Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
THE COMMITTEE of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will hold their regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the ioth inst ., at 4 p . m . THE DUCHESS OF ALBANY , as President of the Middlesex Needlework Guild , has forwarded to the Mayoress of Maidstone a large quantity of clothing for the fever stricken poor of the town .
THE CAPTURE of the Sampagha Pass by the forces under Sir William Lockhart has been followed almost immediately by the capture of the Arhanga Pass , the losses sustained on both occasions being very slight . THE SWEDISH MINISTER of the Interior telegraphed instructions on Saturday last to the Governor of TromsO to charter a steamer at the cost of the State for the immediate despatch of an Andree Relief Expedition to Spitzbergen .
THE EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT has decided that Kassala shall be occupied by Egyptian troops , and a force composed of two and a half battalions of infantry and a battery of artillery will be dispatched for the purpose during the present month . H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES arrived at Marlborough House from Sandringham on Saturday last , and on Monday accompanied H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to the White Lodge , Richmond , in order to be present at the special memorial service that was held for the late Duchess of Teck .
THE LORD MAYOR and Sir E . Poynter , President of the Royal Academy , with Mr . Temple , director of the Guildhall Art Gallery , visited the Pantechnicon ' on Tuesday for the purpose of inspecting the pictures which Mr . D . P . Sellars has offered as the nucleus of an art collection to the Corporation . THE QUEEN has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Mr . A . Moseley Channell , Q . C , to be a Justice of the High Court in the place of Mr . Justice Vaughan Williams , who has been appointed a Lord Justice of Appeal . The new judge is a son of the late Baron Channell , one of the judges of the old Court of Exchequer ,
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES will complete his 56 th year on Tuesday , the r , th instant , having been born on the 9 th November ,. 1 S 41 . The festivities which usually mark this auspicious event will be shorn of much of their wonted splendour owing to the lamented death of H . R . H . the Princess Mary of Cambridge , Duchess of Teck . BRO . H . B . MARSHALL , M . A ., C . C , has retired from the chair of the Royal Hanover Lodge , No . 1777 , after serving for two years . His successor is Bro . Fuchsbalg , of the firm of Messrs . Schenker and Co ., 55 , Bishopsgate-street Within . The brethren have presented Mrs . Marshall with a handsome bracelet as a souvenir of her husband ' s tenure of office .
THE EARI , AND COUNTESS CADOGAN left Rutland Cottage , Newmarket , for Wynyard Park , Durham , on a visit to the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry , until to-morrow ( Saturday ) , when his lordship will return to Dublin , but the Countess intends remaining here till next month , when she will take up residence in the Irish capital for the winter . AT THE LAST MEETING of the British Mark Lodge , No . 345 , Bro . Capel J . Hogg , the I . P . M ., was the recipient of a very pleasing memento of his two years' Mastership of the lodge , and in recognition of the zeal and assiduity with which he had carried out the duties appertaining to his office . The presentation was made by Bro . Wheelwright , on behalf ot the brethren , and Bro . Hogg suitably responded .
NEARLY 2000 PERSONS availed themselves of the invitation of the Lord Mayor , Sir G . Faudel Phillips , Bart ., to the council and members of the National Sunday League to inspect the Mansion House and its treasures . Neither his lordship nor the Lady Mayoress were able to be present , but a vote of thanks was moved to him for his kindness , in the Egyptian Hall , by Bro . Alderman Treloar , and seconded by Alderman Sir Stuart Knill .
BRO . THE MARyuis AND MARCHIONESS OF ZETLAND have arrived at Aske Hall , near Richmond , Yorkshire , and have invited a large number of guests to participate in the rejoicings in honour of the coming of age of their eldest son , the Earl of Ronaldshay , among them being the Countess of Scarborough , the Hon . Mrs . Vorke , the Hon . Mrs . John C . Dundas , Bro . Viscount and Viscountess Malton , Lord Cecil Manners , Lady Alice Dundas , and others .
_ A MASONIC SERVICE will be held at the Church of St . Martin ' s-in-the-Fields , which has recently been re-opened after decoration , on Sunday next , the 7 th instant , at 3 . 30 p . m ., when Bro . Archdeacon Stevens , Past G . Chaplain , will preach the sermon , and the offertory will be apportioned between our Institutions for Boys and Girls . A dispensation has been obtained for brethren to wear Masonic clothing and jewels ' , and accommodation will be provided for changing .
THE DEATH is announced of Sir William Mackinnon , K . C . B ., formerly Director-General of the Army Medical Department . The deceased joined the army in 1 S 54 , served with the Black Watch in the Crimea , for which he received the medal , with three ' clasps , and the Turkish medal , and was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour . He also tetved during the Indian Mutiny , and in the Maori War in 1 S 63 . GG . He became Director-General in 1 SS 9 , and ratired after 43 years' service in iSgfi .
AMONG THOSE PRESENT at the memorial service held in the Drawing-room at the White Lodge , Richmond , where was placed the bier containing the mortal remains of the late Princess Mary , Duchess of Teck , were the Duke of Teck , the Duke and Duchess of York , Prince and Princess Adolphus of Teck , Prince Alexander of Teck , and T . R . H . the Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke of Cambridge , the Duchess of Albany ! Prince Edward of _ Saxe-Weimar , and the ladies and gentlemen of the household , who were all en ore side of the bier , while the upper servants were ranged on the other .
ON TUESDAY next , the Lord Mayor elect ( Bro . Alderman Davis , M . P . ) will enter upon his Mayoralty , and the "Show , " which is arranged to start from Guildhall at the unusually early hour of 10 . 30 a . m ., will proceed to the Courts of Law , and thence return by way of Northumberland-avenue and the Thames Embankment to the place whence it started . In the evening there will be the usual banquet , which will be attended by the Marquis of Salisbury and other leading Ministers , as well as many other distinguished guests .
VERY GENERAL REGRET is felt at the news of the death of Captain Arthur W . Cotton , of the Grenadier Guards , third son of the late Lord J ustice Cotton , who started seme two months ago on a shooting expedition to South Africa and succumbed to an attack of malarial lever on Monday , the 25 th ult . Captain Cotton had been Aide-de-Camp to Bro . Lord Roberts , and had also served at Suakin in the Soudan expedition of 1 S 85 . It is a sad thing that his elder brothers pre-deceased him , while his younger brother who rowed bow for three years in the Oxford University eight , died of typhoid fever only about 12 months since .
THE DRINKING FOUNTAIN which has been erected as a memorial to the late Bro . Sir Augustus Harris , and , by the kind permission of Bro . the Duke of Bedford , placed against the wall of Drury Lane Theatre , was unveiled by the Lord Mayor on Monday . His lordship was accompanied by the Sheriffs , Bros . Alderman Green and Dewar and among those present were Bros , the ICarl of Euston and Edward Terry , Bro . E . Letchworth ( G . Sec ) , and Bro . Oscar Barrett . Bro . Alderman Green explained that of the Memorial Fund which had been raised and amounted to £ 2678 , £ 1000 had gone to endow a bed at Charing Cross I lospital , ^ 1000 for the drinking fountain , and £ 500 to the Victorian Hospital for Children .
THE LORD MAYOR ELECT has issued an invitation to the surviving guests who were present at the Lord Mayor ' s banquet in 1 S 37 , when her Majesty was present , to attend the banquet on Tuesday next . It may be supposed that there are not many such , the Queen herself and the Duke of Cambridge being the most notable cases . A Mrs . Caroline Wheeler , widow of Mr . Wheeler , who at the time was Common Councillor for
the Ward of Aldgate , has written to Bro . Alderman Davies to say that she was present , and still possesses the invitation card that was sent to her late husband , with the plan of the Guildhall , and the book containing the songs , & c , that were sung at the time . She was then 25 years of age , and is now Ss . Special arrangements will accordingly be made for the comfort and convenience of the venerable lady on her journey to the Guildhall and also at the banquet .-
Masonic And General Tidings.
BRO . LORD GEORGE HAMILTON , on leaving Balmoral , went on a visit to the Duke and Duchess of Buccleugh , and since has arrived in London . SIR MAURICE FITZGERALD , the Knight of Kerry , is said to be the purchaser of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales's yacht , the Britannia . THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE completed the Goth year of his military service on Wednesday , having been gazetted Brevet Colonel on the 3 rd November , 1 S 37 .
THE PRIVATE VIEWS of Mr . Herbert J . Finn ' s exhibition will take place to-day ( Friday ) , at The Modern Gallery , 175 , Bond-street , and will open to the public tomorrow ( Saturday ) . BRO . LORD ROBERTS returned to town on Monday from his visit to the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne at Bowood , and left for Dublin to resume command of the forces in Ireland on Wednesday . ¦¦ - ¦
THE DEATH is announced from cancer of the tongue of Lieut .-Col . J . R . M . Chard , V . C , the hero of "Rorke ' s Drift , " who succumbed after great suffering borne with the utmost fortitude on Tuesday .
BRO . SIR THOMAS SUTHERLAND , M . P ., addressed his constituents at Greenock on Monday evening , and referred at some length to the recently issued report of the West Indian Commission on the Sugar Question . BRO . H . T . BRICKWEI . L has arranged with Bio . Oscar Barrett to produce at the Garrick Theatre on Boxing Day , Monday , December 27 th , a fairy pantomime founded on the evergreen and favourite story Cinderella .
AN INTERESTING ADDRESS upon "The Resources of Queensland' was given by the Hon . T . J . Byrnes , Attorney-General of Queensland , at the Cannon-street Hotel on Tuesday . Bro . the Earl of Warwick was in the chair . THE INSTALLATION meeting of Lodge Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 , will be held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the Sth inst ., Bro . Sydney T . Klein being the W . M . elect . The banquet will take place , as usual , at the Holborn Restaurant .
THE DEATH RATE in London last week rose from 16 . 8 to 17 . 7 per 1000 , the increase being due to cases of measles , diphtheria , and whooping-cough , and diseases of the respiratory organs . The rate at Brighton for the same period was 10 . 7 , and at Croydon 10 . 3 . THE VICTORIA Diamond Jubilee Lodge will be consecrated on the ioth inst ., at the Castle Hotel , Woodford , when a large gathering is expected . The lodge starts under excellent auspices having a strong body of founders , a sound financial basis , and an excellent band of officers .
AN ADDRESS of sympathy to the Queen and members of the Royal Family on the death of the Princess Mary was unanimously adopted at the meeting of the London County Council on Tuesday , the motion being proposed by Mr . McKinnon Wood and seconded by Bro . the Earl of Onslow . H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , with Maj .-Gen . Sir Stanley Clarke in attendance , visited Prince Frederick Henry of Prussia at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday . Prince Frederick represented the German Emperor at the funeral of the Princess Mary Duchess of Teck at Windsor on Wednesday .
THE CLERK of the Mercers' Company has issued notices to the effect that the latest addition to the collection of works of art in the Royal Exchange is a panel presented by Bro . Sir Samuel Montagu , Bart ., M . P ., and pamted by Mr . J . S . Solomon , A . R . A ., which will be unveiled on Monday , the Sth inst ., at 12 noon . PRINCE ALEXANDER OF TECK was to have sailed for Cape Town to-morrow ( Saturday ) to rejoin his regiment , the 7 th Hussars , a passage having been taken for him on hoard the Union liner Moor , but owing to the sudden death of his mother , the Princess Mary Duchess of Teck , the arrangement has been cancelled .
BRO . COL . T DAVIES SEWELL , the Clerk of the Shipwrights Company , recently enjoyed the privilege of viewing the beauties of Haddon Ha'l under the conduct of the Duke and Duchess of Rutland . It may be remembered that during his year of office as master of the guild his grace and the duchess were the recipients of two handsome presents from the court and livery .
A FIRE broke out at 184 , Aldersgate-street , on Monday evening , which , however , was soon got well in hand by the efforts of the Fire Brigade . Commander Wells , however , hard a narrow escape owing to a large pane of plate glass which fell and smashed itself on his helmet , nearly cutting through the metal , but glancing off and severely gashing the hand of a man behind him .
THE EXHIBITION of clothing done for the poor by the _ Surrey Needlework Guild , will be held for the third time by permission of the Queen , in the State Apartments ol St . James's Palace between the hours of 11 a . m . and 5 p . m . on Wednesday and Thursday , the 17 th and 1 Sth inst . Admission will be free , but by card of invitation only , which can be obtained on application to Miss Gleig , Claremont , Esher , not later than Monday , the 8 th inst .
As A MEMENTO of the late Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , a stained glass window has been placed by Lady Truscott in Truro Cathedral . The inscription it bears is as follows : " I his window was erected by Lady Elizi Truscott , to the glory of God and in memory of her beloved husband , Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , born at Truro 23 rd November , 1824 , who , as Lord Mayor of London . assisted at the laying of the foundationstone of the cathedral by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales on the 20 th May , 18 S 0 . "
A FUNERAL SERVICE in memory of the late Lord Rosmead , formerly Governor and High Commissioner at the Cape , was held in the Church of All Saints , Ennismore Gardens , on Monday , when a very large number of gentlemen interested in Colonial affairs were present to do honour to the deceased . Among those who sent wreaths were the Government of Cape Colony , the Government of New Zealand , and Bro . Lord and Lady Pirbright , while among those who attended the service were Bros . Viscount Valentia , M . P ., Lord Bolton and Rochfo ' rt Maguire , Lady Frederick Cavendish , Bro . Admiral Sir Geo . and Lady Willes , and others . The interment afterwards took place at Brompton Cemetery .
THE FINE ART OF WASHING . —It has ben left for Mr . Robert E . Phillips , of Chan eery-lane , the head « f the Albert Adams Steam Laundry at Tottenham , to demonstrate that the washing and cleansing of our wearing apparel and house linen has really been improved into a fine art . A party of scientists and press men were shown over the laundry , and general surprise was expressed at the perfection of the hygienic apparatus employed . One great feature is the drying of the clothes by a hot air blast which would kill any microbe lucky enough to escape the other processes which the linen passes through . Another feature is that there is no tearing or fraying , and the clothes washed by this process last twice as long as if treated in any other way .
BRO . THE REV . S . T . WOOD , W . M . Concord Lodge , No . G 32 , presided at a meeting held in the Town Hall , Trowbridge , on behalf of the Home of St . Barnabas . In his remarks from the chair , Bro . Wood expressed his high approval of the objects of the Home—the permanent and temporary care of poor , aged , and disabled clergymen . It was , in his opinion , a disgrace to allow men of education , good birth , and refined feel *
ings to end their days amongst the paupers of a workhouse infirmary , and he was g lad indeed to fird his Masonic brethren joining in a movement that will render it impossible for any clergyman who is a Mason to find his way into the workhouse . He strongly appealed to the Craft to support the proposal to build two small houses in connection with the Home of St . Barnabas for the reception of poor clergymen who are Masons .
KAKL OF LATHOM LODGE OF INSTRUCT / ON , NO . 1922 . —The Fifteen Sections were worked in this lodge on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Station Hotel , Camberwell , under the presidency of Bro . C . L . Plant , W . M ., Preceptor , a large number of brethren being present . The Sections were worked as follows -. First Lecture—ist Section , Bro . Trotter j 2 nd , Bro . Groom ; 3 rd , Bro . Hurley ; 4 th , Bro . McVey ; 5 th , Bro . Trotter ; Gth , Bro . Ware ; and 7 th , Bro . Cornford . Second Lecture—ist
Section , Bro . Cass , P . M . ; 2 nd , Bro . Hill ; 3 rd , Bro . Plant ; 4 th , Bro . Whitakec ; and sth , Bro . Hooper . Third Lecture—ist Section , Bro . Hill ; 2 nd , Bio . McVey ; and 3 rd , Bro . Trotter . A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Bros . C L . Plant , W . M . ; Whitaker , P . M ., S . W . ; Wm . Dawson , W . M . 1622 , acting Preceptor ; and the Section workers tor the able manner in which they had carried out their respective duties .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
THE COMMITTEE of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will hold their regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the ioth inst ., at 4 p . m . THE DUCHESS OF ALBANY , as President of the Middlesex Needlework Guild , has forwarded to the Mayoress of Maidstone a large quantity of clothing for the fever stricken poor of the town .
THE CAPTURE of the Sampagha Pass by the forces under Sir William Lockhart has been followed almost immediately by the capture of the Arhanga Pass , the losses sustained on both occasions being very slight . THE SWEDISH MINISTER of the Interior telegraphed instructions on Saturday last to the Governor of TromsO to charter a steamer at the cost of the State for the immediate despatch of an Andree Relief Expedition to Spitzbergen .
THE EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT has decided that Kassala shall be occupied by Egyptian troops , and a force composed of two and a half battalions of infantry and a battery of artillery will be dispatched for the purpose during the present month . H . R . H . THE PRINCESS OF WALES arrived at Marlborough House from Sandringham on Saturday last , and on Monday accompanied H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to the White Lodge , Richmond , in order to be present at the special memorial service that was held for the late Duchess of Teck .
THE LORD MAYOR and Sir E . Poynter , President of the Royal Academy , with Mr . Temple , director of the Guildhall Art Gallery , visited the Pantechnicon ' on Tuesday for the purpose of inspecting the pictures which Mr . D . P . Sellars has offered as the nucleus of an art collection to the Corporation . THE QUEEN has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Mr . A . Moseley Channell , Q . C , to be a Justice of the High Court in the place of Mr . Justice Vaughan Williams , who has been appointed a Lord Justice of Appeal . The new judge is a son of the late Baron Channell , one of the judges of the old Court of Exchequer ,
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES will complete his 56 th year on Tuesday , the r , th instant , having been born on the 9 th November ,. 1 S 41 . The festivities which usually mark this auspicious event will be shorn of much of their wonted splendour owing to the lamented death of H . R . H . the Princess Mary of Cambridge , Duchess of Teck . BRO . H . B . MARSHALL , M . A ., C . C , has retired from the chair of the Royal Hanover Lodge , No . 1777 , after serving for two years . His successor is Bro . Fuchsbalg , of the firm of Messrs . Schenker and Co ., 55 , Bishopsgate-street Within . The brethren have presented Mrs . Marshall with a handsome bracelet as a souvenir of her husband ' s tenure of office .
THE EARI , AND COUNTESS CADOGAN left Rutland Cottage , Newmarket , for Wynyard Park , Durham , on a visit to the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry , until to-morrow ( Saturday ) , when his lordship will return to Dublin , but the Countess intends remaining here till next month , when she will take up residence in the Irish capital for the winter . AT THE LAST MEETING of the British Mark Lodge , No . 345 , Bro . Capel J . Hogg , the I . P . M ., was the recipient of a very pleasing memento of his two years' Mastership of the lodge , and in recognition of the zeal and assiduity with which he had carried out the duties appertaining to his office . The presentation was made by Bro . Wheelwright , on behalf ot the brethren , and Bro . Hogg suitably responded .
NEARLY 2000 PERSONS availed themselves of the invitation of the Lord Mayor , Sir G . Faudel Phillips , Bart ., to the council and members of the National Sunday League to inspect the Mansion House and its treasures . Neither his lordship nor the Lady Mayoress were able to be present , but a vote of thanks was moved to him for his kindness , in the Egyptian Hall , by Bro . Alderman Treloar , and seconded by Alderman Sir Stuart Knill .
BRO . THE MARyuis AND MARCHIONESS OF ZETLAND have arrived at Aske Hall , near Richmond , Yorkshire , and have invited a large number of guests to participate in the rejoicings in honour of the coming of age of their eldest son , the Earl of Ronaldshay , among them being the Countess of Scarborough , the Hon . Mrs . Vorke , the Hon . Mrs . John C . Dundas , Bro . Viscount and Viscountess Malton , Lord Cecil Manners , Lady Alice Dundas , and others .
_ A MASONIC SERVICE will be held at the Church of St . Martin ' s-in-the-Fields , which has recently been re-opened after decoration , on Sunday next , the 7 th instant , at 3 . 30 p . m ., when Bro . Archdeacon Stevens , Past G . Chaplain , will preach the sermon , and the offertory will be apportioned between our Institutions for Boys and Girls . A dispensation has been obtained for brethren to wear Masonic clothing and jewels ' , and accommodation will be provided for changing .
THE DEATH is announced of Sir William Mackinnon , K . C . B ., formerly Director-General of the Army Medical Department . The deceased joined the army in 1 S 54 , served with the Black Watch in the Crimea , for which he received the medal , with three ' clasps , and the Turkish medal , and was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour . He also tetved during the Indian Mutiny , and in the Maori War in 1 S 63 . GG . He became Director-General in 1 SS 9 , and ratired after 43 years' service in iSgfi .
AMONG THOSE PRESENT at the memorial service held in the Drawing-room at the White Lodge , Richmond , where was placed the bier containing the mortal remains of the late Princess Mary , Duchess of Teck , were the Duke of Teck , the Duke and Duchess of York , Prince and Princess Adolphus of Teck , Prince Alexander of Teck , and T . R . H . the Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke of Cambridge , the Duchess of Albany ! Prince Edward of _ Saxe-Weimar , and the ladies and gentlemen of the household , who were all en ore side of the bier , while the upper servants were ranged on the other .
ON TUESDAY next , the Lord Mayor elect ( Bro . Alderman Davis , M . P . ) will enter upon his Mayoralty , and the "Show , " which is arranged to start from Guildhall at the unusually early hour of 10 . 30 a . m ., will proceed to the Courts of Law , and thence return by way of Northumberland-avenue and the Thames Embankment to the place whence it started . In the evening there will be the usual banquet , which will be attended by the Marquis of Salisbury and other leading Ministers , as well as many other distinguished guests .
VERY GENERAL REGRET is felt at the news of the death of Captain Arthur W . Cotton , of the Grenadier Guards , third son of the late Lord J ustice Cotton , who started seme two months ago on a shooting expedition to South Africa and succumbed to an attack of malarial lever on Monday , the 25 th ult . Captain Cotton had been Aide-de-Camp to Bro . Lord Roberts , and had also served at Suakin in the Soudan expedition of 1 S 85 . It is a sad thing that his elder brothers pre-deceased him , while his younger brother who rowed bow for three years in the Oxford University eight , died of typhoid fever only about 12 months since .
THE DRINKING FOUNTAIN which has been erected as a memorial to the late Bro . Sir Augustus Harris , and , by the kind permission of Bro . the Duke of Bedford , placed against the wall of Drury Lane Theatre , was unveiled by the Lord Mayor on Monday . His lordship was accompanied by the Sheriffs , Bros . Alderman Green and Dewar and among those present were Bros , the ICarl of Euston and Edward Terry , Bro . E . Letchworth ( G . Sec ) , and Bro . Oscar Barrett . Bro . Alderman Green explained that of the Memorial Fund which had been raised and amounted to £ 2678 , £ 1000 had gone to endow a bed at Charing Cross I lospital , ^ 1000 for the drinking fountain , and £ 500 to the Victorian Hospital for Children .
THE LORD MAYOR ELECT has issued an invitation to the surviving guests who were present at the Lord Mayor ' s banquet in 1 S 37 , when her Majesty was present , to attend the banquet on Tuesday next . It may be supposed that there are not many such , the Queen herself and the Duke of Cambridge being the most notable cases . A Mrs . Caroline Wheeler , widow of Mr . Wheeler , who at the time was Common Councillor for
the Ward of Aldgate , has written to Bro . Alderman Davies to say that she was present , and still possesses the invitation card that was sent to her late husband , with the plan of the Guildhall , and the book containing the songs , & c , that were sung at the time . She was then 25 years of age , and is now Ss . Special arrangements will accordingly be made for the comfort and convenience of the venerable lady on her journey to the Guildhall and also at the banquet .-
Masonic And General Tidings.
BRO . LORD GEORGE HAMILTON , on leaving Balmoral , went on a visit to the Duke and Duchess of Buccleugh , and since has arrived in London . SIR MAURICE FITZGERALD , the Knight of Kerry , is said to be the purchaser of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales's yacht , the Britannia . THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE completed the Goth year of his military service on Wednesday , having been gazetted Brevet Colonel on the 3 rd November , 1 S 37 .
THE PRIVATE VIEWS of Mr . Herbert J . Finn ' s exhibition will take place to-day ( Friday ) , at The Modern Gallery , 175 , Bond-street , and will open to the public tomorrow ( Saturday ) . BRO . LORD ROBERTS returned to town on Monday from his visit to the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne at Bowood , and left for Dublin to resume command of the forces in Ireland on Wednesday . ¦¦ - ¦
THE DEATH is announced from cancer of the tongue of Lieut .-Col . J . R . M . Chard , V . C , the hero of "Rorke ' s Drift , " who succumbed after great suffering borne with the utmost fortitude on Tuesday .
BRO . SIR THOMAS SUTHERLAND , M . P ., addressed his constituents at Greenock on Monday evening , and referred at some length to the recently issued report of the West Indian Commission on the Sugar Question . BRO . H . T . BRICKWEI . L has arranged with Bio . Oscar Barrett to produce at the Garrick Theatre on Boxing Day , Monday , December 27 th , a fairy pantomime founded on the evergreen and favourite story Cinderella .
AN INTERESTING ADDRESS upon "The Resources of Queensland' was given by the Hon . T . J . Byrnes , Attorney-General of Queensland , at the Cannon-street Hotel on Tuesday . Bro . the Earl of Warwick was in the chair . THE INSTALLATION meeting of Lodge Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 , will be held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the Sth inst ., Bro . Sydney T . Klein being the W . M . elect . The banquet will take place , as usual , at the Holborn Restaurant .
THE DEATH RATE in London last week rose from 16 . 8 to 17 . 7 per 1000 , the increase being due to cases of measles , diphtheria , and whooping-cough , and diseases of the respiratory organs . The rate at Brighton for the same period was 10 . 7 , and at Croydon 10 . 3 . THE VICTORIA Diamond Jubilee Lodge will be consecrated on the ioth inst ., at the Castle Hotel , Woodford , when a large gathering is expected . The lodge starts under excellent auspices having a strong body of founders , a sound financial basis , and an excellent band of officers .
AN ADDRESS of sympathy to the Queen and members of the Royal Family on the death of the Princess Mary was unanimously adopted at the meeting of the London County Council on Tuesday , the motion being proposed by Mr . McKinnon Wood and seconded by Bro . the Earl of Onslow . H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , with Maj .-Gen . Sir Stanley Clarke in attendance , visited Prince Frederick Henry of Prussia at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday . Prince Frederick represented the German Emperor at the funeral of the Princess Mary Duchess of Teck at Windsor on Wednesday .
THE CLERK of the Mercers' Company has issued notices to the effect that the latest addition to the collection of works of art in the Royal Exchange is a panel presented by Bro . Sir Samuel Montagu , Bart ., M . P ., and pamted by Mr . J . S . Solomon , A . R . A ., which will be unveiled on Monday , the Sth inst ., at 12 noon . PRINCE ALEXANDER OF TECK was to have sailed for Cape Town to-morrow ( Saturday ) to rejoin his regiment , the 7 th Hussars , a passage having been taken for him on hoard the Union liner Moor , but owing to the sudden death of his mother , the Princess Mary Duchess of Teck , the arrangement has been cancelled .
BRO . COL . T DAVIES SEWELL , the Clerk of the Shipwrights Company , recently enjoyed the privilege of viewing the beauties of Haddon Ha'l under the conduct of the Duke and Duchess of Rutland . It may be remembered that during his year of office as master of the guild his grace and the duchess were the recipients of two handsome presents from the court and livery .
A FIRE broke out at 184 , Aldersgate-street , on Monday evening , which , however , was soon got well in hand by the efforts of the Fire Brigade . Commander Wells , however , hard a narrow escape owing to a large pane of plate glass which fell and smashed itself on his helmet , nearly cutting through the metal , but glancing off and severely gashing the hand of a man behind him .
THE EXHIBITION of clothing done for the poor by the _ Surrey Needlework Guild , will be held for the third time by permission of the Queen , in the State Apartments ol St . James's Palace between the hours of 11 a . m . and 5 p . m . on Wednesday and Thursday , the 17 th and 1 Sth inst . Admission will be free , but by card of invitation only , which can be obtained on application to Miss Gleig , Claremont , Esher , not later than Monday , the 8 th inst .
As A MEMENTO of the late Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , a stained glass window has been placed by Lady Truscott in Truro Cathedral . The inscription it bears is as follows : " I his window was erected by Lady Elizi Truscott , to the glory of God and in memory of her beloved husband , Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , born at Truro 23 rd November , 1824 , who , as Lord Mayor of London . assisted at the laying of the foundationstone of the cathedral by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales on the 20 th May , 18 S 0 . "
A FUNERAL SERVICE in memory of the late Lord Rosmead , formerly Governor and High Commissioner at the Cape , was held in the Church of All Saints , Ennismore Gardens , on Monday , when a very large number of gentlemen interested in Colonial affairs were present to do honour to the deceased . Among those who sent wreaths were the Government of Cape Colony , the Government of New Zealand , and Bro . Lord and Lady Pirbright , while among those who attended the service were Bros . Viscount Valentia , M . P ., Lord Bolton and Rochfo ' rt Maguire , Lady Frederick Cavendish , Bro . Admiral Sir Geo . and Lady Willes , and others . The interment afterwards took place at Brompton Cemetery .
THE FINE ART OF WASHING . —It has ben left for Mr . Robert E . Phillips , of Chan eery-lane , the head « f the Albert Adams Steam Laundry at Tottenham , to demonstrate that the washing and cleansing of our wearing apparel and house linen has really been improved into a fine art . A party of scientists and press men were shown over the laundry , and general surprise was expressed at the perfection of the hygienic apparatus employed . One great feature is the drying of the clothes by a hot air blast which would kill any microbe lucky enough to escape the other processes which the linen passes through . Another feature is that there is no tearing or fraying , and the clothes washed by this process last twice as long as if treated in any other way .
BRO . THE REV . S . T . WOOD , W . M . Concord Lodge , No . G 32 , presided at a meeting held in the Town Hall , Trowbridge , on behalf of the Home of St . Barnabas . In his remarks from the chair , Bro . Wood expressed his high approval of the objects of the Home—the permanent and temporary care of poor , aged , and disabled clergymen . It was , in his opinion , a disgrace to allow men of education , good birth , and refined feel *
ings to end their days amongst the paupers of a workhouse infirmary , and he was g lad indeed to fird his Masonic brethren joining in a movement that will render it impossible for any clergyman who is a Mason to find his way into the workhouse . He strongly appealed to the Craft to support the proposal to build two small houses in connection with the Home of St . Barnabas for the reception of poor clergymen who are Masons .
KAKL OF LATHOM LODGE OF INSTRUCT / ON , NO . 1922 . —The Fifteen Sections were worked in this lodge on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at the Station Hotel , Camberwell , under the presidency of Bro . C . L . Plant , W . M ., Preceptor , a large number of brethren being present . The Sections were worked as follows -. First Lecture—ist Section , Bro . Trotter j 2 nd , Bro . Groom ; 3 rd , Bro . Hurley ; 4 th , Bro . McVey ; 5 th , Bro . Trotter ; Gth , Bro . Ware ; and 7 th , Bro . Cornford . Second Lecture—ist
Section , Bro . Cass , P . M . ; 2 nd , Bro . Hill ; 3 rd , Bro . Plant ; 4 th , Bro . Whitakec ; and sth , Bro . Hooper . Third Lecture—ist Section , Bro . Hill ; 2 nd , Bio . McVey ; and 3 rd , Bro . Trotter . A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Bros . C L . Plant , W . M . ; Whitaker , P . M ., S . W . ; Wm . Dawson , W . M . 1622 , acting Preceptor ; and the Section workers tor the able manner in which they had carried out their respective duties .