Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 3 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
Dr . F . W . Foott , W . A . Cock , S . Clifton , J . T . Simmons , J . VV . Hodgson , and W . B . Rutherford . Visitors : Bros . G . Legge , 765 ; A . Thompson , 15 SG ; Stuart Leaman , 217 ; A . Carter , 912 ; R . Tuffee , J . D . 2372 ; VV . B 0 ggis . 1 S 04 ; and Chas . Watson , 497 * . The lodge was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Three gentlemen were initiated , and Bro . Frank Paul was raised , the W . M ., Bro . Priddle , being highly complimented for the excellent way in which he worked the ceremonies . The petition and Herts
in favour of the boy , son of the late Bro . Walter Holdsworth , a P . M ., P . P . G . , was considered and duly recommended , and signed as an applicant for admission into the R . M . I , for Boys . Ten guineas were voted from the lodge funds for the W . M . 's list to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in February . A handsome cabinet writing desk and a purse of money were presented to Bro . Thomas Reilly as a testimonial in consideration of the many years he had filled the office of Secretary . Bro . Reilly returned thanks in feeling terms .
. . . This concluded the business of the evening , and the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired for refreshment . The usual toasts were given and heartily received , and some excellent harmony rendered . . The brethren separated after having spent a pleasant evening .
Rye Lodge , No . 2272 . The installation meeting of this increasing and popular lodge was held at the Peckham Public Hall on Wednesday , the 20 th ult . Present : Bros . T . M . Wright ; H . E . Reed , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Thos . Piper , P . M ., J . W . ; W . Rendell Dunn , I . P . M . ; Fred . Dunn . P . M ., Treas . ; J . W . Dewsnap , P . M ., Sec . ; Frank Swinford Smith , S . D . ; G . E . May , I . G . ; Ed . Lawrence , Stwd . ; R . B . Whitman , acting Tyler ; G . P . Nightingale , P . M . ; Wm . Castledine , P . M . ; Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M . ; George J . North , H . Line , Wm . Street , W . H . Walker , H . M . Bradford , T . Mills , P . Brabazon ,
H . J . Slade , R . Esler , R . Long , E . Pearce , T . J . Peake , G . H . Smith , J . T . C Huggins , Wa ' l . Wallis , J . Markillie , J . Parker , and R . Lyon . The visitors were Bros . J . J . Scott , 170 ; Benjamin Dowsett , W . M . 101 ; F . A . Borland , 30 ; Sidney Hill , 101 ; F . Wint , P . M . 101 ; J . T . Peters , J . W . 1475 ; A . J . L . Jones , 754 ; G . E . Latton , 2504 , Prov . G . Org . Essex ; E . Aggleton , 1901 ; J . Eilinger , P . M . 2222 ; J . T . Penney , P . M . 1 G 79 ; J . S . Pointon , I . G . 1901 ; W . Gulliford , 975 ; A . Weston , 101 ; Rev . Aitken , P . P . G . Chap . Middx . ; G . May , 2000 ; j . Smith , S . W . 159 S ; and C H . Stone , P . M . 507 . S . D . 1 G 41 .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Hiram Long , Percy Brabazon , and H . M . Bradford were raised in a very impressive m inner by theW . M ., after which Bro . R . T . llonsall was elected a re-joining member . A ballot was next taken for Mr . J . T . C . Huggins , which proved unanimous , and he was duly initiated by the W . M . in a very perlect manner . The Auditors presented their report , which was most satisfactory . Bro . Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M ., D . C , presented Bro . H . E . Reed , W . M . elect , to receive from Bro . T . M . Wright , W . M ., the benefit of
installation , which was performed ably and well in a full Board of Installed Masters . The new VV . M ., Bro . H . E . Reed , inves-ted his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . T . M . Wright , I P . M . ; Thomas Piper , P . M ., S . W . ; Frank Swinford Smith , J . W . 5 Fred . Dunn , P . M ., Treas .-, J . W . Dewsnap , P . M ., Sec . > J . A . Fletcher , S . D . ; G . E . May , J . D . ; Ed . Lawrence , I . G . ; Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M ., D . C . ; J . A . Markillie and G . J . North , Stwds . ; and J . Whiteman , Tyler . The addresses were ably rehearsed by the Installing Master , Bro . Wright . Two propositions were handed in for initiation at the next meeting , which augurs well for a successful year . Bro . Dunn ,
P . M ., Treas ., gave notice of motion "That 10 guineas be taken from the Benevolent Fund and placed on the Steward ' s ( Bro . T . M . Wright , I . P . M . ) list for the Boys ' Institution at the Centenary Festival . " The ledge business ended , the brethren adjourned to a recherche banquet supplied by Spiers and Pond , which gave entire satisfaction . The cloth removed , The W . M . presented the loyal toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " which was one during this important year received with deep thankfulness by the whole of the English nation .
The W . M . stated that the next t . ast was that of "The M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " who was a most a'dent worker , and none could ever forget with what dignity and ability he pres ded over the enthusiastic gathering at the Royal Albert Hall . I le hoped his Royal Highness would continue in good health to honour the Craft for years to come as the M . W . G . M . In giving that of "The Pro . CM ., Dep . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the VV . M . stated they all performed their duties moil nobly , and for which they commanded their greatest respect .
The toast of "The W . M ., " was presented by Bro . Wright , I . P . M ., who said it was certainly a most pleasant and honourable duty . It wis unnecessary for him to dilate on the many excellent virtues of the W . M . All had witnessed his able investing of officers , and he had not the slightest doubt the work of the year would be carried cut as perfectly , and that he would instal his successor in the same manner and leave the chair with eclat to the entire satisfaction of all the brethren .
The W . M ., Bro . H . E . Reed , received an ovation , and thanked the I . P . M . for the gracious manner the toast had been given to and received by the brethren . He felt very proud indeed in having acheived the greatest honour in the Craft , that of W . M . of his mother lodge . During his year of office he hoped in addition to the dignity of the lodge being upheld , that it would be one of social enjoyment . The splendid ritual would receive at his hands his best endeavours , and he would make it his special study and try and emulate the excellent workers who bad preceded him . For any shortcomings he trusted they might be overlooked , but for his part he would
strive his utmost to fulfil the duties to the very best of his ability . Bro . H . E . Reed , W . M ., next proposed the toast of " Bro . Wright , the Installing Master , " which he did with the greatest possible pleasure . He had endeared himself to tvery member of the lodge and he had carried out the duties which had devolved upon him to their entire satisfaciion . The present year was no exception and the duties ot the chair had been carried out with such Mat that the W . M . asked his kind acceptance of the splendid jewel unanimously voted him , hoping that he migl ^ wear the same for many years as a pleasant souvenir of a very happy year of office .
Bro . T . M . Wright was most cordially received , and replied that for such a reception he was grateful , lde had performed the duties of W . M . to his utmost ability for the benefit of the lodge . The jewel would be a memento not only of the honoured position of VV . M . but also of the many happy hours he had spent in the lodge , and for which he most heartily thanked them . The toast of "The Initiate , " was proposed by the W . M . in very welcome terms , who remarked upon its importance in infusing worthy members to the Craft . In Bro . Ifigginsa true and trusty friend had joined the ranks , and as time went on the W . M . felt assured he would prove himself an ornament to the lodge .
In reply , Bro . Huggins esteemed it a very great honour to be admitted a member of the honourable Brotherhood . He had often heard of its great importance in the world , and now his desire had been fulfilled , he trusted he should merit all the kind words spoken of him , and as time went on , should aspire to the office of VV . M ., which the present Master was so worthily filling . The W . M ., in terms of the greatest cordiality , welcomed the visitors , and said that
the number of worthy and distinguished guests present showed the respect paid to those brethren who had invited them , and also to the lodge in honouring it with their presence to witness the working and receive at his hands the hospitality which the Rye Lodge was pioud to bestow upon them . 1 he toast was most ably responded to by Bros . Dowsett , Aitken , Penney , Eilinger , and Stone , eulogising the work , hospitality , and the spirit of Charity which permeated the whole of the numbers of the lodge .
The W . M . next proposed the toast of "The Treasurer , Secretary , and Past Masters of the Lodge , " and said the very best thanks of the lodge were due to those worthy brethren . The toast was received in bumpers . Bro . F . Dunn , P . M ., thanked the brethren for such a cordial greeting . lie had replied many times , but still , was able to announce that the funds were never better , and
the ledge was in a thoroughly sound financial position , and yet had given largely to the Masonic Charities . Bro . Dewsnap , P . M ., also spoke of the pleasure and pride it gave him to respond as the Secretary , as also to the fact that Bros . W . K . Dunn , I " . K . Wright , l . P . AI ., and H . E . Reed , W . M ., wire his initiates in the lodge , and had proved themselves so worthy . Bro . Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M ., thanked the brethren for socord . ally receiving the toast
Craft Masonry.
of tbe Past Masters of the lodge . His motto through life had been " business before pleasure , " and he had tried to faithfully carry it out . His services had been rendered to the lodge with great readiness , and would continue to be so far as he was able . Bros . W . Dunn and Nightingale also ably responded . The W . M . gave the toast of " The Officers of the Lodge , " congratulating himself and the lodge upon having such an array who carried out their duties with such accuracy and precision . He also referred to the sad bereavement that Bro . T . Piper , P . M ., S . W ., had recently suffered , and to the letter of condolence which had been sent him , expressing the deep sympathy of the whole of the brethren .
Bros . F . S . Smith , J . W ., E . Lawrence , I . G ., and Street ably reulied , the lastnamed also corroborating the words of the W . M . in extending the deepest sympathy towards Bro . Piper . The Tyler's toast closed a happy meeting . An excellent programme of music under the direction of Bro . F . Swinford Smith , J . W ., P . Prov . G . O . Middx ., was given , ably assisted by Bros . Geo . May , A . Weston , Fred H . Cozens , and F . S . Smith , all of whom received applause . Bro . Sidney Hill ably presided at the piano .
Shurmur Lodge , No . 2374 . The installation meeting of this lodge—which wa ? , as usual , very numerously at tended—a fforded ample proof of the energy and enthusiasm of the founders and members , the continued prosperity of the lodge , and its popularity as one of the foremost lodges in the Provinceof Essex . The gathering was held at the Royal Forest Hotel , Chingford , on the 21 st instant , when Bro . C . H . Bestow , Prov . G . Purst ., W . M ., was supported by Bros . S . C Kaufman , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Holland , P . M ., J . W . ; Wm . Shurmur , P . M ..
P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; T . Clark , W . M . 2472 , Sec ; J . Speller , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; H . Ffrench Bromhead , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of W . ; P . Tricket , S . D . ; W . Fortescue , J . D . ; S . Wildash . T . H . Lloyd , I . G . j J . T . Haskins , P . P . G . Org . ; W . Gower , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . R . Carter , G . H . Pizey , H . Siegenberg , P . M . ; and many others . Visitors : Bros . C . G . Zander , I . G . 20 i ; W . Etheridge , 933 ; A . S . Gardiner , 1437 ; J . Davis ,
1 G 62 ; J . H . Langdon , P . M . 1457 , P . P . G . D . ; E . G . Chapman , 27 ; A . L . London , 205 ; A . M . Goodrich , 205 ; R . Golanski , 201 ;; J . H . Wakefield , I . P . M . 95 ; J . Boulton , P . G . P . ; G . Brown , G 5 ; H . Barrow , W . M . 2442 ; A . T . Ives , P . M . 1472 ; J . J . C Turner , P . P . S . G . W . ; C . J . Smith , VV M . 2504 ; C . J . Cutchey , 2256 ; W . Quennell , W . M . 214 ; C . Horst , S . D . 1471 ; F . Budd , 1472 ; G . H . Clark , S . W . 17 G 6 ; W . W . Morgan , 177 ; G . R . Brown , W . M . ; F . Dunstan , P . M . 1326 ; F . F . Nichols , 1677 ; G . Clark , P . M ., Sec . 1 C 79 ; W . H . Toye , P . M . 122 S ; T . Lloyd , P . P . G . C ; H . Jacobs , 1439 ; T . Bettesworth , 1 G 93 ; A . Kaufman , 176 G ; W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; and others .
As usual in this lodge , there was a heavy programme of work when the proceedings opened early in the afternoon . Bros . E . Temple , G . T . Bastard , and George Barker were raised to the Third Degree , and Bros . M . Croner and J . Newlands were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . C . Thompson , 21 9 2 , and W . H . Thrower , P . M ., were elected joining members , and Messrs . W . M . Beck and H . C . Gardiner were duly initiated into Freemasonry . The audit report was adopted , and on the motion of Bro .
Shurmur the sum of 10 guineas was voted to the sufferers from the recent hail storm in Essex . Bro . Jas . Speller , P . P . G . D ., assumed the chair and installed Bro . S . C Kaufman , P . M ., as W . M ., the following officers being invested : Bros . J . Holland , P . M ., S . W . ; W . Fortescue , J . W . ; W . Shurmur , P . M ., Treas . ; j . Clark , Sec ; P , Tricket , S . D . ; T . H . Lloyd , J . D . ; M . Siegenberg , P . M ., I . G . j J . R . Carter , D . C ; S . Wildash , A . D . C ; J . F . Haskins , Org . ; Gower , Bleick , Hamilton , Pizey , and Francis , Stwds . ; and Ives , Tyler .
The I . P . M . was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Charity Committee , and the lodge was closed . After banquet the usual toasts were honoured , " The Queen and the Craft" and " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " being first heartily received . The W . M ., in giving " The Grand Officers , " said he hoped the lodge would not be wanting in a response to that toast for many years to come , for during the vacation the M . W . G . M . had honoured the father of the lodge—Bro . Shurmur—by conferring upon him the rank of P . G . S . B . There was also another old friend and colleague present—Bro . Boulton , P . G . P .
Bro . Wm . Shurmur , P . G . S . B ., said that , as a minor representative of Grand Lodge , it was gratifying to hear the Pro Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master spoken of in such high terms . There could be no doubt that the zeal and devotion of these distinguished brethren had added to the prestige of Freemasonry , increased its prosperity , and widely extended its sphere of usefulness . On behalf of the Grand Officers , he thanked them sincerely for the most cordial way in which the toast had been proposed and received .
Bro . J . Boulton , P . G . P ., expressed his pleasure at seeing an old friend installed in the chair by Bro . Speller , who always did his work well . "The Prov . Grand Master and Prov . Grand Officers " having been submitted by Bro . Holland , P . M ., S . W ., Bro . J . J . C Turner , P . P . S . G . W ., in response , said all the brethren knew what a splendid head they had in the Earl of Warwick , and it was impossible to get a more excellent Deputy than Bro . Philbrick . For the Provincial Grand Officers the brethren had only to look at Bro . Shurmur , P . P . G . Treas ., or Bro . Gower , the present Treasurer of the Province , as samples of their quality . There was
also Bro . Railing , the Prov . G . Secretary , who had occupied that post for 21 years . The Earl of Warwick had dropped a hint that a special effort should be made in recognition of Bro . Railing ' s services . He ( Bro . Turner ) had been asked to act as Honorary Secretary of a fund for that purpose and . the members when asked to contribute by Bro . Shurmur , Treas ., would doubtless respond liberally and thus show their regard for their Prov . Grand Secretary . Bro . VV . Gower , Prov . G . Treas ., expressed his gratification at holding the office he did , for it was a pleasure to work with such good executive officers . He was initiated in this lodge and should never forget the kindness of the brethren in Essex in electing him as Prov . G . Treasurer .
The I . P . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and said he was very pleased to be in the position to do so for the first time . Since the consecration he had worked side by side with the W . M ., and preceded him step by step through the various offices . lie had found Bro . Kaufman—and the other members would bear him out—one of the most genial and kind-hearted brethren , and one of the best it was possible to find . Their W . M . Jiad always been willing to give his experience and help in whatever he was called upon to do . They could look forward to the coming year as one of the most prosperous they had had in the lodge .
The W . M . thanked the I . P . M . and brethren , and said he felt infhted with the flattery he had received , and which he did not deserve . It was true he had worked side by side with the I . P . M ., and he hoped it had been for the welfare of the lodge . He could assure them that nothing would be wanting on his part , if he could only retain their confidence , to make a successful year . He should not flinch from the work , as he had been through all that before . Being a Past Master , they would perhaps expect more from him ; but a large lodge like theirs took a good deal of governing , and reauired
power in their W . M . He would , however , do his duty , and if he could only obtain their support he hoped to vacate the chair with the same honour he had already obtained in his mother lodge—the respect and esteem of the members . He had been associated in Freemasonry with the father of that lodge for many years , and he was sure Bro . Shurmur would not further his interest in occupying that chair if he did not know he was capable of undertaking the duties . He claimed their kind support and indulgence to enable him to be successful . He would at once proceed to propose " The I . P . M .,
Installing Master , and Past Masters . " They all knew what a successful year the I . P . M . had had , and how well he had conducted the business . On behalf of the members , he had to present the I . P . M . with a small token of their respect in the form of a Past Master ' s jewel , voted for the good work done in the lodge . No Past Master more worthily deserved that honour , and he hoped Bro . Bestow , I P . M ., would be with them for many years to wear that recognition of a happy year of office . Bro . Speller , P . M ., the Installing Master , came forward , in his usual kind manner , to assist , knowing the W . M . had a great amount of work to do . Bro . Shurmur , P . M ., the father of the lodge ,
performed the initiation ceremony , qne of the candidates being an esteemed friend from his own district . Bro . Shurmur ' s interest and enthusiasm for Freemasonry wis shown by his giving instruction in their immediate neighbourhood , which was of greit use to the young members . Bro . Bromhead , P . M ., acted as D . C , and , in conjunction with the other Past Masters , was always willing to assist . Bro . C II . Bestow , I . P . M ., said he was deeply indebted to them all for their kindness , and thanked them for the jewel . He had done his best during his year , and was prepared to insull his successor , but owing to circumstances beyond his control , and feeling somewhatdoubtful , he thought it best to ask Bro . Speller to assist him .
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Craft Masonry.
Dr . F . W . Foott , W . A . Cock , S . Clifton , J . T . Simmons , J . VV . Hodgson , and W . B . Rutherford . Visitors : Bros . G . Legge , 765 ; A . Thompson , 15 SG ; Stuart Leaman , 217 ; A . Carter , 912 ; R . Tuffee , J . D . 2372 ; VV . B 0 ggis . 1 S 04 ; and Chas . Watson , 497 * . The lodge was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Three gentlemen were initiated , and Bro . Frank Paul was raised , the W . M ., Bro . Priddle , being highly complimented for the excellent way in which he worked the ceremonies . The petition and Herts
in favour of the boy , son of the late Bro . Walter Holdsworth , a P . M ., P . P . G . , was considered and duly recommended , and signed as an applicant for admission into the R . M . I , for Boys . Ten guineas were voted from the lodge funds for the W . M . 's list to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution in February . A handsome cabinet writing desk and a purse of money were presented to Bro . Thomas Reilly as a testimonial in consideration of the many years he had filled the office of Secretary . Bro . Reilly returned thanks in feeling terms .
. . . This concluded the business of the evening , and the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired for refreshment . The usual toasts were given and heartily received , and some excellent harmony rendered . . The brethren separated after having spent a pleasant evening .
Rye Lodge , No . 2272 . The installation meeting of this increasing and popular lodge was held at the Peckham Public Hall on Wednesday , the 20 th ult . Present : Bros . T . M . Wright ; H . E . Reed , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Thos . Piper , P . M ., J . W . ; W . Rendell Dunn , I . P . M . ; Fred . Dunn . P . M ., Treas . ; J . W . Dewsnap , P . M ., Sec . ; Frank Swinford Smith , S . D . ; G . E . May , I . G . ; Ed . Lawrence , Stwd . ; R . B . Whitman , acting Tyler ; G . P . Nightingale , P . M . ; Wm . Castledine , P . M . ; Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M . ; George J . North , H . Line , Wm . Street , W . H . Walker , H . M . Bradford , T . Mills , P . Brabazon ,
H . J . Slade , R . Esler , R . Long , E . Pearce , T . J . Peake , G . H . Smith , J . T . C Huggins , Wa ' l . Wallis , J . Markillie , J . Parker , and R . Lyon . The visitors were Bros . J . J . Scott , 170 ; Benjamin Dowsett , W . M . 101 ; F . A . Borland , 30 ; Sidney Hill , 101 ; F . Wint , P . M . 101 ; J . T . Peters , J . W . 1475 ; A . J . L . Jones , 754 ; G . E . Latton , 2504 , Prov . G . Org . Essex ; E . Aggleton , 1901 ; J . Eilinger , P . M . 2222 ; J . T . Penney , P . M . 1 G 79 ; J . S . Pointon , I . G . 1901 ; W . Gulliford , 975 ; A . Weston , 101 ; Rev . Aitken , P . P . G . Chap . Middx . ; G . May , 2000 ; j . Smith , S . W . 159 S ; and C H . Stone , P . M . 507 . S . D . 1 G 41 .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Hiram Long , Percy Brabazon , and H . M . Bradford were raised in a very impressive m inner by theW . M ., after which Bro . R . T . llonsall was elected a re-joining member . A ballot was next taken for Mr . J . T . C . Huggins , which proved unanimous , and he was duly initiated by the W . M . in a very perlect manner . The Auditors presented their report , which was most satisfactory . Bro . Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M ., D . C , presented Bro . H . E . Reed , W . M . elect , to receive from Bro . T . M . Wright , W . M ., the benefit of
installation , which was performed ably and well in a full Board of Installed Masters . The new VV . M ., Bro . H . E . Reed , inves-ted his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . T . M . Wright , I P . M . ; Thomas Piper , P . M ., S . W . ; Frank Swinford Smith , J . W . 5 Fred . Dunn , P . M ., Treas .-, J . W . Dewsnap , P . M ., Sec . > J . A . Fletcher , S . D . ; G . E . May , J . D . ; Ed . Lawrence , I . G . ; Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M ., D . C . ; J . A . Markillie and G . J . North , Stwds . ; and J . Whiteman , Tyler . The addresses were ably rehearsed by the Installing Master , Bro . Wright . Two propositions were handed in for initiation at the next meeting , which augurs well for a successful year . Bro . Dunn ,
P . M ., Treas ., gave notice of motion "That 10 guineas be taken from the Benevolent Fund and placed on the Steward ' s ( Bro . T . M . Wright , I . P . M . ) list for the Boys ' Institution at the Centenary Festival . " The ledge business ended , the brethren adjourned to a recherche banquet supplied by Spiers and Pond , which gave entire satisfaction . The cloth removed , The W . M . presented the loyal toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " which was one during this important year received with deep thankfulness by the whole of the English nation .
The W . M . stated that the next t . ast was that of "The M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " who was a most a'dent worker , and none could ever forget with what dignity and ability he pres ded over the enthusiastic gathering at the Royal Albert Hall . I le hoped his Royal Highness would continue in good health to honour the Craft for years to come as the M . W . G . M . In giving that of "The Pro . CM ., Dep . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the VV . M . stated they all performed their duties moil nobly , and for which they commanded their greatest respect .
The toast of "The W . M ., " was presented by Bro . Wright , I . P . M ., who said it was certainly a most pleasant and honourable duty . It wis unnecessary for him to dilate on the many excellent virtues of the W . M . All had witnessed his able investing of officers , and he had not the slightest doubt the work of the year would be carried cut as perfectly , and that he would instal his successor in the same manner and leave the chair with eclat to the entire satisfaction of all the brethren .
The W . M ., Bro . H . E . Reed , received an ovation , and thanked the I . P . M . for the gracious manner the toast had been given to and received by the brethren . He felt very proud indeed in having acheived the greatest honour in the Craft , that of W . M . of his mother lodge . During his year of office he hoped in addition to the dignity of the lodge being upheld , that it would be one of social enjoyment . The splendid ritual would receive at his hands his best endeavours , and he would make it his special study and try and emulate the excellent workers who bad preceded him . For any shortcomings he trusted they might be overlooked , but for his part he would
strive his utmost to fulfil the duties to the very best of his ability . Bro . H . E . Reed , W . M ., next proposed the toast of " Bro . Wright , the Installing Master , " which he did with the greatest possible pleasure . He had endeared himself to tvery member of the lodge and he had carried out the duties which had devolved upon him to their entire satisfaciion . The present year was no exception and the duties ot the chair had been carried out with such Mat that the W . M . asked his kind acceptance of the splendid jewel unanimously voted him , hoping that he migl ^ wear the same for many years as a pleasant souvenir of a very happy year of office .
Bro . T . M . Wright was most cordially received , and replied that for such a reception he was grateful , lde had performed the duties of W . M . to his utmost ability for the benefit of the lodge . The jewel would be a memento not only of the honoured position of VV . M . but also of the many happy hours he had spent in the lodge , and for which he most heartily thanked them . The toast of "The Initiate , " was proposed by the W . M . in very welcome terms , who remarked upon its importance in infusing worthy members to the Craft . In Bro . Ifigginsa true and trusty friend had joined the ranks , and as time went on the W . M . felt assured he would prove himself an ornament to the lodge .
In reply , Bro . Huggins esteemed it a very great honour to be admitted a member of the honourable Brotherhood . He had often heard of its great importance in the world , and now his desire had been fulfilled , he trusted he should merit all the kind words spoken of him , and as time went on , should aspire to the office of VV . M ., which the present Master was so worthily filling . The W . M ., in terms of the greatest cordiality , welcomed the visitors , and said that
the number of worthy and distinguished guests present showed the respect paid to those brethren who had invited them , and also to the lodge in honouring it with their presence to witness the working and receive at his hands the hospitality which the Rye Lodge was pioud to bestow upon them . 1 he toast was most ably responded to by Bros . Dowsett , Aitken , Penney , Eilinger , and Stone , eulogising the work , hospitality , and the spirit of Charity which permeated the whole of the numbers of the lodge .
The W . M . next proposed the toast of "The Treasurer , Secretary , and Past Masters of the Lodge , " and said the very best thanks of the lodge were due to those worthy brethren . The toast was received in bumpers . Bro . F . Dunn , P . M ., thanked the brethren for such a cordial greeting . lie had replied many times , but still , was able to announce that the funds were never better , and
the ledge was in a thoroughly sound financial position , and yet had given largely to the Masonic Charities . Bro . Dewsnap , P . M ., also spoke of the pleasure and pride it gave him to respond as the Secretary , as also to the fact that Bros . W . K . Dunn , I " . K . Wright , l . P . AI ., and H . E . Reed , W . M ., wire his initiates in the lodge , and had proved themselves so worthy . Bro . Dr . Wm . Cock , P . M ., thanked the brethren for socord . ally receiving the toast
Craft Masonry.
of tbe Past Masters of the lodge . His motto through life had been " business before pleasure , " and he had tried to faithfully carry it out . His services had been rendered to the lodge with great readiness , and would continue to be so far as he was able . Bros . W . Dunn and Nightingale also ably responded . The W . M . gave the toast of " The Officers of the Lodge , " congratulating himself and the lodge upon having such an array who carried out their duties with such accuracy and precision . He also referred to the sad bereavement that Bro . T . Piper , P . M ., S . W ., had recently suffered , and to the letter of condolence which had been sent him , expressing the deep sympathy of the whole of the brethren .
Bros . F . S . Smith , J . W ., E . Lawrence , I . G ., and Street ably reulied , the lastnamed also corroborating the words of the W . M . in extending the deepest sympathy towards Bro . Piper . The Tyler's toast closed a happy meeting . An excellent programme of music under the direction of Bro . F . Swinford Smith , J . W ., P . Prov . G . O . Middx ., was given , ably assisted by Bros . Geo . May , A . Weston , Fred H . Cozens , and F . S . Smith , all of whom received applause . Bro . Sidney Hill ably presided at the piano .
Shurmur Lodge , No . 2374 . The installation meeting of this lodge—which wa ? , as usual , very numerously at tended—a fforded ample proof of the energy and enthusiasm of the founders and members , the continued prosperity of the lodge , and its popularity as one of the foremost lodges in the Provinceof Essex . The gathering was held at the Royal Forest Hotel , Chingford , on the 21 st instant , when Bro . C . H . Bestow , Prov . G . Purst ., W . M ., was supported by Bros . S . C Kaufman , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Holland , P . M ., J . W . ; Wm . Shurmur , P . M ..
P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; T . Clark , W . M . 2472 , Sec ; J . Speller , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; H . Ffrench Bromhead , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of W . ; P . Tricket , S . D . ; W . Fortescue , J . D . ; S . Wildash . T . H . Lloyd , I . G . j J . T . Haskins , P . P . G . Org . ; W . Gower , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . R . Carter , G . H . Pizey , H . Siegenberg , P . M . ; and many others . Visitors : Bros . C . G . Zander , I . G . 20 i ; W . Etheridge , 933 ; A . S . Gardiner , 1437 ; J . Davis ,
1 G 62 ; J . H . Langdon , P . M . 1457 , P . P . G . D . ; E . G . Chapman , 27 ; A . L . London , 205 ; A . M . Goodrich , 205 ; R . Golanski , 201 ;; J . H . Wakefield , I . P . M . 95 ; J . Boulton , P . G . P . ; G . Brown , G 5 ; H . Barrow , W . M . 2442 ; A . T . Ives , P . M . 1472 ; J . J . C Turner , P . P . S . G . W . ; C . J . Smith , VV M . 2504 ; C . J . Cutchey , 2256 ; W . Quennell , W . M . 214 ; C . Horst , S . D . 1471 ; F . Budd , 1472 ; G . H . Clark , S . W . 17 G 6 ; W . W . Morgan , 177 ; G . R . Brown , W . M . ; F . Dunstan , P . M . 1326 ; F . F . Nichols , 1677 ; G . Clark , P . M ., Sec . 1 C 79 ; W . H . Toye , P . M . 122 S ; T . Lloyd , P . P . G . C ; H . Jacobs , 1439 ; T . Bettesworth , 1 G 93 ; A . Kaufman , 176 G ; W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; and others .
As usual in this lodge , there was a heavy programme of work when the proceedings opened early in the afternoon . Bros . E . Temple , G . T . Bastard , and George Barker were raised to the Third Degree , and Bros . M . Croner and J . Newlands were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . C . Thompson , 21 9 2 , and W . H . Thrower , P . M ., were elected joining members , and Messrs . W . M . Beck and H . C . Gardiner were duly initiated into Freemasonry . The audit report was adopted , and on the motion of Bro .
Shurmur the sum of 10 guineas was voted to the sufferers from the recent hail storm in Essex . Bro . Jas . Speller , P . P . G . D ., assumed the chair and installed Bro . S . C Kaufman , P . M ., as W . M ., the following officers being invested : Bros . J . Holland , P . M ., S . W . ; W . Fortescue , J . W . ; W . Shurmur , P . M ., Treas . ; j . Clark , Sec ; P , Tricket , S . D . ; T . H . Lloyd , J . D . ; M . Siegenberg , P . M ., I . G . j J . R . Carter , D . C ; S . Wildash , A . D . C ; J . F . Haskins , Org . ; Gower , Bleick , Hamilton , Pizey , and Francis , Stwds . ; and Ives , Tyler .
The I . P . M . was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Charity Committee , and the lodge was closed . After banquet the usual toasts were honoured , " The Queen and the Craft" and " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " being first heartily received . The W . M ., in giving " The Grand Officers , " said he hoped the lodge would not be wanting in a response to that toast for many years to come , for during the vacation the M . W . G . M . had honoured the father of the lodge—Bro . Shurmur—by conferring upon him the rank of P . G . S . B . There was also another old friend and colleague present—Bro . Boulton , P . G . P .
Bro . Wm . Shurmur , P . G . S . B ., said that , as a minor representative of Grand Lodge , it was gratifying to hear the Pro Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master spoken of in such high terms . There could be no doubt that the zeal and devotion of these distinguished brethren had added to the prestige of Freemasonry , increased its prosperity , and widely extended its sphere of usefulness . On behalf of the Grand Officers , he thanked them sincerely for the most cordial way in which the toast had been proposed and received .
Bro . J . Boulton , P . G . P ., expressed his pleasure at seeing an old friend installed in the chair by Bro . Speller , who always did his work well . "The Prov . Grand Master and Prov . Grand Officers " having been submitted by Bro . Holland , P . M ., S . W ., Bro . J . J . C Turner , P . P . S . G . W ., in response , said all the brethren knew what a splendid head they had in the Earl of Warwick , and it was impossible to get a more excellent Deputy than Bro . Philbrick . For the Provincial Grand Officers the brethren had only to look at Bro . Shurmur , P . P . G . Treas ., or Bro . Gower , the present Treasurer of the Province , as samples of their quality . There was
also Bro . Railing , the Prov . G . Secretary , who had occupied that post for 21 years . The Earl of Warwick had dropped a hint that a special effort should be made in recognition of Bro . Railing ' s services . He ( Bro . Turner ) had been asked to act as Honorary Secretary of a fund for that purpose and . the members when asked to contribute by Bro . Shurmur , Treas ., would doubtless respond liberally and thus show their regard for their Prov . Grand Secretary . Bro . VV . Gower , Prov . G . Treas ., expressed his gratification at holding the office he did , for it was a pleasure to work with such good executive officers . He was initiated in this lodge and should never forget the kindness of the brethren in Essex in electing him as Prov . G . Treasurer .
The I . P . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and said he was very pleased to be in the position to do so for the first time . Since the consecration he had worked side by side with the W . M ., and preceded him step by step through the various offices . lie had found Bro . Kaufman—and the other members would bear him out—one of the most genial and kind-hearted brethren , and one of the best it was possible to find . Their W . M . Jiad always been willing to give his experience and help in whatever he was called upon to do . They could look forward to the coming year as one of the most prosperous they had had in the lodge .
The W . M . thanked the I . P . M . and brethren , and said he felt infhted with the flattery he had received , and which he did not deserve . It was true he had worked side by side with the I . P . M ., and he hoped it had been for the welfare of the lodge . He could assure them that nothing would be wanting on his part , if he could only retain their confidence , to make a successful year . He should not flinch from the work , as he had been through all that before . Being a Past Master , they would perhaps expect more from him ; but a large lodge like theirs took a good deal of governing , and reauired
power in their W . M . He would , however , do his duty , and if he could only obtain their support he hoped to vacate the chair with the same honour he had already obtained in his mother lodge—the respect and esteem of the members . He had been associated in Freemasonry with the father of that lodge for many years , and he was sure Bro . Shurmur would not further his interest in occupying that chair if he did not know he was capable of undertaking the duties . He claimed their kind support and indulgence to enable him to be successful . He would at once proceed to propose " The I . P . M .,
Installing Master , and Past Masters . " They all knew what a successful year the I . P . M . had had , and how well he had conducted the business . On behalf of the members , he had to present the I . P . M . with a small token of their respect in the form of a Past Master ' s jewel , voted for the good work done in the lodge . No Past Master more worthily deserved that honour , and he hoped Bro . Bestow , I P . M ., would be with them for many years to wear that recognition of a happy year of office . Bro . Speller , P . M ., the Installing Master , came forward , in his usual kind manner , to assist , knowing the W . M . had a great amount of work to do . Bro . Shurmur , P . M ., the father of the lodge ,
performed the initiation ceremony , qne of the candidates being an esteemed friend from his own district . Bro . Shurmur ' s interest and enthusiasm for Freemasonry wis shown by his giving instruction in their immediate neighbourhood , which was of greit use to the young members . Bro . Bromhead , P . M ., acted as D . C , and , in conjunction with the other Past Masters , was always willing to assist . Bro . C II . Bestow , I . P . M ., said he was deeply indebted to them all for their kindness , and thanked them for the jewel . He had done his best during his year , and was prepared to insull his successor , but owing to circumstances beyond his control , and feeling somewhatdoubtful , he thought it best to ask Bro . Speller to assist him .