Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodge and Chapter of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
Bro . J . Speller , P . P . G . D ., said he felt it a privilege to do the work , and thanked them for the manner in which they had received the toast . Bros . Shurmur , P . M ., and Bromhead , P . M ., also replied . "The Initiates" was given by Bro . Shurmur , P . M ., and responded to by Bros . Beck and Gardiner .
Bro . Bromhead , P . M ., submitted " The Visitors , " and referred to the pleasure it always gave them to receive visitors , and he hoped the large and distinguished gathering that day would go away feeling he had thoroughly enjoyed himself . Bros . Dunstan , P . M ., Clark , and others , replied , and other toasts having been given , the proceedings terminated .
Bro . Haskins , Org ., presided at the pianoforte , and the artistes in the musical pro gramme included Miss J essie Browning , Miss Cecilia Haskins , Mr . Ben Johnson , jun ., Mr . Herbert Stockwell , and Bro . Egbert Roberts , P . P . G . Org .
Marcians . Lodge , No . 2648 . A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Trocadero Restaurant , VV ., on the 22 nd ult ., when there was a good attendance . Since its recent consecration the lodge has settled down to steady work , and now numbers Gi members , and under the able Mastership of Bro . J . R . Cleave , P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , assisted by an excellent set of officers , gives every promise of continued prosperity . The brethren present included Bros . I . R . Cleave . P . P . G . D . Surrey , W . M . ; the
Rev . C . J . Smith , S . W . ; J . Simpson , J . W . j J . W . Jarvis , Treas . ; A . H . Wallis , Sec . ; T . Gunning , S . D . ; R . M . Gatliff , J . D .,- J . R . I ) . Thomas , Org . ; F . Munlzer , I . G . j J . Easterbrook , acting I . P . M . ; G . H . Foan , P . M . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . of C . ; A . VV . Reid , 2137 j J . H . Beauchamp , I . P . M . 144 j J . Hernage , 2355 ; P . Schott , 16 94 ; W . Dennis , W . M . 9 ; W . Watford , S . W . 2054 ; F- Purkiss , P . M . 742 ; E . Sainsbury , 2157 ; W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . ; and others .
Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed , after which Bros . F . J . Smith , W . R . Dear , G . A . Neilson . A . A . Cleave , W . VV . F . Scott , T . Pollard , and W . G . Hodgson were passed to the Second Degree . An excellent rehearsal of the initiation ceremony completed the labours of the evening . Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet . . The customary toasts followed , and were all heartily honoured . Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , replying for " The Grand Officers , " said he felt
quite at home in their lodge , having the honour to be an honorary member . He was sincerely pleased to see the lodge going on so well , and there was evidently plenty of work in store , five candidates having been proposed for initiation at the next meeting . He regietted he had not seen all the work in the lodge that evening , having been detained at aboard meeting of the Boys' School at Wood Green . They woulj allow him to remind them that the Centenary Festival of that Institution takes place next year , when he hoped that lodge would do all in its Dower to assist . It would be an unioue
function , and he hoped the Marcians Lodge would be properly represented . Bro . Easterbrook , acting I . P . M ., propose d "The W . M ., " and said that in electing Bro . Cleave as their first W . M . the numbers did the best thing in the history of the lodge , for he was an efficient and energetic Mason . Their W . M . was the representative of another lodge on the Surrey Charity Committee , and took up more votes than any representative before . Their W . M . was undoubtedly the right man in the right place , and they hoped he would long- continue so . The first year of the lodge under his
management would be a particularly prosperous one . Jhe Worshipful Master , in response , expressed his thanks to Bro . Easterbrook , P . M ., and Ihe members . He believed that if a man undertook to do anything he should do it to the best of his power , and he had accordingly done his duty as Master to the best of his ability . Perhaps sometimes he had not performed his task as well as he ought to have done , but he had tried to do the best he could . The I . P . M . had referred to his work in the Surrey Charity Committee . That was one instance in which a great
deal of good for Freemasonry could be done in a very unostentatious manner and he wished to impress upon them to support , to the utmost ol their power , the Marcians Lodge Benevolent Association . There was another matter to which he wished to refer , which was the kindness of Bro . W Dennis , W . M . of the Molesey Lodge , who passed and raised a brother in that lodge in order to allow him to go abroad as a Master Mason and he wished to tender sincere thanks to Bro . Dennis on behalf of the lodge . The next toast he would propose was " The Acting I . P . M ., " who would do credit to the lodge should his services be called upon in an emergency .
Bro . J . Easterbrook , acting I . P . M ., replied , and afterwards gave " The Visitors . " Bros . W . Dennis , W . M . 9 ; Lee , P . M . ; Beauchamo , I . P . M . 144 j and Watford , S . W . 2054 j acknowledged the toast . The W . M . then said he desired to render an account of his Stewardship for the Gills' School last year . The lodge voted 10 guineas , and the total he took up was L 183 15 s ., which was the fourth on the list . That was a splendid result for their young lodge , and only showed tbe advantage of their Benevolent Associatio 1 . He hoped the members would similarly support the S . W ., who proposed to go up for the Boys' School Centenary Festival .
Bros . Rev . C . J . Smith , S . W ., and J . W . Jarvis , Treasurer , replied for "The Officers . " A very enjoyable evening was closed with the Tyler ' s toast .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
St . Magdalen Chapter , No . 242-The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms , Doncaster , on Friday , the 29 th ultimo . Present : Comps . C . Goldthorpe , M . E . Z . j A . W . Fretwell , H . j F . Rand , acting J . ; H . A . Fenton , P . S . j J . Constable , S . E . j H . Foster . S . N . j C . Richardson and G . Mason , Janitors j A . L . Peace , W . Chapman , H . Boomer , and others . The chapter having been opened , it was proposed to subscribe the sum of 10 guineas from the funds to one of the Masonic Charities j but which one was left till next convocation .
The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to a light supper in the ante-room .
Pattison Chapter , No . 913 . The above chapter held its first meeting after its installation , in July last , at the Masonic Hall , Mount Pleasant , P / umstead , on the 21 st ult ., when there were present Comps . George R . Nicholls , M . E . Z . j S . Horton , H . j Isiah Turton . J . j A . Penfold , I' / .., P . Z . 13 , 1472 , P . P . 1 st A . G . S ., Treas . ; H . J . Butter , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S ., S E . ; H . Mason , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . ; W . C . Campbell , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ; C . J . Clapham , P- / ., P . G . S . B . ; G . F . Taylor , P . Z . j J . H . Robert ,-- , P Z ., P . P . G . Org . ; C . Jolly P . / . ( Hon . ) , P . Z . 1472 , P . Z . and S . Ii . 21 S 4 , P . P . G . S . B . Essex ; J . O . Cook , S . N . ; Dr . E . Bryceson , P . S . ; G . H . Letton , P . Z . IJ 72 J Ist A . S . ; and others .
The chapter having been opened , the ballot was taken for Bros . VV . Solkham , G 15 j C . Perry , 700 ; H . Vicars , 913 ; and F . Quick , 733 ; and Comp . G . Laurance as a joining member , and proved unanimous in their favour . Bros . Solkham , Vicars , and Uuick , being in attendance , were duly exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason .
, „ , companiens afterwards barqueted together at the Royal Mortar Hotel , Woolwich . The usual loyal and Royal Arch toists weie honoured , and some splendid singing enlivened the proceedings .
Covent Garden Chapter , No . 1614 . An interesting and enjoyable meeting was held in connection with this chapter at j ?" ' ,, | ccadi | ly-c '' eu ' . ° n the 2 Sth ultimo , when the Principals were installed to p-eside for the coming year , and one brother was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . I he members in attendance included Comps . G . H . Foan , M . E . Z . ; ' A . L . Bullen , H . j CO . Burgess , J . ; J . D . Graham . S . N . ; S . Hewett , P . Z . ; F . Kedge , P . Z ., Treas . ; George Reynolds , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . Hancock , P . Z . ; G . C . Bond , J . Rowe , W . I , Ihrussell , H . G . Walker , W . M . Carter , N . Dukas , S . Blum , and several others .
Royal Arch.
Visitors : Comps . If . White , M . E . Z . ; Wilson , P . Z . j Lockett , H . ; J . B . Cook , P . Z . Walter Dennis , and W . VV . Lee , P . Z . The chapter was opened , the minutes confirmed , and the audit report adopted . The following Principals were then installed into their respective chairs : Comps . A . L . Bullen , M . E . Z . j C O . Burgess , H . ; and j . D . Graham , J . The other officers invested were Comps . G . H . Foan , I . P . Z .: F . Kedge , P . Z ., Treas . ; Geo . Reynolds ,
P . Z ., S . E . ; H . G . Walker , S . N . ; N . Dukas , P . S . ; S . Blum , ist A . S . ; J . Woodward , Stwd . ; VV . J . Thrussell , Org . ; and R . F . Potter , Janitor . Bro . J . VV . Dennis , 1257 , was next exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , the impressive ritual being ably carried out by all concerned . A Past Principal ' s jewel was presented to Comp . Foan , I . P . Z ., in recognition of his eminent services during the past year , and the gift was duly acknowledged .
The chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the Prince ' s Room , where a banquet of a recherche description was excellently served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Lefevre , the courteous and obliging Manager , and items from the tcast list and musical prrgramme were alternately given . Comp . G . H . Foan , I . P . Z ., proposed "The Health of the M . E . Z , " and said that between Comp . Bullen and himself there was a large amount of sympathy , and for that
reason he could not do juslice to the toast . They had worked harmoniously together for years in Freemasonry , having both joined the Covent Garden Lodge together and gone through the various offices . That association had been continued in the chapter and now that Comp . Bullen had attained the chair of M . E . Z ., he ( the I . P . Z . ) would do his utmost to enable that companion to have a record year . The M . E . Z . was an excellent worker , a proof of which they had hid that evening in the exaltation ceremony , which had been good evidence that he was a perfect Mister of the ritual .
• <• - ¦ Comp A . L . Bullen , M . E . Z ., sincerely thanked the I . P . Z . and companions for the kind proposition and reception of the toast . He had always met with the greatest kindness in the chapter , but did not think he deserved all the kind things said of him . It , however , gave him confidence to look forward to the -coming year , when he trusted they would extend the same generosity and overlook any shortcomings . Inorderto have a successful year , he should like to see a few exaltees in the chipter . It w vs but tight and good for the chapter that new members should come in , although they did not wish
to see a large number . He trusted they would meet next time and be able to congratulate themselves on the work done , and on an excellent addition to their numbers . In giving " The H . and J ., " the M . E . Z . said that Comp . Burgess had done yeomin service in that chapter as he had done in many other lodges and chapters with which he was associated . They always looked forward to a treat when Comp . Burgess had anything to do , and were never disappointed . It was a great comfort to have on his right hand so excellent a worker as Comp . Burgess , who could be relied upon to render any
assistance in a nice amiable way . In ComD . Graham , J ., they hid one who was striking new ground but who was making a great effort to master the ritual . Comp . C O . Burgess , H ., in response , said he should be pleased tc assist the M . E . Z . in any way he could . Their chapter was to be congratulated on having at its head one so able to take charge of the beautiful ritual of the Royal Areh and render it in the manner he did . They had also been impressed with the manner in which the
M . E . Z . was installed by Comp . Walter Hancock , who performed the cerem ony with his usual dignity and complete efficiency . He was sure the M . E . Z . would bs ad nirably supported by all his officers , and that Comp . Graham—whom he had had much pleasure in installing as J . —would make a good Principal in due time . He looked forward to the coming year to be a great success , and it would be so if a few desirable candidates were forthcoming . Comp . J . D . Graham , J ., also replied .
' The hxaltee" having been honoured and replied to by Comp . J . W . Dennis , The M . E . Z . proposed "The Visitors , " to which Comps . Wilson , P . Z ., and Horace White made suitable response . In proposing " The P . Zs ., " The M . E . Z . referred to the excellent services rendered to the chapter by Comp . Kedge , P . Z ., also by Comp . Geo . Reynolds , P . Z ., S . E ., who had been obliged to leave . Comp . Hancock , P . Z ., was a tower of strength , and could always be relied upon . Comp . Hewett . P . Z ., was essentially a good worker , and Comp .
Foan , I . P . Z ., needed no recommendation . Comp . F . Kedge , P . Z ., returned thanks , and also apologised Or Comp . Reynolds , P . Z ., who had been obliged to leave . Comp . W . Hancock , P . Z ., acknowledged the toast , and "The Officers , " and the Janitor ' s toast closed the proceedings . Comp . Walter Thrussell , Org ., directed the musical arrangements , and was assisted by Miss Susetta Fenn , Comps . Sinclair , Dunn , W . M . George , and Mr . A . Hogarth .
Lodge And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodge and Chapter of Instruction .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 2 nd instant , at ) the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . C . T . Rayner , W . M . ; J . Biiks , S . W . ; A . Oldrey , J . W . j VV . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor j C M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; W . F . Roberts , S . D . ; C . Isler , J . D . ; H . R . Bower , I . G . ; A . Oliver . P . M . ; G . T . Peall , P . M . ; H . B . Harding , P . M . j R . P . Upton , P . M . j A . F . Hardyment . L . Dennett , T . A . Spencer , A . E . Hubsch , F . H . Johnson , S . Cload , D . C . Ritchie , P . M . j V . J . R . Longman , C Bone , G . Fullbrook , and H . Edmeads .
T'he lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Cload being the candidate . Bros . G . Fullbrook and H . Edmeads were elected members of the lodge . Bro . Bicks was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 29 th ult . Present : Comps . J . H . Cureton , M . E . Z . j C Plant , II . j W . R . Barr , J . j Thos . Grummant , P . Z ., Preceptor j C . II . Stone , P . Z ., S . E . ; Hy . Hardman , S . N . j J . Longhurst , P . S . j J . Hill , Snelling , Sommerfield , W . Dawson ,
W . Wills , W . Beecroft , and J . Addmgton . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . W . Wills personating the candidate . Comp . C . Plant , H ., was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting . Comp . J . J . West , P . Z ., was elected an honorary member . The chapter was then closed .
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Craft Masonry.
Bro . J . Speller , P . P . G . D ., said he felt it a privilege to do the work , and thanked them for the manner in which they had received the toast . Bros . Shurmur , P . M ., and Bromhead , P . M ., also replied . "The Initiates" was given by Bro . Shurmur , P . M ., and responded to by Bros . Beck and Gardiner .
Bro . Bromhead , P . M ., submitted " The Visitors , " and referred to the pleasure it always gave them to receive visitors , and he hoped the large and distinguished gathering that day would go away feeling he had thoroughly enjoyed himself . Bros . Dunstan , P . M ., Clark , and others , replied , and other toasts having been given , the proceedings terminated .
Bro . Haskins , Org ., presided at the pianoforte , and the artistes in the musical pro gramme included Miss J essie Browning , Miss Cecilia Haskins , Mr . Ben Johnson , jun ., Mr . Herbert Stockwell , and Bro . Egbert Roberts , P . P . G . Org .
Marcians . Lodge , No . 2648 . A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Trocadero Restaurant , VV ., on the 22 nd ult ., when there was a good attendance . Since its recent consecration the lodge has settled down to steady work , and now numbers Gi members , and under the able Mastership of Bro . J . R . Cleave , P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , assisted by an excellent set of officers , gives every promise of continued prosperity . The brethren present included Bros . I . R . Cleave . P . P . G . D . Surrey , W . M . ; the
Rev . C . J . Smith , S . W . ; J . Simpson , J . W . j J . W . Jarvis , Treas . ; A . H . Wallis , Sec . ; T . Gunning , S . D . ; R . M . Gatliff , J . D .,- J . R . I ) . Thomas , Org . ; F . Munlzer , I . G . j J . Easterbrook , acting I . P . M . ; G . H . Foan , P . M . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . of C . ; A . VV . Reid , 2137 j J . H . Beauchamp , I . P . M . 144 j J . Hernage , 2355 ; P . Schott , 16 94 ; W . Dennis , W . M . 9 ; W . Watford , S . W . 2054 ; F- Purkiss , P . M . 742 ; E . Sainsbury , 2157 ; W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . ; and others .
Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed , after which Bros . F . J . Smith , W . R . Dear , G . A . Neilson . A . A . Cleave , W . VV . F . Scott , T . Pollard , and W . G . Hodgson were passed to the Second Degree . An excellent rehearsal of the initiation ceremony completed the labours of the evening . Lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet . . The customary toasts followed , and were all heartily honoured . Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , replying for " The Grand Officers , " said he felt
quite at home in their lodge , having the honour to be an honorary member . He was sincerely pleased to see the lodge going on so well , and there was evidently plenty of work in store , five candidates having been proposed for initiation at the next meeting . He regietted he had not seen all the work in the lodge that evening , having been detained at aboard meeting of the Boys' School at Wood Green . They woulj allow him to remind them that the Centenary Festival of that Institution takes place next year , when he hoped that lodge would do all in its Dower to assist . It would be an unioue
function , and he hoped the Marcians Lodge would be properly represented . Bro . Easterbrook , acting I . P . M ., propose d "The W . M ., " and said that in electing Bro . Cleave as their first W . M . the numbers did the best thing in the history of the lodge , for he was an efficient and energetic Mason . Their W . M . was the representative of another lodge on the Surrey Charity Committee , and took up more votes than any representative before . Their W . M . was undoubtedly the right man in the right place , and they hoped he would long- continue so . The first year of the lodge under his
management would be a particularly prosperous one . Jhe Worshipful Master , in response , expressed his thanks to Bro . Easterbrook , P . M ., and Ihe members . He believed that if a man undertook to do anything he should do it to the best of his power , and he had accordingly done his duty as Master to the best of his ability . Perhaps sometimes he had not performed his task as well as he ought to have done , but he had tried to do the best he could . The I . P . M . had referred to his work in the Surrey Charity Committee . That was one instance in which a great
deal of good for Freemasonry could be done in a very unostentatious manner and he wished to impress upon them to support , to the utmost ol their power , the Marcians Lodge Benevolent Association . There was another matter to which he wished to refer , which was the kindness of Bro . W Dennis , W . M . of the Molesey Lodge , who passed and raised a brother in that lodge in order to allow him to go abroad as a Master Mason and he wished to tender sincere thanks to Bro . Dennis on behalf of the lodge . The next toast he would propose was " The Acting I . P . M ., " who would do credit to the lodge should his services be called upon in an emergency .
Bro . J . Easterbrook , acting I . P . M ., replied , and afterwards gave " The Visitors . " Bros . W . Dennis , W . M . 9 ; Lee , P . M . ; Beauchamo , I . P . M . 144 j and Watford , S . W . 2054 j acknowledged the toast . The W . M . then said he desired to render an account of his Stewardship for the Gills' School last year . The lodge voted 10 guineas , and the total he took up was L 183 15 s ., which was the fourth on the list . That was a splendid result for their young lodge , and only showed tbe advantage of their Benevolent Associatio 1 . He hoped the members would similarly support the S . W ., who proposed to go up for the Boys' School Centenary Festival .
Bros . Rev . C . J . Smith , S . W ., and J . W . Jarvis , Treasurer , replied for "The Officers . " A very enjoyable evening was closed with the Tyler ' s toast .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
St . Magdalen Chapter , No . 242-The monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms , Doncaster , on Friday , the 29 th ultimo . Present : Comps . C . Goldthorpe , M . E . Z . j A . W . Fretwell , H . j F . Rand , acting J . ; H . A . Fenton , P . S . j J . Constable , S . E . j H . Foster . S . N . j C . Richardson and G . Mason , Janitors j A . L . Peace , W . Chapman , H . Boomer , and others . The chapter having been opened , it was proposed to subscribe the sum of 10 guineas from the funds to one of the Masonic Charities j but which one was left till next convocation .
The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to a light supper in the ante-room .
Pattison Chapter , No . 913 . The above chapter held its first meeting after its installation , in July last , at the Masonic Hall , Mount Pleasant , P / umstead , on the 21 st ult ., when there were present Comps . George R . Nicholls , M . E . Z . j S . Horton , H . j Isiah Turton . J . j A . Penfold , I' / .., P . Z . 13 , 1472 , P . P . 1 st A . G . S ., Treas . ; H . J . Butter , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S ., S E . ; H . Mason , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S . ; W . C . Campbell , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ; C . J . Clapham , P- / ., P . G . S . B . ; G . F . Taylor , P . Z . j J . H . Robert ,-- , P Z ., P . P . G . Org . ; C . Jolly P . / . ( Hon . ) , P . Z . 1472 , P . Z . and S . Ii . 21 S 4 , P . P . G . S . B . Essex ; J . O . Cook , S . N . ; Dr . E . Bryceson , P . S . ; G . H . Letton , P . Z . IJ 72 J Ist A . S . ; and others .
The chapter having been opened , the ballot was taken for Bros . VV . Solkham , G 15 j C . Perry , 700 ; H . Vicars , 913 ; and F . Quick , 733 ; and Comp . G . Laurance as a joining member , and proved unanimous in their favour . Bros . Solkham , Vicars , and Uuick , being in attendance , were duly exalted to the Supreme Degree of a Royal Arch Mason .
, „ , companiens afterwards barqueted together at the Royal Mortar Hotel , Woolwich . The usual loyal and Royal Arch toists weie honoured , and some splendid singing enlivened the proceedings .
Covent Garden Chapter , No . 1614 . An interesting and enjoyable meeting was held in connection with this chapter at j ?" ' ,, | ccadi | ly-c '' eu ' . ° n the 2 Sth ultimo , when the Principals were installed to p-eside for the coming year , and one brother was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . I he members in attendance included Comps . G . H . Foan , M . E . Z . ; ' A . L . Bullen , H . j CO . Burgess , J . ; J . D . Graham . S . N . ; S . Hewett , P . Z . ; F . Kedge , P . Z ., Treas . ; George Reynolds , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . Hancock , P . Z . ; G . C . Bond , J . Rowe , W . I , Ihrussell , H . G . Walker , W . M . Carter , N . Dukas , S . Blum , and several others .
Royal Arch.
Visitors : Comps . If . White , M . E . Z . ; Wilson , P . Z . j Lockett , H . ; J . B . Cook , P . Z . Walter Dennis , and W . VV . Lee , P . Z . The chapter was opened , the minutes confirmed , and the audit report adopted . The following Principals were then installed into their respective chairs : Comps . A . L . Bullen , M . E . Z . j C O . Burgess , H . ; and j . D . Graham , J . The other officers invested were Comps . G . H . Foan , I . P . Z .: F . Kedge , P . Z ., Treas . ; Geo . Reynolds ,
P . Z ., S . E . ; H . G . Walker , S . N . ; N . Dukas , P . S . ; S . Blum , ist A . S . ; J . Woodward , Stwd . ; VV . J . Thrussell , Org . ; and R . F . Potter , Janitor . Bro . J . VV . Dennis , 1257 , was next exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , the impressive ritual being ably carried out by all concerned . A Past Principal ' s jewel was presented to Comp . Foan , I . P . Z ., in recognition of his eminent services during the past year , and the gift was duly acknowledged .
The chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the Prince ' s Room , where a banquet of a recherche description was excellently served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Lefevre , the courteous and obliging Manager , and items from the tcast list and musical prrgramme were alternately given . Comp . G . H . Foan , I . P . Z ., proposed "The Health of the M . E . Z , " and said that between Comp . Bullen and himself there was a large amount of sympathy , and for that
reason he could not do juslice to the toast . They had worked harmoniously together for years in Freemasonry , having both joined the Covent Garden Lodge together and gone through the various offices . That association had been continued in the chapter and now that Comp . Bullen had attained the chair of M . E . Z ., he ( the I . P . Z . ) would do his utmost to enable that companion to have a record year . The M . E . Z . was an excellent worker , a proof of which they had hid that evening in the exaltation ceremony , which had been good evidence that he was a perfect Mister of the ritual .
• <• - ¦ Comp A . L . Bullen , M . E . Z ., sincerely thanked the I . P . Z . and companions for the kind proposition and reception of the toast . He had always met with the greatest kindness in the chapter , but did not think he deserved all the kind things said of him . It , however , gave him confidence to look forward to the -coming year , when he trusted they would extend the same generosity and overlook any shortcomings . Inorderto have a successful year , he should like to see a few exaltees in the chipter . It w vs but tight and good for the chapter that new members should come in , although they did not wish
to see a large number . He trusted they would meet next time and be able to congratulate themselves on the work done , and on an excellent addition to their numbers . In giving " The H . and J ., " the M . E . Z . said that Comp . Burgess had done yeomin service in that chapter as he had done in many other lodges and chapters with which he was associated . They always looked forward to a treat when Comp . Burgess had anything to do , and were never disappointed . It was a great comfort to have on his right hand so excellent a worker as Comp . Burgess , who could be relied upon to render any
assistance in a nice amiable way . In ComD . Graham , J ., they hid one who was striking new ground but who was making a great effort to master the ritual . Comp . C O . Burgess , H ., in response , said he should be pleased tc assist the M . E . Z . in any way he could . Their chapter was to be congratulated on having at its head one so able to take charge of the beautiful ritual of the Royal Areh and render it in the manner he did . They had also been impressed with the manner in which the
M . E . Z . was installed by Comp . Walter Hancock , who performed the cerem ony with his usual dignity and complete efficiency . He was sure the M . E . Z . would bs ad nirably supported by all his officers , and that Comp . Graham—whom he had had much pleasure in installing as J . —would make a good Principal in due time . He looked forward to the coming year to be a great success , and it would be so if a few desirable candidates were forthcoming . Comp . J . D . Graham , J ., also replied .
' The hxaltee" having been honoured and replied to by Comp . J . W . Dennis , The M . E . Z . proposed "The Visitors , " to which Comps . Wilson , P . Z ., and Horace White made suitable response . In proposing " The P . Zs ., " The M . E . Z . referred to the excellent services rendered to the chapter by Comp . Kedge , P . Z ., also by Comp . Geo . Reynolds , P . Z ., S . E ., who had been obliged to leave . Comp . Hancock , P . Z ., was a tower of strength , and could always be relied upon . Comp . Hewett . P . Z ., was essentially a good worker , and Comp .
Foan , I . P . Z ., needed no recommendation . Comp . F . Kedge , P . Z ., returned thanks , and also apologised Or Comp . Reynolds , P . Z ., who had been obliged to leave . Comp . W . Hancock , P . Z ., acknowledged the toast , and "The Officers , " and the Janitor ' s toast closed the proceedings . Comp . Walter Thrussell , Org ., directed the musical arrangements , and was assisted by Miss Susetta Fenn , Comps . Sinclair , Dunn , W . M . George , and Mr . A . Hogarth .
Lodge And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodge and Chapter of Instruction .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 2 nd instant , at ) the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . C . T . Rayner , W . M . ; J . Biiks , S . W . ; A . Oldrey , J . W . j VV . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor j C M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; W . F . Roberts , S . D . ; C . Isler , J . D . ; H . R . Bower , I . G . ; A . Oliver . P . M . ; G . T . Peall , P . M . ; H . B . Harding , P . M . j R . P . Upton , P . M . j A . F . Hardyment . L . Dennett , T . A . Spencer , A . E . Hubsch , F . H . Johnson , S . Cload , D . C . Ritchie , P . M . j V . J . R . Longman , C Bone , G . Fullbrook , and H . Edmeads .
T'he lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Cload being the candidate . Bros . G . Fullbrook and H . Edmeads were elected members of the lodge . Bro . Bicks was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officers in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 29 th ult . Present : Comps . J . H . Cureton , M . E . Z . j C Plant , II . j W . R . Barr , J . j Thos . Grummant , P . Z ., Preceptor j C . II . Stone , P . Z ., S . E . ; Hy . Hardman , S . N . j J . Longhurst , P . S . j J . Hill , Snelling , Sommerfield , W . Dawson ,
W . Wills , W . Beecroft , and J . Addmgton . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . W . Wills personating the candidate . Comp . C . Plant , H ., was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting . Comp . J . J . West , P . Z ., was elected an honorary member . The chapter was then closed .
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