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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire was held at the Masonic I lall , Derby , on Tuesday , the sfith inst ., under the presidency of Bro . II C Okeover , Past Grand Warden of England , the Acting Provincial Grand Masttr of the Province . There was a large muster of the Craft , the more distant parts of the province being
well represented . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 1 . 30 in fcrm , prayer being offered up by the P . P . G . Chaplain ( the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., vicar of Wormhill , Buxton , P . Prov . G . S . W . ) After the roll of officers had been called over , the minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodge were read and
confirmed ; the Worshipful Masters of Craft lodges presented their reports . The reports of the Masonic Hall Committee and the Charity Committee we-re vend and confirmed . The Acting P . G . M . appointed and invested the following officers for the ensuing year : — W . M . Marsden Prov . S . G . W .
II . E . Diamond Prov . J . G . W . Rev . W . J . M . Ellison Prov . G . Chaplain Thomas Cox , P . P . S . G . W Prov . G . Treas . | ohn Maxwell Prov . G . R . William Navlor , P . P . S . G . W Prov . G . Sec . G . E . Cox . ' Prov . S . G . D . E . Grindrod Prov . J . G . D .
Mm How ,. !! Prov . G . S . of W . | . C . Merry Prov . G . D . of C . ' ll . T . Bobart Prov . G . A . D . of C W . Clark Prov . G . S . B . G . Marsden Prov . G . O . 11 . Cooper Prov . G . P W . Lennox Prov . G . St . B .
Thomas Slinn Prov . G . lyler . thos . W . C . Watson , F . J . Robinson , William Whittaker , Alex . Frazer , Joseph Shaw , and George Pipes were appointed Provincial Grand Stewards . After the lodge was closed the brethren , to the number of fifty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Low , in the Lower Hall , and a very pleasant evening was spent , the A . P . G . M . occupying the chair .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
In addition to our last report , we have been requested to publish the following shorthand writer ' s notes of the proceedings and speeches , which we very readily do : — At the outset a letter vvas read from Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . L . ( late Deputy Prov . G . M . of the Provinca ) , regretting
his inability to attend , and advising , in reference to the proposed discussion on the subject of the Royal Masonic Boys' School , that tin lorm of the proposed resolution was objectiimble , unconstitutional , and such as he thought rendered it impossible for it to be received . He therefore hoped it would not be put in the shape in which it stood , however desirable an enquiry might be .
Bro . Cavvthorne , who had given notice of motion , was then called upon . In introducing the resolution he said he came there as no man ' s champion , but as a Mason who had for many years taken great interest in their noble charities . He felt that the circumstances which had recently arisen rendered it especially important , as well fot the interests of the school itself as iu the interests of
justice , that an enquiry should be instituted . Without going into the merits of the various questions which had been raised , he therefore asked that tlie Prov . G . Lodge of W . Yorkshire should use its influence in bringing about such an enquiry as would be satisfactory to the brethren . If the results of the enquiry showed that the institution could be placed on a better footing , so as to render it more
extensively useful , a great good would have been achieved by the agitation which had been raised ; but if , on the other hand , the charges which hail been made against the present management were groundless , it were surely better that this should be at once made ele-ar , in order that the institution might not suffer from the imputations which hid been made . For his own part , he could not think the
committee of the institution would bc against the enquiry ; iu fact , they would , he should suppose , court investigation , and he hoped if any such steps were decided upon the inquiry would be conducted with good feeling on both sides . Bro . Cavvthorne , however , is submitting the motion , obtained leave to omit the words after " benefits of the
charity , " so that it now contained no reference to Grand Lo Ige . Bro . Isaac Booth , in seconding the motion , argued that a , > ait from the questions which had been raised elsewhere , as to the disputes between the Secretary of the institution and the late Head Master , there was abundant reason for an enquiry , as there was evidently an extravagant
expenditure , which demanded the serious attention of all supporters of the charity . He instanced the Crossley Orphanage , where the expenditure per head was £ i- 7 s . ; another well managed institution in Manchester , where the expenditure was £ 34 per head ; and the London Orphan Asylum , where the cost per head was £ 34 , as showing that something ought to bc done to reduce what he considered the extravagant sum of £ 52 7 s . per head , which was being
spent on the boys in the Royal Masonic Institution , apart lrom any calculation as to amounts of interest on expended capital , & c ., and this without any exceptional advantages to the boys themselves , as in one case he had mentioned even a belter education vvas ottered , besides providing well for the comfort of the boys . He thought the sooner an enquiry was made , the better it i . wouiil be for the charity itself .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
Bro . Moss asked whether the matter had yet been brought under the notice of the Charity Committee attached to Prov . Grand Lodge , anil Bro . Hill , ( the Chairman of the committee ) replied that it had not . Bro . Brittain , Prov . G . Warden , supported the motion for an enquiry , provided no unconstitutional measures were resorted to , as he thought the damaging statements which
hnil been put forward , whether true or not , were such as could not be allowed to remain unnoticed , and the sooner the reproach could bc removed the better it would be for all the charities . Bro . Captain John Wordsworth ( a member of the House Committee of the R . M . B . I . ) said he believed the committee of the school would bc only too glad of a strict
investigation , though he felt sure the charges which had been made would be proved utterly groundless . He did not believe in niggardliness , and would never support such a policy , but he denied that there was any undue extravagance . The resolution , as amended , was carried with only one dissentient .
Bro . Chalmers , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , then proposed and Bro . Drury , P . Prov . G . Warden , seconded a resolution to the effect , that a committee be appointed to take steps for instituting an enquiry , such committee to consist of six members to be nominated by Prov . Grand Lodge , and six members to be nominated by the Charity Committee .
Bro . Moss proposed that the appointment of the committee be left in the hands of the Charity Committee . This was seconded by Bro . Cavvthorne , and supported by several other brethren . Bro . Ridal supported the appointment of a committee of enquiry , but pretested against the idea of £ 52 a head pet year being considered too extravagant . On being put to the vote , Bro . Chalmers' resolution
was carried . The nomination of the six members on behalf of the Prov . Grand Lodge was left iu the hands of the Prov G . Master ( Sir Henry Edwards ) .
Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Meeting of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Alasons of England was held on Wednesday evening in the Zetland Room , Freemasons' Hall . Notwithstanding there was so little business before Grand Chapter , there was a large attendance of companions . Comp . S . Rawson presided as Z . ; Comp . Sandeman as II . ; and
Comp . Capt . Plattas J . ; Comp . John Hervey , S . E . ; Comp . Major Creaton was S . N . ; Comp . Rucker , P . S . ; Comp . W . Speed , 1 st Asst . S . ; Comp . Grey , 2 nd Asst . S . ; Comp . T . Fenn , Sword Bearer ; Comp . Ai . J . Mclntyre , Q . C , G . R . ; Comp . Joseph Smith , as D . C . Other P . G . Officers : Benj , Head , N . Bradford , A . Holman , Joshua Nunn , H . J . P . Dumas , H . Muggeridge , Jas . Glaisher , J . Percy Leith , F .
A . Philbrick , Q . C ; Robt . Hollom , and Hyde Pullen . There were also present Comps . W . S . Gover , II . Massey ( rreema . on ) , John Boyd , J . M . Case , G . Newman , Thomas W . White , Chas . 1 '" . Hogard , G . Lemann , VV . Stephens , Herbert Dieketts , W . Hammond , W . F . Nettleship , Alex . Ridgway , W . Young , Thomas Cochrane , C . W . Noehmcr , John Seex , James Lewis Thomas , Richard Spencer , George
Lambert , II . G . Buss , A . A . Pendlebury , and C . B . Payne . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the report of the Committee of General Purposes , published in the " Freemason " last week , was Liken as read . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded , the granting of the petition for a chapter to bc attached to the Prince of Wales's Lodge , No .
671 , Llanelly , to be called "The St . Elliw Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms , Llanelly , Carmarthen . The petition was granted . Major Creaton S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., seconded the granting of a charter for a chapter to be attached to the De Grey anil Ripon Lodge , No . 1 ^ 156 , Liverpool , to be called "The Dc Grey ; and Ripon
Chapter , " to meet at lhe Masonic I lall , Liverpool . The petition was granted . Comp . Philbrick asked who had the control over the names to be given to chapters , as he thought it was rather a thing of the past to give this chapter its name , and he questioned whether it was desirable to perpetuate things of the past any longer .
Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , said it was customary to give chapters the names contained in the petitions . If there was nothing objectionable in the name the warrant was granted for the chapter under the name applied for , unless an amendment was moved . Comp . Philbrick said he did not move an amendment ; he only asked for { information .
The M . E . Z . said if Comp . Philbrick had any objection his objection came too late , as the warrant was granted . Comp . Philbrick replied that he made no objection . Col . Alex . Ridgway , P . Prov . G . J . Deacon , reminded the companions that the name was a very worthy one in
the Craft , and well deserving of being perpetuated . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded the granting of the petition for a chapter to be attached to the Benevolent Lodge , No . 446 , Wells , to be called " The Avalon Chapter , " to meet at the Town Hall , Wells , Somerset . The motion was carried .
Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded , the granting of a charter for a chapter to be attached to the Ccstrian Lodge , No . 425 , Chester , to be called " The Cestrian Chapter , " and to meet at the Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . The motion was carried . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., proposed , and Comp . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . seconded , the granting of the peti-
Grand Chapter.
tion from companions for a chapter to be attached to the Hindpool Lodge , No . 1223 , Barrow-in-Furness , to be called " The Abbey Chapter , " to meet at the Hartington Hotel Barrow-in-Furness , Lancashire . The petition was granted ' Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., proposed , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded , the granting of the petition from companions for a chapter to be attached to the Underley Lodge , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale , to be called " The
Bective Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms Kirkby Lonsdale , Westmorland . The motion wascarried . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., proposed , and Comp . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., seconded , the granting of the petition for a chapter to be attached to The Royal Lebanon Lod ge No . 493 , Gloucester , to be called " The Royal Lebanon Chapter , " and to meet at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Gloucester . This petition also vvas granted , and Grand Chapter was then closed .
Grand Lodge Of New Brunswick.
Continued from page 484 . The Grand Lodge of Hungary has aske d for an exchange of representatives ; we have not , however , entered into fraternal relations with that body , and whilst the fraternity in Hungary continues in its present
divided condition it is advisable that our present attitude should not be changed . The lodges in Prince Edward Island united in the formation of a Grand Lodge for that province of the Dominion , and a courteous request was sent to me and to the officers of Grand
Lodge to attend on the 24 th of June to instal the Grand Master and other officers of Grand Lodge . Satisfied with the regularity of their proceedings , the movement of the Freemasons in Prince Edward Island was one lhat met with my hearty concurrence , as I have no doubt it
will with yours , and 1 readily accepted the invitation . I attended the new Grand Lodge , and installed M . W . Bro . Yeo the Grand Master , and the other officers . The Grand Secretary will lay before you
tbe papers connected with the formation of a Grand Lodge in the . province of Manitoba , together with tlie official application for a recognition . I have looked through the report of the proceedings , and I believe you will find the action taken to have been perfectly regular , and
the new Grand Lodge entitled to our warmest fraternal regard and sympathy . The transactions of our sister Grand Lodges record the death , during the year , of many eminent and distinguished brothers . In the number is included the Past Grand Master of
tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , R . W . Bros . John Meredith Reed , Lucius H . Scott , and James Paige ; M . W . Past Grand Master John N . He J ilton , of Maryland ; and Past Grand Master John H . Anthon , of New York . The Craft in Massachusetts recently sustained a severe loss in the death of Past Grand Master Winslow
Lewis , not only a devoted and active Mason up to the time when death closed his illustrious career , but a citizen and a man adorned with the graces of mind and character which made him eminent in society , aud in the State generally useful to his fellow man .
In our own Dominion the death of M . W . Bro . Wm . Mercer Wilson , the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada , excited deep and general sympathy . When I was made a Mason in the city of Montreal , nearly twenty years ago , Bro . Wilson was then at the head of
the Grand Lodge of Canada , and for several times , at various intervals , he has been called to the same position , the duties of which he discharged with discretion , zeal , and ability . In our own jurisdiction we have to mourn the death of R . W . Bro . W . P . Flewelling , who
died at Clifton on March 26 th , at the age of sixty years . For many years Bro . Flewelling was an active member of the Midian Lodge , in which he filled nearly every important office , and of which he was Treasurer at the time of h ' death . He took an active interest in the formation of our Grand Lodge , and was its firs '
Senior Grand Warden . The reports of the Board of General Purposes and of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer will show the Craft in this jurisdiction to be in a satisfactory condition . If we are not making as rapid progress in increase of members and m wealth as some of the more ardent of our brc-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire was held at the Masonic I lall , Derby , on Tuesday , the sfith inst ., under the presidency of Bro . II C Okeover , Past Grand Warden of England , the Acting Provincial Grand Masttr of the Province . There was a large muster of the Craft , the more distant parts of the province being
well represented . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at 1 . 30 in fcrm , prayer being offered up by the P . P . G . Chaplain ( the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , M . A ., vicar of Wormhill , Buxton , P . Prov . G . S . W . ) After the roll of officers had been called over , the minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodge were read and
confirmed ; the Worshipful Masters of Craft lodges presented their reports . The reports of the Masonic Hall Committee and the Charity Committee we-re vend and confirmed . The Acting P . G . M . appointed and invested the following officers for the ensuing year : — W . M . Marsden Prov . S . G . W .
II . E . Diamond Prov . J . G . W . Rev . W . J . M . Ellison Prov . G . Chaplain Thomas Cox , P . P . S . G . W Prov . G . Treas . | ohn Maxwell Prov . G . R . William Navlor , P . P . S . G . W Prov . G . Sec . G . E . Cox . ' Prov . S . G . D . E . Grindrod Prov . J . G . D .
Mm How ,. !! Prov . G . S . of W . | . C . Merry Prov . G . D . of C . ' ll . T . Bobart Prov . G . A . D . of C W . Clark Prov . G . S . B . G . Marsden Prov . G . O . 11 . Cooper Prov . G . P W . Lennox Prov . G . St . B .
Thomas Slinn Prov . G . lyler . thos . W . C . Watson , F . J . Robinson , William Whittaker , Alex . Frazer , Joseph Shaw , and George Pipes were appointed Provincial Grand Stewards . After the lodge was closed the brethren , to the number of fifty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Low , in the Lower Hall , and a very pleasant evening was spent , the A . P . G . M . occupying the chair .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
In addition to our last report , we have been requested to publish the following shorthand writer ' s notes of the proceedings and speeches , which we very readily do : — At the outset a letter vvas read from Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . L . ( late Deputy Prov . G . M . of the Provinca ) , regretting
his inability to attend , and advising , in reference to the proposed discussion on the subject of the Royal Masonic Boys' School , that tin lorm of the proposed resolution was objectiimble , unconstitutional , and such as he thought rendered it impossible for it to be received . He therefore hoped it would not be put in the shape in which it stood , however desirable an enquiry might be .
Bro . Cavvthorne , who had given notice of motion , was then called upon . In introducing the resolution he said he came there as no man ' s champion , but as a Mason who had for many years taken great interest in their noble charities . He felt that the circumstances which had recently arisen rendered it especially important , as well fot the interests of the school itself as iu the interests of
justice , that an enquiry should be instituted . Without going into the merits of the various questions which had been raised , he therefore asked that tlie Prov . G . Lodge of W . Yorkshire should use its influence in bringing about such an enquiry as would be satisfactory to the brethren . If the results of the enquiry showed that the institution could be placed on a better footing , so as to render it more
extensively useful , a great good would have been achieved by the agitation which had been raised ; but if , on the other hand , the charges which hail been made against the present management were groundless , it were surely better that this should be at once made ele-ar , in order that the institution might not suffer from the imputations which hid been made . For his own part , he could not think the
committee of the institution would bc against the enquiry ; iu fact , they would , he should suppose , court investigation , and he hoped if any such steps were decided upon the inquiry would be conducted with good feeling on both sides . Bro . Cavvthorne , however , is submitting the motion , obtained leave to omit the words after " benefits of the
charity , " so that it now contained no reference to Grand Lo Ige . Bro . Isaac Booth , in seconding the motion , argued that a , > ait from the questions which had been raised elsewhere , as to the disputes between the Secretary of the institution and the late Head Master , there was abundant reason for an enquiry , as there was evidently an extravagant
expenditure , which demanded the serious attention of all supporters of the charity . He instanced the Crossley Orphanage , where the expenditure per head was £ i- 7 s . ; another well managed institution in Manchester , where the expenditure was £ 34 per head ; and the London Orphan Asylum , where the cost per head was £ 34 , as showing that something ought to bc done to reduce what he considered the extravagant sum of £ 52 7 s . per head , which was being
spent on the boys in the Royal Masonic Institution , apart lrom any calculation as to amounts of interest on expended capital , & c ., and this without any exceptional advantages to the boys themselves , as in one case he had mentioned even a belter education vvas ottered , besides providing well for the comfort of the boys . He thought the sooner an enquiry was made , the better it i . wouiil be for the charity itself .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
Bro . Moss asked whether the matter had yet been brought under the notice of the Charity Committee attached to Prov . Grand Lodge , anil Bro . Hill , ( the Chairman of the committee ) replied that it had not . Bro . Brittain , Prov . G . Warden , supported the motion for an enquiry , provided no unconstitutional measures were resorted to , as he thought the damaging statements which
hnil been put forward , whether true or not , were such as could not be allowed to remain unnoticed , and the sooner the reproach could bc removed the better it would be for all the charities . Bro . Captain John Wordsworth ( a member of the House Committee of the R . M . B . I . ) said he believed the committee of the school would bc only too glad of a strict
investigation , though he felt sure the charges which had been made would be proved utterly groundless . He did not believe in niggardliness , and would never support such a policy , but he denied that there was any undue extravagance . The resolution , as amended , was carried with only one dissentient .
Bro . Chalmers , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , then proposed and Bro . Drury , P . Prov . G . Warden , seconded a resolution to the effect , that a committee be appointed to take steps for instituting an enquiry , such committee to consist of six members to be nominated by Prov . Grand Lodge , and six members to be nominated by the Charity Committee .
Bro . Moss proposed that the appointment of the committee be left in the hands of the Charity Committee . This was seconded by Bro . Cavvthorne , and supported by several other brethren . Bro . Ridal supported the appointment of a committee of enquiry , but pretested against the idea of £ 52 a head pet year being considered too extravagant . On being put to the vote , Bro . Chalmers' resolution
was carried . The nomination of the six members on behalf of the Prov . Grand Lodge was left iu the hands of the Prov G . Master ( Sir Henry Edwards ) .
Grand Chapter.
The Quarterly Meeting of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Alasons of England was held on Wednesday evening in the Zetland Room , Freemasons' Hall . Notwithstanding there was so little business before Grand Chapter , there was a large attendance of companions . Comp . S . Rawson presided as Z . ; Comp . Sandeman as II . ; and
Comp . Capt . Plattas J . ; Comp . John Hervey , S . E . ; Comp . Major Creaton was S . N . ; Comp . Rucker , P . S . ; Comp . W . Speed , 1 st Asst . S . ; Comp . Grey , 2 nd Asst . S . ; Comp . T . Fenn , Sword Bearer ; Comp . Ai . J . Mclntyre , Q . C , G . R . ; Comp . Joseph Smith , as D . C . Other P . G . Officers : Benj , Head , N . Bradford , A . Holman , Joshua Nunn , H . J . P . Dumas , H . Muggeridge , Jas . Glaisher , J . Percy Leith , F .
A . Philbrick , Q . C ; Robt . Hollom , and Hyde Pullen . There were also present Comps . W . S . Gover , II . Massey ( rreema . on ) , John Boyd , J . M . Case , G . Newman , Thomas W . White , Chas . 1 '" . Hogard , G . Lemann , VV . Stephens , Herbert Dieketts , W . Hammond , W . F . Nettleship , Alex . Ridgway , W . Young , Thomas Cochrane , C . W . Noehmcr , John Seex , James Lewis Thomas , Richard Spencer , George
Lambert , II . G . Buss , A . A . Pendlebury , and C . B . Payne . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the report of the Committee of General Purposes , published in the " Freemason " last week , was Liken as read . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded , the granting of the petition for a chapter to bc attached to the Prince of Wales's Lodge , No .
671 , Llanelly , to be called "The St . Elliw Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms , Llanelly , Carmarthen . The petition was granted . Major Creaton S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., seconded the granting of a charter for a chapter to be attached to the De Grey anil Ripon Lodge , No . 1 ^ 156 , Liverpool , to be called "The Dc Grey ; and Ripon
Chapter , " to meet at lhe Masonic I lall , Liverpool . The petition was granted . Comp . Philbrick asked who had the control over the names to be given to chapters , as he thought it was rather a thing of the past to give this chapter its name , and he questioned whether it was desirable to perpetuate things of the past any longer .
Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , said it was customary to give chapters the names contained in the petitions . If there was nothing objectionable in the name the warrant was granted for the chapter under the name applied for , unless an amendment was moved . Comp . Philbrick said he did not move an amendment ; he only asked for { information .
The M . E . Z . said if Comp . Philbrick had any objection his objection came too late , as the warrant was granted . Comp . Philbrick replied that he made no objection . Col . Alex . Ridgway , P . Prov . G . J . Deacon , reminded the companions that the name was a very worthy one in
the Craft , and well deserving of being perpetuated . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded the granting of the petition for a chapter to be attached to the Benevolent Lodge , No . 446 , Wells , to be called " The Avalon Chapter , " to meet at the Town Hall , Wells , Somerset . The motion was carried .
Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., moved , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded , the granting of a charter for a chapter to be attached to the Ccstrian Lodge , No . 425 , Chester , to be called " The Cestrian Chapter , " and to meet at the Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . The motion was carried . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., proposed , and Comp . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . seconded , the granting of the peti-
Grand Chapter.
tion from companions for a chapter to be attached to the Hindpool Lodge , No . 1223 , Barrow-in-Furness , to be called " The Abbey Chapter , " to meet at the Hartington Hotel Barrow-in-Furness , Lancashire . The petition was granted ' Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., proposed , and Comp . Joseph Smith , D . C , seconded , the granting of the petition from companions for a chapter to be attached to the Underley Lodge , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale , to be called " The
Bective Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms Kirkby Lonsdale , Westmorland . The motion wascarried . Comp . Major Creaton , S . N ., proposed , and Comp . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B ., seconded , the granting of the petition for a chapter to be attached to The Royal Lebanon Lod ge No . 493 , Gloucester , to be called " The Royal Lebanon Chapter , " and to meet at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Gloucester . This petition also vvas granted , and Grand Chapter was then closed .
Grand Lodge Of New Brunswick.
Continued from page 484 . The Grand Lodge of Hungary has aske d for an exchange of representatives ; we have not , however , entered into fraternal relations with that body , and whilst the fraternity in Hungary continues in its present
divided condition it is advisable that our present attitude should not be changed . The lodges in Prince Edward Island united in the formation of a Grand Lodge for that province of the Dominion , and a courteous request was sent to me and to the officers of Grand
Lodge to attend on the 24 th of June to instal the Grand Master and other officers of Grand Lodge . Satisfied with the regularity of their proceedings , the movement of the Freemasons in Prince Edward Island was one lhat met with my hearty concurrence , as I have no doubt it
will with yours , and 1 readily accepted the invitation . I attended the new Grand Lodge , and installed M . W . Bro . Yeo the Grand Master , and the other officers . The Grand Secretary will lay before you
tbe papers connected with the formation of a Grand Lodge in the . province of Manitoba , together with tlie official application for a recognition . I have looked through the report of the proceedings , and I believe you will find the action taken to have been perfectly regular , and
the new Grand Lodge entitled to our warmest fraternal regard and sympathy . The transactions of our sister Grand Lodges record the death , during the year , of many eminent and distinguished brothers . In the number is included the Past Grand Master of
tho Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , R . W . Bros . John Meredith Reed , Lucius H . Scott , and James Paige ; M . W . Past Grand Master John N . He J ilton , of Maryland ; and Past Grand Master John H . Anthon , of New York . The Craft in Massachusetts recently sustained a severe loss in the death of Past Grand Master Winslow
Lewis , not only a devoted and active Mason up to the time when death closed his illustrious career , but a citizen and a man adorned with the graces of mind and character which made him eminent in society , aud in the State generally useful to his fellow man .
In our own Dominion the death of M . W . Bro . Wm . Mercer Wilson , the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada , excited deep and general sympathy . When I was made a Mason in the city of Montreal , nearly twenty years ago , Bro . Wilson was then at the head of
the Grand Lodge of Canada , and for several times , at various intervals , he has been called to the same position , the duties of which he discharged with discretion , zeal , and ability . In our own jurisdiction we have to mourn the death of R . W . Bro . W . P . Flewelling , who
died at Clifton on March 26 th , at the age of sixty years . For many years Bro . Flewelling was an active member of the Midian Lodge , in which he filled nearly every important office , and of which he was Treasurer at the time of h ' death . He took an active interest in the formation of our Grand Lodge , and was its firs '
Senior Grand Warden . The reports of the Board of General Purposes and of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer will show the Craft in this jurisdiction to be in a satisfactory condition . If we are not making as rapid progress in increase of members and m wealth as some of the more ardent of our brc-