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GROOM'S HILL SCHOOL , BLACKHEATH , near LONDON . PRINCIPAL—REV . T . GOODWIN , M . A ., D . C . L ., LL . D . A Prospectus will be forwarded on application , giving full particulars of the curriculum of studies , terms , arrangements of the establishment , etc ., etc ., with an account ofthe distinguished success of the Pupils in the Public Examinations of the last ten years , and extracts from the testimony of thc parents of former and present pupils as to the worth of the school .
Summer Banquets . BRO . WM . HOLLAND respectfully informs the Brethren that he is now prepared to receive LODGES at his Summer Retreat , NORTH WOOLWICH GARDENS . Having catered successfully during the past year , he has such confidence that he will in every respect fully realise all the Brethren require . —For terms , etc ., apply to Bro . W . HOLLAND , Royal Hotel , North Woolwich .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of thc Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
" Radley ' s , " Blackfriars . BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month for MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit his terms to Lodges about to move . N . B . No charge for Lodge Rooms , except emergencies .
BRETHREN of FREEMASONS' LODGES contemplating removal are respectfully asked to inspect the Lodge-rooms at the ROYAL EXETER HOTEL , STRAND , The lodge-rooms , furniture , banquetting-rooms , etc ., are perfect , and for their use no charge whatever is made . The rooms arc also suit able for Committees , Glee Parties , Private Theatricals , Subscription Balls , Rowing and Cricket Clubs , etc .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . S PACIOUS Dining-Rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking-rooms , Rooms of all sires , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c .: also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , etc . Guildhall Taverns Company ( Limited ) , 32 cV 33 , Gresham-street . GEORGE CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , LONDON . WELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . Thc large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
The Victoria Hotel and Tavern , QUEEN ' S ROAD EXTENSION , LOWER WANDSWORTH RD . Proprietor , E . MUS PR ATT . THE above Hotel is situated in a new and special line of road ( near the London , Chatham and Dover Railway Company ' s Works ) leading direct from the West End to Clapham and South of London generally , via Sloane-strcct , Chelsea Suspension Bridge , Battersea Park to Clapham Common . This Hotel has been built upon a plan in which much care has been bestowed , both as regards the public bar requirements and sitting accommodation , where persons of the most refined position can be accommodated , there being a separate entrance to thc sitting-rooms eminently suitable for Conversaziones , Dinner , Tea , Cricket Club and other parties . N otices relating thereto will receive immediate attention . Postal District—SOUTH LAMMSTII , S .
Shakespeare Hotel , Pimlico , "D HOLDEN , Proprietor . —Families and Gcn" ^ tlemcn accommodated with comfort and economy . Coffee Room , Public and Private Dining Rooms , First-class Billiard Room . BUCKINGHAM PALACE KOAD , PIMLICO , Near Victoria Station .
James Carter , WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT , THE KNIGHTS OK ST , JOHN , QUEEN'S TERRACE , ST . JOHN'S WOOD , And at the London and St . Katherine ' s Docks .
Birmingham New Great Western Hotel , ( SNOW HIM . STATION ) . " l O * * - ° ^ ^ most - ^ CK * " - comfortable , ancl V— ' economical Hotels in the three kingdoms . "— The Field , July -xx , i 860 ,
WILLIAM WINSOK , of 8 , Miles ' s-Ianc , London-bridge , Imports CIGARS of the very Finest Brands only , and Manufacture * Cigarsfrum the Choicest Tobarcos . Wholenit and retail .
' m-^ /^ HARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , .-. I UK \ ^ invite attention to the CORNHILL SHERRY , as I * T ^ ^ jJilB 1 PMlMffiW oTa g ^ '^ ^&? tSe hercH and worthy WSllEfflfflf \ /^ ^ ^ ^ I T CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale , and dry , 30 s . per \ ^ A ^>^ I \ ^ /^ v ^ k * ^ l h ^\ fl dozen . Carriage paid . \ > / ' ^' f / i \ / Y- ^ VO- ^ Js ^^^ lL ^/ CHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , CornhiU , E . C . ( opposite \^ y ^ J ^^ tA / p > l W *> ^ « * si // - Royal Exchange . V ^^^^ C ^/ V /~ 7 % ^ T ^ S / T CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen . V ^^ C 7 ^ V ^ V \ tfs \ \ ai \ ff JF ' Carriage paid . No . 30 , Cornhill . _^ \ £ b \ / fl \ jf M \ fe ^\ JM > j / pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 . Con-mill , ( opposite Royal ^ SU ^ HMUf \ " *^ ^^ Exchange ) , request the favour of a visit to their old-established \ T ^ li __ W X . ~ f cellars , 30 , Cornhill , containing a large stock of the Finest Old \ . Vf ^ ^ r Wines of every country , some curious and rare > to please the \ s , ^ r most critical connoisseurs . A fully descriptive Price List .
Bro . H . W . WICKINS , 21 , GUTTER LANE , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . STILL HOCKS . Vintage 1 S 6 S ( 3 Doz . in Case ) . . ¦ Oppenheimer .... 20 / - per dozen Bottles . „ 1865 ,, ,, .. . Niersteiner .... 20 / - „ „ ,, 1865 „ „ .. . Hockheimer .... 25 / - „ ,, „ 1865 „ ,, ... Scharlachberger . . . 27 / - „ „ ,, 1862 ( 2 Doz . in Case ) . . Marcobrunner . . . . 2 9 / - ,, ,, „ 1865 „ ,, ... Uauenthaler Berg . . . 32 / - „ „ „ 1857 „ ,, .. . Johannisberger . . . 36 / - „ „ „ 1 S 62 ( 1 Doz . in Case ) . . Steinberger .... 48 / - „ „ „ 1857 „ „ ... Steinberger .... 48 / - „ ,, The above are Cash Prices . No charge for Case or Bottles .
Ask your Grocer or Chemist for GEYELIN'S TAPIOCA BEEF BOUILLON , A most Delicious and Nutritious Soup for Twopence a Pint , OR FOR ENRICHING BROTH FROM ANY MEAT . T N a dry granular form . Sold in Canisters , containing five portions is . to 100 ditto at 16 s . Each por-1 tion will make a pint of Soup . "No Captain , Traveller , or Housekeeper should be without it . Solo manufacturers GEVELIN & Co ., Produce Merchants , Manufacturers of Granulated Tapioca , International Mustard , and Rizina , Belerave House . Arfrvie Snnnrp . Kinfr ' s Cross . London , W . C
* A WHO'S SAXBY ? , A < ^ f The Cheapest & Best Oilman ! % / ? 2 ° ' 4 , BROMELL'S BUILDINGS , CLAPHAM ( formerly of Bromell ' s Road ) , Where everv article of Best Quality is to bc obtained at Lowest Market Prices . 5 d *• d - Genuine White Lead 30 6 per cwt . licst Patent Dryers , 7 lbs . or 1 / 6 , or 22 o per cwt . Linseed Oil - 10 per gallon . est Double Size 1 o per firfcm . Boiled Oil .. . .. 30 , Best lowii Whiting 1 8 per cwt . Turps 27 Painters'Brushes 0 / all hinds . Colours Ground in Oil or Wm-ter Ropes , Lines , Twines ' Mats ! Mops , Pails . Varnishes , Lacquers , Stains . Tin and Iron Wares of all descriptions .
^^^^^^^ Uomcmmsoiit ^ moU -0 MS J \^^ H ^ . —' ( Non . Mercurial ) FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , Electro-plate , Plate Glass , Marble , & c . Tablets 6 d . each . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , Indiarubber and Huff Leather Knife Porads . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , 6 d ., is ., ss . 6 d ., and 4 s . each . IS ^«'» Ma «MIH Prevent friction in cleaning and injury to the knife . Price from fid . each . Oakey ' s Wellington knife Polish should be used with ihe boards . Sold everywhere by Grocers , Ironmongers , Dmshmakcrs , Oilmen , Chemists , & c . Wholesale by JOHN OAKEY AND SONS , MANUFACTURERS OF 172 , BLACKFRIARS ROAD .
£ i 0 ^ SPYRETIC SALINE C * t fS / r II ^ i ) fV most invigorating , vitalizing , and re * « 5 ? i & ftjftr- —tl--d ! S !*\ s \ freshing . ft gives instant relief in ¦ £ ¦¦? Y * v 3 fMl Uv ^/ mbl headache , Sea or Bilious Sickness , and « S V ^ isi ^^ V I » c ^' y cures the worst form of Eruptive QJ ^& j 3 Smjdd 8 / or Skin Complaints , The various diseases St ^ 3 ^^^ ^ arising from Constipation , the Liver or *^» ^ P Blood Impurities , Inoculation , the results ¦ < C of breathing air infected with Fever , Measles , or Small Pox -J ARK CURED AND PREVENTED HY ITS USE . Sold by all Chemists , and thc Maker , in Patent Glass Stoppered Bottles , at 2 s , 6 d ,, 4 s . 6 d ., us ., and 21 s . each . Notice tny Trade Mark % and beware of spurious imitations , H . LAMPLOUGH , 113 , llol . HOKN III LI ., I . ONDON , K . C .
FIELD'S WALNUT CRINTINCTU . —Under JL the patronage of Royalty and the Aristocracy throughout Europe This preparation warranted perfectly harmless , Ayes thc hair permanently and with little trouble , in light , dark brown , and black shades . E . FIELD , constantly using it on ladies' hair in every shade required , can recommend it as invaluable for whiskers and moustache , producing perfectly natural colours—No better Hair Dye obtainable . It is also one ofthe finest tonics for thc Hair ever used . 5 s ., 1 os ., and 20 s . —State shade required . FIELD'S QUININE BALSAM nnd FIELD'S DIAMOND TO I LEITE FLUID arc articles expressly prepared to accompany the Crintinctu , ss . Od . and 4 s . Thc above Articles can be sent per Kail , or had through all respectable Chemists . Please to observe Trade Mark '' THE WALNUT , " Name and Address ; as none other is genuine . K . FIELD , 18 . CARLISLE STREET , SOHO SO .. LONDON .
VOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND # X BUNION PLAISTERS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 a , and is , per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark , —HY— -without which none are genuine . Be sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
RUPTURES , & c—Mr . S . KNOTTLEY , Seventeen Years at WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS MANUFACTORY , begs to inform thc Public he is commencing business himself , and trusts that , with strict attention and liis long experience , he will merit thc same patronage as his late employer . Price of a Single Truss , 15 s . and 18 s . ; postage , is . ad . Double ditto , JCI ros . , ** postage , is . rod . Umbilical Truss . Jit 10 s . ; postage , is . iod . On best construction only . Post-office Orders made payable to SILAS KNOTTLKV , Post-office , Piccadilly .
ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , & c . Belts of every description , Trusses , Suspensory Bandages , at equally low prices , and every Surgical Appliance made to order . Mrs . K ., twenty years in the same firm , personall y attends ladies Present Address : SILAS KNOTTLKV , 51 , Great Windmill-street , Haymarket , London .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS f Is allowed hy upwards of £ oo Medical Men to be the most effective invention in thc curative treatment of HERNIA . The use of a _ steel spring , so often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being A-orn round the hotly , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVKR , fitting with so much ease and closeness that il cannot bc detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may bc had , and the Truss , which cannot fai to fit , forwarded hy post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the MANUFACTURE !! , Mr . WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price ola Single Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d . and 31 s . 6 d . Postage rs . ,, of a Double Truss , 31 s . 6 d .. 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d , Postage is . 8 d . ,, of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . iod . Post Office Orders to bc made payable to J WIIITF ., Post Office Piccadilly . NEW PA TENT EL AH TIC S TOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , &•/ . Thc material of which these are made is recommended by the faculty as being peculiarl y ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE and thc best invention f « r giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price , 4 s . 6 d ., js . Cd ., 10 s . and 16 s . each . Postage 6 d . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . JOHN WJUTE . M , uiu /„ clnrer , 228 , Piccadilly . London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GROOM'S HILL SCHOOL , BLACKHEATH , near LONDON . PRINCIPAL—REV . T . GOODWIN , M . A ., D . C . L ., LL . D . A Prospectus will be forwarded on application , giving full particulars of the curriculum of studies , terms , arrangements of the establishment , etc ., etc ., with an account ofthe distinguished success of the Pupils in the Public Examinations of the last ten years , and extracts from the testimony of thc parents of former and present pupils as to the worth of the school .
Summer Banquets . BRO . WM . HOLLAND respectfully informs the Brethren that he is now prepared to receive LODGES at his Summer Retreat , NORTH WOOLWICH GARDENS . Having catered successfully during the past year , he has such confidence that he will in every respect fully realise all the Brethren require . —For terms , etc ., apply to Bro . W . HOLLAND , Royal Hotel , North Woolwich .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of thc Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
" Radley ' s , " Blackfriars . BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month for MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit his terms to Lodges about to move . N . B . No charge for Lodge Rooms , except emergencies .
BRETHREN of FREEMASONS' LODGES contemplating removal are respectfully asked to inspect the Lodge-rooms at the ROYAL EXETER HOTEL , STRAND , The lodge-rooms , furniture , banquetting-rooms , etc ., are perfect , and for their use no charge whatever is made . The rooms arc also suit able for Committees , Glee Parties , Private Theatricals , Subscription Balls , Rowing and Cricket Clubs , etc .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . S PACIOUS Dining-Rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking-rooms , Rooms of all sires , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c .: also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , etc . Guildhall Taverns Company ( Limited ) , 32 cV 33 , Gresham-street . GEORGE CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , LONDON . WELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . Thc large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
The Victoria Hotel and Tavern , QUEEN ' S ROAD EXTENSION , LOWER WANDSWORTH RD . Proprietor , E . MUS PR ATT . THE above Hotel is situated in a new and special line of road ( near the London , Chatham and Dover Railway Company ' s Works ) leading direct from the West End to Clapham and South of London generally , via Sloane-strcct , Chelsea Suspension Bridge , Battersea Park to Clapham Common . This Hotel has been built upon a plan in which much care has been bestowed , both as regards the public bar requirements and sitting accommodation , where persons of the most refined position can be accommodated , there being a separate entrance to thc sitting-rooms eminently suitable for Conversaziones , Dinner , Tea , Cricket Club and other parties . N otices relating thereto will receive immediate attention . Postal District—SOUTH LAMMSTII , S .
Shakespeare Hotel , Pimlico , "D HOLDEN , Proprietor . —Families and Gcn" ^ tlemcn accommodated with comfort and economy . Coffee Room , Public and Private Dining Rooms , First-class Billiard Room . BUCKINGHAM PALACE KOAD , PIMLICO , Near Victoria Station .
James Carter , WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT , THE KNIGHTS OK ST , JOHN , QUEEN'S TERRACE , ST . JOHN'S WOOD , And at the London and St . Katherine ' s Docks .
Birmingham New Great Western Hotel , ( SNOW HIM . STATION ) . " l O * * - ° ^ ^ most - ^ CK * " - comfortable , ancl V— ' economical Hotels in the three kingdoms . "— The Field , July -xx , i 860 ,
WILLIAM WINSOK , of 8 , Miles ' s-Ianc , London-bridge , Imports CIGARS of the very Finest Brands only , and Manufacture * Cigarsfrum the Choicest Tobarcos . Wholenit and retail .
' m-^ /^ HARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , .-. I UK \ ^ invite attention to the CORNHILL SHERRY , as I * T ^ ^ jJilB 1 PMlMffiW oTa g ^ '^ ^&? tSe hercH and worthy WSllEfflfflf \ /^ ^ ^ ^ I T CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale , and dry , 30 s . per \ ^ A ^>^ I \ ^ /^ v ^ k * ^ l h ^\ fl dozen . Carriage paid . \ > / ' ^' f / i \ / Y- ^ VO- ^ Js ^^^ lL ^/ CHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , CornhiU , E . C . ( opposite \^ y ^ J ^^ tA / p > l W *> ^ « * si // - Royal Exchange . V ^^^^ C ^/ V /~ 7 % ^ T ^ S / T CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen . V ^^ C 7 ^ V ^ V \ tfs \ \ ai \ ff JF ' Carriage paid . No . 30 , Cornhill . _^ \ £ b \ / fl \ jf M \ fe ^\ JM > j / pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 . Con-mill , ( opposite Royal ^ SU ^ HMUf \ " *^ ^^ Exchange ) , request the favour of a visit to their old-established \ T ^ li __ W X . ~ f cellars , 30 , Cornhill , containing a large stock of the Finest Old \ . Vf ^ ^ r Wines of every country , some curious and rare > to please the \ s , ^ r most critical connoisseurs . A fully descriptive Price List .
Bro . H . W . WICKINS , 21 , GUTTER LANE , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . STILL HOCKS . Vintage 1 S 6 S ( 3 Doz . in Case ) . . ¦ Oppenheimer .... 20 / - per dozen Bottles . „ 1865 ,, ,, .. . Niersteiner .... 20 / - „ „ ,, 1865 „ „ .. . Hockheimer .... 25 / - „ ,, „ 1865 „ ,, ... Scharlachberger . . . 27 / - „ „ ,, 1862 ( 2 Doz . in Case ) . . Marcobrunner . . . . 2 9 / - ,, ,, „ 1865 „ ,, ... Uauenthaler Berg . . . 32 / - „ „ „ 1857 „ ,, .. . Johannisberger . . . 36 / - „ „ „ 1 S 62 ( 1 Doz . in Case ) . . Steinberger .... 48 / - „ „ „ 1857 „ „ ... Steinberger .... 48 / - „ ,, The above are Cash Prices . No charge for Case or Bottles .
Ask your Grocer or Chemist for GEYELIN'S TAPIOCA BEEF BOUILLON , A most Delicious and Nutritious Soup for Twopence a Pint , OR FOR ENRICHING BROTH FROM ANY MEAT . T N a dry granular form . Sold in Canisters , containing five portions is . to 100 ditto at 16 s . Each por-1 tion will make a pint of Soup . "No Captain , Traveller , or Housekeeper should be without it . Solo manufacturers GEVELIN & Co ., Produce Merchants , Manufacturers of Granulated Tapioca , International Mustard , and Rizina , Belerave House . Arfrvie Snnnrp . Kinfr ' s Cross . London , W . C
* A WHO'S SAXBY ? , A < ^ f The Cheapest & Best Oilman ! % / ? 2 ° ' 4 , BROMELL'S BUILDINGS , CLAPHAM ( formerly of Bromell ' s Road ) , Where everv article of Best Quality is to bc obtained at Lowest Market Prices . 5 d *• d - Genuine White Lead 30 6 per cwt . licst Patent Dryers , 7 lbs . or 1 / 6 , or 22 o per cwt . Linseed Oil - 10 per gallon . est Double Size 1 o per firfcm . Boiled Oil .. . .. 30 , Best lowii Whiting 1 8 per cwt . Turps 27 Painters'Brushes 0 / all hinds . Colours Ground in Oil or Wm-ter Ropes , Lines , Twines ' Mats ! Mops , Pails . Varnishes , Lacquers , Stains . Tin and Iron Wares of all descriptions .
^^^^^^^ Uomcmmsoiit ^ moU -0 MS J \^^ H ^ . —' ( Non . Mercurial ) FOR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , Electro-plate , Plate Glass , Marble , & c . Tablets 6 d . each . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , Indiarubber and Huff Leather Knife Porads . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , 6 d ., is ., ss . 6 d ., and 4 s . each . IS ^«'» Ma «MIH Prevent friction in cleaning and injury to the knife . Price from fid . each . Oakey ' s Wellington knife Polish should be used with ihe boards . Sold everywhere by Grocers , Ironmongers , Dmshmakcrs , Oilmen , Chemists , & c . Wholesale by JOHN OAKEY AND SONS , MANUFACTURERS OF 172 , BLACKFRIARS ROAD .
£ i 0 ^ SPYRETIC SALINE C * t fS / r II ^ i ) fV most invigorating , vitalizing , and re * « 5 ? i & ftjftr- —tl--d ! S !*\ s \ freshing . ft gives instant relief in ¦ £ ¦¦? Y * v 3 fMl Uv ^/ mbl headache , Sea or Bilious Sickness , and « S V ^ isi ^^ V I » c ^' y cures the worst form of Eruptive QJ ^& j 3 Smjdd 8 / or Skin Complaints , The various diseases St ^ 3 ^^^ ^ arising from Constipation , the Liver or *^» ^ P Blood Impurities , Inoculation , the results ¦ < C of breathing air infected with Fever , Measles , or Small Pox -J ARK CURED AND PREVENTED HY ITS USE . Sold by all Chemists , and thc Maker , in Patent Glass Stoppered Bottles , at 2 s , 6 d ,, 4 s . 6 d ., us ., and 21 s . each . Notice tny Trade Mark % and beware of spurious imitations , H . LAMPLOUGH , 113 , llol . HOKN III LI ., I . ONDON , K . C .
FIELD'S WALNUT CRINTINCTU . —Under JL the patronage of Royalty and the Aristocracy throughout Europe This preparation warranted perfectly harmless , Ayes thc hair permanently and with little trouble , in light , dark brown , and black shades . E . FIELD , constantly using it on ladies' hair in every shade required , can recommend it as invaluable for whiskers and moustache , producing perfectly natural colours—No better Hair Dye obtainable . It is also one ofthe finest tonics for thc Hair ever used . 5 s ., 1 os ., and 20 s . —State shade required . FIELD'S QUININE BALSAM nnd FIELD'S DIAMOND TO I LEITE FLUID arc articles expressly prepared to accompany the Crintinctu , ss . Od . and 4 s . Thc above Articles can be sent per Kail , or had through all respectable Chemists . Please to observe Trade Mark '' THE WALNUT , " Name and Address ; as none other is genuine . K . FIELD , 18 . CARLISLE STREET , SOHO SO .. LONDON .
VOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND # X BUNION PLAISTERS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 a , and is , per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark , —HY— -without which none are genuine . Be sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
RUPTURES , & c—Mr . S . KNOTTLEY , Seventeen Years at WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS MANUFACTORY , begs to inform thc Public he is commencing business himself , and trusts that , with strict attention and liis long experience , he will merit thc same patronage as his late employer . Price of a Single Truss , 15 s . and 18 s . ; postage , is . ad . Double ditto , JCI ros . , ** postage , is . rod . Umbilical Truss . Jit 10 s . ; postage , is . iod . On best construction only . Post-office Orders made payable to SILAS KNOTTLKV , Post-office , Piccadilly .
ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , & c . Belts of every description , Trusses , Suspensory Bandages , at equally low prices , and every Surgical Appliance made to order . Mrs . K ., twenty years in the same firm , personall y attends ladies Present Address : SILAS KNOTTLKV , 51 , Great Windmill-street , Haymarket , London .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS f Is allowed hy upwards of £ oo Medical Men to be the most effective invention in thc curative treatment of HERNIA . The use of a _ steel spring , so often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being A-orn round the hotly , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVKR , fitting with so much ease and closeness that il cannot bc detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may bc had , and the Truss , which cannot fai to fit , forwarded hy post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the MANUFACTURE !! , Mr . WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price ola Single Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d . and 31 s . 6 d . Postage rs . ,, of a Double Truss , 31 s . 6 d .. 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d , Postage is . 8 d . ,, of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . iod . Post Office Orders to bc made payable to J WIIITF ., Post Office Piccadilly . NEW PA TENT EL AH TIC S TOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , &•/ . Thc material of which these are made is recommended by the faculty as being peculiarl y ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE and thc best invention f « r giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price , 4 s . 6 d ., js . Cd ., 10 s . and 16 s . each . Postage 6 d . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . JOHN WJUTE . M , uiu /„ clnrer , 228 , Piccadilly . London .