Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article ATHLETIC SPORTS' FUND R.M.I. FOR BOYS'.—JUNE, 1884. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
KIRKBURTON—Beaumont Lodge ( No . 2035 ) . —The first annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held in the Girls' Schoolroom , on Saturday , the 16 th ult . There was a good attendance of brethren and visitors . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Schofield , P . M ., after whicli Bro . B . Stocks , J . W ., was duly installed as VV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed in a most impressive mannerby Bro . L . B . Brierley ,
P . M ., the Installing Master , and ho was ably assisted by Bro . VV . H . Jessop , P . M ., who acted as D . of C . The VV . M . then invested the following brethren as officers : Bros . Schofield , I . P . M . j Harry Field , S . W . ; YV . H . Cook , J . VV . ; E . Smith , Treas , ; W . Fitton , Reg . ; C . Hargreaves , Sec ; J . VV . Cocking , S . D . ; A . L . Littlewood , J . D . ; G . A . Schofield , D . C . ; George Barden , A . D . C ; Drummond , I . G . ; and Rice , Tyler . Bro . the
Rev . R . Collins , vicar , was appointed Chaplain , but in consequence of a severe cold he was unable to be present to be invested . Bro . Wm . Schofield was elected to serve on the Provincial Charity Committee . The usual lodge business was then performed , and the lodge was closed . There was a good attendance of visitors present , amongst whom were the following : Bros . Preston , 104 ; Heron , P . P . D . 20 S ; Craven , P . P . G . R . ; R . H .
Armitage , P . M . ; R . Jubb ; J . James Kaye , P . M . ; R . H . Inman , 275 ; C Wheawill , YV . M . ; E . Dyson , P . j . W . ; J . Lumb , J . Smith , J . D . ; J . Brierley , J . Lee , P . G . T . ; J . North , 290 ; John Matthewman , P . M . 521 ; Beanland , P . M . ; J . C . Cockcroft , 1462 ; Crosland Hirst , P . M . ; J . A . Stocks , 1514 ; John Sugden , YV . M . j John Hellawell ,
P . M . ; 1 _ . K . Armitage , 1 G 45 ; and Henry Guy , St . James ' s Lodge , London . The brethren afterwards partook of a splendid banquet at the Royal Hotel , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . During the evening several songs were sung by Bros . Henry Guy , Stocks , VV . M ., and J . A . Stocks . Bro . John North presided at the pianoforte .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 14-J ..-A meeting was held on Monday , the ist inst ., at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , in , Praedstreet , Paddington . Present : Uros . [ . Cruttenden , VV . M . ; U . Stroud , S . W . ; ] . T . Mickelburgh , P . M . 142 .., j . W . ; G . Read , I ' . M . Jir , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1 " 43 , Sec .: li . ]•" . Ferris , S . D . ; W . Death , J . D . ; I " . Chandler , I . G . ; W . Batley , Stwd . ; I * . T . C . Keeble , P . M . 14 =- ; F . G . liaker , P . M . 753 ; S . Smout , P . M . 1642 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 11 ) 74 , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab ; 0 . P . Festa , P . M . 1900 ; C . S . Mote , A . P . Lake , K . Coleman
, c . .. . Morse , M . I . Green , C . J . Fox , W , ) . Mason , 1 . la Clibnrn , E . Rogers , Ii . J . Day , and C . T . Thomson . Visitors JSros . R . W . Williams , 198 ; j . C . Conwav , iSqr ; and .. H . !• * Taylor , iSgr . ' .... The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and conlirmed . After the usual preliminaries , tiie ceremonv o £ raising was rehearsed , Hro . Keeble being candidate , after which thc YV . M . gave the lecture on the first tracing board . Bro . Strond was elected VV . M . for next meeting , and i _ ro . R . Williams was elected a member . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1 . 14 ) . —The usual wceklv meeting of this lodge of instrnction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 2 SU 1 inst ., when there were present Bros . V . Kedge , VV . M . ; J . B . Gumming , S . VV . ; . [ . Holland , J . W . ; J . VV . Ford , S . D . ; R . ]' . Harnell , J . D . ; J . R . Harncll , I . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; " G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; A . Clark , P . M ., T . A . Dickson , G . II . Reynolds , 1 ) . Stroud , and T : E . Weeks . The lodge was opened in dne form , and the minntes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . G . Reynolds having offered himself as a candidate for initiation , the VV . M . was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . R . J . Harnell having offered himself as a candidate to be raised to lie raised to the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , and retired . Lodge opened in tlie Third Degree . The W . M . rehearsed the Sublime Degree of M . M . Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , worked the 3 rd Section of this lecture . Lodge resumed to the First Degree . On rising for tlie first lime , llro . R . I . Harnell
proposed that Bro . J . R . Harnell , Ju , be a joining memher of this lodge of instrnction ; seconded bv Bro . YV . C . Smith , and carried unanimously . On rising for the ' second time , Bro . VV . 0 . Smith proposed that Bro . J . Ii . Gumming , S . W ., be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by Bro . J . W ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . On rising for tiie third time , Iiro . G . Reynolds , Sec , proposed a vote of thanks , to be recorded on thc minntes of tins lodge of instruction , to lira . J . \ V . Ford for his great kindness in presenting the lodge
with tlie handsome box before them for keeping their tools in . Sec . It was not thc first present by several that Bro . | . VV . Ford had presented to thc lodge of instruction , for amongst them were thc pedestals , dais , and screen , which showed the great interest he took in the welfare of the lodge . Whereupon Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , said that in recog lition of Bro . J . \ V . Ford's kindness , he would ask Hro . G . Reynolds to add to the vote of thanks , " that iim
. J . W . hord be made an honorary member of the lodge ot > "sttvic . ion . "_ This was done , and the motion was seconded by bro . T . A . Dickson , and carried unanimously . Bro . J . W . Ford , in replying , said it always gave him great pleasure to be amongst the brethren , and he vet hoped to supply another little want wliich hc had observed . l'he VV . M . having received " Hearty good wishes" from the brethren , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . rrescnt : i ) ros . Glover , VV . M . ; Mason , S . W . ; Gibson , Treas ., . l . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Coughlan , Sec . ; Green , senr ., ¦ "•" . ; Wade , P . M ., J . D . ; Hayes , I . G . ; Chilcott , Stamp , Grist , ( . White , P . M . ; F . Purnell , Edwards , and Arduino . I he lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and conlirmed . The lodge was opened in the Vcond Degree . Bro . Wade , a candidate to be raised to the Third
. ' j-Bree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Ihe lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Grist being thc candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The Preceptor , assisted by the ™™ iren , worked thc island and Sections of this lecture . The >> . M . rose for the first time , and Bro . Stamp , 1194 , was unanimousl y elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , 'he VV . M . rose for thc second time , and Bro . Mason was nnanimniisl y elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Nothing further ""(•¦ ring , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ST . DUNSTAN ' S CH APTER ( No . 1589 ) .-1 "is chapter held a meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , on the 27 th ult . Among those present were Comps . " furner , M . E . Z . ; G . Manners , C . C ., H . ; Alfred r Ah )•> Jenkins , S . E . ; R . Clemow , acting S . N . ; / . ; C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C . Middx ., P . Z ., acting PTS . ; YV . ~' ° w , lst Asst . ; J . H . Dodson , P . Z ., Treasurer , and tiers . The minutes of the previous convocation having "een read and confirmed , two brethren oi the Dalhousie wougc were duly balloted for , and most impressively ex-
Royal Arch.
alted to the Degree of the Royal Arch by the M . E . Z . The election of officers for the year ensuing then took place , with the following result : Comps . G . Manners , M . E . Z . ; Alfred Tisley , H . ; YV . Clemow , J . ; Jenkins , S . E . ; F . Farrington , S . N . ; YV . E . Farrington , P . S . ; J . H . Dodson , Treasurer ; and Gilbert , Janitor . It was , moved , seconded , and carried unanimously— "That after June next the annual subscription be reduced to two guineas . "
A voteof thanks was then passed to Ex . Comp . H . Turner for the efficient manner in which he had discharged his duties during the past year , and a Past Principal's jewel was also voted to him . The chapter was then closed , and the members and their visitors adjourned to the banquet . Among the latter were Comps . Dakin , 583 ; Taylor , 154 ; and T . Dodson , 1540 . The usual toasts were given and duly honoured .
TORQUAY . —St . John Chapter ( No . 32 S ) . — The annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., when the Principals elect , Ex . Comps . A . T . Blarney , Z . ; W . H . Probert , H . ; and YV . Taylor , J ., were respectively installed in tlieir several chairs by Ex . Comp . C . J . Harland , P . Z ., P . P . G . R ., in a very able manner , the following
Principals being also in attendance : Comps . W . G . Ellis , the retiring Z . ; J . Dodge , P . Z . ; W . Bradnee , P . Z . ; J . Hurrell , P . Z . ; J . Chapman , P . Z . 1 S 9 ; G . C . Searle , P . Z . 135 S ; H . P . Jarman , H . 135 S ; and VV . J . McLean , P . Z . 24 S . The M . E . Z . subsequently invested the following as officers for the ensuing year : Comps . Jno . Lane , S . E . ; G . J . Pepprell , S . N . ; B . Knight , Treas . ; S . Garcia ,
P . S . ; G . Hussey , ist A . S . ; H . C . Bolt , 2 nd A . S . ; T , Brooks , Org . ; W . Hill , Swd . Br . ; R . Perry , ist Std , Br . ; J . Mortimer , 2 nd Std . Br . ; and YV . H . Yates , Janitor . The companions subsequently dined at Comp . Bolt ' s Royal Hotel , where the usual loyal and fraternal toasts were duly honoured .
NORTH LONDON CHAPTER OK IMPROVEMENT ( No . is . i i ) . —A convocation was held at the Alwyne Castle Tavern , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry , N ., on Thursday , thc 28 th ult ., when there were present Comps . W . Radclill ' e , ' / .. ; S . George H . ; J . Carter , 1 . ; J . E . Sheffield , S . H . ; H . K . Dehane , S . N . ; G . W " . Knight , P . S . ; G . Gregory , P . Z . ; and YV . C . Hall . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed , and thc ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Hall being the candidate . The chapter was closed in peace and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TWICKENHAM . —Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1 S 1 ) . —This prosperous lodge met at the Albany Hotel on the 28 th ult . Among those in attendance were Bros . Supt . Fisher , YV . M . ; Sanders , P . M ., acting S . W . ; Briggs , J . W . ; H . Higgins , M . O . ; Bailey , J . O . ; Potter , ) . D . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . D . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; T . C . YValls , P . G . Swd . Br . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read
and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . Dukroy , late 72 , for advancement at the next meeting , and it proved to be unanimous . A notice of motion to increase the subscriptions having been given , it was moved , seconded , and carried unanimously , " That the resignation of Bro . YV . Hammond , P . M ., be accepted vvith regret . The lodge hears with concerns of the bad state of his
health , and have to tender their condolence with mm in his affliction ; that a copy of the resolution be entered on the minutes , and that it also be transmitted to Bro . Hammond . " Several letters of apology for absence having been read , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was genially presided over by the W . M . The proceedings term nated at an early hour .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
PREMIER CONCLAVE . —The first meeting in the new rooms of the Order , itia , Great Queen-street , was held on Monday last . Present : Sir Knights H . H . Shirley , M . P . S . ; T . C . YValls , G . V . ; N . E . Dawes , J . G . ; C . W . Pridmore , H . P . ; Thomas Cubitt , Treas . ; J . Mason , Recorder ; H . J . Lardner , Prefect ; Thomas Hard y , Orator ; P . M . Holden , Past Sov . ; George Kenning , Past Sov . ; I . G . Marsh , hon . mem . ; W . Lake ,
and H . C . Heard . The minutes of the last assembly of the conclave were read and confirmed . Bro . Capt . YV . B . Williamson , J . P ., who had been previously balloted for , was duly installed , the ceremony being very ably performed by Sir Knight H . H . Shirley . The M . P . S . then proceeded to enthrone his successor , Sir Knight T . C . Walls , who then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Sir Knights Mickley ,
Viceroy ; Dawes , S . G . ; Pridmore , J . G . ; Lardner , H . P . ; Cubitt , Treas . ; Mason , Recorder ; Hardy , Prefect ; and Lake , Orator . A handsome Past Sovereign ' s jewel , which had been voted at the last meeting of the conclave , was then presented to the retiring Sovereign , Sir Knight Shirley , the M . P . S . remarking that the office had been filled in the most able manner , and to the entire satisfaction of the sir knights . The jewel was
manufactured by Sir Knight George Kenning . Several sir knights were advanced to the hon . Degrees of Sovereign and Viceroy . The conclave was then closed and the sir knights adjourned to the Freemasons' Tavern , where a choice banquet was served under the superintendence of Bro . Dawkins , whose excellent catering was beyond praise . The usual loyal toasts and that of " The Grand Soverign ,
Sir Francis Burdett , " were proposed and duly honoured . The M . P . S ., in giving the toast of " The Grand Senate , " touched upon the past , present , and future of the Red Cross Order . As an admirer of the Degree it had caused him much concern of late years to note its gradual decay . This no doubt was partly due to the want of a London
"habitat . " When the Red Cross was resuscitated by the late Sir Knt . Wentworth Little , who brought his high intellectual and other powers to bear on the subject , it commenced by having a very powerful and influential working Metropolitan executive . It was a matter of history how the Degree gradually increased in importance , in pros perity , land , the might say , in usefulness . Conclaves were
Red Cross Of Constantine.
formed throughout the kingdom , and its supporters supposed that the Order was sufficiently strong to hold its own . Unfortunately , owing to the failing health and ultimate premature death of Sir Knt . Little , it began to languish , and since that time , notwithstanding great efforts had been made , and much valuable time expended to keep the Order flourishing by such well and deservedly known
Masons as Sir Knts . Dr . Woodman , the Rev . P . M . Holden , George Kenning , Lewis Thomas , Cubitt , John Mason , Powell , Marsh , Hogard , Thiellay , and others , who had held , and still hold , high positions in the Grand Council and Senate , the Red Cross had made no perceptible headway . However , there was a bright side to the picture . Some few months ago a conclave was held under the genial
presidency of _ ir Knt . J . Ellison Macartney , A-. P ., Grand Senior General , and some very important matters had been discussed and other efforts made to impart vitality to the almost moribund Order . First and foremost by the kindness of Sir Knt . Kenning , the executive had succeeded in getting capital offices , and a suite of rooms to meet in , at iGa , Great Queen-street ; secondly , Sir Knt . W . Lake ,
whose interest in Masonry was well known , had cheerfully accepted the important and onerous duties of Assistant Grand Recorder ; and thirdly , the somewhat unwieldy Constitutions of the Degree had been carefully revised , and he would say with advantage . In conclusion , he firmly believed that in a very short time the Red Cross Order , like the fabled Phrenix , would rise from its ashes and become as influential and as useful as the Mark Degree
had become . He coupled the toast with the names of Sir Knt . Kenning , Davies , and Lardner . Sir Kt . Kenning , in responding , referred to the prosperous condition of the Order during its palmy days , and expressed a firm belief that if properly managed it had a great future before it . For himself , he was quite prepared to go in for a second resuscitation .
Sir Knt . Lardner also responded . Sir Kni ght Shirley then proposed the toast of " The M . P . S .. Sir Knight Walls . " The conclave , he said , had exercised a wise discretion in placing him in that position , and he felt sure he would fully justify the confidence reposed in him . Sir Knight YValls was a Mason of no
common standing ; they had seen in other degrees his excellent and artistic working—in the recondite mysteries of the Rosicrucian Order , and in that of the Royal and Select Masters , as well as in almost all the other degrees of Freemasonry . He trusted Sir Knight YValls would have many opportunities of exercising his talents during his year of office .
In proposing " The Health of the Newly - installed Knight , " the M . P . S . took occasion to congratulate the Premier Conclave upon enrolling under its distinguished banner so excellent a Mason as Sir Knight Williamson , who was most zealous in everything that he undertook , whether the duties were of a municipal , magisterial , military , or Masonical nature . In order to be present that day their
candidate had been travelling from a very early hour . Sir Knight Williamson had privately told him ( the M . P . S . ) that he had been more than compensated by the pleasure afforded of receiving the degree which had been performed by Sir Knight Shirley so impressively and well . In admitting Sir Knight Williamson into the Red Cross they had secured a valuable member , who would no doubt do all he
could to spread the degree throughout the good and smiling county of Worcester . Sir Knight YVilliamson , in responding , thanked the M . P . S . for his kind remarks . He was bound to say that he had never seen a degree more ably worked than by Sir Knight Shirley . He was sorry to hear from Sir Kni ght Kenning that the Order was not so prosperous as formerly ; but was delighted to find that he was going to do his best to render it one of the most useful and thriving in thc
ranks of Masonry . The toast of "The Past Sovereigns" was next given , and responded to by Sir Knights Shirley and J . Marsh . "The Treasurer , Sir Knight Cubitt , " ' and "The Recorder , Sir Knight Mason , " followed , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Sir Knights Walls . JMarsh , and Hardy contributed much to the enjoyment by singing some excellent songs and recitations .
Athletic Sports' Fund R.M.I. For Boys'.—June, 1884.
We append the statement of account of the Boys' School Athletic Sports' Fund for last year . It will be seen from this that the total of contributions was somewhat less than the amount disbursed for prizes . YVe trust , however , that
this slight inequality will be remedied by the brethren , who will no doubt take care the outstanding deficiency is made good as well as that a liberal sum shall be forthcoming for the prizes for this year ' s sport , which will be held very shortly at the approaching Stewards' Visit and Speech Day . Bro . Dr . Morris will gladly and judiciously ! apply any sum that may be remitted to him ; in fact , as the
conventional phrase runs , the smallest contributions will be most thankfully received . To Collections , per Bro . Festa £ 1 10 o .. .. > . > , Bowyer 700 . . » , > » Dr- Morris 5 5 6 » » » » Mather "> , < ____ _; „ „ „ Binckes > , S I 0 G Balance due to President 1 12 o
£ 33 iS o By Prizes £ 32 C o Band Prizes 1 12 o £ 33 18 o J . I . BBRE , Hon . Sec . Many brethren kindly contributed to the Athletic Sports ' Fund in sums from one shilling to two guineas . Amongst the donors may be mentioned Bros . H . B . Marshall , E .
Bowyer , Afather , Binckes , Festa , Godson , Hunt , Moon , Ramsay , 'Saunders , Dr . Mickley , Clarke , R . Stewart , Farnfield , Barham , Strong , Taylor , Clever , Adams , Boulton , Cale , sen ., Cale , jun ., Willan , Goodman , Knight , Hobbs , Calling , Painter , Legge , and Tilley . A few friends at "Lloyds" ( per . Bro . Knight ) subscribed £ 3 ios . Bro . George Kenning made the " Fund " a present of the programmes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
KIRKBURTON—Beaumont Lodge ( No . 2035 ) . —The first annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held in the Girls' Schoolroom , on Saturday , the 16 th ult . There was a good attendance of brethren and visitors . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Schofield , P . M ., after whicli Bro . B . Stocks , J . W ., was duly installed as VV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed in a most impressive mannerby Bro . L . B . Brierley ,
P . M ., the Installing Master , and ho was ably assisted by Bro . VV . H . Jessop , P . M ., who acted as D . of C . The VV . M . then invested the following brethren as officers : Bros . Schofield , I . P . M . j Harry Field , S . W . ; YV . H . Cook , J . VV . ; E . Smith , Treas , ; W . Fitton , Reg . ; C . Hargreaves , Sec ; J . VV . Cocking , S . D . ; A . L . Littlewood , J . D . ; G . A . Schofield , D . C . ; George Barden , A . D . C ; Drummond , I . G . ; and Rice , Tyler . Bro . the
Rev . R . Collins , vicar , was appointed Chaplain , but in consequence of a severe cold he was unable to be present to be invested . Bro . Wm . Schofield was elected to serve on the Provincial Charity Committee . The usual lodge business was then performed , and the lodge was closed . There was a good attendance of visitors present , amongst whom were the following : Bros . Preston , 104 ; Heron , P . P . D . 20 S ; Craven , P . P . G . R . ; R . H .
Armitage , P . M . ; R . Jubb ; J . James Kaye , P . M . ; R . H . Inman , 275 ; C Wheawill , YV . M . ; E . Dyson , P . j . W . ; J . Lumb , J . Smith , J . D . ; J . Brierley , J . Lee , P . G . T . ; J . North , 290 ; John Matthewman , P . M . 521 ; Beanland , P . M . ; J . C . Cockcroft , 1462 ; Crosland Hirst , P . M . ; J . A . Stocks , 1514 ; John Sugden , YV . M . j John Hellawell ,
P . M . ; 1 _ . K . Armitage , 1 G 45 ; and Henry Guy , St . James ' s Lodge , London . The brethren afterwards partook of a splendid banquet at the Royal Hotel , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . During the evening several songs were sung by Bros . Henry Guy , Stocks , VV . M ., and J . A . Stocks . Bro . John North presided at the pianoforte .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 14-J ..-A meeting was held on Monday , the ist inst ., at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , in , Praedstreet , Paddington . Present : Uros . [ . Cruttenden , VV . M . ; U . Stroud , S . W . ; ] . T . Mickelburgh , P . M . 142 .., j . W . ; G . Read , I ' . M . Jir , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1 " 43 , Sec .: li . ]•" . Ferris , S . D . ; W . Death , J . D . ; I " . Chandler , I . G . ; W . Batley , Stwd . ; I * . T . C . Keeble , P . M . 14 =- ; F . G . liaker , P . M . 753 ; S . Smout , P . M . 1642 ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 11 ) 74 , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab ; 0 . P . Festa , P . M . 1900 ; C . S . Mote , A . P . Lake , K . Coleman
, c . .. . Morse , M . I . Green , C . J . Fox , W , ) . Mason , 1 . la Clibnrn , E . Rogers , Ii . J . Day , and C . T . Thomson . Visitors JSros . R . W . Williams , 198 ; j . C . Conwav , iSqr ; and .. H . !• * Taylor , iSgr . ' .... The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and conlirmed . After the usual preliminaries , tiie ceremonv o £ raising was rehearsed , Hro . Keeble being candidate , after which thc YV . M . gave the lecture on the first tracing board . Bro . Strond was elected VV . M . for next meeting , and i _ ro . R . Williams was elected a member . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1 . 14 ) . —The usual wceklv meeting of this lodge of instrnction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 2 SU 1 inst ., when there were present Bros . V . Kedge , VV . M . ; J . B . Gumming , S . VV . ; . [ . Holland , J . W . ; J . VV . Ford , S . D . ; R . ]' . Harnell , J . D . ; J . R . Harncll , I . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; " G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; A . Clark , P . M ., T . A . Dickson , G . II . Reynolds , 1 ) . Stroud , and T : E . Weeks . The lodge was opened in dne form , and the minntes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . G . Reynolds having offered himself as a candidate for initiation , the VV . M . was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . R . J . Harnell having offered himself as a candidate to be raised to lie raised to the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , and retired . Lodge opened in tlie Third Degree . The W . M . rehearsed the Sublime Degree of M . M . Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , worked the 3 rd Section of this lecture . Lodge resumed to the First Degree . On rising for tlie first lime , llro . R . I . Harnell
proposed that Bro . J . R . Harnell , Ju , be a joining memher of this lodge of instrnction ; seconded bv Bro . YV . C . Smith , and carried unanimously . On rising for the ' second time , Bro . VV . 0 . Smith proposed that Bro . J . Ii . Gumming , S . W ., be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by Bro . J . W ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . was pleased to appoint his officers in rotation . On rising for tiie third time , Iiro . G . Reynolds , Sec , proposed a vote of thanks , to be recorded on thc minntes of tins lodge of instruction , to lira . J . \ V . Ford for his great kindness in presenting the lodge
with tlie handsome box before them for keeping their tools in . Sec . It was not thc first present by several that Bro . | . VV . Ford had presented to thc lodge of instruction , for amongst them were thc pedestals , dais , and screen , which showed the great interest he took in the welfare of the lodge . Whereupon Bro . W . C . Smith , Preceptor , said that in recog lition of Bro . J . \ V . Ford's kindness , he would ask Hro . G . Reynolds to add to the vote of thanks , " that iim
. J . W . hord be made an honorary member of the lodge ot > "sttvic . ion . "_ This was done , and the motion was seconded by bro . T . A . Dickson , and carried unanimously . Bro . J . W . Ford , in replying , said it always gave him great pleasure to be amongst the brethren , and he vet hoped to supply another little want wliich hc had observed . l'he VV . M . having received " Hearty good wishes" from the brethren , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 29 th ult ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . rrescnt : i ) ros . Glover , VV . M . ; Mason , S . W . ; Gibson , Treas ., . l . W . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Coughlan , Sec . ; Green , senr ., ¦ "•" . ; Wade , P . M ., J . D . ; Hayes , I . G . ; Chilcott , Stamp , Grist , ( . White , P . M . ; F . Purnell , Edwards , and Arduino . I he lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and conlirmed . The lodge was opened in the Vcond Degree . Bro . Wade , a candidate to be raised to the Third
. ' j-Bree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Ihe lodge was opened in the Third Degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Grist being thc candidate . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The Preceptor , assisted by the ™™ iren , worked thc island and Sections of this lecture . The >> . M . rose for the first time , and Bro . Stamp , 1194 , was unanimousl y elected a joining member of this lodge of instruction , 'he VV . M . rose for thc second time , and Bro . Mason was nnanimniisl y elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Nothing further ""(•¦ ring , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ST . DUNSTAN ' S CH APTER ( No . 1589 ) .-1 "is chapter held a meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , on the 27 th ult . Among those present were Comps . " furner , M . E . Z . ; G . Manners , C . C ., H . ; Alfred r Ah )•> Jenkins , S . E . ; R . Clemow , acting S . N . ; / . ; C . Walls , P . P . G . D . C . Middx ., P . Z ., acting PTS . ; YV . ~' ° w , lst Asst . ; J . H . Dodson , P . Z ., Treasurer , and tiers . The minutes of the previous convocation having "een read and confirmed , two brethren oi the Dalhousie wougc were duly balloted for , and most impressively ex-
Royal Arch.
alted to the Degree of the Royal Arch by the M . E . Z . The election of officers for the year ensuing then took place , with the following result : Comps . G . Manners , M . E . Z . ; Alfred Tisley , H . ; YV . Clemow , J . ; Jenkins , S . E . ; F . Farrington , S . N . ; YV . E . Farrington , P . S . ; J . H . Dodson , Treasurer ; and Gilbert , Janitor . It was , moved , seconded , and carried unanimously— "That after June next the annual subscription be reduced to two guineas . "
A voteof thanks was then passed to Ex . Comp . H . Turner for the efficient manner in which he had discharged his duties during the past year , and a Past Principal's jewel was also voted to him . The chapter was then closed , and the members and their visitors adjourned to the banquet . Among the latter were Comps . Dakin , 583 ; Taylor , 154 ; and T . Dodson , 1540 . The usual toasts were given and duly honoured .
TORQUAY . —St . John Chapter ( No . 32 S ) . — The annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., when the Principals elect , Ex . Comps . A . T . Blarney , Z . ; W . H . Probert , H . ; and YV . Taylor , J ., were respectively installed in tlieir several chairs by Ex . Comp . C . J . Harland , P . Z ., P . P . G . R ., in a very able manner , the following
Principals being also in attendance : Comps . W . G . Ellis , the retiring Z . ; J . Dodge , P . Z . ; W . Bradnee , P . Z . ; J . Hurrell , P . Z . ; J . Chapman , P . Z . 1 S 9 ; G . C . Searle , P . Z . 135 S ; H . P . Jarman , H . 135 S ; and VV . J . McLean , P . Z . 24 S . The M . E . Z . subsequently invested the following as officers for the ensuing year : Comps . Jno . Lane , S . E . ; G . J . Pepprell , S . N . ; B . Knight , Treas . ; S . Garcia ,
P . S . ; G . Hussey , ist A . S . ; H . C . Bolt , 2 nd A . S . ; T , Brooks , Org . ; W . Hill , Swd . Br . ; R . Perry , ist Std , Br . ; J . Mortimer , 2 nd Std . Br . ; and YV . H . Yates , Janitor . The companions subsequently dined at Comp . Bolt ' s Royal Hotel , where the usual loyal and fraternal toasts were duly honoured .
NORTH LONDON CHAPTER OK IMPROVEMENT ( No . is . i i ) . —A convocation was held at the Alwyne Castle Tavern , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry , N ., on Thursday , thc 28 th ult ., when there were present Comps . W . Radclill ' e , ' / .. ; S . George H . ; J . Carter , 1 . ; J . E . Sheffield , S . H . ; H . K . Dehane , S . N . ; G . W " . Knight , P . S . ; G . Gregory , P . Z . ; and YV . C . Hall . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed , and thc ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Hall being the candidate . The chapter was closed in peace and harmony .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TWICKENHAM . —Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1 S 1 ) . —This prosperous lodge met at the Albany Hotel on the 28 th ult . Among those in attendance were Bros . Supt . Fisher , YV . M . ; Sanders , P . M ., acting S . W . ; Briggs , J . W . ; H . Higgins , M . O . ; Bailey , J . O . ; Potter , ) . D . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . D . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M ., Treas . ; T . C . YValls , P . G . Swd . Br . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read
and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . Dukroy , late 72 , for advancement at the next meeting , and it proved to be unanimous . A notice of motion to increase the subscriptions having been given , it was moved , seconded , and carried unanimously , " That the resignation of Bro . YV . Hammond , P . M ., be accepted vvith regret . The lodge hears with concerns of the bad state of his
health , and have to tender their condolence with mm in his affliction ; that a copy of the resolution be entered on the minutes , and that it also be transmitted to Bro . Hammond . " Several letters of apology for absence having been read , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was genially presided over by the W . M . The proceedings term nated at an early hour .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
PREMIER CONCLAVE . —The first meeting in the new rooms of the Order , itia , Great Queen-street , was held on Monday last . Present : Sir Knights H . H . Shirley , M . P . S . ; T . C . YValls , G . V . ; N . E . Dawes , J . G . ; C . W . Pridmore , H . P . ; Thomas Cubitt , Treas . ; J . Mason , Recorder ; H . J . Lardner , Prefect ; Thomas Hard y , Orator ; P . M . Holden , Past Sov . ; George Kenning , Past Sov . ; I . G . Marsh , hon . mem . ; W . Lake ,
and H . C . Heard . The minutes of the last assembly of the conclave were read and confirmed . Bro . Capt . YV . B . Williamson , J . P ., who had been previously balloted for , was duly installed , the ceremony being very ably performed by Sir Knight H . H . Shirley . The M . P . S . then proceeded to enthrone his successor , Sir Knight T . C . Walls , who then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Sir Knights Mickley ,
Viceroy ; Dawes , S . G . ; Pridmore , J . G . ; Lardner , H . P . ; Cubitt , Treas . ; Mason , Recorder ; Hardy , Prefect ; and Lake , Orator . A handsome Past Sovereign ' s jewel , which had been voted at the last meeting of the conclave , was then presented to the retiring Sovereign , Sir Knight Shirley , the M . P . S . remarking that the office had been filled in the most able manner , and to the entire satisfaction of the sir knights . The jewel was
manufactured by Sir Knight George Kenning . Several sir knights were advanced to the hon . Degrees of Sovereign and Viceroy . The conclave was then closed and the sir knights adjourned to the Freemasons' Tavern , where a choice banquet was served under the superintendence of Bro . Dawkins , whose excellent catering was beyond praise . The usual loyal toasts and that of " The Grand Soverign ,
Sir Francis Burdett , " were proposed and duly honoured . The M . P . S ., in giving the toast of " The Grand Senate , " touched upon the past , present , and future of the Red Cross Order . As an admirer of the Degree it had caused him much concern of late years to note its gradual decay . This no doubt was partly due to the want of a London
"habitat . " When the Red Cross was resuscitated by the late Sir Knt . Wentworth Little , who brought his high intellectual and other powers to bear on the subject , it commenced by having a very powerful and influential working Metropolitan executive . It was a matter of history how the Degree gradually increased in importance , in pros perity , land , the might say , in usefulness . Conclaves were
Red Cross Of Constantine.
formed throughout the kingdom , and its supporters supposed that the Order was sufficiently strong to hold its own . Unfortunately , owing to the failing health and ultimate premature death of Sir Knt . Little , it began to languish , and since that time , notwithstanding great efforts had been made , and much valuable time expended to keep the Order flourishing by such well and deservedly known
Masons as Sir Knts . Dr . Woodman , the Rev . P . M . Holden , George Kenning , Lewis Thomas , Cubitt , John Mason , Powell , Marsh , Hogard , Thiellay , and others , who had held , and still hold , high positions in the Grand Council and Senate , the Red Cross had made no perceptible headway . However , there was a bright side to the picture . Some few months ago a conclave was held under the genial
presidency of _ ir Knt . J . Ellison Macartney , A-. P ., Grand Senior General , and some very important matters had been discussed and other efforts made to impart vitality to the almost moribund Order . First and foremost by the kindness of Sir Knt . Kenning , the executive had succeeded in getting capital offices , and a suite of rooms to meet in , at iGa , Great Queen-street ; secondly , Sir Knt . W . Lake ,
whose interest in Masonry was well known , had cheerfully accepted the important and onerous duties of Assistant Grand Recorder ; and thirdly , the somewhat unwieldy Constitutions of the Degree had been carefully revised , and he would say with advantage . In conclusion , he firmly believed that in a very short time the Red Cross Order , like the fabled Phrenix , would rise from its ashes and become as influential and as useful as the Mark Degree
had become . He coupled the toast with the names of Sir Knt . Kenning , Davies , and Lardner . Sir Kt . Kenning , in responding , referred to the prosperous condition of the Order during its palmy days , and expressed a firm belief that if properly managed it had a great future before it . For himself , he was quite prepared to go in for a second resuscitation .
Sir Knt . Lardner also responded . Sir Kni ght Shirley then proposed the toast of " The M . P . S .. Sir Knight Walls . " The conclave , he said , had exercised a wise discretion in placing him in that position , and he felt sure he would fully justify the confidence reposed in him . Sir Knight YValls was a Mason of no
common standing ; they had seen in other degrees his excellent and artistic working—in the recondite mysteries of the Rosicrucian Order , and in that of the Royal and Select Masters , as well as in almost all the other degrees of Freemasonry . He trusted Sir Knight YValls would have many opportunities of exercising his talents during his year of office .
In proposing " The Health of the Newly - installed Knight , " the M . P . S . took occasion to congratulate the Premier Conclave upon enrolling under its distinguished banner so excellent a Mason as Sir Knight Williamson , who was most zealous in everything that he undertook , whether the duties were of a municipal , magisterial , military , or Masonical nature . In order to be present that day their
candidate had been travelling from a very early hour . Sir Knight Williamson had privately told him ( the M . P . S . ) that he had been more than compensated by the pleasure afforded of receiving the degree which had been performed by Sir Knight Shirley so impressively and well . In admitting Sir Knight Williamson into the Red Cross they had secured a valuable member , who would no doubt do all he
could to spread the degree throughout the good and smiling county of Worcester . Sir Knight YVilliamson , in responding , thanked the M . P . S . for his kind remarks . He was bound to say that he had never seen a degree more ably worked than by Sir Knight Shirley . He was sorry to hear from Sir Kni ght Kenning that the Order was not so prosperous as formerly ; but was delighted to find that he was going to do his best to render it one of the most useful and thriving in thc
ranks of Masonry . The toast of "The Past Sovereigns" was next given , and responded to by Sir Knights Shirley and J . Marsh . "The Treasurer , Sir Knight Cubitt , " ' and "The Recorder , Sir Knight Mason , " followed , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Sir Knights Walls . JMarsh , and Hardy contributed much to the enjoyment by singing some excellent songs and recitations .
Athletic Sports' Fund R.M.I. For Boys'.—June, 1884.
We append the statement of account of the Boys' School Athletic Sports' Fund for last year . It will be seen from this that the total of contributions was somewhat less than the amount disbursed for prizes . YVe trust , however , that
this slight inequality will be remedied by the brethren , who will no doubt take care the outstanding deficiency is made good as well as that a liberal sum shall be forthcoming for the prizes for this year ' s sport , which will be held very shortly at the approaching Stewards' Visit and Speech Day . Bro . Dr . Morris will gladly and judiciously ! apply any sum that may be remitted to him ; in fact , as the
conventional phrase runs , the smallest contributions will be most thankfully received . To Collections , per Bro . Festa £ 1 10 o .. .. > . > , Bowyer 700 . . » , > » Dr- Morris 5 5 6 » » » » Mather "> , < ____ _; „ „ „ Binckes > , S I 0 G Balance due to President 1 12 o
£ 33 iS o By Prizes £ 32 C o Band Prizes 1 12 o £ 33 18 o J . I . BBRE , Hon . Sec . Many brethren kindly contributed to the Athletic Sports ' Fund in sums from one shilling to two guineas . Amongst the donors may be mentioned Bros . H . B . Marshall , E .
Bowyer , Afather , Binckes , Festa , Godson , Hunt , Moon , Ramsay , 'Saunders , Dr . Mickley , Clarke , R . Stewart , Farnfield , Barham , Strong , Taylor , Clever , Adams , Boulton , Cale , sen ., Cale , jun ., Willan , Goodman , Knight , Hobbs , Calling , Painter , Legge , and Tilley . A few friends at "Lloyds" ( per . Bro . Knight ) subscribed £ 3 ios . Bro . George Kenning made the " Fund " a present of the programmes .