Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
In our report of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire , held at Todmorden , the name of Bro . E . J . Cummings was inadvertently omitted as being invested Provincial Grand Standard Bearer . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon addressed a numerous political meeting at East Woodhay , Hants , on Saturday last .
Prince Albert Victor of Wales will be called to the Bar at the Middle Temple on Wednesday next , the ioth inst . Mrs . Horace Biooks Marshall will lay one of the foundation stones of the Herne Bay Wesleyan Chapel , on Monday next , the Sth inst . Bro . Alderman Sir F . VV . Truscott , P . G . W .,
and Lady Truscott left London for the Puy-de-Dome , France , on Friday , the 29 th ult . The Princess of Wales will open the bazaar to be held at the Cannon-street Hotel on Wednesday , the 24 th inst ., in aid of the funds of the North-Eastern Hospital for Children . Bro . the Lord Mayor has kindl y undertaken to
preside at the 38 th Anniversary Festival of the Printers Pension Corporation , to be held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Monday , the 15 th inst . Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., P . G . M . Essex , will take the chairat the 58 th Anniversary Festival of the Infant Orphan Asylum , Wanstead , the day fixed for the celebration being Thursday , the 25 th inst .
The Q ueen , through Mr . Gladstone , has paid a graceful tribute of respect to the services rendered during his Mayoralty by our late Bro . Lord Mayor Nottage , by according permission to Mrs . Nottage to assume the style and title of a Knight ' s lady . It has been decided that the installation of the Provincial Grand Master for Durham , Sir Hedworth
Williamson , Bart ., will take place at Durham towards the end of July or early in August , and that the ceremony of installation will be performed by the Earl of Lathom , Deputy Grand Master . We have much p leasure in announcing that the Chiswick Mark Lodge , No . 357 , will be consecrated at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 27 th inst .
Bro . Binckes , P . G . W ., G . Sec , will officiate as consecrating officer , while the following brethren are the principal officers designate , namely , Bro . Alfred Meadows , M . I ) ., G . S . D ., W . M . ; George Gardner , S . W . ; F . Tyler , J . . Bro . J . L . Mather is the Secretary designate of the lodge . The petition for a new Royal Arch chapter , to be named Saint George ' s Chapter , and to be attached to
the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1560 , and held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , has been signed , the promoters being Comp . W . Kelly , P . G . Supt . of Leicestershire and Rutland ; Comp . G . Toller , " Prov . G . H . ; Comp . Rev . W . Langley , P . P . G . H . ; and Comp . S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Scribe E . The " veteran " Comp . Kelly to be the first Z . Hitherto Leicester , with its five lodges , has had but one
chapter , and Royal Arch Masonry has been at a standstill . CAMA LODGE , No . 2100 . — -In our issue last week we inadvertently mentioned that the Grand Secretary , Bro Shadwell H . Clerke , would be the Consecrating Officer , it should have been the R . VV . the Prov . G . Master , Sir Francis Burdett , Bart . The other officers assisting in the consecration will be the Deputy Prov . Giand Master ,
Bro . R . H . Thrupp , as Installing Master and Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . J . F . H . Woodward , P . M ., Prov . Grand Secretary , will occupy the S . W . ' s chair , and Bro . Henry Lovegrove , P . M ., P . P . Supt . of Works , the Junior Warden's . Bro . the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress were presented at the Mansion House on Thursday , the 28 th ult .. with the testimonial raised to commemorate their
services to the City during his lordship ' s tenure of office for the year 1 SS 3-4 . The " . estimonial , which , as we stated last week , consisted of a handsome silver centrepiece , weighing 3 G 0 ozs ., and portrait cf his lordship , and a diamond necklace and pendant for her ladyship , was formally presented by Sir George Chambers , Chairman of the Fund , and appropriately acknowledged . It was subsequently arranged that the Lord Mayor should be entertained at a banquet , to be held . at the Grocers' Hall on Thursday , the 18 th
inst . The annual Festival and distribution of prizes of the Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin , will take place at the Institution , Ball's Bridge , Dublin , to-morrow ( Saturday ) , from 4 p . m . to S p . m . Two military bandsthose of the 18 th Hussars and the King's Own Bordererswill contribute largely to the pleasure of the proceedings , and there will be a concert in the pavilion , at 5 p . m ., under
the personal conduct of Bro . C . O . Grandison , Past Grand Organist Ireland , who will be assisted by Miss Mullen , Mrs . Harte , and Bros . H . Beaumont , E . Oldham , and B . Mullen . The pupils will also contribute to the musical Portion of the festivities , and after the school drill the prizes will be handed to the successful pupils—both girls and boys — the whole concluding with the National Anthem .
SPECIALITIES FOR INVALIDS . — Among the jpany useful exhibits at the International Inventions Exhibition may be mentioned the Specialities for Invalids , b y Messrs . George Mason and Co ., of 417 , King's-road , Chelsea , S . W . These specialities consist of Meat Lozenges , Concentrated Beef Tea and Beef Jelly , and Turtle , the excellence of which have been very highly commended by 'he medical profession eenerallv . and of which we had
occasion to speak in terms of approval some time since , lhey are to be seen at Stand 1562 in the Eastern Annexe , Where Mr . Mason or a representative of his firm is in attendance to afford visitors all requisite information as p the acknowledged merits of his useful preparations . « s showing the high estimation in which these preparations are held , we may state that orders have recently Jeen received for supplies from several of the leading hospitals .
Masonic And General Tidings
The will of the late Bro . Sir W . W . Kni ghton , Bart ., was proved by the acting executors on the gth ult ., the personalty being sworn at upwards of £ 159 , 000 . The Prince of VVales received the United States Minister ( Mr . Phelps ) at Marlborough House , on Monday
morning , on his being accredited to the Court of St . James's . Bro . Lord Wolverton paid a visit to Mr . and Mrs . Gladstone at Hawarden towards the close of last week , and accompanied the right honourable gentleman in his brief excursions in the neisrhbourhood .
In honour of the recent visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Queenstown ; the Queen has given orders that the naval station at Haulbowline Island shall be known hencefoith as the Royal Alexandra Yard . Bro . the Right Hon . Hugh C . E . Childers , M . P ., has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to be able to resume his official duties as Chancellor of the
Exchequer . Bros , the Earl of Fife , Henry Irving , and Burdett-Coutts have expressed their in'ention of becoming Stewards at the festival dinner of the Cabdrivers' Benevo-Association , to be held at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , on the 27 th inst . Our late Bro . Sir W . Williams-Wynn , Bart .,
M . P ., has been succeeded in the Mastership of the Wynnstay Hunt by his nephew and successor in the baronetcy , Sir Herbert W . Williams-Wynn , Bart . Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn has taken a lease for several years of the Nunnery Stables , Newmarket , which were occupied for so long a time by the horses of the late Mr . H . Savile .
Bros . J . L . Toole and Henry Irving have subscribed liberally towards the Hugh Conway Testimonial , the object of which is to found a Scholarshi p for Literature at the University College , Bristol . Bros . Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., M . P ., and G . J . Shaw Lefevre , M . P ., together with the Home Secretary , visited Devonport Dockyard on Friday , the 29 th ult .,
and were conducted over the establishment and some of the ships in harbour by Rear-Admiral Wilson . Bros . Pannell , Rose Innes , and Altman were members of the deputation from the City Commissioners of Sewers which recently visited Paris for the purpose of
inspecting the underground wires of that city . Bros . Plunket , M . P ., P . G . S . D . Ireland , and Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W . England , have promised to attend the annual dinner on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., of the Kingston-on-Thames Conservative Association .
At the monthly meeting of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., Bro . Joseph Grimes , S . YV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for tbe ensuing year . At the same meeting W . Bro . Lewis , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Munson , Tyler .
There being a surplus of £ 56 16 s . in the hands of the committee of the Henry Irving Dinner Fund , after payment of all expenses , this sum has , at the request of Bro . Irving , been given— £ 41 to the Actors' Benevolent Fund , and 15 guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
The following dinners took place for the week Saturday , the Gth inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern : Monday —Grenadier Guards , 29 th Regiment , Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge , Tuscan Lodge , and Premier Conclave . Tuesday—34 th Regiment , 30 th Reeiment , and 82 nd
Regiment . Wednesday—Grand Officers' Mess . Thursday—19 th Regiment , 9 th Regiment , and Westminster and Keystone Lodge . Friday—10 . 3 rd Regiment ( Royal Bombay Fusiliers ) , 79 th Cameron Highlanders , and Odd Volumes Saturday—Royal Tradesmen ' s Association and Phcenix Chapter .
It is very desirable we should supplement our remarks of last week as to the excellence of the photographs taken by Bro . Bedford Lemere , of the firm of Bedford Lemere and Co ., of 147 , Strand , YV . C , of the Great Hall , Freemasons' Hall , as restored , so as to form companion photographs to those taken by the same firm immediately after the fire in 18 S 3 , by stating that Bro . Lemere had the
full permission of the Board of General Purposes for photographing the Hall in both cases . They will consequently possess—in the eyes of the brethren , at all events—a greater value as memorials of the Hall of our United Grand Lodge . YVe may add that copies are on sale at iG , Great Queen-street , W . C . Mr . C . Stuart Mason has iust executed a
life-like portrait in basso relievo of the Rev . H . W . Kemp , Master of the Charterhouse , Hull , who intends to present it shortly to the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 . The work represents the sitter slightly in advance of two Masonic columns , whose capitals are ornamented with the celestial and terrestrial globes , whilst characteristic jewels and emblems decorate the background . We feel particularly
pleased with the manner in which this artist treats Morphology , where conventionality seems to be discarded , and a sort of intuitive naturalness appears to have been adopted that does not so pointedly suggest the use of the chisel . Mr . Mason exhibited as a modeller last year in the Academy and Grosvenor Galleries , and the London press vvas high in praise of his daring originality , which bids fair to attain an eminence hitherto unknown in sculpture . Some traces ,
however , of the influence of Her Majesty . s Sculptor , J . E . Boehm , R . A ., with whom Mr . Mason was associated for some time , will still be found in his productions , though undoubtedly he could not be styled a plagiarist . We noticed in Mr . Mason's studio , a humorous sketch , in the form of a bust , entitled cum grano sails , and certainly the incredulous smile depicted upon the sly , but handsome countenance , sufficiently bore out the interpretation . We anticipate great things from this modern Phidias .
Ho _ LuvvAv's OINTMENT AND PILL ? . —Outward Iniirmitics . —Before the discovery of these remedies , many cases of sores , ulcers , & c , were pronounced to be hopelessly incurable , because the treatment pursued tended to destroy the strength it was incompetent to preserve , and to exasperate the symptoms it was inadequate to remove , lioiloway's Pills exert thc most wholesome powers over the
unhealthy llesh or skin , without debarring the patient from fresh air and exercise , and thus the constitutional vigour is husbanded while thc most malignant ulcers , abscesses , and skin diseases are in process of cure . Both Ointment and Pills make the blood richer and purer , instead ot permitting it to fall into that poor and watery state so fatal to many labouring under chronic ulcerations . —[ ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Prince of Wales will be the guest of Mr . Gladstone to-morrow ( Saturday ) , at the full-dress banquet given by the latter in honour of the Queen ' s birthday . Bro . the Duke and the Duchess of Leinster and the Ladies Fitzgerald arrived last week at their residence in Carlton House-terrace from Carton , Maynooth . Lady Brassey opened a bazaar at Brighton , on
Thursday , the 28 th ult ., in aid of the Dorset Gardens Wesleyan Chapel Rebuilding Fund . Bro . Sir Charles Dilke , Bart ., M . P ., arrived in London from Dublin on Fiday evening , the 29 th ult ., at the conclusion of his labours in connection with the Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes . We understand that the subscription list to the
Brockbank Testimonial Fund will close on the 30 th instant . Subscriptions must be sent to Bro . Jonah Taylor , Town Hall Square , Bolton . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., was one of the principal guests at the Restoration Feast of the Grocers' Company on Friday evening , the 29 th ult ., and returned thanks for the toast of his health .
Bro . Col . Stanley , ALP ., P . G . W ., was present at a large gathering at Barrow on Friday , the 29 th ult ., and spoke in behalf of the Conservative candidate for the borough at the general election . Bro . Baron H . De YVorms , M . P ., left Folkestone for the Continent on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., returning to
London in time for the re-assembling of Parliament on Thurjday , the 4 th inst . H . R . H . the Duchess of Albany has consented to open a bazaar to be held shortly under the patronage of the Lady Mayoress , in the Town Hall , Kensington , in aid of the new parish church of St . Paul ' s , Hammersmith .
Bro . the Ear ! Granville received lengthened visits on Friday , the 29 th ult ., from the Russian Ambassador at the Foreign Office and the French Ambassador at his private residence . In the evening his lordship left for Walmer Castle , to spend a few days there .
Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., M . P ., addressed a meeting of electors at Plymouth on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., in behalf of Bro . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., as candidate at the next election for the Tavistock division of the county of Devon .
Ihe Duchess of Atholl , the Countess of Mar and Kellie , and the . Countess of Northesk were among the Lady Patronesses present at their first meeting on Monday in connection with the Royal Caledonian Fancy Dress Ball for the benefit of the Royal Caledonian Asylum and the Royal Scottish Hospital . The Prince of Wales , who will be accompanied
on the occasion by the Princess , will open the buildings of the Yorkshire College , Leeds , on Thursday , the 15 th July next . The announcement to this effect has given great satisfaction both in Leeds and throughout the West Riding generally . We learn with much regret that Bro . H . G . Buss does not intend to offer himself for re-election as
Provincial Grand Treasurer of Middlesex at the Provincial Grand Lodge to-day ( Saturday ) . YVe understand Bro . T . B . Archer , P . P . S . W . Middx ., will be nominated by the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Sir F . Burdett , Bart ., and seconded by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Thrupp . An emergency meetincr of the . Ylavburv Lod _ re .
No . 9 G 9 , will be held at the Inns of Court Hotel on Thursday , the nth inst ., to pass a vote of condolence with the widow and family of Bro . C . VV . Thompson . Bro . Thompson was initiated in the Maybury Lodge , and was Master two years in succession . The attendance of his Alasonic friends is invited .
The Prince of Wales has consented to act as the representative of the Trustees of the British Museum , and to receive the marble statue of the late Charles Darwin , by Mr . Boehm , R . A ., which has just been placed on the landing of the principal staircase leading from the Great Hall of the Natural History Museum , Cromwell-road . The ceremony of reception is fixed for Tuesday next , the oth inst .
Bro . J . Derby Allcroft , P . G . Treasurer , and Treasurer of the Royal Hospital for Incurables , presided as Chairman at the 62 nd election of candidates for admission into this institution at Cannon-street Hotel on Friday , the 29 th ult . Four inmates and 21 pensioners were elected , and at the close of the proceedings a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Allcroft for his services in the chair .
The Prince of Wales , and Bros . General Randolph , General Brownrigg , C . B ., P . G . M . Surrey , and the Marquis of Hertford , G . S . W ., were among those present at the anniversary dinner of the Grenadier Guards Club at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday evening , the chair being occupied by the Duke oi Cambridge . The full band of the regiment , under Bro . Dan Godfrey , played in the gallery during dinner .
Bro . T . Eccleston Gibb , Vestry Clerk and Clerk to the Guardians of the Poor for the parish of St . Pancras , has resigned his offices , and at a meeting of the latter on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., at the Vestry Hall , King'sroad , St . Pancias , a resolution complimenting our respected brother on his valuable services , and tendering him hearty good wishes for his future happiness , was passed unanimously . Bro . Gibb personally returned his thanks for the motion ,
A well-kept hat is one of those indispensable adjuncts to the male " get up" that we make no excuse for calling attention to a very handy and effective contrivance for reviving and brushing it . The article in question is very simple , but most effective . It is a soft
velvet pad , such as is used by hat makers , to one end of which is attached a brush , so that the " reviving " operation is performed at the same time as the brim is being brushed . Mr . H . Hughes , of 103 , Junction-road , Holloway , is the manufacturer .
3 , 000 , 000 tins of CHAMPION'S MUSTARD was sold in London alone during the past year . Why was this so ? Because the public , having satisfied themselves it was the best and cheapest , gave it a preference over all others . —ADVT . £ 20 . —Tobacconists commencing . —A pamphlet ( 80 pages ) How to open respectably from _< . jo ; three stamps . H . Myers & Co ., Cigar and Tobacco Merchants , Euston-rd ., London . Telephone No . 7 J 4 1 . — [ ADVI J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
In our report of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire , held at Todmorden , the name of Bro . E . J . Cummings was inadvertently omitted as being invested Provincial Grand Standard Bearer . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon addressed a numerous political meeting at East Woodhay , Hants , on Saturday last .
Prince Albert Victor of Wales will be called to the Bar at the Middle Temple on Wednesday next , the ioth inst . Mrs . Horace Biooks Marshall will lay one of the foundation stones of the Herne Bay Wesleyan Chapel , on Monday next , the Sth inst . Bro . Alderman Sir F . VV . Truscott , P . G . W .,
and Lady Truscott left London for the Puy-de-Dome , France , on Friday , the 29 th ult . The Princess of Wales will open the bazaar to be held at the Cannon-street Hotel on Wednesday , the 24 th inst ., in aid of the funds of the North-Eastern Hospital for Children . Bro . the Lord Mayor has kindl y undertaken to
preside at the 38 th Anniversary Festival of the Printers Pension Corporation , to be held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Monday , the 15 th inst . Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., P . G . M . Essex , will take the chairat the 58 th Anniversary Festival of the Infant Orphan Asylum , Wanstead , the day fixed for the celebration being Thursday , the 25 th inst .
The Q ueen , through Mr . Gladstone , has paid a graceful tribute of respect to the services rendered during his Mayoralty by our late Bro . Lord Mayor Nottage , by according permission to Mrs . Nottage to assume the style and title of a Knight ' s lady . It has been decided that the installation of the Provincial Grand Master for Durham , Sir Hedworth
Williamson , Bart ., will take place at Durham towards the end of July or early in August , and that the ceremony of installation will be performed by the Earl of Lathom , Deputy Grand Master . We have much p leasure in announcing that the Chiswick Mark Lodge , No . 357 , will be consecrated at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 27 th inst .
Bro . Binckes , P . G . W ., G . Sec , will officiate as consecrating officer , while the following brethren are the principal officers designate , namely , Bro . Alfred Meadows , M . I ) ., G . S . D ., W . M . ; George Gardner , S . W . ; F . Tyler , J . . Bro . J . L . Mather is the Secretary designate of the lodge . The petition for a new Royal Arch chapter , to be named Saint George ' s Chapter , and to be attached to
the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1560 , and held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , has been signed , the promoters being Comp . W . Kelly , P . G . Supt . of Leicestershire and Rutland ; Comp . G . Toller , " Prov . G . H . ; Comp . Rev . W . Langley , P . P . G . H . ; and Comp . S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Scribe E . The " veteran " Comp . Kelly to be the first Z . Hitherto Leicester , with its five lodges , has had but one
chapter , and Royal Arch Masonry has been at a standstill . CAMA LODGE , No . 2100 . — -In our issue last week we inadvertently mentioned that the Grand Secretary , Bro Shadwell H . Clerke , would be the Consecrating Officer , it should have been the R . VV . the Prov . G . Master , Sir Francis Burdett , Bart . The other officers assisting in the consecration will be the Deputy Prov . Giand Master ,
Bro . R . H . Thrupp , as Installing Master and Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . J . F . H . Woodward , P . M ., Prov . Grand Secretary , will occupy the S . W . ' s chair , and Bro . Henry Lovegrove , P . M ., P . P . Supt . of Works , the Junior Warden's . Bro . the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress were presented at the Mansion House on Thursday , the 28 th ult .. with the testimonial raised to commemorate their
services to the City during his lordship ' s tenure of office for the year 1 SS 3-4 . The " . estimonial , which , as we stated last week , consisted of a handsome silver centrepiece , weighing 3 G 0 ozs ., and portrait cf his lordship , and a diamond necklace and pendant for her ladyship , was formally presented by Sir George Chambers , Chairman of the Fund , and appropriately acknowledged . It was subsequently arranged that the Lord Mayor should be entertained at a banquet , to be held . at the Grocers' Hall on Thursday , the 18 th
inst . The annual Festival and distribution of prizes of the Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin , will take place at the Institution , Ball's Bridge , Dublin , to-morrow ( Saturday ) , from 4 p . m . to S p . m . Two military bandsthose of the 18 th Hussars and the King's Own Bordererswill contribute largely to the pleasure of the proceedings , and there will be a concert in the pavilion , at 5 p . m ., under
the personal conduct of Bro . C . O . Grandison , Past Grand Organist Ireland , who will be assisted by Miss Mullen , Mrs . Harte , and Bros . H . Beaumont , E . Oldham , and B . Mullen . The pupils will also contribute to the musical Portion of the festivities , and after the school drill the prizes will be handed to the successful pupils—both girls and boys — the whole concluding with the National Anthem .
SPECIALITIES FOR INVALIDS . — Among the jpany useful exhibits at the International Inventions Exhibition may be mentioned the Specialities for Invalids , b y Messrs . George Mason and Co ., of 417 , King's-road , Chelsea , S . W . These specialities consist of Meat Lozenges , Concentrated Beef Tea and Beef Jelly , and Turtle , the excellence of which have been very highly commended by 'he medical profession eenerallv . and of which we had
occasion to speak in terms of approval some time since , lhey are to be seen at Stand 1562 in the Eastern Annexe , Where Mr . Mason or a representative of his firm is in attendance to afford visitors all requisite information as p the acknowledged merits of his useful preparations . « s showing the high estimation in which these preparations are held , we may state that orders have recently Jeen received for supplies from several of the leading hospitals .
Masonic And General Tidings
The will of the late Bro . Sir W . W . Kni ghton , Bart ., was proved by the acting executors on the gth ult ., the personalty being sworn at upwards of £ 159 , 000 . The Prince of VVales received the United States Minister ( Mr . Phelps ) at Marlborough House , on Monday
morning , on his being accredited to the Court of St . James's . Bro . Lord Wolverton paid a visit to Mr . and Mrs . Gladstone at Hawarden towards the close of last week , and accompanied the right honourable gentleman in his brief excursions in the neisrhbourhood .
In honour of the recent visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Queenstown ; the Queen has given orders that the naval station at Haulbowline Island shall be known hencefoith as the Royal Alexandra Yard . Bro . the Right Hon . Hugh C . E . Childers , M . P ., has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to be able to resume his official duties as Chancellor of the
Exchequer . Bros , the Earl of Fife , Henry Irving , and Burdett-Coutts have expressed their in'ention of becoming Stewards at the festival dinner of the Cabdrivers' Benevo-Association , to be held at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , on the 27 th inst . Our late Bro . Sir W . Williams-Wynn , Bart .,
M . P ., has been succeeded in the Mastership of the Wynnstay Hunt by his nephew and successor in the baronetcy , Sir Herbert W . Williams-Wynn , Bart . Bro . the Earl of Rosslyn has taken a lease for several years of the Nunnery Stables , Newmarket , which were occupied for so long a time by the horses of the late Mr . H . Savile .
Bros . J . L . Toole and Henry Irving have subscribed liberally towards the Hugh Conway Testimonial , the object of which is to found a Scholarshi p for Literature at the University College , Bristol . Bros . Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., M . P ., and G . J . Shaw Lefevre , M . P ., together with the Home Secretary , visited Devonport Dockyard on Friday , the 29 th ult .,
and were conducted over the establishment and some of the ships in harbour by Rear-Admiral Wilson . Bros . Pannell , Rose Innes , and Altman were members of the deputation from the City Commissioners of Sewers which recently visited Paris for the purpose of
inspecting the underground wires of that city . Bros . Plunket , M . P ., P . G . S . D . Ireland , and Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W . England , have promised to attend the annual dinner on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., of the Kingston-on-Thames Conservative Association .
At the monthly meeting of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., Bro . Joseph Grimes , S . YV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for tbe ensuing year . At the same meeting W . Bro . Lewis , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Munson , Tyler .
There being a surplus of £ 56 16 s . in the hands of the committee of the Henry Irving Dinner Fund , after payment of all expenses , this sum has , at the request of Bro . Irving , been given— £ 41 to the Actors' Benevolent Fund , and 15 guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
The following dinners took place for the week Saturday , the Gth inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern : Monday —Grenadier Guards , 29 th Regiment , Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge , Tuscan Lodge , and Premier Conclave . Tuesday—34 th Regiment , 30 th Reeiment , and 82 nd
Regiment . Wednesday—Grand Officers' Mess . Thursday—19 th Regiment , 9 th Regiment , and Westminster and Keystone Lodge . Friday—10 . 3 rd Regiment ( Royal Bombay Fusiliers ) , 79 th Cameron Highlanders , and Odd Volumes Saturday—Royal Tradesmen ' s Association and Phcenix Chapter .
It is very desirable we should supplement our remarks of last week as to the excellence of the photographs taken by Bro . Bedford Lemere , of the firm of Bedford Lemere and Co ., of 147 , Strand , YV . C , of the Great Hall , Freemasons' Hall , as restored , so as to form companion photographs to those taken by the same firm immediately after the fire in 18 S 3 , by stating that Bro . Lemere had the
full permission of the Board of General Purposes for photographing the Hall in both cases . They will consequently possess—in the eyes of the brethren , at all events—a greater value as memorials of the Hall of our United Grand Lodge . YVe may add that copies are on sale at iG , Great Queen-street , W . C . Mr . C . Stuart Mason has iust executed a
life-like portrait in basso relievo of the Rev . H . W . Kemp , Master of the Charterhouse , Hull , who intends to present it shortly to the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 . The work represents the sitter slightly in advance of two Masonic columns , whose capitals are ornamented with the celestial and terrestrial globes , whilst characteristic jewels and emblems decorate the background . We feel particularly
pleased with the manner in which this artist treats Morphology , where conventionality seems to be discarded , and a sort of intuitive naturalness appears to have been adopted that does not so pointedly suggest the use of the chisel . Mr . Mason exhibited as a modeller last year in the Academy and Grosvenor Galleries , and the London press vvas high in praise of his daring originality , which bids fair to attain an eminence hitherto unknown in sculpture . Some traces ,
however , of the influence of Her Majesty . s Sculptor , J . E . Boehm , R . A ., with whom Mr . Mason was associated for some time , will still be found in his productions , though undoubtedly he could not be styled a plagiarist . We noticed in Mr . Mason's studio , a humorous sketch , in the form of a bust , entitled cum grano sails , and certainly the incredulous smile depicted upon the sly , but handsome countenance , sufficiently bore out the interpretation . We anticipate great things from this modern Phidias .
Ho _ LuvvAv's OINTMENT AND PILL ? . —Outward Iniirmitics . —Before the discovery of these remedies , many cases of sores , ulcers , & c , were pronounced to be hopelessly incurable , because the treatment pursued tended to destroy the strength it was incompetent to preserve , and to exasperate the symptoms it was inadequate to remove , lioiloway's Pills exert thc most wholesome powers over the
unhealthy llesh or skin , without debarring the patient from fresh air and exercise , and thus the constitutional vigour is husbanded while thc most malignant ulcers , abscesses , and skin diseases are in process of cure . Both Ointment and Pills make the blood richer and purer , instead ot permitting it to fall into that poor and watery state so fatal to many labouring under chronic ulcerations . —[ ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Prince of Wales will be the guest of Mr . Gladstone to-morrow ( Saturday ) , at the full-dress banquet given by the latter in honour of the Queen ' s birthday . Bro . the Duke and the Duchess of Leinster and the Ladies Fitzgerald arrived last week at their residence in Carlton House-terrace from Carton , Maynooth . Lady Brassey opened a bazaar at Brighton , on
Thursday , the 28 th ult ., in aid of the Dorset Gardens Wesleyan Chapel Rebuilding Fund . Bro . Sir Charles Dilke , Bart ., M . P ., arrived in London from Dublin on Fiday evening , the 29 th ult ., at the conclusion of his labours in connection with the Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes . We understand that the subscription list to the
Brockbank Testimonial Fund will close on the 30 th instant . Subscriptions must be sent to Bro . Jonah Taylor , Town Hall Square , Bolton . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., was one of the principal guests at the Restoration Feast of the Grocers' Company on Friday evening , the 29 th ult ., and returned thanks for the toast of his health .
Bro . Col . Stanley , ALP ., P . G . W ., was present at a large gathering at Barrow on Friday , the 29 th ult ., and spoke in behalf of the Conservative candidate for the borough at the general election . Bro . Baron H . De YVorms , M . P ., left Folkestone for the Continent on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., returning to
London in time for the re-assembling of Parliament on Thurjday , the 4 th inst . H . R . H . the Duchess of Albany has consented to open a bazaar to be held shortly under the patronage of the Lady Mayoress , in the Town Hall , Kensington , in aid of the new parish church of St . Paul ' s , Hammersmith .
Bro . the Ear ! Granville received lengthened visits on Friday , the 29 th ult ., from the Russian Ambassador at the Foreign Office and the French Ambassador at his private residence . In the evening his lordship left for Walmer Castle , to spend a few days there .
Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., M . P ., addressed a meeting of electors at Plymouth on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., in behalf of Bro . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., as candidate at the next election for the Tavistock division of the county of Devon .
Ihe Duchess of Atholl , the Countess of Mar and Kellie , and the . Countess of Northesk were among the Lady Patronesses present at their first meeting on Monday in connection with the Royal Caledonian Fancy Dress Ball for the benefit of the Royal Caledonian Asylum and the Royal Scottish Hospital . The Prince of Wales , who will be accompanied
on the occasion by the Princess , will open the buildings of the Yorkshire College , Leeds , on Thursday , the 15 th July next . The announcement to this effect has given great satisfaction both in Leeds and throughout the West Riding generally . We learn with much regret that Bro . H . G . Buss does not intend to offer himself for re-election as
Provincial Grand Treasurer of Middlesex at the Provincial Grand Lodge to-day ( Saturday ) . YVe understand Bro . T . B . Archer , P . P . S . W . Middx ., will be nominated by the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Sir F . Burdett , Bart ., and seconded by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Thrupp . An emergency meetincr of the . Ylavburv Lod _ re .
No . 9 G 9 , will be held at the Inns of Court Hotel on Thursday , the nth inst ., to pass a vote of condolence with the widow and family of Bro . C . VV . Thompson . Bro . Thompson was initiated in the Maybury Lodge , and was Master two years in succession . The attendance of his Alasonic friends is invited .
The Prince of Wales has consented to act as the representative of the Trustees of the British Museum , and to receive the marble statue of the late Charles Darwin , by Mr . Boehm , R . A ., which has just been placed on the landing of the principal staircase leading from the Great Hall of the Natural History Museum , Cromwell-road . The ceremony of reception is fixed for Tuesday next , the oth inst .
Bro . J . Derby Allcroft , P . G . Treasurer , and Treasurer of the Royal Hospital for Incurables , presided as Chairman at the 62 nd election of candidates for admission into this institution at Cannon-street Hotel on Friday , the 29 th ult . Four inmates and 21 pensioners were elected , and at the close of the proceedings a vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Allcroft for his services in the chair .
The Prince of Wales , and Bros . General Randolph , General Brownrigg , C . B ., P . G . M . Surrey , and the Marquis of Hertford , G . S . W ., were among those present at the anniversary dinner of the Grenadier Guards Club at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday evening , the chair being occupied by the Duke oi Cambridge . The full band of the regiment , under Bro . Dan Godfrey , played in the gallery during dinner .
Bro . T . Eccleston Gibb , Vestry Clerk and Clerk to the Guardians of the Poor for the parish of St . Pancras , has resigned his offices , and at a meeting of the latter on Thursday evening , the 28 th ult ., at the Vestry Hall , King'sroad , St . Pancias , a resolution complimenting our respected brother on his valuable services , and tendering him hearty good wishes for his future happiness , was passed unanimously . Bro . Gibb personally returned his thanks for the motion ,
A well-kept hat is one of those indispensable adjuncts to the male " get up" that we make no excuse for calling attention to a very handy and effective contrivance for reviving and brushing it . The article in question is very simple , but most effective . It is a soft
velvet pad , such as is used by hat makers , to one end of which is attached a brush , so that the " reviving " operation is performed at the same time as the brim is being brushed . Mr . H . Hughes , of 103 , Junction-road , Holloway , is the manufacturer .
3 , 000 , 000 tins of CHAMPION'S MUSTARD was sold in London alone during the past year . Why was this so ? Because the public , having satisfied themselves it was the best and cheapest , gave it a preference over all others . —ADVT . £ 20 . —Tobacconists commencing . —A pamphlet ( 80 pages ) How to open respectably from _< . jo ; three stamps . H . Myers & Co ., Cigar and Tobacco Merchants , Euston-rd ., London . Telephone No . 7 J 4 1 . — [ ADVI J