Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL, DUBLIN. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abrod. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The Grand Lodge of Scotland met in Dundee on the afternoon of the 29 th ult ., the representatives including Sir Archibald Campbell , Grand Master , and a large number of office-bearers . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at four o ' clock in the afternoon , Bro . Berry , D . P . G . M .,
presiding , and after some business had been transacted , the Grand Lodge entered , and Sir Archibald Campbell took the chair . Among those from the Grand Lodge were Bros . Shaw Ste . vart , P . G . M . ; J . T . Elliot , acting S . G . W . ; Dr . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; D . Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Sheriff Hunter Thorns , and Professor Beveridge .
Sir ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL briefly addressed the brethren , urging the importance of visitation of lodges by the Provincial Grand Lodges as the means of fostering and promoting Freemasonry . A few irregularities in connection with some of the Dundee lodges had occurred , but they were in a fair way of becoming rectified . Bro . BERRY , in welcoming the Grand Master and those accompanying him , assured them that there was a very
great improvement in Masonry in Forfarshire . Principal Peterson and Professor D'Arcy Thompson were then initiated by Bro . Henderson , R . W . M . of the Operative Lodge . The lodge was closed about six o'clock . Sir Archibald Campbell and the other members of the Grand Lodge were afterwards entertained by the Provincial Grand Lodge to dinner at the Queen ' s Hotel .
Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin.
The general half-yearly meeting of the Board of Governors was held at the School House , Ball ' s Bridge , Dublin , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . The result of the ballot for the election of seven pupils was announced as follows : Name . Votes . Name . Votes . C . M . Rankin ... 2530 E . K . Bronte ... 1440 M . Fisher 2297 M . Tait 133 S
K . E . Houghton ... 2256 L . Layng gog M . A . Lloyd 2190 J . Prescott SG 8 L . F . Delandre ... 1924 F . H . Milligan ... G 46 H . Creighton ... 17 S 7 A . R . Hare 484 S . J . Johnson ... 1523 K . Tizard 265 Catherine Rankin , Mary Fisher , Katherine Houghton , Mabel Lloyd , Louisa Delandre , Henrietta Creighton , and Susan Johnston were accordingly declared elected .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . DR . HOPKINS . I grieve much to announce the decease of my dear old friend and brother , Dr . Henry Hopkins , which occurred on Saturday evening , at ten , after a few days'illness . "His end was peace ! " We have been associated in so many ways , Masonically , for some 21 years , that his loss is keenly felt by me , as also by the large circle of friends scattered over the country , who knew and appreciated his Masonic zeal ,
ability , and generosity . A kinder man at heart I never met with , his delight being | to relieve the distressed and afflicted , but in such a quiet manner that only unlocked for accidents revealed his munificent gifts . To our central Masonic Charities he was a large donor , chiefly , however , through the medium of the lodges of which he was a member , and especially in connection with the Royal Cumberland Lodge , No . 41 , Bath , which he joined on January 7 th ,
1 S 75 . He was its Master on its celebration of the centenary of the " Freemasons' Hall Medal " on October 7 th , 1 SS 0 , when he presented the lodge with a loving cup , a large donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and a number of Masonic works in commemoration of the event , No . 41 being one of the four provincial lodges whose Masters have the right to wear the jewel presented by the Grand Lodge of England for the assistance rendered to the fund
for building the Freemasons' Hall , London . This is one only of several important celebrations in Bath of late years in which Dr . Hopkins was a prominent promoter . Another was the first centenary of a Royal Arch chapter that was observed in England in November 14 th , 1882 , when Comp . Lawson Howes ably presided as M . E . Z . of No . 41 . The third of the series was the celebration of the sesqui-centennial of the lodge on 27 th June , 1 SS 3 , it having been
warranted on April 2 Cth , 1733 , and has an unbroken series of records from that date to the present time . Instead of another special banquet , the members decided to raise 100 guineas for the Masonic Institution for Boys , and thus completed the endowment of every officer ' s chair , from the W . M . to the I . G ., with votes in perpetuity . Dr . Hopkins fully endorsed the action of the members , especially as one of their oldest Past Masters , Bro . T . P . Ashley , was the
Steward . As it was our dear friend ' s seventy-fifth birthday , however , on the day of the celebration — being half of the third jubilee of the lodge — Dr . Hopkins invited the principal members of No . 41 Lodge and Chapter , and other Masonic friends , to what he termed a repast at the "Christoph Hotel , " Bro . E . ] . B . Mercer being then the YV . M . The chapter Comp . Hopkins joined on 15 th October , 1 S 74 but had served previously as 7 .. of 23 S , Torquay ( 1 S 73 ) ,
, 587 , Birmingham , and 710 ( iSGS ) , Totnes Another sesquicentennial lodge is No . 43 , Birmingham ( his mother lodge ) , of which the doctor was Master many years since ; he was also the founder , I believe , and first W . M . of 95 S , Jersey , and honorary member of several lodges and chapters , also founder and first W . M . of the Mark Lodge , No . 26 , Totnes , and Master also of No . 74 , Jersey . In the Craft he was Prov . G . S . W . of Warwickshire by
appointment of the R . W . Bro . Lord Leigh , and declined a similar honour offered him by the M . W . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , as Prov . G . M . of Somerset , who desired to recognize bis valuable services to that province , a compliment he much appreciated , but preferred to have it conferred on a brother not of the " Purple . " The Grand Master of the Mark Grand Lodge , in recognition of his zeal on behalf of
that Degree , appointed him tothe hig h office of G . J . W . In every Degree and every office Dr . Hopkins always aimed at doing his best to discharge the duties and responsibilities of his position , and as a " Masonic Ritualist" he was one of the most accurate and impressive it has ever fallen to my pleasure and profit to listen to . He took a great delight in instructing and perfecting younger brethren in a knowledge of the Craft Degrees , and was never
better pleased than on finding they acquitted themselves well as officers of the lodge and chapter . As a Masonic instructor , so far as my knowledge extends , he had no superior , and certainly few equals . In a Masonic career extending over so many years , I cannot do anything like justice to the several excellences of my lamented friend
especially as I have not just now access to certain papers , which will be placed at my service shortly , but I hope again to refer to the matter . The funeral is to take place on Friday , and many of us will attend to pay the last sad office of respect to departed merit . Torquay , 2 nd Tune , 1 SS 5 . W . I . HUGHAN .
BRO . YV . B . GIBSON . It is with deep regret we have to announce the sudden death of Bro . YV . B . Gibson , who , for a period of nearly 30 years , had played a leading part in the Masonic history of the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland . He leaves a widow to mourn his untimely end , and the members of his mother lodge , Sun , Square , and Compasses ,
No . iig , were very anxious there should be a Masonic funeral ; but Mrs . Gibson , though appreciating the kindness offered , would not consent , as it was well known that the deceased was opposed to any display on such occasions . His remains were conveyed to their last resting-place in Whitehaven Cemetery on Friday , the 29 th ult ., and , as was expected , the attendance of members from the various
lodges in the province , as well as of many visitors from other provinces , was very large . Bro . Gibson was initiated in lodge No . 119 on the 3 rd of March , 1 S 5 S , installed YV . M ., iSGi , < and held many offices of distinction , having been P . G . S . W ., and for many years Provincial Grand Secretary , on retiring from which latter post he was presented with a suitable testimonial—a portrait in oils of
himself , which he gave to his lodge . In Royal Arch Masonry he was a Past Z . of 119 , and P . P . G . H ., and for many years P . G . S . E . ; also a Past Master of the Fletcher Lodge , 213 , of Mark Masters , and P . P . G . S . YV . of that degree . As an Installing Master he was well known , and ,
finally , as the crowning virtue of all , the charitable purposes of the Order were one of his first cares . The assistance he rendered in private was most generous , and he had qualified as a Life Governor of both our Masonic Schools . YVe offer to his widow and many friends the tribute of our respectful sympathy .
BRO . C . YV . THOMPSON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . C . YV . Thompson ' s funeral took place , as announced last week , in Lewisham Cemetery , on the 28 th ult ., there being gathered around his grave a very numerous concourse of members of his family , friends , and brethren , who were anxious to show by their presence the deep respect they entertained for our deceased brother , the most prominent
being Bro . Thompson ' s son and three daughters , and Bros . Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead , T . Beard ( Chairman of the Bridge House Estates Committee ) , J . L . Toole , J . Billington , Walter Joyce , J . Willing , jun ., W . Lemon , and others . Bro . Thompson was initiated in the Maybury Lodge , No . 9 69 , and was elected W . M . in 1 SS 0 and 1 SS 1 . In the meantime , however , he had taken the leading part
in the foundation of the Ravensbourne Lodge , No . _ 6 o _ , in the year 1 S 76 , being the S . W . designate , andthe following year was chosen to be its VV . M . He was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree in the Cyrus Chapter , No . 21 , on the 23 rd May , 1 S 7 G , and at the consecration in 1 SS 0 of the Ravensbourne Chapter , No . 1 G 01 , of which , as of the lodge , he was a founder , was installed its first J ., rising to the
chair of / . in 1 SS 2 . Bro . Thompson was a Life Governor of all our Charities , and has served as Festival Steward once for the Girls' School , twice for the Boys' School , and once for the Benevolent Institution . In the City the deceased was highly respected both as an able and painstaking official of the Corporation , and as a member of several of the Guilds , being a Past Master of the Pattenmakers '
Company , next in rotation for the same office in the Fanmakers ' , one of the Court of the Loriners , and a Liveryman of the Upholders . He also took a leading part in connection with the Dramatic Fund and other similar institutions , so that though his span of life was short , it had been well spent and honourably , lt is a mournful satisfaction to us to be able to express our deep sympathy with the family and friends of the deceased .
Bro . the Duke of Abereorn and the Duchess of Abereorn spent the Whitsun recess with the Earl and Countess of Winterton , at their seat , Shillinglee Park , Petworth , Sussex . The annual meeting and half-yearly election of the Infant Orphan Asylum , Wanstead , was held at the Cannon-street Hotel on Thursday , the 28 th ult . Bro . Hy ,
W . Green , the Secretary , read the report for the past year , which was satisfactory in all respects , and was adopted . Thirty children were afterwards elected from an approved list of some 147 candidates . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . YV . G . M ., has granted a warrant for a new lodge , No . 209 S , to meet at Harlesden . The following is a list of the designate officers : Bros . Rev . Canon W . H . Cooper , P . D . G . C ,
W . M . ; Major C . A . Cooper , P . M . ( I . C ) , S . W . ; Arthur Ball , J . W . ; Henry Hughes , S . D . ; G . Goldney-Cary , J . D . ; H . T . Reed , P . M ., Treas . ; YV . O . Lyon , P . M ., Sec . Among the other promoter ' s of the Harlesden Lodge are Bros . F . Levick , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., P . P . G . Scribe E . ; the Rev . H . Courtenay Atwood , M . A ., M . D . ; F . S . Long , J . Darton , and H . Branthwaite , M . D . The lodge , which is to be consecrated by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., on Monday , the 8 th inst ., will meet in the Harlesden National School .
The General Committee of the Lord Mayor s Gordon Memorial Fund held a meeting at Marlborough House on Saturday last . On the motion of Bro . the Lord Mayor , the Prince of Wales took the chair , and opened the proceedings by proposing a resolution of regret at the death of Bro . Lord Mayor Nottage , at whose instance the fund was commenced , who was its Chairman and Treasurer , and who had exerted himself strenuously to promote its
success . The motion was carried unanimously , and was ordered to be entered on the minutes , and a copy sent to Lady Nottage . The committee then resolved on giving up the idea that the memorial to General Gordon should take the form of an Hospital at Port Said , and it was also agreed to consider carefully the best plan for giving effect to the wishes of the subscribers . A vote of thanks to the Prince of Wales for his services in the chair was passed with acclamation .
The Craft Abrod.
The Craft Abrod .
THE PENNSYLVANIA MASONIC HOME . A regular meeting of the friends and supporters of the Home for Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania was held in the Masonic Temple , Philadelphia , on the 27 th March last . There was a numerous and enthusiastic attendance , and from the report of the latest proceedings of the Executive of the Institution matters would seem to
be progressing most satisfactorily . There was a cash balance to the good of 10 , 000 dollars and 1 G 25 dollars outstanding . As many as G 6 Masonic bodies and iS individual brethren had given in their adhesion to the scheme , while there were three inmates , and two approved candidates had died after acceptance by the Committee , one claim being still pending . The annual meeting is fixed for Wednesday , the 24 th inst ., being St . John the Baptist ' s Day .
MASONIC VETERANS OF PENNSYLVANIA . At a meeting of this body at the Masonic Temple , Philadelphia , on Tuesday , the 31 st March , Bro . Charles G . Meyer delivered a highly interesting address descriptive of the previous pilgrimage of Mary Commandery , Knights Templar , to New Orleans and Florida , and
spoke in warm admiration of the friendly and fraternal greetings which the pilgrims had received from their southern brethren . The qualification for membership of this body is that a brother must have been a Master Mason for 21 years . Bro . Collin M . Gatchel is President of the Association .
KENTUCKY MASONIC HOME . YVe learn indirectly from the published Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky that the Masonic Home established within the jurisdiction of that Grand Lodge is in a most flourishing condition , the Endowment Fund having reached to about 150 , 000 dollars ( £ 30 , 000 ) , while the receipts are not only sufficient to meet the expenditure , but
leave a margin to be added tothe fund besides . A feature in connection with this Institution is that the children domiciled in it contribute towards its support by the industries they are taught . Thus a printing office has been fitted up neatly and economically , and furnished with all the necessary material for issuing a quantity of printed matter , which is done most creditably . Among the contributions to this
Home one of 500 dollars is reported as having been received from Oriental Consistory , Chicago , Illinois , an evidence that the Institution has made a name for itself , not in Kentucky only , but in other jurisdictions likewise . But flourishing as it is , there still appears to be ample room to
make it still more so . The Home is large enough to accommodate thrice as many children as live within its hospitable walls , and the Grand Master of Kentucky in his address at the late annual communication of Grand Lodge , spoke very urgently to the brethren on the necessity for enlarging its sphere of usefulness .
The Prince and Princess of VVales were visited at Marlborough House , on Sunday last , by Her Royal Highness Princess Mary of Cambridge , Duchess , and the Duke of Teck , who stayed to lunch with their Royal Highnesses . The Lady Mayoress ( Miss Fowler ) held her first reception at the Mansion House on Tuesday afternoon , similar receptions being fixed for the third Tuesday during the present month , and the first and third Tuesdays in
July-A complimentary dinner was given at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., to Bro . Captain Bedford Pim , R . N ., on his return from a long tour in Canada and the United States . Captain Lemon , President of the British Seamen ' s Protection Society , under whose auspices the dinner was given , occupied the chair .
Miss Agnes Consuelo , who has created such a marked impression in the provinces during her tour—due partly to her handsome stage presence , and partly to the ability she has shown—is going to appear on the 15 th inst ., for a . week , at the Standard Theatre . She will play "Zana , " in G . YV . Appleton's play of that name . The fait manageress has left hosts of admirers in every city and town she has visited ; and her tour has been a decided success .
Ihe annual athletic sports of Christ ' s Hospital came off on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at Lillie Bridge , in the presence of a large muster of the friends of the school , the lead in directing the arrangements being in the hands of Bro . Rev . Dr . Brette , Chairman of the Committee of Management . Hornby , Lewis , and Charles appear to have won most of the events in Class I ., above 16 . K . Munro , of St .
Paul's School , won the Quarter Mile Public School Race . The school band , under Mr . Hancock , enlivened the proceedings with some excellent music , and at the close the prizes , which were supplied by Bro . George Kenning , were distributed by Mrs . S . Vaughan Morgan . CLARK ' COFFEE EXTRACT . — The coffee extracts manufactured by the firm of E . Clark and Co ., of
the Optimus Coffee Works , Queen ' s-road , Battersea , have deservedly secured to themselves a large share of public patronage . The greatest care is taken in selecting the best coffees , and every precaution is observed in order to pievent the loss of that fragrant aroma which is so highly
appreciated by coffee-drinkers . No foreign substance , such as chicory , is used in the preparation , and those who have not at hand the requisite appliances for roasting their own coffee as needed for consumption , will find Clark ' s extract most satisfactory . We have much pleasure in recommending it to the notice of our readers .
THE AISERCORN HOTEL , STANMORE , M IDDLESEX . —Now that the season for open air excursions has commenced , we have much pleasure in drawing attention to the Abereorn Hotel , Stanmore , as suitable for the purpose . Two lodges and a chapter—the Abereorn Lodge , No . 1549 , and the Sub-Urban Lodge , No . 1702 , and the Stanmore Chapter , No . 1549—hold their meetings there . worthiest
and Bro . Charles Veal the Proprietor , is one of the and most genial of hosts , whose attention to the wishes oi his patrons knows no limits . The hotel has recently been enlarged by the addition of a commodious assembly room , where may be held balls , banquets , wedding breakfasts , and the like festivities , and we are satisfied that visitors who may incline to give Bro . Veal a turn will have good reason to be pleased with the accommodation they receive .
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Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The Grand Lodge of Scotland met in Dundee on the afternoon of the 29 th ult ., the representatives including Sir Archibald Campbell , Grand Master , and a large number of office-bearers . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at four o ' clock in the afternoon , Bro . Berry , D . P . G . M .,
presiding , and after some business had been transacted , the Grand Lodge entered , and Sir Archibald Campbell took the chair . Among those from the Grand Lodge were Bros . Shaw Ste . vart , P . G . M . ; J . T . Elliot , acting S . G . W . ; Dr . Murray Lyon , Grand Secretary ; D . Kinnear , Grand Cashier ; Sheriff Hunter Thorns , and Professor Beveridge .
Sir ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL briefly addressed the brethren , urging the importance of visitation of lodges by the Provincial Grand Lodges as the means of fostering and promoting Freemasonry . A few irregularities in connection with some of the Dundee lodges had occurred , but they were in a fair way of becoming rectified . Bro . BERRY , in welcoming the Grand Master and those accompanying him , assured them that there was a very
great improvement in Masonry in Forfarshire . Principal Peterson and Professor D'Arcy Thompson were then initiated by Bro . Henderson , R . W . M . of the Operative Lodge . The lodge was closed about six o'clock . Sir Archibald Campbell and the other members of the Grand Lodge were afterwards entertained by the Provincial Grand Lodge to dinner at the Queen ' s Hotel .
Masonic Female Orphan School, Dublin.
The general half-yearly meeting of the Board of Governors was held at the School House , Ball ' s Bridge , Dublin , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . The result of the ballot for the election of seven pupils was announced as follows : Name . Votes . Name . Votes . C . M . Rankin ... 2530 E . K . Bronte ... 1440 M . Fisher 2297 M . Tait 133 S
K . E . Houghton ... 2256 L . Layng gog M . A . Lloyd 2190 J . Prescott SG 8 L . F . Delandre ... 1924 F . H . Milligan ... G 46 H . Creighton ... 17 S 7 A . R . Hare 484 S . J . Johnson ... 1523 K . Tizard 265 Catherine Rankin , Mary Fisher , Katherine Houghton , Mabel Lloyd , Louisa Delandre , Henrietta Creighton , and Susan Johnston were accordingly declared elected .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . DR . HOPKINS . I grieve much to announce the decease of my dear old friend and brother , Dr . Henry Hopkins , which occurred on Saturday evening , at ten , after a few days'illness . "His end was peace ! " We have been associated in so many ways , Masonically , for some 21 years , that his loss is keenly felt by me , as also by the large circle of friends scattered over the country , who knew and appreciated his Masonic zeal ,
ability , and generosity . A kinder man at heart I never met with , his delight being | to relieve the distressed and afflicted , but in such a quiet manner that only unlocked for accidents revealed his munificent gifts . To our central Masonic Charities he was a large donor , chiefly , however , through the medium of the lodges of which he was a member , and especially in connection with the Royal Cumberland Lodge , No . 41 , Bath , which he joined on January 7 th ,
1 S 75 . He was its Master on its celebration of the centenary of the " Freemasons' Hall Medal " on October 7 th , 1 SS 0 , when he presented the lodge with a loving cup , a large donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and a number of Masonic works in commemoration of the event , No . 41 being one of the four provincial lodges whose Masters have the right to wear the jewel presented by the Grand Lodge of England for the assistance rendered to the fund
for building the Freemasons' Hall , London . This is one only of several important celebrations in Bath of late years in which Dr . Hopkins was a prominent promoter . Another was the first centenary of a Royal Arch chapter that was observed in England in November 14 th , 1882 , when Comp . Lawson Howes ably presided as M . E . Z . of No . 41 . The third of the series was the celebration of the sesqui-centennial of the lodge on 27 th June , 1 SS 3 , it having been
warranted on April 2 Cth , 1733 , and has an unbroken series of records from that date to the present time . Instead of another special banquet , the members decided to raise 100 guineas for the Masonic Institution for Boys , and thus completed the endowment of every officer ' s chair , from the W . M . to the I . G ., with votes in perpetuity . Dr . Hopkins fully endorsed the action of the members , especially as one of their oldest Past Masters , Bro . T . P . Ashley , was the
Steward . As it was our dear friend ' s seventy-fifth birthday , however , on the day of the celebration — being half of the third jubilee of the lodge — Dr . Hopkins invited the principal members of No . 41 Lodge and Chapter , and other Masonic friends , to what he termed a repast at the "Christoph Hotel , " Bro . E . ] . B . Mercer being then the YV . M . The chapter Comp . Hopkins joined on 15 th October , 1 S 74 but had served previously as 7 .. of 23 S , Torquay ( 1 S 73 ) ,
, 587 , Birmingham , and 710 ( iSGS ) , Totnes Another sesquicentennial lodge is No . 43 , Birmingham ( his mother lodge ) , of which the doctor was Master many years since ; he was also the founder , I believe , and first W . M . of 95 S , Jersey , and honorary member of several lodges and chapters , also founder and first W . M . of the Mark Lodge , No . 26 , Totnes , and Master also of No . 74 , Jersey . In the Craft he was Prov . G . S . W . of Warwickshire by
appointment of the R . W . Bro . Lord Leigh , and declined a similar honour offered him by the M . W . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , as Prov . G . M . of Somerset , who desired to recognize bis valuable services to that province , a compliment he much appreciated , but preferred to have it conferred on a brother not of the " Purple . " The Grand Master of the Mark Grand Lodge , in recognition of his zeal on behalf of
that Degree , appointed him tothe hig h office of G . J . W . In every Degree and every office Dr . Hopkins always aimed at doing his best to discharge the duties and responsibilities of his position , and as a " Masonic Ritualist" he was one of the most accurate and impressive it has ever fallen to my pleasure and profit to listen to . He took a great delight in instructing and perfecting younger brethren in a knowledge of the Craft Degrees , and was never
better pleased than on finding they acquitted themselves well as officers of the lodge and chapter . As a Masonic instructor , so far as my knowledge extends , he had no superior , and certainly few equals . In a Masonic career extending over so many years , I cannot do anything like justice to the several excellences of my lamented friend
especially as I have not just now access to certain papers , which will be placed at my service shortly , but I hope again to refer to the matter . The funeral is to take place on Friday , and many of us will attend to pay the last sad office of respect to departed merit . Torquay , 2 nd Tune , 1 SS 5 . W . I . HUGHAN .
BRO . YV . B . GIBSON . It is with deep regret we have to announce the sudden death of Bro . YV . B . Gibson , who , for a period of nearly 30 years , had played a leading part in the Masonic history of the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland . He leaves a widow to mourn his untimely end , and the members of his mother lodge , Sun , Square , and Compasses ,
No . iig , were very anxious there should be a Masonic funeral ; but Mrs . Gibson , though appreciating the kindness offered , would not consent , as it was well known that the deceased was opposed to any display on such occasions . His remains were conveyed to their last resting-place in Whitehaven Cemetery on Friday , the 29 th ult ., and , as was expected , the attendance of members from the various
lodges in the province , as well as of many visitors from other provinces , was very large . Bro . Gibson was initiated in lodge No . 119 on the 3 rd of March , 1 S 5 S , installed YV . M ., iSGi , < and held many offices of distinction , having been P . G . S . W ., and for many years Provincial Grand Secretary , on retiring from which latter post he was presented with a suitable testimonial—a portrait in oils of
himself , which he gave to his lodge . In Royal Arch Masonry he was a Past Z . of 119 , and P . P . G . H ., and for many years P . G . S . E . ; also a Past Master of the Fletcher Lodge , 213 , of Mark Masters , and P . P . G . S . YV . of that degree . As an Installing Master he was well known , and ,
finally , as the crowning virtue of all , the charitable purposes of the Order were one of his first cares . The assistance he rendered in private was most generous , and he had qualified as a Life Governor of both our Masonic Schools . YVe offer to his widow and many friends the tribute of our respectful sympathy .
BRO . C . YV . THOMPSON , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . C . YV . Thompson ' s funeral took place , as announced last week , in Lewisham Cemetery , on the 28 th ult ., there being gathered around his grave a very numerous concourse of members of his family , friends , and brethren , who were anxious to show by their presence the deep respect they entertained for our deceased brother , the most prominent
being Bro . Thompson ' s son and three daughters , and Bros . Alderman and Sheriff Whitehead , T . Beard ( Chairman of the Bridge House Estates Committee ) , J . L . Toole , J . Billington , Walter Joyce , J . Willing , jun ., W . Lemon , and others . Bro . Thompson was initiated in the Maybury Lodge , No . 9 69 , and was elected W . M . in 1 SS 0 and 1 SS 1 . In the meantime , however , he had taken the leading part
in the foundation of the Ravensbourne Lodge , No . _ 6 o _ , in the year 1 S 76 , being the S . W . designate , andthe following year was chosen to be its VV . M . He was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree in the Cyrus Chapter , No . 21 , on the 23 rd May , 1 S 7 G , and at the consecration in 1 SS 0 of the Ravensbourne Chapter , No . 1 G 01 , of which , as of the lodge , he was a founder , was installed its first J ., rising to the
chair of / . in 1 SS 2 . Bro . Thompson was a Life Governor of all our Charities , and has served as Festival Steward once for the Girls' School , twice for the Boys' School , and once for the Benevolent Institution . In the City the deceased was highly respected both as an able and painstaking official of the Corporation , and as a member of several of the Guilds , being a Past Master of the Pattenmakers '
Company , next in rotation for the same office in the Fanmakers ' , one of the Court of the Loriners , and a Liveryman of the Upholders . He also took a leading part in connection with the Dramatic Fund and other similar institutions , so that though his span of life was short , it had been well spent and honourably , lt is a mournful satisfaction to us to be able to express our deep sympathy with the family and friends of the deceased .
Bro . the Duke of Abereorn and the Duchess of Abereorn spent the Whitsun recess with the Earl and Countess of Winterton , at their seat , Shillinglee Park , Petworth , Sussex . The annual meeting and half-yearly election of the Infant Orphan Asylum , Wanstead , was held at the Cannon-street Hotel on Thursday , the 28 th ult . Bro . Hy ,
W . Green , the Secretary , read the report for the past year , which was satisfactory in all respects , and was adopted . Thirty children were afterwards elected from an approved list of some 147 candidates . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . YV . G . M ., has granted a warrant for a new lodge , No . 209 S , to meet at Harlesden . The following is a list of the designate officers : Bros . Rev . Canon W . H . Cooper , P . D . G . C ,
W . M . ; Major C . A . Cooper , P . M . ( I . C ) , S . W . ; Arthur Ball , J . W . ; Henry Hughes , S . D . ; G . Goldney-Cary , J . D . ; H . T . Reed , P . M ., Treas . ; YV . O . Lyon , P . M ., Sec . Among the other promoter ' s of the Harlesden Lodge are Bros . F . Levick , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., P . P . G . Scribe E . ; the Rev . H . Courtenay Atwood , M . A ., M . D . ; F . S . Long , J . Darton , and H . Branthwaite , M . D . The lodge , which is to be consecrated by Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., on Monday , the 8 th inst ., will meet in the Harlesden National School .
The General Committee of the Lord Mayor s Gordon Memorial Fund held a meeting at Marlborough House on Saturday last . On the motion of Bro . the Lord Mayor , the Prince of Wales took the chair , and opened the proceedings by proposing a resolution of regret at the death of Bro . Lord Mayor Nottage , at whose instance the fund was commenced , who was its Chairman and Treasurer , and who had exerted himself strenuously to promote its
success . The motion was carried unanimously , and was ordered to be entered on the minutes , and a copy sent to Lady Nottage . The committee then resolved on giving up the idea that the memorial to General Gordon should take the form of an Hospital at Port Said , and it was also agreed to consider carefully the best plan for giving effect to the wishes of the subscribers . A vote of thanks to the Prince of Wales for his services in the chair was passed with acclamation .
The Craft Abrod.
The Craft Abrod .
THE PENNSYLVANIA MASONIC HOME . A regular meeting of the friends and supporters of the Home for Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania was held in the Masonic Temple , Philadelphia , on the 27 th March last . There was a numerous and enthusiastic attendance , and from the report of the latest proceedings of the Executive of the Institution matters would seem to
be progressing most satisfactorily . There was a cash balance to the good of 10 , 000 dollars and 1 G 25 dollars outstanding . As many as G 6 Masonic bodies and iS individual brethren had given in their adhesion to the scheme , while there were three inmates , and two approved candidates had died after acceptance by the Committee , one claim being still pending . The annual meeting is fixed for Wednesday , the 24 th inst ., being St . John the Baptist ' s Day .
MASONIC VETERANS OF PENNSYLVANIA . At a meeting of this body at the Masonic Temple , Philadelphia , on Tuesday , the 31 st March , Bro . Charles G . Meyer delivered a highly interesting address descriptive of the previous pilgrimage of Mary Commandery , Knights Templar , to New Orleans and Florida , and
spoke in warm admiration of the friendly and fraternal greetings which the pilgrims had received from their southern brethren . The qualification for membership of this body is that a brother must have been a Master Mason for 21 years . Bro . Collin M . Gatchel is President of the Association .
KENTUCKY MASONIC HOME . YVe learn indirectly from the published Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky that the Masonic Home established within the jurisdiction of that Grand Lodge is in a most flourishing condition , the Endowment Fund having reached to about 150 , 000 dollars ( £ 30 , 000 ) , while the receipts are not only sufficient to meet the expenditure , but
leave a margin to be added tothe fund besides . A feature in connection with this Institution is that the children domiciled in it contribute towards its support by the industries they are taught . Thus a printing office has been fitted up neatly and economically , and furnished with all the necessary material for issuing a quantity of printed matter , which is done most creditably . Among the contributions to this
Home one of 500 dollars is reported as having been received from Oriental Consistory , Chicago , Illinois , an evidence that the Institution has made a name for itself , not in Kentucky only , but in other jurisdictions likewise . But flourishing as it is , there still appears to be ample room to
make it still more so . The Home is large enough to accommodate thrice as many children as live within its hospitable walls , and the Grand Master of Kentucky in his address at the late annual communication of Grand Lodge , spoke very urgently to the brethren on the necessity for enlarging its sphere of usefulness .
The Prince and Princess of VVales were visited at Marlborough House , on Sunday last , by Her Royal Highness Princess Mary of Cambridge , Duchess , and the Duke of Teck , who stayed to lunch with their Royal Highnesses . The Lady Mayoress ( Miss Fowler ) held her first reception at the Mansion House on Tuesday afternoon , similar receptions being fixed for the third Tuesday during the present month , and the first and third Tuesdays in
July-A complimentary dinner was given at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., to Bro . Captain Bedford Pim , R . N ., on his return from a long tour in Canada and the United States . Captain Lemon , President of the British Seamen ' s Protection Society , under whose auspices the dinner was given , occupied the chair .
Miss Agnes Consuelo , who has created such a marked impression in the provinces during her tour—due partly to her handsome stage presence , and partly to the ability she has shown—is going to appear on the 15 th inst ., for a . week , at the Standard Theatre . She will play "Zana , " in G . YV . Appleton's play of that name . The fait manageress has left hosts of admirers in every city and town she has visited ; and her tour has been a decided success .
Ihe annual athletic sports of Christ ' s Hospital came off on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at Lillie Bridge , in the presence of a large muster of the friends of the school , the lead in directing the arrangements being in the hands of Bro . Rev . Dr . Brette , Chairman of the Committee of Management . Hornby , Lewis , and Charles appear to have won most of the events in Class I ., above 16 . K . Munro , of St .
Paul's School , won the Quarter Mile Public School Race . The school band , under Mr . Hancock , enlivened the proceedings with some excellent music , and at the close the prizes , which were supplied by Bro . George Kenning , were distributed by Mrs . S . Vaughan Morgan . CLARK ' COFFEE EXTRACT . — The coffee extracts manufactured by the firm of E . Clark and Co ., of
the Optimus Coffee Works , Queen ' s-road , Battersea , have deservedly secured to themselves a large share of public patronage . The greatest care is taken in selecting the best coffees , and every precaution is observed in order to pievent the loss of that fragrant aroma which is so highly
appreciated by coffee-drinkers . No foreign substance , such as chicory , is used in the preparation , and those who have not at hand the requisite appliances for roasting their own coffee as needed for consumption , will find Clark ' s extract most satisfactory . We have much pleasure in recommending it to the notice of our readers .
THE AISERCORN HOTEL , STANMORE , M IDDLESEX . —Now that the season for open air excursions has commenced , we have much pleasure in drawing attention to the Abereorn Hotel , Stanmore , as suitable for the purpose . Two lodges and a chapter—the Abereorn Lodge , No . 1549 , and the Sub-Urban Lodge , No . 1702 , and the Stanmore Chapter , No . 1549—hold their meetings there . worthiest
and Bro . Charles Veal the Proprietor , is one of the and most genial of hosts , whose attention to the wishes oi his patrons knows no limits . The hotel has recently been enlarged by the addition of a commodious assembly room , where may be held balls , banquets , wedding breakfasts , and the like festivities , and we are satisfied that visitors who may incline to give Bro . Veal a turn will have good reason to be pleased with the accommodation they receive .