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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Ma Ster Masons For Cumberland & Westmoreland.
F . W . Hayward , P . G . S . D ., 60 P . J . W . Rev . J . Simpson , 60 , L . L . D . P . G . Chap . Rev . Wm . Cockett , 60 Asst . G . C . Joseph Nicholson , 151 P . G . Treas . P . de Egglesfield Collin , 151 P . G . Regis .
James Porter , G . S . D ., 60 P . G . Sec . George Carrick , 60 Assistant Sec . Wm . Pratchitt , 60 Prov . G . M . O . E . W . Henry , 151 , M . D . Prov . G . S . O . Jas . A . Wheatley , 60 Prov . G . J . O .
E . H . Fairclough , 147 P . G . S . Deacon George Shannon , 147 , M . D . P . G . J . Deacon John R . Tickle , 151 P . G . Dir . Cers . T . B . Arnison , 60 P . G . Asst . Cers . John Wood , 147 P . G . I of Wks .
William Thornton , 147 P . G . S . Bearer Edward Fearon , 151 P . G . Stnd . B . G . P . Abrahams , 147 P . G . Organist James Robertson , 60 P G . Purst . John Barnes , 60 P . G . Tyler
William Court , 60 \ Thos . McMechan , 60 > P . G . Stewards James Gardiner , 151 j The Secretary next stated that he had received letters , expressive of regret , from
Bros , the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . M . ; Lord Skelmersdale , D . Prov . G . M . M . Lancashire ; Banister , P . G . M . O ., England , and others .
It was then proposed by Bro . Busher , S . W ., and seconded b y Bro . Whitwell , D . P . G . M . M ., and carried by acclamation , that the heartiest thanks of this Provincial
Grand Lodge be accorded to thc Right W . P . G . M . M . Mason , William Romaine Callender and his Provincial Grand Officers , for their presence and assistance on this occasion , and the same was ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the
Provincial Grand Lodge . The whole of thc busines being finished , and hearty good wishes having been given , thc lodge was duly and solemnly closed according to antient custom , at two o ' clock , p . m .
The whole of thc brethren then adjourned to an excellent Banquet , prepared under the auspices of Bro . P . W . Hayward , at the " Crown and Mitre" Hotel , and gave the greatest satisfaction .
Thc Earl of Bective , ALP ., presided , and was supported right and left by Bros . Capt . Hunter , W . Romaine Callender , John
Whitwell , Chadwick , etc . Thc Vicechair was occupied by Bro . Busher , supported by Bros . Dr . Henry , Dr . Shannon , Dr . Hordcr , Porter , Galloway , etc ., etc .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and a most successful , numerous , and influential gathering was brought to a
close at six o ' clock p . m . We feel convinced that under such an auspicious beginning Mark Masonry in this province will soon rank second to none .
Grand Lodge Of Canada.
ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS . To all to whom these Presc / its shall come : Greeting
WHEREAS , official information has this day been received that , at the last Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Vermont , thc following resolution was adopted ,
.: — - " Whereas , The Grand Lodge of Canada still refuses recognition of the Grand Lodge of Quebec , and is asserting jurisdiction over lodges located in the Province of Quebec ; and
" Whereas , Such assertion of jurisdiction violates the well-settled principles of Masonic law , applicable to such cases ; therefore , " Resolved , That the Grand Master is hereby
instructed ( unless the Grand Lodge of Canada at its next session withdraws from and ceases to assert any jurisdiction over any lodge or Masons in the Piovrnce of Quebec ) to issue circulars to the different Grand Lodges , as well as to the
Grand Lodge Of Canada.
subordinate lodges of this State , that the Grand Lodge of Vermont and its subordinates have suspended all Masonic intercourse with the Grand Lodge of Canada and Masons under its jurisdiction until the wrong is made right . " AND WHEREAS , the Grand Lodge of Canada ,
since its establishment in October , 1855 , has claimed and exercised exclusive Masonic jurisdiction and authority over the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec , which claims to masonic SOVEREIGNTY have been recognized and admitted , not only by the Masons of Quebec
and the Grand Lodge of VERMONT , but also by Grand Lodges in every quarter of the globe ; and WHEREAS , While we readily admit the right which our sister Grand Lodges have ( in accordance with their knowledge of the facts and of
Masonic law ) to recognize and to establish friendly relations with any body of Masons whom they may deem worthy of that honour , WE , at the same time , most emphatically deny the right of any Grand Lodge to dictate to us as to the course we are to follow in such cases
and we therefore at once indignantly repel the attempt thus made by the Grand Lodge of Vermont to coerce this Grand Body into the recognition of a body of Masons who , without the assent of this Grand Lodge , and in contempt of all Masonic law and precedent , have
thus attempted to wrest from us a portion of our lawful territory and authority . The Grand Lodge of Canada , while jealous of her own honour , and careful at all times not to encroach upon the rights or prerogatives of others , will permit no INTERFERENCE , and will submit to no
DICTATION from any quarter whatever . Now THEREFORE , for the reasons above stated , and hy virtue of the powers vested in us as Grand Master , WE do hereby order and direct that all official correspondence and communication between this Grand Lodere and the Grand
Lodge of the State of Vermont shall now cease and terminate ; and we do hereby charge and command all our worshipful and loving Brethren within our jurisdiction to refuse admission into our Lodges , and to hold no Masonic communication with , any Mason hailing from the
jurisdiction of the said Grand Lodge of Vermont . WE also further order and direct that this Edict shall remain in lull force and effect until the Grand Lodge of Vermont shall rescind the unfriendly and unjustifiable resolution above
recited . Done and passed at the Office of the Grand Master , at Simcoe , this twenty-fourth day of October , A . D . 1872 , A . L . 5872 . WM . M . WILSON , Grand Master .
THE NEW MAYOR . —The dignity of chief magistrate was on Saturday last , November 9 th , unanimously conferred by the Town Council , upon Bro . Alderman Wm . Hickman , one of our most worthy and enterprising townsmen . Bro . Hickman was born on the oth November , 1824 ,
and is the second son of Mr . John Hickman , of Nottingham . He has been a resident in Southampton since 1831 , and commenced his professional career in tlie office of the wellknown solicitor of this town , Mr . Charles Davies , who was for several years a member of our
Corporation . Having been admitted as an attorney in 1854 , a partnership was effected with Mr . Davies , now long since dead , and for many years subsequently Bro . Hickman had the sole direction of what is well-known as one of the most distinguished legal firms . He has
held many legal appointments , including that of solicitor to the Pier and Harbour Board , to which he was appointed in 1859 ; honorary solicitor and clerk to Bishop ' s Charity ; honorary solicitor to the Ragged School since its formation ; and has been twice under-sheriff , being appointed to that position by the late Mr . John
Carter and Mr . G . S . Brinton . But though his professional engagements have been so numerous Bro . Hickman has never lost an opportunity by his presence and aid of promoting every object for the good of his fellow men . The Friendl y Societies have found in him awarmandactivesupporter : and no movementhaseverbeenoriginated
for succouring the poor in a time of prevailing distress , for carrying out objects for the generaj good , or for recognizing praiseworthy efforts in a ri ght direction that Bro . Hickman has riot been the first to countenance , both by generous assistance and by the wisest counsel . He
hasbeen a vice-president of the Polytechnic Institntion for many years , and as to Freemasonry ^ the positions he has occupied shows the high estimation in which he is held by those with whom he is thus actively associated . He ia Past Officer of the Grand Lodge of England and
Past Senior Grand Warden of the Province 6 ! f Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ; Past Grand Principal of Royal Arch Masons of the same province ; W . Master of the Royal Gloucester and Southampton Lodges ( the latter two years successively ); First Principal of the Royal
Gloucester Chapter ( two years following ) , and of the Chapters of Concord and New Forest ; a member of the 30 th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and the Sovereign of the " Canute " Rose Croix Chapter 18 th , which was
principally established by his exertions ra Southampton ; Commander of Knight Templars Encampment in the same town , and Master of the St . Andrew ' s Mark Lodge ; and he has undertaken the duties of steward to the three
great Masonic Charities for Girls , Boys , and the Aged and Decayed , and is himself a Life Governor of each Institution . His political opinions have always been pronounced and unmistakable ; he was the agent of Mr . Moffat , one of the Liberal candidates at the last election , and has
been one of the recognized leaders of the Liberal party . In that capacity he has fought many a good fight in contesting the various wards in the Liberal interest , and though for a time unsuccessful , the advancing waves of progress and enlightenment at length swept back the
obstructiveness of Toryism , and he was chosen with but faint signs of opposition for the ward of St . Mary , which he continued to represent till an opportunity was afforded for bestowing upon him , in recognition of past services , the honour of the Aldermanic gown . At the last election
of the School Board he was the selected champion of the Liberal Association of St . Mary , and gaining a seat in that important Board he has been a member of it ever since its formation . He was also recently unanimously elected chairman of the Hartley Council . In every
public capacity his career has been marked b y untiring industry , enlightened convictions , and indomitable perseverance , and we predict that under his rule our good old town will find that the character which it has achieved for public
spirit and hospitality will be maintained , and that it possesses in its chief magistrate one who will preserve the dignity of the chair , and efficiently perform the high ancl important dtitiei devolving on the occupant of that honourable position .
( To ( hi Editor of the . freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — In your report of the Third Annivcrsarj * Banquet of the Star Lodge of Instruction ( No . 1275 ) , held on Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., at Bro .
Hobson ' s , New Cross-road , Bro . R . W . Little is therein stated to have returned thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers , which , if allowed to pass unnoticed , might possibly put him in a wrong position with the Craft .
The speech made by Bro . Little was in acknowledgment of the compliment paid to him by the W . M . but disclaiming all ri ght thereto , he being only an Ofiicer of Grand Lodge .
While writing , allow mc also to correct the figures which I am reported to have given as to the strength of the lodge , & c , instead of 600 members on the books say 300 . The joining members last year were only 65 and not 200 , and the average attendances 22 weekly .
Thc lodge has bcen so prosperous , that I feel we may rest perfectly satisfied with the facts as they stand . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours very fraternally , CHAS . J . DAVIDGE . Hon . Sec . to Star Lodge of Instruction ( No . 1275 ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Ma Ster Masons For Cumberland & Westmoreland.
F . W . Hayward , P . G . S . D ., 60 P . J . W . Rev . J . Simpson , 60 , L . L . D . P . G . Chap . Rev . Wm . Cockett , 60 Asst . G . C . Joseph Nicholson , 151 P . G . Treas . P . de Egglesfield Collin , 151 P . G . Regis .
James Porter , G . S . D ., 60 P . G . Sec . George Carrick , 60 Assistant Sec . Wm . Pratchitt , 60 Prov . G . M . O . E . W . Henry , 151 , M . D . Prov . G . S . O . Jas . A . Wheatley , 60 Prov . G . J . O .
E . H . Fairclough , 147 P . G . S . Deacon George Shannon , 147 , M . D . P . G . J . Deacon John R . Tickle , 151 P . G . Dir . Cers . T . B . Arnison , 60 P . G . Asst . Cers . John Wood , 147 P . G . I of Wks .
William Thornton , 147 P . G . S . Bearer Edward Fearon , 151 P . G . Stnd . B . G . P . Abrahams , 147 P . G . Organist James Robertson , 60 P G . Purst . John Barnes , 60 P . G . Tyler
William Court , 60 \ Thos . McMechan , 60 > P . G . Stewards James Gardiner , 151 j The Secretary next stated that he had received letters , expressive of regret , from
Bros , the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . M . ; Lord Skelmersdale , D . Prov . G . M . M . Lancashire ; Banister , P . G . M . O ., England , and others .
It was then proposed by Bro . Busher , S . W ., and seconded b y Bro . Whitwell , D . P . G . M . M ., and carried by acclamation , that the heartiest thanks of this Provincial
Grand Lodge be accorded to thc Right W . P . G . M . M . Mason , William Romaine Callender and his Provincial Grand Officers , for their presence and assistance on this occasion , and the same was ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the
Provincial Grand Lodge . The whole of thc busines being finished , and hearty good wishes having been given , thc lodge was duly and solemnly closed according to antient custom , at two o ' clock , p . m .
The whole of thc brethren then adjourned to an excellent Banquet , prepared under the auspices of Bro . P . W . Hayward , at the " Crown and Mitre" Hotel , and gave the greatest satisfaction .
Thc Earl of Bective , ALP ., presided , and was supported right and left by Bros . Capt . Hunter , W . Romaine Callender , John
Whitwell , Chadwick , etc . Thc Vicechair was occupied by Bro . Busher , supported by Bros . Dr . Henry , Dr . Shannon , Dr . Hordcr , Porter , Galloway , etc ., etc .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and a most successful , numerous , and influential gathering was brought to a
close at six o ' clock p . m . We feel convinced that under such an auspicious beginning Mark Masonry in this province will soon rank second to none .
Grand Lodge Of Canada.
ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS . To all to whom these Presc / its shall come : Greeting
WHEREAS , official information has this day been received that , at the last Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Vermont , thc following resolution was adopted ,
.: — - " Whereas , The Grand Lodge of Canada still refuses recognition of the Grand Lodge of Quebec , and is asserting jurisdiction over lodges located in the Province of Quebec ; and
" Whereas , Such assertion of jurisdiction violates the well-settled principles of Masonic law , applicable to such cases ; therefore , " Resolved , That the Grand Master is hereby
instructed ( unless the Grand Lodge of Canada at its next session withdraws from and ceases to assert any jurisdiction over any lodge or Masons in the Piovrnce of Quebec ) to issue circulars to the different Grand Lodges , as well as to the
Grand Lodge Of Canada.
subordinate lodges of this State , that the Grand Lodge of Vermont and its subordinates have suspended all Masonic intercourse with the Grand Lodge of Canada and Masons under its jurisdiction until the wrong is made right . " AND WHEREAS , the Grand Lodge of Canada ,
since its establishment in October , 1855 , has claimed and exercised exclusive Masonic jurisdiction and authority over the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec , which claims to masonic SOVEREIGNTY have been recognized and admitted , not only by the Masons of Quebec
and the Grand Lodge of VERMONT , but also by Grand Lodges in every quarter of the globe ; and WHEREAS , While we readily admit the right which our sister Grand Lodges have ( in accordance with their knowledge of the facts and of
Masonic law ) to recognize and to establish friendly relations with any body of Masons whom they may deem worthy of that honour , WE , at the same time , most emphatically deny the right of any Grand Lodge to dictate to us as to the course we are to follow in such cases
and we therefore at once indignantly repel the attempt thus made by the Grand Lodge of Vermont to coerce this Grand Body into the recognition of a body of Masons who , without the assent of this Grand Lodge , and in contempt of all Masonic law and precedent , have
thus attempted to wrest from us a portion of our lawful territory and authority . The Grand Lodge of Canada , while jealous of her own honour , and careful at all times not to encroach upon the rights or prerogatives of others , will permit no INTERFERENCE , and will submit to no
DICTATION from any quarter whatever . Now THEREFORE , for the reasons above stated , and hy virtue of the powers vested in us as Grand Master , WE do hereby order and direct that all official correspondence and communication between this Grand Lodere and the Grand
Lodge of the State of Vermont shall now cease and terminate ; and we do hereby charge and command all our worshipful and loving Brethren within our jurisdiction to refuse admission into our Lodges , and to hold no Masonic communication with , any Mason hailing from the
jurisdiction of the said Grand Lodge of Vermont . WE also further order and direct that this Edict shall remain in lull force and effect until the Grand Lodge of Vermont shall rescind the unfriendly and unjustifiable resolution above
recited . Done and passed at the Office of the Grand Master , at Simcoe , this twenty-fourth day of October , A . D . 1872 , A . L . 5872 . WM . M . WILSON , Grand Master .
THE NEW MAYOR . —The dignity of chief magistrate was on Saturday last , November 9 th , unanimously conferred by the Town Council , upon Bro . Alderman Wm . Hickman , one of our most worthy and enterprising townsmen . Bro . Hickman was born on the oth November , 1824 ,
and is the second son of Mr . John Hickman , of Nottingham . He has been a resident in Southampton since 1831 , and commenced his professional career in tlie office of the wellknown solicitor of this town , Mr . Charles Davies , who was for several years a member of our
Corporation . Having been admitted as an attorney in 1854 , a partnership was effected with Mr . Davies , now long since dead , and for many years subsequently Bro . Hickman had the sole direction of what is well-known as one of the most distinguished legal firms . He has
held many legal appointments , including that of solicitor to the Pier and Harbour Board , to which he was appointed in 1859 ; honorary solicitor and clerk to Bishop ' s Charity ; honorary solicitor to the Ragged School since its formation ; and has been twice under-sheriff , being appointed to that position by the late Mr . John
Carter and Mr . G . S . Brinton . But though his professional engagements have been so numerous Bro . Hickman has never lost an opportunity by his presence and aid of promoting every object for the good of his fellow men . The Friendl y Societies have found in him awarmandactivesupporter : and no movementhaseverbeenoriginated
for succouring the poor in a time of prevailing distress , for carrying out objects for the generaj good , or for recognizing praiseworthy efforts in a ri ght direction that Bro . Hickman has riot been the first to countenance , both by generous assistance and by the wisest counsel . He
hasbeen a vice-president of the Polytechnic Institntion for many years , and as to Freemasonry ^ the positions he has occupied shows the high estimation in which he is held by those with whom he is thus actively associated . He ia Past Officer of the Grand Lodge of England and
Past Senior Grand Warden of the Province 6 ! f Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ; Past Grand Principal of Royal Arch Masons of the same province ; W . Master of the Royal Gloucester and Southampton Lodges ( the latter two years successively ); First Principal of the Royal
Gloucester Chapter ( two years following ) , and of the Chapters of Concord and New Forest ; a member of the 30 th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and the Sovereign of the " Canute " Rose Croix Chapter 18 th , which was
principally established by his exertions ra Southampton ; Commander of Knight Templars Encampment in the same town , and Master of the St . Andrew ' s Mark Lodge ; and he has undertaken the duties of steward to the three
great Masonic Charities for Girls , Boys , and the Aged and Decayed , and is himself a Life Governor of each Institution . His political opinions have always been pronounced and unmistakable ; he was the agent of Mr . Moffat , one of the Liberal candidates at the last election , and has
been one of the recognized leaders of the Liberal party . In that capacity he has fought many a good fight in contesting the various wards in the Liberal interest , and though for a time unsuccessful , the advancing waves of progress and enlightenment at length swept back the
obstructiveness of Toryism , and he was chosen with but faint signs of opposition for the ward of St . Mary , which he continued to represent till an opportunity was afforded for bestowing upon him , in recognition of past services , the honour of the Aldermanic gown . At the last election
of the School Board he was the selected champion of the Liberal Association of St . Mary , and gaining a seat in that important Board he has been a member of it ever since its formation . He was also recently unanimously elected chairman of the Hartley Council . In every
public capacity his career has been marked b y untiring industry , enlightened convictions , and indomitable perseverance , and we predict that under his rule our good old town will find that the character which it has achieved for public
spirit and hospitality will be maintained , and that it possesses in its chief magistrate one who will preserve the dignity of the chair , and efficiently perform the high ancl important dtitiei devolving on the occupant of that honourable position .
( To ( hi Editor of the . freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — In your report of the Third Annivcrsarj * Banquet of the Star Lodge of Instruction ( No . 1275 ) , held on Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., at Bro .
Hobson ' s , New Cross-road , Bro . R . W . Little is therein stated to have returned thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers , which , if allowed to pass unnoticed , might possibly put him in a wrong position with the Craft .
The speech made by Bro . Little was in acknowledgment of the compliment paid to him by the W . M . but disclaiming all ri ght thereto , he being only an Ofiicer of Grand Lodge .
While writing , allow mc also to correct the figures which I am reported to have given as to the strength of the lodge , & c , instead of 600 members on the books say 300 . The joining members last year were only 65 and not 200 , and the average attendances 22 weekly .
Thc lodge has bcen so prosperous , that I feel we may rest perfectly satisfied with the facts as they stand . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours very fraternally , CHAS . J . DAVIDGE . Hon . Sec . to Star Lodge of Instruction ( No . 1275 ) .