evening for those extra donations which they have thought fit
on the present occasion to vote in support of those institutions . It is not the first time for very many years we have had the honour of receiving from this lodge of in struction in their friendship and kindness to the institutions ; and I am proud to think that this lodge of instruction goes on in the same path of prosperity as it has done 'L . f , past * With aspect to the kind manner in which
w u had thou S ' t fit to express himself on thc way in which the duties of the Secretarial departments of the dmerent institutions were performed permit me to thank him very heartily and sincerely ; and 1 feel with him that were those institutions not worthy of support tbey would not receive that cordial co-operation of the Craft that they ,. no at the present day . When 1 say that during the past fnur _ * «•*¦ / •- ¦ -. _ . aiiy iii . i- uuiuij * -lie * ¦ ,..- _ ¦ _ five
do , ° years thc income of our institutions has nearly * ' I ) roud , think il is something for our institutions to be her ? I , hat larg * as may be the demands on our mem' gc a , so has becn the reception with which the calls the fi u , , larkies have becn met . When I tell you that ever h _' held tl , is year ' * " February last , the largest then br ° 1 ' ' ¦ " '" ai < 1 ° f "" - funds ol that •"slitut'on 'vas rought ln so may j au „ _ ., futllr „ , . •, -. j
an iiicr . '" j * ' lar * J y- ' ncreascd sum may be got ; that on the roth . may bc given in aid of the Girls ' Schoul center i Ma y . ' . ° f which Institution your worthy Premav _„ a most successful officer ; that an increased sum much . v _ " . Cd t 0 the Bt * s' Sch 001 ' whieh rct l uires so Girls ' ' «_ . ! ., te " y ° a tbat out of 43 candidates for the Girls' < : __ , ' """ out or 43 candidates tor the
eleven - 3 ° ° CCU ' ° " > ' at the Ut ~ clection elfct elect ten 1 ° ° f fift X-nine for the Boys' you could only demann J" , " ' be abund _ nt ! y clear that there are large tion w . a " hm ' means * In the Benevolent Instituin I * „ . '" j " Inverse position . We are able to take admitT ? ' 2 , ° women out 32 , giving , I think you will wvine _ e __ l ^ - "' H "" P- * * ° ° P °° - old ' and dethis ¦ _« . _„_ •S 0 l may tel 1 y ° tl , at ° " Tuesday of them a . fl ? Ve g 0 ne further by endeavouring to assist * ar as we can b y adding to the amount of the an-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
nuities hitherto afforded them an increased sum of £ 4 per annum to every old man and every old woman . ( Hear . ) That may perhaps seers an insignificant sum for me to mention ; but in the aggregate it amounts to a very large sum . When I tell you it adds to our expenditure every year ^ rooo we have only to ask , I think , in the future , as we have received in the past , and as we are receiving at
present , your v < ry generous , your very cordial , and your very fraternal support . Believe me , brethren , when I tell you if you could only happen to be for thc space of one short week in our different offices you would see so much misery and distress brought before you that you would instantly go abroad as far as you could and make known to every brother you meet thc claims of our varying and
different institutions . You have but to go there and see them working , as they are day by day , and to say to yourselves that we really do possess in the Craft three of the best institutions , and , 1 venture to say , the most ably managed of any identical institutions throughout thc length and breadth of the land . And when I say that , brethren , I believe I am saying something indeed , when
wc know the good the various institutions which are spread over the land are doing . Vou know we cannot go abroad ; we must confine our appeal for sympathy to a very restricted circle indeed ; but I am very proud to think that that very restricted circle does answer any and every call , whenever just cause is shewn to them , in the most ample and liberal manner . Imbued with lhat idea , Sir ,
I thank you very cordially for having proposed that toast . I thank ffiis lodge for having for so many years contributed to the funds of all , and I may also say in conclusion I wish long life and happiness to your worthy Preceptor , and may he be spared to preside over this lodge in order by his means and ability that increased funds may be
added to the coffers of our various institutions , and by them to go on in the career of usefulness which I think every brother in this room will admit they are endeavouring to do at the present time . ( Great applause . ) The brethren then separated . The evening was enlivened by some excellent solo and part singing by Bros . F . H . Cozens , Theo . Distin , and Lester .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —A qu _ rtirly convocation of this chapter was held at the Alasonic Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th ult . The M . E . Z ., Comp . Henry Rauthem . 11 , was supported by Cornp =. Captain Gawith , P . Z ., H . ; John Bowes , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B ., as J . ; Titus Wilsin , LP . Z .: John Talbot , E . ; R . J . Nelson , N . ; Geo . AIcKay , P . S . ; VV . Cranston ,
Assist . Soj . ; R . Godfrey , Assist . Soj . ; T . Baron , and others . Thc chapter was opened by the Principals , when the rest of the companions were admitted , and the minutes confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Br ^ . Edmund Fearenside , which proxingin his favour , and he being present was exalted , together with Bro . Robert Winder , who had been elected at a pr-vious meeting . On the invita
tion of the AI . E . Z . the ceremony was performed by E Comp . Bowes , to whom a warm vote of thanks was afterwards accorded , on thc motion of Captain Gawith seconded by the AI . E . Z . It was decided to hold the annual festival at Kigg ' s Hotel , Windermere , on Thursday , June 22 nd , when a very pleasant re-unicn is anticipated . After sonic routine business and a proposition thc chapter was
closed with the usual solemnities , and the companions separated , mentally reciting the lines so well-known to Craftsmen : — " As happy we have met , And happy we have been , So happy may we part , And happy meet again . "
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland ( Time Immemorial ; Lodge—The annual meeting was held at the Alasonic Hall on Thursday , April 27 th , at five p . m ., with the following officers : —Bros . J . Dutton , W . AI . ; Dr . Hopkins , Chap ., as I . P . M . ; Brown , as S . W . ; Carey , J . W . ; John Dutton , Treas . ; Cater , Sec . ; C Wilkinson , AI . O . ; Ruble , S . O . ; Cater , J . O . ; Braham , as S . D . ;
Alurliss , as J . D . ; Falkner , as I . G . ; Reeves , as Org . ; Bigwood , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , and the Treasurer ' s balancesheet passed , Bros . E . L . Hill and Williamson were introduced and advanced to the degree of M . M . M . by the W . AI . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . G . J . W ., took the chair , and Bro . R . Carey was presented as W . AI . elect . After the
usual preliminary proceedings the brethren were dismissed , and Bro . Carey was duly inducted into the chair of Adonram . On the return of the brethren , and after the proclamation and completion of the ceremony , the following were appointed and invested as officers : —J . Dutton , I . P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , Chaplain ; Cater , S . W . ; John Dutton , J . W and Treas . ; Rubie , Sec . ; C . Wilkinson , AI . O . ; Braham ,
S . O . ; Baldwin , J . O . ; Falkner , Reg . ; Radway , S . D . ; Alurliss , J . D . ; Jacob Smith , I . G . ; Howes , Steward ; Bigwood , Tyler . The Installing Alaster then gave the addresses to the W . AI ., the Wardens , thc Overseers , and the brethren , in a manner which elicited repeated applause . Votes of thanks were passed to him , to the I . P . M . for his services during the past year , the efficiency of whic _ - * was most favourably comri . entcd on ; to Bros . Dr . Hopkins ,
Birth , and Brooke for presents made to the lodge ; to the visitors , among whom were Bros . Col . Ford , Sloane , and Reeves , and specially to the latlcr for his kind assistance as Organist . These were duly acknowledged . The W . M . addressed the brethren on his installation . The lodge was closed at ei ght o ' clock , and an adjournment was made to the Castle Hotel for ihe banquet . The proceedings of the even ' . ng were in every way satisfactory , and copies of
Mark Masonry.
the new bye-laws having been distributed to the members , there is every reason to hope for good future progress in this interesting branch of Masonry .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OP GLASGOW . The quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Glasgow was held in St . Mark's Hall , Glasgow , on Thursday evening , 27 th ultimo . In the absence , through indisposition , of Bro . Col . Walter Alontgomery Neilson , P . G . AI ., Bio . J . Baird , P . G . S . AL , occupied Ihe chair , supported on the dais by Bros . A . AIcTaggart , AI . A ., P . G . Sec . ; J .
Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; G . Sinclair , Treas ., and Convener of Benevolent Fund ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; J . Miller , P . G . J . D . ; J . Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; D . Reid , P . G . I . G . ; and J B . Hardie , P . G . Tyler . Bro . G . McDonald , W . AI . Thistle and Rose , No . 73 , occupied the P . G . S . Warden ' s chair , while Bro . J . Booth , W . AI . Thistle , No . 8 7 , occupied that of the P . G . J . Warden .
Bro . Baird read a telegram he received that afternoon from the P . G . AI ., regretting very much his absence that evening from attending P . G . L . on account of his continued illness . The Sec . then read the minutes of last meeting which were approved of . Bro . Sinclair also read minutes of Benevolent Fund , showing that large sums of money had been disbursed during the last quarter towards charity .
New codes of bye-laws were admitted for approval to P . G . Lodge from lodges 102 , 275 , 362 , 419 , and 510 , and were remitted to P . G . Committee , with powers . An abstract of last year ' s statement was handed to each member , and on the motion of Bro . Miller , P . G . J . D ., seconded by Bro . J . Scott , W . AI . 419 , the same was adopted . The P . G . Sec . then int > mated he had received
abstracts and papers from Grand Lodge and bye-laws of Lodge St . Vincent , No . 553 , with powers to P . G . Lodge to call a meeting of St . Vincent Lodge and determine the whole matter . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed . Amongst those present we noticed the following : — Bros . W . Bell , I . P . AI . 3 ! ; A . McLeod , S . W . 73 ; J . F . Mitchell , I . P . M . 102 ; J . Thomson , S . W . 102 ; W . Thomas ,
S . W . 103 ; R . Jack , W . AI . 128 ; G . McLeod , S . W . 128 ; J . Campbell , I . P . M . 128 ; J . Singleton , W . AI . 178 ; J . Alorgan , W . AI 219 ; D . Ronald , W . AI . 27 s . W . Findlay , S-W . 275 ; J . B . Alacnair , I . P . M . 332 ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 ; T . Graham , J . W . 360 ; A . Rutherford , S . W . 3 62 ; J . Simpson , S . W . 419 ; D . Gilchrist , W . AI . 46- ; ; Ferguson , P . AI . 543 ( "Freemason" ); R . Aikman , W . M . 570 ; W . J . E . Dobson , W . AI . 571 ; and others .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE RENFREWSHIRE EAST . On Saturday evening a meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge Renfrewshire East was held in the hall of Lodge St . Mirrin , No . 129 , Aloss-street , Paisley , Bro . Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M ., presiding ; Bros . James Gilmour , P . G . S . W . ; and J . Paton , P . G . J . W . The P . G . AI . was supported by Bros . H . Alacdowall , jun ., of Garthland , P . G . D . AL , and James Caldwell , Craigielea , P . G . S . M .
The P . G . J . W . drew the attention of the lodge to the loss which it had sustained in the death of Bro . j . Stevenson , R . A . Lodge , Rutherglen ( 116 ) , who , he said , had occupied the offices of Depute Master and Senior Deacon in the P . G . Lodge . He believed that they had lost a brother who was a good Alason , and had spent a great deal of his lime in furthering the cause of Masonry . He moved that they engross in their minutes their deep sense of the loss which the P . G . Lodge Renfrewshire East had sustained .
The P . G . Master said that hc regretted very much to learn of the death of their esteemed brother , and at the same time to hear of the death of Bro . Robertson , late W . AI . of No . 153 , R . A ., Pollokshaws , who was an able and intelligent office-bearer of the P . G . Lodge . It was unanimously agreed that a minute expressive of
deep icgret at the loss the lodge had sustained in the death of these two brethren should be engrossed . In reply to a question by Bro . G . Glen , W . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , Renfrew , No . 426 , the P . G . Master said that arrangements had been made for a visitation of the lodges in the province .
GLASGOW . —St . Mark's Lodge ( No . 102 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on-Alonday evening , 24 th ult ., Bro . J . O . Smith , W . AI ., in thc chair ; J . Thomson , S . W . ; G . Littlejohn , J . W . ; J . F . Mitchell , I P . AI . ; A . C Paterson , Treas . ; J . Alonteith , Sec ; and a large number of members and visiting brethren , including Bros . J . Booth , W . AI .
87 ; P . Brownlie , J . W . 3 J ; J . Dick , Sec . •¦ •_ ; AI . Stark , D -M- 553 * > Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( " Freemason" ); and others . . The . annual visitation of the P . G . Lodge took place this evening . The deputation consisted of Bros ! J . Baird , S . P . G . AI . ; G . Sinclair , Treas ., and Convener of Benevolent Fund ; A . AIcTaggart , P . G . Sec ; J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . Bain : P . G . B . B . ; f . Balfour , P . G . Dir . of
Cer . ; J . Allison , P . G . J . ; and D . Reid , P . G . I . G . The deputation on being admitted were received with the accustomed honours . Bro . McTaggart , on being requested by the acting P . G . AI ., reported that the books had been carefully examined , and said they were in excellent order , and that the lodge was in a highly prosperous condition , and congratulated the Master , office-bearers , and members of the lodge on the state of its affair .-. Bro . Baird ,
acting P . G . M ., said it must be gratifying to hear such a favourable report , and complimented the members on the prosperous condition of ^ their lodge , and trusted it would long continue . Bro . J . O . Smith thanked thc deputation for their kindness in again visiting Lodge St . Mark , 102 and moved a vote of thanks to the members of the P . G . L which was heartily given . Bro . Baird briefly replied , and the deputation withdrew . Mr . John F . Reid was fieri initiated into the First Degree , and afterwards four bre
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ession- Hc d ' cl not th ' nk if hc were burie < 1 that llis of CX ? mild be desirous of digging him up to-morrow friends w ° ^ son g .. jan i john i . which had just ( referring Bro Distin ) . and at any rate - , probably been sung ^ ^ missed as , ile g janitor of whom their W 1 I nt Bro . Distin had just ' sung so admirably about . C liter . ) However that might be he could quite assure 'k * hrethren 0 f the cordial thanks for thc compliment which
, had paid the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , a l d _ c with which he had been associated , 00137 years , as no , Aluggeridge had been associated with the Stability , 1 t he believed 32 ' years ; but then he was a juvenile as mpared w ; t j 1 f ^ eir excellent Preceptor , and therefore five 'iears would not go for nothing . Hc had been Treasurer of the Emulation for 29 years , and although he could not
hoast of having paid such strict attention to the duties of the lodge as Bro . Aluggeridge had to the Lo-lge of Stability , yet he hoped he had done some good service to it or ikey would not have gone on fromyear to year electing him as their Treasurer , paying him the compliment which they did . He was very glad to be present that night , and he would bear his testimony , as had been so admirably borne
already , to the working of the brethren that evening , and to the working of the Preceptor who so ably presided . To this working of course he need not allude , because it was so well-known that it needed no eulogy cither from him or any body else ; but they all knew it was difficult to gtt up from year to year to come forward to work thj sections to do honour to the lodge of which they were members , and
to shew that precision of working , and that practical working , that had been exhibited on that occasion . He was glad to see that the Craft had been so well supported by the brethren who had worked that evening , and that the Lodge of Stability was in such a state of prosperity , a " prosperity which he hopedwould increase from year to year , •ind that whether they were in the East or in the West , in
the Lodge of Stability or the Lodge of Emulation , the only competition they would have would be in their good working and showing thc grand desire they had of improving in the Craft , improving those who came among them , and doing honour to those who presided over them .
( Cheers . ) Bro . Alclntyre in proposing the toast of " The Masonic Charities " said that this last toast was not the leastimportant in an assembly of Freemasons . They were told that among the great and good gifts that sent to man the greatest gift of all was charity ; and it was , at all events , a thing that was impressed upon a
Freemason from the time he entered into the Craft , and was instilled into him as he went on . They could never forget to their dying day the way in which the Alasonic charities were impressed upon thtm ; they all felt and appreciated them . But let them do more than appreciate them ; let them show by their actions towards them that they thought them worthy of the support Freemasons had
accorded to them . lhey fully deserved the support they got . On that occasion they had representatives of one oi them there . He was only sorry they had not the representatives of all there . But they had a very distinguished one present in the person of Bro . Terry —( hear , hear)—who , wherever he went , always preached the cause of charity from his heart . Consequently it went straight to
the heart . ( Hear , hear . ) They wire all delighted to see him , and in his presence he ( Bro . Alclntyre ) wished prosperity to all the Alasonic institutions , hoping he might be long spared to adiance the cause of all thc charities , and particularly that charity of which he was the Secretary and so able a supporter . ( Great applause . ) Bro . Terry , in reply , said : Permit me to thank you , W . AI ., very sincerely
lndeid for the . very kind expressions you have thought fit to make use of in proposing , for the acceptance of this meeting , the subject of the Alasonic Institutions—the institutions of which this lodge of instruction has been so very many years a most consistent supporter ; and I have to thank the Preceptor and the members of the lodge this evening for those extra donations which they have thought fit
on the present occasion to vote in support of those institutions . It is not the first time for very many years we have had the honour of receiving from this lodge of in struction in their friendship and kindness to the institutions ; and I am proud to think that this lodge of instruction goes on in the same path of prosperity as it has done 'L . f , past * With aspect to the kind manner in which
w u had thou S ' t fit to express himself on thc way in which the duties of the Secretarial departments of the dmerent institutions were performed permit me to thank him very heartily and sincerely ; and 1 feel with him that were those institutions not worthy of support tbey would not receive that cordial co-operation of the Craft that they ,. no at the present day . When 1 say that during the past fnur _ * «•*¦ / •- ¦ -. _ . aiiy iii . i- uuiuij * -lie * ¦ ,..- _ ¦ _ five
do , ° years thc income of our institutions has nearly * ' I ) roud , think il is something for our institutions to be her ? I , hat larg * as may be the demands on our mem' gc a , so has becn the reception with which the calls the fi u , , larkies have becn met . When I tell you that ever h _' held tl , is year ' * " February last , the largest then br ° 1 ' ' ¦ " '" ai < 1 ° f "" - funds ol that •"slitut'on 'vas rought ln so may j au „ _ ., futllr „ , . •, -. j
an iiicr . '" j * ' lar * J y- ' ncreascd sum may be got ; that on the roth . may bc given in aid of the Girls ' Schoul center i Ma y . ' . ° f which Institution your worthy Premav _„ a most successful officer ; that an increased sum much . v _ " . Cd t 0 the Bt * s' Sch 001 ' whieh rct l uires so Girls ' ' «_ . ! ., te " y ° a tbat out of 43 candidates for the Girls' < : __ , ' """ out or 43 candidates tor the
eleven - 3 ° ° CCU ' ° " > ' at the Ut ~ clection elfct elect ten 1 ° ° f fift X-nine for the Boys' you could only demann J" , " ' be abund _ nt ! y clear that there are large tion w . a " hm ' means * In the Benevolent Instituin I * „ . '" j " Inverse position . We are able to take admitT ? ' 2 , ° women out 32 , giving , I think you will wvine _ e __ l ^ - "' H "" P- * * ° ° P °° - old ' and dethis ¦ _« . _„_ •S 0 l may tel 1 y ° tl , at ° " Tuesday of them a . fl ? Ve g 0 ne further by endeavouring to assist * ar as we can b y adding to the amount of the an-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
nuities hitherto afforded them an increased sum of £ 4 per annum to every old man and every old woman . ( Hear . ) That may perhaps seers an insignificant sum for me to mention ; but in the aggregate it amounts to a very large sum . When I tell you it adds to our expenditure every year ^ rooo we have only to ask , I think , in the future , as we have received in the past , and as we are receiving at
present , your v < ry generous , your very cordial , and your very fraternal support . Believe me , brethren , when I tell you if you could only happen to be for thc space of one short week in our different offices you would see so much misery and distress brought before you that you would instantly go abroad as far as you could and make known to every brother you meet thc claims of our varying and
different institutions . You have but to go there and see them working , as they are day by day , and to say to yourselves that we really do possess in the Craft three of the best institutions , and , 1 venture to say , the most ably managed of any identical institutions throughout thc length and breadth of the land . And when I say that , brethren , I believe I am saying something indeed , when
wc know the good the various institutions which are spread over the land are doing . Vou know we cannot go abroad ; we must confine our appeal for sympathy to a very restricted circle indeed ; but I am very proud to think that that very restricted circle does answer any and every call , whenever just cause is shewn to them , in the most ample and liberal manner . Imbued with lhat idea , Sir ,
I thank you very cordially for having proposed that toast . I thank ffiis lodge for having for so many years contributed to the funds of all , and I may also say in conclusion I wish long life and happiness to your worthy Preceptor , and may he be spared to preside over this lodge in order by his means and ability that increased funds may be
added to the coffers of our various institutions , and by them to go on in the career of usefulness which I think every brother in this room will admit they are endeavouring to do at the present time . ( Great applause . ) The brethren then separated . The evening was enlivened by some excellent solo and part singing by Bros . F . H . Cozens , Theo . Distin , and Lester .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —A qu _ rtirly convocation of this chapter was held at the Alasonic Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th ult . The M . E . Z ., Comp . Henry Rauthem . 11 , was supported by Cornp =. Captain Gawith , P . Z ., H . ; John Bowes , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B ., as J . ; Titus Wilsin , LP . Z .: John Talbot , E . ; R . J . Nelson , N . ; Geo . AIcKay , P . S . ; VV . Cranston ,
Assist . Soj . ; R . Godfrey , Assist . Soj . ; T . Baron , and others . Thc chapter was opened by the Principals , when the rest of the companions were admitted , and the minutes confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Br ^ . Edmund Fearenside , which proxingin his favour , and he being present was exalted , together with Bro . Robert Winder , who had been elected at a pr-vious meeting . On the invita
tion of the AI . E . Z . the ceremony was performed by E Comp . Bowes , to whom a warm vote of thanks was afterwards accorded , on thc motion of Captain Gawith seconded by the AI . E . Z . It was decided to hold the annual festival at Kigg ' s Hotel , Windermere , on Thursday , June 22 nd , when a very pleasant re-unicn is anticipated . After sonic routine business and a proposition thc chapter was
closed with the usual solemnities , and the companions separated , mentally reciting the lines so well-known to Craftsmen : — " As happy we have met , And happy we have been , So happy may we part , And happy meet again . "
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland ( Time Immemorial ; Lodge—The annual meeting was held at the Alasonic Hall on Thursday , April 27 th , at five p . m ., with the following officers : —Bros . J . Dutton , W . AI . ; Dr . Hopkins , Chap ., as I . P . M . ; Brown , as S . W . ; Carey , J . W . ; John Dutton , Treas . ; Cater , Sec . ; C Wilkinson , AI . O . ; Ruble , S . O . ; Cater , J . O . ; Braham , as S . D . ;
Alurliss , as J . D . ; Falkner , as I . G . ; Reeves , as Org . ; Bigwood , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , and the Treasurer ' s balancesheet passed , Bros . E . L . Hill and Williamson were introduced and advanced to the degree of M . M . M . by the W . AI . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . G . J . W ., took the chair , and Bro . R . Carey was presented as W . AI . elect . After the
usual preliminary proceedings the brethren were dismissed , and Bro . Carey was duly inducted into the chair of Adonram . On the return of the brethren , and after the proclamation and completion of the ceremony , the following were appointed and invested as officers : —J . Dutton , I . P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , Chaplain ; Cater , S . W . ; John Dutton , J . W and Treas . ; Rubie , Sec . ; C . Wilkinson , AI . O . ; Braham ,
S . O . ; Baldwin , J . O . ; Falkner , Reg . ; Radway , S . D . ; Alurliss , J . D . ; Jacob Smith , I . G . ; Howes , Steward ; Bigwood , Tyler . The Installing Alaster then gave the addresses to the W . AI ., the Wardens , thc Overseers , and the brethren , in a manner which elicited repeated applause . Votes of thanks were passed to him , to the I . P . M . for his services during the past year , the efficiency of whic _ - * was most favourably comri . entcd on ; to Bros . Dr . Hopkins ,
Birth , and Brooke for presents made to the lodge ; to the visitors , among whom were Bros . Col . Ford , Sloane , and Reeves , and specially to the latlcr for his kind assistance as Organist . These were duly acknowledged . The W . M . addressed the brethren on his installation . The lodge was closed at ei ght o ' clock , and an adjournment was made to the Castle Hotel for ihe banquet . The proceedings of the even ' . ng were in every way satisfactory , and copies of
Mark Masonry.
the new bye-laws having been distributed to the members , there is every reason to hope for good future progress in this interesting branch of Masonry .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OP GLASGOW . The quarterly communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Glasgow was held in St . Mark's Hall , Glasgow , on Thursday evening , 27 th ultimo . In the absence , through indisposition , of Bro . Col . Walter Alontgomery Neilson , P . G . AI ., Bio . J . Baird , P . G . S . AL , occupied Ihe chair , supported on the dais by Bros . A . AIcTaggart , AI . A ., P . G . Sec . ; J .
Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; G . Sinclair , Treas ., and Convener of Benevolent Fund ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; J . Miller , P . G . J . D . ; J . Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; D . Reid , P . G . I . G . ; and J B . Hardie , P . G . Tyler . Bro . G . McDonald , W . AI . Thistle and Rose , No . 73 , occupied the P . G . S . Warden ' s chair , while Bro . J . Booth , W . AI . Thistle , No . 8 7 , occupied that of the P . G . J . Warden .
Bro . Baird read a telegram he received that afternoon from the P . G . AI ., regretting very much his absence that evening from attending P . G . L . on account of his continued illness . The Sec . then read the minutes of last meeting which were approved of . Bro . Sinclair also read minutes of Benevolent Fund , showing that large sums of money had been disbursed during the last quarter towards charity .
New codes of bye-laws were admitted for approval to P . G . Lodge from lodges 102 , 275 , 362 , 419 , and 510 , and were remitted to P . G . Committee , with powers . An abstract of last year ' s statement was handed to each member , and on the motion of Bro . Miller , P . G . J . D ., seconded by Bro . J . Scott , W . AI . 419 , the same was adopted . The P . G . Sec . then int > mated he had received
abstracts and papers from Grand Lodge and bye-laws of Lodge St . Vincent , No . 553 , with powers to P . G . Lodge to call a meeting of St . Vincent Lodge and determine the whole matter . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed . Amongst those present we noticed the following : — Bros . W . Bell , I . P . AI . 3 ! ; A . McLeod , S . W . 73 ; J . F . Mitchell , I . P . M . 102 ; J . Thomson , S . W . 102 ; W . Thomas ,
S . W . 103 ; R . Jack , W . AI . 128 ; G . McLeod , S . W . 128 ; J . Campbell , I . P . M . 128 ; J . Singleton , W . AI . 178 ; J . Alorgan , W . AI 219 ; D . Ronald , W . AI . 27 s . W . Findlay , S-W . 275 ; J . B . Alacnair , I . P . M . 332 ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 ; T . Graham , J . W . 360 ; A . Rutherford , S . W . 3 62 ; J . Simpson , S . W . 419 ; D . Gilchrist , W . AI . 46- ; ; Ferguson , P . AI . 543 ( "Freemason" ); R . Aikman , W . M . 570 ; W . J . E . Dobson , W . AI . 571 ; and others .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE RENFREWSHIRE EAST . On Saturday evening a meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge Renfrewshire East was held in the hall of Lodge St . Mirrin , No . 129 , Aloss-street , Paisley , Bro . Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M ., presiding ; Bros . James Gilmour , P . G . S . W . ; and J . Paton , P . G . J . W . The P . G . AI . was supported by Bros . H . Alacdowall , jun ., of Garthland , P . G . D . AL , and James Caldwell , Craigielea , P . G . S . M .
The P . G . J . W . drew the attention of the lodge to the loss which it had sustained in the death of Bro . j . Stevenson , R . A . Lodge , Rutherglen ( 116 ) , who , he said , had occupied the offices of Depute Master and Senior Deacon in the P . G . Lodge . He believed that they had lost a brother who was a good Alason , and had spent a great deal of his lime in furthering the cause of Masonry . He moved that they engross in their minutes their deep sense of the loss which the P . G . Lodge Renfrewshire East had sustained .
The P . G . Master said that hc regretted very much to learn of the death of their esteemed brother , and at the same time to hear of the death of Bro . Robertson , late W . AI . of No . 153 , R . A ., Pollokshaws , who was an able and intelligent office-bearer of the P . G . Lodge . It was unanimously agreed that a minute expressive of
deep icgret at the loss the lodge had sustained in the death of these two brethren should be engrossed . In reply to a question by Bro . G . Glen , W . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , Renfrew , No . 426 , the P . G . Master said that arrangements had been made for a visitation of the lodges in the province .
GLASGOW . —St . Mark's Lodge ( No . 102 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on-Alonday evening , 24 th ult ., Bro . J . O . Smith , W . AI ., in thc chair ; J . Thomson , S . W . ; G . Littlejohn , J . W . ; J . F . Mitchell , I P . AI . ; A . C Paterson , Treas . ; J . Alonteith , Sec ; and a large number of members and visiting brethren , including Bros . J . Booth , W . AI .
87 ; P . Brownlie , J . W . 3 J ; J . Dick , Sec . •¦ •_ ; AI . Stark , D -M- 553 * > Ferguson , P . M . 543 ( " Freemason" ); and others . . The . annual visitation of the P . G . Lodge took place this evening . The deputation consisted of Bros ! J . Baird , S . P . G . AI . ; G . Sinclair , Treas ., and Convener of Benevolent Fund ; A . AIcTaggart , P . G . Sec ; J . Gillies , P . G . Treas . ; A . Bain : P . G . B . B . ; f . Balfour , P . G . Dir . of
Cer . ; J . Allison , P . G . J . ; and D . Reid , P . G . I . G . The deputation on being admitted were received with the accustomed honours . Bro . McTaggart , on being requested by the acting P . G . AI ., reported that the books had been carefully examined , and said they were in excellent order , and that the lodge was in a highly prosperous condition , and congratulated the Master , office-bearers , and members of the lodge on the state of its affair .-. Bro . Baird ,
acting P . G . M ., said it must be gratifying to hear such a favourable report , and complimented the members on the prosperous condition of ^ their lodge , and trusted it would long continue . Bro . J . O . Smith thanked thc deputation for their kindness in again visiting Lodge St . Mark , 102 and moved a vote of thanks to the members of the P . G . L which was heartily given . Bro . Baird briefly replied , and the deputation withdrew . Mr . John F . Reid was fieri initiated into the First Degree , and afterwards four bre