Article GRAND MARK LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Mark Lodge.
sance of all matters relating to the Order ol Mark Master Mason . It may proceed to admonition , fine , or suspension , according to the laws , and its decision shall be final , unless an appeal be made to the Grand Lodge . But should any case be of so flagrant a nature as to require thc
erasure of a lodge , or the expulsion of a brother , the Board shall make a special report thereon to the Grand Lodge . " Therefore , without further remarks , he would propose the adoption of this recommendation . With regard to the resolution that he be expelled from the Order of Mark
Master Masons , that , of course , will be subject to his appearing at Grand Lodge next time it meets , and shewing cause why he should not be expelled . Grand Secretary said , article 13 provided for all that . " No lodge shall be erased , nor any
brother expelled , until the Master or Officers of the lodge , or the brother charged with the offence , shall have been summoned to shew cause , in the Gr .-nid Lodge , why such sentence should not be recorded and enforced . " The brother would not have his name erased till he
had been summoned to shew cause . The acting Grand Master observed that Bro . Levander ' s motion then would take that form , that he be summoned . Bro . Levander said it would . " That he be
summoned to shew cause why his name should not be erased from the roll of Grand Lodge . " Bro . D . M . Dewar , seconded the motion . The Acting Grand Master : —Brethren , it is proposed and seconded , " That Bro . * * * '"*•* be summoned to next Grand Lodge to show cause
why his name should not be erased from the roll of members under this jurisdiction . " The motion was carried 11 cm con . Bro . F . Davison , D . P . G . M . Middlesex and Surrey , proposed , " That the sum of £ 42 be voted from the General Fund of this Grand
Lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . That the amount be placed on the list of Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . G . A . D . C , who has volunteered to accept the office of Steward , representing the Mark Degree at the Anniversary Festival
of that Institution in 1875 . That the thanks of this Grand Lodge are due and hereby offered lo Bro . Sabine for coming forward for the third year in succession to represent the Order as Steward at the Festivals of the Masonic Institutions .
The sum voted would , we believe , make up the amount required to make this Grand Lodge a Vice-President of the Institution . ( Cheers . ) Bro . W . E . Gumbleton seconded the motion , which was then put and carried unanimously . The report of the General Board was then put and adopted .
Bro . Cubitt proclaimed Earl Percy as M . W . G . M . M . M ., and by his direction Grand Lodge formally saluted the Grand Master . The following brethren were afterwards appointed Grand Officers for the year : —
The Earl of Limerick D . G . M . Sir John Sebright G . S . W . Gilbert Smallpiece G . J . W . Rev . Bryan Walker G . Chaplain . Wm . Percy G . Chaplain . J . R . Stebbing G . Treasurer .
Frederic Davison G . Registrar . F . Binckes G . S . H . W . Binckes G . Assistant S . R Wentworth Little G . M . O . George Mellor G . S . O .
I . J . H . Wilkins G . J . O . F . Gotto G . S . D . J . P . Piatt G . J . D . Thos . Schofield G . Sup . Works . C . W . Wyndham G . Dir . Cers .
Charles Allen G . Asst . Dir . Cers . H . S . Dubosc G . Swd . B . S . R Ade G . Std . B . H . Parker G . Org . J . W . Taylor G . I . G . CT . Speight G . Tyler .
STEWARDS . —Wm . Crawford , No . 129 ; E . S . Stidolph . No . 22 R . G . Glover , No . 7 ; T . S . Higgins , 137 ; W . H . D . Horsfall , No . 58 ; G . F . Tuckey , No . 119 ; A . W . Butter , No . 182 ; W . H . Davies , No . 102 . General Board : —Rev . G . R . Portal , M . A ., President ; W . E . Gumbleton , Thos . Meggy ,
Grand Mark Lodge.
James Stevens , H . C . Levander , S . Rosenthal , J . W . Wynne , T . J . Sabine , D . M . Dewar , E . S . Stidolph , and George Neall . [ The Report of Grand Mark Lodge will be concluded next week . 1
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ Wc do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even as approving of , the opinions expressed by onr correspondents , bnt \ VJ wishj in a spirit of fair play to all / to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . —Eu . J
MASONS' MARKS . To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I did not intend to say anything more in this " pretty little quarrel" but , that I wish to advert to two points .
I quite agree with Bro . Yarker ; it is a great pity that we can never begin a Masonic archajologieal discussion without ending in personalities . It is just possible , that , I may have expressed myself a little too plainly , and forcibly , but I confess I do nofc see the use ever in free and open
discussion of being " mealy mouthed , " and I think it always better to speak and to write as " Downright Dunstable . " You will remember the discussion was proceeding regularly when Bro . Paton did two unheard-of things .
He "* objected to Bro . Buchan , and myself expressing any opinion at all in the matter , and stated that neither of us knew anything of the subject about which we were writing . Now this , to use a common but expressive word , just now , was really too ' * ' cheeky , " even in that well-known Masonic writer .
He had just made the most egregious blunder that any Masonic Student has ever made . He boldly stated that all Masons' Marks must be odd , and that the double triangle was not a Masonic Mark at all , because it had even
points . Well , the rejoinder to so startling n statement , which completely took my breath away , was that there was no such rule in operative marks ; that the double triangle was an old operative mark , and that the marks
of thc Scottish lodges in which Bro . Paton said this rule had " existed for 150 years" proved the direct contrary . I referred him to Laurie and D . M . Lyon , specially . What was his reply ? His most graceful course would have been to admit that he had made a "little mistake "
and " ferre gradus retrorsum . Not a bit of it ! Bro . Paton gallantly returns to the charge , says he meant " Speculative , " not "Operative Masonry , " that we were a very ignorant set of critics ; that I could never have
studied tlie question at all ; and if I had I was so dense that I had not profited by my studies , and that it was quite clear I did not know the difference between operative and speculative Marks .
Now that is unfortunately just what I did do , and do do , to use a very homely form of language . The " Speculative Marks" qua Marks are utterl y worthless , as Bros . W . J . Hughan and Yarker , and Buchan will agree , if you disassociate them from the " Operative Marks , " from which they are taken , and of which they are , only except in some
of the Scotch Marks an amateur imitation . Had Bro . Paton limited the discussion to Speculative Masons Marks I should not have intervened in it at all , as , from an
archaeological point of view they only point to an earlier system and afford but little information in and by themselves . At any rate they are derivative evidence at the best , and of secondary
importance . lt is a great pity that we cannot conduct such discussions without correspondents losing their temper , but as thc French writer says , " nous sommes tous mortels , " and even Freemasons are not exempt from the foibles of humanity .
If I have spoken too strongly , or too openly , I regret it , but I can jjplead , at any rate , a sincere desire to advance the cause of Masonic Truth . We have suffered so much from unsound dogmata and fallacious theories , that , I confess , in 1874 , to be gravely told that the double
Original Correspondence.
triangle is not a Masonic Mark , and that all marks must have "odd points" was too much for my patience and my stom ach . With regard to Bro . W . J . Hughan ' s
suggestion , that I should give up my pseudonym and sign myself by my actual name , I think not , despite his valuable opinion , " for good and sufficient causes , me thereunto moving , " I think it better still to subscribe myself Yours fraternally , A MASONIC STUDENT .
THE MASONIC CHARITIES . To lhe Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Myself and others who read The
Freemason are much surprised at not finding a return of the successful candidates at the last election for aged Freemasons and their widows . Is there any reason why it should not be published , or is it an oversight .
Yours fraternally , J . R . FOULGER , P . M . 177 , Life Subscriber . [ We received no official return , and had to obtain tho facts from other sources . —EDITOR . ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
lhe General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday week at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the chair . The day being that appointed annually for the election of the House and Audit Committees , the meeting was very fully attended . Among the
brethren present we noticed A . H . Tattershall , H . Dubosc , B . Picking , H . A . Dubois , E . H . Thiellav , B . Head , Joshua Nunn , Thos . W . White , ' C G . Dilley . D . Bear , P . Samuels , A . D . Loewenstark , W . ' Wellman , R . B . Webster , Rev . P . M . Holden , W . Myatt , Junr ., G .
Bolton , Griffiths Smith , J . F . Peacock , Thomas Cubitt , W . Stephens , W . P . Dickes , G . Abbott , J . Horwood , H . A . Collington , W . Noak , E . Shalless , Collard Moutrie , A . L . Dussek , T . B . Yeoman , W . Hammond , B . Mallam , E . Harris , John Coutts , J . Holbrook , W . T . Home , C . Lacey , W . Paas , R . Kenyon , W . Roebuck ,
E . A . Sacre , A . H . Diaper , Jesse Turner , S . Rosenthal , M . D . Loewenstark , W . Lane , H . M . Levy , W . A . Colls , C . F . Hogard , E . Baxter , G . Andrews , H . Roberts , Raynham W . Stewart , Dr . Jas . Self , Rev . J . M . Vaughan , N . G .
Phillips , Hyde Pullen , H . G . Levander , II . H . Girand , James Terry , J . B . Lancaster , J . M . Case , Joseph Smith , A . A . Pendlebury , J . G . Marsh , E . Sillifant , A . C . Burrell . H . G . Burr , S . P . Norris , George Kenning , E . W .
Stanton , H . Browse , T . H . Miller , N . H . Smith , J . T . Moss , G . Barringer , L . Ruf , Dr . Ernest Brett , Richard Spencer , Edward Clark , W . Jones , T . Massa , E . H . Hubbuck , Joseph Taylor ; E . M . Haigh , A . L . Dussek ; G . Abbott , E . W . Stanton , W . T . Home , N . F . Smith , F , Davison ,
E . Harris , E . Shalless , J . C . Parkinson , and R . Wentworth Little , ( Secretary ) . At the conclusion of the reading and confirmation of the minutes , one petition was read ; and the House Committee having recommended an increase of the salary of Bro . Hedges , notice
of motion was given to that effect . The brethren then proceeded to elect the House Committee , consisting of twelve members , forthe ensuing year , and at the termination of the election the following was found to be the result : Joshua Nunn , 58 votes , Benjamin
Head , 53 ; Thomas W . White , 52 ; Colonel F . Burdett , 49 ; John A . Rucker , 48 ; Griffiths Smith , 46 Rev . J . M . Vaughan , 44 * William Paas , 42 ; H . Browse , 41 ; Raynham W . Stewart , 41 ; Alfred H . Tattershall , 40 ; and Dr . Ramsay , 36 . The election of members of the Audit
Committee for the year was next taken , with the following result : —R . B . Webster , 29 ; Joshua Nunn , 26 ; W . Paas , 24 ; E . Sillifant , 24 ; H . C . Levander , 23 ; W . Roebuck , 21 ; J . G . Chancellor , 20 ; John Symonds , 20 j and H . Browse , 19 . A cordial vote of thanks to the chairman for officiating concluded the proceedings .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge.
sance of all matters relating to the Order ol Mark Master Mason . It may proceed to admonition , fine , or suspension , according to the laws , and its decision shall be final , unless an appeal be made to the Grand Lodge . But should any case be of so flagrant a nature as to require thc
erasure of a lodge , or the expulsion of a brother , the Board shall make a special report thereon to the Grand Lodge . " Therefore , without further remarks , he would propose the adoption of this recommendation . With regard to the resolution that he be expelled from the Order of Mark
Master Masons , that , of course , will be subject to his appearing at Grand Lodge next time it meets , and shewing cause why he should not be expelled . Grand Secretary said , article 13 provided for all that . " No lodge shall be erased , nor any
brother expelled , until the Master or Officers of the lodge , or the brother charged with the offence , shall have been summoned to shew cause , in the Gr .-nid Lodge , why such sentence should not be recorded and enforced . " The brother would not have his name erased till he
had been summoned to shew cause . The acting Grand Master observed that Bro . Levander ' s motion then would take that form , that he be summoned . Bro . Levander said it would . " That he be
summoned to shew cause why his name should not be erased from the roll of Grand Lodge . " Bro . D . M . Dewar , seconded the motion . The Acting Grand Master : —Brethren , it is proposed and seconded , " That Bro . * * * '"*•* be summoned to next Grand Lodge to show cause
why his name should not be erased from the roll of members under this jurisdiction . " The motion was carried 11 cm con . Bro . F . Davison , D . P . G . M . Middlesex and Surrey , proposed , " That the sum of £ 42 be voted from the General Fund of this Grand
Lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . That the amount be placed on the list of Bro . T . J . Sabine , P . G . A . D . C , who has volunteered to accept the office of Steward , representing the Mark Degree at the Anniversary Festival
of that Institution in 1875 . That the thanks of this Grand Lodge are due and hereby offered lo Bro . Sabine for coming forward for the third year in succession to represent the Order as Steward at the Festivals of the Masonic Institutions .
The sum voted would , we believe , make up the amount required to make this Grand Lodge a Vice-President of the Institution . ( Cheers . ) Bro . W . E . Gumbleton seconded the motion , which was then put and carried unanimously . The report of the General Board was then put and adopted .
Bro . Cubitt proclaimed Earl Percy as M . W . G . M . M . M ., and by his direction Grand Lodge formally saluted the Grand Master . The following brethren were afterwards appointed Grand Officers for the year : —
The Earl of Limerick D . G . M . Sir John Sebright G . S . W . Gilbert Smallpiece G . J . W . Rev . Bryan Walker G . Chaplain . Wm . Percy G . Chaplain . J . R . Stebbing G . Treasurer .
Frederic Davison G . Registrar . F . Binckes G . S . H . W . Binckes G . Assistant S . R Wentworth Little G . M . O . George Mellor G . S . O .
I . J . H . Wilkins G . J . O . F . Gotto G . S . D . J . P . Piatt G . J . D . Thos . Schofield G . Sup . Works . C . W . Wyndham G . Dir . Cers .
Charles Allen G . Asst . Dir . Cers . H . S . Dubosc G . Swd . B . S . R Ade G . Std . B . H . Parker G . Org . J . W . Taylor G . I . G . CT . Speight G . Tyler .
STEWARDS . —Wm . Crawford , No . 129 ; E . S . Stidolph . No . 22 R . G . Glover , No . 7 ; T . S . Higgins , 137 ; W . H . D . Horsfall , No . 58 ; G . F . Tuckey , No . 119 ; A . W . Butter , No . 182 ; W . H . Davies , No . 102 . General Board : —Rev . G . R . Portal , M . A ., President ; W . E . Gumbleton , Thos . Meggy ,
Grand Mark Lodge.
James Stevens , H . C . Levander , S . Rosenthal , J . W . Wynne , T . J . Sabine , D . M . Dewar , E . S . Stidolph , and George Neall . [ The Report of Grand Mark Lodge will be concluded next week . 1
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ Wc do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even as approving of , the opinions expressed by onr correspondents , bnt \ VJ wishj in a spirit of fair play to all / to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . —Eu . J
MASONS' MARKS . To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I did not intend to say anything more in this " pretty little quarrel" but , that I wish to advert to two points .
I quite agree with Bro . Yarker ; it is a great pity that we can never begin a Masonic archajologieal discussion without ending in personalities . It is just possible , that , I may have expressed myself a little too plainly , and forcibly , but I confess I do nofc see the use ever in free and open
discussion of being " mealy mouthed , " and I think it always better to speak and to write as " Downright Dunstable . " You will remember the discussion was proceeding regularly when Bro . Paton did two unheard-of things .
He "* objected to Bro . Buchan , and myself expressing any opinion at all in the matter , and stated that neither of us knew anything of the subject about which we were writing . Now this , to use a common but expressive word , just now , was really too ' * ' cheeky , " even in that well-known Masonic writer .
He had just made the most egregious blunder that any Masonic Student has ever made . He boldly stated that all Masons' Marks must be odd , and that the double triangle was not a Masonic Mark at all , because it had even
points . Well , the rejoinder to so startling n statement , which completely took my breath away , was that there was no such rule in operative marks ; that the double triangle was an old operative mark , and that the marks
of thc Scottish lodges in which Bro . Paton said this rule had " existed for 150 years" proved the direct contrary . I referred him to Laurie and D . M . Lyon , specially . What was his reply ? His most graceful course would have been to admit that he had made a "little mistake "
and " ferre gradus retrorsum . Not a bit of it ! Bro . Paton gallantly returns to the charge , says he meant " Speculative , " not "Operative Masonry , " that we were a very ignorant set of critics ; that I could never have
studied tlie question at all ; and if I had I was so dense that I had not profited by my studies , and that it was quite clear I did not know the difference between operative and speculative Marks .
Now that is unfortunately just what I did do , and do do , to use a very homely form of language . The " Speculative Marks" qua Marks are utterl y worthless , as Bros . W . J . Hughan and Yarker , and Buchan will agree , if you disassociate them from the " Operative Marks , " from which they are taken , and of which they are , only except in some
of the Scotch Marks an amateur imitation . Had Bro . Paton limited the discussion to Speculative Masons Marks I should not have intervened in it at all , as , from an
archaeological point of view they only point to an earlier system and afford but little information in and by themselves . At any rate they are derivative evidence at the best , and of secondary
importance . lt is a great pity that we cannot conduct such discussions without correspondents losing their temper , but as thc French writer says , " nous sommes tous mortels , " and even Freemasons are not exempt from the foibles of humanity .
If I have spoken too strongly , or too openly , I regret it , but I can jjplead , at any rate , a sincere desire to advance the cause of Masonic Truth . We have suffered so much from unsound dogmata and fallacious theories , that , I confess , in 1874 , to be gravely told that the double
Original Correspondence.
triangle is not a Masonic Mark , and that all marks must have "odd points" was too much for my patience and my stom ach . With regard to Bro . W . J . Hughan ' s
suggestion , that I should give up my pseudonym and sign myself by my actual name , I think not , despite his valuable opinion , " for good and sufficient causes , me thereunto moving , " I think it better still to subscribe myself Yours fraternally , A MASONIC STUDENT .
THE MASONIC CHARITIES . To lhe Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Myself and others who read The
Freemason are much surprised at not finding a return of the successful candidates at the last election for aged Freemasons and their widows . Is there any reason why it should not be published , or is it an oversight .
Yours fraternally , J . R . FOULGER , P . M . 177 , Life Subscriber . [ We received no official return , and had to obtain tho facts from other sources . —EDITOR . ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
lhe General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday week at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., in the chair . The day being that appointed annually for the election of the House and Audit Committees , the meeting was very fully attended . Among the
brethren present we noticed A . H . Tattershall , H . Dubosc , B . Picking , H . A . Dubois , E . H . Thiellav , B . Head , Joshua Nunn , Thos . W . White , ' C G . Dilley . D . Bear , P . Samuels , A . D . Loewenstark , W . ' Wellman , R . B . Webster , Rev . P . M . Holden , W . Myatt , Junr ., G .
Bolton , Griffiths Smith , J . F . Peacock , Thomas Cubitt , W . Stephens , W . P . Dickes , G . Abbott , J . Horwood , H . A . Collington , W . Noak , E . Shalless , Collard Moutrie , A . L . Dussek , T . B . Yeoman , W . Hammond , B . Mallam , E . Harris , John Coutts , J . Holbrook , W . T . Home , C . Lacey , W . Paas , R . Kenyon , W . Roebuck ,
E . A . Sacre , A . H . Diaper , Jesse Turner , S . Rosenthal , M . D . Loewenstark , W . Lane , H . M . Levy , W . A . Colls , C . F . Hogard , E . Baxter , G . Andrews , H . Roberts , Raynham W . Stewart , Dr . Jas . Self , Rev . J . M . Vaughan , N . G .
Phillips , Hyde Pullen , H . G . Levander , II . H . Girand , James Terry , J . B . Lancaster , J . M . Case , Joseph Smith , A . A . Pendlebury , J . G . Marsh , E . Sillifant , A . C . Burrell . H . G . Burr , S . P . Norris , George Kenning , E . W .
Stanton , H . Browse , T . H . Miller , N . H . Smith , J . T . Moss , G . Barringer , L . Ruf , Dr . Ernest Brett , Richard Spencer , Edward Clark , W . Jones , T . Massa , E . H . Hubbuck , Joseph Taylor ; E . M . Haigh , A . L . Dussek ; G . Abbott , E . W . Stanton , W . T . Home , N . F . Smith , F , Davison ,
E . Harris , E . Shalless , J . C . Parkinson , and R . Wentworth Little , ( Secretary ) . At the conclusion of the reading and confirmation of the minutes , one petition was read ; and the House Committee having recommended an increase of the salary of Bro . Hedges , notice
of motion was given to that effect . The brethren then proceeded to elect the House Committee , consisting of twelve members , forthe ensuing year , and at the termination of the election the following was found to be the result : Joshua Nunn , 58 votes , Benjamin
Head , 53 ; Thomas W . White , 52 ; Colonel F . Burdett , 49 ; John A . Rucker , 48 ; Griffiths Smith , 46 Rev . J . M . Vaughan , 44 * William Paas , 42 ; H . Browse , 41 ; Raynham W . Stewart , 41 ; Alfred H . Tattershall , 40 ; and Dr . Ramsay , 36 . The election of members of the Audit
Committee for the year was next taken , with the following result : —R . B . Webster , 29 ; Joshua Nunn , 26 ; W . Paas , 24 ; E . Sillifant , 24 ; H . C . Levander , 23 ; W . Roebuck , 21 ; J . G . Chancellor , 20 ; John Symonds , 20 j and H . Browse , 19 . A cordial vote of thanks to the chairman for officiating concluded the proceedings .